Equipment for the production of crackers. Snack manufacturing technology. Actions required to organize a business for the production of crackers

Different kinds snacks are very popular. And despite the opinions of nutritionists about the harmfulness of this type of product, it continues to be consumed as a snack on its own and as an ingredient for salads. And since there is high demand, then why not think about organizing own business in this domain? Having made this decision, it is better to plan a low-cost and simple product for release. And the production of beer crackers fully corresponds to these characteristics. The success of a startup largely depends on the demand for the products offered to consumers. Crackers are very popular on the market in Russia, and therefore there are problems with sales, even if there is a well-developed marketing policy, should not arise.

Our business assessment:

Starting investment – ​​1,000,000 rubles.

Market saturation is high.

The difficulty of starting a business is 6/10.

When drawing up a business plan for the production of crackers, every entrepreneur will face the problem of competition. And it cannot be said that today there are hundreds of factories operating; it’s just that a large share of sales belongs to market giants that have been operating for a long time and have won the love of consumers. But this problem is completely solvable if we offer customers a quality product, since even large companies have problems with this.

In the absence of impressive capital, the production of crackers as a business cannot be immediately brought to regional sales markets - it is better to start with local ones. This way there will be a much greater chance of recouping all costs faster. What does an entrepreneur have to provide for?

Nuances of designing a future enterprise

We are talking about a food enterprise, so it is better not to hope that the registration of the business will go quickly and smoothly - the production of crackers will require a registered individual entrepreneur or LLC and all relevant permits from supervisory services.

Both the manufactured products and the premises used for work must comply with the standards established by the SES.

Specialists of sanitary services (district and regional) check the composition of crackers and the raw materials used, approve the range of products planned for release, and conduct analyzes of control samples. If all quality indicators are normal, the entrepreneur is given the go-ahead to release the product. In order to cooperate with large interregional clients in the future, it is better to certify the crackers produced.

There is still work to be done on an attractive packaging design, and the name of the crackers will make the entrepreneur think, because profit will directly depend on the marketing policy. Similar questions can be entrusted to companies that specialize in branding. Here you should immediately prepare for serious expenses. But there are ways to save money. For example, there is a practice when crackers are not packaged, and the product itself is delivered to wholesale warehouses or directly to the store unpackaged. In this way, you can significantly reduce investment not only in creating a brand, but also in purchasing a filling machine.

Range of products

To satisfy even the most demanding consumer demands, thereby attracting large profits, it is important to supply store shelves different types crackers.

All crackers are classified based on what kind of bread is used in the production process - wheat or rye. And if there is such an opportunity, then it is better to offer both of these types to customers. And if you have limited finances, at first you should rely only on rye bread crackers - the process is somewhat cheaper.

As for the tastes of the finished products, there is real scope for “imagination”. Using different spices for crackers, you can get any flavors in the output. The most popular, according to experts, are croutons with bacon, seafood, onions and sour cream.

To develop a product line, without having specific knowledge in the matter, it is better to invite an experienced technologist. The specialist will calculate the cost of the technology, draw up recipes and even select necessary equipment. The developed technical specifications, together with the rest of the package of documents, are submitted for verification to the SES.

The process of obtaining the finished product

Since enterprises operate according to their own specifications, the technology for producing crackers may differ in each case. And it is important to decide on the technology as soon as possible, because this will determine how to equip the future workshop. In general, the stages are as follows:

  • Cutting bread into sticks or cubes.
  • Sprinkling the preparations with spices and treating them with vegetable oil.
  • Drying or frying preparations.
  • Packaging of crackers.

Technology varies. For example, additives for crackers may sprinkle
onto the workpieces simultaneously with their frying. And today oil is not added to every product, since this makes the process more expensive.

Purchase of necessary equipment

Buy equipment for the production of crackers at Russian market You can do it without any problems – there are plenty of offers from suppliers.

Line for making crackers

The standard equipment of the line includes the following machines and devices:

  • Bread slicer.
  • Roasting oven.
  • Drageing machine.
  • Packing machine.

The minimum price of equipment for beer crackers (capacity up to 30 kg/h) is ≈400,000 rubles. But if you purchase such a mini-line, many operations will have to be performed manually, which implies additional costs for paying employees. To launch a high-performance plant (capacity up to 100 kg/h), with several ovens and automatic conveyors, more impressive investments will be required - at least 2,000,000 rubles.

The cost of a line for crackers will increase even more if you plan to produce the main raw material – bread – within the same workshop. Despite the high costs (at least 3,000,000 rubles), this is quite justified - in the future you will not have to spend money on regular purchases of raw materials, which will significantly reduce the cost of the process.

It is not at all necessary to immediately invest money in the purchase of automated high-power lines - it is worth starting small, gradually developing the enterprise as the popularity of its products grows in the market.

Requirements for production premises

A small-capacity cracker production line can be located in a workshop with an area of ​​50-100 m2. But in addition to this, it will be necessary to allocate free space for storing raw materials and finished products. Let's not forget about the office.

Bread is a capricious product. Therefore, both in the warehouse and in the workshop, temperature and humidity indicators must be strictly observed. And the requirements will become stricter if we talk about joint organization mini bakeries.

To save on renting production space, you can open a workshop on the outskirts of the city - you will have to pay less here. But then we should not forget that the costs of delivering raw materials and finished products to customers may increase.

Profitability of the planned business

Wholesale sales of crackers will bring large incomes to the entrepreneur when compared with retail sales. It will not be easy for novice businessmen to find such consumers, but first of all it is worth trying to establish cooperation with the following retail outlets:

  • large supermarkets,
  • wholesale food warehouses.

Chains of stores have quite strict requirements for product suppliers, which are very difficult to meet. And if at first you can’t agree on the supply of a product, you should pay attention to another market segment:

  • Retail Stores,
  • bars and cafes.

A bread slicer for crackers and other equipment will pay for itself when sales of finished products are established. And if you believe the successful experience of entrepreneurs, you can earn high incomes from product sales. Having spent ≈1,000,000 rubles on opening a mini-workshop. (this is exactly the minimum amount of funds required for technical equipment, brand development, enterprise design, purchase of raw materials), investments will pay off after 0.5-1 year. The average wholesale cost of crackers is 180-250 rubles/kg. The cost of production is 30-60% lower, which makes this niche quite profitable.

Of all the business areas related to the production of snacks, the production of crackers is the most profitable and profitable.

To implement a business idea, you will need a starting capital of $25,000. Most of it will be spent on purchasing equipment, renting and renovating premises, and advertising services to promote a new brand.

Despite the high competition in the snack business segment, small enterprises also have a chance to develop and establish good sales. Naturally, activities should begin at the regional level, with further prospects for expansion. At the same time, it is rational to analyze the local market for the presence of competitors, their pricing policy and methods of product promotion.

For these purposes, you can order a detailed study from a professional marketing agency. The cost of this will be about $450-500.

The technology for making crackers is quite simple. The raw material is finely porous, densely structured, void-free wheat and rye bread, which is cut into strips or cubes using special equipment, roasted in an oven for 10-15 minutes, then the necessary spices and flavorings are added to the crackers. The product is cooled and packaged.

Product consumption is as follows. To prepare 100 kg of crackers, you need an average of 130-150 kg of bread, up to 4 kg of spices and food additives, 35-40 liters of sunflower oil. Bread can be purchased externally, but many entrepreneurs, in order to increase the profitability of the product, bake it themselves.

Snack equipment

The price of units or an automatic line for the production of crackers depends on the manufacturer and capacity. Ukrainian equipment is the most popular.

Professional bread slicer – from $1,500; its productivity is 100 kg/hour;
Gas oven for frying crackers – from 800 USD;
Coating machine – $750;
Semi-automatic packaging machine – $1200 (up to 500 packages/hour).

In addition to the main components listed above, you will need additional equipment and inventory - scales, dishes, containers and containers for storing food and ready-made crackers, furniture - tables, shelves, racks.

The total costs for this will be 3000 USD.

Don't forget about packaging costs. To package 150 kg of 60 gram crackers, up to 8 kg of metallized film is required, which is most often used by manufacturers as packaging material.

It is worth paying due attention to the packaging - since the bright and attractive design, as well as the strength and quality of its execution, firstly, attracts the attention of buyers, and secondly, it allows you to preserve the product longer without loss of taste.


Where can I get money to start my own business? This is exactly the problem that 95% of new entrepreneurs face! In the article, we revealed the most relevant ways to obtain start-up capital for an entrepreneur. We also recommend that you carefully study the results of our experiment in exchange earnings:

One of the key specialists in the business related to the production of crackers is a technologist. It is this person who develops recipes and is responsible for the taste and quality of the finished product. Nowadays the most common croutons are flavored with bacon, salami, seafood, cheese, onion and sour cream.

To create worthy competition and make your product stand out, don’t be afraid to experiment and develop new flavors or combinations thereof.

In addition to the technologist, 4-5 workers are needed for automatic line when working in two shifts, a foreman, a mechanic for servicing units, an accountant, a raw material purchasing manager, several sales managers.


To accommodate the workshop you will need a room of 50 square meters. meters, plus the same area is required for the needs of warehouse and administrative areas. It is necessary to obtain permission from fire service and certification in the SES, barcode in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Products are manufactured according to specifications. Coordination and preparation of documents takes no more than a month. The cost of drawing up technical specifications is $900-950.

Sale of snacks

It is most profitable to sell crackers wholesale through large retail chains and supermarkets.

In this part, you cannot do without advertising and marketing costs. Effectively make discounts and organize promotions and companies to enter the market. Main the target audience– students, youth. Hand on heart, it is worth admitting that crackers, like other snacks, cannot be classified as useful and healthy food, especially if you abuse the quantity.

Therefore, you should not count on a children's audience. But for adult buyers, it’s a good idea to cooperate with beer producers and organize joint promotions, offering crackers as an excellent snack.

Let us emphasize once again that you can increase profitability, which, by the way, is 20-25% for snacks, by baking your own bread, expanding the range of flavors, experimenting with the shape of crackers, developing the design of bright and noticeable packaging, and changing the volume of bags. And, of course, the key to the prosperity of any food production- good taste, which is provided by quality products.

Another prospect for business development is the production of croutons without flavoring additives and spices for restaurants and cafes, which use them to prepare salads (the same “Caesar”) and other dishes.

Profit and payback period

The retail price for a pack of crackers ranges from $0.625 to $0.8. With active sales, monthly profit can reach from 3000 to 4500 USD. during the seasonal months from May to October.

The payback period for a business project is estimated at 6-8 months.

Research the demand for snacks, appetizers and crackers in your region. Also, find out everything about the range of competitors. Perhaps you will find a free niche and be able to enter the market with a long-awaited new product.

When drawing up a business plan and starting the process of organizing production, look for buyers.

Main risks

Despite the abundance of snacks on store shelves, there is not much competition in this segment yet. The main risk of a beginning entrepreneur is an incorrect assessment of their capabilities and non-compliance legislative framework. Study all the standards and requirements for production, draw up detailed business plan and try to anticipate all possible unexpected expenses.


Production can also be located in a small town. This way you can save on renting a room. But the best option for organizing the sale of products is a city with a population of at least 1 million. Explore offers for commercial real estate and calculate how much the transportation costs for delivering the products will cost in both cases. The best option considered a suburb of large cities.

For average production, a premises with an area of ​​80-100 m² is required. Approximately the same total area is needed for warehouse, household and office premises. To operate the equipment, a voltage of 380V is required.


The production line for making crackers should consist of the following mandatory machines:

  1. Automatic bread cutting machine.
  2. Drying ovens.
  3. Additive devices,
  4. Devices for filling and packaging.

You can search for each of these machines separately, but experts recommend purchasing full-cycle automated lines. Depending on the country of manufacture and productivity, the cost of a set of equipment ranges from 250,000 to 400,000 rubles.

It is advisable to give preference to manufacturers who offer service maintenance equipment in your region.

In addition to the line, you will need various tools (scales, scoops, mugs, measuring spoons), equipment (containers for drying and storing crackers), pallets, tables, racks. This will require about 100 thousand rubles.

To transport products to wholesale customers, you should purchase a truck.

Raw materials and consumables

To produce 150 kg of crackers (2,500 packs of 60 g each) you need about 300 kg of dense bread and 1.6 kg of spices. Everything is clear with the purchase of bread and special spices - shelf life and quality are strictly checked.

To pack 2,500 packs you need about 8 kg of metallized polypropylene film. The market offers different qualities of packaging paper, and accordingly, it becomes possible to save on this cost item. If you don't want your brand to be associated with terrible quality, don't buy cheap packaging material.

The shelf life of products directly depends on the quality of packaging. Also, cheap packaging materials quickly tear, often even before they reach the buyer’s hands. As a result, you will not save money and will suffer serious damage to your reputation. Also, for transportation you need to order corrugated cardboard boxes.


The minimum number of employees depends on the level of equipment automation. As a rule, 5-6 people are needed to ensure the operation of a production line, including the shift supervisor. Such productions operate in two shifts. This means that the number of workers should be 10-12 people.

Compliance with technological processes is ensured by the technologist. Preventive inspections and simple repairs of equipment are carried out by a mechanic. Also, during the work process, a production manager must be present at the enterprise.

To ensure product sales and expand the customer base, you should hire full time sales manager To work with financial statements Full time accountant needed. To receive and issue goods at the warehouse, you should hire a storekeeper. If you deliver products yourself, you need at least one driver.

Documents and licenses

If you are planning to expand production, go to more high level and attract investment, it is better to register an LLC.

The organization of food production is subject to the traditional rules of the sanitary and epidemiological service. Not only district, but also regional services will control your enterprise. They approve the product range, conduct quality checks and regularly take control measurements.

Gospotrebstandart carries out inspections of weighing equipment. To obtain a barcode, you need to go through the registration procedure with a trade and industrial organization. Permits the fire inspectorate must give permission to start production.

All food products must be manufactured in strict accordance with GOST. But for the production of crackers it is necessary to develop, coordinate and approve your own technical conditions. This document is needed if there is no GOST for a certain type of product, or if there is a need to supplement it or combine the requirements specified in different standards. Also, the technical specifications must specify all procedures that allow compliance with these requirements. Development technical specifications can be ordered from a specialized company. Creating a document takes about seven working days, the average cost is 35 thousand rubles.

Registration of a full package of permits costs about 15,000 rubles. The process of resolving these issues can take from one to three months. It is better to hire a specialized specialist to complete all procedures. law firm. This will speed up the process and ensure that everything will be completed in full compliance with the law.


The minimum starting capital for organizing the production of crackers is about 900 thousand rubles. Approximately 600,000 rubles are spent on purchasing equipment, renting and renovating premises, and purchasing raw materials. About 300,000 are current expenses.

With a successful start and an established sales system, experts estimate the payback period to be 6-8 months.


It is most profitable to sell this type of product through large retail chains and wholesale companies. Create a bright and memorable trademark, package design. Don’t immediately aim for a federal scale. Start by conquering the regional market.

Your target audience is students, young people aged 17-30 years. Actively use the Internet, outdoor and print advertising directly at points of sale. The organization of promotions, tastings, promotions, prize draws works flawlessly. But the best advertising move will be high quality products and constant updating of the range.


The production of snacks, crackers and snacks is highly profitable. By observing all sanitary production standards and offering a high-quality product, you will very quickly achieve good financial performance.

Equipment for the production of crackers. equipment for frying crackers. crackers equipment.

Line for frying and packaging crackers: “Vise” - 70

The operating principle of the line is continuous. The initial raw material (bread that has been standing on the tanning rack for 1...4 days) is cut on a cutting machine 1, from the output of which, the cut bread straws are poured onto the dosing conveyor of the oven 2, where uniform dosing and frying of the product occurs. From the outlet of the oven, conveyor 3 delivers the fried semi-finished product to the vibrating separator 4, where the product is separated from the crumbs and supplied to the inspection conveyor 5, from which it enters the additive adding machine 6, from which the universal conveyor 7 delivers the crackers to the receiving hopper of the feed conveyor 8 and is transported to the packer 9. Next, the packaged product is transported using a conveyor 10 to a storage table 11. When frying, the bread loses about 40% of its weight, oil and spices add approximately 15% of the weight to the dry semi-finished product. The line is fully automated.


Power supply - 380 V, 50 Hz

Electricity consumption - 77 kW/hour

Productivity - up to 70 kg/hour

12 month warranty.

Features of equipment for frying crackers: For making crackers good quality It is advisable to use finely porous bread, baked to order. The product moves along the entire line independently without the help of operators.

Line composition:

1. Machine for cutting bread into strips and slices;

2. Oven for frying crackers;

3. Food conveyor, universal;

4. Single-strand vibrating sifter;

5. Food conveyor, inspection;

6. Additive adding machine, automatic;

7. Food conveyor, universal;

8. Food conveyor, feeding;

9. Filling and packaging equipment, automatic machine "Avtomat-UAFU-WISE";

10. Food conveyor, outfeed;

11. Storage table.

Automatic line for frying and packaging crackers: “Vise” - 290

Capacity up to 290 kg/h

The operating principle of the line is continuous. The feedstock (bread that has stood on the tanning rack for 1...4 days) is supplied to cutting machines 1; from the output of which, cut bread straws (cubes), using an assembly conveyor 2, enter the dosing conveyor of the oven 3, where uniform dosing and frying of the product occurs; then conveyor 4 delivers the fried semi-finished product to vibrating separator 5, where the product is separated from the crumbs and cooled; after which it enters the inspection conveyor 6; then, through the storage hopper and conveyor 7, it enters the additive adding machine 8, from which the universal conveyor 9 delivers the cracker to the receiving hopper of the feed conveyor 10 and is transported to the unloading conveyor 11, which distributes the product to the packers 12; then the packaged product is removed using a collecting conveyor 13, onto an outgoing conveyor 14 and onto a storage rotating table 15. When frying, bread loses about 40% of its weight, oil and spices add 15% of its weight to the dry semi-finished product. The line is fully automated.

Basic specifications lines for frying and packaging crackers:


Power supply - 380 V, 50 Hz

Electricity consumption - 256 kW/hour

Productivity - up to 290 kg/hour

12 month warranty.

Features of equipment for frying crackers: To make good quality crackers, it is advisable to use bread with a fine porous structure, baked to order. The product moves along the entire line independently without the help of operators. This automatic line has a number of advantages: a) bread cutting is carried out on machines ideally selected for this product; b) in the weighing machine for adding additives, the ratio of adding spices and oil is set by a technologist from a digital console and this ratio is controlled by electronics, which allows you to constantly maintain a very accurate ratio of ingredients both in normal mode and during fluctuations in productivity, starts, stops, etc.

Line composition:

1. Bread slicer;

2. Assembly conveyor;

3. Drying-frying oven, conveyor (5-speed, electric);

4. Outfeed conveyor;

5. Vibrating sifter eccentric;

6. Inspection conveyor;

7. Conveyor;

8. Auto additive adding machine;

9. Universal conveyor;

10. Feeding conveyor;

11. Unloading conveyor;

12. Filling and packaging. auto, "Avtomat -ED4";

13. Belt assembly conveyor;

14. Outfeed conveyor;

15. Storage table.

Fast pace modern life, continuously growing year by year, requires from humanity the maximum return of physical and moral strength. It's hard to stay afloat while sitting at home on a soft sofa. So people have to rush, run and hurry, without looking around and sometimes not having time to have lunch on time.

Snacks - popular fast food

An active lifestyle has created a need for foods that can be eaten on the go without spending a lot of time. This is how snacks appeared and quickly gained popularity (from the English Snak - light snack). They are small dry food, packaged in small portions in convenient packaging.

In number of products fast food included potato chips, cereal flakes, various nuts, salted fish, dried fruits and, of course, crackers. This snack product was not a big discovery for the Russian consumer. He simply moved from domestic kitchens to the civilized market, where he very quickly gained popularity and the love of a large number of fans.

Making snack crackers is a profitable business

The technology for the production of crackers is not very complicated and provides high economic effect. The raw material for the production of snacks is bread baked from wheat or rye flour. Depending on the starting product, the production of one hundred grams of ready-made crackers will require approximately one hundred and forty grams of bread, some spices and vegetable oil. Even for an uninitiated person, it is quite obvious that the benefits from the production and sale of crackers are quite large.

Equipment for the production of crackers is affordable for any beginning entrepreneur. Start-up capital one hundred thousand dollars and production room up to one hundred square meters will be sufficient for successful work. It is very important that the enterprise has a technologist for the production of crackers. The quality and taste of the products largely depend on his experience and level of qualifications.

Having established regular sales of goods, constantly maintaining an aggressive advertising campaign, you can return the money spent in six months.

Focus on consumer demand

Any bakery is faced with a constant problem - the need to process unsold or low-quality products. Equipment for the production of crackers is the best way out of the situation. Basis for production popular product is ready-made bread. Dried baked goods are best suited for this purpose.

The disadvantage of large-scale production of in-demand products is the complexity of improvement technological process. Consumer tastes are very changeable, and therefore, to achieve success, manufacturers need to constantly focus on changing taste preferences.

Large enterprises are not very flexible in making operational changes in their production orientation. Small mobile enterprises can regularly study demand and quickly respond to new trends in food fashion.

The line for the production of crackers consists of a machine for slicing bread, an oven for drying semi-finished products, equipment for introducing food flavoring additives and a packaging machine.

Process stages

To cut workpieces into cubes or small bars, a bread slicer is used to produce crackers. By repeatedly passing bread slices through knives, you can achieve semi-finished products the desired shape and the required size.

The heat treatment of crackers is carried out in frying ovens, maintaining the temperature within two hundred degrees.

In order for snacks to have a specific taste and smell, they must be treated with food additives. In order for the spices to better adhere to semi-finished products, the surface of the bread is first sprayed with vegetable oil. If the production is small-scale, then the aromatization process can be carried out manually. In spacious containers, using special spatulas, the crackers are mixed to evenly coat them with flavoring seasonings.

For large volumes, a special coating machine is used to produce crackers. It is a deep, spacious container or drum in which bread snacks are mixed using wide blades.

The finished product cools to room temperature, after which it is sent to the packaging machine.

What types of crackers are there?

Depending on the type of flour, snacks are:

  • light – wheat;
  • dark – wheat-rye;
  • black - from Borodino bread.

The rapidly growing interest in crackers required manufacturers to constantly search for fresh ideas and develop new recipes. The product range is determined by the variety of flavoring additives. Here the search for food preferences and interests is limitless. Today, crackers flavored with meat products, fish, caviar, cheese, sour cream, vegetables, mushrooms, herbs, and fruits are in great demand among consumers. Snacks can be salted or sweet.

Who buys crackers

Salty snacks are highly respected by lovers of the foamy drink. The production of beer crackers required the development of a separate line of popular products aimed at people spending their free time on vacation with family and friends.

Consumers of snack products in equally are women and men of very different age categories. But fast food is most in demand among young and active people.