Providing an alibi. Providing an alibi within the law. Professional alibi support

Providing an alibi

Sometimes a person finds himself in situations where it is necessary to make non-standard decisions and take unusual actions. There are a number of cases when it is necessary to provide an alibi for a client. The detective agency provides advice and assistance on reputation protection, as well as assistance in other non-trivial situations.

The detectives of our agency will develop a scenario for you that would fully justify your absence from where circumstances force you to be. Naturally, the assistance of our agency is provided in cases that do not have a criminal connotation and do not have criminal characteristics. Providing an alibi can be carried out in different forms:

  • An alibi may look like a phone call with a message that your presence is urgently needed at that moment in another place.
  • An alibi can take the form of an invitation to various events - corporate or private.
  • An alibi that fakes your presence at conferences, meetings, and seminars can be documented.
  • If the alibi suggests your presence in another city (country), we can collect documents that will confirm your flight and accommodation. This applies to air tickets, hotel accommodation, etc.
  • An alibi can indicate your presence at events such as a concert, a visit to the gym, or a beauty salon - depending on your goals.

From the scenarios that we offer, you can choose the one that best suits your needs.

In addition, to protect business reputation, as well as for other purposes, we can offer you complex developments and scenarios that are provided with supporting materials.

Providing an alibi for several days.

This service involves the development and implementation of a scenario that will confirm the client’s stay on a business trip. Kit necessary documents(travel documents, hotel bills, marks in travel certificates) will be needed in case of confirmation of a regular business trip. We can also implement quite complex multi-pass combinations. To rack your brains about where to buy a certificate or other confirmation, you don't have to.

Each scenario is developed taking into account individual characteristics client situation.

Providing post-alibi

This service is intended for those clients who need to somehow justify and explain their absence from the place where they were supposed to be. In this case, we will help you take urgent measures to correct the situation. If necessary, we will help you buy a certificate in Cherkassy or another region of the country. With our help, the client can decide how to hide betrayal.

Reputation protection and support.

The detectives of our agency will develop a set of measures with which you can strengthen your reputation in the eyes of business partners or friends.

Visibility of occupancy

The agency's detectives will create the complete illusion of your workload during the working day. In addition, we will help you create the impression that you are running your own business by confirming your occupation with such attributes as the presence of an office, personal secretary, telephone and business cards.

Emergency situations

We are ready to assist our clients in various situations. Such situations may be unnecessary or simply boring meetings, from which we can save you or simply shorten the duration. This may be another reason why you need time off. Our regular customers we can provide urgent assistance within an hour.

Private orders

Clients of our agency periodically have assignments that, due to their confidentiality, cannot be entrusted to strangers or even relatives. We carry out such assignments while maintaining complete confidentiality.

Providing an alibi within the law

Sometimes a person finds himself in the most unforeseen situations, when he simply needs “cover” from the outside so that his actions do not lead to any of the most undesirable consequences. And in these situations, you can fully count on the help of the employees of the detective agency “Private Detective Turkey”, who are ready to prepare for you providing an alibi, regardless of the situation that develops in your life. But we will not take part in cases that are criminal in nature.

If you completely accidentally cheated on your significant other and want to hide this fact for the sake of saving your marriage or protect yourself from someone using this information against you, then we know how to hide betrayal. For us, the most important thing in this case is maximum openness on your part and complete trust in our actions. We can develop for you a scenario that you will certainly believe in. And even if your spouse has already found out about your infidelity, we will do everything necessary actions so that their information turns out to be false, and their trust in you is restored. Reputation protection our clients – this is what we put at the forefront of all the work of the detective agency “Private Detective Turkey”.

We already have in our arsenal developed scripts for providing information from our clients in the required form to their family members, employees and managers at work, friends and acquaintances. If you need to be out of town for a while but don't want others to know exactly where you are, we guarantee that everyone will think you're just working from home. Or, conversely, if you want to avoid some kind of trip, but you need to account for it, then you can provide air or train tickets, hotel reservations and even materials from visiting a particular seminar or conference. We won't be able to tell you where to buy certificates, but we can provide other options for providing your alibi.

Many people think that it is quite simple buy a sickness certificate to avoid any difficulties at work. But this option has long since exhausted itself, although it may work for some. It will be much more effective to provide your management with facts prepared by our detectives, which have already been tested by time and experience. Moreover, all this is used in any case exclusively on an individual basis, taking into account your situation. So don't think where or how buy a certificate in Turkey, but just call our detective agency “Private Detective Türkiye”.

We can also protect the business reputation of our clients if you are just planning to launch your business and need to impress potential investors or partners. We can help you with this by providing you with an office, qualified staff, website, business cards and other materials that will help you look your best at an important meeting. Call us now so that the alibi prepared for you will work at the right time.

Recently on television, in the announcement of a program, I saw a story about a Moscow agency that is engaged in concocting alibis for its clients. For example, if you want to retire with your lover in a village near Moscow, and your husband should think that you are vacationing in hot Egypt, contact an agency, it will organize your letters from hot Egypt to your deceived husband, paste up photographs with your image in the hotel pool, and so on further, so that your husband will be sure that you are exactly where he sent you.

It turns out that such agencies exist not only here. I bring to your attention a story about similar agencies in Germany (I found the article below on the Foreign Press website):

Do you have a mistress or lover, and you need cover so that your husband or wife does not find out about it? Do you have a low-prestige job and you don’t want your family, friends or fiancée to find out about it? Do you want to avoid meeting with creditors or just get rid of people who bother you? Are you preparing a surprise for someone and don’t want them to find out about it ahead of time? In other words, do you need an alibi? There are people in Germany ready to help you. For a fee, of course.

A special service sector is expanding and thriving in the 16 federal states. These companies are called Alibi services. Currently, about a dozen companies provide alibi services, although last year there were only three. They are ready to develop the perfect alibi for you: the most plausible lie or the most incredible true story, as you wish. The problem is the price: from 20 to 1200 euros. For this money, professionals of “legal” lies can come up with an alibi for you for an instant, for an hour, for a day, for a month, for a year. Even for life, if necessary.

“We started doing this two years ago,” says Frank Beitelmann, director of Alibi-Strohmann. — At the very beginning there were very few clients. During the first 12 months we averaged 10 alibis per month. We achieved great success in 2002: after we opened our website on the Internet, the number of clients began to double every month. From January to September this year, on average, the number of alibis increased by two every day, including weekends and holidays.”

The company's repertoire is inexhaustible. A classic alibi, popular among women, who make up half of the clientele, is invitations to fictitious seminars, fashion shows and presentations. The perfect excuse to get away from home for a day or two. The invitation, drawn up and printed at a high professional level, is sent to the client by mail. If suddenly, while the partner is away, he wants to call the phone number indicated in the invitation, one of the Alibi-Strohmann employees will answer that Mrs. so-and-so is currently unavailable, but she will be happy to leave a message for her.

Quite recently, a certain Berlin manager made himself an “invitation” to Vienna, to a very important economic conference. “In reality,” says Beitelmann, “he spent two nights in a Berlin hotel with his mistress. We organized a connection with Vienna, where every time the wife called, someone, posing as the hotel telephone operator, said that the gentleman was not there. Later, one of our secretaries called my wife back as if from Vienna and relayed messages left by her husband.”

The most popular is the permanent alibi: it is the most expensive because it lasts at least three months. “But in this case,” explains Beitelmann, “ we're talking about not just about husbands or wives whose spouses cheat. We have many clients who work as “call boys”, for example. If a man is doing this, it’s normal that he doesn’t want his parents or fiancee to know about it.”

In this case, Alibi-Strohmann comes up with a non-existent activity for them, gives them an office address and guarantees constant telephone cover. The company can even create a special website on the Internet: a virtual reality in support of virtual activities.

The company has branches or subsidiaries in all major cities in Germany. And not all alibis hide bad intentions. One of the firm's clients used a two-month alibi to distract his bride while he prepared a surprise: a wedding ceremony. “It was very difficult,” recalls Stefan Eiben, “but we succeeded.” On the day of the wedding, the client came to the lady with a box containing Wedding Dress. A limousine was waiting for them outside, 50 guests were waiting for them in the church, and there was also a dinner held at the castle.

“This shows,” says Beitelmann, “that clients come to us for more than just sexual reasons. Many of them just want to be left alone for a while, they want to do something else, but without anyone knowing about it - neither their wife nor their boss.”

But in any case, we are talking about deception. you don't experience moral problems getting paid for lying? “We provide services in modern-day Germany,” answers Jens Schlingensief, who heads, another company with a representative office in Berlin, without any embarrassment.

However, Beitelmann is more of a philosopher: “Look, people do what they want to do, with or without us: they cheat on their spouses, engage in prostitution, get into debt. But, if the client has a family and suddenly everything is revealed, the family can be destroyed. And with our alibis, we can say we save families, right?”

Alibi traditionally interpreted as evidence of innocence, based on the fact that the person suspected of committing a crime was in another place at the time of its commission, and, therefore, could not participate in this act.

Thus, in an alibi, as in a logical system, there are three main elements:

    1. the place where the crime under investigation was committed;
    2. the time when the crime was committed;
    3. the place where the person who stated his alibi was at that moment.

Establishing an alibi cannot always be interpreted unambiguously in favor of the suspected person. Practice shows that establishing the fact that a suspect was not present at the scene during the commission of a crime does not mean that this person is not involved in the crime at all. It could, as often happens in cases of group crimes, not act as a direct, physical, but be his accomplice as an organizer, initiator, accomplice.

Modern technical capabilities that are in the “arms” of criminals, means of direct and reverse radiotelephone communication, allow the organizer of a crime, even being outside the scene of the incident, to ensure active management of the process of committing a criminal act, to control the criminal situation, to coordinate and direct the activities of his accomplices as he receives from emergency messages and development of appropriate corrective instructions based on their operational analysis.

When verified, an alibi may be refuted. Establishing the falsity of an alibi is important evidence of the guilt of the suspect.

Types of alibi

Forensic science distinguishes the following types of alibi:

  1. Complete alibiclearly excludes the possibility of physical participation in the execution of a crime, because the fact of a person’s presence in a certain area is precisely established set time, in a certain precisely established place.
  2. Partial alibi– the situation does not exclude the assumption that this person has committed a crime, since information about the time of his stay in a certain place not convincing enough and they block the possibility of him being at the crime scene during the commission.
  3. Qualified alibi– prepared in advance and created by fictitious circumstances (preliminary preparation of witnesses, false documents).
  4. A simple alibi- an unfounded reference to facts.

Qualified and simple refer to alibi .

Providing a false alibi, and it is most often provided by criminals even before they come to the attention of the bodies of inquiry and preliminary investigation - one of the most common forms of counteraction to the investigation in order to evade responsibility for the crime. The meaning of this action comes down to the formation by the offender or his accomplices, other persons not interested in his responsibility for the crime, of a system of false evidence that exonerates him in the eyes of the investigation and the public (taking measures to prevent reliable information from being included in the criminal procedural evidence that adequately reflects his involvement in the crime and the role in it, to neutralize possible evidence and direct the investigation along the wrong path).

The fabrication of an imaginary alibi can be carried out by the criminal himself directly (either alone or together with accomplices) or by his connections at his request or on their own initiative.

In the course of this activity, other crimes such as official forgery, bribery, theft of document forms of any enterprises, organizations and institutions, forgery of documents, incitement to give false testimony are often committed.

Tactical features of checking an alibi

During the investigation of the alibi it turns out:

    • where exactly was the person who declared the alibi at the time the crime was committed and what was he doing there at that time;
    • from where, with whom, for what purpose did he arrive there, when, with whom, in connection with what, at what time did he leave this place, for what period of time was he in this place;
    • who he saw there, in what conditions, who saw him, with whom he came into contact, what those who were in this place did;
    • against the background of what natural and climatic phenomena (weather conditions, presence of precipitation, etc.) his stay in place took place, what social events occurred in the place of stay and beyond;
    • who, in addition to direct eyewitnesses, knew about the intention to visit a given place, at a given time, who and how it became known that he was there;
    • with the help of which fixed information media can the alibi fact under investigation be confirmed;
    • reasons for untimely reporting of an alibi, if there was a real possibility or even necessity for reporting it;
    • what clothes and shoes the applicant wore at his location during the commission of the crime under investigation, what things he had with him, what clothes, shoes he wore, and with what things he left there.

In the case where the alibi has been objectively confirmed, it is necessary to find out the reasons and circumstances of the appearance in the case of evidence that erroneously incriminates the applicant of the alibi of committing a crime, if, of course, such evidence exists.

As typical general versions when researching alibis the following are checked:

    1. the alibi is real (occurs);
    2. The alibi is far-fetched (false).

In the case of an objective confirmation of an alibi, there may be a need for a deep and comprehensive study of the reasons and circumstances of the appearance of evidence in a criminal case that made it possible to suspect an innocent person of the crime committed.

This is facilitated by the construction and verification of versions that an innocent person is among the suspected or accused persons due to:

    • honest mistake of the investigator, as well as any persons interrogated in the case (for example, as a result of mistaken identity, as a result of an unfortunate combination of circumstances, etc.);
    • evil and intrigues on the part of someone (for the purpose of revenge, eliminating a competitor, etc.);
    • other reasons.

Private versions of checking a false alibi

When checking versions of a false alibi may be put forward private versions:

    1. by goals and subjects(a false alibi is put forward by a criminal in order to avoid personal criminal liability for an act; a false alibi is put forward in order to help another person avoid criminal liability for a crime he has committed, etc.);
    2. in connection with activities on preparing a false alibi (the alibi was prepared in advance, the alibi was put forward spontaneously without prior preparation);
    3. by circle of participants fabricated alibi (false alibi fabricated by one person, several people participated in the fabrication of a false alibi);
    4. by method of influence on persons who confirmed a false alibi (fabrication of a false alibi is associated with blackmail, bribery, persuasion, using the honest misconception of persons who have been subjected to illegal processing, and other types of influence);
    5. for actions covered by the intent to fabricate a false alibi (the creation of an imaginary alibi was accompanied by incitement to give false testimony, the creation of an imaginary alibi only included the fabrication of material evidence misleading the investigation. the creation of an imaginary alibi was based on a complex of evidence of both types).

During the investigation, other versions may be put forward and verified, arising from the characteristics of the criminalistic characteristics of the crime and the current investigative situation (for example, in the case of establishing a false alibi, the version that this action was developed on the initiative and under the leadership of the criminal even before the initiation of a criminal case is verified affairs or his criminal connections, relatives after suspicion fell on him).

Procedure for researching an alibi:
    1. conducting a detailed interrogation of the alibi applicant;
    2. construction based on these indications of subjective mental model the situation in which the interrogated person found himself, its study and the derivation of consequences from it that need to be verified;
    3. development of an inspection plan on this basis and its implementation;
    4. interrogation of the person who declared his alibi on issues arising from the results of the work done, presenting it in necessary cases for identification by other persons (or vice versa), conducting confrontations with persons whose testimony differs from the testimony of the person being checked;
    5. construction based on the received data actual (objective) model the situation being investigated in the case related to the alibi;
    6. implementation comparative analysis subjective and objective models and forming a conclusion about their similarities and differences.

Conducting a detailed interrogation of the alibi applicant carried out in relation to the place where he was at the time of the commission of the crime, as well as the situation there (everything that he saw, heard, learned in another way; about what happened here with and without his participation, along the route he followed to this is the place and departure from here; the goals of arrival at the place, the methods and mechanism for achieving them; documents, other objects that reflect its appearance and life activity).

Development of an inspection plan on this basis and its implementation is being resolved step by step. With the help of investigators or the investigator personally, it is necessary to collect information about the event, facts, circumstances named by the applicant during interrogation, as well as those that were not last named, but took place in the given situation. For these purposes, the features of events, phenomena, processes of a social, economic, natural, climatic and other nature that the person being inspected should have encountered if he had actually been in a given place at the time of the commission of the crime, signs of all this, can be clarified in all the necessary details , what was located happened along the route to this place and the route of departure from here. This is done by:

    • inspection of this place;
    • obtaining and analyzing the necessary information from the funds mass media, information received from supervisory employees, law enforcement, officials, other employees of enterprises, organizations, institutions, from other official and unofficial sources;
    • identification of those who were at a given time in a given place, passing or otherwise passing through it, capable of providing the investigation with information on issues of interest to it;
    • interrogation of persons who could or should have seen the applicant of the alibi, contacted him on one basis or another, including those whom he indicated in his testimony;
    • discovery, seizure and examination of documents that reflect the established circumstances.

Conclusion about the similarity of compared models means that the alibi is confirmed to be true.

In case of discrepancy between the characteristics of the models, it is necessary to give an appropriate assessment of the nature, content and degree of difference of the identified discrepancies.

It should be borne in mind that the discovered discrepancies and discrepancies between the models cannot in all cases be unambiguously interpreted as a basis for the conclusion that the alibi is false or imaginary.

Such a conclusion is unlawful given the private, secondary, insignificant nature of the contradictions, which are completely acceptable and explainable provided the alibi is true. The basis for the opposite conclusion is the presence of a significant contradiction that cannot be explained by random reasons.

A positive solution to the question that the alibi is false, that it has been refuted, is possible only in the following cases:

    1. in the actual model, i.e. reality, as established, there are objectively missing important elements (facts, events, circumstances, traces) in relation to which the applicant of the alibi testified, claiming that they took place;
    2. The facts, events, circumstances indicated by the applicant during interrogation took place in reality, however, their actual characteristics in terms of the majority or individual, but fundamentally important significant aspects, parameters, signs, obvious to those persons who perceived them directly, diverge significantly from that description the alibi given to them by the applicant;
    3. the presence of such obvious circumstances was established as important elements of the factual model, which the applicant could not have been unaware of, but during interrogation he rejected the possibility of their existence or was unable to say anything definite about them.