Route of the cruiser Admiral Kuznetsov. “Kuzya” is in a hurry to go to work, or “Kuzka’s mother” is in full growth. Putin laid out the route for Admiral Kuznetsov

A solemn welcome was given to the crews of warships who returned from a long voyage to the shores of Syria. Behind us are 18 thousand nautical miles and several months of successful service far from our homeland. The aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov" and the nuclear-powered missile cruiser "Peter the Great" did their job - they helped destroy many terrorist targets. Congratulations from the command, the award ceremony and, of course, the impatience of the family.

18 thousand nautical miles behind. And it seems like it’s just a stone’s throw from home. But that’s why they are military sailors, because their whole life is subject to regulations. But there was no command to go ashore.

Formation on board the heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral Kuznetsov. Right in the large hangar - where just a week ago the ship's main arm, planes and helicopters were located - today the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy is awarding the crew as participants in the combat operation in Syria.

The results of the campaign in Syria are impressive. 420 combat missions in a rapidly changing environment. More than a thousand strikes on terrorist targets. All targets were successfully hit.

For “Admiral Kuznetsov” this long-distance voyage became the eighth in a row. Using the usual route across the Atlantic, the English Channel and Gibraltar, he made the transition to the Eastern Mediterranean, but he no longer fought with a conventional enemy, as was the case before, but with a real one. Moreover, both as an aircraft carrier and as a full-fledged surface cruiser.

The trip to the shores of Syria generally caused a lot of noise. Either they refused to refuel the aircraft carrier group in Spain and Malta, or NATO ships and planes did not give us peace. But nothing, says the commander of the Admiral Kuznetsov, they managed.

“Our nerves are like ropes. Our weapons are with us. We have our planes on board. They are combat ready, so we are not afraid of such NATO tickling. The main thing is to know your business and always be combat-ready, which is what we showed on our cruise,” says the commander of the cruiser “Admiral Kuznetsov” Sergei Artamonov.

For as long as the ship has existed, people have been arguing about who is in charge here - the sailors or the pilots. But participation in the operation in Syria put everything in its place. An aircraft carrier is a single organism, on whose coordinated work much depends. Combat pilots on the familiar Su-33 and the latest carrier-based MiG-29 fighters destroyed terrorist equipment and warehouses at the height of the operation to liberate Aleppo. All this time, conditions for aviation flights were provided on board the aircraft carrier. And from the board missile cruiser“Peter the Great” carried out both air defense of our aircraft and protection of the entire strike force.

“This campaign was unique from the point of view of technical readiness. All eight boilers, all main power plant ship in service. The military-patriotic spirit of the group’s personnel is worthy of the highest respect. The personnel are ready to carry out any assigned combat missions,” emphasized Vladimir Korolev, Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy.

It seems that everything is ready for the sailors to meet at home. For family and friends, it was four months of worry. And complete ignorance - what is there, beyond the horizon.

"You can only call landline phone, but we don’t have it, but mobile connection prohibited on board ship; when there is no information, the worst thing is, everyone learned only from TV,” says Irina Domracheva.

The long journey is over. Irina was finally able to see her husband. Even if not for long, just a few minutes and right on the ship. This is the service - they will let everyone go. But not at once.

“Of course I missed you. I went to bed, got up - all the time I thought about my family, about my wife, about my children - I think the same way as any crew member. We really value those who are waiting for us on the shore,” said Alexey Domrachev, deputy commander of the cruiser “Admiral Kuznetsov”.

But those who are lucky enough to set foot on earth today will remember these moments for a long time, how they returned to their native shores as heroes.

The Russian Ministry of Defense claims that this was done “under pressure from the United States and NATO,” since the Admiral Kuznetsov is heading to the shores of Syria to participate in the Russian military operation. The State Duma of the Russian Federation criticized the decision of the Spanish authorities, but the Russian embassy in Madrid urged not to dramatize the situation. The ship that changed its route, according to experts, has the opportunity to refuel in other places.

Yesterday, ships from the aircraft carrier group of the Northern Fleet of the Navy, led by the cruiser Admiral Kuznetsov, passed the English Channel and moved towards Gibraltar. Their route and tasks, according to the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov, are in “closed envelopes with the inscription “Top Secret”.” However, as the Spanish Foreign Ministry previously reported, on October 28 the ships were supposed to arrive at the port of Ceuta (an enclave in North Africa). The corresponding permit, as noted in Madrid, was issued back in September.

However, when news of the ships' imminent arrival in Ceuta hit the press, Spain was criticized by its NATO allies. Alliance Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg noted that under other conditions he would have nothing against refueling Russian ships, but is now extremely concerned that “they could be used to attack Aleppo.” Similar statements were made by politicians and military personnel from the UK and the USA.

In Spain itself, the most vocal opposition to the entry of Russian ships into Ceuta was in the Left Republican Party of Catalonia. Their press service confirmed to Kommersant that members of the Spanish Congress demanded deputies from this party from the acting. O. Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Garcia-Margallo and acting. O. Defense Minister Pedro Morenes to explain why those participating in the Syrian operation Russian ships are serviced within a NATO country. Kommersant's interlocutor said that the request was based on information previously published by a number of foreign media. In particular, the American publication The Huffington Post reported that on October 16, refueling in Ceuta was carried out by small rocket ships"Green Dol" and "Serpukhov", as well as the tugboat SB-36. MPs hope that ministers will soon attend hearings in parliamentary committees.

At first, the authorities in Ceuta were dismayed by what was happening. Since 2011, more than 60 people have visited the port of the enclave, according to the El Pais newspaper. Russian ships. "Criteria for admission to Ceuta - security environment, the city and its population,” The Spain Report quotes sources in the port administration. But under a barrage of criticism, the Spanish Foreign Ministry announced yesterday that it was “reconsidering the decision based on the results of consultations.” And by mid-day, El Pais, citing diplomatic sources, reported: permission to refueling will be recalled if it is confirmed that the ships are heading to Syria. Without waiting for a solution, the Russian authorities themselves abandoned this idea. “We confirm that the ships will not enter the port of Ceuta because the route has changed,” said the Russian Embassy in Spain.

Embassy press secretary Vasily Nioradze, in a conversation with Kommersant, urged not to dramatize the situation. “Coordination of such port calls is a routine process,” he noted. “We send a request in advance, and when making a decision, it is taken into account international law and requirements of the host country. This decision has been made now, in other cases it will be different."

The official representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Igor Konashenkov, put the emphasis differently: according to him, the Russian department provided for the possibility of “in agreement with the Spanish side, a business call (to Ceuta.— "Ъ") individual ships or support vessels from a ship group." But, according to him, no official requests from the Ministry of Defense were sent to Madrid. At the same time, Mr. Konashenkov said: "Representatives of the Spanish leadership reported that due to pressure on them from the United States and NATO, the entry of Russian ships into the port of Ceuta is inappropriate." The Spanish authorities have not made such statements publicly.

The Spanish Foreign Ministry did not respond yesterday to Kommersant's request about whether Madrid fears a deterioration in relations with the Russian Federation due to the latest decisions. At the same time, the State Duma said yesterday that trust in Spain has been undermined. “Halfway through the journey they tell us that we have changed our minds. This is some kind of setup,” Deputy Chairman of the Defense Committee Alexander Sherin (LDPR) was indignant in a conversation with Interfax.

The European Union greeted the news from Madrid with enthusiasm. “The EU clearly and unanimously condemns Russia’s systematic bombing of civilians in Aleppo—Russia is prolonging the suffering of the Syrian people and preventing a solution to the problem,” former Belgian Prime Minister, leader of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) faction in the European Parliament, Guy, told Kommersant. Verhofstadt.—So the Spanish government did the right thing when it demanded clarification from Russia about the role "Admiral Kuznetsov" in the Syrian conflict." According to Kommersant's interlocutor, in the end a signal was sent to everyone: "Not a single EU country provides support to the military, which bombs civilians and destabilizes the situation in the entire region."

Director of the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies (CAST) Ruslan Pukhov did not see a tragedy in changing the route of Admiral Kuznetsov. “We may well refuel in Algeria or Malta. I’m betting on Algeria, since Malta is an EU member and will experience the same problems as Spain,” he told Kommersant. At the same time, according to the expert, the upcoming arrival of the Admiral Kuznetsov group in Syria is unlikely to radically change the balance of power in the region, but will allow Russia to increase its international prestige. “The French are using an aircraft carrier in that region because they do not have a base, we have one,” the expert noted. “The purpose of the Kuznetsov’s campaign is most likely training. Pilots of carrier-based aircraft need to train, and Syria provides the opportunity to do this in combat conditions." CAST expert Andrei Frolov adds that Kuznetsov’s campaign also has an “advertising component”: “India is considering whether to buy MiG-29K/KUB carrier-based fighters for future aircraft carriers, and demonstrating their capabilities in Syria will help make a decision faster.”

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Putin laid out the route for Admiral Kuznetsov

A ship carrier group of the Russian Navy, led by the heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral Kuznetsov, heading to the Mediterranean, entered the English Channel on Friday on its way to the Atlantic, the BBC reports. In the published security video, taken from a long distance, two fighter jets are visible on the deck of the aircraft carrier, ready to take off.

The special piquancy of the situation is that the aircraft carrier group of the Russian Navy is heading to the shores of Syria precisely through the English Channel. The route is clearly not a combat route, since in war conditions such capital ships in these narrow spaces they would be instantly destroyed. Moreover, there is another route - bypassing the British Isles from the north - past Iceland, which Russian ships usually use. It was there that one could calmly go out into the vastness of the Atlantic without attracting much attention.

And, therefore, it was precisely in order to attract maximum attention that such an indicative route was chosen. The decision is undoubtedly not so much a navigational one as a political one. Moreover, probably accepted in fact high level. Therefore, applause for Vladimir Putin personally in this case will clearly not be out of place.

The artistry with which he squeezes the maximum possible out of any situation, turning it to the maximum benefit of Russia, cannot but evoke justified admiration. Special thanks to the BBC television company, which did its best and, with the help of helicopters, showed the whole world the power of the Russian fleet.

Thus, the West has been given the opportunity to make sure in the most visual way that Russia is far from being the cardboard scarecrow that some people continue to portray it as in the old fashioned way. And quite real powerful military force which, like it or not, will have to be taken into account. Yes, Russia currently has only one ship of this class. But this is also a lot. Especially considering the fact that at present the fleet of the same “mistress of the seas” Great Britain does not have a single aircraft carrier in its combat formation, France has only one elderly Charles de Gaulle, and the rest of Europe does not even have that. There is also, of course, the United States with its aircraft carrier armada. But today it is time for this country to think not so much about confrontation with Russia at sea, but rather about solving world problems together with it and for mutual benefit. For now, as they say in Odessa, trams are running...

And as for the fact that our “Kuzya” smokes, it’s “the smoke of the fatherland.”

And the “non-brothers” who are especially vomiting over that smoke (“THE HORROR OF THE RUSSIAN FLEET. “ADMIRAL KUZNETSOV” WORKS ON CAR TIRES!”) are vomiting in vain.

Even our hedgehogs answer them:

“I just don’t know how to live now. Everything is so bad.

The aircraft carrier runs on tires. How can you look people in the eye now? I'll go lie in the bushes alone. No! I’ll give up everything and go to Ukraine. They just say that a residence permit in Ukraine is given under the condition of those who take with them a couple of kilos of paint - in order to paint “Ukraine” at least a little.

And the West may regret making jokes about “Admiral Kuznetsov”

The Russian carrier group of the Northern Fleet, led by the heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral Kuznetsov, continues to move towards the Mediterranean Sea. In the comments under the video of the sea procession, which is rapidly spreading online, foreign users make fun of the strong clouds of smoke that the cruiser emits into the air. Federal agency News spoke with an expert about why such a reaction is commonplace and why such “smoky” behavior of “Kuznetsov” is the norm.

The video shows how power point"Kuznetsova" is vigorously releasing smoke into the sky. There were immediately wits online who joked about environmental damage and the fact that the aircraft carrier caught fire.

"There is wild laughter at NATO headquarters. To find and destroy Russian aircraft carrier, the alliance pilots won’t even need radars, since the smoke can be seen 50 kilometers away. Easy prey"- this is the approximate tone and level of comments from the “experts”. Who seem to be trying to hide their fear inspired by “Admiral Kuznetsov” behind attacks on smoke screens. It, like most Soviet warships, looks aggressive, impressive and many times more dangerous than American ones.

Let's start with the fact that this is a heavily armed cruiser. It carries 12 Granit anti-ship missiles with a range of 600 kilometers, 256 Kortik missiles, 192 Kinzhal missiles, 48 ​​thousand shells for six-barreled guns and several dozen aircraft and helicopters as a nice bonus. The cruiser has four steam turbines, eight boilers the size of two floors and a whole bunch of diesel generators. It would be strange if, despite all this, such a colossus did not release smoke in significant volumes.

"This is a diesel steamer, it smokes and smokes. What's wrong? For military equipment This - ordinary thing, no one here has ever thought about environmental standards. They have a completely different task. Well, the ship was created in the early 90s, it is clear that no one paid attention to such things. In addition, in the 90s we ran out of money for the shipbuilding program. In the ship group next to it is the Peter the Great, from which no smoke comes out at all, and two modern destroyers, from which no steam comes out either. It is clear that if we can even talk about analogues of “Admiral Kuznetsov” in the USA, then American cruisers atomic, they don't smoke"- comments military expert Dmitry Litovkin.

The heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser "Admiral Kuznetsov" is the only ship of this class in the Russian Navy.

It is clear that Russia does not yet have another “Kuznetsov”, and even a newer one. But in the future everything will be fixable. Now our fleet, at a minimum, needs experience in operating an aircraft carrier and especially carrier-based aircraft.

“Remember that the aircraft-carrying cruiser Kuznetsov would be followed by nuclear cruiser"Ulyanovsk", which would not have smoked either, but due to the difficult economic situation, it was dismantled on the slipway in the early 90s. But the next aircraft carrier, the Storm, which is planned to be laid down after 2020, will also be nuclear-powered and will not smoke. For the first time, the ship comes out with a full air wing and can be used for its intended purpose. There are modernized Su-33s that can use high-precision weapons, the latest MiG-29s that can sink the NATO fleet with anti-ship missiles. This is what is most important in maritime affairs, and not the philistine reaction,"- adds the FAN expert.

Now the cruiser "Admiral Kuznetsov" is heading to the shores of Syria to help carry out the anti-terrorist operation.

So the West would do well to remember “He who laughs last laughs best”...

Yuri Selivanov,