The best books on business: rating. The best books about business from scratch that you need to read Worth reading for starting a business

“Because we are in the investment business, our book selections are related to investing (surprise?) and entrepreneurship. These books will be of greatest interest to budding entrepreneurs. After all, at the beginning of the journey, what is most interesting is motivating but realistic literature, which will allow you to give answers on how best to launch a business, how to deal with the first difficulties and how to continue working despite everything. It is only later, at the stage of company development, that you will need books like “how to manage a company” and “ financial planning“. Many of the books are not entirely new, but they are definitely worth reading.”

under the cut - top 10 books for startupers according to Nikolai Lyakhovsky

1. And nerds do business.Maxim Kotin (

And don't let the name fool you. The book is a kind of hymn to entrepreneurship. She tells the story of a young Russian businessman who, through his example, shows that business is perseverance, willpower and remarkable endurance. Moreover, the book is universal and will be suitable for both online and offline businesses - the systems work the same way: there is a product, and there is a client who needs this product. By the way, the ending is not like in all books of this genre: without a Ferrari and a mansion on some island. This is a must-read for anyone who wants to do business, and I am a supporter of the idea that any startup is first and foremost a business and nothing else.

2. Raising Venture Capital for the Serious Entrepreneur.Dermot Berkery (

A guide for people who plan to engage in venture investments and those who want to attract venture capital. Thanks to the book, you will be able to understand the logic of a venture investor and either attract financial resources to the company, or understand that you don’t need them for development yet. The book is only in English - I have not seen the Russian version. The key phrase in the title is “serious entrepreneur”, i.e. the literature will be useful for those entrepreneurs who have already passed the stage of starting a company. If you are just creating a prototype and attracting business angel investments, this is still wasted time. But when the company starts earning money and showing good dynamics, be sure to read Comrade Berkery.

3. Durov code.The real story of VKontakte and its creator.Nikolay Kononov (

It was impossible to ignore a book about a large and at the same time controversial Internet project in the CIS. It was interesting to find out what logic guides the person who was and remains at the head social network. As a result, we can take away the main idea of ​​the book: when creating a social startup, attract as many beautiful girls as possible (in general, it seems to me, all areas where there are beautiful girls are simply doomed to success). Well, what is also obvious is that Pavel Durov (i.e. the totem) is a complex person, but he has his own point of view, which can be supported or not.

4. Life like a startup.Build a career according to the laws of Silicon Valley.Reed Hoffman and Ben Casnocha (

The cover is beautiful, but the book does not contain any particularly valuable thoughts. The whole idea of ​​the book can be expressed in one sentence: you need to “spin”, create opportunities and move from words to action as quickly as possible. Oh, yes, and, of course, LinkedIn will help with this like no one else.

5. Your own MBA. Self-education 100%.Josh Kaufman (

A kind of MBA for dummies. The first few chapters can be intimidating, as the author goes too deep into stories about how cool he really is. But the further you read, the more intelligent the book becomes. Anyone who doesn't have the money or time to get an MBA is worth reading. It’s cheaper than listening to video lessons from domestic information businessmen on how to make a million (we all already understood that for this you need to become an information businessman and record the same lesson).

6. Atlas Shrugged.Ayn Rand Trilogy (

Although the genre of fiction is a classic. The story itself, however, is somewhat hyperbolic, but at least it can captivate the plot. Therefore, when a crisis occurs in your startup, at work or in your personal life and you need to distract yourself, take the trilogy and you will quickly forget about your troubles and problems, and perhaps learn something useful. And again, a book about entrepreneurship - but I can’t help it, we really want there to be more and more smart entrepreneurs in the Republic of Belarus.

7. How to become a businessman.Oleg Tinkov (

Tinkov is one of the most extravagant, but, nevertheless, one of the most talented entrepreneurs in Russia (he was not noticed in loans-for-shares auctions - although he may now regret it). In the book, he breaks down the main nuances of any business - from trade to manufacturing and banking (fortunately, his experience allows him to do this). How to choose your niche and what you should pay attention to, i.e. if you are already an existing entrepreneur, the book is unlikely to be useful. But for those who are just thinking about their own business, the book is worth reading.

8. Steve Jobs.Walter Isaacson (

It's probably easier to find those who haven't read this book. What I learned for myself personally is that talented people are always very complex and although it is difficult to work with them, there is no escape. After all, it is precisely such people who achieve heights in life - be it politics, business or science. Therefore, learn to work with different people and we will be Zen for you.

9. Lean Startup (Business from scratch).Eric Rees (

The book is very good. But again, the main idea can be expressed in a couple of sentences. Startups - don’t try to make the perfect product (it won’t work anyway). It’s better to release it first and raw than perfect, but no one needs it (who would have thought?!). And always test your startup idea on a minimally finished prototype. This will save you and the investor (we would really like it) money. Despite the fact that I have already talked about the main idea of ​​the book, I strongly recommend reading it to those who are starting their own IT startup.

10. How to work 4 hours a week and not be stuck in the office “from bell to bell”, live anywhere and get rich. Timothy Ferris (

Although the book contains many motivational moments so beloved by Western authors: go ahead and work, work. It also contains excellent tips on how, for example, to better plan your work, day and life. Moreover, the book contains specific examples the author, and not a general theory on time management. It is suitable for future millionaires/billionaires. The beauty of the book is that it makes it clear that in order to taste all the joys of life, a million is not so necessary. You can also rent a Ferrari or Audi R8. So don't do a startup for the sake of money - do it for the soul (not really).

Everyone once thinks about starting their own business, but many have not encountered this and do not know where to start. What business books should you read to start a profitable company?

Top 21 best books

Before starting your own business, you should carefully study the literature that will help you realize yourself. If you have had your own business for a long time, but your profits are not increasing, then they will help you with business and self-development.

Kiyosaki Robert and prioritization

The first place in our ranking is occupied by Robert Kiyosaki's publication. The title of the book is quite clear and concise - “Before you start your business.” This printed publication will help you understand who an entrepreneur and an employee are.

This book is especially useful because it most accurately describes the mistakes of novice entrepreneurs. After reading it, you will understand that the future of your business is only in your hands. Kiyosaki's publication also differs in that it helps you fully understand what difficulties you will have to face when developing your business.

Stephen Covey and the signs of highly effective people

An honorable second place went to “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People,” authored by Stephen Covey. This book is not much inferior to the previous one. It makes you realize how much time we spend on the phone, laptop and TV. The author believes that in this way a person not only wastes his life, but also hides the fear of opening a business.

Critics believe that Covey's book has a special pathos, and this makes it special. “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” will allow you to look at your life differently. Thanks to this publication you will learn to live profitably.

David Novak. The story of a dizzying career

In third place in our ranking is David Novak’s book “How I Became a Boss.” This publication tells the story of an “accidental” career in a large corporation. “How I Became a Boss” is included in the best business books in Russia. Novak described how he achieved a good career. The author believes, on the one hand, that he achieved everything thanks to work and effort, and on the other, that his career is a happy accident.

The book helps you realize your ambitions and achieve a dizzying career. By the way, the author himself started as a full-time copywriter, and is now the director of a global company.

David Ogivley and his thoughts on the advertising industry

The fourth place holder in our ranking of the best books for self-development is “Ogivly on Advertising,” authored by David Ogivly. This publication helps to realize oneself in the field advertising activities. The book contains many valuable recommendations. It is especially useful because the author refers to his own experience. The book found a huge number of fans among marketers and advertising workers.

Books on business and self-development help a future entrepreneur understand how many obstacles may stand in the way of starting his own business. Essay on “How to ruin your own business.” Bad advice Russian Entrepreneur" is no exception. He occupies fifth place in our rating. The author of this printed publication is Konstantin Baksht. It examines and systematizes typical mistakes of entrepreneurs. Konstantin offers his options for solving them, and also tells how to build a business correctly.

Marcus Buckingham: "First break all the rules!"

"First break all the rules!" takes sixth place and talks about how even simple work requires a talented approach. The author of the book is Marcus Buckingham. The publication allows the future entrepreneur to understand that his employees should only do the work that they are good at. This is the key to a successful company.

Michael Lewis. "Liar's Poker"

The rating, which includes the best books about business, could not do without Liars' Poker. It was written by Michael Lewis. The publication explains that the more complex the monetary schemes, the harder it is to keep track of them. Lewis believes that a person must first of all be ambitious. Incredible interesting job Michael Lewis is in seventh place.

Jay Conrad Levinson. Techniques of successful sellers

Completing our list of business books in eighth place is Guerrilla Marketing, authored by Jay Conrad Levinson. He describes a technique for salespeople who increase their sales year after year.

Because it helps you understand how to get big profits at low costs. This is a very valuable skill for every entrepreneur.

Clayton Christensen. Best Essay on Innovation

Books on Internet business have become especially popular lately. The ninth place in our ranking is taken by best edition about innovation. Clayton Christensen's essay "The Innovator's Dilemma" helps the aspiring entrepreneur understand that the user needs something new that is based on old basic needs. The author believes that the Internet develops business.

Bennis Warren. The influence of life values ​​on leader development

Bennis Warren's book comes in at number ten and is the book that looks at management from a leadership perspective. The author finds out how the development of a leader is influenced by the era and human values. Bennis Warren described the formation of leaders of any historical era. The most useful publication is for beginners and experienced managers.

Kennedy Gavin. Negotiator's Handbook

In eleventh place is Kennedy Gavin's book "You Can Agree on Anything! How to Achieve the Maximum in Any Negotiations." According to readers, this is the negotiator's bible. In it, the author gradually reveals the principles of the negotiation process.

Kennedy talks about the pitfalls and mistakes of prioritizing. Gavin's book will provide invaluable assistance to those who frequently negotiate, namely businessmen, sales managers and intelligence officers. What’s especially nice is that the publication is written in simple, colloquial language. Reading such a book will be useful not only for entrepreneurs, but also for ordinary readers.

Johnson Spencer and his parable book

in twelfth place is complemented by Johnson Spencer's allegory in the book "Where is my cheese? Know your dream." This is a kind of parable. The book reveals the deepest truths that relate to changes in the reader’s life. Cheese is everything we strive for and strive for. This could be anything from work to personal relationships.

The labyrinth in Johnson Spencer's book is where you look for your cheese. By carefully studying the entire book, the reader will understand how to cope with difficulties and achieve greater success.

Successful CEO of Peter Drucker

"Effective leader" is the most famous book Peter Drucker, and it deservedly takes thirteenth place in our ranking. The essay explains the topic of employee efficiency mental work who become leaders.

A good leader is not only intelligence and constant work. To be a successful boss, it is enough to follow simple rules, which are described in the book by Peter Drucker.

Covey Stephen and the Seven Rules

Fourteenth place is occupied by a book with global significance - “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People”, authored by Stephen Covey. This publication had a huge impact on the lives of millions of people, including Bill Clinton and Stephen Forbes. Stephen Covey's book systematizes a person's life values ​​and the goals he sets. She helps to achieve them. The author shows that everyone can become better.

The book does not promise quick change. Any improvement requires time and effort. If you want to maximize your potential, then this book is for you.

Michael Gerber and his myths about his own business

Business books should accompany every beginning and experienced entrepreneur. They will help you realize yourself. Fifteenth place in our ranking is occupied by Michael Gerber and his book “Small Business. From Illusions to Success. Return to the Myth of Entrepreneurship.” She tells how to build your own business. The publication is quick and easy to read. Also in it, Michael identifies the differences between work and business. Gerber's publication helps to take a fresh look at the problems associated with the organization and development of small businesses.

Hamel Gary. "Competing for the future. Creating the markets of tomorrow"

In sixteenth place is Hamel Gary and his book “Competing for the Future. Creating the Markets of Tomorrow.” It is dedicated to a company that is building its future. It illustrates the experiences of organizations that have overcome their challenges against all odds. The author offers absolutely new approach to building the future of the company. The printed edition of Hamel Gary was included in the best books on business.

McDonald's and Love John

Who among us does not know the network? fast food McDonald's? This is what will be discussed in Love John's book, which took seventeenth place. In his essay, the author talks about the history of the development of the famous fast food restaurant chain. Its creator is a journalist who decided to devote his life to the famous corporation.

Walter Isaacson

The best business books help you realize yourself. The rating continues. Eighteenth place goes to co-founder famous company on a global scale. Who among us has not heard of Apple? This is what we will talk about.

Walter Isaacson is a journalist, biographer, who in 2012 published The author worked on the publication for more than three years. They did a colossal job. Walter recorded more than 50 interviews with Steve Jobs and interviewed about a hundred of his relatives. The essay was scheduled for release in November, but due to Jobs' death, the book was released in October 2012. Later, the author was paid a round sum for the opportunity to film the work.

It doesn't matter if you are a fan of gadgets from Apple, the book allows you not only to learn about the life of a genius, but also to understand that anyone can become one. She will help you reveal your ambitions. Walter Isaacson's book is a must-read not only for aspiring entrepreneurs, but also for those who are just looking for themselves.

"Jobs Rules. Universal Principles of Success", Carmine Gallo

Nineteenth place in our ranking is occupied by the book “Jobs’ Rules. Universal Principles of Success,” authored by Carmine Gallo. It is not surprising that this book, like the previous one, refers to the great genius - Steve Jobs, because many businessmen imitate him and admire him.

Steve Jobs changed our world. In his book, the author identifies seven rules of great genius. These principles will help not only in business, but also in everyday life. The essay will be of interest to businessmen and managers, as well as fans of Steve Jobs and simply lovers of motivational literature.

Radislav Gandapas, "Kama Sutra for the speaker. 10 chapters on how to receive and deliver maximum pleasure when speaking in public"

It's no secret that you must not only be able to calculate everything one step ahead, but also speak well. This skill is rarely taught in the best business and self-help books. The list is complemented by a unique essay by Radislav Gandapas, who will teach you the art of public speaking.

Radislav Gandapas is a famous business coach in Russia who regularly conducts educational webinars and classes. Conversing with a stranger or speaking in public causes panic in many of us. This quality of an entrepreneur has a bad effect on his business.

"The Kama Sutra for the Speaker. 10 chapters on how to receive and deliver maximum pleasure when speaking in public" will help you learn how to manage the attention of listeners, get the upper hand over your own anxiety and correctly structure your story. The book by Radislav Gandapas is recommended reading for those who often speak in public and communicate with big amount unfamiliar people. In addition, the essay will be useful to the ordinary reader who cannot freely communicate with other people. The publication by Radislav Gandapas “The Kama Sutra for the Speaker. 10 chapters on how to receive and deliver maximum pleasure when speaking in public” deservedly complements the best books on business.

"My Life, My Achievements", Henry Ford

Are you looking for a book that will describe everything, and every word is worth its weight in gold? Henry Ford's essay "My Life, My Achievements" is just for you. Books on business and self-development are often filled with unnecessary discussions that do not convey the necessary information. Henry Ford's edition is different in that it must be read carefully and completely, as each sentence conveys valuable information.

The owner of a famous car manufacturing company talks about his life. "My Life, My Achievements" tells the story of how the author changed the world of business. Henry Ford's approach to his work is amazing. If he was not satisfied with metal prices, he opened his own metallurgical production. Henry Ford believed that work that interests you cannot bore you.

On the way to success

Business books are an excellent option for self-development. By reading the best essays and gleaning valuable information from them, you can easily become a successful and self-sufficient person. Books on business will help you identify hidden talents, learn how to achieve your goals and go all the way towards your dreams. In our rating, we have selected the most useful essays for aspiring entrepreneurs. Read with pleasure and become better with each edition you read!

Best books on business: list of 11 outstanding bestsellers + short description the main ideas and goals of the author.

To successfully develop your own business idea, you need to rely on the experience of the “sharks of entrepreneurship.”

The best books about business– an inexhaustible source of inspiration for taking your first steps in business.

Business is an art, a fine line between the human approach and algorithms.

You can begin your long and thorny path to “business Olympus” while sitting in your favorite chair.

Start studying the success of famous entrepreneurs, immerse yourself in the world of their emotions, experiences, and ideas.

All this thanks to books!

Best Business Books: Top 12

You can think endlessly about the importance of reading books about business.

But it’s better to move on to the practical implementation of our plans.

To do this, it is worth creating a list of world bestsellers about entrepreneurial activity, which are worth attention above all.

Donald Trump - two books by an outstanding person

What is the image of Donald Trump now?

A kind of shocking president of the United States of America, who, being an ordinary employee in his father’s company, made a fortune.

This person is quite contradictory in his statements.

He, like a shark, dispels all dreams, because dreams are for the loser.

Act and you will reach the top, act and the whole world will talk about you!

Trump is not only a brilliant businessman who owns numerous real estate, but also an excellent speaker, a person who knows how to convey thoughts and words.

It was in 1987 that his first essays and books were published, from which everyone can learn a lot for themselves and their business.

Book “The Art of the Deal”

Thanks to the book "The Art of the Deal" you plunge into the world of big business, learn to conclude contracts, and human nature is revealed.

A model of behavior is clearly emerging not only for the famous developer, but also for bureaucrats who are capable of putting a spoke in the wheels.

Trump reveals the secrets of success in a satirical manner, and his sketches from his personal life are a little ironic, sometimes funny, but, most importantly, instructive.

The book can be roughly divided into three parts:

    A biography of everyday life, which describes many working moments.

    The second half takes you into the world of deals.

    It describes how best to start a conversation, how to pose and behave.
    Each chapter is literally a new lesson.

    In the final part you can find a lot of advice.

    The main idea: the main thing is to love it, treat it with trepidation, do everything possible for its development and not give up under any difficulties.

In the 90s, the following books were published: "The Art of Survival" And "The Art of Return" closely related to Trump's life and his partial bankruptcy.

The book "How to become rich?"

Undoubtedly, we should highlight the sensational autobiography published in 2004, “How to Become Rich.” After all, it is human life that inspires us to accomplish something great.

Most business books are pretty formulaic. You can read a lot of information in them for dummies, but personal experience is more exciting. After all, observing success, we ourselves strive to achieve it.

“How to Become Rich” is just such a book. This is a story about how to properly manage your finances, how to regain what you have lost and, as a result, increase it. Closely related to this book is another.

"Way up"- a rather eccentric work. This is a businessman's challenge to everyone around him. This is the question Trump is trying to answer: “How to succeed?”

The chronology of publications of Donald Trump's publications is presented in the table below:

If you're unsure whether you should study Trump's writings, consider one question: Should you listen to the advice of a successful businessman, politician, and, most recently, president?

Steve Jobs - the man who inspired millions

In the 21st century, almost everyone knows about Steve Jobs, and this is not surprising.

After all, he went out to new level IT technologies, was one of the founders of Apple, CEO and the Pixar film studio, which is gaining popularity every year.

His biographies inspire millions. His story is like a movie, and his entrepreneurial spirit has made him famous throughout the world.

"Steve Jobs" – Walter Isaacson

In his book Steve Jobs, Walter Isaacson opened doors into the life of Steve himself. The basis was taken from interviews not only of Jobs, but also of his family, close friends, colleagues, and enemies.

The book is as simple as life, because it is what is described, and not an ordinary story with a bunch of numbers and calculations.

It is a soul that experiences failure and great success. You may not like Apple products, not use them, or make fun of those who are now so obsessed with the new iPhone.

But there is no denying that Jobs is a genius of the 21st century.

"Steve Jobs" is a book with a simple presentation.

It describes life: morning, breakfast, work at the computer, and most importantly, the history of the union of art and technology thanks to Steve.

For Apple fans, the curtain opens on the process of creating one of the largest corporations in the most ordinary and unremarkable garage.

Details of development, discussion of design, management features, marketing.

This book reveals Steve as a person, his psychology and features in managing his brainchild.

But the main thing is that she inspires.

Book “250 Sayings of a Man Who Changed the World”

It is worth mentioning the book by Steve Jobs itself - “250 sayings of the man who changed the world.”

At its core, this is one big quote with sections about business, leadership, and life itself.

This is a small collection of statements from a man who not only changed the world, but turned it upside down as a whole. Many words make you think about harmony and modern technology.

Jobs, by his human nature, was a creator, a seeker.

But this did not stop him from becoming a role model for millions.

If you want to achieve something, but your hands are simply giving up from some troubles in life, just read this book.

Richard Branson - “To hell with everything! Take it and do it"

A “best business books” list wouldn’t be complete without yet another inspiring autobiography: Richard Branson.

This amazing man is considered one of the richest people on the planet.

To hell with all of it! Take it and do it!

This book will charge you with energy, inspire many to feats of chivalry, and everyone will want to work tirelessly. "To hell with all of it! Fight and do” is best read by those who have lost faith in themselves, are broken and cannot find their way in business.

main idea: You can become a famous and influential person only if you do what you love.

This is a very life-affirming book.

If suddenly you are confused and don’t know how to live further, just brew strong ginger tea, sit comfortably on a chair, and begin to gain motivation for action.

The best books about business: domestic list

Of course, it is stupid to ignore the stories of domestic businessmen and entrepreneurs.

After all, it is not only business in the West that can flourish and attract with its profitability.

Igor Gansvid - “Business is business”

Igor Hansvid published a book containing about 60 interviews and stories about many successful Russian businessmen.

But everyone who strives for the top is interested in learning the success stories of this or that person.

This is a call to action, real examples of achieving life goals.

After all, if one person could do it, then so could the rest.

“Business is Business” tells the stories of the most ordinary and unremarkable people.

Some were journalists, some wanted to become famous marketers.

And they achieved it!

Work, perseverance and desire work wonders!

Dmitry Potapenko - “An honest book about how business is done in Russia”

“An honest book about how business is done in Russia” by Dmitry Potapenko talks about domestic business.

This book is like a collection for those who are just thinking about their business.

It is good for its easy accessibility in presentation, because Dmitry also runs his own channel, on which he describes and forecasts in detail the economic situation in Russia.

Critics have praised the book because it captivates even the uninterested reader.

It explains in accessible language all the features of entrepreneurship in Russia.

Gennady Balashov and Polina Kudievskaya - “How to become an adventurer? Reflections of a Millionaire"

Probably everyone dreams of becoming a millionaire. By buying lottery tickets, he hopes to get rich, become successful, and live in abundance.

The book by Gennady Balashov and Polina Kudievskaya “How to become an adventurer?

Reflections of a Millionaire” reveals secrets for everyone. This book presents interviews of two generations, which immediately attracts with its unusual presentation and style of narration.

You will be immersed in reality, brought down from heaven to earth, and your hopes and aspirations will be crushed.

The purpose of the book is to lead the reader to a realistic perception of business. In the life of an entrepreneur there is no place for hopes, only thoughtful actions to achieve success.

Dmitry Borisov, Sergey Abdulmanov, Dmitry Kibkalo - “Business as a game. Rake of Russian business and unexpected decisions"

“Business is like a game. Rake of Russian business and unexpected solutions" is a guide for Russian entrepreneurs.

You ask: “Where is the universality of the approach?”

The answer is very simple - there is none.

Business Russian Federation– an unpredictable swamp with its own rules. And to survive, you need to adapt.

Subjectivism is the path of domestic business. No generalization, only a unique approach to each issue.

This book is aimed at those new to the world of entrepreneurship.

Read it, recharge your energy for, learn to plan your activities.

Quote from the book “Business is like a game. Rake of Russian business and unexpected decisions":

The best business books: a new perspective

Roberta Kiyosaki, Sharon Lecturer - "Before You Start Your Business"

If we have already started talking about the desire to start our own business, we recommend the book by Robert Kiyosaki, Sharon Lecturer “Before You Start Your Business.”

It clearly lays out the lessons that every successful entrepreneur should know by heart.

This book should be taken seriously, it is not structured like a fairy tale that is easy to read.

Don't be afraid to lose your income today. Look at the world realistically - no one benefits from your development except yourself.

Come to terms with this thought, reconsider your views, and start moving in the right direction.

Ron Rubin and Stuart Avery Gould - "Zen Business"

For those who want to read a kind of fairy tale, we recommend Zen Business by Ron Rubin and Stuart Avery Gould.

There is nothing revolutionary about it.

But she is endearing with her simple, unique narrative logic.

Undoubtedly, this book carries a positive message and motivates. It contains little about business, but a lot about motivation, which is sometimes so lacking in life.

Harmony and determination are the basis for the right attitude towards yourself, business, and life.

Of course, even the best business books will not allow you to become a millionaire in a matter of days.

A book is not a clear business plan for an enterprise.

Its purpose is to motivate you to action, to help you finally formulate a goal.

The list of books presented in the article will open up the world to you successful people.

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Best business books, and what are they? In the modern world of business and finance various business books appear like mushrooms after rain. A lot of coaches, mentors, teachers appear out of nowhere, and each of them wants to give people a new, revolutionary, unprecedented system for achieving success and earning huge capital. But is it? As a rule, most of these business trainers themselves cannot earn normal money, and their books are an ordinary retelling of cult business publications that have influenced the lives of hundreds of thousands of people around the world.

One often hears the question: “ What are the best business books??”, “What can you recommend us to read?”, “Which book should we start our path to success with?” The questions are quite logical, and every aspiring entrepreneur understands that quality information today is the key to success tomorrow. And no one wants to waste time reading empty books by “phony” business gurus. That’s why I want to understand what the best business books are and what you should pay attention to.

To be honest, there are hundreds of worthy books, and it is not possible to list them all in this article. Therefore, we decided to make the TOP 10 most interesting, popular, and practical business books. How did we choose them? For maximum objectivity, a survey was conducted among three different groups of people:

  • Subscribers of our public VKontakte (at the time of writing this article – more than 250,000 people)
  • Entrepreneurs and owners own business who were helped to achieve success by business books (67 people aged 23 to 47 years were interviewed)
  • Freelancers and young startupers who are just starting their path to success.

We believe that such a selection is optimal and will help determine the best business books as accurately as possible. The survey was conducted for almost 2 months, and it was very difficult and there were several hundred options to choose the 10 most worthy and useful business books. So, we ask you to remember or write down the names and add to your collection of books those presented in our rating.

Best business books: 10 most popular books

We would like to say right away that we decided not to rank or single out the best book, etc. We will simply present 10 books that deserve special attention, and each of them is good in its own way. Any rating is a subjective opinion, and there will be those who will not be happy with it. To avoid maximum dissatisfaction, we decided not to give out places, and all numbering is just numbers, without reference to the popularity or importance of the book.


Rework is a book for those who want to start their own startup, want to change their lives, but for some reason do not dare to take such a serious action. The authors tell you how you can start your own business and still have a full-time job. Also on the pages of “Rework” you will find advice on the optimal size of the company, and get answers to many related questions. Why does a company need to grow? Why do you need to develop if you are already happy with everything? What and how to plan, and is this planning necessary? What mistakes can you make, and how can you learn a useful lesson from them? Dozens and dozens of questions that you had before will find answers after reading “Rework”.

The book is worthy of attention, and has received a lot of flattering reviews. The theme of a startup, developing your business from scratch, raising big company based on aspiration and enthusiasm, is close to many. Perhaps this is why Rework received a lot of votes and made it onto our list.

You can read a more detailed description of the book in our article “”

4. Atlas Shrugged

I would like to note that this book is not only on our list best business books, but also noted by major world financial publications. Occasionally large businesses magazines publish all kinds of ratings, among which there are ratings of the most influential books that have made a great contribution to human development. “Atlas Shrugged” almost always takes its rightful place in such ratings.

And it’s not surprising that this book also has a place on our list. This book will help you understand the essence of entrepreneurship and look at it differently. world economy and your role in its development. According to public opinion polls conducted in 1991 by the Library of Congress and the Book of the Month Club in America, Atlas Shrugged is the second book after the Bible that led to changes in the lives of American readers.

5. From good to great

Why will you never become great? Because you are content with “good” and do not set big goals for yourself.

Jim Collins has written an outstanding book. Time magazine included it in its list of the 25 greatest business books of all time. And these are not empty words. Jim conducts in-depth research, trying to understand why some companies achieve success, while others remain small, regional, unknown firms.

In this book, Trump shows his entire business essence. He does not pretend, but cuts from the shoulder, dispelling all illusions regarding entrepreneurship and making money. Not every person can become rich and famous, as other business books say. And Donald Trump explains in detail why many people live in a world of illusions, making plans and imagining themselves rich, but never achieve what they want. Only the strongest and most persistent receive success and wealth, while dreams and illusions are the lot of lazy people and weaklings. This is exactly the position Trump defends.

Life is a tough game, and if you want to emerge victorious, then forget about the word “no” once and for all. You must be prepared for the fact that you will have to work with your fists, repel competitors and ill-wishers, endure difficulties, but ultimately achieve your goal.

Constantly reading books has been noted as one of the main habits of successful people such as Warren Buffett, Bill Gates. Whether you are a new entrepreneur or an experienced one, it is always important to stay afloat and read the best books on business. Here's a list of great business books to read to ensure you're starting 2018 off on the right foot and staying successful.

"Startup Without a Budget" by Mike Mikalowitz

“Have you never done business in your life? Don't know where to get start-up capital? Great! Now you have a chance to do everything right,” - this is how Michael Mikalovits motivates his readers. Complex concepts from the world of business are presented in simple and in clear language with a touch of humor, which makes the book a real find for both novice entrepreneurs and more experienced businessmen.

“The pumpkin method. How to become a leader in your niche without a budget, Mike Mikalovits

Inspired by the experience of vegetable growers, the famous author Michael Mikalovits decided to borrow their method of growing giant pumpkins and apply it to business. Sounds incredible, right? This unusual way of looking at things has borne fruit: Mikalovits' company has become a leader in its niche with a turnover of millions of dollars. In the book, the author not only shares his own experience, but also provides incredible success stories of other entrepreneurs who were not afraid to use the same strategy.

”, Logaster

A free small business guide to creating a brand identity, written by online service Logaster. Adviсe, practical examples, useful services - in a word, everything you need to create your own style!

“Startup for $100. Create a new future by doing what you love." Chris Guilbeault

In this book, you will learn how to turn a seemingly unattractive business idea into a gold mine and begin to receive more satisfaction from your work and hobbies. According to the author himself, this book is not about business, but about the search for freedom, independence and prosperity. The text is easy to read and replete with useful tables and self-assessment checklists.

Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieh

Tony Shea shares with readers his experience of running a business, and this experience is striking in its wide range - from opening a worm farm to a pizzeria. Written in simple and concise language, the book demonstrates a new approach to corporate culture: By caring for the happiness and well-being of others, you can become happier yourself.

Blue Ocean Strategy, Chan Kim, Rene Mauborgne

This book describes in detail the process of creating so-called "blue oceans" - market spaces devoid of competition. Authors Kim and Mauborgne have developed a number of tools for exploring and using such markets - the value curve, strategy canvas, mass price corridor and others. If you want to find out what is hidden behind these interesting titles, then this book is a must-have for your collection!

"Rework", Jason Fried, David Heinemeier Hansson

Rework is the ideal book for those who dream of opening their own business not according to a boring plan, but following their own individual strategy. From it you will learn how it can harm you, how you can easily get by without outside investors and why it is better to ignore competition. To open your own business you need less than you think. No offices, endless meetings and paperwork!

« From good to great. Why Some Companies Breakthrough and Others Don't by Jim Collins

In his book, Collins identifies and analyzes the factors due to which some companies managed to become not just successful, but, without exaggeration, go down in history. What are the criteria for such “greatness”? In nine chapters of the book, the author examines in detail management issues, personnel policy, operational activities and social behavior. Perhaps this is your chance to make your company one of the greats?

« How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

Dale Carnegie's bestseller remains relevant today. This book has already helped a huge number people achieve success in business and personal life. 6 ways to get people to like you, 12 persuasion strategies, 9 ways to change people without causing a negative reaction and many other secrets. A classic, a must-read even in the 21st century!

« The Innovator's Dilemma by Clayton Christensen

In his best-selling book, Christensen explains why successful companies that seem to be doing everything right still lose their leading positions in the market. According to the author, if managers do not know when and how to move away from traditional business approaches, then even the most successful company will inevitably go down. Bold, compelling and provocative, this book contains valuable business advice that all managers, entrepreneurs and project leaders simply need to know.

“How to make money without starting capital”, Sergey Azimov

Want to break out of your boring, low-paying office routine? Tired of working 16 hours a day trying to keep your business afloat? On the pages of his book, business coach and entrepreneur Sergei Azimov shares effective secrets of making money and a completely different approach to work. Thanks to the easy and extraordinary presentation of the material, the author manages to win the reader’s trust from the first pages.

“Don't work with assholes. And what to do if they are around you ", Robert Sutton

The author advises managers on how to deal with the unproductive behavior of some “difficult” employees while learning to benefit from their positive qualities. Moreover, the book provides real examples from the experience of major companies. An understandable and sometimes even humorous style of presentation will make reading this book a real pleasure.

“Stop dreaming, get down to business!” , Cal Newport

Cal Newport boldly debunks the long-standing myth that the main thing in business is to find something you really like. The author proves that many people begin to love and appreciate their work only over time, even if at first it seemed far from ideal to them. This book is the result of conversations with dozens of representatives of various professions, from farmers and screenwriters to investors and freelance programmers.

"Zero to One" by Peter Thiel

According to the author, the key to continuous progress is the leader’s ability to think independently and make decisions. Tomorrow's leading companies will be able to avoid competition by creating unique products and services. This book takes a new, optimistic view of progress and innovation. She teaches readers to ask the right questions, which can help us see value in the most unexpected things.

"Never Eat Alone" by Keith Ferrazzi

According to the author, all successful people are united by one quality - the ability to form relationships in such a way that they are beneficial to all participants. In his book, Ferrazzi tells how to properly build communication with colleagues, friends and business partners. At different times, the described strategies were successfully used by Winston Churchill, Bill Clinton, the Dalai Lama and other powers that be. And as you probably know, truly good things don’t lose their relevance over time!

How to Work Four Hours a Week by Timothy Ferriss

Surely many are familiar with the situation when work turns into a trap and begins to require more and more time. If you want to escape your routine, travel the world without... special effort receive five-figure incomes or simply work less and devote more time to yourself, then this book is your ticket to a new, freer and more flexible world.

Predictably Irrational, Dan Ariely

Dan Ariely's book is dedicated to one of the most interesting and multifaceted areas of economics - behavioral economics. Consumer behavior is irrational: in response to a number of external stimuli, they often take rash actions. By learning about 13 examples of predictably irrational consumer behavior, you'll discover 13 opportunities to increase your sales!

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey

Stephen Covey's book suggests A complex approach to resolve personal and professional problems. Sharing with readers deep observations and current stories from life, Covey tells how to live in accordance with principles such as justice, honesty and human dignity. These principles allow us to adapt to change and seize the opportunities that change brings with it.

The Intelligent Investor, Benjamin Graham

Although this book is about investing, Graham pays close attention to psychology and temperament types. After all, even the most profitable investment strategy can turn into a fiasco if the investor does not have the appropriate type of temperament. If you want to know how stable investors differ from entrepreneurial investors and what style of investing is most effective, be sure to read this book!

"Act like a leader, think like a leader" by Herminia Ibarra

In her work, Emilia Ibarra talks about how a manager at any level can become a leader by gradually changing himself and his work environment. For example, the author advises to adhere to a flexible leadership style and expand your circle business connections. Offering a variety of assessment tests and practical advice, this book will help you become a more effective leader and reinvigorate your career. new life. It's time to learn by doing!

"The Tipping Point" by Malcolm Gladwell

In his fascinating work, Gladwell explores the concept of the “tipping point,” when ideas, trends, and patterns of social behavior seem to overflow and spread rapidly. Gladwell's book can be compared to an intellectual adventure story, in which one senses admiration for the power of new ideas and the author's conviction that one extraordinary person can change the entire world.

“45 manager tattoos”, Maxim Batyrev

This book, without a doubt, deserves the title of the most unusual on our list. The titles of the chapters of this book are the names of the author’s tattoos, each of which symbolizes a specific life principle. “All that is in the book are my rakes, bumps and tattoos. I share with you a part of my life and hope that my practice will serve you good example", states the author. You won't find here complex concepts and theories. All of Batyrev’s recommendations are simple and practical, but at the same time based on the principles effective management.

"Customers for Life" by Carl Sewell

In his best-selling book, Sewell shares the secret of building a base regular customers who will remain loyal to your business for many years to come. Sewell takes an in-depth look at the expectations of modern consumers and employees, proving once again that the good old principle of “Find out what your customers want and give it to them” still works flawlessly. The man who owns the second largest Cadillac car dealership in the United States cannot be wrong in such matters!

“Business is like a game. Rake of Russian business and unexpected decisions", Sergey Abdulmanov, Dmitry Kibkalo, Dmitry Borisov

In their book “Business as a Game,” the authors share the secrets of launching and development successful business projects in Russia. Features of the Russian market, developing an effective business plan, relations with investors and partners, determining the size of salaries, conducting interviews, competent interaction with clients - this is only a small part of the issues that are covered in the book. Start reading from any chapter that interests you!

“And nerds do business”, Maxim Kotin

Maxim Kotin's book is built around a very real character - Fyodor Ovchinnikov, who 10 years ago decided to open his own business in an unremarkable Russian city. We can say that Ovchinnikov became a symbol of thousands of ordinary Russians who were not afraid to dramatically change their lives and try their hand at entrepreneurship. This is a story of successes and failures of small businesses in Russia at the beginning of the 2000s. It’s hard to imagine a more truthful book about this difficult period, so it’s a must read!

“How to become a businessman”, Oleg Tinkov

Oleg Tinkov is the owner of several successful companies, who tried himself in a variety of areas of business - from brewing to providing banking services. This book contains concise, practical advice for entrepreneurs who want to start their own business and achieve success. According to Tinkov, courage and the ability to control risks are mandatory qualities for any entrepreneur. But even if these qualities are not fully inherent in you, the author advises not to give up and still try your hand at business. This approach is definitely motivating!

"Anything Can Be Negotiated" by Gavin Kennedy

Useful tips for successful negotiations both in business (real estate, long-term contracts, companies) and at the everyday level (buying a TV, car repairs, communicating with colleagues). How to present your offer in the most favorable light? How to behave if you are faced with blackmail? The book is interactive and contains many assessment tests. A great read for anyone looking to improve their negotiation skills!

“Startup without cuts”, Ekaterina Inozemtseva

The book "Startup Uncut" offers an honest look at the modern Russian business. From it you will learn how to avoid common mistakes, find a good investor, resolve conflicts between partners and much more. The purpose of this book is to teach and motivate both future entrepreneurs and those who already have their own business. Moreover, the book contains links to useful workshops, document templates and other materials based on invaluable personal experience Russian businessmen.

"To hell with business as usual" Richard Branson

In his work, Branson shares with readers his vision of the future. According to the author, it is time for people to reconsider their values ​​and make the priority not making money, but caring for other people and the planet as a whole. In an easy and convincing way, the author tells how companies, using their resources, can make this world a better place. And for greater motivation, the author cites real stories caring entrepreneurs who can serve as an example for others.

“Business from scratch. Lean Startup Method, Eric Ries

According to the author, most startups fail not because of missed deadlines or high expenses. Companies are closing because they offer nothing to anyone the right product or service. The central idea of ​​the lean startup concept is to constantly receive feedback from consumers. Instead of development detailed business plan, the company must listen to the needs of its customers and, based on the information received, adjust its development strategy.

“Startup. The Founder's Handbook, Steve Blank, Bob Dorf

This book is step by step instructions for those who want to create a profitable, scalable startup using a customer-oriented customer development methodology. This concept, authored by Steve Blank himself, is studied in leading universities around the world. On the 608 pages of the book you will find more than 100 graphs and diagrams, 9 irreparable mistakes entrepreneurs and much more.

Running a Startup by Katherine Catlin and Jayna Matthews

This book is a real business encyclopedia with five hundred success stories from entrepreneurs from various fields of activity. How do you know when it's time to change your management style? What personal changes are the key to success? Why is the manager’s inaction dangerous for the company? Providing detailed answers to these and other questions, the authors explain the strategy step by step. sustainable growth companies.

Angels, Dragons and Vultures, Simon Eklund

Are you looking for money for your startup, but the venture capital market seems like a dense forest to you? In this provocative and witty book, you'll learn how venture capitalists run their businesses and make money, how they can help your firm, and what alternatives to venture capital exist. With an in-depth look at the topic, Simon Ekland offers a professional guide that will give you the confidence to find a venture capital investor.

“Scrum. Revolutionary Project Management by Jeff Sutherland

You won't find in this book detailed description how to use the Scrum methodology. Sutherland sets himself a more difficult task: he analyzes the reasons for the effectiveness of this methodology, answering the question “why?” The book is autobiographical in nature: the author tells how the Scrum methodology has been useful to him in a wide variety of and sometimes unexpected areas of activity - from service in Vietnam to the development of ATM technology.

"Attracting Startup Investment" by Brad Feld, Jason Mendelsohn

The process of attracting investment is described from the point of view of two venture investors who have been investing in risky and developing projects for more than 40 years. How to develop a mutually beneficial investment attraction strategy? By what criteria do investors evaluate companies? What terms of the transaction should you pay special attention to? This book will be useful to everyone: ambitious entrepreneurs, venture investors, and lawyers who specialize in certain types of transactions.

Startup Weekend, Mark Neijer, Clint Nielsen, Frank Nuriga

Do you think it’s impossible to develop a full-fledged startup concept over a weekend? This book will convince you otherwise! If you gather developers, designers, marketers and other specialists at one table, then in just 54 hours you can get a whole range of interesting ideas, form competent teams and develop an effective growth strategy! The authors have collected for you best works, lessons learned through trial and error and inspiration from other companies.

Searching for a Business Model, John Mullins, Randy Komisar

It may sound surprising, but most companies that hesitate to deviate one step from their original strategy are doomed to failure. And among successful projects there are many that now only vaguely resemble the original idea of ​​their founders. In this guide, you'll learn why a gradual transition from Plan A to Plan B is not only desirable, but vital to the success of your business.

"Rules for Profitable Startups" by Verne Harnish

In his debut book, Harnish notes that the three principles of the legendary John Rockefeller - Priorities, Data and Rhythm - still form the basis of effective management. In addition to these three principles, leading companies also use Harnish's One Page Strategic Plan. Although the book is aimed primarily at company owners and managers senior management, it contains universal ideas and strategies for managers at all levels.

If you spot any great books that we missed that should be included in the article, please add them in the comments below!