Modeling business processes in the process of personnel management. Personnel Management. General framework of HRM

In conclusion, we will consider the categories of business processes responsible for the development and management of personnel.

    Creation and management of personnel strategy. This category includes business processes that ensure the determination of organizational strategy requirements, determination of personnel costs and personnel requirements, and determination of the role of personnel in the organization.

    Implementation of the strategy in current work. This category includes analysis, development and revision of jobs; defining and organizing work results and how to measure them; determining the qualifications required for jobs.

    Personnel management. Personnel management, as a subcategory of personnel management, includes planning and forecasting workforce needs; development of career growth plans; search, selection and hiring of employees; creation and organization of teams (teams); transfer of employees to another place of work; restructuring and bringing staff numbers into line; management of employee retirement processes; assistance in transferring to another organization in case of staff reduction.

    Development and retraining of personnel. This category takes on new meaning in a dynamically changing business environment. This includes aligning the development needs of the employee and the organization; development and management of training and retraining programs; development and management of employee career guidance programs; development of functional and process skills/qualifications, development of management and leadership skills of staff, as well as teamwork skills.

    Management of achievements, bonuses and rewards for employees. This category is decisive for the formation of organizational culture and motivation of employees to work. It includes: defining criteria for assessing employee performance; development of feedback and approaches to employee performance management; team performance management; evaluating work in terms of market value and in terms of intrinsic utility; development and management of basic and additional wages (and other types of compensation); management of bonus and award programs, as well as status and privileges.

6. Ensuring employee health and satisfaction, the need for the existence of this category of business processes arises from the new management paradigm and the value of humans as a key resource of any organization. This category includes: managing employee job satisfaction; development of support and assistance mechanisms at work and in the family; managing and maintaining additional employee benefits from work; health care and safety management; management of internal communications; managing the structure of the workforce and maintaining its heterogeneity (male/female ratios, old/young, etc.).

    Ensuring employee motivation and involvement in the work process. Business process management in this category is especially important for the successful implementation of any organizational change and the full implementation of business process management.

    Managing relations with trade unions. This category includes business processes for managing mutually beneficial relationships with the team and cooperation with the organization’s trade union.

    Development of personnel management information systems. This category includes all business processes associated with the organization’s development of standards for the presentation and storage of personnel accounting data; development and commissioning of enterprise information systems; receiving, collecting, storing, changing and updating information; personnel document management; assessment and audit of information quality.

The theory of business process management in the field of personnel management should find practical application in the work of personnel management services. As a result of this, existing human resource management business processes will be improved and new ones will be introduced, such as the development and implementation of a unified personnel policy, selection and comprehensive testing of candidates for vacant positions, formation of internal and external personnel reserves, employee career management, assessment of personal and psychological characteristics of management, Conducting intensive training on intergroup interaction and teamwork skills.

In modern conditions, most stable enterprises structure their business processes, including in the field of HR management: it is much easier to work according to a clearly described scheme.

After the reorganization at our enterprise was completed and it reached the “break-even point,” we decided to streamline the work of each specialist, including the activities of the recruiter.

Recruitment of employees is a key activity of the personnel management service (HR department), because the formation of a team begins with the search and selection of the people the company needs. Let us tell you in more detail how the recruiting process is streamlined at our company.

In order to improve the quality of human resource management and the efficiency of the internal recruiter, the Regulations “On the search, selection and hiring of personnel” were developed. This document describes the recruiting business process: it regulates the entire chain of actions of the recruiter, establishes the rules of interaction on recruitment issues between the HR department and other departments.

The business process of searching, selecting and hiring personnel at our enterprise consists of nine stages ( scheme):

Scheme of the business process “Search, selection and hiring of personnel”

Click image for a larger view

Stage 1. Submission by the customer to the HR department of an application for the selection of a candidate. The recruiting process begins with the customer (the head of the structural unit) filling out an application form for the selection of a candidate. We consider the main requirements: 1) work experience; 2) possession of the necessary skills; 3) knowledge of a foreign language (in some positions). The application also indicates preferences for the gender and age of the candidate. The completed application is endorsed by the director of the enterprise.

Stage 2. Search/selection of personnel. To ensure that all employees involved in personnel selection clearly understand the selection criteria, the recruiter analyzes the application and clarifies:

  • the name of the vacancy, in which structural unit it is open;
  • the reason for the vacancy;
  • to whom does the specialist in this position report/number of subordinates;
  • functional responsibilities;
  • basic requirements for candidates.

The customer is obliged to clearly justify the requirements for the applicant specified in the application:

  • age restrictions;
  • mandatory level of education (specialization, qualifications, availability of special training, etc.);
  • required work experience (areas of activity, title of position, department within which the specialist could previously work);
  • highly specialized professional skills (level of computer knowledge, knowledge of foreign languages, experience in driving vehicles, etc.).

The executive must know what professional skills for a given position are necessary, what are desirable, what business and personal qualities an employee should have. This is important in order to correctly analyze the job (position).

Having a clear understanding of the manager’s requirements for the future employee, the nuances of work, the peculiarities of the microclimate in the team of the structural unit and the corporate culture of the enterprise as a whole, the recruiter forms job profile, which includes the following information:

  • age restrictions (reasonable);
  • preferences based on marital status and the presence of children, their age (for example, family people do not always agree to frequent business trips);
  • educational requirements;
  • presence of bad habits (the company’s corporate culture does not accept them);
  • health status;
  • work experience requirements;
  • the required level of knowledge, skills and abilities;
  • personal characteristics.

An example of a job profile is given in table 1.

Table 1. Job profile “customer service specialist”


from 18 to 40 years old

Family status


Having children

acceptable over three years


preferably higher

Bad habits

smoking is undesirable

Health status

general diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system (disability group II–III), diabetes (initial stage) are acceptable


from three months

Knowledge, abilities, skills

Communication skills


A culture of speech

Ability to use intonation to color speech


Computer work

at user level

Print speed

over 120 characters per minute


above average

Language skills:





basic level (reading, business correspondence)

Ability to adhere to regulations and follow instructions


Personal characteristics



Communication skills

Motivation to achieve



Process orientation


Stress resistance


After creating a job profile, the recruiter develops and approves it with his immediate supervisor set of events on searching/selecting candidates (for example, see table 2), which includes:

  • formation of a position profile;
  • selection of sources of attraction;
  • writing an advertisement for a vacancy (for posting in the media, the Internet, etc.);
  • preparing questions for a structured interview (when filling highly specialized vacancies, for example, when selecting a computer network administrator).

Table 2. A set of measures for selecting an accountant (uncategorized)





Formation of a position profile



Preparing questions for a structured interview


Selection of testing methods


Posting a vacancy announcement in print media

“Evening Makeevka”, “Hello”, “Wanted for work”, “Proletarka”, “Kirovka”, “Kalinovka”


Searching for candidates using mini-resumes in print media

“Don and Bas Salon”, “Work plus Career”, “Theme”, “Assorted”


Posting job advertisements:
near large manufacturing enterprises;
in crowded places;
on the territory of the enterprise

Advertisements on the street


Search for a candidate in the personnel reserve (internal and external)

Personnel reserve


Contacting recruitment agencies

"Format", "Sirius", "Dialog-service", "Phoenix"


Using personal dating


Direct search (initiative appeals directly to potential candidates)

Personal contacts (established base)

During the vacancy closing period


Depending on the requirements for the vacancy, selection sources are selected:

  • existing employees (including personnel reserve);
  • young specialists who have successfully completed an internship (practice) at our enterprises;
  • external search;
  • a database of former employees of the enterprise who resigned of their own free will or were dismissed for reasons that do not call into question the professional and personal qualities of the employee (for example, due to staff reduction);
  • resume database accumulated by the recruiter;
  • cooperation with employment centers (Donetsk, Makeevka, Lugansk and Lugansk region);
  • cooperation with personnel and recruiting agencies;
  • cooperation with universities, secondary specialized educational institutions, vocational schools;
  • personnel leasing (for temporary work);
  • direct search.

To select candidates for vacant positions of department heads and for some other positions (auditor, assistant manager, etc.), psychological testing is carried out, which confirms the presence of the most important professional and personal qualities for a given position (its own set of tests for each vacancy) . To test candidates, the HR department psychologist uses:

  • Cattell's multifactorial personality research technique ( Raymond B. Cattell);
  • Keirsey questionnaire ( Joh# Keirsey);
  • G. Eysenck test ( Hans Eysenck, adaptation by A. Shmelev);
  • diagnostics of achievement motivation by A. Mehrabyan ( Albert Mehrabian),
  • interpersonal diagnosis T. Leary ( Timothy Leary) and etc.

Stage 3. Initial selection of personnel for the announced vacancy. Thanks to well-established work in accordance with the personnel attraction plan, we receive a daily flow of candidate resumes. All of them are analyzed, information about applicants is entered into the database. If the candidate meets the basic requirements of the position, the recruiter conducts a preliminary interview with him by telephone.

Based on the results of the telephone interview, the applicant for the position is invited to a meeting. First, he fills out the “Candidate Application Form” ( Annex 1), then the recruiter conducts an interview, based on the results of which he concludes that the candidate meets the requirements of the position. If the assessment is positive, the applicant is allowed to proceed to the next stage of the selection procedure.

The recruiter coordinates the dates and times of all interviews (testing) with the customer and the psychologist (if necessary, with the head of the security service, manager or his first deputy).

Stage 4. Psychological testing(if provided). Based on the test results, the psychologist of the personnel management department gives a conclusion that reflects the compliance of the candidate’s psychological characteristics with the requirements of the vacant position, his strengths and weaknesses, and possible difficulties in adapting to a new workplace.

An example of a psychologist's conclusion based on testing results is given in Appendix 2.

Appendix 2

Candidate assessment results

FULL NAME.: Ivanova E. I.
Job title: legal adviser

Personal block

The type of nervous system is medium-strong, nervous processes are highly mobile. A person is able to perform both intensive and monotonous work equally successfully.

General level of intelligence: above average. The speed of thinking is high, sufficient for effective work as a legal adviser.

The type of temperament is normosthenic: the examined candidate is equally characterized by the traits of all basic temperaments.

Personality traits are noticeably expressed: sociability, independence, independence, friendliness, emotionality, anxiety, inconstancy, optimism, activity.

Avoids conflict situations.

She has demonstrated organizational skills and has the makings of a leader: she can not only accurately carry out assigned tasks, but also make independent decisions, set goals and find ways to achieve them. He has an active life position, is quite responsible and self-critical about the results of his work.

She is inclined to carry out assignments with a significant amount of creativity. Independent, inventive, ambitious.

Motivational block

Key motives in the individual motivation structure: “Creativity”, “Profession”. Specialists with the key motive “Creativity” strive for work that allows them to show initiative, intelligence, imagination, inventiveness and realize creative abilities through work. They are very sensitive to praise, approval, and support from management. The opportunity to put their ideas and projects into practice is of great importance to them. It is better not to apply penalties to this category of workers; it is advisable not to punish initiative and creativity. The intensity and quality of work can be significantly influenced by the motivation system. Such employees usually show high loyalty to the company if it provides them with the opportunity to realize their creative abilities (the degree of loyalty depends on the interest that the work arouses in them).

Ivanova E.I. is focused on professional activity (motive “Profession”), strives for career growth through constant improvement of her knowledge and skills, and wants to satisfy her professional ambitions through work. Specialists with the “Profession” motivation, as a rule, estimate the cost of their work realistically, but sometimes they overestimate it. The size of wages can, to certain limits, stimulate the intensity and quality of work.

Has experience of interested, intensive work (“workaholism”). The results on the truthfulness scale are within normal limits.

Criteria for evaluation

Test result (%)

Optimal result (%)

Received deviation (%)

Compliance level

Motive "Work"

Motif "Profession"

Motive "Creativity"

Motif "Power"

Motif "Collective"

Motif "Money"

General level of motivation (GLM)

Signs of a “workaholic” (OSIR)

Inflated self-esteem (ISE)

no more than 30

Financial dependence on work (MH)


Level of compliance of motivation with the intended position



  1. The candidate for the position of legal adviser, E.I. Ivanova, can be assessed as a promising specialist with high intelligence and developed business qualities.
  2. The applicant has demonstrated leadership qualities and has “healthy” ambitions.
  3. Psychological characteristics (primarily the motivational sphere, value orientations) correspond to the profile of the position “legal adviser”.
  1. An applicant for the position of legal adviser, E. I. Ivanova, is recommended for employment as a specialist whose psychological characteristics meet the requirements of the position.
  2. HR Department It is recommended to actively support Ivanova E.I. during the adaptation period (introductory conversation; recommendations for inclusion in the team; answers to questions that arise during the work; assistance in the event of controversial work situations).
  3. For the attention of the manager: the applicant has a fairly clearly expressed motive of “Creativity”; It is advisable not to punish the initiative and creativity of such specialists; The “Collection” method is not recommended for this category of workers.

Stage 5. Interview with the line manager. The recruiter provides the customer with the following information about the candidate:

  • summary;
  • completed “Candidate Application Form”;
  • results of psychological testing (if conducted).

The head of the structural unit is obliged to set a date and time for the interview, which must take place within seven working days, within three working days from the date of provision of information about the candidate. After the interview, the customer is obliged to provide the recruiter with conclusions about the professional level of the candidate and his compliance with the stated requirements within two working days. If the assessment is positive, the person moves on to the next stage of the selection procedure.

During an interview with a potential employee by the customer, the recruiter clarifies the requirements for the vacancy (noting what is more important for the customer: the ability to calculate costs, attentiveness, perseverance, etc.). If a candidate does not have the necessary professional knowledge and skills, the recruiter analyzes the reasons for the discrepancy, adjusts the job profile and selection methods.

Stage 6. Verification of information about the candidate by the company's security service. If the line manager makes a positive decision based on the results of the interview, the recruiter transfers information about the applicant (a copy of the “Candidate Application Form”) to the company’s security service. The security specialist is obliged to check this data within three working days and provide an opinion to the personnel management department. If the review is positive, the candidate is admitted to the next stage of the selection procedure.

Stage 7. Checking references. A specialist from the HR department collects (clarifies) recommendations from the applicant’s previous places of work: his position, functional responsibilities, professional level, references from former colleagues, reasons for dismissal, etc.

Stage 8. Deciding on accepting the candidate. At this stage, the recruiter submits a package of documents for consideration to the director of the enterprise:

  • “Candidate Application Form” form;
  • candidate's resume;
  • results of psychological testing (if conducted);
  • recommendations from the candidate’s previous places of work;
  • conclusion of the Security Council.

The director sets a date and time for an interview with the candidate (or decides to hire him without an interview). If the decision is positive, the recruiter sends the candidate to the HR department to complete the documents.

If a candidate does not meet the requirements of the position at any stage of the selection process, the recruiter thanks the person for responding to the vacancy announcement and politely refuses him. The profile details of the rejected candidate are entered into the database with notes that may later be useful when filling another vacancy.

Stage 9. Applying for a job. If the applicant meets all the requirements of the position, the head of the structural unit agrees with him on the date of actual return to work. In cases provided for by law, a future employee of the enterprise undergoes a medical examination.

Business coach Alexander Sagalovich tells how to organize a company’s personnel management system using a process approach.

Personnel management is not always carried out systematically and on a planned basis. The principles and values ​​that underlie work with personnel may not be formulated or may not be in any way related to the company’s strategy. Incentive systems can be difficult to understand and calculate, and their effectiveness is not monitored.

As a result, the company's performance decreases, staff turnover increases, and some vacancies remain unfilled for many months. The quality of customer service is falling, real personnel costs are rising (even if the wage fund is decreasing).

In this series of articles I want to outline my vision of a personnel management system based on a process approach. It is not academic and I am not offering it as an HR manual. The main goal is to demonstrate the principles on which the personnel management system is built as part of the company’s business processes, integrated into the overall regular management system. The specific HR advice you will find regarding recruiting, motivation, etc. is my personal opinion, the result of experience and training.

Let's define what human resource management is. Michael Armstrong, in his book The Practice of Human Resource Management, puts it this way: “Human resource management (HRM) can be defined as a strategic and coherent approach to managing an enterprise's most valuable asset: the people who work there, who collectively and individually contribute to solving problems. enterprises. At the same time, the main goal of HRM is to ensure that the organization achieves success with the help of people.”

This definition seems to me to be quite consistent with the purposes of this article. Some authors share the concept of HRM and “personnel management”. But in this article this is not important; I will use these concepts as synonyms.

Now a few definitions that I have already given in other articles.

Business process structure is a model of a company’s business processes that reflects the hierarchy of processes and connections between them, departments and the external environment through inputs and outputs. All inputs/outputs have their own supplier/recipient: a process, a department, a specific employee, an external counterparty.

Buisness process- periodically repeated, controlled activity, the result of which is a certain resource that has value for a specific consumer (client). The client can be either internal or external.

Therefore, we will consider first of all the structure of HRM processes, their relationship with each other, other processes and the company’s strategy.

Since the personnel management system contains certain elements that go beyond the definition of business processes, I will use an additional concept. Its working title is universal proceduresA. This is a regulated activity that can be carried out in a similar way within the framework of any project or business process. Its result can be a material or information product that is used further in the process or project.

For example, in programming, some standard function or procedure - say, adding strings - can be used in a variety of cases: when describing classes, objects, other procedures and functions. Examples include the procedures for approving a document and sending an email. These actions can be performed within absolutely any project or process. By themselves, they do not “reach” a separate process, but at the same time, they must be carried out according to certain rules.

The use of such procedures in general can simplify the regulation of processes. They can be described once. When they meet again, in other process regulations, it will be enough to make a link to the required document. Due to this, reading the regulations is simplified, time is saved, and a certain uniformity in activities is achieved.

General framework of HRM

Let's start with the general scheme of human resource management, and we will consistently move along it, looking at its elements using examples.

Briefly, the essence of this HRM system can be expressed as follows:

(1) The company has explicit or implicit visions of activity, strategic goals and objectives that determine the principles and strategic goals of personnel management.

(2) The strategic goals of personnel management in their own determine the specific business processes of HRM.

(3) They also define universal HRM procedures.

(4) In accordance with the rules and principles established in the processes and procedures, specific acts of personnel management are carried out.

(5) In this case, to work with information about personnel, a special database is used (hereinafter referred to as the “Personnel Database”).

Example. The company operates on the principle of calculating the variable part of wages based on individual results in meeting target indicators. This is the upper, strategic part of the system.

As part of the “Manage material motivation” business process, a system for calculating the variable part of wages was developed taking into account basic principles. After the implementation of business processes related to the main activity, the participant and/or owner of which was a specific employee, he did not achieve the planned indicator values.

At the end of the reporting period, a calculation was made within the framework of the “Calculate the variable part of wages” business process. That is, a specific act of fulfilling the process regulations was carried out. Then the minimum premium was issued. Data about this were entered into the “Personnel Database”.

Afterwards, you need to have a conversation with the employee. This is necessary to identify the cause of low results and prevent them in the future. This can be done within the rules of the PDCA Cycle (plan-execute-control-analysis cycle). A conversation with an employee will also be a specific act of this procedure.

Now let's look at the individual elements of the above diagram.

Vision and Strategy

The company's vision, strategy and goals influence all processes related to personnel management. They constitute the basic principles on which specific processes and procedures are built, and they are also necessary for planning and goal-setting of HRM activities.

Two important principles of HRM strategy are:

1. It must be part of the entire company's strategy. All principles and values ​​must be common and not contradict each other. To put it simply, if a company is focused on providing a unique product in the highest price segment, then the HRM strategy should focus on such a product, take into account the high professional level of personnel, low staff turnover, maintaining creative potential, etc.

2. The basic principles of personnel management in terms of hiring, motivation, training, and career management must be specific, clear, and understandable. For example, the principle of bonuses for personnel, defined as “we pay fairly for work,” does not actually express anything concrete for employees. Just like the principle underlying staff training: “we do not skimp on employee training.” And vice versa. The principle “in our company there is no variable part of remuneration, but a constant part is established once a year based on the results of certification,” although it may not correspond to someone’s ideas about the motivation system, it will be simple and understandable. Provided that the principles of certification will also be determined.

It is advisable to express the specific strategic goals of the company in digital form. They are necessary for planning and goal-setting of HRM processes. Growth in production, sales, introduction of new technologies, etc. must be planned in advance not only in terms of equipment, software, marketing campaigns, financing, etc., but also in terms of hiring, training, motivation, and career growth of employees.

Planned values ​​for indicators of personnel management processes should also be related to overall strategic goals.

An example of a strategic plan for working with personnel based on the main points of the company's development plan.

For each cell, we determine the main goals, measures to achieve goals, criteria for achieving goals, planned values ​​of target indicators.

HRM Business Processes

As can be seen from the general diagram above, HRM business processes include those directly related to personnel management - recruitment and selection of personnel, training, career planning, etc. Let me remind you that the list of business processes shown in the diagram is not complete and final. In practice, companies themselves identify certain processes based on their scale, characteristics of management culture, types of activities, etc.

Let's consider a possible diagram of human resource management business processes, as well as the relationship of HRM processes with other processes in the company. It is the observance of these connections through the inputs and outputs of processes, regulated taking into account basic strategic principles, that provides the necessary synergistic effect from the process approach to personnel management.

An example of a personnel business process system for a small company:

Let's take a closer look at the connection between HRM processes and other business processes of the company.

The process of “Selecting and hiring personnel”

Process “Provide training on errors and changes”

The process of “Developing and finalizing a personnel motivation system”

Similarly, the remaining HR processes are interconnected with other business processes of the company.

To be continued.

Alexander Sagalovich

Consultant, business coach.

Experience in various positions in manufacturing, logistics and trading companies.

Since 2003, he has been engaged in teaching and coaching activities. Since 2008, he has been engaged in consulting activities in the field of business process management.

Specialization: business process management systems, warehouse logistics, business process automation, personnel management.

Personnel management is one of the most necessary components in the work of any large enterprise. Among other things, this is a business process that must be organized in such a way that all employees of the enterprise feel comfortable and can work for the benefit of the company.

A business process is usually understood as a periodically repeated sequence of certain procedures, interconnected and aimed at creating certain values ​​for consumers. External resources are actively used to organize a business process.

HR business processes

Business processes should be under the control of only one manager - he is the one responsible for its implementation and the final result. Almost any enterprise usually carries out several business processes at once, which are classified according to certain criteria.

Business processes in the field of personnel management deserve special attention: they are internal and aimed at consumers on staff of the enterprise. To form a process, it is necessary to know everything about the consumer, since the requirements for the operations performed depend on him.

There are several types of processes aimed at developing a business. The business process of personnel management is difficult to classify into any usual classification, since it represents a large number of subprocesses independent from each other: auxiliary, management, etc.

HR process

Modern businessmen strive to stabilize the business they are involved in and make every effort to do this. To do this, it is necessary to create high-quality business processes that represent a clear scheme with the help of which it is easier to carry out work than usual.

Some entrepreneurs do not immediately come to streamline their own activities. This usually happens after a long period of unprofitability, when the only way out of a difficult situation is to reorganize the enterprise. As an additional measure, businessmen streamline (optimize) the work of absolutely all specialists in their enterprise.

All further work of the enterprise depends on the quality selection of employees, which is why selection is the leading activity of the HR department that manages personnel. An orderly process of recruiting and team building will allow you to acquire professional employees.

Business processes related to the search and further hiring of personnel are approved by a number of documents established by enterprise managers. At almost every enterprise, such documents are the same; all recruiters act according to a similar scheme, which, in fact, consists of nine stages.

How do large enterprises choose personnel?

HR processes were created to select quality personnel for businesses.

Recruiting begins with identifying the company's needs

It is necessary to understand what kind of specialists are needed to complete the tasks and projects set by the enterprise.

Submitting applications

After the company has decided on the number of specialists needed and their qualifications, HR department employees are required to submit applications for the selection of a candidate to local government agencies (employment centers, recruitment agencies, etc.). All applications submitted must contain requirements for potential employees (experience, certain skills and abilities, knowledge of foreign languages); some employers also formulate requests, indicating the desired age and gender of candidates. The completed application is signed by the head of the enterprise.

Clarification of applications

To ensure a high-quality business process, HR department employees have to clarify applications submitted by management. All company employees involved in recruiting must understand who exactly should be hired. The specialist must clarify the following points:

  • name of the existing vacancy, its structural unit;
  • the reason for the open vacancy;
  • the place in the organization that will be occupied by the new specialist, his immediate supervisor or the number of subordinates;
  • responsibilities of a new specialist of the enterprise;
  • basic requirements for applicants.

An enterprise intending to find new employees must correctly indicate the requirements for potential candidates:

  • desired age of the employee;
  • the level of education;
  • work experience necessary to fulfill the internal needs of the enterprise;
  • professional skills in a narrow profile (if any).

An HR specialist must have an idea of ​​what professional skills are needed for a particular position, and what qualities (personal and business) a new employee who wants to get a job should have. This is necessary to perform a correct analysis of the position for which a new employee is being sought.

Creating a profile for a vacancy

Only after management has formulated the requirements for the future employee and outlined the conditions under which he will work within the enterprise, HR department specialists must create a general job profile indicating additional information, namely:

  • reasonable age restrictions;
  • preferences based on family status (not all entrepreneurs are ready to hire an employee with small children);
  • education requirements;
  • health and work experience requirements;
  • presence/absence of necessary skills, abilities and knowledge;
  • the presence of certain personal characteristics.

After the profile has been formed, the specialist responsible for this area of ​​work creates a set of measures aimed at finding a new employee. He must endorse this document from the head of the enterprise. After completing this procedure, the profile is sent to the head of the department, who will interview the candidates.

Typically, the list of business process activities to fill a vacancy looks like this:

  • designation of the profile of the position that needs to be filled;
  • identifying the sources through which recruiters will look for a new employee;
  • formation of advertising for further placement on Internet portals, in the media and other multimedia resources;
  • creating a register of questions for a complicated interview (if it is necessary to fill a vacancy of a narrow specialization).

Features of the work of HR specialists in searching for employees

After forming the requirements for an open vacancy, HR specialists within the business process begin to consider various sources from which potential candidates can come to them:

  • the company itself (employees of the personnel reserve);
  • specialists who took part in practical training within the enterprise;
  • search using the media;
  • databases of ex-employees of the company (in this case, only those candidates whose professionalism is not in doubt by management are considered);
  • resume databases created by the HR department;
  • searching for candidates using employment centers and recruitment agencies;
  • searching for employees through trade union organizations of universities and secondary vocational schools;
  • personnel leasing agencies (for temporary work);
  • direct search for specialists.

Human resource management business processes are a rather complex science that requires HR department specialists to find an approach to all candidates for positions within the enterprise.

When considering candidates for filling managerial vacancies, the HR manager should ask them to undergo psychological testing, which helps to identify the presence of the most important personal and professional qualities necessary to work in the company. For such candidates, tests developed by Cattell, Leary, Mehrabian, Eysenck and Keirsey are used.

First job candidates

Thanks to the implementation of these business process measures, every day the company receives a large number of resumes from candidates for certain vacancies. All requests are processed, and the information ends up in special databases. If the candidate is satisfied with the HR manager, he contacts him by phone and invites him for an interview.

In some cases, the HR specialist prefers to conduct an initial interview over the phone, based on the results of which he decides to invite the candidate to the office for a personal interview. There, the applicant is asked to fill out a questionnaire (sometimes there are even several of them), then he must undergo an oral interview, following which the manager decides whether the candidate fits the existing requirements or not. If the interview result is positive, the applicant is allowed to proceed to the next stage of the business process.

Most of all enterprises available today conduct additional psychological tests. Based on the test result, the organization's full-time psychologist is required to write a conclusion and reflect in it the psychological characteristics of the applicant, his compatibility with the proposed position, advantages and disadvantages, in some cases even indicating acceptable difficulties when starting work in a new position.

Linearity of the business process is the key to success

After the applicant has successfully passed an interview with an HR specialist, he moves on to the next step: now he needs to convince the line manager that he is worthy of getting a place in the company. As a rule, business processes that include a second interview are somewhat more complicated than the previous ones, since there are tricky questions on a narrow topic to which the candidate must give adequate answers.

The HR specialist provides the manager with the applicant’s resume, application form and test results. In some cases, the interview with the immediate supervisor is postponed to another day, but most often it is organized directly on the day on which the meeting with the HR department employee is scheduled.

After the interview, the head of the unit or his secretary must notify the candidate of his decision within the next two days. This part of the business process is becoming mandatory in many organizations. When conducting an interview, an employee holding a leadership position tries to find out as much as possible about the potential employee, what motivates him, what he wants to achieve within the enterprise.

Enterprise safety comes first

As soon as the manager makes a decision to hire a particular candidate, all the collected information about him goes to the enterprise security service for verification. This is an obligatory element of the vast majority of business processes, since recently there have been more and more cases of situations where an employee was hired at headquarters, underwent training, and then unpleasant facts were found out about him, for example, a criminal record or a huge number of open loans.

Security officers, having received information about a new employee of the enterprise, are obliged to check all the data received within the next three days and submit an appropriate conclusion to the HR department. If a new employee of a company has a record of major violations of the law, the likelihood that he will get this job and start working is close to zero.

Next, the HR specialist who hired the employee is obliged to check all the recommendations from those places of work that the employee indicated in his own application form. As part of this business process, he will have to call all previous places of work and clarify information: position, responsibilities, professionalism, reasons for dismissal, etc.

Hiring an employee

At the final stage of this business process, a decision is made on hiring the applicant. After the candidate passes all the tests along the way, and the company’s employees see no reason to refuse him, an official decision is made to hire a new employee.

The HR specialist provides his manager with all available information about the new employee. Tom needs to study it and, on this basis, sign the decision to hire the candidate. In some cases, business managers conduct their own interviews with potential employees.

As soon as the head of the company has put his official signature on the decision, the HR manager must send the newcomer to the HR department, where he can draw up all the necessary documents. However, this stage is far from the last in the HR business process; there are several additional parts.

If at one stage or another it turns out that the candidate is not suitable for the open vacancy, the HR specialist will thank him for his response and refuse him. As part of the business process, the candidate’s questionnaire is sent to the database, where it will remain either until the end of the document storage period, or until the potential employee is useful to fill another available vacancy within the enterprise.

Providing a workplace to an employee

After official notification, the employer is obliged to notify the applicant of the start date of employment or internship. According to existing legislation, which is taken into account by the business process, an employee must undergo a medical examination, during which a full diagnosis of his body will be made.

When applying for a job, an employee must provide a whole package of important documents to HR specialists:

  • copy of passport;
  • work book;
  • SNILS;
  • a copy of the higher education diploma (with inserts);
  • photocopy of military ID;
  • several 3x4 photographs (the number depends on the company);
  • a photocopy of marriage and birth certificates of children who are under 18 years of age at the time of hiring the candidate.

Sometimes, as part of this business process, employers require their employees to provide them with a number of additional documents: a medical certificate confirming the examination, a copy of a driver’s license, the first pages of a foreign passport, etc. In some enterprises, this process is organized according to a different principle from others - this is where additional documents are needed.

The new employee is asked to write an application with a request to be hired; it is endorsed by all senior managers, after which it is sent to the HR department, where inspectors formalize the newcomer and create an appropriate order for management to sign. The HR specialist will need to introduce the new employee to a large amount of important documentation:

  • order on admission to the staff;
  • working conditions;
  • employment contract;
  • internal rules;
  • job descriptions;
  • provisions requiring storage of the organization's trade secrets (if any).

Business processes: final phases

Once an employee is on the staff of the enterprise, it may seem that this is where the business recruitment process ends, but this is not so. Next, HR department specialists must help the newcomer adapt to the team and learn how to behave correctly. For this purpose, trainings and seminars are held at which new employees are told about the enterprise, its functionality, opportunities for career and personal growth within the enterprise.

Business processes in this case are divided into a large number of successive stages, among which hiring is the most important. As soon as an employee begins to actively express himself, management can invite him to attend trainings aimed at developing personal and professional qualities.

As part of the existing business process, new employees are actively involved in the life of the enterprise, they are invited to events, holidays, promotions, where they can either participate or watch them as spectators. In this case, it is best for the employee not to refuse, since the team is unlikely to consider it appropriate. The HR specialist must explain to the new employee that the company has its own cultural values ​​and norms of behavior that must be observed. In some cases, this responsibility is assigned to the new employee’s immediate supervisor; you will also need to explain to the newcomer some little everyday details.

Thanks to such a voluminous business process, not a single new employee is left behind. This helps him feel much more comfortable in his new workplace and fulfill the tasks assigned to him by the company. Almost all large organizations have stopped viewing their employees as parts in a machine that can be easily replaced. Some businesses even choose to develop senior executives internally rather than open those positions to outside applicants. The only thing that is required from a new employee in this case is an active desire to develop and work for the benefit of the enterprise. Then he will definitely be noticed by management and begin to move up the career ladder.

Business processes of personnel accounting at LLC “Center for Personnel Technologies”

The created model describes the work of the HR department, one of the results of which is the generation of reports on requests.

A project context diagram is shown in Figure 5. The context includes a description of the modeling purpose, scope (description of what will be considered as a component of the system and what as an external influence) and point of view (the position from which the model will be built).

Project Context Diagram

The detail diagram of the second level of the model is presented in the figure. The blocks on the diagram are placed in a “stepped” pattern according to their dominance - the influence that one block has on the others.

Organization of personnel management.

The first level of decomposition consists of 4 blocks (Figure 6):

· Accounting of employee movements

· Employee competency management

· Accounting for staff leave

Organization of personnel management

Personnel requirements planning

The purpose of personnel planning as resources and costs is to determine the number of employees in positions in departments (in fact, staffing) and determine personnel costs.

Planning of human resource needs will be carried out using a personnel plan, which consists of a staffing table, which determines the planned number of workers in departments, and from the wage fund, which determines the costs of paying (purchasing) labor.

The HR manager will plan personnel needs based on data from the company’s annual plan, current personnel needs, as well as labor market monitoring data. Approval of the personnel plan is the responsibility of the general director of the company.

If a decision is made to open a new vacancy in the organization, the HR manager will draw up a standard configuration document “Change in Personnel Plan”, which indicates the division, projected position, number of rates and planned monthly labor costs. In addition, the HR manager will prepare a job description, job descriptions and job requirements in the HR Plan information register. The prepared draft changes to the personnel plan will be either approved or rejected by the General Director.

Personnel requirements planning

Employee movement tracking

Accounting for work with candidates will be implemented using a personnel selection subsystem designed to document and automate the process of selecting and evaluating candidates carried out by the HR department. Within this subsystem the following functions are provided:

· storage of personal data about candidates as individuals;

· storage of materials that appear in the process of working with candidates, from resumes to survey results;

· planning meetings with candidates and recording decisions made until hiring.

The following tools will be used to work with candidates:

· contact manager, which allows you to carry out the entire recruitment procedure;

· list of candidates;

· events (for recording planned and storing already completed events and their results), candidate registration, candidate interview registration, email, candidate evaluation and probationary period evaluation.

Employee movement tracking

· Personnel assessment based on competencies.

Competence refers to formalized criteria for assessing the qualities of personnel, the assessment of which must be carried out using rating scales. When assessing the qualities of personnel, various rating scales can be used: two-point, three-point, etc.

To describe the criteria for personnel assessment in the information system, the reference book “Employee Competencies” will be used, in which the HR manager will describe the competence and its assessment system.

After describing the competencies in the corresponding directory, it is necessary to specify a set of job competencies for each position.

· Employee certification.

Within the configuration, employee certification means taking into account competency assessments obtained during the employee competency assessment. To register an assessment of the employee’s competence, the “Employee Certification” document will be used. The manager will generate this document automatically, based on the employee’s job competencies.

After completing the documents, the HR manager will be able to generate a report “Evaluation of employee competencies.”

The HR manager will be able to plan certifications, monitor their implementation, and also analyze the distribution of ratings using the “Employee Certification” tool, designed to automate the main work on certifications.

· Training.

Managing employee training is one of the most important tasks of an organization's HR department. Using an automated control system, the following main tasks will be solved:

Identification of training needs;

Drawing up curriculum;

Organization of training;

Assessment of learning outcomes.

Survey and questionnaire tools will be used to identify training needs.

To evaluate training - personnel assessment tools.

To create a monthly training plan for the department and a consolidated plan for the company, a standard configuration document “Planning regular training” will be used. This document will allow you to create a training plan without detailing specific employees of the organization.

The Training Request document will be used to plan the training needs of specific employees.

To reflect the fact of completion of training, the HR manager will automatically generate a document “Complete training course”.

The results of the training planning process using the above documents are displayed in the “Curriculum” report, which is generated automatically based on these documents.

Employee competency management

Personnel leave accounting

Vacation planning is always a compromise between the employee’s right to rest and production necessity. Planning errors can result in employee demotivation or financial costs. Therefore, vacation planning is a delicate task and requires comprehensive information about events during which vacation is undesirable.

The result of vacation planning is a vacation schedule, which is drawn up for 1 year.

To ensure the vacation planning procedure, tools of the standard “Pharaoh” configuration will be used:

Vacation planning document “Vacation Planning”;

Manager tool for approving vacations;

Reports on planned vacations - “Vacation Schedule”, “List of Planned Vacations”.

Employee vacation planning will be carried out by the HR manager based on employee statements about the expected vacation date and a list of events for which the employee’s absence is highly undesirable.

When first posted, the document has the “prepared” status. Then, using the vacation approval tool, the CEO will approve or reject the employee's planned vacation. Based on the approved vacation schedule, employees will be provided with annual paid leave.

Personnel leave accounting

Maintaining the “Employee Accounting” database

· Login - a block that describes the login procedure.

Entering login and password: login requests are received, the user directory is requested. If authentication is successful, control is transferred to the user access rights checking block.

Checking the access rights of a given user: the rights of the specific user who logged into the system are determined (director, database administrator, head of the human resources department).

Granting access: Configures the system interface to grant user access to the system.

· Database maintenance - a block that describes the procedure for maintaining a database.

The block input contains data about employees and the composition of their families. The control actions are reference books and requests for working with the database.

The level of access to the database is also controlled. The data access interface is controlled and provided.

· Generating reports - this block describes the procedures for generating reports based on information requests from users who have the required level of access to the database.