Equipment for opening a kebab shop. Kebab business: how to open a kebab shop. Business plan for a kebab shop: documents and necessary equipment. For the official operation of a kebab shop, you need and

The food and drink delivery service is increasingly gaining momentum. Pizza, sushi, rolls - all this can be ordered at any time of the day. Competition is getting tougher, so entrepreneurs have to find new solutions and new products that can be offered to consumers. Now we've reached the barbecue. In almost every major city there are specialized establishments ready to please you with hot barbecue delivered to your home.

Such organizations supply not only ready-made kebab, although this is the main feature of the establishment. Customers are also offered barbecue - semi-finished product, skewers, charcoal, lighter fluid, collapsible mini-barbecues - everything that will allow them to make a delicious dish on their own. In addition to the meat dish, they offer pita bread and a wide variety of beer, including draft beer. It turns out that the assortment is not small at all, and besides, the kebab itself can also be different (pork, lamb, chicken, turkey fillet, etc.).

How much can you earn?

The average price for ready-made pork kebab in large cities is from 130 rubles. per 100 grams (small portion). One order consists of at least 4 servings; beer and other soft drinks are often served with barbecue. From one order they receive about 700 rubles. If you complete at least 10 orders a day, the service will help you about 7,000 rubles. Of this amount, 30% is the cost of ingredients, 20% is wages for chefs and 10% is other expenses (including delivery). It turns out that about 3,000 rubles a day is the profit of the organizer of the business.

What is needed to open a business?

When opening a business, to prepare barbecue, you cannot do without a premises organized in accordance with all SES standards (as food production). In the same building you can organize a warehouse for raw materials, an office and a staff room.

It’s even better if you organize a full-fledged kebab shop, and already on its basis - delivery of kebab. It's more The right way building a business, since classic kebab shops are more familiar to our consumers, and they will be happy to visit your establishment (of course, if you organize everything on top level). And there you can already advertise your “from and to” delivery.

An important component of the business is good cooks, real masters of the kebab business. Only delicious kebab will be ordered again and again. This means that you need to pay special attention to finding professional barbecue makers. You can start right away with the selection of Caucasian chefs: their ability to cook delicious shish kebab is inherent at the genetic level.

If we are talking about delivery, then it is important to make it high quality and timely. Every major city has courier services, whose services can be used to deliver orders. There are also taxi drivers (including illegal ones) who are willing to make extra money delivering barbecue. At the same time, you cannot do without a personal car - a refrigerator. You will need your own car not only to fulfill some urgent orders, but also to solve a lot of other current affairs.

Advertising services

There are many methods you can use to advertise your service. The most effective advertising can be on the Internet (in large cities) and, first of all, your own website, Yandex Direct and a social group. networks. After all, the Internet is the main source of orders for many similar services (delivery of pizza, rolls and other food). Also, delivering advertising brochures to the entrances of houses in areas of new buildings can have a certain effect. Now it is fashionable to make something like booklets - labels that hang on door handles. This is a great alternative to mailboxes. A person returning home will definitely look at what is hanging on his door handle, in contrast to a mailbox, which they don’t always look into, and even when they see an advertisement, they completely pass by.

Promotions and discounts are also an important component of the service. On weekdays, when there are not many orders, you can offer a 10% discount on the order amount, give pita bread or a liter of beer as a gift if the order is more than a certain amount (for example, more than 1000 rubles).

Business pitfalls

No matter how attractive the business may seem, you should be aware of some not entirely pleasant aspects in this matter.

The first thing to consider is the size of the city. It is advisable to open delivery of barbecue and related products only in large cities with a population of over 500 thousand inhabitants. In small towns there will be few clients, which will make the business low-income or even unprofitable.

In addition, you should not be under the illusion that the business will bring big profits. For many establishments, kebab delivery is just an additional service, and not the main source of income. You should understand that you will have to work a lot, diligently advertise the service, and in 6 - 12 months the business will begin to bring in the long-awaited income...

Kebab houses are traditionally popular among Russians: it’s always a good time to have a good time or just have a snack, enjoying the smoky aroma of meat and watching the chef’s masterful work. A small cafe with a menu consisting mainly of grilled meat dishes is sure to attract customers and bring considerable income to the owners.

How to open kebab business? You should start with a business plan and cost calculations, then find a suitable premises and start processing all necessary documents and permits - for the type of activity, raw materials and products, personnel compliance with certain requirements. The next stage is the purchase and installation of equipment, searching for suppliers, hiring workers and developing a menu. After that, all that remains is to get to work, reach the planned turnover and get a well-deserved profit.

Obtaining permits from authorities

It will take some time to complete the necessary documents. Although the deadlines for issuing permits are regulated, just in case, add about 20% to them, taking into account the well-known human factor.

A new entrepreneur will need to register with the tax authorities: either individual activity, or LLC ( entity). Choose code 55.30 called “Activities of restaurants and cafes” and simplified diagram payment of tax amounting to 15% of profits. In both cases you will need a passport and a receipt; For LLCs, the list of documents has been expanded. The duty is 800 rub. for individual entrepreneurs and 4000 rub. for LLC.

Rospotrebnadzor issues a permit for entrepreneurial activity after the sanitary-epidemiological service (SES) will draw up an opinion on the product and premises, issuing a hygiene certificate within 60 days (free of charge), valid for 1 to 5 years. On vehicles To transport meat you also need a certificate from the SES.

If the kebab shop sells alcohol, you will need a license to sell these goods. All employees are required to have valid health certificates.

Business Features

Firstly, the kebab shop belongs to the category of “one-dish” establishments, where the priority place on the menu belongs to kebab and its variants - for example, grilled meat or fish. Means, the cafe is unlikely to attract gourmets and it is worth paying attention to simpler clients, choosing a location for a kebab shop.

Secondly, you shouldn’t count on vegetarians and adherents of a healthy lifestyle either, and taking into account the price, schoolchildren and students “drop out” from the ranks of customers.

Third feature: if your cafe is open type and the cook works on the street, then the seasonality factor of services comes into force. After all, in winter, hardly anyone would agree to freeze while waiting for an order.

But the weakest point when opening a kebab shop is the bureaucratic stage: a catering establishment, even the smallest one, cannot be opened without all sorts of certificates that ultimately allow you to feed visitors.


Barbecue area about 100 sq. m. pays off in one and a half to two years. Let's calculate the approximate costs: purchase of equipment - 150 thousand rubles, utilities - up to 3 thousand per month, staff salaries will cost from 15 thousand rubles, rental of premises - about 50 thousand rubles. plus the cost of purchasing raw materials.

Production: per working day (12 hours) one cook can use two grills cook 50 kg of meat or 170 servings. In the season from May to September this is normal attendance for a small cafe, but in the period from October to April the numbers are reduced by at least half. With a serving cost of 150 rubles. We receive revenue of about a million rubles per year, including 30% of income from the sale of drinks and other menu offerings.

Total costs for raw materials and other goods will be about 450 thousand rubles. in year; turnover, taking into account seasonality - 11,880,000 rubles, gross income 6,504,000 rubles, net profit 2,487,000 rubles. The profitability of the kebab shop is 21%, the payback period for the enterprise is 2 years.

Where to open?

The main thing is that the selected premises must comply with fire safety requirements, otherwise there will be no work permit. Functioning water supply and sewerage, electricity, ventilation in the kitchen - prerequisites to obtain a certificate from the SES.

The best location for a kebab shop is next to a large flow of people who are not particularly demanding when it comes to food and who have time to wait, until the order is ready. These could be train stations and bus stations, markets or a busy highway, embankments with a promenade area and beaches.

When choosing a location for a cafe, it is worth considering that not everyone likes the smoke from the barbecue, and neighboring businesses may not be happy with you; Therefore, try to find a place a few tens of meters away from the nearest fellow entrepreneur, no matter what he is doing.


Approximate costs for equipment for a barbecue area up to 100 square meters. meters - from 100 to 150 thousand rubles. You will need:

  • barbecues and skewers;
  • oven and microwave oven;
  • separate refrigerators for storing meat and a refrigerator for other goods;
  • powerful kitchen hood;
  • cutting tables;
  • kitchen utensils, dishes;
  • distribution stand;
  • tables and chairs.

You can save money by offering takeaway kebabs: then you won’t need furniture for the hall, and regular utensils can be replaced with disposable ones made from cheap cardboard or plastic.

Menu development and supplier search

Shish kebab is the main dish on the menu, but It can be prepared from almost any product. Meat of various varieties and from different parts of the carcass, chicken, fish and shrimp, shellfish (including snails), vegetables, even fruits and marshmallows on a skewer as dessert, and crusty bread (of course, several types) with cheese... Delicious! Add all sorts of flatbreads, polenta toasted over a fire - in general, use your imagination or look for recipes from craftsmen on the Internet. The main thing is to differentiate yourself from competitors by offering something original and inexpensive, and good word of mouth will do everything to attract new customers without advertising costs.

Additional dishes in the form of pastries, desserts and drinks can bring up to 30% of total profit! Don't neglect the assortment of juices and sodas, tea and coffee, and frozen desserts - buns, pies - are easy to prepare and last a long time. Think about the children's menu, because children always bring their parents and their friends, also with their parents, and so on.

Side dishes and salads, sauces and marinades, herbs and pita bread are an excellent decoration for barbecue and additional income. " Free apps“for the main course in the form of mini-sliced ​​vegetables or a couple of pieces of pita bread will certainly delight guests and increase orders, but they can cost you pennies.

The wine list and cognacs are barbecue classics, into which modern cocktails and different types of beer fit perfectly. It is more profitable to buy alcohol in bulk and only from official dealers who guarantee quality.

It is better to start searching for suppliers of raw materials based on recommendations, otherwise problems will go from possible to inevitable. A reputable butcher with a reputation will naturally charge more for his products than a beginner, but the quality of the meat and the presence of real certificates are a clear plus. If you want to save money, look for a farmer who personally raises livestock or poultry and is very interested in regular customers. Retail networks They will also be suitable for the role of supplier, but they are essentially resellers, and the price will definitely be higher than that of manufacturers or a large wholesaler.

The main rule for everything edible that ends up in your kebab shop: it must comply with all standards (sanitary, veterinary) and, as a result, visitors will like it.


There are always problems, where would we be without them... The main trouble for a novice entrepreneur lies in wait at the start: registration of all kinds of permits and certificates can take a long time, Therefore, be patient and treat everything philosophically.

To protect your nervous system, even before deciding to open your own business, be sure to consult with people who have practical experience in business. You will learn a lot of interesting and necessary things, but to save time, make a list of questions that interest you in advance.

The second problem is find normal workers, and the key figure is the cook. If this is a beginner, then he has a lot of energy and optimism, but not enough experience. A professional can be a champion barbecue cook, but if he has a quarrelsome character... Ideal options are rare, so you have to work quite a lot during interviews with applicants to create your team.

Finding a supplier, seasonality of business - this has already been discussed. Force majeure is always possible, no one is immune from them, but many problems can be solved if you have the financial resources and time.

To summarize, we can confidently say that a kebab shop is profitable business. Its main advantages are low start-up costs, quick payback and positive traditions that are supported by the majority of the population, creating a constant demand for a tasty dish.

Kebab shops are in great demand, especially from late spring to early autumn. People like to spend time in cozy cafes eating delicious meat dishes cooked on the grill or grill.

  • payment of registration and permitting documents;
  • equipment purchase;
  • repair and arrangement of the premises;
  • purchasing special clothing for staff.

In total, as a rule, expenses do not exceed 300,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses include:

  • payment of rent;
  • public utilities;
  • employee benefits;

Average monthly expenses will be about 100,000 rubles.

Products are purchased as needed - daily(especially during the “hot” season) or weekly.

Every day a kebab maker can cook from 45 to 50 kg of shish kebab, what is 150–170 servings- this is the norm for sales per day in the warm season.

But it is worth considering that from October to April, attendance decreases significantly. With a serving price starting from 150 rubles, you can earn 1,000,000 rubles per year from selling kebabs, additional menu items and drinks.

Based on such data, the profitability of a kebab shop is 21%, and a catering enterprise will pay for itself in 2 years.

Market analysis and competitiveness

The kebab shop is not a unique catering establishment; competition in this business area is high. To achieve success, you need to highlight the strengths of the business you are opening that will attract potential customers.

The most in simple ways to attract customers' attention is:

  • advertising the kebab shop in the media, on the Internet, on bulletin boards;
  • carrying out promotions and discounts (this is especially true at opening and during the cold season, when customer flow is minimal).

In order for guests, having visited the kebab shop once, to return again and recommend it to their friends, it is necessary to organize high-quality service, create a pleasant atmosphere inside the cafe and on its territory, and prepare exceptionally tasty dishes for visitors.

Permits for kebab shop

The first step when opening a kebab shop is to register the enterprise for tax purposes. If you are opening one or two catering enterprises, then it is advisable; for this you will need to file with the tax authorities:

  • passport and its photocopy;
  • statement;

is associated with a number of difficulties, including:

  • the need to contribute authorized capital;
  • decor
  • the need to hire an accountant and others.

After registering an individual entrepreneur, you need to choose a form of taxation and notify the tax office of your decision. It is recommended for this type of business since the basis for calculating contributions is formed from the difference between income received and expenses.

To officially operate a kebab shop you also need:

  1. Conclusion of the SES. A document confirming compliance with sanitary standards of premises, transport, storage and preparation of products is issued for a period of up to 5 years. After this time, you will need to undergo a re-examination. The cost of the service is determined by the company representing it.
  2. Medical records for each employee. Passing an annual medical examination is mandatory for every person working in the catering industry.
  3. Permission from Rospotrebnadzor to place your kebab shop in a specific place.

Where to open a kebab shop?

The location for the kebab shop should be selected taking into account the specifics of the establishment. To provide a kebab shop with customers, the place must have a high traffic flow; the following are suitable for this:

  • busy highways where many truckers, summer residents and tourists pass (here you should take care of a parking space so that both trucks and cars can stop);
  • near train stations (there are many people here who want to have a quick and tasty snack before the road);
  • near shopping centers(customers tired of shopping happily relax in kebab shops);
  • in country holiday residences.

The right location for a kebab shop, coupled with affordable prices for delicious food, will make the enterprise popular and profitable.

Equipment for barbecue

For the full functioning of the kebab shop, the purchase of equipment will be required:

  • barbecue;
  • skewers;
  • refrigerator for storing meat and other products;
  • counter for issuing orders to guests;
  • chairs and tables according to the number of seats and for staff;
  • oven and microwave;
  • dishes.

The premises also need to be equipped with running water and a sanitary room. For kebab shops, the use of dry toilets is allowed, since most of such establishments are located away from communications.

The interior of the establishment plays an important role in equipping the kebab shop - if guests find it pleasant to be inside the premises, then the likelihood of them returning again increases.

Hiring staff

The most important thing when recruiting staff is to choose a chef who can cook barbecue at the highest level.

It is important that the person invited to the position has the appropriate education, work experience and a sociable character are desirable. Other employees should also have these characteristics, then you will be able to create a friendly team.

To work in a kebab shop you need:

  • waitress;
  • cleaning woman;
  • dishwasher;
  • security guard.

You can organize the work of a kebab shop in the form family business when each family member combines certain positions. Eg:

  • the owner is responsible for purchasing food and works as a cook;
  • the owner's wife washes the dishes, cleans the hall and other rooms;
  • the son plays the role of a security guard;
  • daughter works as a waitress.

Features of organizing the work of a public catering establishment

As is clear from the name of the establishment, The main dish served to guests is shish kebab. Although it has one name, it can be prepared from a variety of products, and therefore it is worth taking care of creating the most varied menu.

Shish kebab can be prepared from:

  • pork;
  • birds;
  • seafood;
  • beef;
  • bread with cheese;
  • vegetables;
  • fruit or marshmallows for dessert.

The number of options for preparing marinade for barbecue further increases the possible range. And if the chef is a fan of a certain type of marinating and cooking barbecue, then such a dish can be declared as a signature dish, served only in your kebab shop.

Additional menu items consistently bring up to 35% of the total profit. Carbonated drinks, salads, cold cuts, desserts, juices, herbs, coffee, sauces, herbs - all this will delight guests and increase the profit of the establishment.

Traditionally, adult visitors purchase for barbecue alcoholic products - wines, beer, cognac, cocktails. You should order alcohol only from official suppliers who provide certification documents for the imported products.

You can also buy the main product for dishes (meat) only from official suppliers and manufacturers. The most profitable way is to conclude a contract for the supply of meat in a certain volume with a beginning farmer who raises livestock and poultry on his own.

The most important thing is that any product must comply with veterinary and sanitary standards and be liked by guests when finished.

Difficulties and features of the kebab business

Even at the stage of preparing a kebab shop for opening, many entrepreneurs are faced with impossibility of registering all permitting documents in short time. Unfortunately, there's nothing you can do about it, so you'll just have to wait.

Be prepared for the fact that the establishment will be regularly visited by various inspections and checks will be carried out, so always keep all documents and certificates in order.

Important to have with you cash, as unforeseen circumstances may arise due to untimely delivery of products. Then you will have to urgently order and pay for goods from another manufacturer (supplier).

The kebab shop is seasonal; in cold weather there is a significant decline in visitors. To make your establishment a success all year round, create a pleasant, friendly atmosphere, a beautiful interior conducive to leisure, take care of treating guests with delicious dishes made from high-quality products, and then your business idea will bring consistently high profits.

You can find out how to open a kebab shop on the highway and how to open a takeaway kebab shop in this video:

Shish kebab is always a relevant, tasty and popular dish. Prepared from poultry, lamb and beef, pork (for non-Muslim regions), offal (liver, hearts), grilled vegetables or mushrooms are possible. The purchase of this dish can be varied with vegetables, bread, various sauces and drinks.

It is a mistake to say that a kebab shop is seasonal business, because people’s desire to taste this dish will be relevant at all times of the year, so we can confidently say that this business will be profitable and, if well organized, will quickly pay off.

In the proposed business plan, the kebab shop has an average bill of 350 rubles per person - the average for catering establishments of this type. The payback period of the project is 8 months, and the break-even point is reached in 4 months.

The format of the establishment is a small roadside cafe located on an important transport route. It is necessary to rent a room of at least 60 m².

The amount of initial investment is 518,000 rubles;

Monthly costs - 387,680 rubles;

Monthly profit - 79,790 rubles;

Payback period - 8 months;

Break-even point - 4 months;

Return on sales - 26%.

2. Description of the business, product or service

Shish kebab is originally a dish of finely chopped lamb, strung on a skewer and baked on charcoal in a grill; In this case, it is possible to use marinade from the simplest spices - salt, black pepper, vinegar, to complex multi-component compositions that require special preparation.

The price of the dish varies from 170 to 350 rubles. Guests also often take salads, extra bread, sauces, drinks, so the average check per person is 350 rubles.

To conduct such activities, a sanitary-epidemiological conclusion) and a permit for placement, which are issued by Rospotrebnadzor after checking the establishment. The validity period of the sanitary-epidemiological certificate can be from 1 to 5 years, depending on the location of the kebab shop and the results of inspections.

All kitchen employees must be examined and receive medical certificates.

The premises for the establishment must be chosen on a busy transport route, for example, at the exit of the city.

Assortment of kebabs:

  • Chicken;
  • Pork;
  • Mutton;
  • Lula kebab (lamb and beef);
  • Beef pulp;
  • Grilled vegetables;
  • Salmon.

Opening hours: 11:00 - 02:00.

3. Description of the sales market

The kebab shop's products are designed for a wide range of consumers, most of them men. Considering the location on the transport route, it can be assumed that most of the customers will arrive either by their own car or as a passenger.

Surveys show that, in addition to price, consumers consider the most important qualities products taste and safety: fresh meat, compliance with sanitary standards and cooking technology. They also note the size of the portions, the quality of service, and the atmosphere in the establishment.

In a city with a population of one million, as a rule, there are about a hundred establishments offering barbecue to their guests. There are about thirty places where shish kebab is the main dish. Of these, no more than five to ten are famous in the city and have their own loyal audience.

The establishment will need to compete with similar kebab shops in the area, designed to attract car traffic. Strengths competitors may be brand awareness and audience loyalty. To capture your market share, you will need to create and maintain an impeccable reputation, collect feedback, try to best meet the needs of consumers and give them the best service.

4. Sales and marketing

5. Production plan

6. Organizational structure

Fixed expenses


The number of employees


Average salary per month per employee


Shish kebab

Kebab maker's assistant

Insurance premiums

Total payroll

Staffing schedule and responsibilities of employees:

  • Director: operational and strategic management, marketing, procurement of raw materials
  • Kebabs prepare kebabs, salads, sauces
  • Kebab maker's assistant carries out the orders of the barbecue man, ensures cleanliness in the kitchen and in the hall

Bonuses are provided for employees depending on the number of completed orders.

Spring has come, which means that summer with its holidays is just around the corner. At this time, tens of thousands of Russians will rush from stuffy cities to country dachas. And what could be more pleasant than stopping in the middle of the road and relaxing in a roadside cafe, where juicy kebab sticks are so captivating!

Many entrepreneurs make good money on it. If you have a desire to do own business, and you have at least 300-400 thousand in your pocket for it, then we will be happy to tell you how to open a kebab shop. We hope that this will allow you not only to earn your first money, but also to do it easily and with pleasure.

What's the best deal?

Experts and experienced entrepreneurs note that among small businesses, which, by the way, include roadside cafes, kebab shops are considered especially profitable. They are also opened due to the fact that they do not require major investments in equipment, premises and personnel. In addition, the entrepreneur does not require special skills and knowledge, as, for example, in the restaurant business.

In the case of a kebab shop, everything is much simpler. Moreover, unlike pretentious restaurants, a kebab shop is a more democratic establishment. Anyone can come here and taste meat, regardless of status, costume and wealth. Due to this, a constant influx of albeit small, but still more or less stable money is ensured.

How to open a kebab shop? What documents are needed?

Before starting a business, be sure to think through all your actions, or better yet, write everything down on paper. A kebab shop whose business plan is drawn up correctly (taking into account possible negative events) will certainly bring success to its owner. What should this document include? You should consider a place to build or rent your cafe.

Next, you need to register with the tax office (IFNS), pay state duties there, purchase a minimum set of equipment and other necessary funds. It is best to file a state of emergency. To do this, you must submit a copy of your passport to your tax application and pay the state fee. Its size should be clarified with the tax office. Depending on the region, it ranges from 800 rubles to 1500.

At the second stage, you need to equip the establishment well, organize uninterrupted supplies of raw materials (to do this, enter into appropriate contracts), recruit staff, establish the cafe’s operating hours and, finally, determine prices for finished products. Now let's talk about all this in more detail.

Where to stay?

First of all, you need to determine a place for the kebab shop. The best thing is to build it on the side of the central highway. This way, you can provide your establishment with a constant flow of customers. If finances do not allow you to engage in construction, look for an appropriate roadside premises that you could rent for a long time.

When located near the road, be sure to consider parking spaces. It is desirable that there be enough of them for everyone: both the cars of summer residents and the heavy trucks of truckers passing by. According to entrepreneurs, an equally profitable location is near a bus station or a large shopping center.

Collecting papers

When you decide on a place and understand that the business promises good profits, it’s time to get down to paperwork. First of all, you need to register with the tax authorities. There you will be asked to choose a form of ownership. You can open an LLC, LLC or individual entrepreneur. It all depends on the size of your business.

If you want to run a small roadside cafe with a few tables and a small staff, experienced accountants recommend limiting yourself to an emergency. If you plan to have a luxurious establishment with several levels, with parking and a number of entertainment and entertainment bonuses for your clients, then choose LLC.

Start small

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the choice of type commercial activities The calculation of taxes directly depends. It is best for a novice entrepreneur to register an individual entrepreneur. In this case, you will only need an application, a passport and a receipt stating that you have paid the state fee in the amount of 800 rubles.

By the way, in order to register an LLC, you will need to pay a tax of 4,000 rubles and collect a whole list additional papers. In addition to the tax office, you will need to get approval from Rospotrebnadzor. This state organization will have to give permission to practice entrepreneurial activity. To obtain it, it is necessary to submit quality certificates to the relevant authority.

Keep everything clean

The Sanitary and Epidemiological Service draws up a special conclusion after examining your company’s finished product, and then issues a permit for the kebab shop to operate. This document is issued for a period of 1 to 5 years and is issued within 2 months. When inspecting your cafe, officials pay attention to the sanitary condition of the establishment.

In particular, they will be interested in whether working personnel have individual medical books. Next, the check will concern the presence of a sanitary facility in the building, cooking techniques and storage conditions for raw materials. If everything is in order, no additional questions will arise for you. In case of violations, you may face administrative liability.

Minimum set

How to open a kebab shop without equipment? This is simply impossible. Therefore, you will need to purchase freezing equipment for storing meat. Also buy skewers and barbecue. In addition to them, there must be an oven, a microwave, several tables and chairs and a distribution counter.

Experienced entrepreneurs have calculated that the cost of the listed inventory and equipment is approximately 150,000 rubles. If your plans include providing barbecue to order, then you can cut down on costs, because you simply won’t need tables and chairs.

In this business, the most important thing is to properly organize the process of preparing dishes and selling them. It is very important to find a reliable meat supplier. Its role can be played by an individual like you (for example, a farmer), or a solid structure with a developed network for the production and sale of meat products. The first option is better. It will be easier for you to agree on the cost.

Significant importance in success of this business will have a kebab menu. It should have enough variety of dishes so that the client can find exactly what he wants at the moment. By the way, in addition to selling fried meat directly in the cafe, do not exclude the possibility of selling kebab to order.

Perhaps, for many motorists who are in a hurry to get back behind the wheel as soon as possible, this option will be the most preferable. At first, you can offer your customers pork or beef. And then, as your point is promoted, you can add variety in the form of lamb, poultry and fish.

Try to ensure that your kebab cafe gains regular customers. To increase turnover, it would be a good idea to also sell first and second courses and soft drinks. If your establishment is located near the road, do not spend money on building castles, put up a simple tent, and cook meat dishes on the street. The alluring smell will attract new visitors.


Currently, pizza on call has become very popular throughout the country. You call, order, they deliver it to you. Everything is convenient and simple. So why don't you organize a barbecue on call? Surely there will be no end to those interested. And in order for things to progress by leaps and bounds, invite an experienced kebab maker to work.

A person should know absolutely everything about meat, and even a little more. In this matter, it is even important what kind of barbecue coals are used. They say they are being charged special requirements. On the one hand, they must maintain uniform heat, on the other hand, they must not dry out tender pieces of lamb or young pork. It is important to select the coals for barbecue as carefully as the meat.

How much money do you need to have to start?

Let's estimate how much money it will take to open your own business. Equipment and furnishings for a cafe will cost you 150 thousand rubles. You will have to allocate 3 thousand monthly for utility expenses. Employee wages (depending on the city) – from 15 thousand, cafe rent – ​​from 50 thousand. You will also need to spend money on purchasing meat and other raw materials. But don’t worry, experienced entrepreneurs say that you can recoup all investments in a maximum of 2 years.

We hope that we have sufficiently answered your question about how to open a kebab shop, and now you, armed with knowledge, can start your own business.