Dairy farm plan. We are considering a business plan for a business such as a dairy farm. Sales options

Until recently, the dairy industry in Russia could be described as being in a negative state, with a reduction in production and a drop in the quality of dairy products. But recently there has been positive dynamics and growth in the dairy industry as a whole, the situation is improving. Some retail chains began to more often conclude cooperation agreements with Russian farmers, because they both produce and process milk. Residents of our country also began to eat more food from their country, local ones and monitor their health.

That is, the demand for dairy products has increased, and the number of people wishing to start a farm has increased. At the same time, the demand for raw milk in our country is still greater than the supply. In Russia, milk production was considered profitable for large dairy complexes.

But the shortage of raw materials turned the attention of processors to small producers, while their prices are not inflated and the quality of the goods is high.

To assess the prospects for opening farm, you need to consider the main important points and draw up a business plan for a dairy farm.

The amount of investment depends on the planned scale of production; it is advisable to open a dairy farm if you have at least 250 heads of cattle. After all, even if there are fewer of them, you will have to invest a decent amount, about 5.5 million rubles, on equipment and arrangement of premises. It will be necessary to build a functional livestock complex and select qualified and experienced personnel in agriculture.

You can draw up a business plan for a dairy farm yourself or order it from professionals.

Milk market

Milk is strategic important product, its consumption should be approximately 450-500 kg per year per person. In practice, milk consumption is 2 times less than normal. According to experts, the dairy market is growing by 2-3% every year.

From other countries, milk is imported to us mainly only from Belarus. At the same time, our milk processing capacity is only 70% occupied.

Among the regions of Russia, the leaders in milk production are Tataria, Bashkiria, Altai, Krasnodar Territory, and Rostov Region.

How to write a dairy farm business plan

To draw up a business plan for a dairy farm, you need to study the demand for future products, what trends there are in the market, what support programs exist for dairy producers and pay attention to such complexes that are already successfully operating.

In general, when organizing a farm, you need to focus on modern technologies and processes for keeping cows, their mechanization.

Increase profitability dairy business This is possible thanks to the use of succulent and high-quality feed, mechanized and robotic equipment that automates milk yield accounting and cooling.

Modern machines automatically wash the products and disinfect them, all of which results in high-quality milk.

Market analysis

Among the main competitors of Russian dairy farms are large import companies that control some large market segments.

Despite the fact that there is now enough on the market big choice and the range of dairy products, this should not scare a new market participant; a businessman can find a niche for his dairy products.

The main thing is to find a middle ground and combine high quality products, affordable prices for consumers, and nice packaging.

High competition for the manufacturer perishable products make up large enterprises, which produce and place their products in packaging that increases the shelf life of the product. There is also a problem in working with chain stores and their monopolization of the market. And quite high demands are placed on the quality of dairy products and their labeling.

All these conditions force a large and local manufacturer to buy modern and not cheap equipment for packaging goods, for applying bar codes to the packaging of goods. Not everyone and not always can bear such costs.

After proper production and packaging of the product, it needs to be sold. Selling dairy products through large retail chains is also not easy.

To do this, you first need to make a fairly large entry fee, payment for the goods is made with a delay of twenty days, and goods that are not sold on time are returned.

But even taking into account all the difficulties, opening your own dairy farm business quite profitable and attractive. Because the state is currently trying to restore this type of business in Russia so that there is import substitution, and for this it is creating help and support for farmers.

How to draw up a production plan for creating a dairy farm

In order to create and organize the production of a dairy business, you need to understand and formulate the main stages. This:

There are certain requirements for the premises; it must have several departments - maternity, milking, a department where calves and dairy cows will live.

You need to select and buy modern and high-tech equipment for production on a dairy farm; ultimately, this will help save on production, because high-quality goods will be produced according to modern requirements and standards.

To work on modern equipment, qualified employees are needed; saving on this can lead to even greater costs.

Drawing up a financial plan for a dairy farm

When compiling financial plan For a dairy farm and planning expenses and income, you need to pay attention to periods when there are regular expenses but no income.

For example, animals always need to buy food, pay for public utilities, but you can’t milk cows.

Therefore, it would be correct to form reserve capital in advance, because other circumstances may arise, for example, illness.

You can try to save money yourself by preparing feed and organizing retail sales milk, and this is more profitable than selling milk as a raw material.

When planning a financial plan for a dairy farm, you need to know what options you will have:

  • farm in industrial scale , this is the presence of 50, 100 or 200 heads of livestock. On such a scale, it is possible to receive a good income, and the initial investment will be significant, since such a business will require modern and functional equipment, automated equipment, a large plot of land, and a large number of animals.

To purchase a modern milking and dairy unit, a calf barn for animals, you will need approximately 6-7 million rubles.

It is worth saying that by purchasing expensive equipment right away, you can save significantly on paying employee salaries.

When purchasing cows, you will have to pay approximately 30-40 thousand rubles for each, depending on the breed of livestock and the availability of the necessary vaccinations.

If you make an estimate for a quantity of one hundred heads, then you will need to pay about 2.5-4 million rubles for the herd.

How to Organize a Startup Schedule for a Dairy Farm

Before opening a dairy farm, you need to register, for example, as a peasant farm.

Usually with this form we're talking about about the opening family business, when one person becomes the head of the farm, the rest are members and employees of the farm.

The process of opening a dairy farm consists of the following steps:

  1. Development of a business plan. Duration – 1 month.
  2. Registration of an enterprise.
  3. Search for the required premises.
  4. Purchasing animals and food for them.
  5. Purchase of equipment.
  6. Search for channels for selling products.
  7. Start of operation of a dairy farm.
  8. Compilation marketing plan and search for a sales market

The development of any project implies the presence of a sales market and a clear understanding of the future product range.

You can organize the sale of manufactured products in the following ways:

At the beginning of the farm, when milk production is still inconsistent, you can sell goods in small markets and hire employees for this.


There is a demand for milk in the Russian dairy market, so you can find a niche for your product. If the product provides good competition, then imported goods can be pushed out of the market.

However, during the work process, it is necessary to take into account various risks that will need to be overcome in order to financial position was stable.

First of all, this price risks in the production and sale of milk, the cost of purchasing feed and paying labor. The dairy business itself is risky; if there is a drought or, on the contrary, too much moisture, this can seriously undermine the financial situation of the farmer.

Eat financial, political and labor risks . This, for example, is the constant availability of money to pay bills, own funds. This characterizes the farmer's solvency.

Risks accompany uncertainty, unpredictability and instability in different situations. And, of course, it cannot be completely avoided, but we must strive.

Organizing a dairy business requires an investment of money and effort, especially initial stage it will be hard. Gradually, the work process will improve, and the income will be stable, and over time it will be possible to increase production.

Dairy farms require a lot of money and seed capital to get started, much more than producing meat from cows and calves. Find out why you want it and how you will get into this business before you open a dairy farm.

If you are not the first to open a farm, but inherit it from your parents or grandparents, this article will only be an overview for you.


    Write a business plan. This is especially important for those starting from scratch. Find out more details on how to open a dairy farm. If you're starting a dairy farm for the first time, make sure you consider things like manure, livestock health care, feed rations, breeding schedules for each cow, calf births, human resources (you may need to hire people to help you) , caring for calves, milking cows, harvesting, etc. All this must be planned before moving on to the next stage.

    Capital. If you are looking for a farm that already has required capital(buildings, equipment, machinery), then you just need to make sure that it has adequate sterile conditions for storing and pasteurizing milk, cow barns, pens, manure feeding and storage areas, milking parlor, and enough land to grow feed for your cows.

    • If you buy a piece of land, then you need to construct buildings. Make sure you build silos, barns, manure lagoons or pools, pens, cow milking stands (usually a dairy parlor), and an area for the cows to roam. You will also need a central section and a section where you can keep the calves that have been weaned from the cows so that you can bottle feed and the cows can produce milk.
      • Make sure that the size of the buildings matches the size of the herd you want to start with, but also matches the maximum size you want to eventually reach.
  1. Find a company to sell milk to. You may also have to prepare documents that you must send to the state, on top of everything else. In Canada there must be a quota of one hundred cows for it to qualify as a dairy farm. (Quota means minimum permissible quantity animals to start and produce dairy products).

  2. Buy cows. Holstein breeds - best breeds, for the best milk production per day. Make sure they are healthy, good producers with good udders, free from disease and obedient. You can purchase Jerseys and/or Brown Swiss breeds in addition to your daily production amount. .

    • A healthy herd is very important for dairy production. Dairy cows can get sick easily, and are more prone to leg and udder injuries than beef cows, and are also prone to milk fever and ketosis after calving. In order to have a healthy dairy herd, health regulations must be strictly followed.
    • Set up a breeding/calving/weaning schedule that is different from, but more or less similar to, cattle.
      • You need cows to calve 365 days a year to maintain a constant supply of milk for producers to sell.
    • Dairy cows require more High Quality feed than beef cattle and, as a result, eat more so that they can satisfy their bodily needs to produce milk. This requires a good feed ration.
    • Allow calves to drink milk for at least a month to give them sufficient strength.
    • Dairy manure stinks. Don't let it accumulate in sheds. There is a system where manure can be easily moved from the barn to the lagoons to minimize the odor from the ammonia produced in urine and feces.
    • Make sure you have good experience so that your cows feel as comfortable as possible during milking.


    • If possible, stay away from dairy bulls. They are very dangerous, more dangerous than bulls for meat. This is why AI (artificial insemination) is a necessity for dairy farmers, as it is not as dangerous as having a dairy bull next to you. Artificial insemination technologies are good option for breeding cows.
    • Don't start a business with a few thousand dollars in your bank account. You could also raise beef cows rather than dairy cows, since dairy farms require more money to start a business.
    • Don't start a business thinking it will be easy. This is wrong. You'll be busy from sunup to sundown every day, doing everything from milking cows to tax paperwork. Additional work force can help you with the tedious daily work, but even with hired workers, you will have to supervise them to see how they do and what they do.

Calculations are current for 2019

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Business plan

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A dairy farm business plan designed by professionals will help you cope with the difficulties that may arise when starting such a business. Milk is a popular food product; it is priceless for children, and adults cannot do without this healthy product for long. Therefore, milk production with a competent approach will certainly allow you to withdraw dividends from this profitable endeavor.

Having studied the information on organizing milk production, you will have the opportunity to obtain and process this product for the production of kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese and other vital food dairy products. Milk processing is often the top priority for a farm, and care should be taken in selecting livestock, avoiding inbreeding, and following the rules for running this type of farm.

This information on organizing a dairy plant is intended for entrepreneurs who are not afraid of undertakings and will be able to organize a profitable business, providing the population with fresh, environmentally friendly milk and dairy products, gradually increasing milk yield. Milking machines, high-quality drinking bowls, balanced feed and acceptable conditions for keeping livestock will increase the profitability of dairy production ventures.

The presented sample document on organizing dairy production will increase your chances of success in the agricultural segment of dairy cattle breeding. You will be able to clearly navigate when making organizational, financial, and administrative decisions. The specifics of this agricultural enterprise require costs for the careful selection of qualified personnel, but they are necessary in modern conditions and will certainly bring you additional profit.

As an analysis of the domestic dairy products market shows, the share of goods from Russian producers is gradually increasing, but still remains insufficient. Meanwhile, opportunities for entrepreneurs who decide to invest money in the development of the agricultural industry are expanding. There are also risks that sometimes turn dairy farming into a kind of lottery.

Today, an entrepreneur planning to build a business in milk production has two main ways to start his own business: build a dairy farm from scratch or buy out an old livestock complex and bring it to life. The second option is preferable in terms of the timing of obtaining the necessary documentation.

The fact is that when building a farm from scratch, paperwork can drag on for a year or even more. Reconstruction of the existing complex simplifies the process of obtaining permits; as a result, this can be completed in 2-3 months. This suggests that in this case it is more profitable to buy an old farm and make repairs to it than to get involved in the construction of a new barn.

Domestic farmers are entitled to certain government subsidies for business development. And yet you should rely, first of all, on your own strength. As a rule, starting a dairy business requires large-scale capital investments. Specific figures depend on what funds will be required for the reconstruction of the livestock complex, land lease and the purchase of breeding livestock. You can start with a herd of 200-300 heads, increasing production volumes as your business develops.

As a rule, most entrepreneurs simultaneously produce milk and process it. Pasteurized milk from farmers is in high demand, and such products can be actively supplied to nearby regions. The return on investment for a mini-dairy is usually quite high, provided you can negotiate with local traders. The business of delivering village milk can bring very good profits, since the quality of such products largely satisfies the demand of domestic consumers.

When planning to open their own business - a dairy factory - entrepreneurs have to decide one more important question: what breed of cows to breed on your farm. Most farmers prefer the Holstein breed. But it should be taken into account that such cows are more demanding in terms of housing and feeding conditions, in contrast to locally bred livestock. In any case, a high-quality feed supply is one of the key elements of the complex’s functioning. It is best to prepare most of the feed yourself, which will significantly reduce the cost of dairy products.

When organizing the business of production, processing and delivery of dairy products, do not forget about the need to use a document such as a professional example of a dairy farm business plan with ready-made calculations. A competent business project is designed for a dairy farm of 200-300 animals, but based on the available data, you can easily adapt this document to your personal needs, regardless of the size of the herd.

Attention! The free business plan offered for download below is a sample. A business plan that best suits the conditions of your business must be created with the help of specialists.

When purchasing a business plan template, you need to keep in mind that it is advisory in nature and serves as the basis for developing your own strategy. A good example The owner of a dairy mini-farm from the Kaliningrad region, Elena Vladimirovna Mazhitova, shared the use of an inexpensive business plan.

Dairy farm business plan

How a coincidence of circumstances can change our lives

I do not belong to the category of people who are not satisfied with their lifestyle, place of residence, and any move is like death for me. And if it weren’t for life’s circumstances, I would still live in Kazakhstan and work as a teacher in a kindergarten.

But it so happened that I had to move with my two children to my parents in the small town of Gusev, Kaliningrad region. I understood perfectly well that without a garden and my own household I would not be able to raise children. Therefore, I purchased a house with a plot in a nearby village.

At first I sold vegetables and pickles at the market. own production, then started raising chickens, and then raised money for a cow.

My brother, who lives in Germany and had by that time created a small construction business, helped.

Gradually a circle formed regular customers who trust my products.

But I never even thought about turning this activity into a profitable, highly productive business.

My brother came up with the idea of ​​starting my own dairy farm.

But then I had no idea how to organize all this.

In addition, it seemed to me that selling a large volume of milk was simply unrealistic. But at the same time, I was literally fired up by this idea, and the thought of creating my own, at least a small farm, never let me go.

There were a lot of questions, but not enough knowledge.

Long digging on the Internet added confusion and fog to my thoughts. I tried to ask questions on the forums, but it seems that there are no professionals there, only losers talking about the unprofitability of this business.

This continued until there was a clear understanding of the need to highlight key points and calculate the required amount of investment. I had no experience in constructing such documents, nor was it possible to order a plan for crazy money.

Therefore, it was decided to buy an inexpensive template, on the basis of which I could calculate how much money it might require to create a mini-farm, when and what kind of income I can expect from it.

The business plan template helped me get my bearings and get a clear picture of practical steps on organizing my business:

  • Determine the number of livestock and breed of cows;
  • Find a room for their maintenance;
  • Purchase of equipment;
  • Purchase of feed;
  • Attracting personnel;
  • Search for a sales market.

In fact, it turned out like this: first, a room was found - a former cowshed with an area of ​​almost 1000 square meters. m, designed for 50 heads.

It had to include all the necessary sections:

  • To accommodate dairy cows;
  • To accommodate dry cows;
  • Maternity ward;
  • Milking shop;
  • Calf compartment.

All these sectors required appropriate equipment. In addition, the premises were in need of renovation. The walls, floors and ventilation were in unusable condition.

Taking into account all this plus feed, the funds needed for the launch turned out to be quite large - more than 12 million rubles. - an unrealistic amount for me at that time.

Even taking into account the loan at low interest rates, I would not be able to afford the monthly payment. But payments must be made from the first month. Therefore, it was decided to start with a population of ten dairy cows with the possibility of development in the future.

I had small savings, my brother promised to transfer some of the funds, but most of them had to be taken on credit. Starting from sample business plan, I described all the smallest nuances point by point, and independently calculated the amount needed to start.

Today, the livestock of my farm is more than 50 animals, including heifers and calves. The main share of milk is purchased by the local dairy plant, a small part is sold on the market.

There are indeed many difficulties in this matter, but the goals that I have set for myself thanks to the business plan are gradually being realized.

Free dairy farm business plan

Some useful information and a brief presentation of a dairy farm business plan:

Milk production business plan

The emerging need for import substitution food products made it possible for domestic dairy and cattle farms to feel more free in the market and increase production volumes.

In the new conditions, this business becomes especially attractive. Strengthening government support at the federal and regional levels is also aimed at the emergence of new dairy farms.

If you have decided and are ready to devote yourself to this particular type of activity, then the first and mandatory step should be drawing up a business plan.

It will clearly show what is needed to achieve the goals of the project and how much funds will be required for this. It depends on the goals set and the planned production size.

This business plan defines the following goals:

  • Creation of a self-sufficient farm capable of recouping the investment within two years;
  • Filling the market with quality products;
  • Making profits.

The necessary loan funds to launch the project are 9,900,000 rubles.
Interest on the loan provided – RUB 674,520.
The planned profit for two years is 157,060,323 rubles.

Project Description

To create a dairy farm, you need a room. His choice must be proportionate to the number of livestock, taking into account that for 600 animals, according to the standards, there must be at least 40,000 square meters.

You can start with a livestock of 100 cows that are milking at a given time, excluding heifers, heifers and bulls, etc. These hundred heads will be the main source of income at first, until the heifers calve.

It is best if, in addition to the milking herd, heifers are purchased rather than heifers, since the former are able to generate income within 3-4 months, while the return from the latter will take much longer.

The cost of heifers is around 12-20 thousand, and if we are talking about elite breed– reaches 60 thousand rubles.

By the way, despite the high prices, a herd consisting of highly productive cows is ultimately much more profitable:

  • milk volume is twice as high;
  • costs for feed, premises, milking equipment, and maintenance personnel are halved.

Table No. 1. Potential of milk consumers in Russia

A building for a farm can be built, purchased or rented. The most profitable option is to rebuild an old, abandoned cowshed, of which there are plenty in our country. If you need to build from scratch, it is better to choose a frame hangar. It can have windows and ventilation.

It is necessary to distribute cows into 4 workshops according to physiological criteria during a given period.

Each of the workshops is focused on its own functions:

1. Caring for dry cows - creating a special diet;
2. Calving department;
3. Milking and insemination;
4. Milk production.

Providing feed

At first, you need to ensure the necessary supply of feed, and later it is worth organizing your own feed production. In this regard, it is planned to sow pastures and hayfields with perennial cultivated grasses.

For a complete diet you need:

  • alfalfa-cereals;
  • legumes and cereals;
  • clover-cereal plants;
  • bulky feed;
  • feed - you can organize your own feed mill.

Table No. 2. Growth of participants in the milk production market in Russia

Equipment for milk processing business plan

  • milking parlors – “Herringbone”, “Carousel”, or robots for voluntary milking;
  • milk cooling tanks;
  • milk line;
  • feeding line;
  • automatic brushes for cows;
  • hoof care machine;
  • systems for drinking and heating water, etc.

Dairy products are one of the most popular on the market. The situation for farmers is now the most favorable in terms of state support and low competition.

And most importantly, do not miss the chance to join the ranks of the first entrepreneurs who came due to the need for import substitution. Right now it will be easier to establish partnerships and a sales market - before so many offers have appeared that the demand for the product will disappear.

In order to start your own business related to opening a farm, you need to find out how to open a mini dairy farm step by step. Despite the fact that agriculture is not at the peak of development today, nevertheless, thanks to the state, it is at the beginning of its rise. No matter what crisis occurs, people still want to eat, which means agriculture is profitable business, regardless of any external conditions. And a mini-dairy farm will always be relevant.

Many Russians throughout recent years managed to pay attention to villages, as well as various mini business ideas that are related to agriculture. Someone decided to start sowing wheat, someone decided to start growing vegetables, and someone decided to direct their efforts to breeding cattle. The latter type of business today has begun to develop more intensively. In dozens of regions of the country, new mini-farms are constantly opening, which are supported in every possible way by the state. Therefore, it is worth considering in detail the question: how to open a mini-dairy farm?

What is a mini-farm?

First you need to understand what a mini-dairy farm is, as well as what its differences are from a regular farm, this will help step-by-step instruction.

Initially, it is worth knowing that a mini-dairy farm is much smaller than a classic one, both in area and in the number of cattle.
No additional personnel are required to maintain it; as a rule, all work is performed by one family, which owns the entire farm.
To open your own mini dairy farm you will need much less finance than to open a regular farm.

What and how much?

What is needed to open a mini-farm? The first is desire. You will also need a plot of land, it is desirable that all communications be connected. Well, of course, you need money.

For a mini-farm where 50 animals are bred, you will need a plot of land with an area of ​​one thousand square meters. On this site it will be necessary to build a hangar for keeping animals. Some additional administrative buildings can be located near the hangar.

As for the dimensions of the hangar, its length will be 65 meters and width - 15 meters, and the pitch between the frame arcs will be three meters. The height of the hangar will be six meters, with a floor area of ​​975 sq.m.

This hangar houses the entire mini-farm. This includes the feed department, milking parlor, sectors in which calves are located, dry cow sector, Staff only. As for the cost of such a hangar, it is 5,800,000 rubles.

Of course, having your own dairy farm involves more than just having a hangar. Additionally, it will be necessary to purchase special equipment, which includes stalls, drinking bowls, fences, rubber carpeting, ventilation curtains, brushes, maternity ward, milk cooler.

We count profits

To be able to open a mini-dairy farm, it is worth knowing that one cow produces about 5,000 liters of milk per year. In advanced farms, the annual milk yield per cow is about 9,000 liters of milk per year. It turns out that on average fifty cows can produce about 250,000 liters of milk per year.

On average, any Russian farmer sells his milk to wholesalers for 14 rubles, but this figure varies depending on the time of year and region. Taking the average, you can get the annual revenue for a mini-farm, which will be more than 3,500,000 rubles. If we consider how much finance is needed to maintain animals, then for a mini-farm of 50 heads, its owner will have to spend about 750,000 rubles a year.

If you don't know how to open a mini dairy farm step by step, the information provided in this article will help you with this.