Sample characteristics for a supervised child from the class teacher: how to write quickly and correctly. Characteristics of an otorhinolaryngologist sample For submission to government agencies

Characteristics of a doctor from his place of work

In any organization, recruiting suitable employees is one of the the most important moments that determine the efficiency and quality of the enterprise. But for some organizations such as medical institutions this is especially important. Not only the reputation of the institution, but also the health of its patients will depend on how good a specialist the hired doctor is. Selecting a good doctor is important for both public and commercial medical institutions.

In addition to other documents defining and confirming professional quality future employee, the characteristics of the doctor from the place of work are of particular importance.

Such a document can be useful in various situations, but is mainly required when applying for a new position.

The characteristics of a doctor from his place of work contain information that helps determine what qualities a particular employee has.

The characteristics are drawn up by the immediate superior and contain the following information:

  • Professional skills of the doctor, his qualifications, professional level.
  • Special achievements in medical activities, awards.
  • Personal qualities of the employee, positive and negative character traits that influence labor activity and teamwork.

Thus, the document helps to obtain extensive and varied information about the doctor. The most complete information about professional skills that directly affect the quality of a doctor’s work is provided by his direct supervisor. He can also provide reliable information about the personal qualities of an employee, which have a significant impact on work in a team, with patients and new colleagues.

Recruitment agency assistance

A recruitment agency will help you conduct the most effective check and find the best employee among all applicants. Agency employees will select the best applicant, conduct research and analyze the documents provided, including characteristics from the place of work.

With the help of recruitment agents, you can easily and quickly determine how professional and personal qualities of a potential employee meet the requirements of the hiring organization.

A job reference, carefully checked and analyzed by professional agents, can become one of the best ways verify the doctor's competence.

^ 32. Qualification characteristics specialist ophthalmologist at a children's medical institution

In accordance with the requirements of the specialty, a pediatric ophthalmologist must know and be able to:

^1. General knowledge:

Fundamentals of healthcare legislation and policy documents defining the activities of healthcare bodies and institutions;

General issues of organizing ophthalmological care for adults and children in the country, organizing the work of ambulance and emergency care;

Fundamentals of topographic anatomy of the eye and visual pathways, embryology of the eye;

Physiology of the visual analyzer, the relationship of the functional systems of the child’s body and the levels of their regulation;

The causes of the occurrence of pathological processes in the child’s organ of vision, the mechanisms of their development and clinical manifestations;

Physiological mechanisms of maintaining homeostasis in the child’s body, possible types of their violations and principles of compensation;

General and special research methods in ophthalmology;

Issues of asepsis and antisepsis in ophthalmology;

Techniques and methods of pain relief during ophthalmological operations in children;

Basics of pharmacotherapy in pediatric ophthalmology, including general and local use of antibiotics, hormone therapy;

Fundamentals of radiology, immunobiology and genetics;

Clinical symptoms of the main diseases of the visual organ in children, their prevention, diagnosis and treatment;

Clinical symptoms of borderline conditions in pediatric ophthalmology;

Principles of preparing patients for surgery and managing the postoperative period;

The use of physiotherapy in pediatric ophthalmology, indications and contraindications for spa treatment;

Basics of rational nutrition for healthy and sick children;

Organization of clinical examination of the child population and sick children;

Operating room equipment, surgical instruments;

Forms and methods of health education used in various operations;

Issues of organization and activities of the civil defense medical service (injuries, burns, chemical and radiation damage to the eyes).

^2. General skills:

Obtain information about the disease, identify general and specific signs of the disease, especially in cases requiring emergency care or intensive care, assess the severity of the patient’s condition, take necessary measures to remove the patient from this condition, determine the volume and sequence of resuscitation measures, provide the necessary urgent first aid;

Interpret the results of special research methods (laboratory, radiological, functional, etc.);

Justify the scheme, plan and tactics of patient management;

Develop a plan for preparing the patient for emergency or planned surgery, determine the degree of disruption of homeostasis, and prepare all functional systems of the child’s body for surgery;

Justify the most appropriate surgical technique for this pathology and perform it to the required extent;

Develop a scheme for postoperative patient management and prevention of postoperative complications;

Conduct clinical examination and evaluate its effectiveness.

Carry out sanitary education work;

Complete medical documentation.


A pediatric ophthalmologist must know prevention, diagnosis, clinical presentation, treatment and be able to provide emergency assistance for the following conditions:

Traumatic shock;

Acute blood loss;

Acute intoxication.

^ A pediatric ophthalmologist should know:

Anomalies in the development and position of the eyelids;

Age-related anatomy of the eyeball and auxiliary apparatus;

Age-related features of the physiology and biochemistry of the eye;

Optical system of the eye;

Physical and chemical refraction of the eye;

Features of the optical system and refraction of the eye in children;

Optical correction of ametropia.

^ A pediatric ophthalmologist must be able to:

Establish a diagnosis and carry out preventive and therapeutic measures for the following diseases:


Imaginary or apparent strabismus;

Simple strabismus or heterophoria;

Concomitant strabismus;

Paralytic strabismus;

Atypical types of strabismus;


Inflammation of the eyelids;

Abnormalities, degeneration, inflammation of the cornea;

Congenital anomalies of the sclera;

Acquired changes in the color of the sclera;

Inflammatory diseases of the sclera:

Ectasia and staphyloma of the sclera;

Cysts and tumors of the sclera;

Anomalies and diseases of the lacrimal apparatus;

Bacterial, viral, allergic keratitis, keratitis in general diseases;

Changes in shape, size and other abnormalities of the lens;

Cataracts: congenital, complicated, secondary;


Anomaly and inflammation of the choroid;


Retinal degeneration;

Pathological development of retinal vessels;

Circulatory vascular disorders;

Retinal disinsertion;

Anomalies and inflammatory diseases of the optic nerve;

Congestive optic nerve papilla;

Optic nerve atrophy;

Hereditary optic nerve atrophy;

Anomalies, inflammation of the orbit;

Orbital manifestations of common diseases;

Blunt eye injuries;

Eye injuries;

Eye burns;

Tumors of the eyelids, conjunctiva, cornea (benign and malignant);

Orbital tumors (benign and malignant);

Ophthalmic syndromes:

for infectious and metabolic diseases;

for cardiovascular diseases;

for endocrine diseases.

^ 4. Methods of examination and manipulation:

Side or focal lighting method;

Transmitted light studies;

Direct and reverse ophthalmoscopy;

Study of the oculomotor system;

Electrophysiological and ultrasound studies;

Fluorescein angiography;




Study of visual acuity, visual field, color vision;

Study of light sensitivity;

Binocular vision study;

Determination of refraction using lenses;

Skiascopy, refractometry;

Selection of glasses for hypermetropia, astigmatism, aphokia;

Contact vision correction;

Catheterization of the lacrimal ducts;

Cataract removal;

Removal of superficially located benign tumors of the eyelids and conjunctiva;

Primary treatment of eye wounds, removal of superficial ones;

Artificial respiration;

Heart massage;

Stop bleeding;

Dressing and tamponade of the wound;

Gastric lavage;



1. Avetisov E.S., Kovalevsky E.I., Khvatova A.V. Guide to pediatric ophthalmology. M.: Medicine, 1987.

2. Avetisov E.S. Concomitant strabismus. M.: Medicine, 1977.

3. Avetisov E.S., Rosenblum Yu.Z. Optical vision correction. M.: Medicine, 1981.

4. Kovalevsky E.I. Eye diseases. M.: Medicine, 1980.

5. Nesterov A.P. Primary glaucoma. M.: Medicine, 1982.

6. Pachev A.I., Brovkina A.F., Ziangirova G. Clinical oncology of the organ of vision. M.: Medicine, 1980.

7. Khvatova A.V. Diseases of the lens of the eye in children. L.: Medicine, 1982.

8. Shmeleva V.V. Cataract. M.: Medicine, 1981.

9. Shulpina N.B. Biomicroscopy. M.: Medicine.

^ 33. Qualification characteristics of an otolaryngologist specialist

In accordance with the requirements of the specialty, an otolaryngologist must know and be able to:

^1. General knowledge:

General issues of organizing otolaryngological care in the country, organizing the work of ambulance and emergency care for ENT pathologies;

Topographic and clinical anatomy of the upper respiratory tract and ear in the age aspect;

Physiology of ENT organs, interrelation of functional systems of the body and levels of their regulation;

Clinical and functional research methods in otolaryngology;

Causes of pathological processes in the larynx, pharynx, nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, external, middle and inner ear, mechanisms of their development and clinical manifestations in the age aspect;

Clinical symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of major diseases of the larynx, pharynx, nose and paranasal sinuses, external, middle and inner ear, their prevention in the age aspect;

Clinical symptoms of borderline conditions in otolaryngology;

Principles of preparing patients for surgery and their management in the postoperative period;

Issues of asepsis and antiseptics;

Techniques and methods of pain relief during otolaryngological operations;

Basics of pharmacotherapy in otolaryngology;

The use of physiotherapy in otolaryngology, indications and contraindications for spa treatment;

Diet therapy for ENT diseases;

Operating room equipment, surgical instruments used in various ENT operations;

Issues of organizing, conducting and analyzing the effectiveness of clinical examination of the population;

Basics of examination of temporary and permanent disability;

Issues of organization and activities of the civil defense medical service;

Legal issues of the activity of an otolaryngologist.

^2. General skills:

Obtain information about the disease, identify general and specific signs of the disease, especially in cases requiring emergency care or intensive care;

Assess the severity of the condition, take the necessary measures to remove the patient from this condition, determine the volume and sequence of resuscitation measures, provide the necessary urgent first aid;

Determine the need for special research methods (laboratory, radiological, functional, etc.), be able to interpret their results;

Conduct differential diagnosis of diseases of the ENT organs, substantiate the clinical diagnosis, patient management plan, indications and contraindications for surgery;

Justify the method of pain relief;

Justify the most appropriate surgical plan for this pathology and perform it to the required extent;

Develop a scheme for postoperative patient management and prevention of postoperative complications;

Conduct medical examination of the population and evaluate its effectiveness;

carry out sanitary education work;

Complete the necessary medical documentation;

Write a report on your work and give an analysis.

^ 3. Special knowledge and skills:

An otolaryngologist must know the diagnosis, clinical picture, treatment, prevention of ENT diseases and be able to provide the necessary assistance for the following conditions:

Anaphylactic shock;

Acute blood loss;

Acute cardiac and respiratory failure;

Acute intoxication.

Must know the basics of audiology, audiology and phoniatrics, otoneurology.

An otolaryngologist must be able to establish a diagnosis and provide the necessary treatment for the following diseases:

^ Inflammatory ear diseases:

Chondroperichondritis of the auricle;

Erysipelas of the auricle;

Furuncle of the external auditory canal;

Diffuse external otitis media;

Eczema of the external auditory canal;


Acute and chronic catarrh of the auditory tube;

Acute otitis media and its complications (mastoiditis), extra- and intracranial complications;

Chronic purulent otitis media and its extra- and intracranial complications.

^ Inflammatory diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses:

Furuncle and carbuncle of the nose;

Erysipelas of the nose;

Sycosis of the nasal vestibule;

Acute rhinitis;

Catarrhal chronic rhinitis, chronic hypertrophic and atrophic rhinitis;

Vasomotor and allergic rhinitis;


Choanal atresia;

Acute and chronic inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, orbital and intracranial complications.

^ Inflammatory diseases of the pharynx:

Acute and chronic pharyngitis;

Erysipelas of the pharynx;


Hyperplasia of the palatine and lingual tonsils, adenoid growths;

Inflammation of the lingual tonsil;

Acute (tonsillitis) and chronic tonsillitis, local and general complications.

^ Inflammatory diseases of the larynx, trachea and esophagus:

Acute and chronic laryngitis;

Acute and chronic tracheitis;

Acute esophagitis;

Chondroperichondritis of the larynx.

^ Infectious granulomas:




Tumors of the ENT organs:

Precancerous conditions;

Benign tumors of the larynx and trachea;

Malignant tumors of the larynx and trachea;

Benign tumors of the nose and paranasal sinuses;

Malignant tumors of the nose and paranasal sinuses;

Benign tumors of the pharynx;

Malignant tumors of the pharynx;

Benign and malignant ear tumors;

Extraorgan tumors of the neck.

^ Emergency care for inflammatory diseases and injuries of the ENT organs:

Trauma and diseases of the ear (burns, frostbite, wounds, foreign bodies, serous and purulent labyrinthitis, otogenic intracranial complications);

Injuries and diseases of the nose (bruise, hematoma and abscess of the nasal septum, frostbite, closed and open fracture of the nasal bones, nosebleeds, foreign bodies in the nose, furuncle and carbuncle of the nose, rhinogenic intracranial and orbital complications);

Trauma and diseases of the pharynx (burns, wounds, foreign bodies, paratonsillar abscess, parapharyngeal abscess, retropharyngeal abscess);

Injuries and diseases of the larynx, trachea and esophagus (traumatic injuries, burns, foreign bodies, laryngeal stenosis).

^ Audiology and audiology:


Cochlear neuritis;

Adhesive otitis media.

Meniere's disease, tympanosclerosis.

Fundamentals of general and private otoneurology.

^ Occupational diseases:

Occupational ear diseases (chemical injuries, noise and noise vibration trauma, cochlear neuritis, labyrinthopathy);

Occupational respiratory diseases (acute and chronic toxic lesions, allergic diseases, diseases caused by gas and dust contamination);

Functional and organic diseases of the vocal apparatus.

4. Manipulations:

Anterior, middle, posterior rhinoscopy;


Laryngoscopy (indirect and direct);


Digital examination of the pharynx;


Study of nasal breathing function;


Determination of patency of the auditory tube;


Acumetry, tone and suprathreshold audiometry;


Interpretation of X-ray images and tomograms (survey, contrast) of the paranasal sinuses, nasopharynx, larynx, temporal bones (according to Schuller and Mayer);

Removal of foreign bodies in the nasal cavity, pharynx, external auditory canal (cerumen plug, etc.);

Primary surgical treatment for injuries of ENT organs;

Anterior and posterior nasal packing;

Puncture of the maxillary sinus, trephine puncture of the frontal sinus and probing of the paranasal sinuses;

Paracentesis of the eardrum;


Washing the attic;

Washing the lacunae of the tonsils;

Polypotomy of the nasal cavity, tympanic cavity;

Blowing the auditory tube;

Parameatal block;

Opening an abscess of the nasal septum;

Intranasal blockade;

Electrocautery, cryotherapy, ultrasonic disintegration of nasal turbinates;


Submucosal resection of turbinates;

Submucosal resection of the nasal septum;

Reposition of nasal bone fragments;

Tonsillotomy, adenotomy;

Opening of paratonsillar and retropharyngeal abscesses;



Changing the tracheotomy tube;


Maxillary sinusotomy;

Bougienage of the esophagus;

Artificial respiration, cardiac massage.

^ 5. List of required literature

1. Weil S.S. Some issues of medical deontology. M.: Medicine, 1969.

2. Voznesenskaya I.A. Papillomas of the upper respiratory tract. M.: Medicine, 1974.

3. Voyachek V.I., Titov A.I. Pathogenesis and clinic of contusion injuries of ENT organs. M.: Medicine, 1953.

4. Ermolaev V.G., Lebedev N.V., Morozov V.P. Guide to phoniatry. L.: Medicine, 1970.

5. Ermolaev V.G. Practical audiology. L.: Medicine, 1980.

6. Zhukovich A.V. Private otoneurology. M.: Medicine, 1966.

7. Ostapkovich V.E., Brofman A.V. Occupational diseases of ENT organs. M.: Medicine, 1982.

8. Pogosov V.S., Triantafilidi I.G. Benign and malignant tumors of the larynx. M.: Medicine, 1967.

9. Preobrazhensky N.A. Hearing loss. M.: Medicine, 1978.

10. Rodin V.I. Occupational diseases of the ear, nose and throat. Kyiv, 1977.

11. Guide to special hygiene and healthcare organization in two volumes. M.: Medicine, 1974.

12. Guide to otorhinolaryngology (in four volumes). M.: Medicine, 1964.

13. Smirnov G.A., Romm S.Z. Emergency care for diseases and injuries of the ear, nose and throat. L.: Medicine, 1974.

14. Shaparenko B.A., Ostapkovich V.E. Medical and labor examination in otorhinolaryngology. M.: Medicine, 1979.

15. Atlas of operative otorhinolaryngology, ed. Pogosova V.S. M.: Medicine, 1983.

16. Undrits V.F. Manual of Clinical Audiology. M.: Medicine, 1962.

^ 33.1. Qualification characteristics of a specialist in ear prosthetics

In accordance with the requirements of the specialty, an audiologist (hearing prosthetist) must know and be able to:

^1. General knowledge:

Fundamentals of healthcare legislation and the main policy documents defining the activities of healthcare authorities and institutions;

General issues of organizing otorhinolaryngological care in the country, organizing the work of ambulance and emergency care for ENT pathologies;

Issues of organizing audiological care in the country;

Anatomy and physiology of the hearing organ (in adults and children);

Methods for studying the auditory analyzer;

Hearing examination using whispered and spoken speech;

Tuning fork tests;

Tone threshold audiometry;

Suprathreshold audiometric tests:


Speech audiometry;

Clinic, diagnostics, differential diagnostics various forms damage to the hearing organ in adults and children;


Issues of hearing rehabilitation in adults and children;

Fundamentals of phoniatry;

Issues of examination of work ability;

Occupational ear diseases;

Principles of preparing children for hearing aids;

Issues of organizing clinical examination of children with impaired hearing;

Forms and methods of health education.

A character reference for a child to the guardianship and trusteeship authorities (OCiP) is a document that allows authorized employees to obtain complete information about the abilities and personal qualities of a minor. Parents, guardians or adoptive parents may need it in several situations. Let's consider when it is needed and how to compose it.

What should be in the characteristics

There are no specific requirements for the document established at the level of regulatory legal acts. For an objective and comprehensive presentation of the material, it is necessary to indicate the following items.

  • Information about the child (last name, first name, age or date of birth, place of residence)
  • Attitude to the educational process – diligence, attentiveness, diligence, hard work (or the absence of these qualities or some of them).
  • Participation in school events. Execution of public orders. The degree of active position and interest in extracurricular activities.
  • Behavioral characteristics - temperament, aggressiveness or peacefulness, willingness to interact with other children, self-esteem.
  • Relationships in the guardianship family: the degree of participation of the guardian in the child’s life, the level of trust between family members.

The characteristics of the supervised student are signed by the school principal and class teacher.

Mandatory subparagraphs

Like any other official document, the characteristic must be drawn up in accordance with the regulations, otherwise it will lose its legal weight.

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The characteristic consists of three parts. The first part contains the child’s personal data, namely:

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  • Child's full name.
  • Educational institution and class in which the child studies.
  • Date of birth and place of residence.

All this is written either in the upper right corner or in the center of the sheet.

The second part of the characteristics provides the following information:

  • Date of admission of the child to the educational institution.
  • Level of education upon admission and level of knowledge at the time of writing the characteristics. The most and least difficult subjects for a given child are indicated.
  • Specificity of thinking, memory, concentration and perception of information.
  • Level of social adaptation - roles accepted in the team, relationships with peers and teachers.
  • Level of motivation for the educational process.

This is also important to know:
Characteristics on PMPK

Criteria for assessing the development of personality traits

To objectively assess the child’s condition, one should be guided by criteria that determine the degree of development of a particular personality quality.

  1. Work ability.
      High - throughout the entire school day, the ability to perceive the material is retained during the day.
  2. Ability to think independently
      High - the student analyzes the taught material, identifies the problem, and is ready to discuss and put forward versions.
  3. Medium - looks for ways to solve the problem by analogy with previously occurring situations, but independently.
  4. Low - unable to make independent decisions, turns to teachers and other children for help.
  5. Self-control.
      High - the ward does not require supervision from an adult, takes a responsible approach to preparing homework, studies and retells the assigned material without reminders.
  6. Medium - a one-time reminder may be required about the need to study and complete assignments, which in general does not affect the learning process.
  7. Low - no self-control.
  8. to the perception of the material.
  9. Medium - information is absorbed well, but at the end of the day fatigue sets in.
  10. Low - the child gets tired quickly, shows lethargy, in the middle of school
  11. Speed ​​of learning material and completing tasks.
      High - learns according to the proposed program at a good pace, quickly “grabs” the material.
  12. Average - learning speed is within the norm, does not stand out from the class.
  13. Low - it takes longer than other students to prepare assignments.
  14. The ability to highlight the main thing in the material
      High - knows how to isolate the main idea and omit minor details. Capable of analysis and drawing conclusions.
  15. Medium – has problems with analytics and summarizing, which does not affect the process of acquiring knowledge as a whole.
  16. Low - the ability to highlight the essence of the material is absent.

Features of compilation for individual groups of workers

Student intern

How to write a reference for a student from an internship? The approximate text consists of the length of stay in the company and a general assessment of the trainee’s professional level.

“Student Ivanov I.I. During his internship from... to... he showed himself on the most positive side.

In the course of completing the assigned tasks, I applied the theoretical knowledge gained during my studies at the educational institution in practice.

His diligence, accuracy and attentiveness became the key to successful work with documents, equipment and office equipment.

He has proven himself to be a competent and efficient employee. He freely adapts to working in a team, is sociable, sociable and correct.”

At the same time, the upper and lower parts of the characteristics, where personal data and signatures of responsible persons are indicated, remain unchanged.

Now that you have learned how to obtain a reference from a place of work for a student intern, let's talk about how to obtain this document for submission to commercial organizations.

For commercial organizations

How to write a job description for a person? Depending on the request, the specification may include or exclude some items.

If the request is intended to formally confirm that an employee is on the staff of the enterprise for a given specific period of time, then information about personal qualities and achievements can be omitted.

To provide government agencies

What does a job description look like that needs to be provided to government agencies? If the request is sent from government authorities, the characterization must include as much information as possible from the broadest range.

IMPORTANT! In the case of a request sent from the court, before drawing up a reference it is worth talking with the lawyer representing the interests of the employee. This is done in order to exclude information in the reference from the place of work to the court, which could harm the latter. In some cases, a negative reference from the place of work is drawn up for a bad employee, which can subsequently be presented to the court or to any other body upon request

In some cases, a negative reference from the place of work is drawn up for a bad employee, which can subsequently be submitted to the court or any other authority upon request.

As needed for future employment

What does a job description look like that needs to be provided for a future job?

Most full version characteristics.

Here the achievements and level of competence are described in as much detail as possible, and the nuances of the psychological and professional sphere are also covered in detail.

The characteristics for the head of the unit note organizational skills, readiness to make independent decisions, a tendency to take initiative, etc.

For the performer, the emphasis is on readiness to carry out assignments, the degree of diligence shown, authority among colleagues, etc.

“The employee (position/full name) has a vast amount of knowledge in his specialty. He constantly monitors innovations and changes in his profession.

Possessing excellent communication skills, he has successful negotiation experience. During his work, he has established himself as a competent specialist who achieves maximum results. He quickly reacts to changing situations and promptly makes the necessary decisions.

Responsible in completing tasks and ready to work in different conditions, including irregular working hours. Punctual, demanding of himself and his subordinates, respected by them and by management.”

In conclusion, it is worth recalling that the final legal force the characteristic is acquired after the date of its issuance is stamped on it.

USEFUL INFORMATION: Refusal of guardianship of a minor

Sooner or later, the need for this document may arise in almost any person.

Your future career largely depends on what is written in it.

It makes sense to try to ensure that no one is left disappointed by the information that appears there.

First of all, you yourself.

We hope the article helped you figure out how to write a job description; the samples presented above helped you find out what this document looks like.

Characteristics of a supervised elementary school student


1st grade student

secondary school No. 76

Khoroshavina Ivana

Khoroshavin Ivan, born June 20, 2010, lives: Novosibirsk, st. Green, 3/2-12. in the guardian's family. He has been studying at school since 09/01/2017. Ivan enjoys learning, has a high degree of efficiency, and is active during classes. Prepares homework independently. The ease of perception of information and the fast pace of preparing tasks somewhat interfere with the formation of diligence, which does not affect the learning results. The boy is independent and neat. He carefully puts his things in his backpack, checking that they are complete. Dressed cleanly, according to the season, neat. Does not allow violations of discipline during lessons or breaks. He is modest and cannot always fight back against offenders. Tries to avoid potentially dangerous situations. He is not registered with the KDN. Doesn't skip classes. He has many friends and is drawn to high school kids. Welcoming, friendly. Ivan Kolosov’s guardian Olga Andreevna attends parent meetings in full and actively asks questions. Worried about the child, he regularly calls the class teacher. She brought potted flowers to decorate the class. The boy happily runs towards O.A. Kolosova when she picks him up from school. It is obvious that a trusting relationship has developed between the guardian and Ivan.

Purpose and content

Children are the most defenseless in the harsh realities of the cruel modern world. It is with the aim of protecting this category of the planet’s population that special guardianship and trusteeship bodies have been created in each state.

Their powers/official responsibilities include constant monitoring of compliance with the rights of the child in the family, on the street, in educational and other social institutions. Characteristics help to collect and classify complete information about each young child or adolescent.

The document contains maximum information about such factors as:

  • social adaptation of a young/minor child;
  • the level of his intellectual and mental development;
  • character traits, behavioral aspects, hobbies;
  • level of material support;
  • general psychological comfort of the given environment where the child resides.

Provide above the specified information With high rate Only the person who spends a long time with a minor during the day can be reliable. For example, a class teacher at school, a club leader, a school psychologist, or Social worker, who observed the student’s behavior for a long time.

Characteristics of middle and high school students

The profile for a high school child under guardianship should contain information about the child’s preferences in a particular discipline.

Characteristics of an 8b grade student

secondary school No. 76 Belova Ekaterina

Katya Belova, born May 15, 2003, lives at the address: Novosibirsk, Trudovaya Ave. 17 with her grandfather N.T. Belov. and grandmother Belova R.U.

Ekaterina is in 8th grade, grades for the first half of the year are “4” and “5”, she is a confident student. Logical thinking is developed satisfactorily. Stable, but needs reminders to do homework. Doesn't show activity in lessons. Answers confidently, even without fully knowing the material. His behavior is good, but he has a habit of being late for the first lesson. He gets into arguments with classmates easily, but can stop in time. Hot-tempered. She is suspicious, driven, and does not strive for leadership. Reaches towards friends who are stronger in character. Participates in school events without enthusiasm. She is polite with teachers, obedient, listens to comments. If I'm wrong, I'm ready to apologize. She takes additional history classes and has a humanitarian mindset. Exact sciences are more difficult and require more time to study. He is interested in sports dancing and has received awards for his active participation in regional competitions. Takes special courses at NSU for admission to the Faculty of History. Relations with grandparents are very warm, there are no conflicts. Despite their advanced age, relatives, whenever possible, attend parent-teacher meetings and assist in improving the school grounds. Dressed well, everything necessary for training is available.

School director _________________________S.P. Tolkova Class teacher: ___________________G.Kh Semenova

Characteristics of a successful school student

If a child has strengthened his position after being placed under guardianship, this must be reflected in the characteristics

CHARACTERISTICS of a 5th grade student

secondary school No. 76 Semenova Semyon

Semenov S. born September 15, 2016, lives Novosibirsk, Frunze Ave., 119-3. Parents are deprived of parental rights. The boy and his younger brother Roman (2 years old) are under the care of his own aunt Rodimina Asya Trofimovna. The boy is physically well developed and is involved in the swimming section. Has a congenital disease of the respiratory system (asthma). Semyon strives to gain knowledge and excellent grades. Stable in all disciplines. Incredible performance allowed me to finish the second half of the year with “5” grades in all subjects. A good analyst immediately identifies the main idea from the proposed material. During the period of care (three years), positive changes in learning and behavior are obvious. Assiduous, diligent. Semyon works independently, with the support of teachers, to develop his character. Trying to get rid of low self-esteem and increased anxiety. He is friendly and friendly with his classmates. Took charge of the 2nd grade children under his care. Very affectionate, grateful for good attitude. She studies in a theater group at the Palace of Youth Creativity. He is interested in literature. The relationship with my aunt is smooth and obedient.

School director _________________________S.P. Tolkova Class teacher: ___________________G.Kh Semenova

Characteristics of a lagging student

When describing a student who cannot cope with the program, emphasis should be placed on features that interfere with the assimilation of knowledge in full.

Characteristics of a 7th grade student

secondary school No. 76 Fatyanov Sergei

Sergey, born November 5, 2006, lives in Novosibirsk, village. Svetly, 2. Guardian - grandmother Fatyanova Maria Petrovna. Parents died in 2008. The boy has been studying at school for three years; before his grandmother’s guardianship was granted, he was in orphanage No. 45 in Berdsk. The stay in the shelter and the death of his parents, as well as the long period of registration of guardianship by his grandmother, left an imprint on Seryozha’s psychological state. The child is withdrawn, distrustful, and is influenced by the tragedy that has occurred. Difficult to socialize. The boy has poor school preparation. There are intellectual impairments. Has difficulty understanding assignments, has difficulty mastering the material, and requires repeated repetitions. When he comes into care, he tries to improve in all subjects and masters new learning skills. However, the existing neglect does not bring the desired results today. Academic performance is satisfactory, grades “4” only in drawing and sketching. Russian and foreign languages, literature, social studies are given with effort. There is motivation to study. However, there is no independence, he is afraid to answer publicly at the board. Has a weak memory, learned material is quickly forgotten. Sergey is a sympathetic, kind boy. However, he is reserved with classmates and is emotionally closed. He does not like to carry out public assignments, trying to stay aloof. At the same time, the boy tries to adapt to new conditions, listens to his grandmother, and is very afraid of returning to a government institution. In 2020, I visited a social educator and psychologist.

School director ______________________________ S.P. Tolkova Class teacher: ___________________ G.Kh Semenova

Characteristics of a difficult student

It is advisable to accompany information about a child who cannot adapt socially with an analysis of the causes of behavior.

Characteristics of a 6a grade student

secondary school No. 76 Golikova Tatyana

Tanya Golikova, born December 9, 2007, lives in Novosibirsk, st. S. Budenogo, 6-19, Guardian - older sister Golikova Olga Sergeevna, born in 1987. Parents are deprived of parental rights due to alcohol addiction. Tatyana has been studying at school since the third grade. Demonstrates extremely poor learning abilities and is behind in all subjects. Doesn't complete homework assignments, has no desire to study. He is late for classes and often plays truant. He doesn’t give in to convictions about the need to acquire knowledge, he uses foul language, and his reaction to teachers’ comments is aggressive. Is a negative example in the classroom, provokes disruptions and truancy. There are cases of assault against other girls. He smokes demonstratively on school grounds. Rude, aggressive. Public events are openly ridiculed. The clothes are deliberately provocative, school supplies are worn casually plastic bag. Sister Tatyana, Olga, is not involved in raising the child; noisy groups often gather in the house. Parent meetings the guardian does not visit. IN telephone conversations He is rude to teachers, demanding not to interfere in family problems. Refuses psychological help.

School director______________________________S.P. Tolkova Class teacher:__________________G.Kh Semenova

Questions for a lawyer

I want to deprive my ex-husband of parental rights for child abuse. Where should I bring the reference: to the guardianship authorities or the court?

The characterization is first provided to the AOiP conducting the inspection, and then it will be needed for the court.

Does the school have the right to refuse to issue references to parents?

No, the document must be issued upon written request.

How long must the reference be completed?

It all depends on the legislation of the regions. In most regions of the Russian Federation, it is issued in 3-5 days.

Can a father who does not live with the child take a reference for him at school?

Yes, such a right is granted. Living apart is not grounds for refusal.

Does a parent deprived of rights to a child have the right to order a reference?

No. Since joining court decision such a parent has no relationship with the minor.

ECSD 2018. Revision dated April 9, 2018 (including those with changes that entered into force on July 1, 2018)
To search for approved professional standards of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, use directory of professional standards


Job responsibilities. Receives information about the disease, performs a list of works and services to diagnose the disease, assess the patient’s condition and clinical situation in accordance with the standard of medical care. Performs a list of works and services for the treatment of a disease, condition, clinical situation in accordance with the standard of medical care. Conducts an examination of temporary disability, refers patients with signs of permanent disability for examination for a medical and social examination. Develops a scheme for postoperative patient management and prevention of postoperative complications. Conducts medical examination of the population and evaluates its effectiveness. Conducts sanitary education work. Prepares necessary medical documentation. Draws up a report on his work and analyzes it.

Must know: Constitution Russian Federation, fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on protecting the health of citizens, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of healthcare, general issues organization of otolaryngological care in the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts regulating the activities of an otolaryngologist, organization of ambulance and emergency care for ENT pathologies, topographic and clinical anatomy of the upper respiratory tract and ear, taking into account age-related characteristics, physiology of ENT organs, interrelation of functional systems of the body and the levels of their regulation, clinical and functional research methods in otolaryngology, causes of pathological processes in the ENT organs, mechanisms of their development and clinical manifestations in the age aspect, clinical symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of major diseases of the ENT organs, their prevention taking into account age features, clinical symptoms of borderline conditions in otolaryngology, principles of preparing patients for surgery and their management in the postoperative period, issues of asepsis and antiseptics, techniques and methods of pain relief during otolaryngological operations, the basics of pharmacotherapy in otolaryngology, the use of physiotherapy in otolaryngology, indications and contraindications for sanatorium- resort treatment, the basics of dietary nutrition and diet therapy, operating room equipment, surgical instruments used in various operations of the ENT organs, issues of organizing, conducting and analyzing the effectiveness of clinical examination of the population, the basics of audiology, audiology, phoniatrics and otoneurology, the basics of examination of temporary and permanent disability, issues organization and activities of the civil defense medical service, on the territorial program of state guarantees for the provision of free medical care to citizens, issues of connection between hearing diseases and profession, issues of organizing medical and social examination, fundamentals labor legislation, labor protection and fire safety rules, sanitary rules and standards of functioning of a health care institution.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education in one of the specialties “General Medicine”, “Pediatrics” and postgraduate professional education (internship and (or) residency) in the specialty “Otorhinolaryngology”, a specialist certificate in the specialty “Otorhinolaryngology”, without requirements for work experience.

Vacancies for the position of Otorhinolaryngologist on the all-Russian vacancy database

During his clinical residency training, he was trained in the diagnostic and treatment departments of the clinic, listened to a course of thematic lectures, studied a number of monographs and periodicals in the main specialty and related disciplines, conducted practical medical activities, took part in scientific work department, which is reflected in printed works. After completing clinical residency in 1999, he was hired at the department of radiation and surgical treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract of the State Medical Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, where I work as a researcher to the present day. In December 2006, he successfully defended his thesis on the topic: “The effectiveness of independent radiation and combined treatment of T3 laryngeal cancer using radiomodifiers and various radiation therapy techniques in terms of regional and distant metastasis.”

403 forbidden

Write out requirements for medications and dressings and receive them from the head nurse of the clinic.2.13. Participate in carrying out sanitary educational work among patients.2.14. Systematically improve your qualifications by studying relevant literature, participating in conferences and seminars.2.15.
Prepare medical documentation under the supervision of a physician: referrals for consultation and auxiliary offices, statistical coupons, extracts from medical records of outpatients, certificates of incapacity for work. certificates of temporary incapacity for work, referrals to MSEC, logs of outpatient operations, control charts of dispensary observation, work diary of secondary medical personnel etc. 3.

The work of a nurse in an otolaryngology office

I. General part The main tasks of the ENT nurse are to carry out diagnostic and treatment appointments of the otolaryngologist in the clinic and assist him in organizing specialized Medical assistance the population living in the area where the Polyclinic operates, as well as workers and employees of attached enterprises. The appointment and dismissal of an ENT nurse is carried out by the chief physician of the clinic in accordance with current legislation. The ENT nurse reports directly to the otolaryngologist and works under his supervision.
In my work nurse The ENT office is guided by this job description, as well as methodological recommendations to improve the activities of nursing staff in outpatient clinics. II.

Otorhinolaryngological nurse

Nursing staff, etc. III. Rights An ENT nurse has the right to: - make demands to the clinic administration to create the necessary conditions in the workplace that ensure the quality performance of their duties. job responsibilities; — take part in meetings (meetings) to discuss the work of the ENT office; - receive the necessary information to carry out your tasks functional responsibilities from an otolaryngologist, senior nurse of the department (responsible for the office), chief nurse; — require visitors to comply with the internal regulations of the clinic; — master a related specialty; — give instructions and supervise the work of junior medical staff in the ENT office; - improve your qualifications at work, advanced training courses, etc. in the prescribed manner. IV.

Characteristics - presentation

To carry out the listed procedures, the ENT nurse must master the technique of using the frontal reflector and, according to the doctor’s prescriptions, carry out a course of treatment for patients using the listed procedures; 4) assist the doctor during outpatient operations; 5) take part (as directed by the doctor) in the preparation of the following medical documentation: a) filling out directions for treatment and examination; b) issuing a certificate of incapacity for work; c) filling out form No. 30; d) filling out statistical forms; e) registration of surgical interventions in filling out the operation log; f) maintaining other reporting and medical documentation according to forms approved by the Ministry of Health of the Ukrainian SSR; 6) keep records of dispensary patients; 7) upon completion of patients’ treatment, process instruments, distribute medications to places, and put medical documentation in order.

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Politzer; 7.8.7. introduction of antibiotics into the maxillary sinuses using the displacement method; 7.8.8. eardrum massage (vibration and manual); 7.8.9. introduction of turunda with medicinal substances into the ears; 7.8.10. rinsing the ear with medicinal solutions; 7.8.11. blowing powders into the ear, nose; 7.9. assist an otolaryngologist during outpatient operations; 7.10. keep records of dispensary patients and promptly call them to see a doctor; 7.11. At the end of an outpatient appointment, process and clean instruments, put medical documentation and workplaces in order; 7.12. write out requirements for medications and dressings and receive them from the head nurse of the clinic; 7.13. participate in carrying out sanitary educational work among patients; 7.14.

Job description of an ENT nurse


In her work, the ENT nurse is guided by this job description, as well as methodological recommendations for improving the activities of nursing staff in outpatient clinics. 2. FUNCTIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES To perform her functions, the ENT nurse is obliged to: 2.1. Prepare workplaces before an outpatient appointment with an otolaryngologist, checking the availability of the necessary medical instruments, medications, documentation, checking the serviceability of equipment and office equipment.2.2.

Prepare and submit to the reception desk self-registration sheets for patients, coupons for doctor’s appointments for the current week.2.3. Before the start of the appointment, bring from the card storage medical records of outpatients, selected by the registrars in accordance with the self-recording sheets. 2.4.

Certification report of an otorhinolaryngologist


Carry out the following medical manipulations as prescribed by the doctor: - lubricating the mucous membrane of the nose, pharynx, nasopharynx; - washing the lacunae of the tonsils; - removing wax plugs by rinsing; - instilling drops; - toileting the ears; - blowing the ears according to Politzer; - introducing antibiotics into the maxillary sinuses by moving method; - massage of the eardrums (vibration and manual); - introduction of turundum with medicinal substances into the ears; - rinsing the ear with medicinal solutions; - blowing powders into the ear, nose. 2.9. Provide assistance to the otolaryngologist during outpatient operations.2.10. Keep records of dispensary patients and promptly call them to see a doctor.2.11.

At the end of an outpatient appointment, process and clean instruments, put medical documentation and workplaces in order. 2.12.
Previous40414243444546474849505152535455Next department (office) 1. A specialist with secondary medical education and special training is appointed to the position of nurse in the otorhinolaryngology department (office). 2. A nurse in the otorhinolaryngology department (office) is appointed and dismissed by the chief physician of the clinic in the prescribed manner. 3. In her work, the nurse of the otorhinolaryngology department (office) is guided by regulatory standards legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, Regulations on the clinic, Regulations on the otorhinology department (office), orders and instructions of the chief physician, orders of the chief nurse and otorhinolaryngologist, job description. 4.
RIGHTS A nurse in an ENT office has the right to: 3.1 Make demands to the administration of the clinic to create the necessary conditions in the workplace to ensure the high-quality performance of their job duties; 3.2 take part in meetings (meetings) when discussing the work of the ENT office; 3.3 receive the necessary information to perform their functional responsibilities from the otolaryngologist, senior nurse of the department (responsible for the office), chief nurse; 3.4 require visitors to comply with the internal rules of the clinic; 3.5 master a related specialty; 3.6 give instructions and supervise the work of the junior medical staff of the ENT office; 3.7 improve your qualifications at work, advanced training courses, etc. in the prescribed manner. 4.


The main objective of the department is the development and implementation of methods of radiation and combined treatment of patients with diseases of the upper respiratory tract, improvement of methods of microscopic and endoscopic surgery for diseases of the ENT organs. The department has a capacity of 28 beds. The department is equipped with modern equipment for consultation, outpatient and inpatient treatment of patients - “SERVANT 5” (ATMOS), endoscopic equipment “Karl Storz”, microscope “Zeiss OPMI 1”, apparatus for cold plasma surgery (Arthro Care), audiometer “GROSSES” KLINISCHES AUDIOMETER MA31". The department includes an examination room for outpatient treatment of patients, a dressing room, radio modification rooms and a procedure room, a manipulation room for minor surgical interventions.

To perform her functions, the nurse of the otorhinolaryngology department (office) is obliged to: 7.1. prepare workplaces before an outpatient appointment with an otolaryngologist, monitoring the availability of the necessary medical instruments, medications, documentation, checking the serviceability of equipment and office equipment; 7.2. prepare and submit patient self-registration sheets and doctor’s appointment vouchers for the current week to the reception desk; 7.3. before the start of the appointment, bring from the card storage medical records of outpatients, selected by the registrars in accordance with the self-registration sheets; 7.4. monitor the timely receipt of research results and post them in the medical records of outpatients; 7.5. regulate the flow of visitors by recording the appropriate time on self-registration sheets and issuing coupons to repeat patients; 7.6.