Responsibilities of janitors for cleaning the local area. When the yard is clean. Registration of an employment contract

1.1. The janitor is a worker and reports directly to ……… (name of position/profession of the manager)

1.2. To work as a janitor, a person who has reached the age of 18 is accepted:

1) having basic general education;

2) completed short-term training or instruction.

1.3. A person is allowed to perform the work specified in clause 1.2 of these instructions:

1) training in safe methods and techniques for performing work, instruction in labor protection (introductory and in the workplace), on-the-job training and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements;

2) completed mandatory preliminary (upon entry to work) and periodic medical examinations(examinations), as well as extraordinary medical examinations (examinations) in the order established by law Russian Federation;

3) completed instructions on labor protection and fire safety in the workplace.

1.4. The janitor should know:

1) norms and rules for servicing elements of external landscaping of the local area;

2) norms and rules for maintaining hard surfaces in the local area in summer and winter conditions;

3) the layout and boundaries for cleaning the assigned local area;

4) requirements for the sanitary condition of the local area in summer and winter conditions;

5) standard set equipment, mechanization equipment, personal protective equipment and Supplies for the execution of work;

6) properties of detergents and rules for their use;

7) the operating principle of storm drainage;

8) technology for performing work on cleaning the local area in summer and winter conditions;

9) rules for the use of anti-icing coatings;

10) technology for filling rollers;

11) rules for clearing elements of building enclosing structures from snow, ice and icicles;

12) requirements for the sanitary maintenance of technical premises of a residential building;

13) requirements for illumination of the local area;

14) requirements for environmental and industrial safety during work;

15) addresses and telephone numbers of the emergency dispatch service;

16) requirements for the quality of work performed;

17) types of defects and ways to prevent and eliminate them;

18) the procedure for notifying the manager of all deficiencies discovered during work;

19) rules for providing first (pre-medical) aid to victims of injury, poisoning and sudden illness;

20) Internal rules labor regulations;

21) rules of labor protection, industrial sanitation and personal hygiene, fire safety;

22) ……… (other requirements for necessary knowledge)

1.5. A janitor must be able to:

1) determine the volumes and types of upcoming work to maintain elements of external landscaping of the local area;

2) determine the volumes and types of upcoming work on maintaining hard surfaces of the local area in summer and winter conditions;

3) determine the timing and intensity of watering sidewalks, flower beds, lawns and green spaces;

4) use small-scale mechanization in work when servicing elements of external landscaping of the local area in summer and winter conditions;

5) pick up cleaning compositions for washing and disinfecting bins installed in the local area;

6) prepare harvesting equipment, tools and small-scale mechanization for work in summer and winter conditions;

7) determine the performance of rainwater inlets and wells;

8) use techniques for cleaning sidewalks, roadsides of courtyard entrances, blind areas, utility and container sites, parking lots from dust, small household debris and leaves, from snow and ice in winter period;

9) determine the location of the covers of sewer, fire and gas wells;

10) determine the volumes and types of upcoming related work in technical rooms residential building;

11) determine the range of equipment used and the quantity of consumables;

12) use techniques for removing snow, ice and icicles from building envelopes;

13) evaluate the quality of work performed;

14) determine the location of damage to in-yard pipelines (heat supply, water supply, sewerage);

15) comply with the requirements technical documentation, which determines the frequency and level of quality of work performed;

16) comply with labor protection, fire safety and electrical safety requirements in the field of professional activity;

17) ……… (other requirements for necessary skills)

1.6. ……… (other general provisions)

2. Labor functions

2.1. The labor functions of a janitor are:

2.1.1. Cleaning the local area of ​​a residential building:

1) work on maintenance of elements of external landscaping of the local area;

2) work on cleaning hard surfaces of the local area in summer conditions;

3) work on cleaning hard surfaces of the local area in winter conditions;

4) related work in the technical premises of a residential building.

2.2. ……… (other functions)

3. Responsibilities

3.1. Before the start of the working day (shift), the janitor:

1) undergoes a pre-shift (preventive) medical examination in accordance with the established procedure;

2) receives a production task;

3) if necessary, undergoes training on labor protection;

4) takes over the shift;

5) checks the serviceability of devices, tools, equipment, etc., personal protective equipment;

6) ……… (other duties)

3.2. During operation, the wiper:

1) performs the work for which he has been instructed and authorized to work;

2) uses special clothing, safety shoes and other personal protective equipment;

3) receives instructions from the immediate supervisor on the performance of the task, safe techniques and methods of work;

4) complies with the rules for using technological equipment, devices and tools, methods and techniques for performing work safely;

5) immediately notify the immediate supervisor of all deficiencies discovered during work;

6) complies with the requirements of personal hygiene and industrial sanitation;

7) ……… (other duties)

3.3. During the working day (shift), the janitor performs the following duties as part of his job functions:

3.3.1. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 1 clause 2.1.1 of this instruction:

1) prepares the workplace for work;

2) collects and removes small household waste and leaves from lawns, flower beds and playgrounds, including using small-scale mechanization equipment, in the local area;

3) waters sidewalks, flower beds, lawns and green spaces in the local area with water;

4) mows the lawn manually or using small-scale mechanization;

5) trims trees and ornamental shrubs manually or using mechanized tools and devices;

6) removes contamination from small architectural forms and elements of playgrounds;

7) cleans the trash cans and garbage containers installed in the local area as they are filled;

8) carries out washing and disinfection of trash bins and garbage containers installed in the local area as they become dirty;

9) monitors the timely removal of garbage containers from the local area.

3.3.2. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 2 clause 2.1.1 of this instruction:

1) prepares the workplace for work in summer conditions;

2) will carry out wet cleaning of sidewalks, roadsides of courtyard entrances, blind areas, utility and container sites, parking lots from dust, small household waste and leaves, including using small-scale mechanization equipment;

3) collects, transports and loads waste into garbage containers;

4) inspects and cleans rainwater grates to ensure their performance;

5) cleans channels and trays for water drainage into hatches and receiving wells.

3.3.3. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 3 clause 2.1.1 of these instructions:

1) prepares the workplace for work in winter conditions;

2) clears passages for pedestrian traffic during periods of heavy snowfall;

3) carries out chipping of ice from sidewalks, roadsides of internal yard entrances, blind areas, utility and container sites, parking lots;

4) removes and stores snow and chipped ice in a specially designated area;

5) sprinkles sidewalks, roadsides of courtyard entrances, blind areas, utility and container sites, parking lots with de-icing compounds;

6) clears the covers of sewer, fire and gas wells from snow and ice;

7) loads snow and chipped ice into cars for removal from the local area;

8) fills the skating rink in a specially designated place.

3.3.4. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 4 clause 2.1.1 of these instructions:

1) prepares the workplace for related work;

2) cleans basements and attics;

3) clears the external steps of the entrance to the basement from snow and ice;

4) sprinkles the steps of the entrance to the basement with de-icing compounds;

5) removes snow, ice and icicles from the roof, awnings and lanterns of a residential building;

6) turns on and off the lighting in the serviced local area;

7) reports to the emergency dispatch service information about the presence of gas odor or damage to in-yard pipelines (heat supply, water supply, sewerage).

3.4. At the end of the working day (shift), the janitor:

1) puts devices and tools in proper condition and transfers them for storage;

2) removes dirt from workwear and safety shoes, if necessary, places them for drying and storage;

3) submits established reports;

4) performs an inspection (self-examination);

5) hands over a shift;

6) ……… (other duties)

3.5. As part of the performance of his labor functions, a janitor:

1) carries out instructions from his immediate supervisor;

2) undergoes periodic medical examinations (examinations), as well as extraordinary medical examinations (examinations) in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

3) ……… (other duties)

3.6. ……… (other provisions on responsibilities)

4. Rights

4.1. When performing his job functions and duties, the janitor has labor rights provided for by the employment contract concluded with the employee, internal labor regulations, local regulations, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other acts of labor legislation.

4.2. ……… (other provisions on employee rights)

5. Responsibility

5.1. The janitor is attracted to disciplinary liability in accordance with Art. 192 Labor Code Russian Federation for improper performance through his fault of the duties listed in this instruction.

5.2. The janitor carries financial liability for ensuring the safety of inventory items entrusted to him.

5.3. A janitor for committing offenses in the course of his activities, depending on their nature and consequences, is brought to civil, administrative and criminal liability in the manner prescribed by law.

5.4. ……… (other liability provisions)

6. Final provisions

6.1. This manual has been developed based on Professional standard" ", approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection Russian Federation dated December 21, 2015 N 1075n, taking into account……… (details of local regulations of the organization)

6.2. The employee is familiarized with this job description upon hiring (before signing employment contract). The fact that the employee has become familiar with this job description is confirmed by ……… (by signature on the familiarization sheet, which is an integral part of this instruction (in the job description review journal); in a copy of the job description kept by the employer; in another way)

6.3. ……… (other final provisions)

A job description is a necessary accessory for every workplace, every type of work. Enterprises that have been working for years using the same technology have a whole set of instructions developed due to the fact that accidents, production downtime and failure of equipment have occurred due to oversight, absurdity, misunderstanding and the inability to quickly make a decision in a non-standard situation.

Sometimes it is difficult to make a list of janitor responsibilities for cleaning the local area, but our article will help with this.

Of course, such work is simple and does not require high qualifications, but it is necessary to have instructions for this position because most of them are either quite elderly, or young and inexperienced people.

The job description of the janitor must indicate specific working conditions for this enterprise. These are the start and end times of work, breaks, canteen work, showers, so that the employee can plan his work by time and place, it is also necessary to indicate to him the premises closed to visitors, roads, etc.

Primary Job Responsibilities

The main job function of a janitor is to maintain the territory entrusted to him in order. The instructions must clearly state the responsibilities for cleaning the local area or other areas at different times of the year, with a mandatory indication of when the work should be done and with what equipment.

Components of this work:

  • removal of debris, fallen leaves and twigs;
  • snow removal: raking and storing in a certain place, clearing paths, rest areas, parking areas and other places;
  • chipping ice from the porch, ice from walkways, sprinkling them with sand to prevent people from falling;
  • care of green spaces (if there is no landscaper on staff): watering trees, shrubs, grass and flowers, cutting and trimming grass if necessary, mowing lawns and more.

The types of work that a janitor should not perform may be indicated. This includes loading and unloading work, work on removing snow from roofs, work as a watchman, carpenter, electrician, painter and others not included in the list of cleaning and maintenance of the territory.

If the workload is not full, it is possible to combine work with those listed above. This should be stated in the instructions.

In the case of working on school grounds, the job description of a school janitor must indicate the need to monitor the behavior of schoolchildren on school grounds, prevent smoking, littering, damage to trees, green spaces and fences, the janitor must stop fights or report them, etc. . If all of the above events occur, the employee must report them to his superiors.

The janitor must know the addresses and telephone numbers of: police station, local police inspector, ambulance, fire department, the nearest service provider medical care, pharmacy, police children's room.

Conducting a briefing is not a mere formality

It is necessary to make the briefing part of the internship: walk through the territory and show, for example, difficulties in the work and shortcomings of the predecessor, the features of different parts of the territory. It is also necessary to introduce them to the management of the enterprise or organization, who “need to be known by sight,” to explain where and what is located, from the production workshop to the canteen, and to show safe routes of movement. It is imperative to find a direct supervisor so as not to distract other employees. Such a boss could be a person from the personnel department or from the administrative and economic department, who will note the janitor's work time - arrival and departure, i.e., keep a time sheet.

Composition of the job description

There are usually no occupational safety instructions for janitors at enterprises and organizations. That's why job description In addition to the functional duties, the janitor should include additional sections on work clothing, work equipment and the place of its storage, responsibilities before work, during work and in the event of extraordinary cases, as well as responsibility for violations during the performance of work and the rights of the employee.

Working clothes and safety footwear

Since cleaning of the territory is carried out year-round, the job description of the janitor must contain seasonal information about special clothing and safety shoes. For example:

  • In winter: warm pants and a padded jacket (sweatshirt), felt boots, warm mittens.
  • Spring and autumn: rubber boots, insulated suit, tops or gloves.
  • In summer: work trousers and jacket, tops or gloves.

Standards for issuing and types of clothing are determined by standards and certificates for workwear.

Inventory and storage location

A janitor's work equipment may include:

  • rake;
  • shovels - bayonet and shovel;
  • crowbar;
  • broom;
  • scoop;
  • grass scythe and/or lawnmower;
  • hoses;
  • garbage collection bags and all other necessary things.

To store equipment (and, possibly, work clothes), a dry, non-flooded room, locked, and not necessarily heated, must be designated.

The boundaries of the site must be clearly defined

In order to specify the work, the boundaries of the site must be clearly defined in the janitor's job description by a plan or diagram, indicating the different types of areas for cleaning: asphalt, tiled and dirt paths, green spaces that require and do not require watering, access roads, gates, etc. d.

The diagram should indicate sources of possible problems and dangers: parking lots, water and gas storage tanks, transformer substations and recommended methods for their cleaning maintenance. For parking lots, for example, this will indicate the cleaning time (before and after mass parking of cars).

When using electrical appliances (lawn mower), the connection points must be indicated on the diagram; when watering green spaces, the hose connection points must be indicated.

Responsibilities before starting work, during work, after work

Before work, the janitor must:

  • put on overalls and safety shoes;
  • select the required equipment;
  • lock storage areas;
  • inspect the area that needs to be cleaned.

Responsibilities during work are usually different in the autumn-winter period (raking and cleaning leaves, snow, chipping ice, clearing dirt, etc.) and spring- summer period(sweeping, watering, cutting grass on the territory). This must be noted in the janitor's job description.

Existing hazards at work must be prevented:

  1. When working with a power tool (lawn mower or other), the employee must be additionally instructed about safe work with a power tool, must know where to connect the tool, etc.
  2. When digging the ground, the janitor must be instructed about dangerous places on the territory: possible pipes, cables, etc. buried in the ground.
  3. When working with harmful substances, household waste, glass, the employee must be instructed in advance and provided with additional necessary means to protect against various types contaminants that exist or may exist on the territory entrusted to him. If a worker receives scratches, wounds or other injuries during work, he must disinfect the wound, especially if the skin at the site of injury was contaminated.

The duties of a janitor after work include:

  • removal of collected waste to the storage site;
  • return of equipment and workwear to a special room;
  • mandatory closure of this premises;
  • taking a shower or washing exposed parts of the body over a sink with running water;
  • a report on the work done and problems during its execution to the employee supervising his activities.

The janitor's responsibility for fulfilling his duties as set out in the job description must be indicated. This could be deprivation of a bonus, deprivation of summer leave, and in case of repeated violations of the job description - a warning or dismissal.

Responsibilities during extraordinary circumstances

These circumstances may be:

  • fire on the assigned territory, in a building or in the neighborhood;
  • entry into the territory of persons with unknown intentions;
  • gas leaks from unknown or known sources;
  • spills of water or other liquids of unknown origin;
  • the appearance of foreign objects, heaps of garbage of unknown origin or other objects that were not previously on the site;
  • sinkholes in the soil or sudden, incomprehensible death of trees and grass in the serviced area;
  • sudden appearance of harmful animals or insects (mice, rats, cockroaches or others);
  • the formation of large deposits of snow on the roof in winter, which can threaten pedestrians, cars, etc.

The employee must urgently report all these events to the employee supervising him and follow all his instructions if they are included in the duties of the janitor.

In the event of a fire, the janitor must act in accordance with the fire safety instructions of the enterprise whose territory he is cleaning.

Rights that must be specified in the job description

A large number of responsibilities also presupposes that the employee, including the janitor, has rights.

These rights must be noted in the job description.

The main right of a janitor is the opportunity to turn to his boss for solutions to any questions that arise and not to start work if he does not receive an answer to his question.

He has the right not to start work in the absence of special clothing, faulty equipment, or in the event of extraordinary circumstances.

The janitor has the right to leave work earlier if there is a lot of heavy physical work, for example, during heavy snowfalls or when chipping ice, and has the right to frequent breaks from work to warm up on cold and windy days.

Has all the rights as a member of the work team: to receive incentives for his good and overtime work, behind Good work the entire team, for work not included in the job description.

Has the right to refuse to remove toxic garbage, garbage with possible radioactive waste, wires that may be energized, and other things that may be harmful to health.

Has the right to refuse to perform work not provided for in the janitor’s job description.

on labor protection


Yaresko O.T.

Protocol No. ____ dated “__”___ 201__

N.V. Andreychuk

Order No.__ dated “_”._.20__.

Janitor's job description

1. General Provisions janitor job description

1.1. Real job description of a school janitor developed on the basis of Tariff and qualification characteristics for general industry professions workers approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated November 10, 1992 No. 31 (as amended on November 24, 2008), in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations governing labor Relations between employee and employer.

1.2. A janitor is hired and dismissed by the school director on the recommendation of the deputy director for administrative and economic work (AHR) without presenting requirements for education and work experience.

1.3. The school janitor reports directly to the deputy director for administrative and economic work.

1.4. During the period of vacation and temporary disability of the janitor, his duties may be assigned to other junior staff members. Temporary performance of duties in these cases is carried out on the basis of an order from the school director, issued in compliance with the requirements of labor legislation.

1.5. In his immediate work, the janitor is guided by regulations local authorities authorities on issues of sanitation, landscaping, external maintenance of buildings and structures, security public order; cleaning rules; rules for the safe use of detergents and disinfectants; rules for operating sanitary equipment; general rules and labor protection and safety standards, industrial sanitation and fire protection, as well as the Charter educational organization, Internal labor regulations of the school, local legal acts of the school, orders and instructions of the director.

1.6. The janitor is also guided by the employment contract and this job description for a janitor at a school, and complies with the instructions on labor protection for a janitor at a school.

1.7. The janitor should know:

  • sanitary and hygienic standards for maintaining the territory in general educational institution.
  • layout and boundaries of cleaning the assigned territory;
  • protection standards environment;
  • procedure for cleaning the territory;
  • instructions and technological recommendations for cleaning work;
  • devices and rules for operating tools, equipment, devices used in work;
  • rules for using de-icing materials;
  • safety rules when performing cleaning work;
  • rules for the use of detergents and standards for handling them;
  • norms business communication, etiquette;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • rules and regulations of labor protection, safety, fire safety, industrial sanitation and personal hygiene;
  • rules for the use of fire protection equipment;
  • the procedure for notifying the deputy director for administrative and economic work about all deficiencies discovered during work;
  • procedure for action in an extreme situation that threatens the life and health of children and adults.
  • addresses and telephone numbers: school director, deputy director for administrative affairs (supply manager), police department, local police inspector, ambulance, fire department, nearest medical care facility, pharmacy, etc.

1.8. The janitor must comply with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and have first aid skills.

2.1. The main purpose of the position of a janitor is to maintain proper sanitary condition and order at the level SES requirements on the assigned territory of the school site and adjacent territory during the working day.

3. Job responsibilities janitor

3.1. Cleans the territory of the educational institution assigned to him, cleans the sidewalks and the area adjacent to the school.

3.2. Checks the condition of the territory and makes sure that all wells are covered with lids, and there are no sharp objects sticking out of the ground on the site (wire, fittings, broken glass, etc.).

3.3. Brings materials and equipment necessary for cleaning (cleaning equipment, sand, watering hoses, etc.).

3.4. Waters green spaces in the assigned area.

3.5. Carries out activities to prepare inventory and cleaning equipment for work in the winter.

3.6. Timely clears sidewalks, paths, and driveways of snow and ice and sprinkles them with sand.

3.7. Clears fire wells for easy access at any time.

3.8. Digs and cleans grooves and trays for water drainage.

3.9. Cleans garbage bins daily and periodically rinses and disinfects them.

3.10. Transports waste into containers.

3.11. The janitor observes:

  • for timely cleaning of garbage containers;
  • for the serviceability and safety of all external equipment of the school building and property (fences, stairs, cornices, drainpipes, trash cans, signs, etc.);
  • for the safety of green spaces and fences.

3.12. Carry out timely, but not less than twice, mowing of grass in the summer on the assigned territory.

3.13. Hangs flags on the facade of the school building in the national holidays, and also removes and stores them.

3.14. Fences dangerous areas and reports this to the Deputy Director for Administrative and Economic Work (supervisor).

3.15. Participates in walk-throughs of the school grounds.

3.16. If damage or theft of school property or violations of public order are detected, immediately report to the school administration, and in emergency cases directly to the police.

3.17. While working, the employee strictly adheres to the job description of a school janitor, labor protection and fire safety instructions.

3.18. If a smell of gas is detected or a pipeline (water supply, sewerage, heating, etc.) breaks, calls the appropriate specialized emergency team.

3.19. If a fire is detected, immediately notify the fire department by calling 101 and the school administration.

3.20. Provides assistance to persons affected by accidents by immediately reporting the incident to the medical institution and the administration of the educational institution.

The janitor has the right:

4.1. To receive inventory and allocate premises for its storage.

4.2. To receive special clothing according to established standards.

4.3. Stop obvious violations by schoolchildren of safety, labor protection, sanitation and fire safety rules on school grounds.

4.4. Submit disciplinary action to the deputy director for educational work of students for offenses that entailed damage to school property.

4.5. Make suggestions to improve the work of the janitor and Maintenance schools.

4.6. Receive from the Deputy Director for Administrative and Economic Work (the caretaker) and use information materials and regulatory documents that are necessary to perform their official duties.

4.7. To protect professional honor and self-dignity.

4.8. To familiarize yourself with complaints, reports and other documents that contain an assessment of the janitor’s work, and provide explanations on them.

4.9. To confidential an official investigation, except in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.10. A school janitor also has the rights provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Charter, the Collective Agreement and the Internal Labor Regulations.

5. Responsibility of a school janitor

5.1. For non-performance or improper performance without good reasons The school charter, the Employment contract, the requirements of the job description of a janitor at a school, the internal labor regulations, legal orders and instructions of the school administration and other local regulations, the janitor bears disciplinary liability in the manner specified labor legislation.

5.2. For violation of fire safety rules, labor protection, sanitary and hygienic rules for organizing the educational process, a janitor is brought to administrative responsibility in the manner and in cases provided for by administrative legislation.

5.3. For culpable harm to the school or participants educational process damage in connection with the performance or failure to perform his official duties, the janitor bears financial liability in the manner and within the limits established by labor and (or) civil legislation.

5.4. For the use, including one-time use, of educational methods associated with physical and (or) mental violence against a child’s personality, a janitor is dismissed from his position in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

6. Relationships. Relationships by position

6.1. Works in a normal working day according to a schedule drawn up based on a 40-hour working week, approved by the school director on the proposal of the deputy school director for administrative and economic work;

6.2. Receives from the school director and his deputies information of a regulatory, organizational and methodological nature, and familiarizes himself with the relevant documents against signature.

6.3. Instructions on sanitation and hygiene rules, cleaning rules, safe use of disinfectants, as well as labor protection and fire safety are provided under the guidance of the school’s deputy director for administrative and economic work.

6.4. Systematically exchanges information on issues within his competence with employees of educational institutions.

The job description of the school secretary was developed by:

I have read the job description and received a second copy.

"___"____20___ __________ (______________________)

instructions for school

Officials for the school

Occupational safety at school

Labor protection in offices

civil defense

Site support

See antique German porcelain figurines here.

instructions for preschool educational institutions

Officials for preschool educational institutions

Labor protection in preschool educational institutions

Road safety

Fire safety

Labor protection in the camp


Posadov's instructions

Website banner

Job description for a janitor in a kindergarten

The MBDOU janitor is guided in his work by a job description, which stipulates the work to be performed daily and responsibility for violations of disciplinary and other procedures. The instructions for the wiper are developed based on regulatory documents regulating tariff and qualification characteristics for workers by profession. The list was approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation in 1992 and underwent some changes in 2008.

Read also: Article for terrorism of the Russian Federation Criminal Code

Sample of a typical job description for a janitor in a kindergarten

Job description is legal document for each employee, guided by it, you can outline a clear range of responsibilities assigned to the employee’s main functions, determine the rights and responsibilities for improper execution of labor discipline. It also indicates what documents a janitor should follow when working in a municipal budget preschool educational institution. That is why the employee must be familiar with the job description before starting his work. Familiarization is confirmed by signature on the document.

General provisions

Like many regulatory documents, the job description contains general provisions describing the profession and general qualifications required when hiring. A janitor belongs to the category of workers. They are hired without any experience or education requirements. But a person applying for the position of a janitor in a preschool educational institution must have a certain amount of knowledge, which is formed on the basis of studying regulatory documents on sanitary and hygienic issues, landscaping, labor protection and fire safety of the Russian Federation. The worker reports directly to the foreman, foreman and garden manager.

Job responsibilities

Janitor in kindergarten has the following job responsibilities according to the instructions:

  • The entire courtyard and courtyard area must be promptly cleared of debris and leaves in the summer and snow and ice in the winter.
  • Bins in the yard and outside the yard, but those related to the kindergarten must be clean and washed.
  • Keep work equipment clean and tidy.
  • An employee monitors visitors entering and exiting the kindergarten territory.
  • Promptly reports violations to the immediate superior, the director of the kindergarten, and, if necessary, to the police.
  • When a crime is committed, the employee is obliged to perform the function of a watchman and guard their traces until the police arrive.

The employee is required to strictly adhere to labor discipline and follow the prescribed daily routine, as well as job descriptions. In addition, he maintains the technical documentation necessary for his work.


A janitor in a kindergarten has the right to respectful treatment of his work by staff and visitors. And it can signal violations on their part, thereby demanding that they be brought to financial or disciplinary liability. He can receive unrestricted access to documents that describe his rights and obligations. And also make constructive suggestions for improving work processes or beautifying the territory.


A janitor in a kindergarten is responsible for non-compliance with the points of the job description and poor performance of his direct duties. The equipment issued to the employee is registered with him throughout the entire labor activity. The employee bears financial responsibility for its safety and proper appearance. Offenses related to non-compliance with labor discipline or other offenses classified under articles of the administrative, civil or criminal code are unacceptable.

Working conditions

Director of children's preschool, educators and other employees in their work are guided by the standards of the Federal State Educational Standard. The work is organized in accordance with the current legislation on labor and the culture of behavior of teaching staff.

The working conditions of a territory cleaner do not have official regulatory indicators, so the number of territory cleaning workers is decided individually for each institution, usually one person. The working day of the territory cleaner coincides with daytime kindergarten work, and its days off fall on Saturday and Sunday. In special cases due to weather or other conditions, irregular working hours are possible.

Are you here

Janitor's job description

name of organization, enterprise]

[position, signature, full name of the manager or other

official authorized to approve

[day month Year]

[name of organization, enterprise, etc.]

This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations governing labor relations in the Russian Federation.

1. General Provisions

1.1. A janitor belongs to the category of workers.

1.2. A janitor is appointed and dismissed by the head of the enterprise and reports directly to [fill in as appropriate].

1.3. The janitor should know:

— norms and requirements for the state of external landscaping of the territory adjacent to the home and environmental protection;

— requirements for sanitary maintenance of territories;

— layout and boundaries of cleaning the assigned territory;

- procedure for cleaning the territory;

— properties of detergents and rules for their safe use;

— devices and operating rules for service equipment and devices used in work;

— rules for the use of de-icing materials;

- addresses and telephone numbers: services of operating organizations, the nearest police station, local police inspector, ambulance, fire department, nearest medical care facility, pharmacy, children's room, etc.;

— safety rules when performing cleaning work;

- the procedure for notifying your immediate supervisor about all shortcomings discovered during work;

— internal labor regulations;

— rules and regulations of labor protection, industrial sanitation and personal hygiene;

— rules for the use of fire protection equipment;

2. Job responsibilities

The janitor performs the following duties:

2.1. Undergoes periodic medical examinations in accordance with the established procedure.

2.2. Inspects the work area and makes sure that all wells are covered with lids, pits and trenches are fenced, and there are no sharp objects sticking out of the ground in the area (wire, fittings, broken large glass, etc.).

2.3. Checks the presence of portable barriers.

2.4. Brings (brings up) the materials and equipment necessary for cleaning (sand, watering hoses, etc.).

2.5. Before starting cleaning in a traffic area, wear a warning vest.

2.6. Instructions on labor protection and industrial sanitation are carried out in accordance with the established procedure.

2.7. Places portable barriers, painted in bright colors, in the areas to be cleaned in the traffic zone from the side of a possible collision at a set distance from the workplace.

2.8. Cleans the assigned area;

2.9. Fences dangerous areas and reports this to his immediate supervisor.

2.10. If a smell of gas is detected or a pipeline (water supply, sewerage, heating and others) breaks, calls the appropriate specialized emergency team.

2.11. Provides first (pre-hospital) aid to victims of injury, poisoning and sudden illness and, if necessary, organizes their delivery to a healthcare facility.

2.12. Takes measures to prevent crimes and violations of order in the serviced area, and reports offenses to the police department.

2.13. Notifies his immediate supervisor about any situation that threatens the life and health of people, about every accident that occurs in the serviced territory.

2.14. Cleans the trash cans installed on the territory as they are filled (but at least twice a day) and the places where they are installed.

2.15. Cleans and disinfects bins as they become dirty.

2.16. Paints bins as needed (but at least once a year).

2.17. Cleans sewer, gas and fire well covers.

2.18. Carry out preventive inspections, remove debris from garbage collection chambers and clean them.

2.19. Turns the lighting on and off in the serviced area.

2.20. Clears the territory, driveways and sidewalks of snow, dust and small household debris by pre-wetting the area.

2.21. Digs and cleans grooves and trays for water drainage.

2.22. Performs preventive inspections of rainwater wells according to established schedules (but at least once a quarter).

2.23. Ensures the safety of equipment and operation of watering taps for washing and watering from hoses.

2.24. Waters green spaces and their fences in the assigned territory.

2.25. Carries out activities to prepare inventory and cleaning equipment for work in the winter.

2.26. Sweeps the area, clears it of snow and ice.

2.27. Chips ice and removes snow and ice formations.

2.28. Sprinkles the area with sand.

2.29. Removes and stores snow in places that do not interfere with the free passage of vehicles and pedestrian movement.

2.30. Clears fire wells of snow and ice for free access to them.

2.31. Clears ditches for drainage of melt water to manholes and receiving wells of the storm network.

2.32. Treats sidewalks and staircases of bridge structures with anti-icing materials, clears passages for pedestrian traffic during periods of intense snowfall (more than 1 cm/hour).

2.33. Sanitizes tanks and buckets for food waste and garbage after cleaning them, observing the established concentration of disinfectant solutions.

2.34. Performs other cleaning work.

2.35. [Enter as appropriate].

3. Rights

The janitor has the right:

3.1. Receive from the management of the enterprise the information necessary to carry out your work.

3.2. Make suggestions aimed at improving the organization and quality of your work.

3.3. Require the management of the enterprise to provide assistance in the performance of their official duties.

3.4. [Enter as appropriate].

4. Responsibility

The janitor is responsible for:

4.1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties as provided for in this job description, within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

Read also: Certificate for calculating sick leave from previous place of work

4.2. For causing material damage- within the limits determined by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For committing offenses in the course of their activities, depending on the nature and consequences - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.4. [Enter as appropriate].

The job description has been developed in accordance with [name, number and date of document].


Street cleaner

Sample instructions for a janitor

1. General Provisions

1.1. The janitor is a worker and reports directly to ……… (name of position/profession of the manager)

1.2. To work as a janitor, a person who has reached the age of 18 is accepted:

1) having basic general education;

2) completed short-term training or instruction.

1.3. A person is allowed to perform the work specified in clause 1.2 of these instructions:

1) training in safe methods and techniques for performing work, instruction in labor protection (introductory and in the workplace), on-the-job training and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements;

2) have undergone mandatory preliminary (upon employment) and periodic medical examinations (examinations), as well as extraordinary medical examinations (examinations) in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

3) completed instructions on labor protection and fire safety in the workplace.

1.4. The janitor should know:

1) norms and rules for servicing elements of external landscaping of the local area;

2) norms and rules for maintaining hard surfaces in the local area in summer and winter conditions;

3) the layout and boundaries for cleaning the assigned local area;

4) requirements for the sanitary condition of the local area in summer and winter conditions;

5) a standard set of equipment, mechanization, personal protective equipment and consumables for work;

6) properties of detergents and rules for their use;

7) the operating principle of storm drainage;

8) technology for performing work on cleaning the local area in summer and winter conditions;

9) rules for the use of anti-icing coatings;

10) technology for filling rollers;

11) rules for clearing elements of building enclosing structures from snow, ice and icicles;

12) requirements for the sanitary maintenance of technical premises of a residential building;

13) requirements for illumination of the local area;

14) requirements for environmental and industrial safety during work;

15) addresses and telephone numbers of the emergency dispatch service;

16) requirements for the quality of work performed;

17) types of defects and ways to prevent and eliminate them;

18) the procedure for notifying the manager of all deficiencies discovered during work;

19) rules for providing first (pre-medical) aid to victims of injury, poisoning and sudden illness;

20) Internal labor regulations;

21) rules of labor protection, industrial sanitation and personal hygiene, fire safety;

22) ……… (other requirements for necessary knowledge)

1.5. A janitor must be able to:

1) determine the volumes and types of upcoming work to maintain elements of external landscaping of the local area;

2) determine the volumes and types of upcoming work on maintaining hard surfaces of the local area in summer and winter conditions;

3) determine the timing and intensity of watering sidewalks, flower beds, lawns and green spaces;

4) use small-scale mechanization in work when servicing elements of external landscaping of the local area in summer and winter conditions;

5) select cleaning compositions for washing and disinfecting bins installed in the local area;

6) prepare harvesting equipment, tools and small-scale mechanization for work in summer and winter conditions;

7) determine the performance of rainwater inlets and wells;

8) use techniques for cleaning sidewalks, roadsides of courtyard entrances, blind areas, utility and container sites, parking lots from dust, small household debris and leaves, from snow and ice in the winter;

9) determine the location of the covers of sewer, fire and gas wells;

10) determine the volumes and types of upcoming related work in the technical premises of a residential building;

11) determine the range of equipment used and the quantity of consumables;

12) use techniques for removing snow, ice and icicles from building envelopes;

13) evaluate the quality of work performed;

14) determine the location of damage to in-yard pipelines (heat supply, water supply, sewerage);

15) comply with the requirements of technical documentation defining the frequency and level of quality of work performed;

16) comply with labor protection, fire safety and electrical safety requirements in the field of professional activity;

17) ……… (other requirements for necessary skills)

1.6. ……… (other general provisions)

2. Labor functions

2.1. The labor functions of a janitor are:

2.1.1. Cleaning the local area of ​​a residential building:

1) work on maintenance of elements of external landscaping of the local area;

2) work on cleaning hard surfaces of the local area in summer conditions;

3) work on cleaning hard surfaces of the local area in winter conditions;

4) related work in the technical premises of a residential building.

2.2. ……… (other functions)

3. Responsibilities

3.1. Before the start of the working day (shift), the janitor:

1) undergoes a pre-shift (preventive) medical examination in accordance with the established procedure;

2) receives a production task;

3) if necessary, undergoes training on labor protection;

4) takes over the shift;

5) checks the serviceability of devices, tools, equipment, etc., personal protective equipment;

6) ……… (other duties)

3.2. During operation, the wiper:

1) performs the work for which he has been instructed and authorized to work;

2) uses special clothing, safety shoes and other personal protective equipment;

3) receives instructions from the immediate supervisor on the performance of the task, safe techniques and methods of work;

4) complies with the rules for using technological equipment, devices and tools, methods and techniques for performing work safely;

5) immediately notify the immediate supervisor of all deficiencies discovered during work;

6) complies with the requirements of personal hygiene and industrial sanitation;

7) ……… (other duties)

3.3. During the working day (shift), the janitor performs the following duties as part of his job functions:

3.3.1. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 1 clause 2.1.1 of this instruction:

1) prepares the workplace for work;

2) collects and removes small household waste and leaves from lawns, flower beds and playgrounds, including using small-scale mechanization equipment, in the local area;

3) waters sidewalks, flower beds, lawns and green spaces in the local area with water;

4) mows the lawn manually or using small-scale mechanization;

5) trims trees and ornamental shrubs manually or using mechanized tools and devices;

6) removes contamination from small architectural forms and elements of playgrounds;

7) cleans the trash cans and garbage containers installed in the local area as they are filled;

8) carries out washing and disinfection of trash bins and garbage containers installed in the local area as they become dirty;

9) monitors the timely removal of garbage containers from the local area.

3.3.2. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 2 clause 2.1.1 of this instruction:

1) prepares the workplace for work in summer conditions;

2) will carry out wet cleaning of sidewalks, roadsides of courtyard entrances, blind areas, utility and container sites, parking lots from dust, small household waste and leaves, including using small-scale mechanization equipment;

3) collects, transports and loads waste into garbage containers;

4) inspects and cleans rainwater grates to ensure their performance;

5) cleans channels and trays for water drainage into hatches and receiving wells.

3.3.3. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 3 clause 2.1.1 of these instructions:

1) prepares the workplace for work in winter conditions;

2) clears passages for pedestrian traffic during periods of heavy snowfall;

3) carries out chipping of ice from sidewalks, roadsides of internal yard entrances, blind areas, utility and container sites, parking lots;

4) removes and stores snow and chipped ice in a specially designated area;

5) sprinkles sidewalks, roadsides of courtyard entrances, blind areas, utility and container sites, parking lots with de-icing compounds;

6) clears the covers of sewer, fire and gas wells from snow and ice;

7) loads snow and chipped ice into cars for removal from the local area;

8) fills the skating rink in a specially designated place.

3.3.4. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 4 clause 2.1.1 of these instructions:

1) prepares the workplace for related work;

2) cleans basements and attics;

3) clears the external steps of the entrance to the basement from snow and ice;

4) sprinkles the steps of the entrance to the basement with de-icing compounds;

5) removes snow, ice and icicles from the roof, awnings and lanterns of a residential building;

6) turns on and off the lighting in the serviced local area;

7) reports to the emergency dispatch service information about the presence of gas odor or damage to in-yard pipelines (heat supply, water supply, sewerage).

3.4. At the end of the working day (shift), the janitor:

1) puts devices and tools in proper condition and transfers them for storage;

2) removes dirt from workwear and safety shoes, if necessary, places them for drying and storage;

The person holding this position is required to clean the areas entrusted to him at the serviced facility.

In the context management company, such an object is a courtyard area near the territory under its control apartment building.

The janitor must obey the site foreman, and his labor functions are set out in the job description. In addition, he must know the basic rules for the sanitary maintenance of street areas and safety when carrying out cleaning activities.

Its activities are regulated by the Charter of the management company, staffing rules and instructions from management ( and ).

Responsibilities of a janitor in a management company

In different instructions, the list of janitor responsibilities may differ, but for convenience they can be summarized. In a management company, a janitor must:

  1. Clean sidewalks and streets adjacent to your home, clear them of snow and ice in winter or sprinkle them with sand, and water them along with flower beds and lawns in summer.
  2. Ensure accessibility of fire wells for safety purposes.
  3. Cut the grass and eliminate weeds.
  4. Maintain the cleanliness of outdoor lighting, the safety of fences and other auxiliary structures.
  5. Ensure timely cleaning of waste containers.
  6. Inform the management of the household about violations of law and order, acts of vandalism and damage caused to the serviced facility.


According to the legislation of the Russian Federation and the job description, the janitor has the rights to:

It is worth adding that the janitor has no right to act as a representative of the management company.


The janitor is responsible for the following violations:

  1. Exceeding the powers given in the instructions.
  2. Poor performance of labor obligations.
  3. Damage or theft of inventory and other property of the Criminal Code.
  4. Untidy appearance along with lack of shape.
  5. Rude attitude towards others, disclosure of confidential information.
  6. Neglect of safety precautions.

Features of work

In management companies, janitors report directly only to their boss in the person of the director or the foreman of the operational service at the site. He clarifies all questions regarding his schedule and remuneration directly with his employer.

Often a janitor is forced to work in the morning, but there may be unscheduled situations that are resolved on an individual basis. The amount of wages varies depending on how much area a particular janitor cleans.

Reference! If we compare the level of salaries of janitors from management organizations and homeowners associations, then in the management company they receive smaller amounts due to the management company retaining funds for management expenses.

To summarize, it is worth noting that the hard work of a janitor does not require full-time work, however, they have to cope with large volumes of work outdoors, which is especially difficult to do in winter.

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Street cleaner

1.1. The main task The job of a janitor is to clean areas and areas (territories) of the serviced facility.

1.2. The janitor reports directly to the manager of the Production Department, or the facility manager of the department for working with large and regional facilities, or the supervisor responsible for the operation of the facility.

1.3. The janitor is appointed and dismissed in the manner established by the company, by order of the General Director.

1.4. The janitor should know sanitary rules on street maintenance, safety rules when performing cleaning work.

1.5. In his work, the janitor is guided by the current legislative acts RF, the Company's Charter, Internal Labor Regulations, orders (instructions) of the General Director, Quality Policy and internal regulatory documents.

2. Functional responsibilities

The janitor does the following functional responsibilities:

2.1. Cleaning of streets, sidewalks, plots and areas (territories) of the serviced facility: timely removal of snow and chipping of ice from sidewalks along the facades of buildings and structures, courtyard areas, including the entrance to the yard, utility areas in places where containers for collecting household waste are installed, roadsides, external stairs to the basement of the facility, treating them with sand or a mixture of sand and salt, raking and throwing away snow (in winter from October 15 to April 15);

2.2. Cleaning the covers of sewer, fire and gas wells (from snow, ice and debris) for free access to them at any time (continuously);

2.3. Clearing snow from roofs, awnings and lanterns (architectural), as well as chipping icicles (in winter);

2.4. Loading snow into special vehicles for subsequent removal from the territory of the serviced facility (in winter);

2.5. Cleaning the entire territory of the facility (including lawns and flower beds) from debris and leaves (continuously);

2.6. Cutting grass and ornamental shrubs on the property's lawns manually or using machines and devices (in the summer from April 15 to October 15);

2.7. Digging and cleaning of grooves and trays for draining melt water to hatches and receiving wells (in summer);

2.8. Watering all outdoor areas of the serviced facility, incl. lawns, flower beds and green spaces;

2.9. Cleaning and sanitizing trash bins, garbage containers (containers), placing them in their places, cleaning the places where they are installed (continuously);

2.10 Monitoring the timely cleaning of yard waste containers (containers), the serviceability and safety of all outdoor equipment, property (fences, stairs, cornices, drainpipes, trash cans, signs, signs, etc.), the safety of green spaces and their fences;

2.11. Removing dirt from lamps (architectural and street), signs and markers (ongoing as needed).

2.12. Cleaning of the garage and parking lot on site:

cleaning the floor and removing stubborn dirt (including oil stains) from the floor (continuously as necessary);

removal of dust and stubborn dirt from moisture-resistant walls (continuously as necessary);

removal of local contamination from the inside of windows (continuously as necessary);

removing dust from switches, fire detectors, electrical outlets, fire extinguishers and communication pipes (continuously as necessary).

3.1. The janitor does not have the right to represent on behalf of the company.

timely receive from the economic department the necessary consumables, equipment, inventory, and other labor tools related to the scope of its activities;

make proposals to the immediate supervisor on the rational use of consumables and other labor tools;

demand provision of normal working conditions (premises, workplace);

use of Instructions, orders, regulations, Rules and other documents regulating the work of the janitor approved by the General Director;

inform the company management about existing shortcomings in the maintenance of facilities.

4. Responsibility The janitor is responsible:

4.1. For poor quality and untimely fulfillment of tasks and duties provided for in these Instructions.

4.2. For non-use and/or misuse of the rights granted by these Instructions.

4.3. For failure to comply with Instructions, orders, instructions, Rules and other documents regulating the work of the janitor.

4.4. For failure to comply with safety and fire safety regulations.

4.5. For damage or careless attitude to storage and use, theft of company property and serviced facilities.

4.6. For rude attitude (behavior) when communicating with staff and visitors of the serviced facility and company.

4.7. For unkempt appearance, lack of uniform and badge when performing their duties.

4.8. For issuing confidential information about the company and clients or collecting information by penetrating the computer network of the serviced facility or viewing its documentation.

5. Interaction with divisions (departments), officials

The janitor interacts with all functional units (departments) and officials of the company within the limits of his competence.

I have read the instructions______________________________

The results of the janitor’s work are visible to everyone, so who is this – a modern cleaner of the housing and communal services area?

Is there a standard area that one such employee should serve, and what exactly are his responsibilities? In this article we will talk about what it is like to work as a janitor in the housing and communal services sector?

Dear readers! Our articles talk about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique.

First of all, this is a full-time employee of the housing and communal services department, keeping order in the territory entrusted to him, not only in the sense of maintaining the proper sanitary condition of the yard, alley or street.

Such an employee always serves a limited area adjacent to the residential buildings, and involuntarily notices who comes out of the entrance at what time.

The janitor gets used to the residents and immediately recognizes strangers who come with not entirely good intentions. Therefore, the janitor is obliged to cooperate with representatives of law enforcement agencies, and first of all, with the district police officer.

The territory cleaner knows, if not by last name, then by first name and certainly by sight, all the children in his yard, and has the right to call on them to maintain public order - not to make noise, not to allow fights, and is also obliged to stop acts of vandalism in relation to common property.

This housing and communal services employee has a closet in one of the houses located on his site: usually this is a small room in which the cleaner can keep tools - shovels, brooms, brooms, crowbars, buckets and other equipment. This work is physically difficult, and in the utility room you can not only change clothes, but also sit and rest.

A cleaner who is found to be ineffective or negligent can be complained to. office, and an efficient, friendly person should be praised, such reliable and hardworking employees Housing and communal services management should reward them with bonuses.

The employment contract also contains a list of responsibilities, but it is more concise than the job description.

It is this document that should contain a detailed, detailed description of everything that a housing and communal services janitor should do at his workplace.

The job structure of a housing and communal services janitor is as follows:

  • general provisions;
  • job responsibilities;
  • rights;
  • responsibility.

It is important for the employer to know that there cannot be any requirements for the applicant for this job position in terms of level of education or experience.

What are the responsibilities of a housing and communal services janitor? The main job responsibilities are as follows:

  • cleaning the assigned area;
  • clearing sidewalks and paths of snow, ice, and sprinkling them with sand;
  • maintaining drainage trays, channels, and fire pits in working (cleaned) condition;
  • emptying trash cans with periodic washing;
  • sweep and remove leaves in autumn;
  • care of green spaces - watering, loosening, pruning, etc.;
  • in spring and summer, water sidewalks, paths, pavements;
  • maintaining the cleanliness of entrances and stairs, as well as maintaining the integrity and inviolability of all common property.
  • It is this employee who is obliged to report to management about the disorder he has noticed, and has the right to suggest ways to eliminate the problem.

    The janitor must also comply with the norms and rules adopted for all housing and communal services workers - avoid absenteeism, failure to comply with management orders, comply with safety and labor protection requirements, fire safety and sanitary standards.

    The janitor's rights are as follows:

    • obtain the tools and materials necessary for work;
    • demand the provision of premises for storing materials and tools, as well as the creation of normal working conditions;
    • submit proposals to management regarding better organization of work and improvement of their work activities;
    • demand familiarization with housing and communal services documents concerning his duties and rights, as well as terms of payment and bonuses.

    The cleaner will be liable according to the law even if his actions cause material harm to the enterprise.

    Heavy physical activity when performing official duties A housing and communal services janitor should be limited to the area that this worker can handle.

    The standards for cleaning the territory for a housing and communal services janitor are regulated by the following legislative acts:

    It turned out that the standards for the work activity of a housing and communal services cleaner are a whole science.

    For example, sidewalks are divided into classes, depending on road congestion:

    • 1st class, if no more than 50 people pass in both directions in 1 hour;
    • 2nd class, when the intensity of pedestrian traffic is in the range from 50 to 100 people. at one o'clock;
    • 3rd grade – more than 100 people will pass within 1 hour.

    Sidewalks crowded with people are difficult to clean without disturbing pedestrians; it is more convenient to sweep and water them early in the morning or late in the evening, while areas of different intensity classes require different cleaning frequencies.

    Since the work of a janitor remains manual, the norm for the area to be cleaned is still taken to be 500 m2 - specifically the area to be cleaned, and not the total area.

    Despite the fact that the work of a cleaner is hard, taking place in public, that is, in plain sight and regardless of weather conditions, the level of salary for this category of housing and communal services services leaves much to be desired.

    It is the level of wages that deters people from wanting to become janitors. In addition, short-sighted managers often demand that the cleaner be in his assigned territory from 8-00 to 17-00.

    In this case, even before residents go to work en masse, leaves and snow can be removed from sidewalks and paths, which more pleasant to people and prevents the snow from compacting, making cleaning difficult.

    To those utility workers who make our yards cleaner, and our common property more well-groomed and unharmed should be treated with more respect than we are used to, and their hard and thankless work should be appreciated.

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    The job description of a janitor regulates labor relations. The document contains the rights, functional responsibilities, types of responsibility of the employee, the procedure for his subordination, occupation and dismissal, requirements for experience and education.

    Below standard form can be used when developing a job description for a janitor at an educational institution (at school), at an enterprise, or for cleaning the local area.

    A number of provisions of the document may differ depending on the specifics of the organization.

    1. The janitor belongs to the “workers” category.

    2. The janitor is directly subordinate to the head of the administrative and economic department of the organization.

    3. A person with at least a complete secondary education and experience in similar work of at least one year is appointed to the position of a janitor.

    4. The appointment or dismissal of a janitor is made by order general director organizations on the recommendation of the head of the administrative and economic department.

    5. During the absence of a janitor, his responsibility, rights, and functional duties are transferred to another official appointed in the prescribed manner.

    6. The janitor is guided in his activities by:

    • legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
    • Charter of the organization;
    • this job description;
    • orders, instructions from management;
    • internal labor regulations, other governing acts of the organization.
    • requirements for sanitary standards for maintaining territories;
    • requirements for landscaping;
    • environmental protection standards;
    • procedure for cleaning the area;
    • rules for the use of detergents and standards for handling them;
    • limits for cleaning the assigned territory;
    • instructions, recommendations for cleaning work;
    • devices and rules for using auxiliary equipment and tools;
    • rules for using deicing agents;
    • norms of business communication, etiquette;
    • safety rules when performing cleaning work;
    • addresses, telephone numbers of operational services, the nearest police station, fire department, ambulance, and other emergency services;
    • rules for informing your immediate supervisor about the progress and results of work;
    • internal labor regulations;
    • norms, rules of labor protection, industrial sanitation and personal hygiene;
    • procedure for using fire protection equipment.

    The janitor performs the following duties:

    1. Cleans the assigned territory.

    2. Inspects the working area, checks wells for closure, fencing of pits, trenches, absence of sharp objects (wire, fittings, broken glass).

    3. Checks for the presence of portable barriers.

    4. Undergoes periodic medical examinations.

    5. Puts on a signal vest and places portable barriers before starting cleaning within the traffic area.

    6. Moves materials and equipment necessary for cleaning.

    7. Undergoes training on labor protection and industrial sanitation.

    8. Calls emergency services when identifying signs of gas leaks or pipeline breaks.

    9. Informs the immediate superior about a situation that threatens life, health, about every incident in the cleaning area.

    10. Cleans and disinfects ballot boxes and places where they are installed.

    11. Cleans the covers of gas, sewer, and fire wells.

    12. Inspects containers and removes debris from them.

    13. Turns the lighting on and off in the assigned area.

    14. Cleans grooves and trays for water drainage.

    15. Clears the territory, driveways and sidewalks of snow and small household debris.

    16. Inspects stormwater wells according to established schedules.

    17. Prepares inventory and equipment for work in the winter.

    18. Irrigates green spaces.

    19. Sprinkles the area with sand after snow falls.

    20. Removes ice and snow and collects them in designated places.

    21. Applies deicing agents to sidewalks, staircases, and clears passages for pedestrian traffic during periods of heavy snowfall (more than 1 cm/hour).

    22. Treats containers for food waste and garbage with disinfectants.

    1. Communicate with staff structural divisions organizations for work issues.

    2. Receive information about management decisions regarding the activities of the administrative and economic department.

    3. Make proposals to management to improve their work and the activities of the organization.

    4. Do not exercise your powers if there is a danger to life or health.

    5. Receive the necessary information to perform your job duties.

    6. Make independent decisions within your competence.

    7. Make proposals to management that relate to the activities of the organization.

    8. Demand that management create normal conditions for the performance of their job duties, the safety of material assets, documents, and equipment.

    9. Notify your immediate superior about identified shortcomings in the organization’s activities. Submit proposals for their elimination.

    The janitor is responsible for:

    1. Illegal handling of personal data, disclosure of confidential information, trade secrets.

    2. Improper performance of one’s official duties.

    3. Unauthorized representation of the interests of the organization.

    4. Providing obviously false information to management, visitors, and clients.

    5. Violation of the provisions of the organization’s governing documents.

    6. Violation of labor discipline requirements, internal labor regulations, fire protection standards, and safety regulations.

    7. Violation of the norms of business communication and etiquette.

    8. Consequences of your actions, independent decisions.

    9. Causing damage to the organization, its employees, the state, or contractors.

    We bring to your attention typical example Janitor's job description, sample 2020. A person can be appointed to this position without presenting requirements for education and work experience. Don’t forget, each janitor’s instructions are handed out against a signature.

    The hr-portal website provides typical information about the knowledge that a janitor should have. About duties, rights and responsibilities.

    This material is included in the huge library of job descriptions on our website, which is updated daily.

    1. A janitor belongs to the category of workers.

    2. A person is hired as a janitor without presenting requirements for education and work experience.

    a) special (professional) knowledge:

    Instructions, regulations, orders and other acts on issues of sanitation, landscaping, external maintenance of buildings and the protection of public order;

    Addresses and telephone numbers: police station, local police inspector, ambulance, fire department, nearest medical care facility, pharmacy, children's room, etc.

    b) general knowledge of an employee of the organization:

    Rules on labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire safety;

    Requirements for the quality of work (services) performed, for rational organization labor in the workplace;

    4. In his activities, the janitor is guided by:

    Charter (regulations) of the organization,

    Orders and instructions of the _________ organization (general director, director, manager)

    With this job description,

    Internal labor regulations of the organization.

    5. The janitor reports directly to __________ (a worker with more highly qualified, production manager (site, workshop) and director of the organization)

    6. During the absence of a janitor (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by _________ organization (manager position) upon the recommendation of _________ (position) in the prescribed manner, who acquires the corresponding rights, duties and is responsible for the fulfillment of the assigned responsibilities on him.

    The job responsibilities of a janitor are:

    a) Special (professional) responsibilities:

    Cleaning of streets, sidewalks, areas and areas adjacent to the serviced household.

    Timely clearing of snow and ice from sidewalks, pavements and paths, sprinkling them with sand.

    Cleaning fire wells for easy access at any time.

    Digging and cleaning grooves and trays for water drainage.

    Washing street trash cans and periodically clearing them of debris.

    Watering courtyards, pavements and sidewalks.

    Monitoring the timely cleaning of yard trash cans, public toilets and their sanitary condition, maintaining cleanliness in stairwells and other places common use outside the apartment for the serviceability and safety of all external house equipment and property (fences, stairs, cornices, drainpipes, trash cans, signs, etc.), for the safety of green spaces and their fences; for the safety of cellars, sheds, warehouses, and in the absence of residents and their apartments.

    Hanging flags on the facades of houses, as well as removing and storing them.

    Timely lighting and extinguishing of lights in the serviced area.

    Control over the exit and entry of residents.

    Reporting violations to the building manager, local inspector or police department.

    Participation in patrols of household territories conducted by the police.

    Taking measures to prevent crimes and violations of order; immediate reporting of a crime to the police station; protection of traces of a crime until the arrival of police representatives; providing assistance to persons affected by accidents, the elderly, sick, children, etc.

    b) General labor responsibilities of an employee of the organization:

    Compliance with the internal labor regulations and other local regulations of the organization, internal rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

    Fulfillment, within the framework of the employment contract, of the orders of the employees to whom it was repaired in accordance with these instructions.

    Performing work on acceptance and delivery of shifts, cleaning and washing, disinfection of serviced equipment and communications, cleaning the workplace, devices, tools, as well as maintaining them in proper condition.

    Maintaining established technical documentation.

    1. Submit proposals for management’s consideration:

    To improve work related to the responsibilities provided for in these instructions;

    On bringing to material and disciplinary liability workers who violated production and labor discipline.

    2. Get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and obligations, criteria for assessing the quality of performance labor responsibilities.

    3. Other rights established by current labor legislation.

    The janitor is responsible in the following cases:

    1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties provided for in this job description - within the limits established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

    2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

    3. For causing material damage to the organization - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

    Job description for a janitor - sample 2020. Job responsibilities of a janitor, rights of a janitor, responsibilities of a janitor.

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