Outline of a reading lesson (grade 4) on the topic: Literary reading lesson M. Prishvin “Inventor”. Literature lesson "M. M. Prishvin - Inventor"

In one swamp, on a hummock under a willow, wild mallard ducklings hatched. Soon after this, their mother led them to the lake along a cow path. I noticed them from a distance, hid behind a tree, and the ducklings came right to my feet. I took three of them into my care, the remaining sixteen went further along the cow path.

I kept these black ducklings with me, and they soon all turned gray. Then a handsome multi-colored drake and two ducks, Dusya and Musya, emerged from the gray ones. We clipped their wings so they wouldn’t fly away, and they lived in our yard along with poultry: we had chickens and geese.

With the onset of a new spring, we made hummocks for our savages out of all sorts of rubbish in the basement, like in a swamp, and nests on them. Dusya laid sixteen eggs in her nest and began to hatch the ducklings. Musya put down fourteen, but didn’t want to sit on them. No matter how we fought, the empty head did not want to be a mother.

And we planted our important black hen, the Queen of Spades, on duck eggs.

The time has come, our ducklings have hatched. We kept them warm in the kitchen for a while, crumbled eggs for them, and looked after them.

A few days later, very good, warm weather arrived, and Dusya took her little ones to the pond, and the Queen of Spades took hers to the garden to get worms.

- Hang down! - ducklings in the pond.

- Quack-quack! - the duck answers them.

- Hang down! — ducklings in the garden.

- Kwok-kwok! - the chicken answers them.

The ducklings, of course, cannot understand what “kwoh-kwoh” means, but what is heard from the pond is well known to them.

“Svis-svis” means: “friends to friends.”

And “quack-quack” means: “you are ducks, you are mallards, swim quickly!”

And they, of course, look there, towards the pond.

- Ours to ours!

- Swim, swim!

And they float.

- Kwok-kwok! — an important hen on the shore insists. They keep swimming and swimming. They whistled, swam together, and Dusya joyfully accepted them into her family; According to Musa, they were her own nephews.

All day long a large duck family swam on the pond, and all day the Queen of Spades, fluffy, angry, clucked, grumbled, kicked worms on the shore, tried to attract ducklings with worms and clucked to them that there were too many worms, so good worms!

- Rubbish, rubbish! - the mallard answered her.

And in the evening she led all her ducklings with one long rope along a dry path. They passed under the very nose of the important bird, black, with large duck-like noses; no one even looked at such a mother.

We collected them all in one high basket and left them to spend the night in the warm kitchen near the stove.

In the morning, when we were still sleeping, Dusya crawled out of the basket, walked around the floor, screamed, and called the ducklings to her. The whistlers answered her cry in thirty voices.

The walls of our house, made of ringing pine forest, responded to the duck cry in their own way. And yet, in this confusion, we heard the separate voice of one duckling.

- Do you hear? - I asked my guys. They listened.

- We hear! - they shouted. And we went to the kitchen.

There, it turned out, Dusya was not alone on the floor. One duckling was running next to her, very worried and whistling continuously. This duckling, like all the others, was the size of a small cucumber. How could such and such a warrior climb over the wall of a basket thirty centimeters high?

We began to guess about this, and then a new question arose: did the duckling himself come up with some way to get out of the basket after his mother, or did she accidentally touch him with her wing and throw him out? I tied this duckling's leg with a ribbon and released it into the general herd.

We slept through the night, and in the morning, as soon as the morning duck cry was heard in the house, we went into the kitchen.

A duckling with a bandaged paw was running on the floor with Dusya.

All the ducklings, imprisoned in the basket, whistled, were eager to be free and could not do anything. This one got out.

I said:

- He came up with something.

- He's an inventor! - Leva shouted.

Then I decided to see how this “inventor” solved the most difficult task: Climb up a sheer wall on your duck webbed feet. I got up the next morning before light, when both my boys and ducklings were fast asleep. In the kitchen, I sat down near the switch so that, when necessary, I could turn on the light and look at the events in the depths of the basket.

And then the window turned white. It was getting light.

- Quack-quack! - said Dusya.

- Hang down! - answered the only duckling. And everything froze. The boys slept, the ducklings slept. A beep sounded in the factory. The light has increased.

- Quack-quack! - Dusya repeated.

No one answered. I realized: the “inventor” has no time now - now, probably, he is solving his most difficult problem. And I turned on the light.

Well, that's how I knew it! The duck had not yet stood up, and its head was still level with the edge of the basket. All the ducklings slept warmly under their mother, only one, with a bandaged paw, crawled out and climbed up the mother’s feathers, like bricks, onto her back. When Dusya stood up, she raised it high, level with the edge of the basket. The duckling, like a mouse, ran along her back to the edge - and somersaulted down! Following him, the mother also fell to the floor, and the usual morning chaos began: screaming, whistling throughout the house.

About two days after that, in the morning, three ducklings appeared on the floor at once, then five, and it went on and on: as soon as Dusya quacked in the morning, all the ducklings would land on her back and then fall down.

And my children called the first duckling, who paved the way for others, the Inventor.

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Mikhail Prishvin


In one swamp, on a hummock under a willow, wild mallard ducklings hatched. Soon after this, their mother led them to the lake along a cow path. I noticed them from a distance, hid behind a tree, and the ducklings came right to my feet. I took three of them into my care, the remaining sixteen went further along the cow path.

I kept these black ducklings with me, and they soon all turned gray. Then a handsome multi-colored drake and two ducks, Dusya and Musya, emerged from the gray ones. We clipped their wings so they wouldn’t fly away, and they lived in our yard along with poultry: we had chickens and geese.

With the onset of a new spring, we made hummocks for our savages out of all sorts of rubbish in the basement, like in a swamp, and nests on them. Dusya laid sixteen eggs in her nest and began to hatch the ducklings. Musya put down fourteen, but didn’t want to sit on them. No matter how we fought, the empty head did not want to be a mother.

And we planted our important black hen, the Queen of Spades, on duck eggs.

The time has come, our ducklings have hatched. We kept them warm in the kitchen for a while, crumbled eggs for them, and looked after them.

A few days later, very good, warm weather arrived, and Dusya took her little ones to the pond, and the Queen of Spades took hers to the garden to get worms.

Hang out! - ducklings in the pond.

Crack-crack! - the duck answers them.

Hang out! - ducklings in the garden.

Kwok-kwok! - the chicken answers them.

The ducklings, of course, cannot understand what “kwoh-kwoh” means, but what is heard from the pond is well known to them.

“Svis-svis” means: “friends to friends.”

And “quack-quack” means: “you are ducks, you are mallards, swim quickly!”

And they, of course, look there towards the pond.

Ours to ours!

Swim, swim!

And they float.

Kwok-kwok! - the important hen on the shore rests.

They keep swimming and swimming. They whistled, swam together, and Dusya joyfully accepted them into her family; According to Musa, they were her own nephews.

All day long a large duck family swam on the pond, and all day the Queen of Spades, fluffy, angry, clucked, grumbled, kicked worms on the shore, tried to attract the ducklings with worms and clucked to them that there were so many worms, so good worms!

Rubbish, rubbish! - the mallard answered her.

And in the evening she led all her ducklings with one long rope along a dry path. They passed under the very nose of the important bird, dark-skinned, with large duck-like noses; no one even looked at such a mother.

We collected them all in one high basket and left them to spend the night in the warm kitchen near the stove.

In the morning, when we were still sleeping, Dusya crawled out of the basket, walked around the floor, screamed, and called the ducklings to her. The whistlers answered her cry in thirty voices.

The walls of our house, made of a ringing pine forest, responded in their own way to the duck cry. And yet, in this chaos, we heard the voice of one duckling separately.

Do you hear? - I asked my guys. They listened.

We hear! - they shouted.

And we went to the kitchen.

There, it turned out, Dusya was not alone on the floor. One duckling was running next to her, very worried and whistling continuously. This duckling, like all the others, was the size of a small cucumber. How could such and such a warrior climb over the wall of a basket thirty centimeters high?

We began to guess about this, and then a new question arose: did the duckling himself come up with some way to get out of the basket after his mother, or did she accidentally touch him with her wing and throw him out? I tied this duckling's leg with a ribbon and released it into the general herd.

We slept through the night, and in the morning, as soon as the morning duck cry was heard in the house, we went into the kitchen.

A duckling with a bandaged paw was running on the floor with Dusya.

All the ducklings, imprisoned in the basket, whistled, were eager to be free and could not do anything. This one got out. I said:

He came up with something.

He's an inventor! - Leva shouted.

Then I decided to see how this “inventor” solved the most difficult problem: to climb a steep wall on his duck webbed feet. I got up the next morning before light, when both my boys and ducklings were fast asleep. In the kitchen, I sat down near the switch so that, when necessary, I could immediately turn on the light and look at the events in the depths of the basket,

And then the window turned white. It was getting light.

Crack-crack! - said Dusya.

Hang out! - answered the only duckling. And everything froze. The boys slept, the ducklings slept. A beep sounded in the factory. The light has increased.

Crack-crack! - Dusya repeated.

No one answered. I realized: the “inventor” has no time now - now, probably, he is solving his most difficult problem. And I turned on the light.

Well, that's how I knew it! The duck had not yet stood up, and its head was still level with the edge of the basket. All the ducklings slept warmly under their mother, only one, with a bandaged paw, crawled out and climbed up the mother’s feathers, like bricks, onto her back. When Dusya stood up, she raised it high, level with the edge of the basket. The duckling, like a mouse, ran along her back to the edge - and somersaulted down! Following him, the mother also fell to the floor, and the usual morning chaos began: screaming, whistling throughout the house.

About two days after that, in the morning, three ducklings appeared on the floor at once, then five, and it went on and on: as soon as Dusya quacked in the morning, all the ducklings would land on her back and then fall down.

And my children called the first duckling, who paved the way for others, the Inventor.

M. Prishvin

In one swamp, on a hummock under a willow, wild mallard ducklings hatched. Soon after this, their mother led them to the lake along a cow path. I noticed them from a distance, hid behind a tree, and the ducklings came right to my feet. I took three of them into my care, the remaining sixteen went further along the cow path.
I kept these black ducklings with me, and they soon all turned gray. Then a handsome multi-colored drake and two ducks, Dusya and Musya, emerged from the gray ones. We clipped their wings so they wouldn’t fly away, and they lived in our yard along with poultry: we had chickens and geese.
With the onset of a new spring, we made hummocks for our savages out of all sorts of rubbish in the basement, like in a swamp, and on them Dusya laid sixteen eggs in her nest and began to hatch ducklings. Musya laid fourteen, but did not want to sit on them. No matter how we fought, the empty head did not want to be a mother.
And we planted our important black hen, the Queen of Spades, on duck eggs.
The time has come, our ducklings have hatched. We kept them warm in the kitchen for a while, crumbled eggs for them, and looked after them.
A few days later, very good, warm weather arrived, and Dusya took her little ones to the pond, and the Queen of Spades took hers to the garden to get worms.
- Hang down! - ducklings in the pond.
- Quack-quack! - the duck answers them.
- Hang down! - ducklings in the garden.
- Kwok-kwok! - the chicken answers them.
The ducklings, of course, cannot understand what “kwoh-kwoh” means, but what is heard from the pond is well known to them.
“Svis-svis” means: “friends to friends.”
And “quack-quack” means: “you are ducks, you are mallards, swim quickly!”
And they, of course, look there, towards the pond.
- Ours to ours!
And they run.
- Swim, swim!
And they float.
- Kwok-kwok! - an important hen bird insists on the shore.
They keep swimming and swimming. They whistled, swam together, and Dusya joyfully accepted them into her family; According to Musa, they were her own nephews.
All day a large duck family swam on the pond, and all day the Queen of Spades, fluffy, angry, clucked, grumbled, kicked worms on the shore, tried to attract the ducklings with worms and clucked to them that there were too many worms, such good worms !
- Rubbish, rubbish! - the mallard answered her.
And in the evening she led all her ducklings with one long rope along a dry path. They passed under the very nose of the important bird, dark-skinned, with large duck-like noses; not one even looked at such a mother.
We collected them all in one high basket and left them to spend the night in the warm kitchen near the stove.

In the morning, when we were still sleeping, Dusya crawled out of the basket, walked around the floor, screamed, and called the ducklings to her. The whistlers answered her cry in thirty voices. The walls of our house, made of ringing pine forest, responded to the duck cry in their own way. And yet, in this confusion, we heard the voice of one duckling separately.
- Do you hear? - I asked my guys.
They listened.
- We hear! - they shouted.
And we went to the kitchen.
It turned out that Dusya was not alone on the floor. One duckling was running next to her, very worried and whistling continuously. This duckling, like all the others, was the size of a small cucumber. How could such and such a warrior climb over the wall of a basket thirty centimeters high?
We all began to guess about this, and then a new question arose: did the duckling himself come up with some way to get out of the basket after his mother, or did she accidentally touch him with her wing and throw him out? I tied this duckling's leg with a ribbon and released it into the general herd.
We slept through the night, and in the morning, as soon as the morning duck cry was heard in the house, we went into the kitchen.
A duckling with a bandaged paw was running on the floor with Dusya.
All the ducklings, imprisoned in the basket, whistled, were eager to be free and could not do anything. This one got out.
I said:
- He came up with something.
- He's an inventor! - Leva shouted.
Then I decided to see how this “inventor” solved the most difficult problem: to climb a steep wall on his duck’s webbed feet. I got up the next morning before light, when both my boys and ducklings were fast asleep. In the kitchen, I sat down near the switch so that, when necessary, I could turn on the light and look at the events in the depths of the basket.
And then the window turned white. It was getting light.
- Quack-quack! - said Dusya.
- Hang down! - answered the only duckling.
And everything froze. The boys slept, the ducklings slept.
A beep sounded in the factory. The light has increased.
- Quack-quack! - Dusya repeated.
No one answered. I realized: the “inventor” has no time now - now, probably, he is solving his most difficult problem. And I turned on the light.
Well, that's how I knew it! The duck had not yet stood up, and its head was still level with the edge of the basket. All the ducklings slept warmly under their mother, only one, with a bandaged paw, crawled out and climbed up the mother’s feathers, like bricks, onto her back. When Dusya stood up, she raised it high, level with the edge of the basket. The duckling, like a mouse, ran along her back to the edge - and somersaulted down! Following him, the mother also fell out onto the floor, and the usual morning chaos began: screaming, whistling all over the house.
About two days after that, in the morning, three ducklings appeared on the floor at once, then five, and it went on and on: as soon as Dusya quacked in the morning, all the ducklings would land on her back and then fall down.
And my children called the first duckling, who paved the way for others, the Inventor.

Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin


In one swamp, on a hummock under a willow, wild mallard ducklings hatched. Soon after this, their mother led them to the lake along a cow path. I noticed them from a distance, hid behind a tree, and the ducklings came right to my feet. I took three of them into my care, the remaining sixteen went further along the cow path.

I kept these black ducklings with me, and they soon all turned gray. Then a handsome multi-colored drake and two ducks, Dusya and Musya, emerged from the gray ones. We clipped their wings so they wouldn’t fly away, and they lived in our yard along with poultry: we had chickens and geese.

With the onset of a new spring, we made hummocks for our savages out of all sorts of rubbish in the basement, like in a swamp, and on them Dusya laid sixteen eggs in her nest and began to hatch ducklings. Musya laid fourteen, but did not want to sit on them. No matter how we fought, the empty head did not want to be a mother.

And we planted our important black hen, the Queen of Spades, on duck eggs.

The time has come, our ducklings have hatched. We kept them warm in the kitchen for a while, crumbled eggs for them, and looked after them.

A few days later, very good, warm weather arrived, and Dusya took her little ones to the pond, and the Queen of Spades took hers to the garden to get worms.

- Hang down! - ducklings in the pond.

- Quack-quack! - the duck answers them.

- Hang down! - ducklings in the garden.

- Kwok-kwok! - the chicken answers them.

The ducklings, of course, cannot understand what “kwoh-kwoh” means, but what is heard from the pond is well known to them.

“Svis-svis” means: “friends to friends.”

And “quack-quack” means: “you are ducks, you are mallards, swim quickly!”

And they, of course, look there, towards the pond.

- Ours to ours!

- Swim, swim!

And they float.

- Kwok-kwok! - an important chicken bird on the shore rests.

They keep swimming and swimming. They whistled, swam together, and Dusya joyfully accepted them into her family; According to Musa, they were her own nephews.

All day a large duck family swam on the pond, and all day the Queen of Spades, fluffy, angry, clucked, grumbled, kicked worms on the shore, tried to attract the ducklings with worms and clucked to them that there were too many worms, such good worms !

- Rubbish, rubbish! - the mallard answered her.

And in the evening she led all her ducklings with one long rope along a dry path. They passed under the very nose of the important bird, dark-skinned, with large duck-like noses; not one even looked at such a mother.

We collected them all in one high basket and left them to spend the night in the warm kitchen near the stove.

In the morning, when we were still sleeping, Dusya crawled out of the basket, walked around the floor, screamed, and called the ducklings to her. The whistlers answered her cry in thirty voices. The walls of our house, made of ringing pine forest, responded to the duck cry in their own way. And yet, in this confusion, we heard the voice of one duckling separately.

- Do you hear? – I asked my guys.

They listened.

- We hear! - they shouted.

And we went to the kitchen.

It turned out that Dusya was not alone on the floor. One duckling was running next to her, very worried and whistling continuously. This duckling, like all the others, was the size of a small cucumber. How could such and such a warrior climb over the wall of a basket thirty centimeters high?

We all began to guess about this, and then a new question arose: did the duckling himself come up with some way to get out of the basket after his mother, or did she accidentally touch him with her wing and throw him out? I tied this duckling's leg with a ribbon and released it into the general herd.

We slept through the night, and in the morning, as soon as the morning duck cry was heard in the house, we went into the kitchen.

A duckling with a bandaged paw was running on the floor with Dusya.

All the ducklings, imprisoned in the basket, whistled, were eager to be free and could not do anything. This one got out.

I said:

- He came up with something.

- He's an inventor! – Leva shouted.

Then I decided to see how this “inventor” solved the most difficult problem: to climb a steep wall on his duck’s webbed feet. I got up the next morning before light, when both my boys and ducklings were fast asleep. In the kitchen, I sat down near the switch so that, when necessary, I could turn on the light and look at the events in the depths of the basket.

And then the window turned white. It was getting light.

- Quack-quack! - said Dusya.

- Hang down! - answered the only duckling.

And everything froze. The boys slept, the ducklings slept.

A beep sounded in the factory. The light has increased.

- Quack-quack! - Dusya repeated.

No one answered. I realized: the “inventor” has no time now - now, probably, he is solving his most difficult problem. And I turned on the light.

Well, that's how I knew it! The duck had not yet stood up, and its head was still level with the edge of the basket. All the ducklings slept warmly under their mother, only one, with a bandaged paw, crawled out and climbed up the mother’s feathers, like bricks, onto her back. When Dusya stood up, she raised it high, level with the edge of the basket. The duckling, like a mouse, ran along her back to the edge - and somersaulted down! Following him, the mother also fell out onto the floor, and the usual morning chaos began: screaming, whistling all over the house.

About two days after that, in the morning, three ducklings appeared on the floor at once, then five, and it went on and on: as soon as Dusya quacked in the morning, all the ducklings would land on her back and then fall down.

And my children called the first duckling, who paved the way for others, the Inventor.

A cute story about funny ducklings. In the story, you and the author can watch the curious chicks and be amazed at their ingenuity. Even the youngest children will love this story.

Story The Inventor download:

Read the Inventor's story

In one swamp, on a hummock under a willow, wild mallard ducklings hatched. Soon after this, their mother led them to the lake along a cow path. I noticed them from a distance, hid behind a tree, and the ducklings came right to my feet. I took three of them into my care, the remaining sixteen went further along the cow path.

I kept these black ducklings with me, and they soon all turned gray. Then a handsome multi-colored drake and two ducks, Dusya and Musya, emerged from the gray ones. We clipped their wings so they wouldn’t fly away, and they lived in our yard along with poultry: we had chickens and geese.

With the onset of a new spring, we made hummocks for our savages out of all sorts of rubbish in the basement, like in a swamp, and nests on them. Dusya laid sixteen eggs in her nest and began to hatch the ducklings. Musya put down fourteen, but didn’t want to sit on them. No matter how we fought, the empty head did not want to be a mother.

And we planted our important black hen, the Queen of Spades, on duck eggs.

The time has come, our ducklings have hatched. We kept them warm in the kitchen for a while, crumbled eggs for them, and looked after them.

A few days later, very good, warm weather arrived, and Dusya took her little ones to the pond, and the Queen of Spades took hers to the garden to get worms.

Hang out! - ducklings in the pond.

Crack-crack! - the duck answers them.

Hang out! - ducklings in the garden.

Kwok-kwok! - the chicken answers them.

The ducklings, of course, cannot understand what “kwoh-kwoh” means, but what is heard from the pond is well known to them.

“Svis-svis” means: “friends to friends.”

And “quack-quack” means: “you are ducks, you are mallards, swim quickly!”

And they, of course, look there towards the pond.

Ours to ours!

Swim, swim!

And they float.

Kwok-kwok! - the important hen on the shore rests.

They keep swimming and swimming. They whistled, swam together, and Dusya joyfully accepted them into her family; According to Musa, they were her own nephews.

All day long a large duck family swam on the pond, and all day the Queen of Spades, fluffy, angry, clucked, grumbled, kicked worms on the shore, tried to attract the ducklings with worms and clucked to them that there were so many worms, so good worms!

Rubbish, rubbish! - the mallard answered her.

And in the evening she led all her ducklings with one long rope along a dry path. They passed under the very nose of the important bird, dark-skinned, with large duck-like noses; no one even looked at such a mother.

We collected them all in one high basket and left them to spend the night in the warm kitchen near the stove.

In the morning, when we were still sleeping, Dusya crawled out of the basket, walked around the floor, screamed, and called the ducklings to her. The whistlers answered her cry in thirty voices.

The walls of our house, made of ringing pine forest, responded to the duck cry in their own way. And yet, in this confusion, we heard the voice of one duckling separately.

Do you hear? - I asked my guys. They listened.

We hear! - they shouted.

And we went to the kitchen.

There, it turned out, Dusya was not alone on the floor. One duckling was running next to her, very worried and whistling continuously. This duckling, like all the others, was the size of a small cucumber. How could such and such a warrior climb over the wall of a basket thirty centimeters high?

We began to guess about this, and then a new question arose: did the duckling himself come up with some way to get out of the basket after his mother, or did she accidentally touch him with her wing and throw him out? I tied this duckling's leg with a ribbon and released it into the general herd.

We slept through the night, and in the morning, as soon as the morning duck cry was heard in the house, we went into the kitchen.

A duckling with a bandaged paw was running on the floor with Dusya.

All the ducklings, imprisoned in the basket, whistled, were eager to be free and could not do anything. This one got out. I said:

He came up with something.

He's an inventor! - Leva shouted.

Then I decided to see how this “inventor” solved the most difficult problem: to climb a steep wall on his duck’s webbed feet. I got up the next morning before light, when both my boys and ducklings were fast asleep. In the kitchen, I sat down near the switch so that, when necessary, I could turn on the light and look at the events in the depths of the basket.

And then the window turned white. It was getting light.

Crack-crack! - said Dusya.

Hang out! - answered the only duckling. And everything froze. The boys slept, the ducklings slept. A beep sounded in the factory. The light has increased.

Crack-crack! - Dusya repeated.

No one answered. I realized: the “inventor” has no time now - now, probably, he is solving his most difficult problem. And I turned on the light.

Well, that's how I knew it! The duck had not yet stood up, and its head was still level with the edge of the basket. All the ducklings slept warmly under their mother, only one, with a bandaged paw, crawled out and climbed up the mother’s feathers, like bricks, onto her back. When Dusya stood up, she raised it high, level with the edge of the basket. The duckling, like a mouse, ran along her back to the edge - and somersaulted down! Following him, the mother also fell to the floor, and the usual morning chaos began: screaming, whistling throughout the house.

About two days after that, in the morning, three ducklings appeared on the floor at once, then five, and it went on and on: as soon as Dusya quacked in the morning, all the ducklings would land on her back and then fall down.

And my children called the first duckling, who paved the way for others, the Inventor.