Who in SNT has the right to perform an audit. Responsibilities of the chairman of the SNT, or is it difficult to be the main one among gardeners. What is included in the required infrastructure

To carry out control in the garden partnership, the following methods are used:

— audit is a set of measures to control all actual activities of SNT, aimed primarily at checking the legality, economic feasibility and the reliability of business transactions and such control is carried out, as a rule, in conjunction with internal control organized by a financial government body.

— audit is an independent examination (audit) of the conduct accounting in the organization, the state of the financial statements, the solvency of the organization, as well as consulting in matters of accounting and taxation;

- thematic audit - checking a certain area of ​​accounting, this can be checking the accounting of fixed assets, monitoring the safety Money or inventory items.

  1. Commission for monitoring compliance with legislation in SNT

Article 26 of Law No. 66-FZ provides for the creation of a commission in gardening partnerships to monitor compliance with legislation, for example a commission on electricity issues. It is advisable to create such commissions in partnerships that have an efficient board.

  1. Audit of a gardening partnership

Article 25 of Law No. 66-FZ establishes that all financial and economic non-profit gardening or dacha activity. partnership, as well as the activities of its chairman, the activities of members of its board are subject to control by an audit commission selected from among the members of this association. The Audit Commission is elected at a general meeting of SNT members for a period of two years, consisting of at least three people, at least one of whom must understand issues of accounting and tax legislation.

The audit commission cannot include the chairman and members of the board, as well as their immediate relatives and spouses.

The Audit Commission of the SNT (gardening, gardening, dacha association) has responsibilities for:

— checking the implementation by the board of SNT and the chairman of all decisions made by the general meeting of this association;

— checking the legality of civil transactions carried out by the management bodies of the partnership;

- conduct an audit of the financial and economic activities of the association, the state of availability and safety of its property at least once a year (or more often - at the request of members of the audit commission or by decision of the general meeting);

- control the timely consideration by the board and chairman of the partnership of incoming applications from members of this association.

Based on the results of the audit and the comments identified during the audit, the audit commission is obliged to report to the general meeting of summer residents and provide detailed recommendations on eliminating all identified violations.

If the results of the audit reveal the possibility of a threat to the interests of members of the partnership or obvious abuses on the part of members of the board and the chairman of the board are identified, then audit committee has the right to convene an extraordinary meeting of members of this association.

  1. Audit in horticultural non-profit partnerships (SNT)

Like many non-profit organizations, gardening societies and partnerships are subject to mandatory audit by decision of higher authorities

(these include state ones), as well as proactive audit at the discretion of the management of a horticultural non-profit partnership (SNT).

The conduct of audits (audits) of a garden partnership is dictated by Law No. 307-FZ “On Auditing Activities” dated December 30, 2008. Most often, the initiators of audits in SNT are government bodies.

An audit of a gardening partnership will also be necessary if such an association carries out any business activity or receives significant targeted funds for the conduct and implementation of various activities, or in some other cases.

During an audit in SNT, auditors carefully study the entire document flow system of the audited partnership, get acquainted with the organization of accounting in this SNT in order to comprehensively analyze its activities and identify strong and weaknesses accounting systems in a given society. Particular attention is paid to checking the compliance of the accounting system in SNT with the current requirements of regulations and auditing the statutory activities of the gardening partnership.

The main aspects when conducting an audit of a gardening partnership are:

- estimates of income and expenses of the gardening partnership. Here the auditor checks how correctly and in full the funds received as a result of the activities of the partnership are reflected. This includes funds received from entrepreneurial activity and government funding for various purposes and activities;

constituent documents SNT. The charter of the partnership must necessarily contain information on the amount of share contributions of SNT members, information on the procedure for distributing profits and losses and other information. The auditor checks to what extent the information contained in the constituent documents of SNT is observed and corresponds to the available facts;

— financial (accounting) reporting. Audit of reporting procedures. The correctness of the balance sheet and Form No. 6 “Report on the intended use of funds received” are checked (if the organization submits it to the tax authorities);

— audit of compliance with the terms of contracts, timely fulfillment of all obligations under them, audit of settlements on existing debts, on the fulfillment of accepted obligations to the state;

— audit of property accounting of gardening partnerships. Checking property accounting documents - acts of write-off, damage, audit acts and other accounting documents;

— tax audit of gardening partnerships. The correctness of the calculation of tax and other payments from the point of view of legislation, the completeness of their reflection in tax and accounting records, and their timely payment to the budget are checked;

— checking the correctness of maintaining separate accounting for statutory activities and commercial ones.

The most common mistakes encountered during an audit of a horticultural non-profit partnership (SNT):

  1. Errors in the preparation and maintenance of constituent documents. An error is recognized as not reflecting or incompletely reflecting in the charter the types of activities that a given partnership carries out. This may be entrepreneurial or other income-generating activity. A violation will also be considered the lack of information in the SNT charter about the procedure for paying membership fees, about job responsibilities SNT employees;
  2. Errors in maintaining primary documentation: incorrect, incomplete execution of primary documents. Some details required by the standards are missing (see Law No. 129-FZ, which sets out the requirements for documentation business transactions);
  3. Failure to comply with the required deadlines and procedures for conducting inventory, errors in the order of its implementation;
  4. Incorrect preparation of accounting correspondence, violation of the sequence of recording transactions.

Many horticultural, gardening and dacha partnerships do not keep separate records for their main (statutory) activities and for their income-generating business activities. This is considered a significant and fairly common mistake when auditing SNT. Accounting for business activities is mandatory for all horticultural non-profit partnerships (if SNT is engaged in commercial activities) and must be properly documented in accounting documents and registers.

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Checking SNT

What list of documents should the chairman of TSN SNT provide to the audit commission for verification.

All documents required by the audit commission.

Who should we turn to to check our SNT, since our chairman of the company constantly steals money.

You can file a complaint with the prosecutor's office.

We wrote complaints to the prosecutor's office about the arbitrariness of the chairman of the SNT with a request to conduct an investigation. We got a refusal because... According to the responding prosecutor, SNT and other dacha cooperatives are not state-owned. institutions and therefore the prosecutor's office is not authorized to deal with them, contact the court. How legitimate is this response from the prosecutor's office?

Good afternoon Since you reported a crime, the prosecutor should have carried out the procedure in accordance with Art. 37 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, verification and, if it is confirmed that the chairman of the SNT has committed a crime, transfer the material to the competent authorities for further initiation of a criminal case. In your case, the prosecutor avoided fulfilling these duties.

Can a member of SNT, not being a member of the audit commission, take part in the inspection of SNT by the audit commission?

Depends on the SNT charter, but by default it says no. That's what the commission is for. The results of its work must be presented at the reporting meeting. Although it is worth getting a written refusal from the chairman of the commission to participate in its work, just in case.

I am a member of the SNT audit committee. Tried to check financial activities accountant and former chairman, the new one was elected at the same meeting as the audit commission. The accountant does not provide us with documents, only a cash book, which does not contain any evidence of expenses. What to do in this case? It is not clear where the targeted contributions go; membership fees are also in question. Thank you in advance for your response.

Write a complaint to the prosecutor's office, they will provide all documents upon request.

I am a member of the audit commission to verify the creation of gas supply systems in St. Is it possible to carry out an audit to check documents and spend money on creating the SNT gas supply system for one member of the commission (individually) and draw up an act signed by one member of the commission.

If in your SNT, according to the charter, a collegial audit body has been created, i.e. Several people are included in the audit commission, and not just one auditor, then all members of the commission must conduct audits collectively.

Where to submit an application for verification of the activities of the chairman of the SNT. And is it possible to attract him if he called the people who organized the meeting about problems in the union and the chairman “drinking buddies and drunks.” What to do then.

Irina, if there are facts of insult, write a statement to the police Art. 5.61 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation Insult.

Is it possible to conduct an independent audit of SNT?
Who should initiate this review?

Any member has the right.

Hello, Larisa Mikhailovna! You have the right to conduct general meeting members of SNT, raise money for the work of auditors and conclude an agreement with an audit company. You should have your own audit commission in SNT, which has the right to check the condition financial discipline in SNT and, if violations are detected, submit an application to the prosecutor's office. Or immediately submit an application to the prosecutor’s office, they will initiate an investigation and sort everything out. Best wishes)

These issues should be resolved at a general meeting of SNT members. The SNT Charter must specify the procedure. For an investigation by the prosecutor's office there must be compelling arguments and grounds.

How to initiate a tax audit in SNT regarding document flow and income and expenditure of money.

Good afternoon, Dmitry! A financial audit can be carried out by the SNT audit commission. You can also submit an official appeal to the Federal Tax Service with a request to conduct a tax audit, indicating the facts.

I, as an auditor of SNT, filed a lawsuit against SNT for failure to provide me with accounting documents for inspection. In his objection, the chairman of SNT stated that I had misappropriated 14,280 rubles. Can I go to court with a claim for protection of honor and dignity?

Of course, you can go to court to protect your honor, dignity and business reputation.

We want to conduct a prosecutorial and audit of the chairman of SNT. Where to go?

In the beginning, try to do it on your own. You must have an accountant and a board. Create a commission with your decision and check everything you want... And only then it will become clear where and why to apply. If you find acts that constitute a crime under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, then contact the police and prepare for them a copy of everything that you have inherited. If the actions do not reveal any elements and there is still damage, then present it to the chairman... If he refuses, go to court. In any case, in such a situation, it is better to immediately think about replacing the chairman with a more flexible fellow... And good luck to you.

The Chairman of the SNT conducted an audit. Refuses to issue the results and the inspection report. On what basis can you request these documents from the chairman of SNT!

Good afternoon If you are a member of the SNT, the inspection report must be made public at the general meeting of SNT members. At the same time, upon written application, you have the right to get acquainted with all documents of SNT (based on the Charter and regulations on SNT). Write a complaint against the chairman to the prosecutor's office.

How to organize financial check activities of SNT? They collect money every year and there is no contract or paperwork for the provision of services! There are threats in case of non-payment to put it on the interest counter and they say that the general meeting decided so.

Dear Svetlana, you have the right to request from SNT documents about its activities - meeting decisions, cost estimates and others...

What law can be used when checking the eligibility of charging SNT Membership fees (not only from the area, but also taking into account other parameters and circumstances)

Good afternoon by law not provided the procedure for paying membership fees and their amount; consideration and resolution of this issue falls within the competence of the general meeting of the SNT in accordance with Article 21 of the Federal Law “On horticultural, gardening and dacha non-profit associations of citizens”; The same is stated in the law, which comes into force on January 1, 2019. According to paragraph 9 of Art. 6 of the Federal Law of July 29, 2017 N 217-FZ (as amended on August 3, 2018) “On the conduct of gardening and vegetable gardening by citizens for their own needs and on amendments to certain legislative acts Russian Federation": The charter of the partnership must indicate: 9) the procedure for making contributions, the responsibility of members of the partnership for violation of obligations to make contributions;

The laws regulating to a certain extent this order and scope are currently Federal Law No. 66 and, accordingly, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The rest is confirmed by established practice.

What law should be followed when checking the calculation of membership fees in SNT, not only based on the area of ​​the site, but also taking into account the conditions for its use?

Good day! The amount of membership fees is established on the basis of the minutes of the general meeting of SNT members, and everything must also be stated in the charter of the partnership!

On April 23, 2018, SNT was inspected by Mosenergosbyt. The chairman of the SNT was present during the inspection. During the inspection, a seal was found to be broken in one of the phases; a report was drawn up, which was signed by the chairman of the SNT without making any comments. On 05/16/2018, in the office of Mosenergosbyt, in the presence of the chairman of SNT, an act on unmetered electricity consumption was drawn up. The act calculated the volume of the PUP from the date of the last inspection on July 13, 2017 (for 9 months) - 4.5 million rubles. The chairman made a note in the act that he did not agree. On July 26, 2018, SNT received a notification about the introduction of restrictions on the electricity consumption regime from August 7, 2018. In SNT there are “individuals” - those who have a direct agreement with Mosenergosbyt. Will the power be turned off? Are there any chances to challenge the PUP? Is it possible to calculate the BUP under 354 PP?

Hello. This act must be challenged in court. Positive arbitrage practice there are similar cases.

They cannot disconnect according to the act of unmetered electricity consumption. The act is not legal document recovery for which is carried out in an indisputable manner. Violation of Articles 11,12,309,310,544 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Only through arbitration court And they can’t turn it off, but they have to collect it. Also look in the contract, it should indicate why they are disconnected. Mosenergosbyt has its own position. They can turn it off to extract money without trial. Write a complaint to the FAS, the prosecutor's office. Direct contracts cannot be disabled, but it is not clear how they exist in SNT. Who owns the networks?

The Audit Commission of the SNT conducted an audit of the activities of the chairman, but we have reason not to trust the conclusions of the commission, because even legal form defined as LLC, not SNT... is this a competent chairman of the audit commission? Would you like to conduct an independent verification, who can do this? The answer can be sent to [email protected]

Hello. In this case, you need to contact any auditing company that will conduct an independent audit.

It is necessary to conduct a proper general meeting of SNT with the appropriate agenda, and make a decision to conduct an independent audit of the SNT accounting department. To do this, it is better to contact a lawyer to assist with your question.

Can the audit commission, in order to check the activities of the board, require SNT members to reconcile and hand over gardening books?

good day, Elena! This is the personal property of SNT members, so the requirement to hand over the books is not legal. You can ask for copies of executed documents, but there is no such right to collect and seize them, including for inspection. Good luck to you and all the best in your endeavors. Sincerely, Law Firm"RIGHT", member of the Guild of Human Rights Defenders of Moscow!

I am a member of the SNT audit commission; during the inspection, a deficiency was revealed in the chairman of the garden. Where to contact?

Hello, Irina Germanovna! Do you have a SNT Board? And besides this, the Charter of SNT. So the Board must make a decision on this issue in accordance with the SNT Charter.

Supervisory authority for SNT, who can conduct an independent financial audit?

No one except the Audit Commission; Federal Law of April 15, 1998 N 66-FZ (as amended on July 3, 2016) “On horticultural, vegetable gardening and dacha non-profit associations of citizens” Article 25. Control over the financial and economic activities of a horticultural, vegetable gardening or dacha non-profit association 1. Control over the financial - the economic activities of a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association, including the activities of its chairman, members of the board and the board, are carried out by an audit commission (auditor), elected from among the members of such an association by a general meeting of its members consisting of one or at least three people for a period of two years. The chairman and members of the board, as well as their spouses, parents, children, grandchildren, brothers and sisters (their spouses) cannot be elected to the audit commission (auditor). The work procedure of the audit commission (auditor) and its powers are regulated by the regulations on the audit commission (auditor), approved by the general meeting of members of such an association (meeting of authorized representatives). The audit commission (auditor) is accountable to the general meeting of members of such an association. Re-elections of the audit commission (auditor) may be held early at the request of at least one quarter of the total number of members of such an association. 2. Members of the audit commission (auditor) of a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association are responsible for improper fulfillment of the duties provided for by this Federal law and the charter of such association. Advertisement legal acts regulating the activities of such an association, the state of its property; 2) carry out audits of the financial and economic activities of such an association at least once a year, as well as on the initiative of members of the audit commission (auditor), by a decision of the general meeting of members of such an association (meeting of authorized persons) or at the request of one fifth of the total number of members of such an association or one third of the total number of members of its board; 3) report on the results of the audit to the general meeting of members of such an association (meeting of authorized representatives) with the presentation of recommendations for eliminating the identified violations; 4) report to the general meeting of members of such an association (meeting of authorized representatives) about all identified violations in the activities of the management bodies of such an association; 5) exercise control over the timely consideration by the board of such an association and the chairman of this board of applications of members of such an association. 4. Based on the results of an audit, if a threat is created to the interests of a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association and its members, or if abuses by members of the board of such an association and the chairman of the board are identified, the audit commission (auditor), within the limits of its powers, has the right to convene an extraordinary general meeting of members of such an association. "Open the full text of the document"

Tell me what needs to be done so that SNT conducts a financial audit (audit)?

It is necessary for an appeal to be submitted to the audit commission of this SNT. look at the charter, the procedure should be spelled out there. Or there should be a separate provision in this regard.

Where to go about financial checks in SNT - the tax office or the prosecutor's office?

Good afternoon. The tax office will not check anything. If you see a violation of your financial interests in the actions of the management of SNT, contact the prosecutor’s office with a reasoned complaint.

Nina, according to Art. 25 of the Federal Law "On gardening, vegetable gardening and dacha non-profit associations of citizens" dated April 15, 1998 No. 66-FZ, control over the financial and economic activities of a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association, including the activities of its chairman, members of the board and the board of directors, is carried out by an audit commission (auditor), elected from among the members of such an association by a general meeting of its members consisting of one or at least three people for a period of two years.

Is it possible for a financial person to contact the prosecutor's office? inspections of SNT, because the audit commission does not work, although there were requests and they were aware of the matter.

The prosecutor's office will not conduct an audit of the financial activities of SNT; the prosecutor's office does not have such powers. Try contacting the Arkhangelsk regional branch of the Union of Gardeners of Russia http://vtorygina.ru/news/%D0%B2-%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%85%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B3%D0 %B5%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B5-%D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%8F%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0% BE%D1%81%D1%8C-%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B5/ http:/ /nikolaymishustin.ru/soyuzy-sadovodov-2/ A local, interdistrict or regional association (union) of horticultural, vegetable gardening or dacha non-profit associations may be granted by the decision of the founding conference the right to audit the economic and financial activities of such associations with the presentation of the inspection results to the boards of horticultural, vegetable gardening or dacha non-profit associations and general meetings of their members. Article 9 of the Federal Law dated 04/15/1998 N 66-FZ (as amended on 07/03/2016) “On horticultural, gardening and dacha non-profit associations of citizens.”

Where to go for fin. SNT checks? The chairman was found collecting funds without estimates and cash orders without numbers.

Contact the SNT Audit Commission. Federal Law of April 15, 1998 N 66-FZ (as amended on July 3, 2016) “On horticultural, vegetable gardening and dacha non-profit associations of citizens”: Article 25. Control over the financial and economic activities of a horticultural, vegetable gardening or dacha non-profit association 1. Control over The financial and economic activities of a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association, including the activities of its chairman, members of the board and the board, are carried out by an audit commission (auditor), elected from among the members of such an association by a general meeting of its members consisting of one or at least three person for a period of two years. The chairman and members of the board, as well as their spouses, parents, children, grandchildren, brothers and sisters (their spouses) cannot be elected to the audit commission (auditor). The work procedure of the audit commission (auditor) and its powers are regulated by the regulations on the audit commission (auditor), approved by the general meeting of members of such an association (meeting of authorized representatives). The audit commission (auditor) is accountable to the general meeting of members of such an association. Re-elections of the audit commission (auditor) may be held early at the request of at least one quarter of the total number of members of such an association. 2. Members of the audit commission (auditor) of a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association are responsible for improper fulfillment of the duties provided for by this Federal Law and the charter of such an association. Advertisement legal acts regulating the activities of such an association, the state of its property; 2) carry out audits of the financial and economic activities of such an association at least once a year, as well as on the initiative of members of the audit commission (auditor), by a decision of the general meeting of members of such an association (meeting of authorized persons) or at the request of one fifth of the total number of members of such an association or one third of the total number of members of its board; 3) report on the results of the audit to the general meeting of members of such an association (meeting of authorized representatives) with the presentation of recommendations for eliminating the identified violations; 4) report to the general meeting of members of such an association (meeting of authorized representatives) about all identified violations in the activities of the management bodies of such an association; 5) exercise control over the timely consideration by the board of such an association and the chairman of this board of applications of members of such an association. 4. Based on the results of an audit, if a threat is created to the interests of a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association and its members, or if abuses by members of the board of such an association and the chairman of the board are identified, the audit commission (auditor), within the limits of its powers, has the right to convene an extraordinary general meeting of members of such an association.

The Chairman of the SNT refused a request for the issuance of financial documents for verification to a member of the audit commission. What are my next steps?

Hello. Federal Law of January 17, 1992 N 2202-I "On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation" File a complaint with the prosecutor.

Good afternoon First, I would like to understand what goal you are ultimately pursuing and what you plan to achieve in the end. Once a year, the chairman of the SNT holds a meeting at which he reports on the financial situation. spending, work done, the board and the chairman himself are elected. If you really want to audit, contact the Federal Tax Service and get a report for the previous year. Moreover, it is not entirely clear how and on what grounds you elected the audit commission. How the quorum was maintained, etc. In general there is not enough information.

According to the initiative group, the financial and economic activities of SNT are being audited by the tax inspectorate. Are the audit results a tax secret for third parties? May the initiative group that submitted facts of theft of membership fees and non-payment of taxes to the tax authorities know the results of the audit?

Hello! Third parties do not have the right to request the results of an unscheduled tax audit, since they are not taxpayers.

If the audit report of the SNT audit commission is incorrect, inaccurate, contains accounting errors, false accusations by the SNT board and was voiced to the gardeners. The audit was carried out by relatives of SNT members. What should board members do?

Write a claim with acknowledgment of delivery, in a valuable letter by Russian Post with an inventory, indicate the attached statements (one again with a stamp will remain with you, and the notification will arrive with their signatures when the letter is accepted, if they do not accept it, then the inventory with a stamp will be evidence), You can also send a request...

Uv. Randolf.

I don’t know how to convey the light of knowledge and truth to you.
I'll try one last time.
1. Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 2008 N 294-FZ “On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs when implementing state control(supervision) and municipal control." Article 18. Responsibilities of officials of the state control (supervision) body, municipal control body when conducting an inspection.
When conducting an inspection, officials of the state control (supervision) body and municipal control body are obliged to:
3) conduct an inspection on the basis of an order or order from the head, deputy head of the state control (supervision) body, municipal control body on its conduct in accordance with its purpose;
4) check only during execution official duties, on-site inspection only upon presentation of official identification, a copy of the order or order of the head, deputy head of the state control (supervision) body, municipal control body and in the case provided for by Part 5 of Article 10 of this Federal Law, a copy of the document approving the inspection;

2. Federal Law of December 21, 1994 N 69-FZ (as amended on July 2, 2013) “On Fire Safety.” Article 6. Federal state fire supervision.
Officials of state fire supervision authorities in the manner established by law of the Russian Federation, have the right, upon presentation of an official ID and a copy of the order (instruction) of the head (deputy head) of the state fire supervision body on the appointment of an inspection, to visit the territory and objects of protection and conduct their inspections, as well as conduct research, tests, examinations, investigations and others control measures.

3. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 12, 2012 No. 290
“On Federal State Fire Supervision.”
9. State inspectors of cities (districts) of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for fire supervision and state inspectors of special and military units of the federal fire service for fire supervision in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, have the right:
b) freely upon presentation of an official ID and a duly certified copy of the order of the head (deputy head) of the state fire supervision body on the appointment of an inspection to visit the territory and protection objects and conduct their inspections. The inspection can be carried out only by the official (officials) indicated in the order of the head (deputy head) of the state fire supervision body;

17. Officials of state fire supervision authorities are obliged to:
c) carry out an inspection on the basis of an order from the head (deputy head) of the state fire supervision body to conduct it in accordance with its purpose in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4. Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated June 28, 2012 N 375 "On approval Administrative regulations Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief state function for supervision of compliance with fire safety requirements."
8. Officials of the State Fire Service bodies, when performing state functions, have the right:
to freely, upon presentation of an official ID and a copy of the order of the head (deputy head) of the State Fire Control body on the appointment of an inspection, visit the territory and protection sites and conduct their inspections, as well as conduct research, tests, examinations, investigations and other control measures;

9. Officials of the State Fire Service bodies, when performing state functions, are obliged to:
carry out an inspection on the basis of an order from the head (deputy head) of the State Fire Control body to conduct it in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
carry out an inspection only during the performance of official duties upon presentation of an official ID and a copy of the order of the head (deputy head) of the State Fire Control body, and in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, and a copy of the document approving the inspection;

In four federal normative legal acts At the same time, the right and obligation of the State Fire Service are enshrined to conduct an inspection solely on the basis of an order from the head (deputy head) of the State Fire Service body.

If the prosecutor's office orders an inspection, it is necessary to issue an order and carry out the inspection on the basis of this order. No conclusions from GPN specialists are needed in this situation.

If the prosecutor’s office, by virtue of Article 22 of the Federal Law of January 17, 1992 N 2202-1 “On the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation,” requires the allocation of specialists to clarify the issues that have arisen, then it is necessary to be guided by the following:
By virtue of the express instructions of the law, the appointed specialist must answer exclusively QUESTIONS THAT ARISE;
If a specialist provided explanations to the questions that arose, and then an administrative case was initiated, then he is obliged to sign in the appropriate column of the resolution. And before that, his rights and obligations must be explained to him;
Or, during the ongoing administrative investigation, a written opinion is requested from a specialist, and he becomes a participant in the proceedings, with the corresponding rights and responsibilities.

The situation is contrary to the law when the prosecutor’s office, referring to Article 22, demands the appointment of a specialist, who in turn:
prepares an act, certificate, conclusion on a wide range of issues;
initiates an administrative case himself, or accepts for proceedings a resolution initiated by the prosecutor
makes a procedural decision.
In this case, there is an abuse of power. An inspector and a specialist cannot be one person.

And lastly, you should always remember that when supervising the implementation of laws, the prosecutor's office does not replace other government bodies. In 2012, there was a separate instruction from the Prosecutor General's Office about this.

Due to the fact that the plot is for sale, it is quite possible to find a notice of alienation posted by the owner of the plot. This way you can quickly find out his phone number and communicate directly with the seller. From the above it follows that, depending on the final goal, you can find out who is the owner of the land using the cadastral number by contacting the tax service, through the Rosreestr website, and also by using the Avito website. How to find out the owner of a dacha plot in SNT The dacha amnesty has no time limits, but most of the owners of dacha-type land have not yet formalized their rights to the plots they own. This is often due to reluctance to pay land tax. This position may seem advantageous, but it also becomes an obstacle when completing real estate transactions.

Horticultural non-profit partnership "pischevik" Kaliningrad

Author KakSimply! Sometimes ordinary citizens need to find the owner of a particular piece of land. The reasons for this can be very different, for example, you need permission from your neighbors to privatize your own land plot, but the neighboring plot is abandoned.


Or you are planning to rent several square meters of city land or carry out other manipulations, and the owner is unknown. Be that as it may, it is useful to know that you can always obtain the information you are interested in about the land and its owner by contacting the appropriate authorities.

Related articles: Instructions 1 The cadastral number and area of ​​any land plot are indicated in the cadastral passport. By contacting the cadastral chamber, you can obtain an extract from this passport free of charge.
2 You can find out who has the right to own land at the Federal Registration Service. 3 Order an extract from the state register.

3 ways to find out the owner of a land plot by cadastral number

  • method of formation of a legal entity (creation or reorganization);
  • information about the founders (participants) of the legal entity,
  • information on succession - for legal entities created as a result of the reorganization of other legal entities, for legal entities whose constituent documents are amended in connection with the reorganization, as well as for legal entities that ceased their activities as a result of the reorganization;
  • last name, first name, patronymic and position of the person who has the right to act on behalf of the legal entity without a power of attorney.
  • The chairman of the board of SNT or another representative of the organization, acting by proxy, can receive an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in one of the following ways: - at any authorized tax authority, even at his place of residence - in paper form; - through the multifunctional center (MFC) - in paper form.

We find out the real owners of a land plot without getting up from your chair

The horticultural non-profit partnership operates through contributions from its members. But how legal are such contributions if gardening is not registered with the tax office?


How to check whether SNT has official status and whether the governing bodies of the partnership are legitimate. In accordance with paragraphs 6 and 8 of Article 51 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a legal entity is considered created from the date of making the corresponding entry in the Unified State Register legal entities.

Information about the gardening partnership can be obtained from the chairman of the board of SNT or on the official website of the Federal Tax Service in the “Check yourself and your counterparty” section. There you can print an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

Who owns public land in SNT

To order an extract from the state register, you need to have your passport with you and know the address of the site. 4 Having paid the established state fee, you can receive an extract from the state register for the object you are interested in within five working days. 5 If it suddenly turns out that the land is not assigned to anyone, then contact the city or village administration. They should give you an extract from the archive for free. 6 If the owner is identified (and is legal entity), then to get more information about it, you should contact the tax office, where you can get an extract from the Unified State Register.


  • land owner

Many summer cottages are in a derelict state. The land is empty, and there are often well-kept areas nearby.
Moreover, the owners of the latter are not at all against purchasing several hundred square meters of gardening land that is unnecessary for the neighboring owner.

How to check if SNT is registered

Use a proven and reliable service to find out who owns the land by following this link. Request with the help of tax authorities In some cases, in order to eliminate the possibility of difficulties arising during the acquisition process, it is necessary to clarify information about the owner of the site by contacting the tax service.
Using this method, using a request, you can find out information about the landowner using the unique land number. However, in this situation it is impossible to say that the tax service will definitely give a positive answer.
Federal Tax Service specialists do not have the obligation to provide such information, which is why it is necessary to justify the request made, indicating the reason for the landowner’s clarification.

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After the expiration of the five-day period, the Unified State Register will prepare a corresponding extract for you, which will indicate the real owner of the plot, as well as the existing restrictions on its ownership. In order not to run into scammers when buying real estate, you need to make sure that the owner is standing in front of you.

If real estate is purchased through a reliable agency, surprises after the purchase are excluded, because an agreement has been concluded with the agency on the purity of the transaction, and professionals check the property for all possible risks. If you buy real estate without the services of intermediaries, there are several ways to make sure that it is not a scammer who is selling it.

There are different ways to complete the procedure. IN electronic form Information from unified register real estate is available to everyone, which is why obtaining an extract is possible through any available resource that contains data from the Unified State Register of Real Estate. However, remember about possible fraud and do not send money for the provision of such services by dubious sites.

At Rosreestr branches To receive an extract directly from Rosreestr, make an appointment in advance. To do this, use the “Offices and Receptions” service.

This procedure does not require payment, and you can monitor the status of the submitted application online by following the link https://lk.rosreestr.ru/#/offices. Using the MFC In the same way, it is possible to obtain an extract from multifunctional centers. Submit your application using the same method as above. Just choose MFC instead of Rosreestr when specifying the place for reception.
In the application, it is also important to indicate in which place the family would like to receive a plot of land, but within the municipal district. According to the law, no more than 30 days are allocated for consideration of the application. If the answer is positive, then within a year large family the land plot comes into use for its intended purpose. It is worth knowing that having received a free plot of land, a family is automatically removed from the queue for an apartment, if any. In case of refusal, the municipal authority must indicate the reason why the application is rejected. Then the family can either appeal the decision in court or submit documents again.

How to find out the owners of SNT

The reason for contacting may be reluctance to complete the transaction with the help of intermediaries and checking that the owner of the plot has it on legally. If the employee considers the justification sufficient, you can receive not only information about the owner, which will make it possible to contact him, but will also inform you about debts to pay the relevant taxes, if any.

If such amounts were not paid by the owner, it is advisable to pay special attention to this fact. Using the special Avito service, you can find out the contact details of the alienator of land ownership by using a public resource - the Avito website.

To do this, go to the section containing announcements about the alienation of property. If you know the unique allotment number, simply enter it into the search window.

1. Control over the financial and economic activities of a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association, including the activities of its chairman, members of the board and the board, is carried out by an audit commission (auditor), elected from among the members of such an association by a general meeting of its members consisting of one or at least three people for a period of two years. The chairman and members of the board, as well as their spouses, parents, children, grandchildren, brothers and sisters (their spouses) cannot be elected to the audit commission (auditor).

The work procedure of the audit commission (auditor) and its powers are regulated by the regulations on the audit commission (auditor), approved by the general meeting of members of such an association (meeting of authorized representatives).

The audit commission (auditor) is accountable to the general meeting of members of such an association. Re-elections of the audit commission (auditor) may be held early at the request of at least one quarter of the total number of members of such an association.

2. Members of the audit commission (auditor) of a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association are responsible for improper fulfillment of the duties provided for by this Federal Law and the charter of such an association.

3. The audit commission (auditor) of a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association is obliged to:

1) check the implementation by the board of such an association and the chairman of the board of decisions of general meetings of members of such an association (meetings of authorized persons), the legality of civil transactions made by the management bodies of such an association, regulatory legal acts regulating the activities of such an association, the state of its property;

2) carry out audits of the financial and economic activities of such an association at least once a year, as well as on the initiative of members of the audit commission (auditor), by a decision of the general meeting of members of such an association (meeting of authorized persons) or at the request of one fifth of the total number of members of such an association or one third of the total number of members of its board;

3) report on the results of the audit to the general meeting of members of such an association (meeting of authorized representatives) with the presentation of recommendations for eliminating the identified violations;

4) report to the general meeting of members of such an association (meeting of authorized representatives) about all identified violations in the activities of the management bodies of such an association;

5) exercise control over the timely consideration by the board of such an association and the chairman of this board of applications of members of such an association.

4. Based on the results of an audit, if a threat is created to the interests of a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association and its members, or if abuses by members of the board of such an association and the chairman of the board are identified, the audit commission (auditor), within the limits of its powers, has the right to convene an extraordinary general meeting of members of such an association.