Letter to the rector about cooperation. Letter with a proposal for cooperation. General rules for writing a proposal

You don’t need to be a lawyer to understand: all transactions begin with a proposal, or an offer, as it is scientifically called. An offer is an offer to conclude an agreement on certain conditions, usually drawn up in writing. Sample letter of cooperation - a work of business art, because the fate of the transaction often depends on the results of its consideration. In the current realities, a certain type of offer was born - a sample official letter about cooperation: it combines elements of a business document, advertising offer and descriptions of goods, work, services.

A good headline is half the battle done

A well-written business proposal is the first step to long-term cooperation, so let your text turn into a letter sample.

Your addressee reads dozens of offers of cooperation every day. How to distinguish yours from this gray mass? The title will help you. Keep it concise and get to the point. The headline can be traditional and business-like: “Proposal for cooperation,” or it can be attention-grabbing: “You need to know about this!” or “Where are customers going?”

A traditional headline is more reliable if you have a poor understanding of the character and preferences of the recipient. If a potential partner is looking for new opportunities and fresh ideas, feel free to use the second option.

What must be included in the letter

A sample letter of cooperation is the first thing a potential partner learns about you: that is why it is so important to reflect in it everything essential and not to write too much. Try to include the following sections in your letter:

  • details of the recipient and sender;
  • address, greeting;
  • performance;
  • the essence of the business proposal;
  • formulas for expressing politeness;
  • signature and contact details.

Be sure not only to personally contact the recipient, but also to introduce yourself, by name, indicating your position or In the proposal, focus on the benefits that the recipient will receive, and not you. Turn on short description goods, work, services, better for easier perception. Indicate your willingness to cooperate and discuss partnership terms. If you expect some action from the recipient, mention this: “Call!”, “Order!”, “Write!” The letter must end with your signature with details and contact information so that the recipient can contact you “in one click.”

If you are not sure of your capabilities, use the sample business letter about cooperation given below.

What should not be in a letter

The proposal for cooperation is designed primarily to establish business contact with a partner. Remember what usually repels you when you first meet? Obsessiveness, excess information about oneself, rudeness. A person you don’t know doesn’t inspire confidence; topics that are not relevant to you won’t interest you either.

The same rules apply offline, so check your email before sending. Here are 5 main mistakes:

  1. Excess information about yourself and your company. Indicate only the essentials related to the business proposal.
  2. Vague wording and verbosity. It's tiring. Write concisely and to the point. If possible, avoid participial phrases.
  3. Blurred sentences and phrases. Eliminate double interpretation of your statements or possible subtext. Make your sentences as clear as possible.
  4. Links to other resources, sources for obtaining information about you. The recipient will not waste his time and effort on a stranger.
  5. Eliminate the passive voice. Phrases like “he will be given”, “they will be able to have” alienate you from a potential partner. Write about your interlocutor in the first person - “you receive”, “you gain”.

Required details

When a stranger shows you a passport or ID, he involuntarily inspires trust and wins you over. The details in the letter play the role of that same passport. A serious partner who hears about you for the first time will be able to check your reliability and solidity, status, and field of activity using your details. This will greatly increase your chances of success and guarantee initial trust between you.

It is advisable to include the following information in the sample letter of cooperation:

  • your last name, first name and patronymic;
  • job title;
  • Company name;
  • legal and actual address;
  • email address;
  • contact numbers, fax, skype, website address;
  • full position, last name, first name and patronymic of the addressee;
  • name of the recipient company;
  • postal address to which the letter is sent.

Modern correspondence takes place mainly in electronic format, therefore, reflect your contact information as fully as possible on your personal or email website.

If the letter is printed on paper, be sure to indicate the index - save your addressee from additional efforts to find this data.

Display the phone number with international codes - this will simplify and speed up communications with the recipient.

If you are writing on behalf of a company, then fill out the proposal on official letterhead and staple your business card.

What is the best form to write in?

There are no approved standards; write in free form, while being guided by etiquette standards and accepted business customs. When choosing a style and structure of presentation, be guided by a sample letter of cooperation.

If your addressee, then write, addressing him by name, using the pronoun “You”. If the letter is to a company representative, then indicate this. Mention the regalia, position, title of a high-ranking addressee - this will add points to you and give you credibility.

Sample letter of cooperation to supplier

Below is an example of a cooperation letter addressed to a router supplier.

Good afternoon, Alexander!
My name is Artyom Shirokov, I self employed in Zhitomir, area of ​​interest - computer technology. I am writing to you with an offer of cooperation on the sale of routers.

I learned about your company from a representative of the company "K". The products presented on your website interested me.

About myself: I have been an official representative of company “A” for 5 years, and I am planning to expand the scope of my activities. I have practical experience in searching for Internet equipment, I am confident in computer and Internet equipment. I am confident that the demand for the products presented on your website will grow.

What is your benefit: partnership with me guarantees wholesale purchases of your products, high level sales and timely payments. I am committed to long-term cooperation based on mutual trust and benefit. I am ready to consider your options for interaction.

I am ready to provide additional information and answer your questions if necessary.

I hope to hear from you soon.


Artyom Shirokov
Mobile +38050700 00 00

e-mail: [email protected]

website: ***artem_shirokov.som.

Finalize the proposed layout and prepare your own sample letter. Offers of cooperation are an effective means of promoting a business, do not neglect them!

Must be written business letter? First of all, think about ultimate goal, what you need to achieve: increase sales, push the client to pay, propose your candidacy as a dealer, write a letter of complaint, congratulations, condolences, invitation, etc. Based on the desired result, the structure of the letter is worked out.

Basics of conducting business correspondence

When writing letters, be guided by formal business style, sentences should be clear and concise. Convey the essence of the issue without digression, use standard phrases that do not contradict the etiquette of business correspondence. The description should be simple, neutral, without florid turns of phrase or emotional manifestations. And always remember the rules of spelling and punctuation.

Business letter compiled on one topic, or on several similar in meaning. Do you need to contact the same company with different offers? Write a few letters. It will not take long to receive an answer, since according to the rules of business correspondence, the manager responds to every letter, except for introductory ones. Accordingly, you should respond without delay, writing down your answers clearly and clearly. Delay in response is equivalent to non-cooperation.

Letter structure

Depending on the tasks, you can use the following treatment options:

  • “Dear Mr. Borshchevsky!” — an official appeal that sets the framework for communication;
  • “Dear Valentina Innokentievna!” - less distanced appeal of an official nature;
  • "Dear Sirs!" - written in case of collective appeal.

The text is divided into blocks, each of them carries its own semantic load:

  1. At the beginning there is an explanation: the reasons and purposes of writing the letter are described.
  2. The next block contains a sentence based on the essence described above. From your point of view, a solution to the problem is proposed, a request or proposal is described, and recommendations are given.
  3. The final block consists of a brief summary of the results. You summarize “we hope that...”, “we are confident...”.

How to write a letter of cooperation

One of the common types of letters is an offer of cooperation to a potential partner, in other words, a commercial proposal in which the purchase or sale of a product or service may be proposed. Used to approach an attractive company with an offer. about cooperation. How to write a document competently and effectively?

The description includes information about the company, its activities, and, most importantly, the benefits of cooperation with you. Details are indicated at the end or beginning of the text and are presented separately (for example, in the form of a “header”). According to the standards, it is necessary to indicate the name of the enterprise and information about it. It is important to note the artist, date and signature.

When creating a document, be guided by the following division:

  1. Description of the company - briefly explain what your organization does, thereby you will place mutually beneficial accents.
  2. Main text - specifically and clearly describe the purpose of the appeal, indicate the advantages of working with you, tell us about the capabilities of your organization. Leave the discussion of details for a personal meeting, the main task this block - to arouse interest in you and a desire to cooperate.
  3. Conditions - describe a number of actions required from the partner company to get started collaboration, what would you like them to do.

Business texts are not just a set of template and stereotypical phrases. When creating a commercial proposal, you need to be responsible for every word. Each text is written in its own individual sound, indicating the necessary nuances and features.

The structure is not mandatory; you can vary the form and text content as you like, as long as the alterations bring results. It is always worth remembering literacy and concise presentation of information. Let only the necessary and interesting catch your eye.

Proposal for cooperation - sample letter

For a clearer understanding, it is suggested to study an example of a letter of cooperation.

Dear partner!

Our organization is engaged in the production of standard and individual metal structures for further use in machine tool building, mechanical engineering, construction industry, in industrial production enterprises.

High precision of execution and efficiency are the principles of our work.

Our services:

  • Development of drawings and design documentation;
  • Modular design, including the entire cycle of work;
  • Certain types of metal processing (bending, welding, cutting, painting).

We focus on results and guarantee high-quality order fulfillment. Do you need a large series of products? Welcome to price list wholesale prices! Do you need to make a one-piece copy? Loyal value guaranteed. The price of one product on the metalworking market starts from 20 rubles, our threshold is from 10 rubles. Save wisely.

We will be glad to consider your proposals for mutually beneficial cooperation!


Representative office of the Metal company in Pyatigorsk:

Sidorova P.P.

Tel. 8-800-000-000

Remember that you need to “hook” a potential partner, to please him enough to schedule a personal meeting.

How to write a business letter

The text is printed on letterhead, which is designed in a general style and contains the following information: legal form, name, address, telephone numbers. The form may also contain the organization’s logo, e-mail, website - at your discretion. Writing a business text on corporate letterhead indicates the wealth and solidity of the company, being an example of the saying “you meet people by their clothes.”

The letter is printed in a regulated format - the left indent must be at least 3 cm, the right indent must be at least 1.5 cm, the font used Times New Roman, size 12, single line spacing. If there is more than one sheet in the letter, numbering is drawn from the second from the top in the center. If there are attachments, each is numbered; at the end of the letter a complete list with the name of each is indicated.

In the upper right corner, information about the recipient is indicated: the name of the company to whom the letter is addressed (position, full name). The text is aligned to the left, indicating the date and registration number of outgoing correspondence. If the document is being written in response, you must add which letter you are responding to.

Commercial offer text – business card enterprises. It’s not always possible to create a thoughtful and “catchy” description yourself. Can't place the right accents? Business letter to order will help you attract the organizations you need - professionals get down to business! Get a sample, use it, change it, and use it again!

Write in the comments what else you would like to know about letters of cooperation. We strive to become better and more useful for you.

2016, . All rights reserved.

How to write a business letter about cooperation so that it is opened, read carefully and responded to? The goal of any business letter is to generate interest. Therefore, it is very important to present your idea and proposal clearly and clearly.

There are 3 components of success in writing a business letter.

  1. The offer must be relevant for the addressee.
  2. The letter must be written formally, but living language, without bureaucracy and florid expressions.
  3. The text of the letter should be well structured.

If the letter does not correspond to at least one of the listed points, then, as a rule, the addressee loses interest in it from the first lines and does not finish reading it.

Image source https://pixabay.com/.

Based on our practice, we will highlight several important rules that will help you write a competent letter of offer of cooperation.

1. Rule of address

Incorrect: “Ugh. deputy director!

Correct: “Hello, Sergei Ivanovich!”

It is necessary to clearly know to whom you are sending a letter of cooperation: the addressee’s position, his area of ​​competence and, of course, his name. Abbreviations should be avoided: “Mr.” and other “uv.” deputy directors." Therefore, writing a business letter should begin with a respectful personal address.

2. Rule of the first paragraph

Incorrect: “We are a young, dynamically developing company “X” that offers the best...”

Correct: “My name is Ivan, I represent company X.” I offer profitable cooperation, the essence of which is...”

The main mistake of business letters is praising yourself and your company from the very first paragraph. The first reaction to such an offer letter is to close it and not waste time reading the set of stamps. Therefore, in the first paragraph it is better to briefly introduce yourself and immediately move on to the essence of the proposal.

3. Exclusivity rule

Incorrect: “We send proposals to equipment manufacturing companies...”

Correct: “We met with representatives of your company at a professional exhibition...”

4. Argumentation rule

Incorrect: “Only we have the best prices and a large selection...”

True: “So that you can make a decision on cooperation, we will give several arguments in favor of our proposal.”

Instead of general phrases, it is better to provide clear and convincing facts why your offer is the best.

5. Feedback rule

Incorrect: “If you are interested in the offer, please call us back c 9 to 6..."

That’s right: “I’ll wait for an answer! Best regards, Ivan, X company. Mobile phone: 8-029-566...”

At the end of the letter of cooperation, it is important to clearly formulate what you expect from your potential partner: call, respond, order, etc. At the same time, you should avoid directive phrases or, on the contrary, expressions that demonstrate uncertainty in your cooperation. Finally, be sure to include your contact information.

These are just the basic rules for writing a proper business letter. Of course you can use ready-made samples presented on the Internet. But they are betrayed by their stereotypedness and impersonality. Therefore, it is better to write a business letter about cooperation yourself.

Having difficulty trying to pick up true words for a business letter? Contact Protext specialists - we will compose letters of cooperation that will work for you!

I constantly receive emails with various offers of cooperation. But half of them do not even open, the second half is subjected to severe criticism. And only a small part (maybe every twentieth or thirtieth letter) achieves its goal and brings some fruits of cooperation.

I will try to give you the correct one.

So let's look at an example of a typical collaboration email that periodically clogs my inbox. As a rule, such a letter begins with the following words:

- Good afternoon.

Mistake #1. Or WHERE IS MY NAME???

Remember, this is very, very important, be sure to write in each letter the NAME of the person to whom this letter is intended. The absence of a name in cooperation letters is the first sign of a pattern. And templates, as we know, don’t work, they’re just annoying!

Example of correct address:

Hello Dmitry!
- Good afternoon, Tatyana.
- Greetings, Kirill

Mistake #2. Or I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU!!!

My name is [XXX]. I represent the publishing house [XXX]
- My name is [ХХХ], I am the partnership development manager of the company [ХХХ]
- My name is [XXX], I represent the company...

Remember, by nature it is more pleasant and interesting for us to discuss ourselves, solve our issues, and not listen to stories about what a wonderful company you are!

How first paragraph rule? In which you must, no - simply must, hook the reader?

I don’t argue that you need to introduce yourself in the letter so that you can have an idea of ​​who sent the letter in the first place. But this should NOT be indicated in the FIRST paragraph. The first paragraph is only to interest the reader and encourage him to read the letter of cooperation in its entirety. Role model – selling articles. Letters must follow the same rules.

Mistake #3. Or why do letters of invitation to cooperation need design?

If a letter contains design elements, it immediately goes into the trash bin. I don’t understand why design is needed in letters of invitation to cooperation? This is neither a website, nor a booklet, nor a leaflet - it is a LETTER.

Design elements immediately reveal that the letter is a template, which means it was sent to hundreds, and maybe thousands of other people. Disgust immediately arises because you feel the insincerity of this letter. You begin to perceive all the written words differently, as if you know that everything written is exactly as deceitful and fake as this design. And all because there is no individual approach. Many clients are ready to almost “sell their soul” for an individual approach.

*Please do not confuse design elements and formatting. The second is exactly what is needed in letters.

**An example of a letter with a design can be found in your email in the SPAM folder.

Mistake #4. The entire letter is a solid template.

95% of letters inviting cooperation are a banal template that is written in violation of all possible marketing and copywriting rules. These letters are constantly humming, they are saturated from head to toe with their stereotypes and do not represent any value for the addressees. Strict business style writing, strict boundaries, complete absence of emotions - and how can one hope for successful cooperation with such a set? I don't understand…

You can find an example of such a cooperation letter in your mailbox, I’m sure they are no different.

Now, using the material in this article, try to compose your own. This is to practice your article writing skills. After all, letters are easier to write than articles. In addition, I advise you to read about how to properly write a thank you letter for cooperation.

A letter of offer of cooperation is a business document. This letter is sometimes called commercial offer, since in it partners receive information about the terms of cooperation and can evaluate the benefits of such relationships for themselves within the framework of the proposed partnership.

Even if the proposal for cooperation was received and considered positively by potential partners, Business Etiquette requires documentary evidence of this decision. In this case, do not confuse confirmation with an agreement, which is drawn up in the form of a corresponding contract.

It is recommended to write a letter proposing cooperation even if the overall details of the work were discussed over the phone or in person. And despite the fact that legal force the document does not have, it can be considered a full-fledged official proposal.

How to write a letter of proposal for cooperation

To draw up the document, you can use the proposed sample letter of proposal for cooperation, which takes into account all the requirements and features, but you are not required to strictly adhere to a certain form. To draw up this document, it is best to use it, where all the necessary details are indicated. In addition, this will give it some significance and importance.

The main thing is to draw up a document according to the generally accepted rules in such cases:

  1. The title of the document is not a required attribute - instead, immediately begin the letter with an address to the addressee.
  2. The first paragraph should introduce your company and business so that the recipient can see that you have something useful to offer. This introduction determines whether the addressee will read the letter further. For example, if you send out an offer to many potential partners for the supply of fresh fruit, and the recipient company specializes in selling computers, the recipient will understand from the very first lines that your offer is not for him.
  3. In the first paragraph, include the name of your organization or company.
  4. If, before writing the letter, you had already communicated with a representative of the recipient company and discussed some details, it is appropriate to remind you of this in the second paragraph. For example, like this: “We have already talked about the possibilities of supplying our components, and we have considered your wishes regarding receiving discounts. As a result, we are ready to offer the following...”
  5. The previous paragraph smoothly flows into the next, where specific conditions, numbers, terms and names will be described. For easier reading, this part of the letter can be formatted in the form of a list, and its points should contain the most complete information, but without unnecessary details that confuse the reader.
  6. Finally, you can write a few formal farewell phrases, for example, “we hope for a long and fruitful cooperation” or “we will be glad to see you as our clients.”
  7. If you are writing a letter of appeal, a template of a universal type should not be used for all partners. The only thing that can and should be template is your details and contact information, which are indicated at the end of the letter.

Nuances and features of the document

The very first requirement for such a letter is to be literate. If such a document contains obvious errors, the recipient may doubt your competence or decide that a person who cannot write a letter correctly cannot be a serious partner. Using short and concise phrases and sentences always helps to avoid mistakes. You should not overload the letter with beautiful phrases, because the recipient will not appreciate your style, but will want to receive accurate and truthful information.

The size of the letter should not be very large, but at the same time, a short sentence may look like an uninformative unsubscribe. The optimal size is half or three quarters of an A4 sheet.

If you are using a sample to write a document such as a letter of cooperation standard view- This is not good. When drawing up such a document, you need to show that you are interested in communicating with the recipient and are aware of him. In particular, try to use the opportunity to mention the name of the partner company in the text and use some information about this organization that you know.

For example, the following phrase is appropriate: “We know that since last year your company has been working not only in Moscow, but also with the Southern regions, which allows us to talk about your increase in purchases. We are ready to supply you with products in the quantities you need.”