Is it possible to give your bag to someone else? Is it possible to give away your old and unnecessary things to others? Three things that are best removed from your home urgently

Today I want to talk to you about how to properly part with your old things. I know that this topic is of great interest to many.

The most important thing to understand is that the things that we wear absorb our energy, our emotions, the events that happen to us. Every thing we have is connected to us energetically. When we give things to someone, we also give our energy. This can have different consequences. We will talk about this in detail in the “Everyday Magic” course, but one of the options for what can happen is that the one to whom we gave things will become connected with us energetically. It can take our energy or, conversely, we take it. Both options are bad.

Therefore, when we give away our things, it is extremely important to follow a number of rules.

  1. We definitely have to wash things with salt. In general, I recommend adding a little salt every time we wash. But before transferring things, it is simply necessary to do this! It's better to add one teaspoon.
  2. Before throwing items into the washing machine, thank them for their service. Why did they decorate you, make you happy, warm you... It is important to do this BEFORE washing, and not after.
  3. By the way, it is better to wash only those things that we plan to give away. You should not wash them together with those that you will still wear.
  4. After washing, donation items should not be placed in the closet next to your own items. It's better to give them away right away. Or put them in bags and close them tightly.
  5. When giving things away, repeat the phrase “I give away someone else’s, but what’s mine remains with me.”

By following these simple rules, you will protect yourself and the person to whom you are giving things from unnecessary problems.

How to deal with old things, is it possible to give away your things or buy used ones, what is the right way to do this? Indeed, the things we use retain part of our energy, part of our good or bad karma, and by transferring them to other people, we can also give “a part of ourselves.” So what to do?

Things can and should be given away, especially if you feel there is a surplus of them. This will really make room for new things and of course provide many other bonuses. The question remains open - how exactly to do this correctly? So, if you really decided to clean out your closet or house and hand over what turned out to be either superfluous, or no longer giving you energy, or something that you haven’t used for more than a year, then when handing over these things you should at the same time free yourself from three emotional attachments:

to the thing itself
to the person to whom you are giving this item,
to his role " good man».

Note: we, as a rule, give things to people who are in a slightly worse situation financial situation than ourselves. And I believe that each of us would not like to “mix” with these people energetically, that is, give them a thing, and in return take from them what led them to such a result. Therefore, let's talk about safety rules when transferring things.

Rule one

It's just a thing, not a part of me. When you have placed somewhere what you intend to give, just close your eyes and “cut the umbilical cord” with this mountain of things. It's just matter, just things. You have already taken what you need from them, and now they are neutral. Give the other person a neutrally charged packet, as if it belonged to someone, as if you were simply asked for it. If among the things there are favorite things that are a pity (and, by the way, which we sometimes “wear out” to the point of being worthless), then you cannot give them away! These are the kinds of things that a lot of “us” stays on. They need to be burned.

And in general, what is a pity cannot be given away! With this, part of your strength will immediately go away, and if after a while you regret your gift, then you continue to “drain” your energy into nowhere.

Rule two

I don't care who gets this thing. There are two here important points: don't expect gratitude in any form for things from the person to whom you decided to give them or have already given them, and under no circumstances don't regret this man. Remember: if we expect gratitude, even unconsciously, then in essence we are buying it - for a thing. In this case, there is almost always some tension and dissatisfaction in your relationship with this person. What to do? Create relationships before giving gifts, see the gratitude and love of this person in everyday actions, work with yourself - realize your value to other people. Until you feel that this is present in the relationship, refrain from giving “gifts” of this kind or give anonymously, but remember the first and third rules. If you feel sorry for a person, then you should know that pity takes away the power of the one who is pitied. We will receive this power, the only question is, what quality? After all, poverty is also karma, and we can take part of it, and a “strong” part at that! Think about it! When you give something away, see this person successful and strong, imagine that he got what he wants, and let the thing go (see the first and third rules).

Rule three

“A good person” is not a profession or a state. This rule is one of the most difficult to learn. After all, it’s not so easy for us to let go of thoughts about the sweet role of a “good person.” After all, if I gave away my things, which I earned with sweat and blood, then I am a good person. For this reason, some take things to church, since here the person is three times good... But remember that since you are a good person, it means that you are almost a saint and you no longer need anything - you don’t need health, success, travel, money, love and etc. And the longer you are a good person, the longer you stand still in developing and learning new things.

How to get rid of this role? There are two ways - easy and not so easy. The easy way is to change your motivation, shift your focus from being a “good person” to “new, desired things will/are coming to me.” In this case, when you give things away, say to yourself: “Let something new come to this place”. The not very easy way is to track yourself, to “register” without evaluating those situations where you want to feel like a “good person.”

Cleaning things from your own or someone else’s energy

And finally - a meditation-ritual with things (it doesn’t matter whether you give it away, they give it to you, or you buy something at a second-hand store).

Place things in front of you, maybe in a bag or a stack, in a defined space and shape. Light a candle nearby and let it burn (if it’s an aroma candle or aroma stick, even better).

Close your eyes, tune in to these things. Feel and feel them in front of you (observe your feelings). Imagine there is a haze or a veil over things. Mentally gather it into a ball with your hands.

If the things are yours, take the ball for yourself, inhale it or put it inside yourself. If the things are foreign, mentally throw/move it outside your premises with the intention that the ball reaches the owner, or with the thought “return to your owner (your owners).”

Repeat this several times until you feel that things are completely free of your (or the other person's) energy. If you have worn the clothes for a short time, the desired state occurs after the first time, if for a long time, you need to “clean” several times (at least three times).

Every living creature has energy, but does an inanimate object have it? The answers to this question can be very different, someone insists that there is, someone just laughs in response, considering it all nonsense. But when you become a witness to some incidents that were influenced by an object or thing, you involuntarily begin to believe in their ability to radically change a person’s fate.

I wanted the best, but it turned out as always

There is such a thing as the energy of the creator. Man invented and created a thing, putting a certain energy into it. How does it influence the fate of future owners? It’s not for nothing that there are such expressions as “made with love”, “a piece of the soul is invested”, etc. To a greater extent this applies to handmade. But the intentions of this creator can be very different, and this does not mean any malicious intent.

Let's give an example. A grandmother knits a beautiful and warm shawl for her beloved granddaughter. She wishes only the best for her, so she puts all her soul and love into her work. But at the same time, she dreams of her granddaughter becoming an excellent housewife, starting a family and staying at home. What happens after this girl puts on the shawl? After not even working a month in a promising position, she is fired from her job. I was going to break up with my boyfriend, but I found out that I was pregnant with his child. Of course, he did not leave her and asked her to marry, but is this what the girl herself wanted? She dreamed of a good career, wanted to achieve something in life on her own, but everything turned out the way her grandmother dreamed: unemployed, with only pots, diapers and undershirts ahead of her.

You may not agree that grandma’s shawl is to blame for everything, you can attribute everything to a random coincidence, but there are a lot of these coincidences. The fact is that things in which people have invested a lot of their emotions and strength can be compared to a powerful catalyst. Some people, especially those with a subtle psyche, may simply not be able to cope with such power and blindly follow it. It seems that you are accepting a thing from a loved one who only wants good, but it turns out the other way around.

What are discounted items?

It is also necessary to take into account the transit energy of things. This energy is an intermediary between the creator and the owner, for example the seller. Very often one thing passes through many hands until it reaches its owner. This leaves a certain imprint on her, which can distort her original energy beyond recognition.

In some cases, the intermediary wants to get rid of the thing as quickly as possible, and sometimes, on the contrary, he is sorry to part with it. Therefore, anything can happen. Very often, things that are bought at sales do not fit the person as well as they would like or wear out quickly. By devaluing a thing, the seller seems to devalue its future owner. This does not mean that sales should be avoided. You just need to treat such a purchase with self-esteem. It’s not you who are so cheap, you’re just lucky and the opportunity came up to buy a fashionable and high-quality item at a lower price. This will only save you money.

Owner's energy

Also, the item is saturated with the energy of its owner. It is no longer possible to blame anyone here. What kind of energy our item has depends only on ourselves, because it collects all our emotions and experiences, and they can be both joyful and sad.

One woman gladly accepted gifts and distributed various things herself. She was not afraid of damage or the evil eye that might be on donated items. But one day she found out that her husband’s mistress was in the house. The woman without hesitation threw away the things that her rival saw. She didn’t even regret what she really liked and was expensive. The husband was shocked, to put it mildly, by such an act, perhaps that is why he did not cheat on his wife again.

Such an act can be attributed to recklessness or whim, but this woman can be understood. She spent years building harmony around herself, collecting expensive and beloved things, and then suddenly everything was destroyed.

Is it possible to wear other people's things?

Is it possible to give and take already worn items? This question worries many. Here is an example of one case from real life. One elderly woman told the following story. Her sister's husband died. Since it is customary to distribute the things of the dead to people, the woman collected everything good and new and took it to her sister, since she has a husband and three sons. She didn’t really want to take things, but in such a situation she couldn’t refuse her sister. The eldest son chose his uncle’s purse, and the husband liked the deceased’s coat. Literally a month later, the husband became seriously ill, and the son was deeply in debt.

It’s hard to call this a coincidence, especially since after the woman went to church and the priest came and blessed the apartment, the husband began to recover. Therefore, you should not impose things of a deceased person on people. First, imagine yourself in their place, would you like to receive such a gift, would you wear the things of a stranger who, moreover, is no longer alive? In a difficult moment for you, people are not able to refuse you, so they take things, but they are unlikely to say thank you for it.

Many years ago, after the death of a person, relatives, friends, acquaintances were invited to the house and they were asked to take the deceased’s favorite item. What was left was taken out into the street, where things were taken apart by poor people or tramps. What was left after them was tied into a bundle and stored in a closet or attic.

Although no one does this anymore, the long-standing tradition can be followed. It's not about things. We must always remember the people dear to us, they are always in our hearts. There are people who keep the things of the deceased for years, but cannot remember when he was born and died.

Is it possible to keep family valuables?

What to do with family heirlooms, such as jewelry, photo albums, awards? Here, everyone must decide for themselves whether to keep the history of their family or not. But if a thing is very dear to you, then you shouldn’t say goodbye to it. But if there are some very old rings with worn edges or something like that, then it is better to melt them down and make some other decoration.

It is best to sort and sign photographs, write down some interesting information about relatives on modern media, make films and slides. After all, our memory erases names so quickly.

And finally, one piece of advice. Always wear items purchased at full price to a job interview. If the clothes are new and of high quality, then it is much easier to get a job, and you will definitely be able to negotiate a high salary.

Pass it on to someone else

In the territory of the post-Soviet space, there was a tradition of inheriting old and unused things that had not lost their appearance and purpose to relatives.

Outfits that no longer fit in size or style were used. From generation to generation, children wore the clothes of their older brothers and sisters.

Today, buying clothes has become more accessible, so there is no shortage of things. Fashion is capricious, tastes and body shape also change with age.

Is it possible to give your things to other people: what things are not customary to give away

  1. When you decide to part with things, you should pay attention to which of them are not customary to give to other people:
  2. Some sources do not recommend re-gifting hats and shoes. The head and legs are centers of energy transmission, so things close to them absorb information about the person wearing them as much as possible. If you are very sensitive and easily influenced by other people, then it is better to heed this advice.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to give away underwear and underwear (T-shirts, slips, thermal underwear, etc.) - this is not entirely ethical, not hygienic and close to the information in the first paragraph.
  4. The belongings of a sick or deceased person are also controversial. If you nevertheless decide to hand over the clothes and shoes of such a person, then it is better to warn the future owners about this.
  5. Items that are uncomfortable to wear or have serious defects are unsuitable for further use.

Rules for transferring things

It would seem that there is nothing complicated here - I chose an unnecessary thing and gave it to someone who needs it. But in every case there are exceptions. This also applies to such a noble cause as helping one’s neighbor.

Who should you not give things to?

You need to understand who and why you can’t give things that are out of circulation:

  1. Relatives, friends and strangers in the event that you have not fully decided to part with things. In this case, it is better to postpone their transfer until the moment when there is no longer a dependency.
  2. People who make you feel negative. Even after cleaning your clothes from your energy, you may have unpleasant emotions about the new owner of things. And this can cause the development of psychosomatic diseases.
  3. Organizations that use donated items for other purposes. It is better to find out in advance for what purpose used items are collected. Otherwise, you may be upset to learn that almost new things accepted for large families, went to be sold in a store, even on consignment.
  4. Terminally ill people and those suffering from severe mental disorders. Psychologically unpleasant moments may also appear here, which can affect your health.
  5. Official organizations for which restrictions have been introduced on the acceptance of used items (not all state shelters, rehabilitation centers, and foundations will be able to accept such items due to accepted standards).

We select what is not worn

When tidying up your closets and closets, choose everything that you and your family members do not wear.

After that do the following:

  1. Place items in a separate bag that you will not wear under any circumstances.
  2. In another bag, put outfits that you need to part with, but you are attached to them. Here you should clearly decide whether you are leaving this thing or giving it away without any “maybes”.
  3. In another bag, collect clothes that are unsuitable for further use - they must be disposed of in any available way.

When everything is sorted, carry out a series of manipulations to “cleanse” things from your biofield. Each person has a certain energy, experiences a palette of feelings, accumulates positive and negative ones.

How to cut ties with things

Clothing that has close tactile contact with a person absorbs this lived experience. To break a strong connection with things, you need to perform the following rituals:

  1. Mentally say goodbye to the item, thanking it for its service.
  2. Wash clothes in washing machine with the addition of salt - this way you will rid things of your biofield.
  3. Do not mix clean and dry clothes with your everyday clothes; it is better to put them separately in bags.
  4. After this, you can safely give away unnecessary clothes to relatives or strangers who need them.

Advice. Often items are accepted at churches, shelters, nursing homes and special centers for people in difficult life situations.


Sometimes we don’t have time to wear new things, especially for children’s clothes. Wonderful rompers, overalls and booties do not lose their presentation, since the child is too small for intensive use of such things.

It happens that the purchased outfits were worn only a couple of times and now they hang unnecessarily, but they look like new.

If you have such clothes and shoes in your wardrobe, you can sell them second-hand or resell them through websites. You will get back some of the money spent and buy what you need now. And someone will save by buying a beautiful and necessary item at a discount.

Important. Just don’t forget about the rule of “cleaning” things prepared for sale.

Recycling of junk

But what to do with things that can no longer be used due to their wear and tear or loss of attractive appearance? There are several options here:

  1. Throw them in the trash, after cutting them into pieces to make sure that no one will use your old personal items. But under no circumstances leave things in chaotic landfills, places near roads and cemeteries.
  2. Burn junk using a controlled fireplace.
  3. Use it as rags for household use in the house or country house.
  4. Reuse for other needs.

The first three points are clear without explanation, but what does recycling mean? This is the use of old things to create new ones, such as:

  • rugs and baskets made from cotton T-shirts and sweaters cut into strips;
  • chair covers, shopping bags made of dense materials, for example, old jeans;
  • patchwork blankets, bedspreads, decorative pillowcases, potholders, etc.;
  • toys and other handicrafts.

Recycling also means handing over items for recycling to special centers. There, textiles are “pulverized” into fibers that are used for industry. So old things can become raw materials for the production of technical felt, non-woven, soundproofing, lining and flooring materials.

In the culture of various nations, it is believed that getting rid of old and unnecessary things allows you to bring something new and useful into life. Therefore, do not store anything you know you can live without. If you liked the article about whether you can give your things to other people, don’t forget to subscribe to blog updates and share information about us with your friends through social networks.

What do we do with old clothes when we no longer need them? We probably throw it away or give it to other people: relatives, friends or those in need. We do much the same with shoes and other things. We believe that by passing things on to others we are doing a good deed. But doesn't this spell trouble for us?

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In ancient times, people believed that personal belongings were closely connected with the owner energetically. Hair, particles of a person’s skin remain on his clothes, shoes, watches, jewelry... Many superstitions are built on this, in which energy of things is brought to the fore.

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Vital energy

It is believed that about 80 energy channels pass through the soles of the feet. This means that shoes are a thing that passes through maximum vital energy person. When someone else wears your shoes, his energy channels contact the information that was stored in the shoes, changing them.

All this affects both the old owner and the new one. By wearing a person’s shoes, you risk succumbing to the bad influence of his energy.

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Let's look at what things are energetically dangerous.

Dangerous things

  • Hats, caps and other headwear, as well as devices that had regular contact with the hair and head.
  • T-shirts, T-shirts, briefs and other items of underwear and underwear.
  • Backpacks, bags, wallets. Transferring these items can be bad for your financial viability.

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  • Pillowcases, duvet covers, mattresses. These things are considered a symbol of family well-being and peace.
  • Interior and pocket mirrors. By transferring them to other hands, you can lose a piece of your own attractiveness.
  • We are talking about things that have been used for their intended purpose more than once. If the item is new, then you can give or give it away without fear. You can also give freely outerwear. If you are still worried about your energy, you can wash the item by adding salt to the powder, which erases energy traces.

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    If you send used clothes, shoes or other personal items to a landfill, first cut them into several pieces to completely eliminate the possibility of their further use for their intended purpose.

    People have also long had many superstitions that relate to the energy of our personal belongings.

    Folk signs

  • By giving clothes to the poor or low-income relatives, a person loses some of his energy and may become poorer.
  • When buying clothes or shoes with the last of your money, a person incurs money problems.
  • By wearing new clothes on major holidays, a person attracts good luck.
  • Believe in omens or not is everyone's personal matter. But if our ancestors believed in these patterns for centuries, then it probably makes sense.

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    Pay attention to spoiled, damaged, and unused items. Last year and you don't plan to use it in the future. You can combine this ritual with general cleaning.

    Previously, we told you what common things spoil the energy in the house. Look, perhaps they are preventing you from creating a cozy atmosphere in your home.

    How often do you get to wear other people's things? How do you cope with the energy of the previous owner? Tell us in the comments.