Features of conducting OGE in a foreign language, physics, computer science and ICT, literature. Methodological recommendations for performing experimental tasks of the OGE in physics Equipment for conducting the OGE in physics

Instructions for preparing and conducting the OGE in the subject “Physics”

Persons who have undergone appropriate training are involved as organizers of the PES and specialists in conducting instructions and providing laboratory work.

Organizers of the PET and specialists in conducting instruction and providing laboratory work are informed about the location of the PET to which they are sent no earlier than three working days before the exam.

Features of the physics exam

3 hours (180 minutes) are allotted to complete the examination work in physics. The work consists of 3 parts, including 27 tasks.

Part 1 contains 19 tasks (1–19), tasks 1–18 have four answer options, task 19 requires a detailed answer.

Part 2 contains 4 short answer questions (20–23).

Part 3 contains 4 tasks (24–27), to which you should give a detailed answer. Task 24 is experimental, and to complete it you must use laboratory equipment.

The exam is held in physics classrooms. If necessary, you can use other rooms that meet the requirements of safe work when performing experimental tasks of the examination work. A specialist in instructing and supporting laboratory work conducts safety briefings before the exam and monitors compliance with the rules safe work while exam participants are working with laboratory equipment.

Participants are permitted to use non-programmable calculators during the exam (non-programmable calculators must be brought with them).

At the stage of performing the experimental task, participants use laboratory equipment.

Laboratory equipment is placed in the classroom on a specially designated table. (If it is not possible to provide each classroom for the OGE in physics with a full set of laboratory equipment, the specialist in conducting instruction and providing laboratory work, after issuing the IC to the exam participants, prepares the necessary kits according to the options of the OGE participants).

The issuance of laboratory equipment is carried out only by a specialist in conducting instructions and providing laboratory work.

After the laboratory equipment is issued, the exam participant can begin performing the experimental task.

A specialist in conducting instructions and providing laboratory work has the right to interfere with the work of an exam participant when he is performing an experimental task only in the event of a violation of safety regulations by the participant, detection of an equipment malfunction or other emergency situations.

Preparing for the exam

The day before the exam a specialist in conducting instruction and providing laboratory work, together with the head of the PES, must:

check the readiness of the audience for the exam: compliance with safe working conditions, availability of equipment sets.

check the functionality of electrical and optical equipment sets;

prepare characteristics of laboratory equipment indicating changes made (if necessary);

fill out the sheets “Verification of laboratory equipment for conducting the OGE in physics”, entering the corresponding number in the table of characteristics of the kits. Each set of equipment must be placed in its own tray. Cylinders from sets No. 1 and No. 2 and resistors from set No. 5 must have designations corresponding to the list of equipment. Each equipment tray is marked with a number consisting of the kit number and a letter (from A to C for all kits except kit No. 5, and from A to F for kit No. 5).

On the day of the exam Organizers and specialists in conducting instruction and providing laboratory work must:

come to the PET no later than one hour and thirty minutes before the start of the exam and register with the head of the PET;

obtain information from the head of the PES about the appointment of responsible organizers in the audience and the distribution of PES among audiences;

receive assignments to audiences from the head of the teaching staff to specialists in conducting instruction and providing laboratory work;

undergo instruction from the head of the PPE on the examination procedure.

The responsible organizer receives from the head of the PPE:

brief instructions for exam participants,

safety instructions,

lists of exam participants for the audience,

signs with the audience number,

memo with coding (region, educational institution, PPE, audience), used when filling out the registration parts of the OGE forms,

scissors for opening the delivery package with EM,

return package for EV,

return package for CMM;

no later than 45 minutes before the start of the exam, go to your classroom, check its readiness for the exam and begin performing your duties:

distribute drafts (minimum number - two sheets) for each participant to the exam participants' workplaces;

prepare on the board the necessary information for filling out the registration fields in the answer forms in accordance with the coding memo received from the head of the PES;

attach one copy of the list of exam participants to the classroom door,

The specialist in conducting instruction and supporting laboratory work needs to receive a statement to familiarize the participants of the OGE with the safety briefing.

KIM OGE in physics contain an experimental task that is performed by participants using real laboratory equipment. 5 experimental tasks are used. To conduct it, it is necessary to prepare six sets No. 5 and three sets of the remaining set numbers in a classroom for 15 examinees.

Sets of laboratory equipment for performing experimental tasks are prepared in advance, one or two days before the exam.

Each set of equipment must be placed in its own tray. Cylinders from sets No. 1 and No. 2 and resistors from set No. 5 must have designations corresponding to the list of equipment. Each equipment tray is marked with a number consisting of the kit number and a letter (from A to D for all kits except kit No. 5, and from A to H for kit No. 5).

Exam participants enter the auditorium.

When exam participants enter the classroom, the responsible organizer must:

check the details of the exam participant’s identity document;

inform the exam participant the number of his seat in the audience;

indicate a place where the exam participant can leave his personal belongings. If the exam participant brought his own non-programmable calculator, the organizer checks it for the absence of additional functions, etc.;

help the exam participant quickly take the assigned seat, while ensuring that the exam participants do not talk or change places.

No later than 15 minutes before the start of the exam, the responsible organizer receives the exam participants from the head of the PPE EM.

Conducting the exam

The organizer must:

remind exam participants of the prohibition to carry and use mobile phones, other means of communication, and electronic computers during the exam;

check that the exam participant’s gel pen writes with an unbroken black line (replace the pen if necessary).

Issue exam materials.

The responsible organizer in the audience should:

demonstrate to the exam participants the integrity of the packaging of the special delivery package with IR;

open the special delivery package with IR;

distribute the IC to all exam participants in random order;

at the direction of the responsible organizer, exam participants fill out the registration fields of answer forms No. 1 and No. 2, additional answer form No. 2.

The specialist in instructing and supporting laboratory work must provide a brief safety briefing.

After the safety briefing, exam participants must sign a form to familiarize themselves with the rules for working with laboratory equipment.

After issuing the CIM to the participants, the specialist in conducting instruction and providing laboratory work must find out the number of the set of laboratory equipment from each participant in the OGE and, as soon as the participants are ready for the exam, practical task must give him an individual set of equipment on his desk in accordance with the assignment of his option.

After all exam participants fill out the registration fields of answer forms No. 1 and No. 2, announce the beginning of the exam, the duration and end time of the exam, and record the start time of the exam on the board.

Then the exam participants complete the tasks.

During the exam, the organizer in the room must:

check the correctness of filling out the registration fields on all forms for each participant and the compliance of the exam participant’s data (full name, series and number of the identity document) in the answer form No. 1 and the identity document.

Maintain order in the classroom and prevent:

conversations between exam participants,

exchange of any materials and objects between exam participants,

use mobile phones, other means of communication and electronic computer technology; reference materials, except those permitted,

walking around the PPE during the exam without being accompanied by an organizer outside the classroom.

In the event that an exam participant makes a claim regarding the content of his CMM task, it is necessary to record the essence of the claim in a memo and submit it to the head of the PPE ( memo must contain information about the unique number of the CMM, the task and the content of the comment).

Issuance of laboratory equipment

At the beginning of the exam, the specialist in conducting instruction and providing laboratory work must find out the numbers of the sets of laboratory equipment of the exam participants and issue the corresponding set of laboratory equipment.

An additional answer form No. 2 will be issued to the exam participant’s IR, in which, after completing the exam, the specialist in conducting instruction and providing laboratory work will enter the characteristics of the corresponding kit.

The exam participant writes down the solution to the tasks of the practical part on answer form No. 2; if necessary, the participant can request the following additional answer form No. 2. Additional answer form No. 2A with the characteristics of laboratory equipment is submitted along with the answer forms of the exam participant.

During the examination, a specialist in conducting instructions and providing laboratory work monitors the compliance of examination participants with labor safety rules. If an exam participant violates safe work rules while performing an experimental task, the organizer has the right to remove him from the exam. The organizer in the audience records the fact of removal in the act of removal from the exam.

After the exam, the specialist in conducting instruction and supporting laboratory work removes the equipment sets from the tables.

Completing the exam and organizing the collection of exam materials from exam participants.

30 and 5 minutes before the end of the exam, the organizer notifies the exam participants about the time before the end of the exam.

At the end of the exam, the organizer must:

announce that the exam is over;

write down the end time of the exam on the board;

accept from exam participants in an organized manner:

answer forms No. 1, answer forms No. 2, additional answer forms No. 2, KIM option, put back in the envelope, drafts;

put a dash “Z” in the margins of answer forms No. 2, intended for recording answers in free form, but left blank (including on its reverse side);

hand over additional answer form No. 2 to the specialist in conducting instruction and providing laboratory work to enter the appropriate characteristics of laboratory equipment;

use any other packages instead of the issued return packages,

insert any other materials along with the forms,

fasten forms (with paper clips, stapler, etc.),

change the orientation of the forms in the package (top-bottom, front-back);

put together the materials collected from the exam participants:

in one return package - answer forms No. 1;

in the second return package - answer forms No. 2, including additional answer forms No. 2. Additional answer form No. 2 must be placed behind the main answer form No. 2;

envelopes with CMM;


Submit to the head of the PPE:

return packages with answer forms for OGE participants (package with answer forms No. 1; package with answer forms No. 2 and additional answer forms No. 2);

return package with CMM,


unused IR,

office notes;

statements and forms for conducting an exam in the classroom

remove laboratory equipment.

Organizers and specialists in conducting instructions and providing laboratory work leave the PES after transferring all materials, drawing up the appropriate protocol, and only with the permission of the head of the PES.

The procedure for conducting briefing by the organizers in the classroom

A sample of the registration fields of the OGE participant’s answer forms is drawn up on the board (information stand) in the classroom. The organizer in the audience fills out on the board - the date of the OGE, region 77, PPE code, audience number. Remaining fields - code educational organization, class (letter number), full name, passport details - exam participants fill out using their data from their identity document.

Instructions for OGE participants, read out by the organizer in the audience:

Dear exam participants! Today you are taking a physics exam in the form of the OGE.

During the examination, you must follow the order of the examination.

During the exam it is prohibited:

have with you communications equipment, electronic computer equipment, photo, audio and video equipment, reference materials, written notes and other means of storing and transmitting information;

talk, get up from seats, change seats, exchange any materials and objects;

transfer, disclose or photograph CMMs or parts thereof;

carry and use correction fluid and pencils;

use reference materials other than those indicated in the text of the KIM;

move around the PES during the exam without the accompaniment of the organizer.

If you violate these requirements of the established procedure for conducting the OGE, you will be removed from the exam.

Acquainted with Unified State Exam results you can in an educational organization.

Planned date for reviewing the results: _____________ ( name the date).

After receiving the results of the OGE, you can file an appeal about disagreement with the points awarded. The appeal is submitted within two working days from the date of announcement of the results of the OGE.

During the exam, on your desktop, in addition to exam materials, you can only have:

gel, capillary or fountain pen with black ink;

identification document.

You may use a non-programmable calculator during the exam.

The organizer draws the attention of OGE participants to the delivery package with exam materials.

Exam materials arrived in the classroom in a delivery package. The packaging of the package is not damaged

(demonstrate and open using scissors).

It contains individual kits with exam materials.

(the organizer distributes the IC to the participants).

Check the integrity of your custom kit. Carefully open the bag, tearing off the flap (from right to left) along the perforation line

(the organizer shows the perforation location on the envelope).

Before we start working with the forms, we will check the contents of your individual kit. In an individual set:

answer form No. 1,

answer form No. 2,

control measuring material (CMM).

Carefully review the text of the CMM, check the quality of the text for printing defects, and the number of pages of the CMM.

If you find extra or missing forms or typographical defects, replace the completely individual set.

Check whether the number on the CMM sheet matches the CMM number printed on form No. 1.

Pause for participants to check the integrity of the IC

Let's start filling out form No. 1

Write down the letters and numbers according to the example on the form.Each number and symbol is written in a separate cell.

Fill out the registration fields in accordance with the information on the board (information stand).Draw the participants' attention to the board.

We fill in the region, the date of the OGE, the code of the educational organization, class, PPE code, audience number.

Fill in the fields: last name, first name, patronymic, identity document details, gender.

Pause for participants to fill in the fields

Place your signature in the “participant signature” field located at the top of form No. 1.

Fill in the fields of answer form No. 2 - region, code and name of the subject.

When completing tasks, carefully read the instructions for the tasks provided by your CMM. Record your answers according to these instructions.

When completing a “Multiple Answer Assignment,” you must select one correct answer and put a cross in the form in the box with the number of the selected answer option.

When completing a “Short Answer Assignment”, to the right of the assignment number you write down the answer. Each character must be written in a separate window. It is allowed to write only in block letters. Samples of their writing are given on the form under the registration fields.

If it was not possible to avoid accidental marks, they should be replaced in the area “Replacing erroneous answers to multiple-choice tasks” with those answers that you consider correct.

At the bottom of answer form No. 1 there are fields for recording new answer options for “Tasks with answers in short form» to replace those erroneously recorded.

To change the answer to “Task with a short answer” in answer form No. 1, you need to enter the number of the “Task with a short answer” to be corrected in the corresponding replacement fields and write down the new value of the correct answer to the specified task.

In answer form No. 2, fill in: region code, subject code, subject name.

On answer form No. 2, tasks are completed - 19, 24-27. If you do not have enough space on the form, you can request an additional answer form No. 2 from the organizer.

Safety instructions will now be read to you. After the exam begins, a specialist in conducting instructions and providing laboratory work will approach you and find out the number of the laboratory equipment necessary to complete the experimental task. As soon as you are ready, you will be given the necessary set of laboratory equipment.


according to labor safety rules for participants of the OGE

during a physics exam

1. Be attentive and disciplined, strictly follow the instructions of the exam organizer.

2. Do not start work without the permission of the exam organizer.

3. Place instruments, materials, and equipment at your workplace in such a way as to prevent them from falling or tipping over.

4. Before performing the work, carefully study its content and procedure.

5. To prevent falling, glass vessels (test tubes, flasks) are carefully secured in the tripod leg when conducting experiments. Use extreme caution when working with glassware.

6. When conducting experiments, do not allow extreme loads on the measuring instruments.

7. When assembling experimental installations, use wires (with tips and protective covers) with strong insulation without visible damage. Do not use a conductor with worn insulation.

9. When assembling an electrical circuit, avoid crossing wires.

10. Connect the current source to the electrical circuit last. Turn on the assembled circuit only after checking and with the permission of the exam organizer.

11. Do not reconnect circuits until the power supply is turned off.

12. Use tools with insulated handles.

13. When finished, turn off the power source, and then disassemble the electrical circuit.

14. Do not leave the workplace without the permission of the exam organizer.

15. If you discover a malfunction in live electrical devices, immediately turn off the power source and notify the exam organizer.

The briefing is over. You now need to sign the sheet to familiarize yourself with the safety rules.

(A specialist in conducting instructions and providing laboratory work walks through the audience with a sheet on which the participants put their signatures)

You can start completing tasks.

Start of the exam:(announce the start time of the exam)

End of exam:(specify time)

Write the start and end times of the exam on the board.

The time allocated for instructions and filling out the registration parts of the OGE forms is not included in the total exam time.

30 minutes before the end of the exam it is necessary to announce

There are 30 minutes left until the end of the exam.

Do not forget to transfer answers from the text of the work and the draft to the answer forms.

5 minutes before the end of the exam it is necessary to announce

There are 5 minutes left before the end of the exam, early submission of exam materials is stopped.

At the end of the exam time, announce

The exam is over. Place your forms on the edge of the table. Place the CMM in the individual kit envelope.

The organizers collect exam materials in an organized manner

Exam participants can only take their passport, black gel pen and non-programmable calculator into the classroom.

When dealing, the IR is placed on the edge of the table.

If an incorrect completion of registration fields is detected organizers instruct the exam participant to make appropriate corrections.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

Slide description:

2 slide

Slide description:

Experimental task 24 tests: 1) the ability to carry out indirect measurements of physical quantities: the density of matter, the Archimedes force, the coefficient of sliding friction, spring stiffness, the period and frequency of oscillation of a mathematical pendulum, the moment of force acting on a lever, the work of the elastic force when lifting a load using a movable and a stationary block, the work of the friction force, the optical force of the collecting lens, electrical resistance resistor, work and current power.

3 slide

Slide description:

Experimental task 23 tests: 2) the ability to present experimental results in the form of: tables, graphs or schematic drawings and draw conclusions based on the experimental data obtained: on the dependence of the elastic force arising in the spring on the degree of deformation of the spring, on the dependence of the period of oscillation of a mathematical pendulum on the length of the thread, the dependence of the current arising in the conductor on the voltage at the ends of the conductor, the dependence of the sliding friction force on the force of normal pressure, and the properties of the image obtained using a collecting lens.

4 slide

Slide description:

Experimental task 23 tests: 3) the ability to carry out experimental verification of physical laws and consequences: checking the rule for electric voltage when resistors are connected in series, checking the rule for electric current when resistors are connected in parallel.

5 slide

Slide description:

EXAMPLES OF LABORATORY TASKS L.R.No.1. Measuring the density of a substance. Using a glass, water, a measuring cylinder, a scale, determine the density of cylinder No. (1 or 2). Make the necessary measurements and calculations and determine the density of the substance. In the answer form: 1) describe the procedure for performing the experiment; 2) write down the formula for calculating the density of a solid; 3) record the measurement results. 4) calculate the density of the solid. Sample of possible implementation. 1.

6 slide

Slide description:

EXAMPLES OF LABORATORY TASKS L.r. No. 2. Buoyancy force measurement. Using a school dynamometer with a measurement limit of 4N (C=0.1N), a glass of water, cylinder No. (1 or 2), assemble a setup to determine the buoyancy force (Archimedes force) acting on the cylinder. In the answer form: 1) make a drawing of the experimental setup; 2) write down the formula for calculating the buoyancy force; 3) indicate the results of measurements of the weight of the cylinder in air and the weight of the cylinder in water; 4) write down the numerical value of the buoyant force. Sample of possible implementation. 1. 2. Fa = Р1 – Р2; 3. P1 = …. N; P2 = .... N; 4. Fa = ... N.

7 slide

Slide description:

EXAMPLES OF LABORATORY TASKS L.r. No. 3. Measuring spring stiffness. Using a tripod with a coupling and a claw, (spring), two dynamometers, a ruler and three weights, assemble an experimental setup to determine the spring stiffness. Determine the stiffness of the spring by hanging one, two, three weights from it. Use a dynamometer to determine the weight of the loads. In the answer form: 1) make a drawing of the experimental setup; 2) write down the formula for calculating the spring stiffness; 3) indicate the results of measuring the weight of the loads and the elongation of the spring; 4) write down the numerical value of the spring stiffness. Sample of possible implementation. 1. 4) k = … N/m 3) 2) F = kх, k = F x №п/п Fcontrol, N x, m 1 2 3

8 slide

Slide description:

EXAMPLES OF LABORATORY TASKS Sample of possible implementation. L.r. No. 4. Study of the dependence of the elastic force arising in a spring on the degree of deformation of the spring. Using a tripod with a coupling and a foot, (a spring), two dynamometers, a ruler and three weights, assemble an experimental setup to study the dependence of the elastic force arising in the spring on the degree of deformation of the spring. Determine the stiffness of the spring by hanging one, two, three weights from it. Use a dynamometer to determine the weight of the loads. In the answer form: 1) describe the procedure for performing the experiment, make a drawing of the experimental setup; 2) indicate the results of direct measurements of elastic force and displacement in the form of a table; 3) plot the dependence of the elastic force on the deformation of the spring; 4) formulate a qualitative conclusion about the dependence of the elastic force arising in the spring on the degree of deformation of the spring.

Slide 9

Slide description:

EXAMPLES OF LABORATORY TASKS EXAMPLES OF LABORATORY TASKS Sample of possible implementation. In the answer form: 1) describe the procedure for performing the experiment, make a drawing of the experimental setup; 2) indicate the results of direct measurements of elastic force and displacement in the form of a table; 3) plot the dependence of the elastic force on the deformation of the spring; 4) formulate a qualitative conclusion about the dependence of the elastic force arising in the spring on the degree of deformation of the spring. 1) 2) 3) 0 4) Conclusion: experience has shown that the change in the length of a body during stretching is directly proportional to the modulus of the elastic force. No. Fupr, N x, m 1 2 3

10 slide

Slide description:

EXAMPLES OF LABORATORY TASKS L.r. No. 5. Measuring the coefficient of sliding friction. Using a carriage (block) with a hook, a dynamometer, and two weights, assemble a setup to determine the coefficient of sliding friction between the carriage and the table surface. In the answer form: 1) make a drawing of the experimental setup; 2) write down the formula for calculating the sliding friction coefficient; 3) indicate the results of measuring the weight of the carriage with a load and the sliding friction force when the carriage with loads moves along the table surface; 4) write down the numerical value of the sliding friction coefficient. Sample of possible implementation. 1)

11 slide

Slide description:

EXAMPLES OF LABORATORY TASKS L.r. No. 6. Study of the dependence of sliding friction force on normal pressure force. Using a wooden block with hooks on a thread, a dynamometer, 2 weights weighing (100+_20g), a guide rail, study the dependence of the friction force on the force of normal pressure. In the answer form: 1) describe the procedure for performing the experiment; 2) write down the found value of the friction coefficient for each measurement; 3) plot the dependence of the friction force on the normal pressure force; 4) draw a conclusion about the nature of the dependence of the friction force on the normal pressure force. Sample of possible implementation.

12 slide

Slide description:

EXAMPLES OF LABORATORY TASKS In the answer form: 1) describe the procedure for performing the experiment; 2) write down the found value of the friction coefficient for each measurement; 3) plot the dependence of the friction force on the normal pressure force; 4) draw a conclusion about the nature of the dependence of the friction force on the normal pressure force. Sample of possible implementation. 2) 4) Conclusion: as the normal pressure force increases, the sliding friction force arising between the carriage and the rack surface also increases. 1) 3) No. Ftr,N N,N 1 2 3

Slide 13

Slide description:

EXAMPLES OF LABORATORY TASKS L.r. No. 7. Conductor resistance measurement. Using a 4.5V DC power supply, voltmeter, ammeter, switch, rheostat, connecting wires, resistor No. (1 or 2), assemble an experimental setup to determine the electrical resistance of the resistor. In the answer form: 1) draw electrical diagram experiment; 2) write down the formula for calculating electrical resistance; 3) indicate the results of measuring voltage at a current of 0.5A; 4) write down the numerical value of the electrical resistance. Sample of possible implementation. 3) I = 0.5 A, U = ... V 4) R = ... Ohm 1) U R

Slide 14

Slide description:

EXAMPLES OF LABORATORY TASKS L.r. No. 8. Determination of the work of electric current Using a 4.5V DC power supply, voltmeter, ammeter, key, rheostat, connecting wires, resistor No. (1 or 2), assemble an experimental setup to determine the work of electric current on a resistor at a current strength of 0.5A for 10 minutes . In the answer form: 1) draw an electrical diagram of the experiment; 2) write down the formula for calculating the work of electric current; 3) indicate the results of measuring voltage at a current of 0.5A; 4) write down the numerical value of the electric work. current. Sample of possible implementation. 2) A = IUt 3) I = ... A, U = ... B, t = 10 min. = 600 s 4) A = …. J 1)

15 slide

Slide description:

EXAMPLES OF LABORATORY TASKS L.r. No. 9. Determination of the power of electric current in a conductor. Using a 4.5V DC power supply, voltmeter, ammeter, switch, rheostat, connecting wires, resistor No. (1 or 2), assemble an experimental setup to determine the power of the resistor. In the answer form: 1) draw an electrical diagram of the experiment; 2) write down the formula for calculating the power of electric current; 3) indicate the results of measuring voltage at a current of 0.5A; 4) write down the numerical value of the electric power. current. Sample of possible implementation. 2) P = IU 3) I = 0.5 A, U = ... V 4) P = IU

16 slide

Slide description:

EXAMPLES OF LABORATORY TASKS L.r. No. 10. Study of the dependence of the current strength arising in a conductor on the voltage at the ends of the conductor. Using a 4.5V DC power source, voltmeter, ammeter, key, rheostat, connecting wires, resistor No. (1 or 2), assemble an experimental setup to study the dependence of the current arising in the conductor on the voltage at the ends of the conductor. In the answer form: 1) describe the procedure for performing the experiment; 2) write down the found value of current and voltage for each measurement; 3) draw a graph of current versus voltage; 4) draw a conclusion about the nature of the dependence of the current strength arising in the conductor on the voltage at the ends of the conductor.

Slide 17

Slide description:

EXAMPLES OF LABORATORY TASKS In the answer form: 1) describe the procedure for performing the experiment; 2) write down the found value of current and voltage for each measurement; 3) draw a graph of current versus voltage; 4) draw a conclusion about the nature of the dependence of the current strength arising in the conductor on the voltage at the ends of the conductor. Sample of possible implementation. 2) I = ... A, U = ... B 3) 4) Conclusion: as the current in the conductor increases, the voltage arising at its ends also increases. No. I,A U,B 1 2 3

18 slide

Slide description:

EXAMPLES OF LABORATORY TASKS L.r. No. 11. Measuring the optical power of a lens. Using a collecting lens No. (1 or 2), a ruler 20-30 cm long, a screen, a working fluid, determine the focal length and calculate the optical power of the lens. In the answer form: 1) make a drawing of the experimental setup; 2) write down the formula for calculating the optical power of the lens; 3) indicate the results of measuring the focal length of the lens; 4) write down the numerical value of the optical power of the lens. Sample of possible implementation. 1) 3) F = … cm = … m 4) D = … diopter 2) D = 1 F

Slide 19

Slide description:

EXAMPLES OF LABORATORY TASKS L.r. No. 12. Study of the dependence of the period or frequency of oscillations of a mathematical pendulum on the length of the thread. Using a tripod with a clutch and a foot, a ball with a thread attached to it, a ruler and a clock with a second hand, assemble an experimental setup to study the dependence of the period or frequency of oscillation of a mathematical pendulum on the length of the thread. Determine the time for 30 complete oscillations and calculate the period of oscillation for three cases when the length of the thread is 1 m, 0.5 m and 0.25 m, respectively. In the answer form: 1) make a drawing of the experimental setup; 2) indicate the results of direct measurements of the number of oscillations and oscillation time for three lengths of the pendulum thread in the form of a table; 3) calculate the oscillation period for each case and enter the results in the table; 4) formulate a qualitative conclusion about the dependence of the period of free oscillations of a thread pendulum on the length of the thread.

20 slide

Slide description:

EXAMPLES OF LABORATORY TASKS Sample of possible implementation. In the answer form: 1) make a drawing of the experimental setup; 2) indicate the results of direct measurements of the number of oscillations and oscillation time for three lengths of the pendulum thread in the form of a table; 3) calculate the oscillation period for each case and enter the results in the table; 4) formulate a qualitative conclusion about the dependence of the period of free oscillations of a thread pendulum on the length of the thread. 1) 2,3) 4) Conclusion: when the length of the thread is reduced by 4 times, the period of oscillation of a mathematical pendulum decreases by 2 times. T = t n , s No. Length of thread, m Number of oscillations Time of oscillations t, s Period of oscillations 1 1 30 2 0.5 30 3 0.25 30

preparing and conducting state final certification in the form of the main state exam (OGE) in educational programs main general education in the city of Sevastopol in 2017


OGE in foreign language(AND I)

In order to optimize the time spent in the PPE by participants in the OGE in a foreign language, the DO decides to choose one of the schemes for organizing the exam for all participants in the OGE in a foreign language:

conducting an exam in a foreign language (simultaneously the PC and the oral part (hereinafter referred to as the UC) (section “Speaking”) on one of the days stipulated by the schedule;

– conducting an exam in a foreign language (simultaneously the IF and EA section “Speaking”) on two days as provided for in the schedule;

– conducting the written part of the exam on one day, and the oral part (section “Speaking”) on another day, provided for by the schedule.

Conducting the OGE in a foreign language in written form.

When conducting the OGE in a foreign language, the exam includes a “Listening” section, all tasks for which are recorded on audio media.

The auditoriums allocated for the “Listening” section are equipped with means of playing audio media.

To complete the tasks in the “Listening” section, technical specialists or organizers set up an audio playback facility so that all students can hear it. Students listen to the audio recording twice, after which they begin to perform ER.

OGE in foreign languages ​​(section “Speaking”).

Order-9 does not provide for students’ refusal to participate in the OGE in a foreign language (section “Speaking”).

Passing the OGE in a foreign language requires the mandatory participation of students in completing written tasks, as well as tasks in the “Speaking” section.

When conducting the OGE in a foreign language (section “Speaking”), oral answers (hereinafter referred to as ER) to tasks are recorded on audio media.

Conducting the OGE in a foreign language (section “Speaking”) includes completing 3 tasks:

– reading aloud a short text (preparation time – 1.5 minutes, task completion time – 2 minutes);

– participation in a conditional questioning dialogue (dialogue questions are recorded on audio media, the response time to each question is no more than 40 seconds);

– a monologue statement on a specific topic based on a plan (preparation time – 1.5 minutes, task completion time – 2 minutes).

The lead time is 15 minutes per responder. Each subsequent task is executed after the completion of the previous task. The entire response time is audio recorded.

The use of drafts by participants in the OGE in a foreign language (section “Speaking”) is prohibited by Order-9.

Two types of classrooms are used to conduct the oral part of the exams:

– a training room, in which participants wait their turn to take the exam, fill out the BO-1 registration fields, no additional equipment is required for training rooms;

– the auditorium in which the participants are briefed, CMMs are issued, the participants enter the CMM number into the appropriate field BO-1, means of audio recording and playback of audio recordings must be prepared in the auditorium.

Technical specialists or organizers in the audience set up digital audio recording tools to ensure high-quality recording of the OU.

In the preparation and conducting classrooms there must be at least 2 organizers in each classroom. On the day of the UC exam, a technical specialist must be present at the PPE.

No more than 25 students can be present in the training room at the same time (seating of two people per desk is allowed).

The responsible organizer in the preparation audience and the responsible organizer in the conducting audience receive examination forms at the PPE headquarters for the exam participants and IR with CMM, respectively.

Examination forms are issued to the first group of participants in the preparation room no earlier than 10:00 on the day of the exam.

When an exam participant fills out the BO-1 registration fields in the preparation room, the room number and the CMM number are not indicated.

Students are invited to the classroom to receive the CMM assignment and subsequently record oral responses to the CMM assignment.

Exam participants are escorted from the preparation classroom to the conducting classroom by the organizer outside the classroom.

Each group of participants enters the classroom only after all participants from the previous group have completed the exam (it is recommended that after one workplace a maximum of 4 OGE participants were able to pass in the auditorium per day).

In the audience, the participant takes a workplace.

The organizer in this audience gives instructions:

– about filling out the fields for the audience number of the event and the CMM number;

– about the time to prepare and complete tasks.

The organizer also warns the participant that when performing task 2 (conditional dialogue-questioning), it is necessary to answer the question immediately after listening to it, then listen to the next question and answer. The participant should be informed that there is no time to prepare for answering the questions in task 2. Before starting to answer questions, the participant speaks the unique identification number of his work into the audio recording device.

Before answering each task, the participant pronounces the number of each task in RY.

After completing the 1st task, the organizer must play the audio recording of the 2nd task (conditional dialogue-questioning).

The participant listens sequentially and answers each question in the audio recording, and then proceeds to prepare and complete the 3rd task.

After 15 minutes, the organizers in the audience announce the end of the exam and turn off the audio recording of the answer.

The organizers (technical specialist) saves an audio recording of the participant’s response under a certain code - PPE number_audience number_unique identification number of the work .

The participant signs the exam sheet.

After all the participants in the group in the conducting audience have completed the work, a new group of participants is invited to the conducting audience from the waiting audience.

Organizers monitor the preparation time for tasks and control the time for completing tasks. If the time to prepare for a task or the time to respond to a task has expired, the organizer must inform the participant about this. The technical specialist or organizer allows the student to listen to the recording of his answer and make sure that it was produced without technical failures. If a technical failure occurs during recording, the student is given the right to take the “Speaking” section again.

If there is a technical failure of the equipment or a low quality audio recording of a participant’s answer in the OGE in a foreign language is detected after he has completed the tasks in the “Speaking” section, retaking the UC exam is possible on the same day or at additional times established by the schedule.

Upon completion of the exam by all participants, audio recordings with answers are collected by a technical specialist into class-by-class catalogs and sent to the RCIO for examination of the answers on removable electronic media.

OGE in physics

The OGE in physics includes an experimental task performed on real equipment.

Scroll additional materials and equipment, the use of which is permitted for the OGE in physics, is approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science. A non-programmable calculator (hereinafter referred to as NPC) is used for each student and experimental equipment.

The exam is held in physics classrooms. If necessary, you can use other rooms that meet the requirements for safe work when performing experimental ER tasks. A physics specialist is present at the exam, who gives safety instructions before the exam and monitors compliance with safe labor rules while students are working with laboratory equipment.

Laboratory equipment kits for performing laboratory work are formed in advance, before the exam. To prepare laboratory equipment, the PPE is informed one or two days before the exam of the numbers of equipment sets that will be used in the exam. The list of equipment sets for performing experimental tasks is compiled on the basis of standard sets for frontal work in physics, as well as on the basis of “GIA-laboratory” sets.

If there are no devices and materials in the PPE, the equipment can be replaced with similar ones with different characteristics. In order to ensure an objective assessment of the performance of laboratory work by OGE participants, in the event of replacement of equipment with a similar one with other characteristics, it is necessary to bring to the attention of PC experts who check the completion of tasks a description of the characteristics of the equipment actually used in the exam.

The head of the PPE/member of the State Examination Committee draws up an act on the replacement of equipment in free form, and the act is transferred along with the EM to the RCIO.

Tasks with RO are assessed by two experts taking into account the correctness and completeness of the answer.

OGE in literature

When completing tasks in both parts of the ER, the examinee has the right to use the full texts of literary works, as well as collections of lyrics.

Literary texts are not provided individually to each examinee. Examinees, as necessary, work with texts at separate tables on which the necessary books are located. When conducting an exam, it is necessary to prepare books in several copies for each audience (depending on the content). Books should be prepared in such a way that the examinee does not have the opportunity to work with commentaries and introductory articles to literary texts. The examiner must provide equal conditions of access to literary texts for all exam participants.