Personal exhibition in kindergarten. Presentation "Personal exhibition of a child as a form of joint activity of children, teacher and parents" How to arrange a personal exhibition in kindergarten

Every child is an artist.

The difficulty is to

remain an artist after leaving

from childhood

Pablo Picasso

One of the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education is to support the individuality and initiative of children. Therefore, the teachers of our preschool educational institution try to help each child self-realize; let him feel it, albeit small, but success, so that he feels confidence, strength and the desire to create. Personal exhibitions of children’s creativity help children discover themselves and notice their own “zest” in each.

Personal exhibition- This modern form work that brings together the efforts of the teacher, the student and his parents. A personal exhibition provides a presentation of the child’s achievements. And these are not only drawings, but also crafts, applications from different materials: from dried leaves, flowers, from plasticine, clay, colored dough, from natural material, waste material, paper and cardboard, fabric and thread, etc. The main purpose of exhibitions is to develop a child’s positive self-esteem and intrinsic motivation to achievements. Problems that it helps to solve this form work for child development:

  • Reveal yourself as an individual in the eyes of your peers.

  • Gain experience in presenting your achievements.

  • Acquire skills and abilities in building communication with peers and adults who are participants in the exhibition.

The exhibition is organized according to the approved group schedule at the beginning of each week of the school year and is valid for a week until replaced by new works. Teachers organize an exhibition in the group reception area. Drawings and applications selected for the exhibition are hung in specially and aesthetically designed frames, and crafts can be placed on special shelves or tables.

When arranging a personal exhibition, a photograph of the child is placed among children’s works, his name and surname are indicated.

On the first day of a personal exhibition, the teacher draws the children’s attention to the new exhibition and names the child’s first and last name – the author of the works. At a separately scheduled time, he conducts a tour of the exhibition, during which: the most successful, interesting, original works are noted. The child is encouraged for his existing successes and efforts. The teacher also gives his recommendations - wishes for subsequent creativity. Works from a personal exhibition are compiled in the student’s portfolio by the group’s teachers.

For parents, working on a personal exhibition helps them get to know their child better, his interests, tastes, gives him the opportunity to actively participate in his life, be able to empathize and see the growth of children (creative, intellectual, emotional).

For preschool teachers and specialists, a personal exhibition provides an opportunity to establish successful interaction with each other in order to develop common working methods.

For children, this is a good opportunity for self-expression and self-realization. A personal exhibition contributes to their emotional and sensory development and friendly attitude towards each other.

Sincerely, Zh.A. Tyutikova, senior teacher

The children's association "Working with Straws" was created in 1987 on the basis of the Children's Art House "Constellation" in the city of Sayansk. The team includes children from grades 1 to 11, and they are all united by creativity and passion for what they love.

Holding personal exhibitions has become a good tradition of the team since 1994. Personal exhibitions of the children's association were held in the Regional House of Friendship, in the Regional Center folk art and leisure, in the Regional Association of Folk Art Masters “ONICS”, regional SibExpoCenter, Novosibirsk, Zima.

Personal exhibitions of older children are called “Inspiration”. This is a holiday of Creativity, Beauty, Perfection. And for young craftswomen there are mini-exhibitions “I’m not a wizard, I’m just learning!” Creativity begins with them. Presented to your consideration is a personal exhibition of a tutor from a children's association who has been passionate about straws for eight years. The exhibition took place two years ago. Another one is planned for next year. Kristina is a multiple winner of municipal, city, regional exhibitions, competitions, scientific and industrial complexes. He generously shares his skills with children and adults in master classes.

The importance of personal exhibitions is very high. Sometimes at school you may not notice any of the child’s abilities, but in institutions additional education children open up and realize themselves as individuals! From the first days of meeting the team, children are interested in whether they will have their own exhibition. They still don’t know how to do much, but they have desire, strength, and that means a lot of new things. interesting works for everyone to enjoy.

The presented material can serve as an idea for working with children of any age, even if the child does not have much work to do yet. You can organize a personal exhibition not only of works of arts and crafts, but, for example, tests in mathematics, essays, diplomas, sports awards. This could be an exhibition of only girls or only boys, a class or a kindergarten group. Why not hold personal exhibitions of 1 “A” class or 1 “B” class! Children graduate primary school- how many achievements they have! Here's another reason to be happy for them!

The purpose of the personal exhibition: Motivation of a child’s personality for creative activity.


  • creating a situation of success;
  • development of a unique creative environment;
  • self-realization of personality;
  • expanding forms of interaction and integration with city schools.

Preliminary work:

  • script writing;
  • decor exhibition works, hall;
  • registration of announcements, invitations; inviting guests: children, parents, school teachers, etc.;
  • prepare booklets about the exhibition, letters of gratitude;
  • invite a photographer, cinematographer;
  • prepare attributes: flowers, sparklers, balls, crackers, albums, markers, paints and album sheet, ribbon, scissors.

Personal exhibition “Inspiration”

Article “Organization of personal exhibitions in the children’s association “Working with Straws” as a form of demonstrating the creative and aesthetic achievements of students.”

Scenario for a personal exhibition.

Nebogatina Tatyana Ivanovna, teacher of additional higher education qualification category, Municipal Educational Institution of Children's Education "House of Children's Creativity "Constellation", Sayansk, Irkutsk Region. Honorary worker general education RF. Laureate of the 2010 Governor of the Irkutsk Region Award for high achievements in pedagogical activity. Winner regional competition"Master Golden Hands" 2010. Teaching experience 35 years.

Rainbow of creativity

MADO "Kindergarten No. 56", Berezniki, Perm region

Personal exhibition of a child

as a form of joint activity of children, teachers and parents

Det sky garden no. 56

Prepared by: Atamanova Tatyana

Nikolaevna, higher education teacher

qualification category


“Every child is an artist.

The difficulty is to remain an artist beyond childhood.”

Pablo Picasso

Rainbow of creativity

Personal exhibition This

an effective form that creates conditions for the child’s versatile self-discovery, helping him develop his own potential.

Purpose of the event identifying the most gifted children and creating conditions for their self-realization.

Preparation for a personal exhibition,

we conditionally divided into four stages:

Kindergarten No. 56

Rainbow of creativity

First stage (preparatory)

  • Selection together with the child and his parents of drawings for the exhibition;
  • The definition of the topic is formulated taking into account the storylines of the selected works.

Kindergarten No. 56

Rainbow of creativity

Second stage (organizational)

  • Choosing a form for the child to present his drawings;
  • Selection of literary material

(if these are poems, then memorize them);

  • Decoration and placement of children's rooms creative works in the designated place;
  • Organization of space for comfortable viewing of the exhibition by children;
  • P selection of musical accompaniment.

Kindergarten No. 56

Rainbow of creativity

Third stage (presentation)

  • Introduction of the author and the theme of the exhibition;
  • Presentation by the child of his drawings;
  • The author's answers to questions from curious viewers (children and adults).

Kindergarten No. 56

Rainbow of creativity

Fourth stage (final)

  • Statements of the audience’s attitude towards the author’s works;
  • The child-author’s assessment of his pre d goals and, if desired, plans for the future in this type of activity;
  • Summarizing the child’s self-esteem and the children’s statements by the teacher (summarizing the results of the exhibition) and awarding a diploma to the participant of the personal exhibition ;
  • A child’s selection of drawings from an exhibition in a portfolio .

Kindergarten No. 56

Rainbow of creativity

Problems that it helps to solve

this form of work:

  • The child’s disclosure of himself as an individual in the eyes of his peers;
  • Gaining experience in presenting your achievements;
  • Acquiring skills and abilities in building communication with peers and adults who are participants in the exhibition;
  • Implementation of the child’s opportunity to become an equal subject in the formation of materials for his portfolio.

Kindergarten No. 56

Rainbow of creativity

Personal exhibition -

This is the point from which the child will take a step to achieve new goals.

For child spectators, this is an opportunity to see their friend from a different point of view, and for some, an incentive to try themselves in this type of activity.

Kindergarten No. 56

Rainbow of creativity

I will draw! I will draw Rejoicing in every drawing as if it were a miracle!

And at ten years old, and at seven, and at five All children love to draw. And everyone will boldly draw Everything that interests him. Everything is interesting: Far space, near forest, Flowers, cars, fairy tales, dancing... Let's draw everything! If only there were colors Yes, a sheet of paper is on the table, Yes, peace in the family and on Earth.

Kindergarten No. 56

Karina Bochkareva


Rainbow of creativity

I look at the drawing and proudly tell you:

“Meet my family. Dad, mom, brother and I are here."

Kindergarten No. 56

"Morning in the Family"

“My room after renovation”

Rainbow of creativity

On March 8th I will paint my mother’s portrait: My mom is a queen better than mom not in the world!

Kindergarten No. 56

"I am a little white snowdrop

I’ll bring it for mom”

“It’s good that you’re nearby, mom!”

"My mother is a queen"

Rainbow of creativity

You are smart, beautiful, friendly, kind, I really, really love that you are my sister!

Kindergarten No. 56

“The bunny was jumping through the forest, I was resting in the clearing"

Portrait of sister Nastya

Rainbow of creativity

“I need to get involved in sports, exercise every day, I need to train and not listen to laziness”

Kindergarten No. 56

"Brother Denis on skis"

"Figure skater"

Certificate of participation

6 All-Russian competition children's drawing"Vitamins for health"

Center for Identification and Support of Gifted Children and Talented Youth


"Vitamins for health"

“We will eat fruits - delicious products"

"He has excellent taste, His name is watermelon"

Rainbow of creativity

There is no more beautiful performance in theaters,

And it’s simply called ballet

Kindergarten No. 56

« Katya and I alerin s »

Portrait of Katya's friend

Rainbow of creativity

My Berezniki, green star, My land is birch and poplar!

Kindergarten No. 56

Construction "Bridge over the Kama"

Origami « Ship "Jung Kama"

Application “Birch Alley”

“Berezniki in autumn. My house"

"Autumn forest",

"Animals of our forest"

"City in the evening"

Rainbow of creativity

But the space tourist - The spacesuit is silver like the stars!

Kindergarten No. 56

"The whole family

on a space journey »

"Rocket flies to the moon"

Rainbow of creativity

Take care of your planet - After all, there is no other one like it!

Kindergarten No. 56

Ecological leaflet

“Feed the birds!”

"Dove of peace"

"The bullfinches have arrived"

City Winner environmental competition"Our merry Yeralash"

Topic “Ecology through the eyes of art” Nomination “Poster”


Vasilyeva T.N. How to develop and support a child’s giftedness Handbook of an educational psychologist. Kindergarten – 2016.

Afonkina Yu.A. Filatova O.V. Organization of work of preschool educational institutions with talented preschoolers. Publishing house "Teacher Volgograd" - 2016.

Skvortsova V. O. Intelligence + creativity: development of creative abilities of preschoolers Publishing house "Phoenix" - 2009.

Alekseeva N.V. Development of gifted children. Program, planning, lesson notes, psychological support Publisher: "Uchitel" - 2014.

Davydova G.N. Unconventional drawing techniques in kindergarten. Part 1. Publishing house "Scriptorium" - 2007.

Davydova G.N. “Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten” Part 2. Publishing house “Scriptorium” - 2013.”

MADO "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 67"


“Child’s personal exhibition”

Project type: Creative, individual.

Group name: willing children preparatory group.

Full name of teacher: teacher of visual arts.

Space: Art studio of kindergarten.

Launch date: March '20

Implementation deadlines: March-April of the academic year.

Relevance of the project.

Based on the order of the Ministry of the Russian Federation No. 000 dated January 1, 2001. V educational institutions mandatory creation of a children's portfolio has been introduced.

Preschooler's portfolio- this is a treasury of a child’s personal achievements in various activities, a treasury of his successes, a treasury of his positive emotions, an opportunity to relive the pleasant moments of his life once again.

By putting together a portfolio for a child, we can not only record his successes, but also track the dynamics and evaluate strengths its development, as well as outline the skills that require development.

In our kindergarten in its structure includes the following sections :

Title page

Get to know me

My family

Every word is golden

The native land is always nearby

Visiting a fairy tale

Romance of travel

I'm interested

Golden pens

The Edge of Talent

The section “The Facets of Talent” is of interest. Many children achieve significant success by participating in sports clubs, music and dance schools, various studios and children's creativity groups both within the walls of kindergartens and in additional education institutions. And some spend whole hours doing what they love at home. Of course, these types of activities should not be ignored. This section will help you closely monitor your child’s interest and record the results achieved.

For children who are passionate about artistic activities, the idea arose to hold personal exhibitions with their presentations.

This form of work arose from the following considerations:

Artistic and creative activity is one of the main activities of children preschool age, but at the same time its results are presented, as a rule, only in the form of exhibitions.

The degree of active participation of the child in presenting his artistic achievements is limited due to the complexity of this form of work for children of this age.

What does the presentation of a personal exhibition involve?

Presentation of a personal exhibition- this is a variety art exhibition, which involves introducing viewers to the works of one author, and accompanied by his comments.


Selected in preparation for the exhibition, based on the theme of the exhibition and the works selected by the child

Objective of the project:

Identify children who are passionate about artistic activities, show other children a possible form of presentation of their hobbies..

Problems that this form of work helps to solve:

The child’s disclosure of himself as an individual in the eyes of his peers.

Gaining experience in presenting your achievements.

Acquiring skills and abilities in building communication with peers and adults who are participants in the exhibition.

Implementation of the child’s opportunity to become an equal subject in the formation of materials for his portfolio.

Project participants:

Children of the preparatory group, parents, teachers: , visual arts teacher.

Conditions for the project:

The child’s interest in visual arts and the availability of his works.

The desire not only to show your achievements, but also to talk about them.

Interest on the part of parents and teachers in holding this event.

Availability of demonstration space in the kindergarten environment.

Expected Result:

Design of a child’s personal exhibition, joint selection of materials for presentation, independent presentation of drawings.

The desire of other children to present their achievements.

Types of children's and adult activities:

· Examination of the child’s works (drawings, applications, collages, crafts, etc.);

· Joint selection of works for the exhibition;

· Reading poems, fairy tales, short stories in order to select works of art suitable to reflect the content of the work;

· The child’s reasoning on the work done;

· Design of children's work;

· Placement of works in the art studio;

· Organizing an art studio space for children to view the exhibition;

· A child’s performance with a presentation of their work;

· Presentation of a certificate to the child

Stages of work on the project.





First stage (preparatory)

Selection of drawings for the exhibition together with the child and his parents

The choice of a general topic is formulated based on the topics of the selected works

Availability of a folder with selected works of the child

Group teachers.

Second stage (organizational)

Choosing a form for presenting your work

Selection of literary material (if these are poems, then memorize them)

Design and placement of children's works in the designated place

Organization of space for comfortable viewing of the exhibition by children

There may be a selection of musical accompaniment

Selected or invented materials (poems, fairy tales, descriptive stories etc.) to a story about each work.

Decorated and you

Art teacher, child and parents

Third stage (presentation)

Grand opening of the exhibition

Presentation by a child of his drawings

A child's story about his drawings.

Art teacher, child, teachers and children of the preparatory group.

Fourth stage (final)

Statements of the audience's attitude towards the author's works.

Generalization of the child’s self-esteem and the children’s statements by the teacher (summarizing the results of the exhibition).

Presentation of a diploma for a participant in a personal exhibition to replenish the treasury of his achievements (block “Faces of Talent”).

A child's selection of drawings from an exhibition for a portfolio.

A portfolio filled with drawings makes other children want to participate in the same event.

Art teacher, child and parents, group teachers

Personal exhibition - uh this is the point from which the child will take a step to achieve new goals.

For child spectators, this is an opportunity to see their friend from a different point of view, and for some, an incentive to try themselves in this type of activity.

This form of work has shown its effectiveness. This is a great opportunity for a child to show their achievements and hidden talents. In our kindergarten, every child has this opportunity for three years.

Presentation by Sonya Stebletsova

Two parrots sat on a branch.

"Hooray!" - they shouted, scaring someone.

They probably didn't want to scare anyone.

We just decided to have a little chat.

This is my room.

It contains mom and dad and only me is missing.

And there is no brother in the portrait,

But I love them more than anyone in the world.

How quiet it is all around

As soon as you hear the splash of water...

Take a closer look, my friend,

There are birds of wonderful beauty here.

If you believe in fairy tales,

Then look at these flowers.

The fairies met in them today,

They exchanged their magic.

You'll never find

In our northern forests

Long-tailed parrots,

Armored turtles.

And in sunny Brazil.

my Brazil

Such an abundance of unprecedented animals.

I painted a magical theater,

I wanted to portray an amazing dance...

Ballerinas try very hard

They're doing great.

And I worked too

That's why everything worked out for me.

Were put in a basket

Pineapples, oranges

Everyone is happy with the deliciousness.

Tili-tili dough

Cat and cat bride and groom...

You hear?

"Bitterly!" - they shout. It's a kitten wedding.

Look at this, guys.

How kittens play here.

Like balls rolling around in balls,

They cling to the claws.

I like the sun

I like the spring

I like the birds

That twitter and sing

The sky is gloomy with snow,

Winter has passed for a long time,

But there is one on our street

Magic window.

Summer colors in winter

In the window you will see -

Alive, colorful,

Singing flowers.

Autumn left us gifts.

The still life turned out bright.

The apples are burning red

Catching our gaze

The leaves began to spin quietly

They smoothly lowered themselves onto the table.

Olesya Smolentseva

Met at the bench

Nice couple.

A cat named Vasily

The most fashionable and beautiful.

Murka the cat dressed up

(I was in a hurry to go on a date.)

Oh, how Vasya likes it

Murochka is a beauty!

In a clearing at a flower bed

Flowers gathered in a circle.

They'll chat, laugh,

Let's join hands together:

Here is a chamomile - a white shirt,

Cornflower - carved petal,

Forget-me-not is a cute little thing.

One two three four five -

Cars go so fast

On the road, only the tires rustle.

To cross the road

There should be a traffic light along the way.

Green - will show you the way,

Yellow - will tell you about danger,

Red will firmly say: “No!”

And don't argue back, guys.

Silence in the forest in winter:

And the branches don't move,

The squirrel doesn't run home

And the moose are in no hurry.

The bear sleeps in a warm den,

The foxes hid in holes.

This is a night with a white moon

IN winter forest got obsessed.

The hedgehog ran through the forest,

Yes, I met someone.

He slowed down slightly

And he laid out the needles.

Guess, my friends,

Who did the hedgehog meet in the forest?

A fish swims on the water,

And he calls all his girlfriends:

Chat, dance.

Hide and seek is fun to play.

Only silence in response.

Maybe there is no one else at sea?

The bird flew into the sky

I slightly touched the grass.

The flock will wait for the bird,

And then fly south!

He juggles balls

Having fun with us.

Who can guess it?

And give me the answer soon!

Two lambs in the morning

first we played around,

And then we didn’t get along

and immediately got naked.

Nastya is standing here with flowers.

You can see this for yourself.

This girl is my friend

I will tell all my friends about her.

The leaves were filled with sunshine,

The leaves are soaked in the sun,

Filled up, heavy,

Sweated and flew,

They rustled through the bushes,

We jumped on the branches.

The wind swirls gold,

It makes noise like golden rain.

Olya Slepova

Blue country, wonderful country,

I can see it from edge to edge.

In it the butterfly will open its wings

And it will bring a cold winter with it.

You can hear laughter in the circus again,

Clown Vova performs!

Will lift everyone's spirits

Stress and fatigue will be quickly relieved.

These letters are not simple,

These letters are naughty!

A little name was hidden in them, guess what?

When you guess right, give me the answer quickly!

There are vines hanging from the trees,

Different monkeys live in the jungle,

Large, gray elephants roam...

Sometimes I have dreams like this.

Pink sunshine

At dawn it rose

At noon it turned scarlet

It was shining in the sky

Crimson tired

It fell behind the woods.

Again Autumn dances around.

Soon, very soon it will be cold.

While the leaves are turning yellow,

Autumn painted them with a brush.

I chose a brighter color

And I checked it on the leaves.

Large animal footprint pressed in

Into the pulp of yellow sand.

Through the yellow lush desert

The camel came from afar.

There is a wonderful miracle in this world.

Adults and, of course, children know about it.

The northern sky will bloom with flowers...

Admire it, smile with us.

As soon as the sun rises,

The mother hare immediately gets up.

Cooking porridge on a fire

To your bunnies and a little to me.

Quietly the candle melts,

And I really like it.

If you make a wish,

Then, probably, someone will perform it.

The fur coat is white

Dressed the whole world

What time of year is this?


This is a cool car

This is a red car.

Transports goods

And he doesn't ask for help.

Picking flowers is easy and simple

Small children

But to the one who is so tall,

It's not easy to pick a flower!

"Jerzy Jerzowicz"

All day Jerzy Jezowicz

Collect fruits and vegetables.

Plums, Apples and Pears

They dry on stumps and hummocks,

Cucumbers and tomatoes

Carefully carried into the holes...

They know if there is food

The cold is not scary either.


In the sky above the dunes,

Yellow, sandy,

The sun is like a yolk.

And during an “emergency” landing

You boldly show your paws.

This house is from the letter D,

You won't find this anywhere else.

My friends can live in it

Dad, mom and of course me.

Who's that crawling

And is he carrying the house?

Yes! It's a snail!

Crawling, carrying the house,

And he smiles too!

Three bears returned home from a walk.
Mom to son: - Wash your hands before eating.
Dad to mom: - There’s an empty plate.
Son to dad: - Mine also shines at the bottom.
Son to mother: - Who ate from my plate?
Now I’ll scream at the top of my lungs!
Mom, her eyes flashing menacingly: - Shut up!
I haven’t served anyone porridge yet.

My sea is rustling in a shell,
And I remember him!
I remember freckles on the waves -
The grains of sand sparkled with fire!

There are goosebumps in the forest
They live by their labor
They have their own customs
And an anthill-house.
Peace-loving residents
They don't sit idle:
In the morning, soldiers are running to the post,
And nannies in kindergarten.
Worker ant is in a hurry
The labor path,
From morning to evening it rustles
In the grass and under the leaves.

WITH January 22, 2018 opened in our kindergarten exhibition of workspupil of group No. 24 “Friendly Family”Dima Bordachev "The world through the eyes of a child" .

Dima is a very creative, active, inquisitive child. He has many interesting hobbies, but Dima's favorite pastime is drawing. Dima prefers pencils in his work, although he does well in drawings with watercolors and gouache.

The boy chooses a variety of themes for his “canvases”: fairy tales,


holiday events.

Dima comes up with the subjects of his drawings himself! He is ready to talk about almost every job most interesting story, which both children and adults enjoy listening to.

Dima is a participant in many competitions. Last year he became a prize-winner of the international competition “St. Gabriel through the eyes of a preschooler,” held in the city of Bialystok (Poland).

We sincerely congratulate our Dima on his first personal exhibition and hope that it will have a great continuation!

Are you unable to visit this exhibition? Don't be upset. We invite everyone to