Organizational behavior in a preschool. Pedagogical conditions of organizational culture in the aspect of dow activities. List of used literature

Sultanbaeva Tatyana Sergeevna
Job title: educational psychologist
Educational institution: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 412 in Chelyabinsk"
Locality: Chelyabinsk
Name of material: article
Subject:"Specifics of organizational culture in a preschool educational institution"
Publication date: 24.11.2017
Chapter: preschool education




are being considered






educational institution. The concept of organizational




in relation to

team of teachers.





organizational culture, teaching staff.

















increase or decrease in the institution's performance indicators.

Having analyzed the research on the topic under study, it can be noted that




generally recognized

interpretation. Thus, organizational culture consists of acquired forms

in behavior and thinking, is capable of changing over time, it

characterized by continuity and the ability to change.














education, and also determines the nature of activity and interaction





organizational culture of preschool teachers was based on the concept given









given institution, which are able to reflect its individuality and

manifest themselves in behavior and interaction.













being implemented

personal aspect, where individual values ​​in the management system





process. We understand the organizational culture of preschool educational institutions as the result





included in the control system.






solve the following problems:




professional activities of teachers;





rhythm by demonstrating to them the progressive and negative tendencies of its


Profile activities, acquire characteristic differences from

other educational institutions (in a positive sense);

Avoid professional illusions.

The organizational culture of an educational institution is able to



the preschool institution has the appropriate potential. Short



slows down


educational institution, but does not allow the teaching staff

recognize yourself and use your capabilities in the interests of children. Few

In addition, the team can live in an environment of social and professional

illusions that have nothing to do with reality.

Thus, it should be said that organizational culture has

very important for a preschool educational institution,

because it is a very powerful tool in management and development

teaching staff, improving quality educational services V

List of used literature:









educational institution/ - M.: Press, 2015. – 156 p.




educational institution. – M.: Book, 2014. – 219 p.




relations of a preschool educational institution. – Perm, 2017.- 78 p.

Organizational culture is a system of socially progressive formal and informal rules and norms of activity, customs and traditions, individual and group interests, behavioral characteristics of the personnel of a given organizational structure, leadership style, indicators of employee satisfaction with working conditions, level of mutual cooperation and compatibility of employees with each other and with the organization, development prospects.



Any organization is a complex organism, the basis of whose life potential is culture - values, norms and attitudes accepted and shared by employees. Organizational culture is a fairly powerful source of increasing or decreasing the efficiency of an enterprise. As experience shows, in modern conditions The most effective are corporate relations in an organization, that is corporate culture.

The issue of organizational culture is relatively new and little studied in our country and abroad. Even in the United States, research into this problem began only in the 1980-90s, and in Russia even later. Therefore, the time has come to seriously study the activities of the organization from the perspective of organizational culture. Interest in this problem is evidenced by requests from managers and specialists, as well as actual orders from organizations to carry out research projects.

IN modern Russia The relevance of research into the internal culture of an organization is due to the fundamental changes in the political and economic spheres that have occurred over the past twenty years. The transition from state to private ownership, a change in the status of enterprises, the elimination of industry dependence, independent entry into the international arena - all this forced the search for more effective organizational structures and the introduction of progressive forms of intra-collective relations.

The problem of studying organizational culture is not new and goes back to the teachings of M. Weber, F. Taylor, A. Fayol, G. Ford, G. Emmerson, which belong to the classical school of management.

Taylor can be spoken of as the father of management science. The focus of his research is the entire organization, and not just the work produced by individual units or members of the organization. This allows us to speak of Taylor’s approach both to the organization as a whole and to organizational culture as mechanistic, where a person is not an individual with certain behavior, needs and motivations, but only a small part of the management mechanism.

A. Fayol's administrative management focuses on managers and the functions they perform. He also argued that successful managers need to apply certain management principles to these functions. Thus, A. Fayol’s administrative management can be spoken of as focusing on senior management management, which in turn, through certain principles, shapes the culture of its organization. In these principles, he noted the importance of corporate spirit, encouraging the initiative of workers, and paid attention to fairness and remuneration of the worker for successful work. However, he clarified that the interests of a group of workers should not become higher than the interests of the organization.

Organizational culture is a system of socially progressive formal and informal rules and norms of activity, customs and traditions, individual and group interests, behavioral characteristics of personnel of a given organizational structure, leadership style, indicators of employee satisfaction with working conditions, the level of mutual cooperation and compatibility of employees with each other and with the organization, development prospects. A person’s organizational culture is influenced by habits and inclinations, needs and interests, political views, professional interests, moral values, and temperament. The elements of the components of organizational culture include the following personal qualities: a positive reaction to those in power, a desire to compete, the ability to persuade, the desire to play the role of an informal leader, tolerance for routine administrative work.

An analysis of literary sources shows that this concept emerged only in the 80s of the 20th century. Scientists studying organizational culture have tried to define and distinguish the meanings of two related concepts: “climate” and “culture” in the context of an organization. Most researchers have concluded that culture is a more stable and enduring characteristic of an organization and is more difficult to diagnose and evaluate. While organizational climate can be measured quantitatively by surveying a company's employees using special questionnaires, culture can only be measured qualitatively by applying complex research methods of ethnography and anthropology.

Organizational culture is associated with a sense of belonging to an organization, regardless of the degree of comfort in the daily work environment, and many researchers come to the conclusion that organizational culture is so elusive that even the employees of the company themselves cannot say exactly what it is.

Man forms the basis of any organization, which itself is created for man. The range of organizational culture that a person brings to an organization is very wide, it is determined by the uniqueness of each person.

Features of a person’s organizational culture are that it is a function of the individual’s individuality and environment. In addition, behavior, personality and environment mutually influence each other. A person’s organizational culture is influenced by habits and inclinations, needs and interests, political views, professional interests, moral values, and temperament. A stable, permanent character trait of a person is stubbornness. Some people are more stubborn than others. Is it possible to measure this or another personality parameter? Today there are no units of measurement yet, but it is possible to evaluate their manifestation in comparison with other people.

A person’s OK is based on the following personality traits:

  1. positive reaction to those in authority. Power is a necessary phenomenon in organizations. To be effective, a leader must have an approach to the individual to avoid negative reactions to those in power. The individual must respect authority as a mandatory attribute of leadership;
  2. desire to compete. Limited resources are a common occurrence in organizations. Employees at all levels must compete with other similar employees in finding the best solution in the distribution of resources: personnel, materials, budget, equipment. Competition can manifest itself in the sale of products, negotiations, lobbying, debates;
  3. ability to persuade. The role of personality requires that a person often express his thoughts and speak publicly. He must be convinced of his ideas and opinions, this makes it possible to exert influence;
  4. desire to play the role of an informal leader. A person should strive to stand out among others in various fields of activity. A person must play roles. The more roles a person can master, the higher his level of organizational culture;
  5. tolerance for routine administrative work. Management positions of any rank require the individual to devote a certain amount of attention to calculations, paperwork, presentation functions, reading and responding to correspondence, and telephone calls. A person may be dissatisfied with such duties, but must accept them as a necessary duty. A manifestation of a negative personality state can be frustration, i.e. persistent disorganization of human consciousness and behavior (spontaneous aggressiveness), which occurs with prolonged repression of basic human needs. The state of frustration can only be overcome with the help of psychologists.

If an organizational culture has already been formed, then it is very important to ensure its further maintenance. In many cases, this task is entrusted to human resource management services. The selection process, performance evaluation criteria, reward system, personnel training, career development, promotion and rotation activities ensure that the selected candidates will correspond to the organizational culture of the company.

There are many approaches to identifying various criteria that characterize and define culture at the macro and micro levels.

F. Harris and R. Moranpropose to consider organizational culture based on ten characteristics:

Awareness of yourself and your place in the organization(some cultures value employee concealment of his inner moods, others encourage their outward manifestation; in some cases, independence and creativity are manifested through cooperation, and in others through individualism);

Communication system and language of communication(use of oral, written, non-verbal communication, “telephone law”; jargon, abbreviations vary depending on the industry, functional and territorial affiliation of organizations);

Appearance, clothing and self-presentation at work(a variety of uniforms and workwear, business styles, neatness, cosmetics, hairstyle, etc. confirm the presence of many microcultures);

What and how people eat, habits and traditions in this area(organization of meals for employees; people bring food with them or visit a cafeteria inside or outside the organization; food subsidies; do employees of different levels eat together or separately, etc.);

Awareness of time, attitude towards it and its use(degree of accuracy of workers; compliance with temporary schedules and rewards for this);

Relationshipsbetween people (by age and gender, status and power, wisdom and intelligence, experience, rank, religion and citizenship, etc.);

Values (a set of guidelines, what is good and what is bad) and norms (a set of assumptions and expectations regarding a certain type of behavior) - what people value in organizational life (their position, titles, work itself, etc.) and how these values ​​are maintained;

Belief in something and attitude or disposition towards something(belief in leadership, success, in one’s own strength, in mutual assistance, in ethical behavior, in justice, etc.; attitude towards colleagues, towards clients and competitors, towards evil and violence, aggression; the influence of religion and morality, etc. .);

Employee development process(mindless or conscious performance of work; rely on intelligence or strength; informing workers; approaches to explaining reasons, etc.);

Work Ethic and Motivation(attitude to work and responsibility; cleanliness of the workplace; performance evaluation and remuneration; individual or group work;).

These characteristics of an organization's culture, taken together, reflect and give meaningorganizational culture concepts.

There are several mainsigns of organizational cultureby which they differ from each other:

♦ reflection of its main goals in the organization’s mission;

♦ focus on solving personal problems or production tasks firms;

♦ loyalty or indifference of people to the organization;

♦ source and role of power;

♦ management styles, methods of evaluating employees;

♦ orientation towards autonomy, independence or subordination;

♦ preference for group or individual forms of work and decision-making;

♦ the predominance of cooperation or competition, conformism and individualism;

♦ degree of risk acceptance, subordination to plans and regulations;

♦ orientation towards stability or change.

How do employees perceive the ten components of organizational culture?

The answer to this question is of great importance for managers, as it affects the level of job satisfaction. It is useful to analyze whether employees know the organizational culture of their institution, how clear the goals are to them, what the organization expects from them, etc. Job satisfaction is defined as an effective response to the environment. It has to do with what the reward system is, what the conflict resolution methods are, what the employee thinks the organization expects from him and how satisfied he is with it.

Although the concepts of “organizational culture” and “job satisfaction” are interrelated, it should be kept in mind that “organizational culture” is a descriptive term, while “job satisfaction” is an evaluative term, i.e. more measurable.

Organizational culture plays a significant role in general scheme activities, survival and prosperity of the institution. It covers most of the phenomena of the spiritual and material life of a group: the moral norms and values ​​that dominate it, the accepted code of conduct, rituals, quality standards for products or services. Based on the analysis of various studies of organizational culture, various definitions of the concept “organizational culture” were determined: “Organizational culture is the way of its life that has been formed throughout the history of a corporation, its “gene pool,” so to speak. At the same time, the features of the phenomenon of organizational culture are associated not so much with the declaration of values ​​(this was done before), but with the real purposeful inclusion of them in the management system” (A. Ageev, M. Grachev); “organizational culture is a system of ideas, symbols, values ​​and behaviors shared by all team members” (N. Lemaitre); “organizational culture is a system of material and spiritual values, manifestations, interacting with each other, inherent in a given organization, reflecting its individuality and perception of itself and others in the social and material environment, manifested in behavior, interaction, perception of oneself and the environment” (V.A. . Spivak); “the atmosphere in which we are, everything that surrounds us, what (who) we deal with at work; any manifestations of material and spiritual life - everything can be considered as a reflection, a manifestation of organizational culture” (E.L. Katasonova); “organizational culture is the level of development achieved in any branch of knowledge or activity, therefore, the more friendly, responsible, and with great passion the corporation of a preschool educational institution works, the higher the organizational culture, the more attractive this institution becomes for children, parents, educators and invited specialists" (M.A. Aralova).

An analysis of research shows that the concept of organizational culture has uniform, generally accepted interpretations. Organizational culture includes acquired forms of behavior and thinking, general and standardized. Organizational culture changes over time; it is characterized by both continuity (the assimilation of traditions) and variability, the creation of something new.

The organizational culture of preschool teachers is defined as a collective value that ensures the achievement of the quality of preschool education, determining the nature of relationships, communications, the individual style of the teacher and the general corporate image of the educational institution. The definition of the organizational culture of preschool teachers was based on the concept given by V.A. Spivak, that organizational culture is a system of material and spiritual values, phenomena inherent in a given organization, which reflect its individuality, manifested in behavior and interaction.

The organizational culture of teachers is the first step in the management system aimed at achieving the organizational culture of a preschool institution. The organizational culture of a preschool institution is realized in the personal aspect, where individual values ​​under the management system become common and ensure efficiency educational process. We understand the organizational culture of a preschool educational institution as the result of a management system, which reflects the corporate values ​​included in the management system.

Obviously, we can talk about a pedagogical ensemble only when the team reaches the highest level of development. In this case, his activities will be characterized by:

Focus on a harmonious solution to the problems of achieving high educational results, developing the teaching potential of the school, increasing the professionalism of teachers and self-development of the teaching staff;

Organization, i.e. the ability to form a rational structure of joint actions and flexibly rebuild it in changing conditions. At the same time, the degree of organization of the team is determined by the level of responsibility, teamwork and involvement of its members
to management;

Cohesion, meaning the ability of the teaching staff to resist negative internal and external influences and maintain an optimal structure of interaction. Achieving a high level of cohesion depends on the unity of value orientations, compatibility and potential stability of the team.

The teaching staff is an extremely complex organism that lives according to the laws of synergetics. In other words, like any complex open and constantly developing system, it has the property of self-organization, i.e., the internal ability to grow in itself, “build on” new qualities necessary for survival. This can be not only (and not so much) new creative groups, associations, etc., but, mainly, new relationships, a new understanding by the team of its mission, new systems of values, norms, beliefs, new rituals and rules. In order for these fresh structures and qualities to arise, a number of conditions are necessary, namely:

The crisis of the old system (here we can say with confidence that not only an individual school, but Russian education as a whole is in a permanent state of crisis);

There must be a source of emergence of new qualities within the system, but the mechanism for launching self-organization is additionally reinforced “from the outside” (the teaching staff must be ready for changes, aware of their necessity, have potential opportunities for development, and at the same time, a certain will and support of the administration of the educational institution is required for their implementation);

To achieve sustainability, the new structure must “survive” on its own (new formations must be in demand, viable, and function in reality, and not be supported artificially);

The focus of the new qualities of the system on synergetic principles - cooperation, community, co-creation (and these principles operate not only in conditions of joint educational activities, but also extend to other areas of life - leisure, everyday life, culture).

In functional terms, organizational culture helps to solve the following tasks:

Coordinate the professional activities of teachers using established rules and procedures;
- motivate employees’ activities in the right direction and rhythm by demonstrating to them progressive and negative trends in its development;
- profile activities, acquire characteristic differences from other educational institutions (in a positive sense);
- avoid professional illusions.

The organizational culture of an educational institution is capable of implementing many other management functions, but not every preschool institution has the appropriate potential. A low level of organizational culture not only hinders the development of an educational institution, but does not allow the teaching staff to recognize themselves and use their capabilities in the interests of children. Moreover, the team can live in an environment of social and professional illusions that have nothing to do with reality.

One of the most important aspects of the organizational culture of an institution is that teachers and psychologists have the abilities and skills to study child development in various types of activities, and the manager and methodologist have the abilities to study development various types pedagogical activity. The level of organizational culture, naturally influencing the positive development of a preschool institution, in turn, depends on the level of its development. There is no contradiction in this: by improving organizational culture, we improve the professional and organizational abilities of the team, and they, in turn, lead to greater improvement in the organizational culture of the institution.

The modern science of educational management guides managers toward a radical transformation of the organizational and managerial structure and the introduction into it, in order to improve control over the quality of the educational process, of various working groups consisting of specialists capable of realistically assessing many aspects of the institution’s activities and, in particular, the level of its organizational culture. In turn, using this level one can quite accurately determine at what stage of its development an educational institution is. We believe it makes sense to give brief description of these stages in relation to the specifics of the organizational culture at each of them.

Organizational culture

Type of organizational culture

To analyze the types of organizational structure of MAOU kindergarten No. 210 "Ladushki", a survey of the organization's employees was conducted. While filling out the questionnaires given in Appendix No. 4 and Appendix No. 5, data was obtained, shown in two graphs, reflecting the current and preferred state of the organizational structure.

Schedule No. 1. Assessing the current state of organizational culture

A-10; B-5; C-10; D-85.

Characteristics of the hierarchical type of organizational culture

Hierarchical (bureaucratic) culture (D): A very formalized and structured place to work. What people do is governed by procedures. Leaders pride themselves on being rational facilitators and organizers. Maintaining the smooth flow of operations is critical. An organization is held together by formal rules and official policies. The long-term concern of the organization is to ensure stability and performance in the smooth running of cost-effective operations. Success is defined in terms of "reliability of supplies, schedules and low costs." Employee management is concerned with job security and long-term predictability.

Pros: clear distribution of decision-making powers, standardized rules and procedures, accounting and control mechanisms. Disadvantages: this culture is effective in stable, well-predicted situations, but in situations of increasing uncertainty, in moments of crisis, its effectiveness decreases.

Schedule No. 2. Preferred State Assessment

organizational culture

A-45; B-14; C-15; D-30.

Characteristics of the clan type of organizational culture.

Clan Culture (A): A very friendly place to work where people have a lot in common. The organization is like a big family. The leader or head is perceived as a teacher and even a parent. The organization is held together by dedication and tradition. Commitment is highly valued. The organization places emphasis on the long-term benefits of personal development and attaches importance to a high degree of team cohesion and moral climate. Success is defined in terms of "feeling good to customers" and "caring about people." The organization encourages teamwork, employee participation in the business, and compliance.

Pros: This culture is not imposed from the outside, but is created by the organization itself, so it is more adaptive to changing situations. Disadvantages: clan culture is widespread mainly in informal organizations and is not typical for kindergartens.

Description and analysis of the facade and interior of the building in which MAOU kindergarten No. 210 “Ladushki” is located

The buildings of the first and second buildings of the kindergarten are equipped with all modern trends children's design, respecting the creativity and characteristics of children staying in this institution. The facades of the buildings are multi-colored, colorful and bright, the playgrounds are beautiful and comfortable. (Appendix No. 1) All this is aimed at the correct perception and development of children, that kindergarten is a place where memorable and happy childhood each of the pupils.

“Ladushki” has recirculating swimming pools with mini-water parks; in the second building there is a unique indoor courtyard with a total area of ​​400 square meters with “Labyrinth” sports equipment, which also accommodates children with special health needs. Each building of the kindergarten has specialized rooms for implementing additional education: art studio, media library, library, speech therapy room, office foreign language, Development center, psychologist's office, sports and music halls, costume rooms, winter garden, art gallery. http://mbu210tolyatti.rosshkola.rf

Description of jobs

The kindergarten employs employees from various fields of activity: methodologists, teachers, junior teachers, music workers, medical workers, laundry workers, physical development, accounting, personnel workers, cooks, security, cleaners, janitor, as well as deputy managers. Each of the above employees has their own workplace, etc. MAOU kindergarten No. 210 "Ladushki" consists of two buildings, then the description of these places is duplicated into two buildings.

The manager's workplace is a large, spacious office with a reception area. For each of the deputy managers there are separate offices with desks and furniture. For methodologists - a staff room, a methodological office, equipped for meetings and storage of necessary methodological materials. The offices make up the administrative block, which is accessed through the hall. Accounting and personnel are also located in the administrative block, occupying separate rooms from each other.

Teachers carry out their activities in each group, where workplaces are equipped for them - a table, chairs and cabinets for methodological textbooks. On the first floor there is a nursery department, on the second there are groups preschool age. The bedroom is intended for children's rest and has an emergency exit with stairs to ground level. In each group, a kitchen room is intended for junior teachers (“nannies”), where they carry out their work of serving food and washing dishes. In addition, each group is equipped with a toilet, shower and washbasins. For convenience and for functional reasons, the entrance to group rooms is organized through reception areas on both facades of the building. Fire exits from the bedrooms are designed separately, serving for emergency evacuation of children from both floors.

Music workers have their own offices, but most of their work takes place in the music room, which is located on the second floor, so that noise impacts during classes are not transmitted to other rooms. The music hall is intended for celebrations, music classes and some special events.

Physical development teachers also have their own offices, but carry out their direct activities in the gymnasium. The gym has a separate entrance from the hall, and there is also a fire exit to the street.

For medical workers- a medical room and several rooms for hygienic purposes are located on the ground floor.

Chefs and kitchen workers the workplace is the kitchen. Kitchen, preparation shop, dry food pantry, sink - combined into a single block in order to isolate technological process cooking. Food from the kitchen is distributed to the groups before breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. Login Technical buildings The canteen required for delivering food and equipment to the catering unit is organized separately.

For laundry workers - an ironing room, a storage room for clean linen, a laundry room - make up a laundry block located separately from the children's premises.

The security guard sits at the entrance (watch) of the institution for control, but he also has a rest room, which is also the janitor's rest room. The janitor has a room for his work equipment. http://mbu210tolyatti.rosshkola.rf

Dress code

MAOU kindergarten No. 210 "Ladushki" has its own dress code. If we talk about the teaching staff and administration of the kindergarten, then here it is mainly used business style. If we mention teachers separately, then when working with children, of course, clothes should not only be neat, but also comfortable. All junior staff are provided with special gowns, uniforms and mandatory scarves. In general, employees should have a clean and tidy appearance, because... they are role models for children.

Logo analysis

In the logo of MAOU kindergarten No. 210 "Ladushki" the key figure is a child's palm - it is a symbol of openness, a symbol of friendly intentions, a symbol of truth. The handshake originated from this symbol - people extended open palms to each other to show peaceful intentions. For a kindergarten, this is the most suitable symbol to talk about the policy and direction of the institution. Appendix No. 3

Site analysis

The website http://mbu210togliatti.rosshkola.rf MAOU kindergarten No. 210 "Ladushki" is beautifully designed and easy to use. On the website you can get complete information about the institution in the following sections: Home, News, Day by day, About us, Supervisory Board, Execution of legislation, Education, Provision, Federal State Educational Standards, Healthy children - in a healthy family, Benefits, payments and compensation, Payment methods for d/s, Paid services, Logopoint, GKP, Photo-video album, Guest book, Feedback, Always in touch, You can contact, Reviews of parents, Discussion platform, Site map. On the pages of the site, the kindergarten shares its accumulated experience and professional knowledge. Visitors can receive answers to many questions about the development and upbringing of children, the structure of the institution, the activities of teachers and specialists, etc. via the site’s communication tools. Each section is functional, detailed, and has convenient links.

Traditions established in the organization

Tradition is something that has been passed down from one generation to another, something inherited from previous generations, an event that, because of its attractiveness, is repeated from year to year. There are family and corporate traditions, but whatever the traditions, they are all aimed at uniting people, the desire of people to unite and somehow diversify their lives, decorate them emotionally, and introduce some positive aspects.

Due to the fact that the institution in question is a kindergarten, the traditions are aimed at children and their upbringing. In MAOU kindergarten No. 210 "Ladushki" there are traditions of holding various events dedicated to holidays: Knowledge Day on September 1, Christmas meetings and New Year, Maslenitsa, February 23 and March 8. Along with these holidays, events are held that are typical only for kindergarten: Health Day - during the high season colds, the holiday “Goodbye kindergarten!”, when future first-graders graduate from kindergarten. At every holiday there is concert program Exhibitions of drawings and crafts are organized with the participation of children and teachers. Separately from the children, the kindergarten staff also gathers to celebrate Teacher's Day, New Year, March 8 and birthdays, where the employees gather together.

Organizational culture as a condition for quality professional activity..._

20. Shspaikov V.A. Galaguzia M.A. Who is for- 21. ShreyOer Yu.A. Utopia or ustroigel-

protects children's rights at school Sh Pedagogy - Stvo C Global problems and universal humanity-1994. - No. 5. - P. 42-43. what values ​​- M.. 1990. - P.

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Preamble. Based modern theory and integrative practice, the article reveals issues related to the formation of organizational culture in an institution, the purpose of which is to solve the problem of the quality of professional activity teaching staff.

In the conditions of the modern sociocultural situation, which considers a person’s personality as one of the decisive factors in the renewal of society, there is a need for new approaches to the formation of an employee as a subject of professional activity. In a preschool educational institution, this should be a teacher who is well versed in the abundance of modern pedagogical methods and innovative technologies who knows how to develop his own pedagogical strategy, has his own opinion and is able to defend it, and is ready for active professional activity.

A similar approach to understanding human personality in the 21st century - in the era of information and high technology- is associated with the concept of organizational culture as the basic basis of a teacher’s personality, combining a subjectively significant attitude towards teaching work and mastery of professional activities at the individual level. At the same time, as an analysis of the problem of professional and personal development of a modern person shows, the level of organizational culture of a “typical” pedagogical worker of an educational institution does not meet the needs modern society and the requirements of the labor process (V.R. Vesnin, O.S. Vikhansky, V.S. Dudchenkp. Yu.D. Krasovsky, V.A. S-pivak, etc.).

Mastery of organizational culture

a necessary condition for the quality of professional activity of a teacher, ultimately contributes to the success of the entire preschool educational institution as a whole. This allows us to consider the formation of an effective organizational culture of a teacher as a goal to achieve the quality of professional activity in a preschool educational institution and as a current direction of scientific research.

In modern literature there are many definitions of the concept of organizational culture. According to most authors, the culture of an organization is “a complex composition of important assumptions (“often difficult to formulate”), without evidence, accepted and shared by members of a group or organization4.” In a number of works, organizational culture is interpreted as the management philosophy and ideology accepted by the majority of the organization, assumptions, value orientations, beliefs, expectations, dispositions and norms that underlie relationships and interactions both within the organization and outside it. Despite the obvious diversity of interpretations organizational culture, in our opinion, they have common points. In most definitions, the authors refer to examples of basic assumptions that members of the organization adhere to in their behavior and actions, which is associated with the personal vision of the environment by the subject (group, organization, society) and regulating its variables (nature, space, time, work, relationships).

Given the above, organizational culture is “the set of most important assumptions accepted by members of an organization and expressed in the organization’s stated values ​​that give people guidelines

© L.F. Medvednikova, 2007

their behavior and actions." These value orientations are transmitted to subjects through symbolic means of the spiritual and material intra-organizational environment.

There are two aspects of organizational culture: objective and subjective. The objective aspect is usually associated with the physical environment created in the organization (the building itself, its design, location, equipment, furniture, color and volume of space, amenities, etc.). The subjective aspect comes from the images, assumptions, beliefs, expectations shared by employees, as well as the group perception of the organizational environment with its values, norms, and roles that exist outside of the individual. This includes a number of elements of symbolism, especially its “spiritual part” (heroes of the organization, myths, stories, ceremonies, rituals, etc.) |4, p. 516].

The scientific and theoretical understanding of the research topic is associated with the analysis of the organizational culture of the teaching staff: from the standpoint of essential, substantive, functional and structural characteristics. Identification of the essential characteristics of organizational culture is based on consideration of the basic basis of the teacher’s personality, which combines a subjectively significant attitude towards the profession and mastery of professional activities at the individual level. Analysis of the structural characteristics of a teacher’s organizational culture is associated with the identification of system-forming elements in the structure of the subject’s personality. Functional characteristics organizational culture are based on an analysis of the qualitative features that characterize the professional activity of a teacher who has an organizational culture, and I allow! him to effectively implement the requirements of the educational process. The structural characteristics of the organizational culture require an easy examination of the dynamic cultural-level aspect, in which individual units (modules, components, system-forming elements) are distinguished.

Organizational culture is formed in the process of overcoming the difficulties of external adaptation and internal integration by people working together. It should be noted that in one organization there can be many “local” subcultures, and one of them can transform into

get along with others and have parts (levels; divisions" professional, regional, national, age, gender and other groups). One or more subcultures in an organization may, by their nature, be in the same dimension as the dominant culture in the organization, or create, as it were, a second dimension in it. Countercultures can also exist in an organization, among which the following types can be distinguished: direct opposition to the values ​​of the dominant organizational culture: opposition to the power structure within the dominant culture of the organization; opposition to the patterns of relationships and interactions supported by the dominant culture.

There are three factors that play a decisive role in the formation and maintenance of organizational culture: personnel selection; the activities of senior management and methods that help employees adapt to the organizational environment in the process of professional activity. Let us consider in more detail the last factor - methods.

Method - (from the Greek sheShoyoB - the path of research or knowledge) - “a set of relatively homogeneous techniques, operations for the practical or theoretical development of reality, subordinated to the solution of a specific “task”.

I distinguish three groups of methods for creating an effective organizational culture. The main groups of methods include: objects and subjects of attention, evaluation, control by managers; management response to critical situations and organizational crises; role modeling, training and coaching; criteria for determining remuneration and status; criteria for hiring, promotion and dismissal; organizational symbols and rituals. In addition to the basic methods, there are additional methods of effective organizational culture: focusing on achieving success rather than avoiding failure; a condescending attitude towards mistakes and defeats; working through involvement rather than coercion. Over time and under the influence of circumstances, organizational culture can undergo changes. To methods of changing organizational

Bulletin of KSU named after. ON THE. Nekrasova, 2007, Volume 13

Organizational culture as a condition for the quality of professional activity

cultures include: changes in objects and subjects of attention on the part of the manager; changing crisis or conflict management style; redesigning roles and changing focus in training programs; changing the incentive criterion; change of emphasis in personnel policy; change of organizational symbols and rituals. The use of methods for forming an effective organizational culture of teachers in the process of professional activity has an impact on the quality of work, plays an important role in the implementation of goals and objectives, and in the ultimate success of the preschool educational institution as a whole.

For theoretical justification and organizational and practical support, we have developed a comprehensive program, which is an interconnected and interdependent complex, within which the target component reflects the logic of mastering the technology of an effective organizational culture; the content component determines the volume and nature of the necessary theoretical knowledge; the operational component sets the dynamics of increasing the complexity of practical skills; the diagnostic component reveals the reality of achieving goals based on a system of specially designed control sections; The effective component is to record the level of mastery of this technology and the maturity of the organizational culture in the institution.

When choosing methods for forming an effective organizational culture of teachers in the process of professional activity, priority was given to the following: objects and subjects of attention, assessment, control by the management of the institution; role modeling, training and coaching; criteria for determining remuneration and statutes; organizational symbols and rituals; concentration on achieving success.

The implementation of a comprehensive program for mastering the technology of organizational culture was carried out on the basis of the MDOU “General Developmental Kindergarten No. 84” in Vologda and included three stages:

At the first stage (2003-2004) of the experimental work, the functioning of the developed comprehensive program was aimed primarily at the development of the motivational component of organizational culture as a basis.

the fundamental basis of the personality of teachers (motives, interests, attitudes, value orientations). This was realized through setting appropriate learning goals and organizing cognitive actions that formed a belief in the importance of technology in organizational culture as effective method in professional activities.

At the second stage (2004-2005), the main emphasis was placed on the development of the operational component of the organizational culture of the pedagogue! *gchess worker, which reflected the substantive level of mastery of its technology. For this purpose, teachers attended a specialized course “Organizational culture in a preschool educational institution.” The methodology of work within the framework of the special course was based on the application of organizational culture in the institution, during which modeling of the professional activities of teachers was carried out.

At the third stage (2005-2006), the work was aimed at developing reflexivity as a significant integrative characteristic in the structure of the teacher’s organizational culture. For this purpose, it was planned effective ways introduction of organizational culture by means of teaching: at the same time, in practice, conditions were created for the formation of adequate self-esteem by the teacher ~ himself as part of the team implementing organizational culture in the institution.

The data obtained during the experimental work reflect the positive dynamics of the development and implementation of organizational culture in a preschool educational institution. Thus, at the final stage of the productive level, the formed™ effective organizational culture was achieved by 76% of teachers (at initial stage was - 34%)); Satisfaction with training in the special course was 95% of people. This circumstance allows us to recognize the theoretical research and practical implementation as successful, and the feasibility and effectiveness of introducing a comprehensive program for mastering this technology as a condition for the formation of the organizational culture of teaching staff in the process of professional activity has been confirmed.

Cultural patterns accepted and assimilated at the MDOU “General Developmental Kindergarten”

Pedagogy Psychology Social work. Juvenology. Sociokinetics, No. 4, 200"?

No. 84." have a significant impact on the quality of professional activities of teachers and various other aspects (on power relations and control relations; attitude towards teaching work; interpersonal relations within groups; intergroup relations; technology, motivation, etc.) We believe that the criteria for the formation of organizational culture among teaching staff should be considered a) the volume of theoretical knowledge and the complexity of practical skills in mastering the technology of effective organizational culture; b) the nature of the need to apply this technology in practice; c) the adequacy of the teacher’s self-assessment of himself as a subject of professional activity, using the technology of effective organizational culture to implement the requirements of the educational process.

The successful implementation of the comprehensive program was largely ensured by the high degree of compatibility of the strategy and methods for creating an effective organizational culture. At the same time, the management of the institution adhered to the following approaches: the culture that hindered the effective implementation of the chosen strategy was ignored; The management system was adjusted to the existing one in the institution.

research culture; An attempt was made to change the organizational culture in accordance with the chosen strategy. The implementation of this comprehensive program made it possible to achieve significant positive internal and external changes related to the quality of teachers’ professional activities.

Thus, methods for creating an effective organizational culture are an important component of managing a preschool educational institution and are one of the conditions for the quality of professional activities of teachers.


1. Vikhansky O.S. Naumov A.I. Management: Textbook. - 3rd ed. - M.: Gardariki, 1999. - 528 p.

2. Kartashova L.V., Nikonova T.V., Solamandina T.O. Behavior in an organization: Textbook. -M.: INFRA-M, 1999 - 220 p.

3. Kodzhaspirova G.M., Kodzhaspirov A.Yu. Pedagogical dictionary: For students of higher and secondary educational institutions. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2000. - 176 p.

4. Personnel management of an organization: Textbook." edited by A.Ya. Kibanov. - 2nd ed. centralized and revised. - M.: INFRA-M - 638 p.

Yu.Yu. Naumov


Application of pedagogical drawing in art lessons according to the methods of A.E. Terentyeva, N.H. -Rostovtseva A.V. Carlson is the most important component of improving the quality of education. However, mastering the skills of working using this visual method requires constant training from the teacher. Our research on fine art classes in rural schools showed that at the first stages of teaching fine arts, the pedagogical lesson is not very effective, which does not detract from its merits in the future. Children who do not know how to draw and use fundamental lines (horizontal and vertical) in a drawing by hand can analyze the proportional relationships of objects, constructions, execution

by eye using ovals various shapes and quantities seem complex and, for some, impossible

To make this method easier for teachers to use and understandable for students, we have modified it. The schematic basis of the pedagogical drawing was simplified to the limit; it was based on the geometric method of construction and the technique - proportioning. Hence the name of the method arose - pedagogical drawing by the geometric method based on proportionation, abbreviated as PRGM.

Unlike traditional pedagogical drawing, with the help of the method we propose, using the technique of proportioning, the teacher can explain the construction of the drawing

Bulletin of KSU named after H.A. Nekrasova 2007, Volume 13

For a short period of time when addressing this phenomenon, sufficient information has not yet been accumulated about the content and specifics of the corporate culture of enterprises, and especially the corporate culture in educational institutions. So what is corporate culture? And how does it manifest itself in preschool educational institutions?

The term “corporate” comes from the Latin corporatio - association, community.

Corporate culture- a set of behavior patterns that are acquired by an organization in the process of adapting to external environment and internal integration, which have shown their effectiveness and are shared by the majority of members of the organization.

Corporate culture is a system of material and spiritual values, manifestations, interacting with each other, inherent in a given company, reflecting its individuality and perception of itself and others in the social and material environment, manifested in behavior, interaction, perception of itself and the environment

Corporate culture - this is a unique general psychology of the organization (P. Weil).

Despite the obvious diversity of definitions and interpretations of organizational culture, they have common points.

The term “corporate culture” appeared in the 19th century.

Over time, this concept has spread to all areas of activity, and at the moment no one has any doubts about the importance of corporate culture for the successful functioning and prosperity of any organization.

The culture of a corporation represents, as it were, two organizational levels. At the top level, visible factors such as clothing, symbols, organizational ceremonies, and work environment are represented. The top level represents cultural elements that have an external visible representation. At a deeper level, there are values ​​and norms that define and regulate the behavior of employees in the company. Level two values ​​are closely related to visual samples(slogans, ceremonies, style business clothes and etc.).

The values ​​of an organization are the core of organizational culture, on the basis of which norms and forms of behavior in the organization are developed.

Why is corporate culture needed?

Corporate culture includes a whole a number of components:

  • an idea of ​​the mission (purpose) of the organization, its role in society, the main goals and objectives of its activities;
  • value systems (concepts of what is acceptable and what is unacceptable), through the prism of which all employee actions are assessed;
  • behavioral models (response options) in various situations (both ordinary and non-standard);
  • organization management style (delegation of authority, making important decisions, feedback, etc.);
  • current communication system (exchange of information and interaction between structural divisions organization and with the outside world, accepted forms of address “superior-subordinate” and “subordinate-superior”);
  • norms business communication between team members and with clients (other institutions, government officials, the media, the general public, etc.);
  • ways to resolve conflicts (internal and external);
  • traditions and customs accepted in the organization (for example, congratulating employees on their birthday, joint trips to nature, etc.);
  • symbols of the organization (slogan, logo, clothing style of employees, etc.).

Moreover, these components must be accepted and supported by all members of the team (or the vast majority of them).

Some leaders view corporate culture as a powerful strategic tool that helps guide all parts of the organization and individuals for common goals, mobilize employee initiative, ensure loyalty and facilitate communication.

In pedagogical and sociological studies, corporate culture is defined as a component of a person’s general culture and depends on the manager’s ability to manage the process of its development (N.A. Kapitonov, N.N. Pusenkova, A.L. Chernenko).

How necessary is corporate culture for an educational institution as a competitive organization?

A rapidly changing society requires constant improvement of the education system, starting from its very first stage - preschool institutions. In order to respond to increasing demands and changing conditions, the kindergarten team must be sufficiently united and represent a single organism.

It is possible to improve the quality of an institution’s work only if it has a positive corporate culture, which requires special formation over a long period of time.

Management Studies preschool education allow us to come to the conclusion that the collective interaction of teachers ensures maximum creativity in professional activities if the team has mutual understanding, unity of goals, trust in each other, while the goals of each member of the team associated with his labor activity, coincide with the goals of the preschool educational institution as a whole (K.Yu. Belaya, M.D. Makhaneva, L.V. Pozdnyak, L.I. Falyushina, R.M. Chumicheva, etc.). A team of like-minded people who are ready to integrate their efforts towards achieving the goals of the preschool educational institution has a common vision of the future, understanding of the present, awareness of the need for change and the presence of a well-established corporate culture.

Can you outline an approximate structure of corporate culture?

First level (artifacts).

1) The appearance of the building and other premises in which the organization is located.

2) Appearance of employees (if there is a uniform accepted in the organization).

3) The presence of a special style of the organization: logo, symbols, their use in the design of workplaces and in the preparation of documents. The presence of a kindergarten logo and anthem determine recognition in narrow circles of the public, and also show the main goals of the preschool institution and its philosophy. The logo is posted in the kindergarten premises, is depicted on the badges of each employee, and is also on the kindergarten website.

4) Characteristics of the communication system: type of communication used within the organization (oral, written, electronic); technical means used.

5) Special documents that describe the values ​​of the organization.

The first level embodies the spiritual values ​​of corporate culture and allows you to create the individuality of a particular organization that distinguishes it from others.

Second level (values).

Each of the components of this level is a key category that determines the success, job satisfaction and professional prestige of the organization. Knowledge of the value system and the ability to determine their place and role in the institution allow the manager to combine the ideas of the founders and staff in the mainstream of the organization’s activities. IN preschool institution, first of all, these are moral values ​​- humanity, justice, humanity, empathy, mutual assistance. High level self-control of teachers allows the manager to delegate authority and be completely confident in the high-quality and timely execution of assignments. Mutual assistance unites and unites kindergarten employees and creates a sense of belonging to a common cause. Organization of workplaces, modern kindergarten equipment, accessibility to work with it and provision of employees necessary materials make the teacher’s work comfortable and make it easier. Knowledge business ethics defines respectful, tactful relationships within the team. Real consideration of the merits of each team member in the common cause has become an important value. This fact encourages kindergarten employees to perform high-quality, responsible work.

There are many channels through which you can broadcast and develop the corporate culture of an educational institution. Since a preschool institution is a group of people who coordinate their actions to achieve common goals, one of the important areas in the formation of a corporate culture is working with parents, that is, pedagogical education and development of parents of kindergarten students.

In this regard, as part of the formation of the corporate culture of the kindergarten, various types of events are held:

  1. The formation of the information field of a preschool institution facilitates access to the activities of the kindergarten and determines the place, role and functions of parents as participants in the educational process. For this purpose, activities are being developed, delimited into blocks and aimed at the timely inclusion of parents in the educational process.
  2. Parents are constantly informed about events within the institution. The exchange of information between parents and teachers occurs constantly e-mail, in local documents.
  3. Building a clear and streamlined communication side of communication, including virtual and non-verbal channels. This communication is carried out through various types of communications. In the process of communication, all participants in the educational process (teachers, children, parents) of a preschool institution exchange knowledge, experience, scientific, methodological, and pedagogical information. By interacting, they reach an agreement on joint activities, establish the unity of ideas, moods, views; achieve a commonality of thoughts, experiences, attitudes towards various events, other people, and themselves. When communicating, manners, customs, and styles of behavior are transmitted, cohesion and solidarity are manifested, which distinguish group and collective activities. An established communication system is a complex, multifaceted process of establishing and developing contacts between all participants in the educational process, generated by the needs for joint activities and including the exchange of information and the development of a unified interaction strategy.
  4. Celebrations of traditional events: Kindergarten birthday, New Year, March 8, where parents take an active part.

All of the above is the result of the purposeful, systematic work of the head of the preschool educational institution. As a result of the established leadership style, these specific values ​​are firmly established among the team and are passed on to new employees. Creation of a code of ethics and right choice leadership style creates in employees a sense of belonging to the kindergarten and a sense of pride in it. From disparate people, employees turn into a single collective - a team.

Thus, the presence of a corporate culture in a preschool educational institution is necessary, since it creates the image of the organization and makes the team a single team. The interaction of all elements of corporate culture improves the quality of the kindergarten’s work and makes the preschool institution competitive in the educational services market.


  1. Abramova S.G., Kostenchuk I.A. About the concept of “corporate culture”. - M., 1999.
  2. Website