Mytny Dvor. Mytnaya Street Mytny Dvor

State institution in Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod in the 17th - first half of the 18th centuries. for the collection of customs duties on trade in timber, hay, livestock, food (except bread), etc.

View value Mytny Dvor in other dictionaries

Yard- m. place under residential building, hut, with courtyards and fencing, fence; own space between all buildings of one farm; in villages, house, hut, smoke, tax, family, with housing........
Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Yard- Get the children out of the room. || Dismiss (colloquially familiar, obsolete). Drive out of service. || trans. To get rid of something, to remove, to destroy something. (colloquial). She can’t drive away her thoughts........
Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Yard Cargo- a designated area at a railway station where warehouses, weighing points are located and services for receiving, storing, loading and unloading goods are provided.
Economic dictionary

Dvor Mintnygovernment organization, engaged in minting coins, manufacturing orders, medals and other insignia.
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Collective Farm Yard- - in the USSR - a family-labor association of persons, all or the majority of whose able-bodied members are members of a collective farm, participate with personal labor in collective farm production,......
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Mint- state
a company engaged in minting coins. These same enterprises produce orders, medals, and other metal
insignia. In Russia........
Economic dictionary

US Mint— UNITED STATES MINT The Mint was created by the Act of April 2, 1792 (1 stat. 246).
The Bureau of the Mint was created according to
Law of February 12, 1873 (17 stat.........
Economic dictionary

Royal Mint- An institution in Great Britain, which since the 16th century. is the only holder of the right to mint coins in the country. Is under the control of the Chancellor of the Exchequer (Minister........
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This word, meaning “internal piece of land between buildings,” is of Indo-European nature (for example, in the ancient Indian dvaram - “gate”). We find the same root......
Krylov's etymological dictionary

Gostiny Dvor- in Russian cities, an architectural complex for trade and storage of goods: in the 16-17 centuries. rectangular square with galleries, in the 18th-19th centuries. rectangular structure with open........

Yard- a fenced plot of land next to a house on which outbuildings are located; also used in the sense of farming in a broad sense: peasant yard, collective farm........
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Liteyny Dvor- part of the blast furnace workshop directly next to the furnace for carrying out work on the production of cast iron and slag.
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Mint- an enterprise for minting coins, manufacturing orders, medals and other state metal insignia. The first mint was established in Dr. Rome at the temple......
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Moscow Printing Yard- the largest Russian printing house, founded in the 16th century. First mentioned in 1588. In the 17th century. printed here approx. 500 books. In 1721 it was transferred to the Synod and renamed the Moscow Synodal........
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Mytny Dvorgovernment agency in Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod in the 17th - 1st half. 18th centuries on collection customs duties from trade in timber, hay, livestock, food (except bread), etc.
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Okolostvolny Dvor- a complex of underground mine workings, driven close to a mine shaft and intended to service mining operations.
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Cannon Yard- in Moscow - the center of foundry production of the Russian state in the 15th-17th centuries, a state-owned manufactory that produced cannons, bells, and chandeliers. Located in the White City, on the left........
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Rudny Dvor- part of the territory of a metallurgical plant, located near the furnaces and intended for storing stocks of charge materials (including ore - hence the name).
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Steel Yard- in the 15-16th centuries. office of German Hanseatic (see Hanse) merchants in London, the main center of Hanseatic trade in England.
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Royal Court- (imperial) - in Russia the original name of the royal residence (prince's court, sovereign's court), in the 18th century. 20th centuries - royal family (imperial family) with a certain........
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Near-trunk yard- (a. pit bottom, shaft bottom; n. Fullort; f. recette d "accrochage, accrochage du puits; i. enganche inferior) - the main underground near-shaft transport hub of the mine and the area where certain general mine production is located.... .....
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Antipin, Sibirsky Dvor.— 1773/4 was a collection item on the Kuril Islands. natural stories for Imp. Academy of Sciences, 1775 has already been received. V
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Gostiny Dvor— - architectural complex for trade and storage of goods in Russian cities. In the XVI-XVII centuries. - a rectangular square with galleries, in the 18th-19th centuries. - rectangular structure........
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Sovereign's Court- institute social organization feudal lords in Russia. Originated at the end of the 12th century. on the basis of the princely squad. By the middle of the 16th century. division of the G.D. has developed. to the ranks of the Duma, "Moscow" and "choice........
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Grenade Yardstate enterprise in Russia, producing explosive shells (grenades). Founded in mid. 1650s during the war with Poland. The products of this enterprise played a big........
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Yard— - a fenced plot of land next to a house on which outbuildings are located. Also used in the meaning of economy in a broad sense: peasant D.,........
Historical Dictionary

Courtyard of the Guard- (Jer 32.2, etc.) - courtyard near the guard house of the royal palace.
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Temnichny Yard- (Nehemiah 3.25) - the courtyard of the prison house (see).
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Zemsky Prikaz (Zemsky Dvor)- central government institution in the 16th-17th centuries. Mentioned since 1564. He was in charge of the administration of Moscow, the collection of taxes from its population, courts in criminal and civil cases.........
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State Prikaz (state yard)- palace institution in 1512-1700. He was in charge of the storage of the valuables of the royal clothing treasury, as well as the artisans who made it, led trading operations for royal needs.........
Historical Dictionary

Large legal dictionary

Mytny Dvor

state institution in Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod in the 17th - first half of the 18th centuries. for the collection of customs duties on trade in timber, hay, livestock, food (except bread), etc.

  • - part of the station territory, where operations are carried out to receive goods from senders, load them into wagons, unload them from wagons, issue them to recipients and store them...

    Technical railway dictionary

  • - an institution in charge of the 17th - 1st half. 18th centuries collection of customs duties on trade in Moscow in timber, hay, livestock, food supplies and certain other goods. M. d. also existed in Nizhny. Novgorod...

    Soviet historical encyclopedia

  • - a state institution in Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod in the 17th - 1st half. 18th centuries for the collection of customs duties on trade in timber, hay, livestock, food and...

    Large encyclopedic dictionary

  • Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

  • - mytny I adj. 1. ratio with noun myt I, associated with it 2. Peculiar to myt, characteristic of it. II adj. corr...

    Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

  • - m"...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - Profits with losses ride on the same sleigh. A profit cannot live without income. Wed. Profits are made by profits, but they go to bargaining with losses on one skid. Dahl. New pictures of Russian life. 18, 7...

    Mikhelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

  • - The profit with the overhead lives in the yard. Profits with losses ride on the same sleigh. A profit cannot live without income. Wed. Profits are made by profits, but they go to bargaining with losses on the same skid...

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  • - Cm....
  • - See GUEST -...

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  • - The yard meets the yard, and the gate into the yard...

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  • - Residents of Petrozavodsk: I’m rocking my shop, I’m rocking my washing yard, I’m rocking my market...

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  • - Happiness and misfortune live side by side...

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  • - People's A call for patience and hope. DP, 55, 117...

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  • - ...

    Word forms

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 4 excise rental rental duty...

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"mytny yard" in books

Our yard

From the book Almost Seriously... [With illustrations by the author] author Nikulin Yuri Vladimirovich

Our courtyard When I look at Polenov’s painting “Moscow Courtyard,” I immediately remember the courtyards of our alley. Behind the brick two-story outbuilding of one of the houses in our yard there was a small - it seemed huge to me - unkempt garden. In the middle of it was a hill,


author Romanushko Maria Sergeevna

YARD If you go out into the yard, then opposite our house you can see a house exactly like ours. With the same beautiful wooden balconies. Two single-entrance two-story houses look at each other. Each has eight apartments. There are a lot of children about mine in the yard -


From the book Growing Out of Childhood author Romanushko Maria Sergeevna

OUR YARD In our yard there were approximately equal numbers of girls and boys. Twenty people, maybe more. A yard full of kids!... The post-war generation. The oldest are twelve years old. But I don’t remember the older guys. Apparently, no one in our yard during the war

Our yard

From the book Against the Tide author Morozova Nina Pavlovea

Our courtyard Old woman Elizabeth was truly old. Her almost athletic step, thin, thin face and comfortable clothes could deceive anyone, but not us. We are the immature punks of the post office yard. We saw right through everyone, and they took us for something

Our yard

From the book There is only a moment author Anofriev Oleg

Our yard And again the memory returns to our small yard on Smolenskaya Square, where, like leaves of a tear-off calendar, the years of adolescence, probably the most happy years human life. And even then: on the forehead there is a bang, in the mouth there is a fixative, on the cap there is a lightning rod, and in

Our yard

From the book Born in the Ghetto by Seph Ariela

Our yard Every month in our yard they give out flour or sugar. There is a long line. Why in our yard is unclear. In the house on the street side there is a sausage shop, and a grocery store is a little further away, but our yard is large, a lot of people fit there, and the tail does not stick out


From the book Slavic Encyclopedia author Artemov Vladislav Vladimirovich

Yard Buildings intended for purely economic purposes formed, together with a residential building, a yard, fenced either with a natural green hedge or a fence made of poles or boards. Since ancient times, a mandatory part of the yard was, along with

Everyone into the yard!

From the book From zero to primer author Anikeeva Larisa Shikovna

Everyone into the yard! A ball and a rope are indispensable participants in a variety of outdoor games. fresh air, in which you need to involve not only your child, but also his peers. Joint games instill in children a willingness to cooperate, a sense of collectivism,


From the book Mass and Power by Canetti Elias

The courtyard The courtyard is considered primarily as a middle point, as a center towards which people are oriented. The desire to move around some central point is very ancient in nature, it is observed even in chimpanzees. Initially, this point itself was movable. He

4.3.18. The “House of the Brave” and Rybaritsa inside the Jerusalem Wall are the Khobro Courtyard, the Armory Courtyard and the Timofeevskaya (Fish) Tower in the Moscow Kremlin

From the author's book

4.3.18. “The House of the Brave” and the Rybaritsa inside the Jerusalem Wall are the Khobro Courtyard, the Armory Courtyard and the Timofeevskaya (Fish) Tower in the Moscow Kremlin Following the description of the Bible, we continue to move along the wall, inside the Jerusalem Fortress. AFTER THE Tombs of David the book of Nehemiah


From the book The Royal Court and the political struggle in France in the 16th-17th centuries author

The Prince's Court and the "Temple Court"

From the book Russian Land. Between paganism and Christianity. From Prince Igor to his son Svyatoslav author Tsvetkov Sergey Eduardovich

The princely court and the “terem courtyard” Igor in Kyiv belonged to the “princely courtyard”. But he apparently stopped here only during visits to the city. The princely castle (“the tower courtyard”) was located outside of Kyiv, “outside the city.” This building was unusual for Eastern

4.18. “House of the Brave” and Rybaritsa inside the Jerusalem Wall are the Khobro Courtyard, the Armory Courtyard and Timofeevskaya, that is, the Fish Tower in the Moscow Kremlin

From the author's book

4.18. “The House of the Brave” and the Rybaritsa inside the Jerusalem Wall are the Khobro Courtyard, the Armory Courtyard and Timofeevskaya, that is, the Fish Tower in the Moscow Kremlin. Following the description of the Bible, we continue to move along the wall, inside the Jerusalem Fortress. After the Tombs of David book

2.3. Courtyard of Margaret and Courtyard of France

From the book The Royal Court and the political struggle in France in the 16th-17th centuries [edited] author Shishkin Vladimir Vladimirovich


From the book Harem [History, traditions, secrets] by Penzer Norman

Mytny Dvor

Mytny Dvor- the place where the toll was collected for travel on toll roads public use(tracts). The fee itself was called myt (later - zamyt) and was charged for the transportation of all goods except bread.

Mytnye dvors existed in almost all major Russian cities until the middle of the 18th century. Despite the fact that in 1653 the Mytny Dvors were abolished by the Trade Charter, Mytny Dvors had a customs function. Most mytnye dvors also carried a trade load in the 17th century and therefore they were reclassified as Gostinye (trading) dvors.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what “Mytny Dvor” is in other dictionaries:

    Legal dictionary

    State institution in Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod in the 17th 1st floor. 18th centuries for the collection of customs duties on trade in timber, hay, livestock, food (except bread), etc... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    An institution in charge of the 17th 1st half. XVIII century collection of customs duties on trade in Moscow in timber, hay, livestock, food supplies (except bread) and some other goods. Mytny Dvor also existed in Nizhny Novgorod. Source:... ...Russian history

    State institution in Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod in the 17th and first half of the 18th centuries. for the collection of customs duties on trade in timber, hay, livestock, food (except bread), etc... Encyclopedic Dictionary

    The institution in charge of the 17th floor. 18th centuries collection of customs duties on trade in Moscow in timber, hay, livestock, food supplies (except bread) and certain other goods. M. d. also existed in Nizhny. Novgorod... Soviet historical encyclopedia

    Mytny Dvor- a state institution in Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod in the 17th and first half of the 18th century. for the collection of customs duties on trade in timber, hay, livestock, food (except bread), etc... Large legal dictionary

    MYTNYY Dvor- in the XVII – early XVIII centuries. a state institution in Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod, charged with collecting trade customs duties (thus, in 1653–1753, a 5% duty was levied on all goods except bread) ... Russian statehood in terms. 9th – early 20th century

. This courtyard is located on the left side of Moskvoretskaya Street, and currently houses retail shops. This is not at all what this courtyard was like in the hoary old days: it was something like a customs house.

In earlier times, the treasury levied duties on everything that was bought and sold, which is why internal trade was very constrained, and even more anciently, duties were collected by every prince in his domain and every owner on his estate. The collection of such duties was abolished by Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich with his “Charter of Authorization,” issued on April 30, 1654, which, by the way, says: “There are no tolls or tolls for travel.” And these travel duties were collected from all goods without exception.

The name Mytny comes from the words “myt”, i.e. duty, and “mytnik”, i.e. collector of duties on goods. Both of these words are found in our oldest legislation, “Russian Truth,” published by Grand Duke Yaroslav I in 1037.

Goods were probably brought to Mytny Dvor and lay there until duties were paid and until they were cleared by “customs heads and customs clerks.”

Mytny Dvor and inspection of goods

Taking into account that here, right next to Mytny Dvor, there was the Moskvoretsky Gate, through which most people entered Kitay-Gorod, we can say with certainty that the inspection of goods also took place here. Other gates prohibited the transport of goods to Kitay-Gorod. It should also be noted that in the old days goods were brought to Moscow mostly on barges along the Moscow River.

Mytniks were also called those tax collectors who served primarily during the Tatar yoke to collect tribute.

The Mytny Dvor building was built in the form of a quadrangle with a square inside and dates back to the half of the 16th century.

The Museum of Entrepreneurs, Patrons and Philanthropists was created in 1991 with the active participation of descendants of entrepreneurs pre-revolutionary Russia: Morozovs, Ryabushinskys, Alekseevs, Gubonins, Prokhorovs, Guchkovs, Rukavishnikovs, Sytins and other founders of Russian capitalism. The main organizer of the Museum is the curator of the Museum, Lev Nikolaevich Krasnopevtsev. Currently, the Museum is a non-governmental research, training and educational center for entrepreneurs, schoolchildren, students and the general population on the history of entrepreneurship, patronage and charity. The museum tells about the worldview, lifestyle, qualities, strategies of pre-revolutionary entrepreneurs, their enormous contribution to the development of Russia. The Museum's funds contain more than 2,500 original exhibits: photographs, portraits, documents, personal belongings, which are monuments to the activities of the creators of Russian industry, trade, financial system. The museum has a significant scientific and auxiliary fund (about 2,500 thousand items), including copies of materials, the originals of which are kept in the families of descendants of merchant families and in private collections. A library thematic collection is being formed at the Museum. Currently, it contains more than 3,000 units and is accessible to Museum visitors. The museum is located in the old part of Moscow on Donskaya Street in a 19th-century building owned by the famous Moscow businessman and philanthropist Ivan Grigorievich Prostyakov. The museum invites its visitors to sightseeing and thematic excursions, lectures and seminars, and walking tours. Together with charitable organizations Concerts and fairs are held here to raise funds to help those in need.