Toilet soap brand neutral manufacturer. Which type of toilet soap is better? Choose liquid or solid soap. Solid toilet soap: features, types, GOST and reviews Neutral solid bar toilet soap

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Toilet soap is used to care for the human body. The cleaning effect of solid toilet soap is provided by sodium salts of fatty acids - caprylic C? H 15 COOH, lauric C and H 23 COOH, myristic C 13 H 2? COOH, palmitic C 15 H 31 COOH, stearic C 1? H 35 COOH, isolated from natural raw materials, with (and without) additives of synthetic fatty acids.

To produce soap, high-quality fatty raw materials are used: rendered edible animal fats, vegetable fats - coconut, palm kernel and palm oil; palm stearin and palm olein; fatty acids, technical lard, etc. Synthetic fatty acids of fractions C 10 ~ C 1b are used only in the production of ordinary soap.

Auxiliary components are fat-reducing additives (for softening) - glycerin, lanolin, mink fat, vegetable oils; pigments and dyes; herbal extracts, propolis, apilak; antiseptic substances approved by the Russian Ministry of Health; adhesives (starch, dextrin); perfume fragrances.

Solid toilet soap is divided into four brands: neutral (N), extra (E), children's (D) and ordinary (O). Each brand of soap should have an individual brand name, for example Lux, Dove, “Lavender”, “Bath”, “Tic-Tac”, “Alice”, etc.

The product range and quality indicators of toilet soap are determined in accordance with the requirements of GOST 28546-2002 “Solid toilet soap. Are common technical specifications”.

Cracks, stripes, effusions (liquid phase), stains, unclear stamps of the manufacturer or design are not allowed on the surface of the soap. The smell should be pleasant, there should be no strong foreign odor. It is undesirable to store and transport soap at subzero temperatures, since this may cause cracks and different shades of dye to appear on the surface of the soap.

Physico-chemical indicators of the quality of toilet soap of various brands are given in table. 15.4.

Quality quantity of soap is the mass of fatty acids (in grams) based on the nominal mass of a 100 g piece (essentially a percentage).

Soap components are selected in such a way that the melting (solidification) temperature of fatty acids isolated from ready-made soap, was in the temperature range 35...41 °C; this indicator is called soap titer. The titer determines the ability of soap to dissolve easily in water and produce good foam at human body temperature.

The range of soaps is currently very wide; it is produced by various cosmetic companies. Physico-chemical indicators of the quality of toilet soap

us, in particular such well-known Russian manufacturers as “Svoboda”, “Nevskaya Kosmetika”, “Vesna”, “Novaya Zarya”, “Nizhny Novgorod Oil and Fat Plant” (NMZhK), etc.

Toilet soap is divided into:

  • - according to its intended purpose (hygienic, cosmetic, therapeutic, disinfectant, antibacterial, scrub soap, perfumed, etc.);
  • - shape and weight of the piece (lumpy various shapes and figured weighing 100 g, 125,150, 300 g - the nominal weight of the piece);
  • - age and gender (for women, men, children, universal - for the whole family);
  • - by type and type of packaging, etc.

Packaging, labeling, transportation, storage of soap.

Toilet soap is produced without wrapper and in wrapper (neutral and extra - only in wrapper). The paper wrapper may consist of one, two or three layers: the outer - in the form of an artistically designed label made of pigmented paper or paper with a microwax coating containing information for the consumer; an inner layer of sub-parchment, label or writing paper; intermediate (third) layer of thin cardboard box or two-layer pack paper. Toilet soap is also wrapped in a single-layer wrapper made of transparent and translucent polymer films. Toilet soap can be packaged in 1-4 pieces in decorative plastic soap dishes, artistically designed cases, or cardboard boxes.

The surface of the piece must indicate the nominal weight (in grams) and the trademark of the manufacturer. In addition to this information, the soap packaging also indicates the name of the soap, information about the manufacturer, standard designation, composition, and brand of soap. Similar information must be indicated on group and transport containers, including information on the number of pieces in the packaging unit, the date of production of the soap, the batch number and the date of shipment. Toilet soap is packaged in group containers - cardboard boxes, packs, bags; transport packaging - wooden or corrugated cardboard boxes. The handling sign “Keep away from moisture” is applied to the transport container.

Toilet soap should be stored in dry, closed, well-ventilated areas (active ventilation should be used in warehouses) at a temperature not lower than minus 5 ° C and a relative humidity not higher than 75%. When storing, boxes of soap should be stacked in stacks no more than 2 m high. There should be passages between the rows for air circulation.

The guaranteed shelf life is set by the manufacturer; on average it is up to 2 years.

GOST 28546-2002

Group P16



General technical conditions

Hard toilet soap. General specifications

MKS 71.100.70
OKP 91 4420

Date of introduction 2004-02-01


1 DEVELOPED by the Interstate Technical Committee for Standardization MTK 238 “Vegetable Oils and Processed Products” and the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Fats (VNIIZH)

INTRODUCED by Gosstandart of Russia

2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes No. 22 of November 6, 2002)

The following voted for adoption:

State name

Name of the national standardization body

Republic of Armenia


Republic of Belarus

State Standard of the Republic of Belarus

The Republic of Kazakhstan

Gosstandart of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Republic of Kyrgyzstan


The Republic of Moldova


Russian Federation

Gosstandart of Russia

The Republic of Tajikistan



Main State Service "Turkmenstandartlary"

The Republic of Uzbekistan


3 By Decree of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization and Metrology dated March 11, 2003 N 71-st, the interstate standard GOST 28546-2002 was put into effect directly as state standard Russian Federation since February 1, 2004

4 INSTEAD GOST 28546-90

INTRODUCED: amendment published in IUS N 11 2003, amendment published in IUS N 5 2005

Amendments made by the database manufacturer

1 area of ​​use

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to solid toilet soap made from sodium salts of natural or natural and synthetic fatty acids with (or without) additives, intended for personal hygiene purposes.

Safety requirements for solid toilet soap for the life and health of people are set out in Section 6.

2 Normative references

This standard uses references to the following standards:

GOST 12.1.005-88 System of occupational safety standards. General sanitary and hygienic requirements for the air in the working area

GOST 202-84 Zinc whitewash. Specifications

GOST 790-89 Solid laundry soap and toilet soap. Acceptance rules and measurement techniques

GOST 1045-73 Technical animal fat. Specifications

GOST 2263-79 Technical caustic soda. Specifications

GOST 4225-76 Perfume oil. Specifications

GOST 5100-85 Technical soda ash. Specifications

GOST 6034-74 Dextrins. Specifications

GOST 6824-96 Distilled glycerin. General technical conditions

GOST 7699-78 Potato starch. Specifications

GOST 9808-84 Pigment titanium dioxide. Specifications

GOST 10766-64 Coconut oil. Specifications

GOST 11078-78 Purified caustic soda. Specifications

GOST 13830-97* Table salt. General technical conditions
* GOST R 51574-2000 is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation.

GOST 14192-96 Marking of cargo

GOST 15846-2002 Products sent to the Far North and equivalent areas. Packaging, labeling, transportation and storage

GOST 18704-78 Boric acid. Specifications

GOST 18992-80 Coarse polyvinyl acetate homopolymer dispersion. Specifications

GOST 21802-84 Coniferous chlorophyll-carotene paste. Specifications

GOST 23239-89 Synthetic fatty acids of fractions C-C, C-C, C-C, C-C, C-C, C-C. Specifications

GOST 24364-80 Organic dyes. Disperse yellow 3. Specifications

GOST 25292-82 Rendered edible animal fats. Specifications

GOST 26160-84 Printing inks. Test method for resistance to reagents

3 Definitions

In this standard, the following terms with corresponding definitions apply:

homogeneous: Soap that is equally colored across the cut.

Crack: A narrow depression in the surface caused by a break in the natural uniformity of the surface of a bar of soap.

effusion: The presence of droplets of moisture on the surface of a bar of soap.

streak: A long, even trail of a different color shade or coloration without disturbing the surface of a bar of soap.

interlayer: A thin layer of a substance that differs in structure and color from the main mass of a piece of soap.

stain: An area of ​​different color or texture on the surface of a bar of soap.

fuzzy stamp: An imprint on a piece of soap in which at least one element of the inscription and (or) design remains indistinguishable.

deformation: Distortion of the shape of a bar of soap compared to that provided in the technical document.

speckles: Particles of dried soap that feel harder to the touch than the soap itself.

nominal mass: The mass of soap, conventionally (generally) designated.

4 Classification

4.1 Solid toilet soap, depending on the main consumer properties, is divided into the following brands: “Neutral” (N), “Extra” (E), “Children’s” (D), “Ordinary” (O).

4.2 Solid toilet soap of each brand must have an individual name.

(Amendment. IUS N 11-2003).

5 General technical requirements

Solid toilet soap must be produced in accordance with the requirements of this standard, technological regulations or instructions, as well as recipes and other technical documents for a specific brand of soap approved by product manufacturers.

5.1 Characteristics

5.1.1 The organoleptic characteristics of solid toilet soap must correspond to the characteristics specified in Table 1.

Table 1

Indicator name



Surface with or without pattern. Cracks, stripes, effusions, stains, and unclear stamps are not allowed on the surface of the soap.

Corresponding to the form of soap of the individual name established in the technical document

Corresponding to the color of the soap of the individual name established in the technical document

Corresponding to the smell of the soap of the individual name established in the technical document, without any foreign odor


Firm to the touch. Uniform in cross-section

Note - By agreement with the consumer, cracks and different shades acquired as a result of defrosting soap at temperatures below minus 5 ° C are allowed.

(Amendment. IUS N 11-2003).

5.1.2 It is permissible for the surface to be abraded and for the presence of a flash (side) on a piece of soap that does not impair the presentation of the piece of soap.

5.1.3 Soap dots are allowed for the “Neutral”, “Extra” and “Children’s” brands - no more than 10, for the “Ordinary” brand - no more than 15.

5.1.4 Traces from suction cups on the edge of a bar of soap are allowed for all brands.

5.1.5 It is allowed for soap of all brands to weaken the intensity of the odor of the soap by the end of its shelf life*.

(Amendment. IUS N 11-2003).

5.1.6 Applying a pattern, special corrugation or pattern, an artistically designed stamp to the surface of a piece of soap - in accordance with the technical document for soap of an individual name.

(Amendment. IUS N 11-2003).

5.1.7 Sales of toilet soap from the manufacturer should be made no earlier than 24 hours from the date of its manufacture.

5.1.8 In terms of physical and chemical indicators, solid toilet soap must comply with the standards specified in Table 2.

table 2

Indicator name

Standard for brand soap

noe" (N)

"Extra" (E)

"Children's" (D)

no" (O)

Qualitative number (mass of fatty acids in terms of the nominal mass of a piece of 100 g), g, not less

Mass fraction of soda products in terms of NaO,%, no more


Pour point of fatty acids isolated from soap (titer), °C

Mass fraction of sodium chloride, %, no more

Note - When using palm oil and its fractions, it is allowed to increase the upper limit of the freezing point of fatty acids to 43 °C.

5.1.9 Solid toilet soap is produced in the form of pieces of different nominal weights while maintaining the quality quantity in accordance with the standards given in Table 2.

5.1.10 Standards for the indicator “Initial foam volume” are given in Appendix A.

5.2.1 For the production of toilet soap of all brands, it is recommended to use the following fatty raw materials:

- rendered edible animal fat: beef, pork, lamb of the highest and first grades, as well as combined fat in accordance with GOST 25292;

- coconut oil according to GOST 10766;

- palm kernel oil with a freezing point of fatty acids (titer) of 20-28 °C;

- refined palm oil with a freezing point of fatty acids (titer) of 40-47 °C;

- refined palm stearin with a freezing point of fatty acids (titer) of 46.5-54.4 °C;

- refined palm olein according to contract parameters;

- fatty acids from edible animal fat: beef, pork, lamb, prefabricated fat;

- fatty acids of palm oil or fatty acids of palm stearin according to contract indicators;

- technical animal fat of the 1st grade according to GOST 1045;

- salomas technical marks 1 ;

- fatty acids of technical animal fat, distilled 1st and 2nd grade;

- fatty acids of technical lard for toilet soap, distilled and undistilled, fatty acids of technical lard from cottonseed oil, distilled;

- synthetic fatty acids C-C fractions according to GOST 23239.

It is allowed to use ready-made soap base and soap shavings produced by other manufacturers.

The use of synthetic fatty acids in the production of soap of the Neutral, Extra and Children's brands is not allowed.

If other raw materials are used, they must be of a quality no lower than that listed.

5.2.2 For the production of solid toilet soap, it is recommended to use the following excipients approved for use by health authorities:

- purified caustic soda according to GOST 11078;

Technical caustic soda according to GOST 2263, water solution with a mass fraction of 40-50%;

- table salt according to GOST 13830 and;

- technical soda ash according to GOST 5100;

- boric acid according to GOST 18704;

- bleaching agents:

titanium dioxide pigment grades A-01, A-1, R-1, R-02 according to GOST 9808;

dry zinc whitewash grades BTSO-M, BTSO according to GOST 202;

optical brighteners (for example, "Tino-pal");

- fattening substances:

neutral deodorized lanolin;

lanolin anhydrous;

moisturizing cream formula "Mustella";

deodorized mink oil according to contract specifications;

Arctic fox fat deodorized according to contract parameters;

mink oil according to contract indicators;

wheat germ oil;

distilled glycerin according to GOST 6824;

refined olive oil;

cotton palmitine according to contract indicators;

- plasticizers and antioxidants:

antibacterial agent "Dick";


Antal P-2;

distilled monoglycerides;

- dyes:

organic dispersed yellow 3 according to GOST 24364;

organic rhodamine grades C, 2C, 4C;


organic acid yellow methanil for leather;

organic vat bright orange grade D;

direct turquoise light-resistant brand 4K;

organic vat scarlet brand 2Zh;

microbiological carotene in oil;

- pigments:

yellow light-resistant brand TP;

yellow light-resistant grades 23V, VS-0, 3 TP;

green phthalocyanine grade BC-0;

green phthalocyanine grades V, Zh;

green TP;

blue phthalocyanine B, BC-0, , ;

blue phthalocyanine TP;

orange durable brand VS-0;

Perfuming substances , , ;

- extracts from plant materials:

oil plant extracts;

oil extracts of medicinal plants;

CO - complex extracts N 21-27, N 28-30;

refrigerant plant extracts (concentrated);

stabilized plant extracts;

coniferous chlorophyll-carotene paste according to GOST 21802;

saponified kelp concentrate;

mineral concentrate from kelp;

kelp extract;

propolis oil extract;

- apilaki;

- monoethanolamides;

- adhesive substances;

- polyvinyl acetate dispersion according to GOST 18992;

- dextrins according to GOST 6034;

- potato starch according to GOST 7699;

- perfume oil according to GOST 4225.

If other excipients are used, they must be of a quality no lower than those listed.

5.2.3 The specific list and ratio of components of fatty raw materials and excipients are established by recipes for a specific brand of soap.

5.2.4 Refinement of fatty raw materials to improve quality is carried out in accordance with the technological documentation.

5.3 Packaging

5.3.1 Containers and packaging materials are made from materials that meet the requirements regulatory documents, ensuring the safety and security of toilet soap during its shelf life*. The recommended list of regulatory documents for containers and packaging materials is given in Appendix B.
* For the Russian Federation - “shelf life”.

(Amendment. IUS N 11-2003).

5.3.2 Solid toilet soap of the "Children's" and "Ordinary" brands is produced in wrapper and without wrapper, and soap of the "Neutral" and "Extra" brands is produced only in wrapper.

The paper wrapper of solid toilet soap can consist of one, two or three layers.

5.3.3 The paints on the label must be light, water and alkali resistant; The alkali resistance of label paints must be at least four points according to GOST 26160. It is allowed not to control the alkali resistance of paints when using three-layer wrapping.

The printing on the label must be clear, without shifts, blurring, bleeding or stains.

5.3.4 The use of returnable cardboard, wooden and polymer containers is permitted.

Return containers must be clean, dry and free of foreign odors. Indicators of quality and mechanical strength of returnable packaging must meet the requirements of the documentation on the procedure for using returnable packaging.

5.3.5 Requirements for packaging and transportation of solid toilet soap intended for shipment to the Far North and similar areas must comply with GOST 15846.

5.4 Marking

5.4.1 Each bar of soap, unwrapped or in a transparent wrapper (without markings), is clearly stamped on the surface indicating:

- names (brand and individual name);

- name of the manufacturer or trademark(in the presence of);

- nominal mass of the piece;

For figured soap packaged in transparent wrapper, it is allowed to put the specified data on the insert label.

Only the name of the manufacturer or trademark may be applied to figured toilet soap and soap weighing up to 35 g.

(Amendment. IUS N 11-2003).

5.4.2 Only the manufacturer’s trademark may be applied to the surface of each piece of soap in wrappers (with markings), soap boxes, cases and boxes.

Souvenir, shaped and non-stamped “Hotel Soap” may be marked with a trademark of the manufacturer or not be affixed with a trademark.

5.4.3 The following is applied to the label, case, box, marking label or insert sheet:

- nominal mass of the piece;

- composition (main groups of substances);

- best before date*;

* For the Russian Federation - “shelf life”.

(Amendment. IUS N 11-2003).

5.4.4 Transport marking - in accordance with GOST 14192 with the application of the handling sign “Keep away from moisture”.

Each unit of transport container is additionally marked with a label characterizing the product:

- name (brand and individual name. Example: “Children’s toilet soap “Tik-Tak”) in Russian. It is possible, at the discretion of the manufacturer, to additionally apply the name in another language;

- name of the manufacturer, address ( legal address, country name);

- the nominal mass of a piece of soap and the number of pieces in a packaging unit;

- trademark of the manufacturer (if available);

- date of manufacture, batch number, expiration date*;

- information on certification (conformity mark) for countries certifying soap;

- designation of this standard;

- barcode (if available).

It is allowed to stick a label on one side of the box with all the necessary details or print the details directly on the container.
* For the Russian Federation - “shelf life”.

(Amendment. IUS N 11-2003).

6 Safety requirements

6.1 Solid toilet soap should not have an irritating, allergenic, resorptive or sensitizing effect on the skin and hair.

6.2 Solid toilet soap has a mild irritating effect on the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose. If soap suds get into your eyes, rinse them with clean water.

6.3 Soap is a low-flammable substance.

6.4 Melting point of pure anhydrous soaps is 225-270 °C, flash point is 337 °C.

6.5 For fire extinguishing, it is allowed to use any available means (water, chemical and air-mechanical foam, asbestos fabric, sand, carbon dioxide fire extinguishers).

6.6 Work related to the production of solid toilet soap must be carried out in rooms equipped with general supply and exhaust ventilation and local natural ventilation, ensuring the air condition of the working area production premises in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.1.005.

6.7 Determination of safety indicators of solid toilet soap at the stage of putting into production and development of normative documents is carried out in accordance with the requirements sanitary rules and standards in agreement with the institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service.

7 Acceptance rules

7.1 Determination of the batch - according to GOST 790.

Acceptance rules - according to GOST 790 with the following additions:

To control the packaging and labeling of toilet soap, 3% of packaging units from the batch are selected, but not less than three packaging units.

If more than 3% of the packaging units selected from the batch do not comply with the requirements of this standard for packaging and labeling, a re-check is carried out on a double sample.

Based on the results of the re-inspection, the batch is accepted if the number of packaging units that do not meet the requirements of this standard does not exceed 3% of the batch. The batch is rejected if 3% or more of the packaging units selected from the batch do not comply with the requirements of this standard for packaging and labeling.

7.2 Upon acceptance, a difference between the actual mass (piece) of soap and the nominal mass is allowed, provided that the value of the quality number is not lower than the norm established in 5.1.8 of this standard.

7.3 The frequency of tests is established by the manufacturer.

7.4 Each batch of toilet soap shipped from the manufacturer must be accompanied by a quality certificate indicating the following details:

- name of the manufacturer, its trademark and address (legal address, name of country);

- names (brand and individual name. Example: “Children’s toilet soap “Tik-Tak”);

- date of manufacture and batch number;

- the mass of the (nominal) party and the number of seats;

- expiration date*;

- stamp of compliance with this standard;

- information on certification (for countries carrying out certification);

- designations of this standard.
* For the Russian Federation - “shelf life”.

(Amendment. IUS N 11-2003).

8 Control methods

8.1 Sampling, sample preparation for testing, determination of organoleptic indicators, determination of the pour point of fatty acids isolated from soap, determination of the mass fraction of sodium chloride, calculation of the qualitative number and mass fraction of soda products - according to GOST 790.

9 Transportation and storage

9.1 Solid toilet soap is transported by all types of transport in covered vehicles, as well as in universal containers in accordance with the rules of cargo transportation in force for a particular type of transport.

When transported by open transport, solid toilet soap is protected from precipitation.

9.2 Solid toilet soap is stored in dry, closed, well-ventilated rooms (active ventilation is used in warehouses) at a temperature not lower than minus 5 ° C and a relative humidity of not more than 75%.

The shelf life* of solid toilet soap (from the date of manufacture) is established by the manufacturer and indicated in the technical documents for soap of an individual name.
* For the Russian Federation - “shelf life”.

(Amendment. IUS N 11-2003).

APPENDIX A (for reference). Standards for the indicator "Initial foam volume"


Indicator name

Standard for brand soap

noe" (N)

"Extra" (E)

"Children's" (D)

"Ordinary" (O)

Initial foam volume, cm, not less

Note - The initial volume of foam is determined according to paragraph 3 of Appendix 3 of GOST 790 at the stage of production.


Mouthpiece paper. Specifications

Subparchment. Specifications

Sack paper. Specifications

Double-layer pack paper for packaging cigarettes and cigarettes. Specifications

Paper for food packaging in automatic machines. Specifications

Corrugated cardboard. General technical conditions

Label paper. Specifications

Cardboard for consumer packaging. General technical conditions

Wrapping paper. Specifications

Corrugated cardboard boxes. General technical conditions

Boxes made of wood and wood materials for products from the food industry, Agriculture and matches. Specifications

Reusable boxes made of wood and wood materials for products from the food industry and agriculture. Specifications

Corrugated cardboard boxes for food, matches, tobacco and detergents. Specifications

Corrugated cardboard boxes for confectionery. Specifications

Corrugated cardboard boxes for meat and dairy products. Specifications

Boxes made of container flat glued cardboard for butter and margarine. Specifications

Corrugated cardboard boxes for canned food, preserves and food liquids. Specifications

Corrugated cardboard boxes for chemical products. Specifications

Paper-based adhesive tape. Specifications

Writing paper. Specifications

Means for securing transport packages in covered wagons. General technical requirementsGOST 24831-81

Container equipment. Types. Main parameters and dimensions

TU 63-072-58-91

Reusable polymer box using recycled materials

TU 10 RF 1048-92

Reusable plastic box for transportation laundry soap in pieces

APPENDIX B (for reference). List of recommended documents valid on the territory of the Russian Federation


TU 9145-179-00334534-95

Fatty acids for industrial processing

TU 9145-180-00334534-95

Salomas technical

GOST R 51574-2000

Table salt. Specifications

TU 17-61-03-1-84

Lanolin neutral deodorized

State Pharmacopoeia,
X ed. p.373 FS 42-2520-88

Lanolin anhydrous

TU 9158-001-12999693-93

Moisturizing cream formula "Mustella"

TU 21624130.016-98

Wheat germ oil

TU 9141-213-00334534-98

Refined olive oil

TU 2425-032-00333730-97

Antibacterial agent "Dick"

TU 9145-001-00333865-94


TU 64-19-31-90

Antal P-2

TU 10-1197-95

Distilled monoglycerides

TU 6-36-02-04192-207-88

Organic dyes. Rhodamine

TU 6-14-39-79


TU 6-36-00204180-488-94

Organic acid yellow methanil dye for leather

TU 6-14-149-82

Organic vat dye bright orange

TU 6-36-05011400-23-92

Lightfast turquoise direct dye

TU 6-14-491-76

Organic vat scarlet dye

TU 64-6-149-80

Microbiological carotene in oil

TU 6-14-457-84

Pigments for textile printing. Yellow lightfast pigment TP. Specifications

TU 6-36-5800146-40-89

Organic dyes, lightfast yellow pigment 23 V, scarlet pigment 2 SV, burgundy pigment ZhV, bright red pigment 4 ZhV, red-orange pigment B, red-brown pigment B

TU 6-14-17-82

Phthalocyanine green pigment

TU 6-36-5800146-289-92

Green phthalocyanine pigment B

TU 6-14-326-84

Pigment for textile printing. Green pigment TP. Specifications

TU 6-14-108-82

TU 6-14-210-76

Phthalocyanine blue pigment

TU 6-14-806-87

Phthalocyanine blue pigment

TU 6-38-05800142-254-097

Pigments for textile printing. Blue phthalocyanine pigment TP. Specifications

TU 6-36-5800146-895-91

Organic azapigment dyes VS-O of different colors

TU 64-19-137-91

Fragrances for soaps and detergents

TU 64-19-149-92

Fragrances for cosmetic products

TU 64-19-172-92

Fragrances for soap

TU 8901-001-00479403-93

Plant oil extracts

TU 23489-004-02700055-94

Oil extracts of medicinal plants

TU 10-04-06-85-87

Complex extracts CO

TU 6-15-1524-86

Freonless plant extracts

TU 6-15-06-322-86

Stabilized plant extracts

TU 15-02-445-90

Concentrate "Laminaria" saponified

TU 15-02-447-89

Concentrate "Laminaria" mineral

TU 15-02-444-89

Laminaria extract

TU 6-15-1401-88

Propolis oil extract


TU 38-10797-82


Electronic document text
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official publication
M.: IPK Standards Publishing House, 2003

Revision of the document taking into account
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JSC "Kodeks"

Online store "Komus" offers a wide range of solid soap. Colors, shapes, fragrances, auxiliary components vary, which means that the consumer can buy household and toiletries solid soap with optimal characteristics. Natural and chemical ingredients, oils, glycerin, perfumes in the composition - these parameters are determined by the purpose of the solid bars.

Children's recipes

Hygiene products for children are simple in composition and contain the necessary minimum of fragrances - for gentle and safe cleansing of the skin. The best are those containing mink fat, which moisturizes the epidermal cells and softens the skin. Extracts from calendula, chamomile, oak bark, and sage have an anti-inflammatory and calming effect. Also, children's recipes are indispensable for people with sensitive skin and allergies.

Toilet soap

Suitable for body and face skin care. The main components in the composition are fatty acids, creams, glycerin, petroleum jelly, extracts of herbs and plants, honey, oats and beer. Along with cleansing, natural additives take care of the condition of the skin, soften, moisturize, and nourish.

Laundry soap

It contains natural vegetable and animal fats, sodium salt. The product is suitable for washing clothes and linen, cleaning kitchen surfaces, and other household needs.

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Assortment of solid laundry and toilet soaps in the Komus store

In the Komus megamarket you can order a batch of solid laundry and toilet soap. The catalog contains the following products:

  • in packs of 1-4 pieces;
  • the weight of the bars is 90-200 g;
  • fragrance-free, with floral, plant and fruit-berry aromas.

Choose the toiletries you need in the catalog using the filter system. Order large volumes of goods and save on delivery - we provide discounts for large quantities. Wholesale orders are possible.

Let's consider the classification of toilet soap from the point of view various types classifications.

By All-Russian classifier products OK-005-93 /1, 321-322/ perfume and cosmetic products belong to class 91.

914400 Fat-based detergents

914401 Soap based on 40% fatty acid content

914402 Solid toilet soap

914403 Laundry soap

914420 Toilet detergents

914430 Special purpose detergents

Next, we will consider the standard classification of toilet soap. According to GOST 28546-2002 “Hard toilet soap. General technical conditions" solid toilet soap, depending on the main consumer properties, is divided into the following brands: "Neutral" (N), "Extra" (E), "Children's" (D), "Ordinary" (O).

Each brand of solid toilet soap must have an individual brand name.

Classification according to the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity. Toilet soap is included in section 6 entitled “Products of chemical and related industries.”

In group 34. Soap, organic surfactants, detergents, lubricants, artificial and prepared waxes, cleaning or polishing compositions, candles and similar products, modeling pastes, plasticine, "dental wax" and dental compositions based on plaster.

Subgroup 3401 Soap; organic surfactants and preparations for use as soap, in the form of bars, pieces or molded articles, whether or not containing soap; organic surfactants and skin cleansers in liquid or cream form and packaged for retail sales, whether or not containing soap; paper, cotton wool, felt or felt and nonwovens soaked or coated with soap or detergent:

Educational classification. The range of toilet soap is varied and wide. It is grouped according to various criteria.

Based on consistency, soap is divided into solid (bar), creamy, liquid and powder soap.

Liquid soap is sodium salts of fatty acids.

Liquid soaps are potassium salts of fatty acids.

Liquid toilet soaps are scented aqueous-alcoholic solutions of triethanolamine soap, oleic acid and potassium soap, fatty acids of vegetable oils with various additives. Liquid toilet soap contains up to 20% fatty acids, 10-20% ethyl alcohol, up to 1% fragrance, the rest is water.

Toilet soaps have a good cleaning effect, however, due to high pH values ​​(9.0-9.5), they are becoming less and less popular.

Depending on the composition, toilet soap is divided into four brands: “Neutral” (N), “Extra” (E), “Children’s” (D) and “Ordinary” (O).

Soaps of brands N and E contain at least 78 g of fatty acids per 100 g of soap. For these brands, the highest quality fatty raw materials are used - rendered edible animal fats of only the highest and first grade, coconut oil, etc. To flavor the soap, thin high-quality fragrances are used.

Soap brand N contains no soda products, brand E contains no more than 0.20%.

Soaps of brands N and E are the hardest, have less swelling, are consumed slowly, and have high washing ability. Shelf life - at least 3 years.

According to their purpose, toilet soaps are divided into hygienic, therapeutic and prophylactic, disinfectant, deodorizing and special.

According to the shape and weight of the piece. Solid toilet soaps are packaged in the form of pieces of various shapes with a nominal weight of up to 300g. Soaps weighing 100, 125, 150 g are considered the most convenient.

The shape of the piece can be rectangular, oval, round. Toilet soap can be curly.

According to packaging. Toilet soap is produced without wrapper and in wrapper (packaging), which in turn differs in appearance and type.

The paper wrapper of a soap may consist of one, two or three layers. Most often, one- or two-layer paper packaging is used.

Toilet soap is wrapped in a single-layer wrapper made of transparent, translucent and opaque polymer films (PE, PP, etc.), laminated paper, in plastic boxes - soap dishes, in artistically designed cases in the form of a pack, using cardboard boxes (1-4 pieces and more).