Young specialist with no work experience q node. How to get a job: search, choice and working conditions. Where can a young specialist look for a job? Job course for a young specialist - how to make the right choice

How to find a job for a young specialist

In almost all job descriptions, employers indicate work experience in their specialty as a mandatory requirement for candidates. Those who have not yet managed to obtain the coveted work experience find themselves in a difficult situation: despite a decent education, it is sometimes very difficult to find a job.

Almost every specialist has encountered looking for a job without the necessary experience. Organizations, under various pretexts, refuse employees without experience or offer the applicant a completely unattractive position, sometimes far from his qualifications, and even with tiny ones.

Do you remember how it all began

It is better to start preparing for work as a student (if, of course, there is such an opportunity). You can combine study with part-time work, even if not in your specialty. But you will get real experience in a team, and you will be able to evaluate your own skills to some extent. If you manage to find one that is related to the profession, then after receiving the coveted red or blue crust, it will be much easier to find a job, even if you don’t have work book. You will already have a real idea of ​​the functionality of the position for which you are applying. In addition, you will feel more confident and comfortable when communicating with a potential employer.

It's time to act

Everything that is done for the first time seems difficult. Even if you are not puzzled by the issue of employment as a student, you need to act.

Decide what position you want to hold. “A candidate without work experience must have a clear idea in which area he wants to realize himself. If he chooses the industry in which he wants to develop, half the battle is done,” noted Maria Golobokova, leading recruitment consultant at the Afina agency.

Maybe first you are still ready to work as an assistant or assistant? If yes, then focus on this when searching for a vacancy. Yes, the salary will be small, but you will also gain experience. And this is already a lot.

“When asked by a recruiting manager, “How quickly do you think you will master assistant work and be ready to move to the next level?”, answers are regularly heard that after 3-6 months the candidate already wants to grow further. Most Western companies are not ready to transfer to a new position earlier than after a year. Last time career becomes realistically possible in 1.5-2 years, unless any changes occur within the company. Although, of course, everything always depends on the employee himself,” says Tatyana Vorobyova, head of the department for the selection of administrative and temporary personnel at the recruitment agency Ventra.

But if your perseverance is enviable, and you are determined to find a job in your specialty with a good salary, then get ready for the fact that the search may take a long time. Unfortunately, employers consider the applicant’s experience to be a guarantee that he will not make mistakes, and he will have to explain much less than yesterday’s student.

That's what I told you Tatiana Vorobyova: “HR specialists and potential employees are very afraid that by hiring an employee without experience, they will teach him all the intricacies of the profession, grow him, and at the most inopportune moment he will quit and go to competitors or simply to another employer. And if such a transition is forgiven more quickly for an experienced specialist, then it will be much more difficult for a young employee to prove to his former employer that he was not used as a “donor” of knowledge and skills and was not exchanged at the first opportunity for a new one.”

A Maria Golobokova noted that many IT companies are happy to hire specialists with specialized education, and teach all the intricacies on their own.

Raise your level of professionalism, study specialized literature, develop additional skills useful for work. Pull up, master various computer programs that you didn't know before. Your efforts will not be in vain, because, as you know, you can’t pull a fish out of the pond without work. But nevertheless, do not bury yourself in books - wander the World Wide Web in search of one that suits you, actively send out your resume.

Curriculum vitae, or Just a summary

He needs special attention. CV is yours business card, which will attract the attention of the employer.

Maria Golobokova believes that a lot depends on how the resume is written. It should be logical, clear, understandable. Quite often, an applicant sends two lines about himself, from which it is impossible to find out what kind of education he has and where he wants to apply his knowledge.

The resume must be compiled carefully and competently, it must be of high quality. Indicate the position you are applying for - this way you will initially show yourself as a purposeful person. Write in full the name of the university you graduated from, name the department where you studied, the qualifications you received and your specialty.

According to Anna Dolgacheva, director of development of the personnel center "Imperial", thoughtfully writing a resume will help you better understand what you really can do and know. “All this will make your presentation when meeting with a potential employer more impressive,” noted Anna Dolgacheva.

Next, it is important to draw the employer’s attention to theoretical knowledge - list the subjects that you studied at the university (of course, those that are directly related to the position for which you are applying).

Lyudmila Vinokur, consultant at the AVK Group recruitment agency, emphasizes that an essential factor when hiring is, that is, theoretical knowledge. Specify the topics of the diploma and coursework, if they are relevant to your future position.

“If your education meets the requirements for the vacancy, then you can tell us a little more about the topic of your thesis or affect those extracurricular activities that you organized or participated in,” said Boris Zhguchev, consultant for search and selection of personnel of the Empire of Personnel holding.

According to Vasily Soinova, recruitment consultant at the recruitment agency EMG Professionals, the employer, considering a candidate without experience, pays attention to all his attempts to realize himself. “This could be internships, written articles, student conferences, internships. Currently the labor market offers a large number of internships. If the candidate didn’t have them, then the question arises: did he want to get there, and if he couldn’t, then why,” says Vasily Soynov.

Tell us about practical training and internships - you can attach the characteristics you received after completing the internship. Yes, and if you worked somewhere outside your specialty, then include this information in your resume, but do not write too much. Remember: brevity is the sister of talent.

First date

I would like to believe that after reading a competent resume, the employer will undoubtedly invite you on a date... or rather, on a date. Be sure to attend, even if you think that your candidacy is not suitable for the employer. In this way, you will get better at completing them and will be able to confidently answer frequently asked questions.

Initially, be prepared for the fact that an interview is, first of all, an opportunity to reveal your abilities, talents and characteristics. Tell us about what you know and can do, don’t forget about internships.

When going to a meeting with an employer, take the time to study information about the company - this way you can quickly navigate the issues of your future position. Anna Dolgacheva notes: “Before you go to the company, familiarize yourself with the website - this will allow you to communicate with the interviewer in the same language.” Tell us what you are particularly interested in; the potential employer will be pleased that you know the company’s features.”

Lyudmila Vinokur shares this position: “When accepting a candidate without work experience, an essential factor is the ability to work in a given company, and, therefore, the ability to collect information about the company and come prepared.”

Everything in a person should be perfect...

A candidate without work experience needs to pay special attention to his personal qualities.
Maria Golobokova believes that if a company has an open position for which a specialist without work experience is required, then the decisive criterion in the selection will be the personal qualities of the candidate. will definitely pay attention to how the specialist behaves, what kind of life goals and expectations from a new job.

According to Boris Zhguchev, if the applicant has no work experience, then it is important to focus on such factors as high learning ability, social activity, and perseverance. “For example, you can say that you, as a job seeker, are constantly “in the know”: reading news on a given market (in accordance with the vacancy), attending various exhibitions, seminars, reading relevant literature on your future functionality, communicating with professionals in this area in different in social networks", says Boris Zhguchev.

Many young professionals today are interested in finding a job, so work without experience in Moscow is especially in demand today. Most young specialists, having graduated educational institution and having received qualifications, they are often faced with the question: where to find vacancies without work experience in Moscow and still earn good money? Any specialist wants to start his professional career as quickly as possible, but not all employers are ready to provide vacancies in Moscow for young applicants. Therefore, many people mistakenly believe that young specialists will have to engage in low-skilled work, which, of course, is not true, since a large number of companies are interested in young active specialists.

Jobs without experience

In order to find vacancies without experience in Moscow, it is worth thinking about this at the training stage. During the summer holidays, or in between sessions, it is recommended to engage in unskilled, unskilled work. This is perfect for: seasonal activities, for example in the field of tourism, which would be an acceptable option during the summer holidays. Or work in Moscow, in retail chain companies that are always ready to provide vacancies without work experience for young applicants. These and other areas of activity are ready to solve several problems at once: firstly, it will help you earn money, and secondly, it is the beginning of a professional career. Therefore, anyone can find a job, regardless of experience.

Find a job without experience in Moscow

Today, finding a job without experience in Moscow is quite easy if you follow certain rules. Moreover, working without work experience in Moscow is not uncommon since there are more and more young specialists every year. Therefore, any job without experience in Moscow is suitable for gaining the coveted experience. It is also recommended that when starting your career, you try as many directions and areas of activity as possible. Let's say there are 3 breaks between sessions, including summer holidays. It is recommended that during the holidays you study in detail the current vacancies for job seekers, and try several new specialties during the summer. Firstly, it is quite interesting, and secondly, it is very beneficial from an experience point of view. Now you can confidently write in your resume that you, as a candidate, have worked in 6 companies in a wide variety of fields over the past 3 years, and have acquired the relevant skills. For this purpose, a variety of vacancies without work experience in Moscow are suitable. Thus, using these recommendations in combination, finding a job without experience in Moscow is quite simple. Convince the future employer that this work, is familiar to you. The section for work without experience in Moscow on the Rabota7 website offers the most latest vacancies Anyone without work experience. To find a job as quickly as possible, it is recommended to create a resume and send it to employers for all vacancies of interest. In this case, a job with no work experience will reward you with a high salary in the shortest possible time.

Let's continue the topic of employment and consider how to find a job without experience for a young specialist or university graduate. I have already written and described the main ones, now I want to separately consider how all these principles apply to young professionals who have just graduated from an educational institution and have no work experience.

So, let’s take a situation that is quite common today: a young specialist graduates from a university and cannot find a job. Why is this happening? In my opinion, there are three main reasons:

1. Oversaturation of the labor market with workers in this specialty. This situation is far from uncommon, since our universities respond very slowly to the real needs of the labor market for workers in certain professions. That is, they begin en masse to accept specialty training only when the market is oversaturated with it, instead of looking to the future. In such conditions, it is difficult to find a job even for an experienced professional, let alone young specialists.

2. Lack of work experience. The lack of work experience in itself is a repulsive factor for many companies, despite the fact that among university graduates there are actually many who will work more efficiently than their senior colleagues.

3. Excessive ambitions of a young specialist. Many university graduates, when looking for a job without experience, for some reason think that they will be hired right away. interesting work in their specialty, with a high salary, normal working hours and a full benefits package. If the first reasons do not depend specifically on the applicant, then he is quite capable of influencing the elimination of this one.

Now let’s look at what a young specialist without experience should do in order to increase his chances of finding a job and achieving the desired result - getting a job.

How can a young specialist find a job without experience?

1. You'll have to start small. The first and important rule of looking for a job without experience is to try to turn off your ambitions, leaving them for the future: for the moment when you have already acquired the experience so necessary for most employers. A young professional thinking about how to find a job should be prepared for lower positions, low salaries and an increased workload. In this case, it is very desirable that the selected workplace still corresponded to his specialty and gave him the opportunity to gain work experience.

Even after six months or a year, a young specialist with little experience will receive much wider employment opportunities, and will be able to either advance career ladder, or find new job, more interesting and highly paid.

2. Job search via recruitment agencies will be ineffective. As a rule, employers turn to recruiters looking for specialists with work experience, so this option is not suitable for a university graduate. It is better to conduct an independent job search without experience through advertisements in the media, the Internet and by personally contacting specialized enterprises.

3. Contact large companies. The larger the company, the more likely it is to have vacancies. In addition, such enterprises, as a rule, have internship programs, and they are more interested in recruiting young personnel, who, to be honest, are much cheaper. Reputable companies always have recruiters on staff who interview applicants and compile resume databases. Than in large quantity If a young specialist gets into such databases, the more likely he will be to find a job without experience.

4. Take advantage of internship opportunities. One of the most important points, in my opinion, for a young specialist without experience to find a job is to prove himself well during practical training while still studying at a university. Moreover, for internship, it is advisable to choose exactly those enterprises where you would subsequently like to work. By showing interest and readiness to work, clearly demonstrating his ability to work, a young specialist can achieve employment at this enterprise after graduating from university or even while still studying. Such cases do occur.

5. Get ready to find a job. I would like to conclude with this important motivational component of looking for a job without experience. If a person sets himself up in the spirit of “who needs me”, “there are hundreds and thousands of people like me”, “there are terrible problems with employment now”, “on the contrary, everyone is being laid off”, “they don’t hire people without work experience now” and etc., of course, he will not be able to find a job. It is necessary not to be deterred by difficulties (and there will certainly be them!), to use all available opportunities to find a job, even the most unlikely ones, regularly review vacancies, post and update your resume. - Very important factor in any human endeavor, and job search is no exception. Only activity and perseverance can lead to the desired result.

And in conclusion, some optimistic information for young professionals. As you know, the economy is currently experiencing better times, and most companies are trying in every possible way to reduce their costs, including personnel costs. Therefore, many companies are now pursuing a policy of ousting professionals with experience (they directly fire them, or lower their salaries, create such conditions that they themselves leave) in order to replace them with a cheaper one labor, which are young specialists and university graduates. Therefore, the chances of finding a job without experience are now quite good, despite the crisis and general trends in job cuts.

That's all. I wish everyone a successful job search! Stay on and you will learn a lot of interesting things not only about work, but also about other, alternative and more promising opportunities for earning money. See you again!