Original congratulations to the clerk. International Secretary Day (Day of Professional Administrative Workers) Postcard on the Day of Clerk of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The head of the company should have a comfortable office, a good memory and an efficient secretary. If he can somehow manage without the first two attributes, then without a person who performs many useful functions and makes his boss’s work as easy as possible, this is simply unrealistic. Secretaries of the planet, like representatives of any other profession, every year accept congratulations from colleagues, superiors, relatives, and close people in connection with their professional holiday. International Secretary's Day is celebrated every year on the Wednesday of the last full week of April. In 2020, International Secretary's Day falls on April 22, when the aroma of greenery and the first flowers is already felt in the air, and birds delight everyone around with their wondrous trills.

History of the holiday International Secretary's Day

The International Secretary's Day holiday first appeared a little over 60 years ago. It was the idea of ​​Harry Klemfuss, a journalist-publicist from New York, who clearly understood the importance of this profession in the business world and tried to convey this fact to the minds of the public. Indeed, a good, experienced secretary is the key to the success of any manager, because often the responsibilities of an office employee extend far beyond the collection of documents in text editor computer, scheduling meetings and events for the boss and answering telephone calls to the reception.

Wednesday of the last full week of April - this is the moment of celebration International Day secretary. These 7 days, in turn, are each time called the Week of Professional Administrative Workers. In the year the holiday was founded (1952), it fell at the beginning of June, so it received the name National, just like Secretary’s Day itself.

How did International Secretary's Day end up in April? It was simply moved after three years, and after another 26 years it was turned into Professional Secretarial Workers Week/Day. On the eve of the third millennium, the office seven-day week and, accordingly, the April Wednesday were finally assigned the name of the Week/Day of Professional Administrative Workers, to which we are accustomed today. But in the circles of those who celebrate the holiday themselves, it is called even more simply: Day office workers. It follows that secretaries are not the only ones honored on this day. Office managers, assistant managers, clerks, assistants, etc. also deserve sincere congratulations and memorable gifts.

Profession secretary

A specialty that requires its owner to be stress-resistant, attentive and always have a radiant smile, is most often chosen by women. The secretary profession is generally in great demand, as evidenced by statistics. And it’s true, the secretary is, in fact, the first person after the manager in any office organization, the right hand of the head of the company, a person whom no one knows more within the institution - except, of course, the boss himself. Depending on the type of profession, and there are many of them, an administrative worker who carries out instructions from the boss, in addition, on duty, is in contact with other employees. And here it is important for the second party to win over the secretary so that requests addressed to him are not rejected. This does not apply to “those in power”, for example, deputy head, financial director.

The secretary performs different kinds activities often for a very modest fee. The amount of earnings is influenced by the competence of the specialist, the status of the company, and the personal policy of the head of the organization.

Among the main functions of a secretary are working with documentation, receiving phone calls, creating a schedule for the boss’s business day with reminders for him about a particular planned event, and communicating with visitors.

Having looked at this list, you might think that an office worker in this category must certainly have a higher education. But here, too, both the type of profession and the level of the company play an important role. For example, a receptionist basically only answers phone calls and gives the necessary recommendations to visitors - for this it is enough to have a pleasant voice without speech flaws. And on the shoulders of the secretary-referent lies mostly typing with maximum speed and automatic handling of office equipment. It is clear that you need to at least complete computer courses before starting to look for work in this area.

Some people stubbornly associate the position of secretary with the image of a “book rat” and a “bluestocking,” while others associate it with a girl of easy virtue, a dummy, painted like a doll. You can’t forbid anyone to fantasize, but these clichés are borrowed more from films and TV series than from life. In practice, the work of a secretary is largely hard labor from bell to bell, and even overtime. But the reward can be very sweet: from a slight rise in career ladder in certain institutions to the position of executive director.

What to gift?

An office worker is one of those professions for whose representatives it would not be difficult to express admiration and show respect on a professional holiday. the slightest effort. As a gift for the holiday on April 24, International Secretary's Day, you can present anything: an object that is directly related to the activities of the secretary, or an abstract thing.

With the second option, everything is completely simple: a gorgeous bouquet of flowers, a box of expensive chocolates, a book by your favorite author, a manicure set, a collector’s edition of tearful melodramas on DVD - choose anything from the list and you won’t go wrong. As for professional presentations, you will have to show a little imagination and enthusiasm. A beautifully designed diary organizer or notepad, a designer pen will prove your serious attitude to the activities and level of competence of the secretary. Original wrist watch will be a useful gift, thanks to which the office worker will have no chance of being late for work or not having time to do something.

Since the secretary must not only prepare coffee and tea for his boss, but also treat himself from time to time with tonic drinks during the day in order to improve his performance, give him a good electric kettle or coffee set, or maybe a single mug with an unusual inscription.

A mouse, a rug for it, new speakers to sometimes listen to music during breaks, a small laptop if funds allow - all this will also fit perfectly into the concept of a “memorable item” for the International Secretary’s Day holiday. And be sure to sign a card for the hero of the occasion: many people are convinced that the most important thing is not the gift, but basic attention.

We cordially congratulate all office workers on the holiday - International Secretary's Day.

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In this article we will talk about the next calendar date on which you can make wishes with a high probability of their fulfillment.

This is the "date of three twenties" March 20, 2020- a number that contains three digits "20" and in which day is equal to night, and astronomical winter gives way to astronomical spring (the event is called Happy spring equinox).

The technology for making wishes on the Day of the Vernal Equinox, March 20, 2020, is extremely simple.

You should cross your fingers(thus joining the intersection of the celestial equator with the ecliptic that occurs on this day) and mentally say your wish.

There are two moments in time at which you can make wishes. The first point is as close as possible to the exact time of the vernal equinox, which occurs on March 20, 2020 at 6:50 "Moscow time". And the second point - at 20 hours 20 minutes 20 seconds local time.

That is, how and at what time to make a wish on the “date of three twenties” 03/20/2020:
...cross your fingers and say a wish...
1. As close as possible to the exact moment of the vernal equinox (06:50 Moscow time).
2. At 20 hours 20 minutes 20 seconds (local time).

March 18, 2020 on the official website song competition"Eurovision" there was a message about the cancellation of the event in this year.

We tell you why the Eurovision Song Contest 2020 was canceled - the reasons why the event was not moved to a later time, was not held without spectators or remotely.

Why Eurovision 2020 was cancelled:

The reason for the cancellation of the popular music event was the uncertainty caused by the spread of a viral infection in Europe called COVID-19 (coronavirus).

Why the date of Eurovision 2020 was not postponed to a later time:

The organizers posted a statement on the official website of the competition, in which they said that they had considered various alternative options holding a competition. This includes the option of holding the competition without spectators, or moving the date to a later time, after the spread of the infection has subsided.

However, the transfer was complicated by the fact that The epidemiological situation in Europe is extremely uncertain, and it is unclear when everything will return to normal. If it is possible to hold a competition, for example, at the end of 2020, the winner will have very little time to prepare for the organization of the next event(which is scheduled to take place in May 2021).

Previously, the Eurovision Song Contest 2020 was planned to be held in the second full week of May: from 15 to 16 May 2020.

Why Eurovision 2020 was not held without spectators or remotely:

Currently restrictions in the Netherlands the number of people who can simultaneously attend public events does not allow Eurovision to be held even in the “without spectators” format.

As for the “remote” format, in this case the organizers will not be able to provide all participants with the same opportunities to demonstrate their talent, which is contrary to the values ​​and traditions of the organization.

Where will Eurovision 2021 be held, in what composition:

Most likely the venue for the popular song competition in next year Rotterdam (the second largest city in the Netherlands) will remain after the capital Amsterdam).

The decision will be made by the competition organizers and the leadership of the Netherlands later.

It has also not yet been decided whether the selected participants will be able to perform the submitted songs next year, or whether they will have to compose new compositions. Let us remind you that this year she was supposed to represent Russia at Eurovision 2020 group "Little Big" with the composition "UNO".

What is the essence of the Earth Hour 2020 campaign:

Annually on the last Saturday of March held all over the world environmental action "Earth Hour", organized by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).

The meaning of the action is in voluntary cessation of consumption electrical energy for one hour. Thus, society realizes the importance of taking measures to reduce the negative impact of human activity on the environment.

This great idea was first implemented in Sydney, Australia in 2007. Then about two million residents of the metropolis took part in the action, and energy savings amounted to about 10%.

Inspired by the example, more and more cities began to join the Earth Hour campaign every year. It is expected that in 2020, residents of more than 7 thousand settlements on our planet (more than 2 billion people) will take part in a voluntary power outage for 1 hour. Of course, among the countries participating in the action is Russia.

What date and time does the Earth Hour 2020 campaign take place:

As we wrote above, the event is held annually on the last Saturday of March, with the exception of those years when the last Saturday in March precedes Easter.

This year's Earth Hour is scheduled for Saturday. March 28, 2020. The promotion will begin at 20:30 local time and will last for an hour, until 21:30.

That is, the Earth Hour 2020 campaign - what date is it held and at what time:
* Date: March 28, 2020
* from 20:30 to 21:30 local time.

Holiday January 20 – Office Work Service Day

The work of the office work service may seem boring and uninteresting to some. Just not to the employees of the unit themselves. On January 20, they enthusiastically celebrate their professional .
The record keeping departments of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs began their activities at the beginning of the 19th century. It was then that the first office was established, with a staff of 45 people. At the same time, the first rules of office work and regulations on distribution were drawn up job responsibilities. In Russia, the Day of All Clerks is celebrated on January 20.

Earthly Office

The official date of Office Services Day was established in 2003. At first glance, such work may seem routine and boring, but without skillful control of document flow, the normal functioning of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system is simply impossible.

Working with papers requires accuracy and attention. The division receives, registers, prepares documentation for governing bodies, transmits relevant correspondence to services, and monitors secrecy when processing classified information.
The profession of a clerk requires the ability to fulfill the assigned task in a timely and precise manner, to react responsibly to the orders and orders of superiors, and to communicate correctly with people. The main rule of work is strict discipline.
Clerks always have a lot of work to do, sometimes they have to stay at work until late in the evening. This regime is only possible for those who truly love their work and are ready to devote themselves completely to it. Often, department employees work directly with citizens, providing advice on many issues, even those that are not within their competence. A noticeable increase in civic activity suggests that trust in law enforcement agencies is growing rapidly.
Office management departments work hard every day. Their activities sometimes remain completely unnoticed, but they ensure the full and correct fulfillment of the duties of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russian Federation to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens of the state.

Clerk's Day - how the working day of professionals goes and when the professional holiday of clerks and secretaries is celebrated. How is a clerk different from a secretary?

Clerk's Day - when is the holiday celebrated?

In Russia and Ukraine there is no officially established professional holiday - Clerk's Day, and often in enterprises Clerk's Day is celebrated on the day of registration of the enterprise or on the day of signing the order to create an office management department at the enterprise.

What is a clerk's working day like?

A clerk's day lasts like a normal working day for all employees - from 9:00 to 18:00, with a lunch break at 13:00 to 14:00. Of course, there are exceptions in the form of rush jobs due to mistakes and the inability of senior management to plan their work, but: do not rush home at 18:00 if you are asked to help. This will pay off handsomely.

Firstly, you can always count on being allowed to go to the dentist or other errands in work time, so don’t be greedy with your personal time after 18:00. As one of the bosses said: “You don’t have to go to work at all, but if I need anything...”

In organizations where it is possible to set reception times for visitors, the reception of incoming correspondence - letters, applications, and the reception of visitors in the office is planned for the first half of the day. In the first half of the day, incoming correspondence is registered - entered into common base data in the enterprise.

At 12:00 all documents received during the morning are registered and submitted to the manager for review. From 12:00 until the lunch break at 13:00 in the office management department they usually “clean up the tails” of yesterday, prepare organizational and administrative documents - print the texts of orders or instructions, prepare reviews for the manager.

After the end of the lunch break, the clerks begin work again and in the afternoon they are engaged in the so-called “closing” of letters - from all departments the clerk brings information about how this or that request to the organization was completed or satisfied. The clerk enters into the database links to information about the execution of the document - and thus the document is considered completed and closed. The responsibilities of the clerk include maintaining a database of all documents of the organization up to date.

Clerk's work plan

The work of a clerk directly depends on external factors- and is based on the fact that events that need to be reflected in the activities of the enterprise occur unplanned. You cannot clearly say what exactly you will have to do tomorrow. But overall plan There should still be work - this helps to avoid piling up unnecessary instructions from management.

Once a week

Once a week - usually on Friday morning - a work plan for the next week is prepared and submitted to the higher organization. This is partly a remnant of the Soviet past, but: preparing a plan can be used for a PR company - yourself personally and your office management department. Focusing on strengths your department in office work, sooner or later you will achieve any planned goals in the professional arena.

Once a month

Often, the responsibilities of a clerk include taking shorthand notes of meetings of collegial bodies - various councils, commissions, etc. A wealthy company can afford to invite stenographers for this purpose, the result of which will be the preparation of a transcript of the meeting. Based on this transcript, an employee of the office management department prepares a meeting protocol, extracts from which, at the end of the meeting, are sent to the direct executors and customers whose applications were raised during the meeting.

Once a year

Once or twice a year, enterprises practice inviting university students to undergo production practices . I would like to advise students: try to make the most of this chance and get acquainted with the work of experienced clerks, get acquainted with the profession as a whole, delve into all the nuances of their work.

As a rule, you will be assigned small tasks to relieve your employees - but this will give you the right to ask the clerks about everything that you are curious about.

Take your chance to get a job in this organization - be sure to prepare your resume, even if it consists of only one higher education, your skills and contacts, and leave it with the practice manager. If you showed yourself well in carrying out assignments, rest assured, you will be remembered. Nowadays it is popular to attract outside employees in case of emergency - your help in the future may come in very handy, and they will definitely call you.

Responsibilities of a clerk

The responsibilities of the clerk include: receiving and registering incoming and outgoing correspondence, registering orders or instructions for the enterprise, preparing minutes of meetings of collegial bodies and preparing extracts from the minutes for applicants. If there is no archivist at the enterprise, the responsibilities of the clerk include archiving documents.

What is the difference between a clerk and a secretary?

The clerk, of course, is one step higher in importance in the organization than the secretary, since the clerk is involved in the document flow of the organization as a whole, and not just the document flow of the manager. All the same, all documents in the organization, one way or another, go through the head, but it is the secretary who brings them to the head. Therefore, the secretary is a person closer to the manager than the clerk.

However, a competent manager will always appreciate it if the office management service at his enterprise does its job well.

Office management courses

Office management courses often provide very general concept about office work, but they can make you fall in love with the profession of a clerk, or they can turn you away, this is a matter of personal taste. Office management courses teach the basics of office management, introduce standard instructions in office work, with legislation in the field of office work, they teach the skills of high-speed touch typing (by the way, a very useful skill that will serve you well), and also teach ethics and rules for conducting business negotiations.

Clerk's professional skills

Attentiveness, perseverance, attention to detail, responsibility, diligence, love of working with documents, pedantry, calm attitude towards the fact that in the work of a clerk it is necessary to strictly adhere to instructions.

Without their imperceptible and persistent work, it would be difficult to imagine what our life would be like at the present time. Therefore, office work is a responsible matter, to which only highly professional employees are allowed. Behind the books, drawings and collection of information there is a huge amount of work, very complex and painstaking, so we definitely need to congratulate those who work in the field of office work and want to improve in what they love. There are such people not only in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but also in any government agency. He will not forget to congratulate them on their professional holiday and wish them all the best, health, good attitude of loved ones, as well as good luck in business and in their personal lives. Congratulations on the day of the records management service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - January 20.

All office work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Today the holiday is celebrated together.
On a clear and frosty January day
All their colleagues unanimously congratulate them.
Of course, best wishes,
Order in documents and reports.
May tomorrow be better than yesterday
Let the necessary work give you joy.

Office work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
It's painstaking and serious.
But you are so grateful to fate,
And your choice was completely conscious.
Your holiday has arrived today
I want to wish you so much.
To have enough time and energy
You should follow the beaten path.

You are valued and respected in the Ministry of Internal Affairs,
All documents are confidently trusted.
After all, office work is your sphere,
And you understand it skillfully.
Today we congratulate you on your day,
We wish you success in your work.
So that the documents are always in order.
So that there are no snags or overlaps.

You have been in the Ministry of Internal Affairs not so long ago,
You work in office work.
But we still achieved a lot
Let me congratulate you today.
May success always await you in your work,
Let everything be perfect in the documents.
Let there be no overlaps or interference,
Let your career growth be dynamic.

A responsible mission has been entrusted to you,
After all, in the Ministry of Internal Affairs the papers are all so serious.
But in office work you are an absolute ace,
There are no blunders, errors or oddities in your service.
On your holiday we want to say thank you
For impeccable work and deep knowledge.
So I want to wish you goodness and happiness.
May all your dreams and desires come true.

Working with documents requires care.
You cope with it easily, everyone thanks you.
And on your well-deserved holiday you should rest,
Please accept my congratulations and best wishes.
Let the paperwork process flow quickly,
Let work matters get along and be argued.
We wish you to reach such dizzying heights,
May your service be a joy and to your liking.

Working in the Ministry of Internal Affairs is prestigious and honorable.
You have all the documents, papers and reports.
Accounting for correspondence and a lot of other things.
There is a lot of work, and this is not the limit.
Congratulations on your holiday, thank you for your work.
Sometimes it is invisible, but so invaluable.
We would like to wish you peaceful weekdays.
Prosperity, personal happiness, and loyal friends.