Is lte necessary? How to know that your smartphone will work on the right LTE networks. Do we need LTE?

Many people are interested in the question of how to find out whether the Phone supports 4g. A large number of people use mobile devices that have the ability to access the Internet. But here we're talking about about fourth generation technology. How to find out whether a SIM card supports 4g is also something to be figured out.

What opportunities does technology provide?

In Russia, such a product is in great demand, although it appeared relatively recently. Just a few years ago it was difficult to believe in the opportunities that are available today. For example, data is transferred at a speed of approximately 150 megabits/s. The vast majority of resources load instantly. The film will download in excellent quality within about 10-15 minutes.

But to enjoy such benefits, you need to know which phones support 4g LTE.

Let's find out if the device supports the technology

Such information must be indicated in the equipment specification. In the document, as a rule, you can read exactly what standards for receiving and transmitting data are provided. If it is noted that an LTE module is provided, it means that the phone can operate on the latest generation network.

You can check on the phone itself. Go to its settings and select mobile connection options. In the “Network type” item you will see all the networks that are available on your gadget.

Not all smartphones offer the opportunity to select LTE, although they support it. Samsung Galaxy S4 Active is one of these models. Use the ShowServiceModeForGalaxy LTE program to connect.

If the gadget and SIM card are in order, but high communication speeds are still not observed, check the coverage map or check with your operator to see if they support fourth-generation technologies.

What to do if your phone does not support 4g?

There is only one way out of the situation - to purchase another model. Often, store sellers themselves talk about the presence of such a function. They understand that a large number of consumers will pay attention to this argument. At the office of any cellular company they will tell you how to support 4g lte networks - what it is, what are the advantages of the technology. Here you can also buy a modern telephone. Competent consultants will help you choose a model. You can also contact us directly using the voice call function.

If the sim does not support 4g lte, then you need to change the sim card. If it doesn't say "4G LTE" or the SIM card was released before 2013, then it almost certainly does not have the ability to connect to the network at high speeds.

However, like most revolutionary new products, 4G makes its way to the pinnacle of market success at the cost of a grueling struggle with established stereotypes. Perhaps you will find some of them in yourself. Let's try to dispel some common doubts and tell you what a 4G network actually is.

MYTH #1:Devices supported 4Glittle, nothing to choose from

When 4G first came to our world, the choice of devices was limited to USB modems, and the dream of high-speed and truly mobile access to the network could only be realized in conjunction with a laptop, which can be called mobile, but with a stretch.

Now, a year and a half after the advent of 4G, the situation has changed dramatically. Devices have appeared for every taste, and to be precise, for any “consumption scenario”: modems, routers, tablets and, of course, smartphones. And now we are talking not only about a handful of flagships costing around 30 thousand rubles, but about an impressive list of 26 smartphone models that support the Russian LTE frequency - 2600 MHz. And fresh announcements from global manufacturers are constantly adding new lines to this list.

One of the most economical ways to join the future is the MegaFon Turbo smartphone, which sells for 9,990 rubles.

MYTH No. 2: 4 Gworks only in the city and not everywhere

Many of us are afraid to start our relationship with 4G technology because we think about its impermanence. “If there is fishing there, but not here, then why do I need it?” - they say. Practice shows that where 4G Internet is needed, it reaches 20-30 Mbit/s. And it is needed, as a rule, where humanity has not yet found a way to install Wi-Fi - traffic jams, public transport, squares, parks - whatever, waiters of many cafes answer the question “What is the name of your Wi-Fi?” often silently go to the kitchen, lamenting the stinginess of their own superiors.

Moreover, nothing bad happens when you leave the 4G reception area. The device doesn’t turn into a brick or a pumpkin - it switches to 3G mode (or 2G, if you’ve gone very far), finds its base stations and continues to “serve.” The flow of megabytes of information useful to you is not interrupted even for a minute, it just becomes slower.

MYTH No. 3: differences between 4Gand 3Gimperceptible

Opponents of technological progress often say that the difference between the operation of a device in 3G and 4G is minimal. This statement is, of course, true. But only in 5% of cases when your gadget is turned off. The rest of the time, a 4G device downloads information eight to ten times faster. Website pages open instantly, as if they were not websites, but applications installed on your smartphone. For those who have already tried high speed internet in operation, the usual 1-2 megabits seem indecently slow.

MYTH#4: 4Gworks only in Moscow and several other cities

One of the most common misconceptions. Today, 4G operates in 85 Russian cities, including 10 million-plus cities - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Samara, Ufa, Kazan, Krasnoyarsk, Omsk, Perm. The list is so long that you will most likely get tired before you even get to the middle. A third of the country’s population is already within the coverage area of ​​the fourth generation network, and the list of cities with 4G is growing every week. How can you find out if such a network works in your city? Probably the easiest way is to just go to the nearest store of your operator.

MYTH#5: Price 4G-Internet is still too high

And again no. The cost of 3G and 4G Internet is the same. And this is the fundamental difference between 4G and wired Internet, where for each additional megabit of speed you have to pay extra to the provider. The price of a standard Internet traffic package starts from 250-300 rubles per month. For this money you will get speeds of 20-30 Mbit per second, which was almost science fiction a few years ago.

MYTH No. 6: 4 G- this is a crude technology that still needs to be refined and refined

Only people had time to get used to the concept of 3G and learn all its advantages when the active integration of the new generation of communications began - 4G, in particular LTE technology. Why do we need LTE and what benefits can it give us? First you need to understand what it all is.

LTE is a new technology wireless communication, which corresponds to the fourth generation standard. All technologies fall under this standard mobile communications, which provide a data transfer rate of at least 10 Mbit/s. LTE technology is the next stage in development cellular communications. It marks the transition from CDMA (WCDMA) systems to the new OFDMA systems, and also provides a transition from a circuit switching system to an e2e IP system. In other words, packet switching occurs (packet data transfer).

However, despite all the advantages of this technology, the rapid transition to LTE is hampered by several factors. Firstly, to get all the benefits from new technology appropriate equipment and improvements to existing systems are required. Secondly, subscribers themselves will need mobile devices that can work in 3G and LTE networks. This is explained by the fact that this technology is just being introduced and does not cover the entire territory of the country.

1. Why LTE is needed - technology development goals

The development goals and benefits of LTE are as follows:

  • Reducing the cost of services provided;
  • Increasing data transfer speeds in wireless networks;
  • The ability to provide a wider range of services to its subscribers;
  • Increasing the flexibility of using existing systems;
  • Increasing the availability of mobile communications for subscribers.

The main goal of the development and implementation of LTE technology is to increase the speed of information transfer. The integration of LTE technology will provide the opportunity to create high-speed mobile communication systems that will be optimized for packet data transmissions. In this case, the data transfer speed is theoretically 300 Mbit/s for downstream channels and about 75 Mbit/s for upstream channels. However, this technology is still being finalized and implemented, which is why the actual speed in the network coverage area differs from the theoretical one.

Another feature of the technology is the range of the LTE base station, which in the optimal case is about 5 km. However, if necessary, this figure can be increased to 30 km, and in some cases even to 100 km (but only with a sufficient antenna height).

For a smooth transition from the third generation to the fourth, there is a system of continuous signal transmission from LTE to 3G. This is necessary so that the connection is not interrupted if you leave the LTE coverage area. And as mentioned above, this technology is new and is just beginning to be introduced, which is why 4G communications do not cover the entire territory of the country.

2. iPad Air + 4G/LTE in Russia = love: Video

3. Do we need LTE?

The advantages of the new generation LTE wireless communication technology have already been mentioned above, so whether to use it or not is a purely personal decision of each mobile subscriber. However, it is worth considering the fact that the cost of such communication is currently higher compared to 3G. Therefore, everyone decides for themselves what they need – speed or savings. According to forecasts, 4G communications are planned to become cheaper in the future, making LTE technology available to everyone in the near future.

Does a smartphone need 4G?

The common opinion is that it is completely unnecessary; long-running 3G is enough for a smartphone. It really is enough if you consciously limit yourself, but is it worth it? You can get by with a simple messenger and a weather forecast widget, then 2G (EDGE) will be enough. The “redundancy” of 4G for smartphones is assured by those who have not tried 4G in their smartphone, but confidently talk about “the taste of oysters.” With a far from oyster price tag: 4G Internet for the whole month will cost less than one lunch at a diner.

From exclusive to mass

Packet data transfer (GPRS) appeared even before smartphones; the claimed 56 Kbps (although in reality it was less) without paying for the connection time seemed like a miracle. Technologies improved (EDGE) and speeds grew, but the capabilities of mobile Internet in smartphones remained a bottleneck. Special protocols, adapted “light” versions of websites (WAP), email clients without the ability to accept attachments, MMS photo compression and many “cunning” technologies that save precious kilobytes. In general, incredible efforts on both sides: to simplify the transmitted “content” as much as possible and, at the same time, increase the transmission speed.

The user, as a result, received a kind of surrogate with reduced functionality and annoying “thoughtfulness” during the process of sending messages and loading pages. Although, some solutions turned out to be so successful that they remained in demand in the 3G era, the same Opera Mini is still alive and well. Despite all the technical tricks, before the advent of the 3G era, mobile Internet in smartphones was rather exotic and a pleasant bonus for enthusiasts.

The advent of 3G was a revolution that “shook up” the market and quickly changed the attitude of users towards the mobile Internet. Speed ​​was no longer a limiting factor and smartphones were finally able to showcase their talents. Good example - home page the Play Market application store and a list of applications that Google considers a must-have “gentleman’s kit” for a modern mobile consumer. GOOGLE understands as well as you and I that a modern smartphone is a plus fast internet- this is a combination that is simply necessary for both business users and advanced users of social networks that have long become a mass phenomenon. And this user is carefully offered Skype, instant messengers, Facebook and VK clients and other means of communication.

Thus, the “smartphone plus Internet” set has become something taken for granted, and in the case of a cheap model, a boring routine. And has universal happiness arrived? Not really. The appetite came while eating and now 3G ceases to satisfy our increased needs.

Why does a smartphone need 4G?

At first glance, the LTE (4G) standard provides “only” a significant increase in data transfer speed. This is undeniable, but this is not even the main thing in a smartphone. The implementation of 4G in a smartphone is a qualitative leap, not an evolutionary acceleration. Starting with speeds of about 1.5-2 Mbit/s, which even an average 3G connection provides, the smartphone is able to cope with most tasks without pauses or annoying delays. What is more important is transmission stability and a number of other parameters. They focus on speed because it is clear to the mass consumer: faster means better.

It is important for the end user, forgive the tautology, to use those services that are interesting and necessary to him, and not to delve into technical details. The problem is that our online habits and needs have changed radically, although we don’t always notice it. Video calls via Skype, viewing hundreds of photos and uploading your own photos to social media, YouTube videos and more. The quality of the “picture” of a video is slightly higher - the data flow is tens of times larger, a short video instead of a photo - the volume of data increases by two orders of magnitude. Are the problems imaginary? Not at all. Dry lines of the report:

“Skyfire (a subsidiary of Opera Software) reported that, according to its own research conducted in Russia in December 2013, 37% of all video transmitted over Russian 3G networks freezes during viewing and requires re-buffering, which leads to to a negative user experience and a high percentage of refusal to further watch videos on mobile devices. The study also showed that when playing 28% of all video transmitted on 3G networks in Russia, freezing and buffering time accounted for more than 10% of the total video playback time.”

Problems with other services are not so pronounced, but they exist and there is no escape from 4G. Unless, of course, we want to consume any content “here and now” and not put it off for later. Can 4G be considered a radical solution with room for the future? It's hard to say, but today this is the best available on the market.


Why is 4G so “good and useful”? Even with speed characteristics comparable to 3G, there are enough differences.

  • Transmission stability. The speed depends on the specific location, distance from the base station and load, miracles do not happen. But LTE works much smoother, with an incomparably smaller number of “failures” and fading. Which is extremely important for comfortable viewing of streaming broadcasts. Video - of course, but there is little joy in an online radio or podcast that stutters in 3G.
  • High speed“upstream” transmissions (to the network). Interactivity is a sign of the times, no matter how pretentious it may sound. You want to share your own photos and videos just as much as you want to view other people’s material. 4G allows you to do this at speeds that are almost unattainable in 3G. And for operational work with photographs and videos, 4G has become almost the only acceptable solution in “field” conditions. For everyday needs - similarly, video calls from a smartphone in 4G finally delight you with sound and picture.
  • A short time response (latency) is a separate topic that many people forget about. It's not just about online games that require fast network response. In everyday use mobile internet The “responsiveness” of the smartphone is also a big plus. Even in good 3G, hundreds of small delays add up to one big irritation, albeit on a subconscious level. 4G in this sense provides a completely different level of comfort in the browser, but it is useless to talk about it; to understand the difference you need to try it yourself.
  • And, of course, speed is never too much, including for work. Quickly downloading all your mail with a dozen documents and a couple of presentations is not bad in itself, but with the growing popularity of cloud storage, the pace of data exchange is becoming increasingly important.

In general, for full use of the mobile Internet in a smartphone, 4G is clearly preferable, this is a fact.


There are already more smartphones sold than regular phones, in financial terms - much more. The share of devices with LTE support is growing rapidly; such smartphones have already left the category of expensive exclusives and exotics. At MegaFon, based on the results of November 2013, the share of 4G smartphones in the structure of smartphone sales in the network of branded showrooms reached 5.5%, and in the company’s online store - 20%. According to MegaFon's forecasts, in the 2nd-3rd quarter of 2014, up to 50% of smartphones on the Russian market will have LTE support.

On the MegaFon online store website, everything is conveniently sorted and smartphones with 4G support can be viewed in a separate section. Among the top models - Apple iPhone 5s/c of ​​different modifications and colors, Nokia Lumia 1520, Sony Xperia Z Ultra C6833, Samsung Galaxy Note 3 N900 and others.

It’s not easy for everyone to navigate all this 4G wealth, so MegaFon has “set up” its own special resource, where it collects all the current models of 4G gadgets available on the Russian market - In fact, this is a unique and always up-to-date reference book on 4G gadgets for the Runet.

Last summer, MegaFon was the first on the Russian market to offer its subscribers an inexpensive branded 4G smartphone with excellent characteristics for a reasonable price; you can read the review. Subsequently, the price was reduced to 5,000 rubles. and the device became a bestseller. Unfortunately, not for long, as supplies were quickly sold out.

As for the story with the Apple iPhone 5s/c smartphones (Apple’s initial blocking for the Russian market), now everything is in order and the devices work perfectly on the LTE network. According to unconfirmed (yet) data, several operating MegaFon LTE 800 base stations have already been noticed in Moscow, which inspires some optimism among owners of iPhone 5s/c imported from the USA.

It is obvious that fast and high-quality Internet is the most important component of a modern smartphone; it is its “engine”. A good car should please its owner not only appearance, but also the dynamics of acceleration. To feel the “dynamics” of 4G, you need to try it, and with the current selection of models, why not?

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