Lexical topic "migratory birds". Emphasize the rhymes. Who, without notes and without a pipe, produces trills better than anyone else, more vociferously more tenderly, who is this Formation of the plural of nouns in the nominative and genitive cases “One - many”

Migratory birds.

Flying birds have nothing to eat in winter. Many migratory birds eat insects. However, with the onset of cold weather, all insects hide, so birds fly to warmer regions in search of food.

How do migratory birds fly? Waders, herons, and ducks fly in a line, in front or in a transverse row. Geese most often fly in a school. Geese, cranes, swans and other large birds fly in an angle, or wedge.

Formation of possessive adjectives “Tell me, which flock?” (children 6-8 years old)

A wedge of swans - swanlike, a caravan of cranes - ..., a flock of ducks - ..., ... rooks - ..., ... nightingales - ....

Formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes “Call it affectionately”

Chick - chick,
feather - feather,
head - head, little head,
nightingale - nightingale,
neck - neck,
lark - lark,
wing - wing,
starling - starling,
goose - goose, gosling,
duck - duck,
swan - swan,
nest - nest,
crane - crane, bee,
wagtail - wagtail,
stork - little stork,
heron - heron.

Formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes in the singular and plural “Name the baby” (children 6-8 years old)

Rook - rook - rooks,

stork - baby stork - baby storks,
swift - haircut - haircut,

crane - baby crane - baby cranes,
cuckoo - cuckoo - cuckoo,

swallow - lastak - swallowtails

swan - baby swan - baby swans,
starling - starling - starlings,

duck - duckling - ducklings,
goose - gosling - goslings.

Formation of the plural of nouns in the nominative and genitive cases “One - many”

Rook - rooks - rooks,
bird - birds - birds,
swift - swifts - swifts,
stork - storks - storks,
lark - larks - larks,
starling - starlings - starlings,
wagtail - wagtail - wagtail,
crane - cranes - cranes,
goose - geese - geese,
duck - ducks - ducks,
drake - drakes - drakes,
swallow - swallows - swallows,
nightingale - nightingales - nightingales,
swan - swans - swans,
cuckoo - cuckoo - cuckoo,
nest - nests - nests,
egg - eggs - eggs,
chick - chicks - chicks.

Lexical structure of speech

Selection of the appropriate concept “Who is screaming?” (children 6-8 years old)
The swallow is chirping,
the rook shouts “gra”
the nightingale sings, whistles, clicks, and sings.
cuckoo - cuckoos,
the crane is cooing,
The lark is ringing.

Sparrow - tweets
Crow - croaks
Chicken clucks
Duck - quacks
Magpie - crackling

Construction of the monologue “Tell me about the bird according to plan”

1) who is this;
2) what kind of bird it is (migratory, wintering);
3) appearance(size, color of feathers, structural features: length of legs, neck, beak shape);
4) what it eats;
5) how it sings, where it winters, how it raises its chicks.

Search for the corresponding concept "Guess and name"

Which bird has the longest neck? ... (At the swan.); ...longest legs? ... (At the heron, crane.); ... the longest beak? ... (At the heron.); Which birds sing best? ... (Nightingales.); ... imitate the singing of others? ... (Starlings.).
There is a palace on the pole,
in the palace there is a singer,
And his name is ... (starling).

On one worth a leg,
He looks intently into the water.
Pokes his beak at random -
Looking for frogs in the river. (Heron.)

Comes to us with warmth,
It's been a long journey.
Sculpts a house under the window
Made from grass and clay. (Martin.)

The hut was built without hands, without an axe. (Nest.)

Who is without notes and without a pipe
Is he the best at producing trills?
More vocal, more tender? Who is this? ... (Nightingale.)

This bird will never
Doesn't build nests for chicks. (Cuckoo.)

Simple riddles in verse for kids. Memorizing such simple verses withvery early agetrains the child's memory.

fat snail,
Black cape,
It crawls across the sky
Water is lucky

ThunderBlack, curves,
Everyone is dumb from birth,
And how will they stand in a row,
Suddenly they start talking.

Letters-icons, like soldiers on parade,
Lined up in a strict order.
Everyone stands in the designated place
And it's called... (alphabet)

I'm under a colored hat
I'm standing on my own leg.
I have my own habits:
I always play hide and seek.

Angry touchy-feely
Lives in the wilderness of the forest.
There are a lot of needles
And not a single thread. (Hedgehog)

I fly lighter than feathers,
I shine brighter than the rainbow,
I'm bloated
High and wide
Because I am (bubble).

He is big,
Like a soccer ball!
If it’s ripe, everyone is happy!
It tastes so good!
What's this? ...

Answer: Watermelon

Yellow lumps,
Light as cotton wool!
Running after the quotation
Who is this? ...

Answer: Chickens

On the daisy at the gate
The helicopter landed -
Golden eyes.
Who is this?...

Answer: Dragonfly

Who is without notes and without a pipe
He produces trills best of all,
More vocal, more tender?
Who is this?...

Answer: Nightingale

His house is underground -
The ceilings are low
And hangs over your head
Turnips and radishes.
Who lives without light?
Did you guess it? This - ...

Answer: mole

The sun is shining but is silent,
The rain will begin to thunder:
Bom, bom, bom, bom!
It's loud...

Answer: Thunder

He's thick-skinned and clumsy
To him the river is no deeper than puddles.
All his life he carries his powerful horn -
Why was he punished...

Answer: Rhinoceros

There's a whole warehouse underwater!
A raft is made from branches.
Their teeth are so sharp!
They sharpen wood...

Answer: Beavers

He walks through the desert
Carrying a load, not eating, not drinking.
I would like to pass two or three dishes
For the unfortunate...

Answer: Camel

Very ancient inhabitants live on earth,
Their ancient ancestors saw mammoths.
People didn't live when...
I've been walking around the planet for many years.
Answer: Crocodile



You can't score a goal so easily
There is a stake on the gate.
And you can’t fight him in battle,
This is a number...
Answer: one

The numbers stood up like a squad,
In a friendly number row.
First in order role
Numbers will play for us...
Answer: zero

Flexibly bends the neck,
And beautiful and slim,
Deftly lifts his tail,
What is this number? Number...
Answer: two

The sun is shining, the pond is blooming,
A swan floats on it,
He barely swam closer -
The number turned out...
Answer: two

I will circle the letter Z,
I’ll bring you some numbers for a visit.
Look more carefully -
The result was a number...
Answer: three

Someone at night an old chair
Turned it upside down.
And now in our apartment
He became a number...
Answer: four

We decided to make a film about numbers,
The cameras began to turn on.
Where does the letter H come from?
Do not be afraid! Number I!...
Answer: four

You shouldn't be lazy at school:
Draw, write, study,
Answer in class
And they will put it in the diary...
Answer: five

I made a parade
I build numbers like a soldier!
And there is a clear order -
After five he walks...
Answer: six

What kind of heron, everyone knows
He steps behind the six.
Yes, everyone knows her
This heron is a figure...
Answer: seven

She looks like an ax
But he doesn’t chop wood in the yard.
Like a braid, but not quite
It's just a number...
Answer: seven

Two rings on each other,
Two brave young men.
Let's ask them in a numerical series
And we get the number...
Answer: eight

Oh, what a comma
There is a big one on the sheet!
You can even measure it with it,
It's just a number...
Answer: nine

float on your back. With his back to the abyss, his shiny chest to the sky, he slowly glides through the water or quickly rows and suddenly dives. Will go to a depth of ten, thirty or more meters and search in the twilight until he finds a portly squid or sea ​​urchin. The sea otter is in no hurry, because it can remain under water for four to five minutes. But finally the beast emerges, returns upward, to the border zone, to the eternal dividing line between the kingdoms of water and air, where it lives.

Leaning back again, using his broad chest as a dining table, he disembowels his prey, eating the meat. So he continues to dive and feast until his smooth round belly is well filled. Now you can just lie on your back, play with a ball made from a lump of tight seaweed, throwing it up with one or the other paw no worse than a skilled juggler and enjoying your own dexterity or snorting in frustration if you make a mistake.

Kalan is very sociable and loves company. He often spends time with his “wife,” who holds the cub in her wide maternal embrace. So she threw her son into the water - a swimming lesson is coming. The father sea otter also goes under the water and joins in the fun. But soon the baby gets tired, his big round eyes stick together. Mom will take care of him. She will curl up on the seaweed leaves and nestle the baby on a cozy bed made from her own belly. The mother cuddles the baby with her paws, cooing affectionately until it stops whining and falls asleep. And they sway like a log on the waves, floating, enjoying the life that has befallen them.

And the sea otter father is bursting with energy. He, wriggling like a sea serpent, cutting through the crest of a wave, draws an arc in the air, plops down into the next wave, dives, jumps, somersaults in one direction or the other - it doesn’t matter which way, just to develop speed, enjoy the rapid race, give with ecstasy output of accumulated energy. Oddly enough, the sea otter loves to play like this in stormy, almost stormy weather. He needs an incentive, an opportunity to compete with the waves in order to express himself in all his splendor. In calm weather, the sea otter is more inclined to take a nap.

On sunny days, so rare in their seething ocean abode, the large brown eyes of the dozing animal suffer from the bright light, and you can see how he covers them with his free paw - just as we would close if we were floating on our backs facing the light. Nature has endowed sea otters with large eyes. The hearing of these animals is acute, but of all the external senses, smell is the main and most reliable guard that protects their life. It helps the sea otter to sense an enemy or food in time. The sea otter is dressed better than all the inhabitants of the wild, windy North. For this reason, he is exposed to the greatest dangers. After all, the incomparable vestment of a sea otter, worth its weight in gold, is tantamount to a death sentence.

When you admire this amazing animal, its hind limbs, similar to a fish tail, and the completely human hands in which the female carries her squeaker, cradling it or having fun playing with it, how can you not think that perhaps this is a prototype of mermaids? and mermen from ancient fables?

(According to E. Seton-Thompson “The Life of Those Who Are Hunted”)

Complete the tasks by reading the text by E. Seton-Thompson “The Lives of the Hunted”


A 5. What do sea otters eat? Write down your answer._______________________________________________________________

A 6. Why is the sense of smell the main and reliable guard protecting the life of a sea otter? Write down your answer.______________________________________________________________________________________________

A 7. How do sea otters protect their eyes from bright light? Underline the answer in the text.

IN 1. Is the sea otter agile or clumsy? Write out sentences from the text that support your answer.____________


AT 2. Indicate a sentence that matches the content of the text.

A. The mother sea otter hugs the calf to her and rushes into the water with it.

B. The father sea otter throws the calf into the water, showing it how to swim.

B. But soon the baby gets tired, his big round eyes stick together.

AT 3. Copy evidence from the text that sea otters are caring mothers.___________________________


From 1. Establish a correspondence between the words and their interpretation.

The blunder is a sample as a source for creating a literary image.

Abode is a place where someone lives, a dwelling.

Prototype oversight, failure.

C 2. What is the topic of the text? Please indicate your answer.

a) family of sea otters; b) life of sea otters; c) how sea otters feed.

Write down the definitions of concepts in the table.


C 4. Restore the outline of the text (write down the part numbers). Write down your version of the names of the parts below.

A No._____ Fairy-tale creature - sea otter.

B No. ___ Caring parents.

In No. ___ The method of swimming of sea otters.

G No. ___ What helps sea otters survive.

D No. ___ Sea otters games after lunch.

Write the letters in the correct sequence in the table.

From 5. Think about which edition this text is taken from.

a) fairy tales and legends; b) encyclopedia;

c) historical stories; d) stories about sea animals

The abyss is a whirlpool, an abyss of the sea.

Portly - tall, large, plump.

Stimulus is an interest in doing something.