All fields are marked with an asterisk. Fields marked with an asterisk are required. We must remember and apply

Maximum information in a minimum of words.

The way fields are labeled greatly influences how users perceive the form and how they complete it.

From a psychological point of view, everything is quite simple: pointing out positive aspects is better, because when making a decision the user believes he has a choice.

On the other hand, if you specify required fields, the user will feel trapped, limited, and uncomfortable.

Mark optional fields, not the other way around

Most designers use asterisks to indicate required fields. But you need to stop doing this. Research on this issue clearly indicates that using asterisks for required fields is a common mistake.

It is better to mark optional fields rather than required fields because:

  • The asterisk is obvious to you and not to everyone, believe me, there are always those who don't understand
  • There are always more required fields than optional ones
  • The less visual noise your form has, the more readable it is, and therefore faster to fill out.

Not required vs Optional

If you write a text in English, then remember that in all cases negatives are less clear. Therefore, use the word “Optional” instead of “Not required” to describe optional fields.

Don't ask users to provide useless information. If you have too many extra (non-required) fields, it's bad and you know it. Neither you nor I like toilet paper roll shapes.

Once a week, the CPU selects the most interesting and relevant topics in the world of usability and UX, providing them with the opinions of leading domestic experts. In the second issue of the “Interfaces” section, there is an interesting story about how users enter more data into web forms if they are not explicitly given required fields, as well as the opinion on this issue of Acronis UX Director Denis Kortunov and the leading interface designer at Group by Gevorg Glechyan.

Many users do not fill out optional fields on forms. This information is not always necessary, but it is always useful to know a little more about your visitors. This can help make the site easier for them to use. There is an approach in which there are no asterisks at all to highlight mandatory fields, and only optional fields are marked.

According to some studies, when asked to fill out a web form, users behave in an “extremely open and voluntary manner.” This means that people tend to provide more information about themselves, even if they are told that it is purely voluntary. This contradicts the traditional view that users try by hook or by crook to fill out as few fields as possible. However, when a form explicitly states required fields, the described effect of voluntary openness is reduced, and visitors begin to skip fields that are not marked with asterisks.

The presence of required fields gives the user the opportunity to legally enter as little data as possible. Required fields seem more important to people, so they fill them out first and skip the rest. In addition, no one wants to waste time entering information that, in principle, is not particularly necessary. If you try to use the inherent tendency of visitors to leave a lot of data about themselves, and mark only optional fields, then the very need to “shortcut” will disappear. People will start entering data step by step, rather than looking for asterisks in required fields.

You should not think that if you do not explicitly tell a person that specific information must be entered, he will not do it. Initially, users tend to leave more information about themselves than most forms require. However, they will not pay attention to optional fields if required fields are specified, since this allows them to speed up the filling process.

Gevorg Glechyan,Lead interface designer at Group

In general, I agree that users leave more data if you do not indicate which fields are required. However, when agreeing with this principle and implementing it in yourself, you should remember the following.

Long-term standards and user experience

Almost from the very beginning of the Internet and until recently, the standard for forms was to highlight required fields with an asterisk (*). And this standard could shape the habits of experienced users when working with forms. But lately everything has been changing, and industry leaders are moving away from their usual standards. As an example, I will give registration forms for postal services:

Mail.Ru - all fields except the “City” field are required. The optional field is provided with a hint about this.

Gmail - all fields in the form look the same, but the “Mobile phone” field can be left blank.

Yandex Mail - all fields in the form look the same, but it is not necessary to fill in the “Mobile phone” field.

User motivation

If a user is highly motivated to fill out a form, then he will most likely fill out and get through even the most poorly designed form (for example, submitting an advertisement for the sale of a car on the website of a leading service in this segment). If you are not a leader, then you should take into account that the user is unlikely to be willing to spend on you a large number of time. And here you just need to very accurately find a balance between the long form and the data that you potentially want to receive.

We must remember and apply

1) Private data. If you ask the user to enter his personal data, then you need to tell him why you are asking for it. For example, if you ask for a number mobile phone When registering, explain that it will be used if you need to recover your password.

2) Don't ask for more than you really need. Don’t get too carried away with the idea of ​​obtaining additional data from the user, because his patience and time are not unlimited.

3) Clear and understandable tips. This is especially true for password entry fields. Write such prompts so that the user can fill out the form correctly the first time and fill them out in as much detail as you want.

4) Inline validation. Check the entered data immediately after filling. This helps reduce the number of errors, time to fill out, increases conversion and user satisfaction.

Denis Kortunov, UX Director at Acronis, founder of Turbomilk studio

The story with web forms is very simple: they are evil. Nobody likes filling out forms. If you can ask the user something later, you should do it later.

The brilliant proposal to invert the field designations is bad for the following reasons:

1) In general, it’s worth thinking about - are these optional fields really necessary? To be honest, I have a hard time imagining this “better UX” that users who complete everything get.

2) We break the usual user pattern. Surely, they have already filled out forms on other sites and there were required fields there. Yes, sometimes it is useful to change something in better side, but this is not the case.

3) The user will simply click submit immediately. I'm very interested in how the error message will be displayed. Also inverted?

In general, web forms are very interesting and difficult. Correct form and should be easy to read. There should be the minimum possible (and sometimes impossible) number of fields. And developing logic for checking the validity of data and error messages is an art.


The payee's account number contains information about the type of currency in which the account is opened. This information in the form of a code is present in 6-8 digits of the account number. For example: 810 – Russian rubles, 840 – US dollars, 978 – Euro.

At any time, before clicking the “Pay” button, you can refuse to complete the transaction by selecting another program menu item.

Transferring money to a private person

Transferring money to a private person to a Sberbank card

Select the item “To an individual on a Sberbank card” and fill in the fields:

· Recipient's card number;

· Surname;

· Surname;

· Write-off account;

After filling out the above fields, click the “Pay” button.

Transferring money to a private person to an account in Sberbank of Russia

To transfer funds to a private person, select the top tab “Payments and Transactions” and follow the “Transfer Money” link.

Transfer to others credit organizations is carried out only in rubles.

· Recipient's account;

· Surname;

· Surname;

· Write-off account;

Fields marked with an asterisk are required.

After filling out the above fields, click the “Pay” button.

At any time, before clicking the “Submit” button, you can refuse to complete the operation by selecting another program menu item.

The payment result can be viewed in the “Transaction History” section in Sberbank Online.”

Transferring money to an individual to an account in another bank

To transfer funds to a private person, select the top tab “Payments and Transactions” and follow the “Transfer Money” link.

Transfers to other credit organizations are carried out only in rubles.

Select the item “To an individual to an account in Sberbank” and fill in the fields:

· Recipient's account;

· Surname;

· Surname;

· Name of the bank;

· Correspondent account;

· Write-off account;

Fields marked with an asterisk are required.

At any time, before clicking the “Submit” button, you can refuse to complete the operation by selecting another program menu item.

My templates

When making regular payments for the service, it is convenient to use a template in which all the necessary transaction details are filled in in advance, and to complete the transaction it is enough to indicate only the amount using the template.

When carrying out operations using templates, their confirmation with one-time passwords is not required.

Your templates are presented in the “Payments and Transactions” tab. In addition, you can always configure the display of templates in the personal menu on the right side of the page. All your templates are divided into the following groups:

· Payment templates;

· Favorite operations.

If you need to perform a certain type of operation, you can use the existing operation template.

Here you can also change/delete existing templates and add new ones.

Payment templates

To view/edit a payment template for paying for goods and services, select the top tab “Payments and Transactions”.

To make a payment using a template, click on the required template from the list and go to the payment form.

To create a new template, click on the “save template” button when performing a transaction or paying for a service.

After this, you need to receive and enter a one-time password and click “Confirm”

Attention! If the template is confirmed with a one-time password (SMS), make sure that the payment template details specified in the text of the SMS message match the details you entered when creating the payment template. The body of the SMS message does not contain all the details you specified when creating the template. The details specified in the SMS message are sufficient to uniquely identify the organization of the payee and the payer. The details you typed in Russian letters will be sent in transliteration.

To change/delete templates you have created, select the corresponding button to the right of the template name. The steps for changing/deleting a template are similar to the steps for creating a template and also end with entering a one-time password to confirm the operation.

History of my operations

To view the history of transactions made in Sberbank Online, go to the “Payments and Transactions” tab and click on the “transaction history” button.

The form shown in the figure below will load.

By selecting “Advanced filter”, you can make a selection by one of your accounts or cards, transaction period, name, account and amount.

By selecting any operation from the list of operations and clicking on its number, you can view the contents of the operation or the reason for the bank’s refusal to execute the operation.

Operations in the list can have the following statuses:

If the operation cannot be executed by the bank, the reason is indicated.

To print a receipt for a transaction on your printer, select the desired transaction and click “Print” in the screen form that appears.

Mobile bank

To obtain information about connected “Mobile Bank” card services, select the “Mobile Bank” menu item in the right panel.

In the “Mobile Bank Management” section you will see:

Information about your existing registrations for the mobile banking service of Sberbank of Russia. Registration of a mobile bank is determined by the payment card and the number of the connected mobile phone (field “Card/phone”) to which cards are connected to receive mobile banking services (field “Linked cards”).

Templates for payments to recipients available for each Mobile Bank registration. No more than 5 mobile bank payment templates can be registered for each payment recipient.

10. Printing checks/receiving confirmations for transactions in Sberbank Online

You have the opportunity to print a receipt for a transaction made in Sberbank Online on your printer.

In most cases, the information indicated on the check is sufficient to identify your payment as the Recipient. If your payment cannot be identified by the Recipient after presenting the check or the Recipient for some reason has not received the funds, you can contact the Bank's division, where you will be provided with a confirmation certified by the Bank and containing the details of the payment document with which the funds were transferred to the Recipient .

To print a receipt for the transaction on your printer, click the “Print Receipt” button.

11. Frequently asked questions

Answers to frequently asked questions can be found in the "Frequently asked questions" section of the "Help" section.

Conclusion of an agreement

14.1.1 What is needed to connect to the AS Sberbank Online card service?

To provide Sberbank Online services only by cards, no agreement is required.

14.1.2. What is needed to connect to the AS Sberbank Online service for deposit accounts?

Availability bank card Sberbank of Russia (except for Sbercard, corporate card or electronic debit card of the North-Western and Volga banks) with the Mobile Bank service.

To provide Sberbank Online deposit services, an application must be filled out at a Bank branch (issued with an identification document).

Access to your accounts opened in a territorial bank of Sberbank of Russia is possible using a Sberbank of Russia card issued by this territorial Bank.

14.1.3 What documents are handed to the client when activating the AS Sberbank Online service for deposit accounts?

Application signed by the Bank with attachments.

14.1.4 What complex of technical means and software is necessary for the Client to work at Sberbank Online?

For the procedure for setting up the client's workstation, see clause 1.2 and clause 2 of this manual.

14.1.5 What operations can be performed using Sberbank Online?

The current list of transactions in Sberbank Online can be found on the Bank’s website (by clicking on the link “About SBERBANK ONL@IN”).

Information about the possibility of providing the Sberbank Online service in the territorial banks of Sberbank of Russia OJSC and the list of available operations can be clarified directly in the territorial banks of Sberbank of Russia OJSC.

14.1.6 How much does Sberbank Online service cost?

As the Bank's tariffs for transactions carried out by the Client in the Sberbank Online system, the Bank's public tariffs are applied, established for the transactions of all other clients who perform similar transactions in person at the Bank.

11.2 Work at Sberbank Online

14.2.1 Why can’t I log into Sberbank Online?

A possible reason for login blocking is entering an incorrect permanent password more than three times (login blocking lasts for 1 hour) or entering an incorrect one-time password (if the client has installed in the system the option of additional confirmation of login with a one-time password)

14.2.2 How to log into Sberbank Online?

See paragraph 2 of these instructions.

14.2.3 When are client transactions executed by the bank?

Payments, transfers on accounts (including with conversion) - no later than the next business day, loan repayments - within work time Jar.

Other operations are carried out around the clock.

14.2.4 Is it possible to use Sberbank Online services while abroad?


On holding open team and individual competitions

For powerlifting and bare bench press,

Podolsk and Moscow region

1. Goals and objectives

· Competitions are held to popularize powerlifting in Podolsk and the Moscow region

· Raising a physically developed younger generation and promoting a healthy lifestyle

· Involving young people in systematic physical education and sports

· Creating motivation among teenagers and young people to practice physical culture

· Improving the sportsmanship of athletes in Podolsk and the Moscow region

· Identification of the strongest athletes in Podolsk and the Moscow region

· Formation of a team to perform at open team powerlifting competitions in Podolsk

2. Date and place

The competition is held on November 16, 2013 at the Palace of Culture on May 1: Moscow region, Klimovsk, Zavodskaya street, 3. The start of the competition and weigh-in will be announced additionally (by e-mail or SMS).

3. Organization and leadership

General organization The competition is carried out by the MU Center for Civic and Patriotic Education of Youth “Fakel” and the “Good Lift” gym, with the participation of the Podolsk branch of the All-Russian Military Organization “Combat Brotherhood” and the “Healthy Nation” Charitable Foundation.

Direct supervision is carried out by the athletic gymnastics coach of the Fakel MU Popov S.A., and the director of the Good Lift gym P.S. Yakovlev. and representative charitable foundation"healthy nation" by I.F. Rabotkin

4. Competition participants

Interested organizations and institutions, as well as individual athletes who have reached 16 years of age, are invited to participate in the competition. summer age who submitted personal applications to participate in the competition.

The organizers reserve the right to later announce standards for admission to competitions, with mandatory notification of athletes (by email or SMS).

The organizers reserve the right, if the number of applications exceeds, no later than November 9, 2013 to announce standards for admission to competitions, with mandatory notification of athletes by posting information in open sources, as well as sending SMS and e-mail messages.

5. The procedure for holding competitions and conditions for submitting applications

Applications for participation in competitions must be submitted before November 9, 2013 by email: [email protected] or via SMS message to the number +79099250337 (the cost of an SMS is equal to the cost of an SMS message from your telecom operator).

Attention! See Appendix 1 for the correct application form.

6. Procedure for determining the winners

Attention! Competition judging is carried out according to IPF rules (see Appendix 2)

Competitions are held in the open age category (Open).

in the individual championship:

Women compete in the absolute weight category, the winners (who take 1st-2nd-3rd places) are determined by the Wilks formula.

Winners in men are determined in categories up to 75kg, up to 90kg, up to 110kg and over 110 for the best result. Winners in absolute championship (athletes who took 1-2-3 places) in triathlon and bench press are determined according to the Wilks formula.

In the team championship 4 best results of male team members and 1 female result are taken into account

Points are awarded according to the following scheme:

1st place – 6 points

2nd place – 4 points

3rd place – 3 points

4th place – 2 points

5th place – 1 point

The winner of the team championship is the team that scores the maximum number of points among all teams.

7. Winner's reward ceremony

The winners and prize-winners in the individual and team championships who took 1-3 places in the nominations are awarded with commemorative certificates and medals.

8. Financing

The costs associated with organizing, conducting and rewarding the winners are borne by the organizers of the competition, interested organizations and sponsors. Expenses associated with travel and meals for participants are borne by sending organizations. There is no entry fee.

Annex 1

Sample application (sent by email or SMS):

1. nomination: for example, bench press or triathlon.

2. team name or mark personal *

3. Full name *–

4. Year of birth *–

6th digit *–

7. best result* (for the last 6 months) -

8. age* -

9. coach -

10. contact phone number (preferably cell phone)* -

Fields marked with an asterisk are required.

Attention! All participants on the day of the competition must have visas certified by a doctor, and a passport or identity card (licence, military ID). Without these documents, athletes will not be allowed to compete.

Appendix 2

Competition rules:

  1. Performance at competitions takes place without the use of equipment (press shirts, overalls, knee bandages for powerlifting).
  2. You can use: wrist bandages, belts (maximum belt width – 10 cm).
  3. If necessary, you can use a non-supportive bandage (on one leg or arm). Non-supportive bandages are ordinary medical bandages. The bandage must be presented to the judge before use.
  4. Exercises are performed according to IPF rules

Squats(rules and order of execution).

After removing the bar (assistants can provide assistance), the athlete takes the starting position.

After the athlete has accepted the starting position, the judge gives the command to SIT DOWN.

The athlete squats so that the top of the legs at the hip joints is lower than the top of the knees. Only one attempt to make a downward movement is allowed.

The athlete must independently return to a vertical position with legs fully straightened at the knees. Double standing up (“jumping” is prohibited).

As soon as the athlete takes a stationary position, the referee gives the command to return the barbell to the racks - RACKS.

- Prohibited- Failure to comply with the senior referee’s signals when starting or finishing an exercise. Double stand-up (jump) from the bottom of a squat position or any downward movement while standing up. The mistake is to bend the legs at the knees and lower the body to a position where the upper surface of the legs at the hip joints is lower than the top of the knees.

Bench press(rules and order of execution)

The athlete should lie on his back, with his head, shoulders and “whole” buttocks in contact with the surface of the bench. The sole and heels of his shoes must be in contact with the surface of the platform or blocks (as far as the shape of the shoes allows).

The fingers should wrap around the bar lying on the racks, with the thumbs positioned “locked” around the bar. This position must be maintained during

performing the exercise. The use of a reverse grip is prohibited.

To ensure firm support for the legs, the athlete can use flat slabs or blocks no higher than 30 cm from the surface of the platform.

The distance between the hands on the bar, which is measured between the index fingers, should not exceed 81 cm (both index fingers should be inside the 81 cm marks).

After removing the bar from the racks with or without the help of assistants, the athlete must wait for the signal from the senior judge with his arms fully straightened (“on”) at the elbows.

The signal to begin the press must be given as soon as the lifter assumes a stationary position.

position and the bar will be in the correct position. The signal to start the exercise is the command – START.

After receiving the signal, the athlete must lower the barbell to his chest and hold it in a stationary position on his chest (usually the base of the sternum), after which the judge gives the command - PRESS. Then the athlete must press the barbell up into straight arms. After fixing the bar in this position, the judge gives the command - RACKS.

- Prohibited– Any error in following the referee’s commands. Any change in the starting position when performing an exercise (any lifting (separation) of the head, shoulders, buttocks from the bench or movement of the legs on the platform or blocks, or movement of the arms along the bar). Any downward movement of the barbell during a bench press. Lack of squeezing the barbell with fully straightened arms at the end of the exercise.

6. Deadlift (rules and order of execution)

The athlete must face the front of the platform. The barbell, which is located horizontally in front of the athlete’s legs, is held with a free grip with both hands and rises up until the athlete stands upright.

Upon completion of lifting the barbell in the deadlift, the knees should be fully straightened and the shoulders should be pulled back.

The judge gives the command - DOWN.

Any lifting of the barbell or any deliberate attempt to lift it is considered an approach. Once the lift has begun, no downward movement of the barbell is allowed until the lifter reaches a vertical position with the knees fully extended. If the bar sag when the shoulders are pulled back, this is not a reason not to count the weight lifted.

- Prohibited– any downward movement until the final position is reached. Supporting the barbell with your thighs while lifting up. Steps back or forward. Lowering the barbell to the command. Releasing the barbell from your hands when executing the downward command.

Is a comma necessary in the sentence “Cover a worthy field and get caught in it properly.”?

Apparently this is not the whole proposal. There is no reason to put any punctuation marks in this fragment.

Question No. 248965
How to speak and write correctly: to go to Ukraine or to go to Ukraine? At school they taught that there is a certain rule for using the prepositions “na” - “with” and “in” - “from”: to Ukraine - from Ukraine, to Sevastopol - from Sevastopol. What is the current situation with the use of this rule? Now all you hear in the news is: to Ukraine, to Ukraine. It's very hard on the ears. What is this connected with? Any changes in the rules of the Russian language? Or did Ukraine insist? So they don’t interfere with someone else’s monastery with their own rules!

Russian help desk response

Regulatory: go to Ukraine, return from Ukraine.

Question No. 248651
My patronymic is Vyacheslavich, that’s what they wrote on the birth certificate, since Field’s father is K. Tell me, is this correct?

Russian help desk response

Middle name form Vyacheslavich correct, no error.

Hello! I urgently need help. In the sentence: “The fields are glass and the boundaries are wooden.” help me find the predicate.

Russian help desk response

Glass And wooden.

Question No. 247049
Good afternoon! Tell me, please, do the names of cities like Zapolyarny, Snezhnogorsk decline? How to write: "" In the city of Zapolyarny"" or ""In the city of Zpolyarny"". How do street names like Komsomolskaya decline. Thank you

Russian help desk response

The names are inclined: in the city of Zapolyarny, Snezhnogorsk, along Komsomolskaya street.

Question No. 246677
What is the correct way to call a resident of Poland: Polka or Polka?

Russian help desk response

Correctly: polka And margins(the latter option is stylistically marked as colloquial and outdated).
Question No. 246599
Tell me, in the sentence “A (non)unique value for field XXX has been entered,” the (non)unique is written together or separately. And please explain why.

Russian help desk response

Adjectives that, in combination with NOT, acquire the opposite meaning are written together with NOT.

Question No. 245669

What is the correct name for the residents of Sevastopol? As I understand it, the masculine gender is Sevastopol, but what about the feminine gender?

Russian help desk response

That's right: a resident of Sevastopol.

Question No. 244065
Good afternoon.
Please tell me which is correct:
All fields are required
Are all fields required?
Thank you

Russian help desk response

Correctly: ...fields are required.

Question No. 243337
Dear “Help”!.. Explain, please, are the words “L-shaped” and “T-shaped” not of the same breed and are not subject to the same rules?.. (The question arose after looking at your answers to questions No. No. 221980 and 209022.) And most importantly: please tell me what is correct and why?.. I hope for your answer. Thanks in advance.

Russian help desk response

The “Russian Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Academy of Sciences” records both examples with a lowercase letter: g-shaped, t-shaped.

Question No. 242807
Hello. Please tell me how to write correctly: polYa t or polYut (in the phrase “they will water the beds today”)? Thank you.

Russian help desk response

Right: fly. Weed– verb of the first conjugation.

Question No. 242174
Why, for example, Russia - Russians, Poland - Poles, England - British, Spain - Spaniards, etc., and Germany - Germans?

Russian help desk response

Word German formed from the ancient Proto-Slavic stem *nemъ, to which the adjective also goes back dumb. In Old Russian language dumb, dumb meant not only "deprived of the ability to speak", but also “the speaker is unclear, unclear.” Therefore, in Rus', Germans were first called all foreigners (i.e., everyone who spoke an incomprehensible language), then only Europeans. Dahl's dictionary states: German – who does not speak Russian, any foreigner from the West, a European (Asians - Busurmans); in particular, the German.

Over time, the meaning of the word German narrowed even more and began to mean only a resident of Germany, a representative of the German people. That's how it is modern meaning this word. Word Germans is also part of the modern Russian literary language, but is used in the meaning of “ancient tribes that inhabited central, western and southwestern Europe; people belonging to these tribes.” Meaning of the word Germans"Germans" is outdated.

Question No. 242144
I can’t cope with this proposal: “...a single information space for the cities of Rostov, Krasnodar, Stavropol, their regions and territories.” There is only one region! Help! Thank you.

Russian help desk response

May be: ...a single information space of the Krasnodar Territory, Rostov, Krasnodar, Stavropol...

Question No. 241765
How to correctly place punctuation marks in phrases:
1. Now in the fields you can already admire flowers such as violets and
lilies of the valley
2. Now in the fields you can already admire flowers such as violets and
lilies of the valley
Or is the comma before as not needed in both cases?

Russian help desk response

The punctuation in both sentences is correct.