Continuous term of performance of duties for the vacant position. If the clause of the order specifies the deadline for execution “permanently,” then how is it controlled? Individual deadlines

1. An employee of internal affairs bodies, with his consent, may be temporarily assigned responsibilities for higher position in the internal affairs bodies with simultaneous release from performing duties in the position being filled or without it.

2. The continuous period of performance of duties for a vacant (not filled by another employee of the internal affairs bodies) position of ordinary personnel, junior, middle or senior command staff cannot exceed two months in the current year, and for a position of senior command staff - six months.

3. The continuous period of performance of duties for a non-vacant (replaced by another employee of the internal affairs bodies) position in the internal affairs bodies during the temporary absence of the employee filling this position cannot exceed four months in the current year.

4. An employee of the internal affairs bodies, temporarily performing duties for vacant position in the internal affairs bodies, may be appointed to it by transfer until the end of the temporary performance of duties.

5. The assignment of temporary duties to an employee of the internal affairs bodies in accordance with this article and the release of him in connection with this from performing duties in the position of rank and file, junior, middle or senior commanding staff are carried out by order of an authorized manager, except for the case when the execution The duties of the immediate supervisor (boss) during his absence are provided for in the employee’s job regulations (job description).

6. The procedure for assigning temporary duties to an employee of the internal affairs bodies in the position of senior management and releasing him from temporary performance of duties in the position of senior management is established by the President Russian Federation.

7. Monetary allowance to an employee of internal affairs bodies temporarily performing duties in a position in internal affairs bodies in accordance with this article is paid in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

8. In connection with official necessity, by decision of the authorized head, an employee of the internal affairs bodies may, without release from the position being filled in the internal affairs bodies and his consent, be involved in the performance of duties in another position not provided for by the job regulations (job description), for a period of up to one month during the calendar year with payment official salary no lower than for the position being filled.

1. An employee of the internal affairs bodies, with his consent, may be temporarily assigned responsibilities for a higher position in the internal affairs bodies, with or without simultaneous release from performing the duties of the position being replaced.

2. The continuous period of performance of duties for a vacant (not filled by another employee of the internal affairs bodies) position of ordinary personnel, junior, middle or senior command staff cannot exceed two months in the current year, and for a position of senior command staff - six months.

3. The continuous period of performance of duties for a non-vacant (replaced by another employee of the internal affairs bodies) position in the internal affairs bodies during the temporary absence of the employee filling this position cannot exceed four months in the current year.

4. An employee of internal affairs bodies temporarily performing duties in a vacant position in internal affairs bodies may be appointed to it by way of transfer before the end of the temporary performance of duties.

5. The assignment of temporary duties to an employee of the internal affairs bodies in accordance with this article and the release of him in connection with this from performing duties in the position of rank and file, junior, middle or senior commanding staff are carried out by order of an authorized manager, except for the case when the execution The duties of the immediate supervisor (boss) during his absence are provided for in the employee’s job regulations (job description).

6. The procedure for assigning temporary duties to an employee of internal affairs bodies in a position of senior command and releasing him from temporary performance of duties in a position of senior command is established by the President of the Russian Federation.

7. Monetary allowance to an employee of internal affairs bodies temporarily performing duties in a position in internal affairs bodies in accordance with this article is paid in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

8. In connection with official necessity, by decision of the authorized head, an employee of the internal affairs bodies may, without release from the position being filled in the internal affairs bodies and his consent, be involved in the performance of duties in another position not provided for by the job regulations (job description), for a period of up to one month during the calendar year with payment of an official salary not lower than for the position being filled.

Are you afraid that you won’t be able to correctly determine the due date of a particular document? Then this material is for you.

From the article you will learn:

All documentation to be executed by employees has a deadline within which this assignment must be completed. At the same time, the presence of a certain time frame allows not only to monitor the execution of documents, but also to determine the personal effectiveness of employees.

What does the deadline for document execution mean?

Deadlines for the execution of documents exist in every organization and reflect the time frame within which an order or decision on a given business paper must be executed. There are two types: they can be both standard and individual.

Typical deadlines for the execution of documents are determined by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 28, 2005 No. 452. You can familiarize yourself with this document in more detail at thislink .

From the names it becomes clear that standard deadlines for the execution of documents are established by certain regulations and laws. This category has a specific time frame within which certain actions must be taken in relation to a given business paper.

For example, a striking representative of typical deadlines are written requests from citizens within state deadlines. According to the law, 30 days are allocated for their consideration. You can find out more about the consideration of citizens' appeals.

The name of the individual deadlines speaks for itself. In this case, the time allotted for completing business paper is set directly within one company. As a rule, this category is fixed by the publication of a corresponding document. In this case, the procedure and time for consideration of certain categories of business papers can be specified in the instructions for office work. In this case, the established period for the execution of the document can be changed only by making a corresponding change to the instruction itself.

It is important to understand that deadlines for the execution of documents are established in order to unify all work with documents in the organization. It is their presence that makes it possible to carry out work regarding incoming documentation in a high-quality and timely manner, to carry out instructions and orders from the manager, etc. Thus, the presence of time frames helps to significantly regulate work in relation to certain categories of business papers.

Individual deadlines

As mentioned above, the individual period for presenting a document for execution can be set by the head of the company or the author of the document. In the second case, only the author of the business paper can change the time frame.

Do not forget that standard deadlines can also be revised within the same organization. This requires the adoption of an appropriate act. You can find out more about the procedure.

Thus, the same proposal for cooperation received from another company may receive a time period for implementation after review by the manager. In this case, it can be established in the form of a resolution on a document and have detailed information about further actions.


Do not forget that all orders require execution at a certain time. Moreover, the text of the order always contains the date from which certain changes come into force. In most cases, the date format in which the execution period is specified is displayed as the last day of execution. For example, “... until 09.20.2017...”, “... until 09.20.2017...” and so on. In this case, the time by which the order must be executed may be indicated. For example, we may be talking about the need to prepare certain documentation by 10 a.m. of the last day specified in the execution period.

It should also be noted that a number of orders may contain information on the introduction of any changes to the activities of the organization. In this case, the execution period from which the changes come into force is indicated in the form “... from 09/15/2017”, etc.

Determining the due date

As mentioned above, deadlines can be standard or individual. To determine typical deadlines, it is more convenient for secretaries to always have a list of these time frames at hand. The presence of such a cheat sheet will help prevent failure of execution, which can lead to certain consequences, including administrative penalties.

If we're talking about about incoming documents, as a rule, the author of the letter independently indicates the period during which the requirements for this business paper must be fulfilled. If there is no deadline in the incoming document, it can be entered in the form of a resolution by the head of the company when considering the business paper.

All documentation marked “Urgent” must be executed within 3 days. We are talking about calendar days. In this case, if a letter with this mark was received by your organization on Friday, we recommend that you immediately hand it over to the contractor, since the deadline for its execution will come to an end on Monday.

Also, when applying a resolution to a document, we recommend that you clarify whether the specified time period is calculated in calendar or working days. Such clarification will help the contractor fulfill all requirements on time. You can find out more about using a resolution with a deadline..

In this case, the beginning of the deadline for the execution of the incoming document is the date of its receipt by your organization. When working with internal documentation, the start of the term is usually considered to be the day when the business document was signed, approved or a decision was made in relation to it.

Changes and violation of deadlines

In the event that the contractor does not have time to follow certain instructions for working with documentation in a strictly set time, he must draw up a memo. The content of this business paper should be a request to postpone/extend the time period and indicate the reason why this is necessary. Service memo must be drawn up in the name of the person who established the time period of the requirements.

In case of delay, the secretary must require an explanatory note indicating the reason why certain requirements were not fulfilled on time. Wherein explanatory letter must be written in the structural unit whose tasks included the execution of the business paper and the requirements set out for it.

Please note that it is possible to postpone the execution of a document only if we are talking about individual deadlines. In this case, only the author of the document or resolution itself can give you approval to extend or postpone the time period. You can get more detailed information about rescheduling .

Any management structure performs control functions. Control helps to strengthen executive discipline and increase responsibility in carrying out management decisions and assignments. Control actions in the organization must be carried out openly and systematically.

One of the components of control functions and an important element documentation support management is control over the execution of documents, decisions and tasks (instructions).

Control of the execution of documents and instructions is a set of actions that ensure the timely execution of documents created in the organization, coming from higher organizations, from other organizations and citizens.

Control over the execution of documents is carried out in order to facilitate the timely and high-quality execution of decisions and tasks of the management of an organization or structural unit. There are two areas of control activities:

  • monitoring the execution of documents on the merits of the issues raised in them;
  • control of deadlines for execution of documents.

There are two possible forms of control organization: centralized and decentralized. Choice organizational form conducting control operations depends on the size of the organization, the structure of the preschool educational institution service, the volume of document flow and the chosen form of work with documents (centralized, decentralized or mixed).

In an organization with a small volume of document flow, one control specialist works as part of the preschool educational institution service. In accordance with " Qualification guide positions of managers, specialists and other employees" this position is called control inspector.

In certain structural units, control over the deadlines for the execution of documents and instructions can be carried out by secretaries or persons responsible for office work, which should be enshrined in the Instructions for office work and the Job Descriptions of these employees.

In small organizations in which there is no preschool educational institution service, monitoring the execution of documents is the responsibility of the employee responsible for registration and accounting of documents or the employee responsible for the organization’s documentation support (for example, the manager’s secretary).

Local regulations regulating the forms and procedure for monitoring, establish the legality of control, and form among employees the habit of inspections as a necessary procedure.

Document execution control includes:

  • collection of data on controlled documents in special or registration forms (cards);
  • placing the document under control;
  • prompt delivery of the document (its individual item or task) to the executor;
  • preliminary check and regulation of the progress of execution;
  • entering information about the progress of execution into control forms;
  • removal of the executed document from control (making an entry in the RKF);
  • accounting and generalization of the control result;
  • informing the management of the organization about the progress of execution of documents and performance discipline.
When sending a document for execution to a subordinate organization with subsequent reporting on the progress and results of execution, 2 copies are sent along with the documents. RKF. After completing 1 copy. the cards are returned to the parent organization indicating the date and content of the document execution.

Deadlines for execution of documents

Deadlines for execution of documents may be typical or individual.

Typical deadlines for the execution of certain categories of documents are established by legislative or regulatory acts of the Russian Federation. Each office management service should have such a list of documents with typical deadlines. We recommend including such a list as an appendix to the Office Management Instructions, thereby making it available to everyone managerial workers organizations.

Here is a list of typical deadlines for the execution of documents:

  • instructions of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation - within the period specified in the instruction or within a month from the date of its signing;
  • instructions from the President of the Russian Federation marked “Very Urgently” are considered within 5 days;
  • instructions of the President of the Russian Federation marked “Urgent” are considered within 10 days;
  • instructions from the Government of the Russian Federation marked “Very Urgently” are considered within 5 days;
  • instructions from the Government of the Russian Federation marked “Urgent” are considered within 10 days;
  • letters from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, without agreement with other organizations - within 15 days, with agreement - 30 days;
  • request from a deputy of the Federal Assembly - no later than 15 days from the date of receipt;
  • proposals and statements of deputies of the Federal Assembly - within one month; not requiring study and verification - to the maximum short time;
  • letters of instruction and letters - requests from higher organizations - by the specified date or within 10 days;
  • citizens' appeals – 30 days from the date of registration; if additional study is necessary, it is allowed to extend for a period of no more than 30 days;
  • protocols of disagreements: drawing up and sending - within 10 days, consideration - within 20 days;
  • telegrams requiring an urgent decision - up to 3 days, others - within 10 days;
  • letters from enterprises, organizations, institutions – 10 days;
  • payment orders: statements and delivery to bank institutions - no later than the next day after receipt of the goods;
  • complaint about incorrect actions or orders of financial authorities: consideration no later than 10 days from the date of receipt.

Individual deadlines

  1. May be contained in the text of a document (order, regulation, decision, etc.). Receipts from higher organizations or authorities, as a rule, contain deadlines for completing the actions specified in them.
  2. They are established by the head when making a resolution. There are cases when it is impossible to immediately establish the exact deadline for the execution of a document, then a conditional deadline is established, which is then adjusted during the execution of the document.

If the document has a long execution period, then the execution of intermediate stages is monitored. The deadline for completing each stage is fixed in the RKF.

The deadlines for document execution are calculated in calendar days: those received (incoming) from other organizations - from the moment of receipt; for sent (outgoing) and internal - from the date of their signing or approval. Execution is controlled from the moment the document is delivered for control.

During the execution of documents, due to objective reasons, deadlines may change.

IMPORTANT! Changes to the individual deadline for the execution of documents can only be made by the manager who set it. After agreeing with the management of the new deadline, the contractor is obliged to report the postponement (change) of the deadline to the preschool educational institution service. The decision to postpone the execution date of a document is made two to three days before the expiration of the originally established date. Correction of the deadline retroactively is not permitted.

Coordination of the prepared document with interested organizations and individuals must be carried out within the established deadline for execution of the document.

Monitoring the execution of documents and orders

All documents requiring execution are placed under control, i.e. making an additional decision, performing any actions or preparing a response document.

If an organization uses a journal registration form to register documents, then special control cards or another (control) journal are created for control. The journal form can be effectively used in organizations where work with confidential information is separate and in organizations with a small volume of document flow.

Front side

Reverse side

* The top line is used to control the execution of a document; the date of execution of the document is circled.

** The field “Progress of case execution” is filled in when performing control operations.

Sample form of registration and control card (RCC)
with an expanded list of details


Front side


Reverse side


In the control file, RKK are systematized by:

  • deadlines for execution of documents;
  • performers;
  • groups (types) of documents (orders and instructions, protocols, contracts, etc.).

The control file has two sections: “Controlled array” and “Executed documents”.

Bringing the controlled document to the executor is carried out against signature in the RKK, which is then located in the control file. To bring the document to the executor, an information and telecommunications network can be used; the document is sent to the executor by email with the sender notified of receipt of the document. Receipt of a notification by the DOU service means that the document put under control has been accepted for execution.

The organization's DOU service (control service) conducts a preliminary check and regulates the execution of documents. To do this, the executor, if there are several executors - the responsible executor, is sent a reminder about the approaching deadline for the execution of the document.

All reminders to performers are recorded in the RKK.

Conducting ongoing control involves daily review of cards by a control inspector or other responsible person. Documents are identified that must be executed the next day or in 2-3 days. The progress of their execution must be checked and it is determined whether the task is being disrupted. From the above it is clear that current and preventive controlThis is a constant check and regulation of the progress of execution of documents.

Checking the progress of execution of documents is usually carried out at the following frequency:

  • task for subsequent years - once a quarter or at least once a year;
  • task for subsequent months current year- once a month;
  • task for the current month – every 10 days.

If it is impossible to execute the document on time, the contractor, 3 days before the expiration of the deadline, is obliged to submit a reasoned written request for an extension of the deadline to the manager. The decision to extend the execution period is made only by the manager who made the resolution.

IMPORTANT! The contractor is obliged to inform the DOU service (control service) about the change in the deadline for the execution of the document. Information about changes in the deadline for execution of a document is entered into the RKK.

Only the organization that authored the document can suspend or cancel the execution of a document, and for internal documents - the head or management body that made the decision.

Removing an executed document from control carried out by the head of the organization or on his behalf by the preschool educational institution service.

The document is considered executed and removed from control after the actual execution of the task, instructions, requests and/or documented confirmation of their execution on the merits. The results are communicated to interested organizations and individuals.

When a document is removed from control, the following data is entered into the RKK:

  • brief information about the execution or a link to the document (date and number) evidencing the execution;
  • mark “to file”, enter the number of the file in which the document will be stored in accordance with the nomenclature of files; date and signature of the contractor or head of the structural unit.

Accounting, generalization and analysis of the progress and results of document execution carried out by the preschool educational institution service in the form of analytical reports (certificates, summaries) within a specified time frame or upon request. The established deadlines are usually once a month - at the beginning of the coming month for the previous month and once a year - at the beginning of the coming year for the previous year.


Summary data on the state of performance discipline in the organization is presented to the head of the organization and managers structural divisions.

Sample form of a certificate of performance discipline status
for the head of the organization


on the execution of documents as of ___________

Division name Documents under control Of them:
Total received in the previous month completed on time executed on time with extended deadline not completed on time
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Sample form of a certificate of performance discipline status
heads of structural divisions


on the execution of documents in ____________________ as of ___________

(name of division)

Thus, analysis of document execution control data is necessary not only for the manager to strengthen executive discipline, but also to improve the entire management structure. The preschool educational institution service needs this analysis to improve the organization and technology of working with documents. To quickly and effectively solve management and production tasks are now increasingly used automated systems registration and control of documents based on database technologies.

During the registration process, the date of execution of the document is entered in the “Execution Date” field and it is automatically placed under control. Information about the progress of execution, the transfer of a document to another department, or a change in the deadline for execution is entered into the registration database.

Upon completion of the execution of the document, data on the date and nature of execution and information on the case number in which the document remains for storage are entered into the electronic registration card. Modern programs allow you to display lists of documents with deadlines at any stage of their execution and generate certificates (summaries, information) for the performers and the manager about the deadlines for the execution of documents.



First, the simple answer. In concepts, policies, business plans, plans, orders, instructions and instructions, the deadline for execution “always” should never be indicated. There is no such deadline.

It is necessary to remember the recommendations of the Unified State System of Records Management (M., 1974) and State system documentation support for management (M., 1991), according to which control of the execution of administrative documents of the organization (minutes of meetings of collegial bodies and orders of the head) is carried out according to the deadline specified in them.

Order as legal act, administrative document, fixing management decision, must be compiled and executed correctly and contain a specific deadline.

Example 1

The clause in the administrative part of the order (instruction) must clearly establish the deadline for execution

Collapse Show

If the order establishes a new legal norm of an operational nature, mandatory for all or a specific category of employees of the organization, the procedure for performing a certain function, procedures, algorithm of actions for the sale of services, products, etc., then the legal norm of the order will be in force until changes and additions are made to it(but this will be a different legal norm and a new version order) until it is canceled or until the established period of its application ends (moreover, this period of application, i.e., the validity period of the order, must be precisely recorded in the stating or administrative part of its text).

Example 2

The validity period of the order norms is indicated in the stating part of the text

Collapse Show

Example 3

The validity period of the order norm is indicated in the administrative part of the text

Collapse Show

If any legal norms in the organization are subject to constant application and control, are intended to be observed continuously over a long period of time, then they are formalized in such organizational documents, as provisions, rules, regulations, including administrative and technological, job descriptions, instructions, tariffs, enterprise standards, etc. Organizational documents are approved and put into effect by orders. And control over compliance with the requirements and rules (legal norms) established therein will be carried out in the manner and according to evaluation indicators, which are now customarily established in the organizational document itself. Orders on the approval and implementation of internal regulatory documents of an organization, as a rule, should not contain clauses on monitoring its implementation. On the contrary, the clause on assigning the function of methodological guidance to the application of the approved organizational document becomes mandatory in such orders - this function provides for:

  • compliance monitoring established requirements, additional explanation of their application,
  • receiving "feedback"
  • compiling reports, informing management,
  • development of proposals for improvement, etc.

If the order still sets a long deadline for execution, That " best practics» modern organizations recommend the following:

  • if the execution period is set for more than 30 days, then the deadline for submitting reports / interim reports on the progress of execution is every 5-10 days or for each stage of execution, which must be established in the document itself or determined by the contractor independently. And if it is impossible to execute the document on time, a report on this is submitted no later than 10 days before the expiration of the execution deadline. Please note that the period for approval of draft documents drawn up during the execution process is included in the execution period/term;
  • Mandatory preliminary control of execution is carried out depending on the significance of the controlled decisions:
    • plans and assignments for subsequent years - once a month or quarter, but at least 1-2 times a year;
    • plans and tasks for the next months of the current year - once a month;
    • documents and tasks of the current month - every 10 days and 3-5 days before the deadline.

At least 3 days before the expiration of the deadline, the executor (the one whose name is indicated in the order, instruction or first formalized in the resolution) must make a reasoned request to postpone / extend the deadline. The decision to extend the deadline is made by the manager who has put the resolution on the document, signed the order or approved the task and work plan. Removal from control is carried out after the actual execution of tasks, instructions and documented confirmation of their execution on the merits (a new document has been drawn up, there is a note on execution, a report, etc.).

Management practice shows an interesting connection between the nature of the decision and its implementation - the larger the issue, the more complex the decision, the longer its implementation requires, the lower the feasibility / “executability” of this decision within the established time frame. Therefore, in a specific situation, we recommend that you always see the “system” and, in the complex issue of monitoring execution, take into account its managerial aspects and organizational justification.

Document execution control is a set of actions that ensure timely execution of documents. Control is always considered in two aspects:

  • substantive control of execution decisions made, i.e. management control for all types and levels of control;
  • control over deadlines decisions made.

All technological aspects test work are currently determined by the construction of a control system in the organization:

  • organizing a control system, reviewing reports and making decisions on them ( system management control) are carried out by the management bodies of the organization ( general meeting shareholders, meeting of founders, board of directors, chairman of the board of directors, etc.);
  • control over the functioning of the organization’s management system and ongoing management control are entrusted to the executive bodies (collegial and individual - board, general director; his deputy for administrative management, administrative director and a specially created control service);
  • operational control and the regulation of specific processes is controlled by managers responsible for the process, function, and heads of structural divisions. This is how the organization carries out specialized types of control, for example:
    • monitoring compliance of current activities with regulatory standards - service internal control, control management;
    • control of compliance of service provision with legislative norms and regulation of conflicts of interest - compliance control, standards compliance service corporate governance;
    • control and analysis economic activity, monitoring the execution of plans and budgets - financial director, situational / analytical center, financial / budget controller;
    • risk control - risk management service;
    • control over the conduct of calculations and compliance with accounting and tax policies - the head of the organization, who delegates these powers to the chief accountant, accounting department;
    • application control current legislation- legal service;
    • application control labor legislation- personnel service.

In specialized types of control and in control of the execution of documents and orders, they are usually carried out 2 types of control / control actions:

  • “follow-up” control;
  • preventive control.

Both types of control actions were carried out with varying degrees of completeness by the office management service and secretaries (service of assistants / management staff), acting in accordance with the requirements of the organization’s office management instructions, which regulated primarily “term” control.

But in connection with the approval of the Rules of office work in federal bodies executive power (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 15, 2009 No. 477; as amended) control over the execution of documents, even in terms of deadlines, now formally does not fall within the area of ​​responsibility of office work.

Control over the execution of documents and instructions (both in terms of the universal algorithm of control operations and in terms of establishing deadlines for execution) is considered as part of the current management control within the framework of the administrative management processes of the organization and is enshrined in special regulations for control work or in administrative regulations(section on control over the implementation of the administrative procedure). The main attention now should be focused not so much on monitoring execution, but on monitoring the quality of decisions, which is part of the tasks of a modern control service, which, as a rule, reports to the first head of the organization.

But both managers and the control service cannot monitor execution without those tools that are compiled and documented in office work:

  • magazines and cards (these are the main accounting and registration forms in both electronic and paper form), as well as
  • a special classifier (this is a list of documents subject to control of execution, indicating deadlines for execution; it establishes categories of controlled documents and deadlines for their execution, which will be considered mandatory and standard for a particular organization).

It is in this area that there is a “growth point” for the effective participation of the office management service in the administrative management processes of the organization.