Marathon of good deeds registration. “Marathon of Good Deeds”: OP RF launches an all-Russian event. We wish good luck to the participants

The #Marathon of Good Deeds has started - an all-Russian environmental quest, the main task of which is to consolidate the norm of responsible attitude towards nature in society. Deadline June 1, 2017. Organizers: Rospatriototsentr, Association of Volunteer Centers with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. All residents of Russia, regardless of age, can participate. By the way, for volunteer associations and businesses, participation in the marathon is not only a unique experience, but also an opportunity to make themselves known throughout the country. You can also participate in the marathon as a team. #Marathon of Good Deeds is an event for leaders who are ready to give society a powerful impetus for change. Every spontaneous landfill, wasted tree and wasted exhaustible resource is a responsibility that weighs heavily on our shoulders, and a situation that we will begin to change today. Join our ranks, create, share your experience with the whole country and create a new norm in relation to nature! The marathon distance is: Everyone who completes 5 stages (completes at least one task on each of them), in fact, will already win and will receive memorable prizes. But the kindest participant, who will receive our main prize - 2 tickets to anywhere in Russia, will be determined by the action's expert council from the shortlist. Based on the results of the marathon, not only the kindest city and the kindest Russian will be determined, but also the kindest school. To participate in the marathon, register and get access to your personal account. After registration, you will get access to the tasks of the first stage. Choose one of them or come up with your own. Complete the task, take a photo of the results, or publish a story about the completed task on your social media page with the hashtag #Marathon of Good Deeds. Tell the organizers about the completed task through your personal account. Using the “Tell about completion” button, you can send a link to a post on social networks or photos with short information about the task you completed. As soon as the organizers receive a letter from you with information about the completed task, they will immediately give you access to the next stage. Prizes: Marathon website: http://dobrodela.rf/glavnaya All detailed information can be found in ", "Russian Female");" type="button" value="🔊 Listen to the news"/>!}

The #Marathon of Good Deeds has started - an all-Russian environmental quest, the main task of which is to consolidate the norm of responsible attitude towards nature in society. Deadline June 1, 2017.

Organizers: Rospatriototsentr, Association of Volunteer Centers with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

All residents of Russia, regardless of age, can participate. By the way, for volunteer associations and businesses, participation in the marathon is not only a unique experience, but also an opportunity to make themselves known throughout the country. You can also participate in the marathon as a team.

#MarathonofGoodDeeds is an event for leaders who are ready to give society a powerful impetus for change. Every spontaneous landfill, wasted tree and wasted exhaustible resource is a responsibility that weighs heavily on our shoulders, and a situation that we will begin to change today. Join our ranks, create, share your experience with the whole country and create a new norm in relation to nature!

The marathon distance is:

  • 30 tasks that will give you the vector of movement
  • 5 stages that you have to conquer
  • 100 threats to nature that will become a thing of the past thanks to you

Everyone who completes 5 stages (completes at least one task in each of them), in fact, will already win and receive memorable prizes. But the kindest participant, who will receive our main prize - 2 tickets to anywhere in Russia, will be determined by the action's expert council from the shortlist. Based on the results of the marathon, not only the kindest city and the kindest Russian will be determined, but also the kindest school.

To participate in the marathon, register and get access to your personal account. After registration, you will have access to the tasks of the first stage. Choose one of them or come up with your own. Complete the task, take a photo of the results, or publish a story about the completed task on your social media page with the hashtag #Marathon of Good Deeds. Tell the organizers about the completed task through your personal account. Using the “Tell about completion” button, you can send a link to a post on social networks or photos with short information about the task you completed. As soon as the organizers receive an email from you with information about the completed task, they will immediately give you access to the next stage.

  • The winner will receive all-Russian recognition and our main prize - 2 tickets to anywhere in Russia!

All detailed information is located

The Year of the Volunteer, announced in the Russian Federation in 2018, gave rise to many large volunteer events, and volunteer activities acquired a seemingly unprecedented scale. However, even before volunteerism entered the state agenda, a number of projects arose in Russia, uniting people from all over the country. One of them is the “Marathon of Good Deeds”.

The idea of ​​launching the marathon came to its organizers in 2016, on the eve of the final forum of active citizens “Community”, which brought together almost 5 thousand civil activists from all over the country.

“These were professionals in their field who came for experience, new knowledge, useful contacts, but, of course, we would like there to be more such people, and volunteering itself to be more popular. Then we came up with the format of a volunteer quest, where everyone could not only try yourself as a volunteer, but also make yourself known throughout the country,” says the initiator of the project, member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, Elena Sutormina.

The main feature of the marathon was that this action was initially aimed not at professional civil activists, but at those who are just striving to become them, those who want to create a comfortable environment around themselves, without waiting for someone else to do it for them .

Technically, the “Marathon of Good Deeds” consists of five stages of varying levels of difficulty. To gain access to the first of them, you need to register on the promotion website; each next stage becomes available as soon as the participant completes at least one task of the current one, records the result in a photo or video and sends it to the moderators. If everything is done well, the participant receives points and moves on to the next level.

At the same time, the time to complete tasks and the number of points that can be earned are not regulated and depend on the quality and scale of the activity.

“There is a minimum threshold, but the larger the organized event, the higher it is valued. Sometimes it seemed to us that the lack of time limits kills the excitement a little, but when they sent us reports about real environmental holidays for 300 people, we understood that if we set a limit , say, a week, none of this would have happened,” explains Sutormina.

However, it has not yet been possible to refuse the moderators: most of the participants conscientiously complete the tasks, but there are also those who try to pass off someone else’s work as their own, sending pictures from the Internet as a photo report. Such people are not only excluded from the competition, but are also prohibited from participating in the event in the future.

Who is the kindest in Russia?

If in 2016 more than 7 thousand Russians from 230 cities of the country took part in the “Marathon of Good Deeds”, then last year more than 100 thousand people from 1600 settlements of the Russian Federation took part in the event. And since in 2017 it was dedicated to the Year of Ecology, over 55 thousand environmental events were held within its framework.

The secret of such success was the functional refinement of the project (last year the list of tasks was expanded to 55 items, each supplemented with detailed instructions for implementation), and the fact that the action was actively promoted by the participants themselves (a prerequisite for participation was a story about the completed task on their page in social networks), and, of course, in the rating system (as part of the campaign, three ratings are maintained on its website: the kindest Russians, the kindest cities and the kindest schools).

The first rating is individual. Throughout the year, participants complete tasks and improve their positions in the overall table. Then the moderators mark the most active and interesting ones, and a week before the end of the promotion, a short list is formed, which takes into account the number of points scored, as well as the quantity and quality of good deeds. The shortlist, which usually consists of 20-30 people, is handed over to an expert jury - well-known social activists and distinguished volunteers - who determine the three winners. The main prize is two tickets to anywhere in Russia.

The rating of the kindest cities in Russia became one of the engines of the marathon at the initial stage, after attracting the attention of federal and regional media, as well as large urban communities on social networks. Thanks to him, the organizers managed to ignite real passion among the volunteers, who were fighting not just for a place in the overall ranking, but also for the victory of their city.

In 2016, when the organizers published preliminary results in the last week of the event, the media and bloggers began to follow the updates daily and called on citizens to become more involved in order to ensure victory for their city. Thus, the intrigue remained until the very last day, and as a result, on the night before summing up the results, Yakutsk took the lead, ahead of St. Petersburg by only a few points. Last year, on the contrary, there was almost no intrigue: St. Petersburg took revenge, winning by a huge margin.

The rating of schools is also compiled depending on the activity of the participants. When registering, everyone indicates the city of residence and, if he studies at school, the school number, and all the points that he gains also go to the asset of populated areas and educational institutions.

Marathon from beginner to professional

However, what the organizers of the “Marathon of Good Deeds” are most proud of is not the scale of the project, but the fact that the action quickly went beyond the scope of a quest, becoming a tool for finding and interacting with activists from completely different fields and directions and an excellent school for future volunteers.

There are actually hundreds of such active people who are through our action and want to change the world beyond it. But the main thing is that our support gives them an incentive to develop further, not to leave this sphere, but to engage in social activities professionally,” says Elena Sutormina.

Thus, the 2016 winner, a 15-year-old schoolgirl from the Leningrad region, completed all stages in a week and amazed the expert jury with organizational skills that would be the envy of any adult.

“Honestly, we are still following Daria’s successes and understand that we made the right choice. The victory was a good incentive for her to continue to realize herself through volunteering and launch her own charity projects,” noted a member of the RF OP.

By the way, any participant in last year’s marathon who completed all five stages and completed more than two tasks in each block turned from a beginner into almost a professional environmental activist with the necessary knowledge.

The level of preparation is evidenced by the fact that the leader of 2017, environmental activist from the city of Tutaeva Maria Isaeva, alone was able to organize a city-scale campaign for separate waste collection and take out more than 2 tons of recyclable materials for recycling.

“At first I simply completed the tasks that were most interesting to me, and at first it seemed unrealistic to me to be among the winners. But closer to the middle of the marathon, I realized that there was a chance to get into the first hundred, I set such a goal for myself and got down to business more actively , and when I got to the finals, I found myself at the top of the list,” says Maria.

According to her, the marathon gave her a certain knowledge base and a lot of experience. And although Maria had previously been involved in environmental activities, she now has a global understanding of the problems, specific goals and objectives and opportunities for the sustainable development of volunteer activity have appeared.

And of course, Isaeva plans to take part in the event again this year, although the organizers have not yet announced even the dates for the marathon in 2018.

In the Year of Volunteering, we want to make a really big story, reformat the event so that participants don’t just do good deeds, but scale up best practices and become volunteers of the most effective NGOs on an ongoing basis. This is a lot of work, but it is necessary,” Sutormina emphasized.

This means we should expect something truly grandiose.

Helping other people makes us happier - this has been proven by scientists. Participants of the Gifted Children portal have probably experienced the joy of doing good deeds more than once. And if you suddenly did not have such an opportunity, then be sure to take part in the all-Russian event “Marathon of Good Deeds”, which starts on November 1 and is supported by the Presidential Grants Fund.

The results of the marathon will be summed up monthly. The winners will earn GIFTS, receive vouchers to the PatriUm summer school, as well as valuable gifts.

The All-Russian event “Marathon of Good Deeds” takes place in two categories: “Initiative” and “Action”.

Participate every month in the marathon and win:

Grand Prix of the month- Tablet PC

in nomination "Initiative":

1st place - 1000 GIFTS

2nd place - 750 DARs

III place - 500 GIFTS

in nomination "Action":

1st place - 2000 GIFTS

2nd place - 1500 GIFTS

III place - 1000 GIFTS

Nomination "Initiative"

To take part in the nomination "Initiative", you need to propose a project idea that can be implemented in the region in one of 14 areas:

The nomination participant must present a project justifying its purpose and relevance, methods of implementation, and expected results. The work should be presented in text form, with a presentation attached if necessary.

Nomination "Action"

If you already have experience implementing an initiative in one of the 14 proposed areas, then you can take part in the nomination "Action", preparing a report on the work done in the form of photographs, videos and presentations.

Please note that for participation in the “Action” nomination, you will be awarded twice as many GIFTS as for works sent in the “Initiative” nomination.

The project team will talk about the best initiatives and actions monthly on the Gifted Children portal in the School of Good section, and present the most interesting initiatives and projects to regional media.

We draw your attention to the possibility of collaboration among marathon participants. Each of you will be able to implement a project proposed by another marathon participant. In this case, the authors of the good deed will be awarded additional GIFTS.

How to properly format marathon competition entries:

We wish good luck to the participants!

The competition was implemented using a grant from the President of the Russian Federation provided by the Presidential Grants Foundation.

Acceptance of marathon works for December 2019

Results of the marathon for November 2019:

The time has come to sum up the first results of the All-Russian event “Marathon of Good Deeds” that started on November 1st.

During this time, 50 competitive works were received, most of which were in the “Action” category.

Schoolchildren from 23 regions of Russia took part in the marathon and proposed ideas for their projects in 11 areas.

They say that if a person has kindness, humanity, sensitivity, goodwill, then he has succeeded as a person. Mercy, the ability to rejoice for others and empathize, love for one's neighbor create the basis of human happiness. We are all a part of this life. If we become better, life will become better.

All your projects confirm these words.

For example, Milena Tsygankova from the Rostov region and the Green Palms team from the Republic of Karelia provide assistance to shelters for homeless animals.

And Semyon Bordenyuk from Bashkortostan, Egor Klepikov from the Novosibirsk region, Karina Pashkova from the Kurgan region, Igor Domnikov and Nikita Bochko from the Rostov region pay attention to the environmental problem in their projects, making the world around us cleaner.

Patriotic projects deserve special attention: helping veterans, perpetuating the memory of participants in the Great Patriotic War. These are projects by Daria Temareva from the Tula region, Varvara Potekhina from the Moscow region, Maria Mandruema from the Novosibirsk region.

We thank all participants in the all-Russian event “Marathon of Good Deeds” and announce the names of the November winners.

Nomination "Action"

2nd place – Polina Tyutyunnik

3rd place – Anastasia Ustinova

Unfortunately, so far the expert jury has not been able to identify from the works submitted to the “School of Good Deeds” those that could be nominated for first place and on the Grand Prix, as well as in nomination "Initiative".

But we are confident that in December you will send such projects, the content and design of which will allow you to be recognized as the best.

Feel free to use presentations and videos in your work in which you share your good deeds. Add a little emotion and accuracy when designing your work. And then you will definitely be able to convince the members of the expert jury that your good deed is worthy of the grand prix.

We draw your attention to the fact that, in which the jury members will tell you how best to design the project. We decided to hold such a webinar because we want to teach you how to design your work so that not only your actions, not only your actions, but also the design of your projects become better.

On August 1, the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation launched the all-Russian event “Marathon of Good Deeds”, dedicated to the Year of the Volunteer in Russia. As part of the campaign, it is planned to collect the most successful volunteer and charity projects on one site and replicate them in the regions of Russia in the format of an exciting online quest with the participation of active citizens from all over the country.

As the initiator of the action, Chairman of the Commission for the Development of Public Diplomacy, Humanitarian Cooperation and Preservation of Traditional Values, said, the marathon will be held in two stages. From August 1 to October 1, the website dobrodela.rf will host a collection of projects from non-profit organizations and volunteer associations.

The organizers encourage civil activists to find the most creative non-profit practices in their city and report them to the idea bank organized on the project website. Based on the results of these two months, the leading cities in terms of the number of creative non-profit initiatives will be named.

“We need to interest both young people and citizens of all ages in such an important area as the third sector, without which life today is unthinkable and which performs enormous social, humanitarian, and cultural tasks. To do this, we try to make our tasks in a playful form - the action is traditionally held in the format of a quest. But at the same time, in the Year of the Volunteer, it is important for us to identify truly successful non-profit projects that, with the help of our campaign, can systematically develop in all regions of the country. Therefore, this year the marathon is of interest not only to citizens who want to try their hand at volunteering and win valuable prizes, but also to representatives of NGOs who want to replicate and popularize their experience,” said Sutormina.

The second stage of the promotion will take place from October to December. During this period, participants will have to try their hand at implementing the best non-profit initiatives of varying degrees of complexity in their city and compete for the title of the kindest Russian and the kindest city in the country. However, the share structure will remain the same.

Participants who want to win the main prize of the promotion - two tickets to anywhere in Russia - will have to complete at least one task in each of the five stages. To confirm the completion of the task, you will need to take a photo or video of its progress and send it for review to moderators, who assign points and give access to the next tasks and stages to successful participants.

Also this year, a rewards store will be introduced as part of the promotion. Participants will be able to exchange points received for completed tasks for prizes with the symbols of the Year of the Volunteer, as well as take part in drawings for special prizes from the partners of the event.

Traditionally, as part of the campaign, ratings of the kindest participants, the kindest cities and the kindest schools will be compiled. Also this year, the kindest regions will be determined for the first time. When compiling the rating of participants, the number of points scored, as well as the quality of the tasks completed, will be taken into account. In turn, the ratings of cities and regional schools will be compiled based on the total number of points scored by residents and students as part of the campaign.

Let us remind you that the all-Russian event “Marathon of Good Deeds” has been held by the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation since 2016 with the support of Rosmolodezh. During this time, over 110 thousand Russians became its participants, who performed more than 60 thousand good deeds for the benefit of society.

In 2017, the event was held with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, and this year its implementation is included in the plan of main events for the Year of the Volunteer in the Russian Federation.

The #Marathon of Good Deeds has started - an all-Russian environmental quest, the main task of which is to consolidate the norm of responsible attitude towards nature in society. Deadline June 1, 2017.

Organizers: Rospatriototsentr, Association of Volunteer Centers with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

All residents of Russia, regardless of age, can participate. By the way, for volunteer associations and businesses, participation in the marathon is not only a unique experience, but also an opportunity to make themselves known throughout the country. You can also participate in the marathon as a team.

#MarathonofGoodDeeds is an event for leaders who are ready to give society a powerful impetus for change. Every spontaneous landfill, wasted tree and wasted exhaustible resource is a responsibility that weighs heavily on our shoulders, and a situation that we will begin to change today. Join our ranks, create, share your experience with the whole country and create a new norm in relation to nature!

The marathon distance is:

  • 30 tasks that will give you the vector of movement
  • 5 stages that you have to conquer
  • 100 threats to nature that will become a thing of the past thanks to you
Our official VKontakte group: , .

Everyone who completes 5 stages (completes at least one task in each of them), in fact, will already win and receive memorable prizes. But the kindest participant, who will receive our main prize - 2 tickets to anywhere in Russia, will be determined by the action's expert council from the shortlist. Based on the results of the marathon, not only the kindest city and the kindest Russian will be determined, but also the kindest school.

To participate in the marathon, register and get access to your personal account. After registration, you will have access to the tasks of the first stage. Choose one of them or come up with your own. Complete the task, take a photo of the results, or publish a story about the completed task on your social media page with the hashtag #Marathon of Good Deeds. Tell the organizers about the completed task through your personal account. Using the “Tell about completion” button, you can send a link to a post on social networks or photos with short information about the task you completed. As soon as the organizers receive an email from you with information about the completed task, they will immediately give you access to the next stage.