For organizational issues. Personal composition of teaching staff

The Department of Financial Management is a graduate department. The department combines fundamental training and scientific research in the field of economics and social management economic systems with the practical activities of students and employees in organizations and enterprises of Tatarstan and the Volga regions.

The department provides training in the following areas:

Bachelor's degree: in the direction of 38.03.02 Management (profile “Financial Management”)

Master's degree: in the direction of 38.04.02 “Management” (master’s program: “Financial Management”)

Forms of training: full-time; correspondence

The department is headed by Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Evgenia Yurievna Strelnik. The department employs 16 teachers, two doctors of economic sciences and 12 candidates of sciences. Two-thirds of the teachers have extensive experience working in organizations and firms in the real sector of the economy, therefore applied activities, including student activities, are successfully developing at the department, and training sessions are interesting, with big amount examples and real situations illustrating the theoretical principles being studied. Studying in the areas of financial management is exciting and very visual, since concepts, patterns and phenomena that are encountered by every person in his daily life are studied, and are extremely necessary for everyone both in work and in solving personal economic problems.

Leading corporations and small and medium-sized businesses are used as bases for industrial and pre-graduate internships for students, internships for graduate students and teachers.

The Department of Financial Management trains qualified specialists with knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of strategic and financial analysis and planning the activities of companies, making reasonable management decisions, taking into account the interrelation of the relevance of the directions of strategic development of modern companies, financial strategies and competitiveness factors of the corporate sector. The organic combination of the above areas contributes to the training of highly qualified and competitive specialists.

Graduates are prepared to work in enterprises of various organizational and legal forms, in non-profit organizations, financial and credit, research institutions, in state and local governments in positions of middle and senior level managers.

The Department of Financial Management, while working, masters international standards for training highly qualified managers in accordance with the Bologna Convention as part of the ongoing international accreditation. This guarantees the demand for graduate specialists trained by the department on the labor market.

Graduate department

Head of the department

Scientific specialization - economics and finance of the corporate and public sectors of the economy; author of more than 100 scientific works, including 10 monographs. For more than 10 years he has been participating as a leading tutor in the Presidential Training Program professional personnel for the national economy of the Russian Federation.

Combines teaching and business consulting. Consulting specialization - the formation of regional investment strategies (he led the development of 10 strategies for municipalities of the Krasnodar Territory, including investment strategies for the development of Sochi, Armavir, Anapa) and investment startups (more than 100 business plans for investment projects have been developed for enterprises in various sectors of the economy).

350000, Krasnodar, st. Krasnaya, 135, room. 143.
Email mail: [email protected]

Areas of training

Bachelor's degree:

  • 03/38/01 Economics by profile:
    • Finance of the manufacturing and banking sectors of the economy

Master's degree:

  • 04/38/01 Economics by profile:
    • Financial and economic development of corporate structures and regional systems

Personal composition of teaching staff

Aluyan Vyacheslav Saidovich
Associate Professor of the Department. Assistant professor

Disciplines taught:

  • Economics of an enterprise (organization)
  • Finance;
  • Financial management

Provides teaching disciplines in the following areas of training: 03/38/01 Economics, 05/38/01 - Economic security.

Work experience (general/teaching): 36 years.

Aluyan Said Vyacheslavovich

Disciplines taught:

  • World economy international economic relations
  • Economics of an organization (enterprise)
  • State and municipal finance

Provides teaching and guidance coursework in areas and specialties: 03/38/01 Economics, 05/38/01 Economic security.

Badanin Eduard Mikhailovich
Associate Professor of the Department. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Disciplines taught:

  • Business valuation
  • Stocks and bods market

Provides teaching of disciplines, management of coursework in areas and specialties: 03/38/01 Economics, 04/38/01 Economics, 05/38/01 Economic security.

Work experience (general/teaching): 16 years.

Has a qualification certificate professional activity in the securities market series 1.0 “Brokerage activities, dealer activity, securities management activities."

Ibragimova Zarina Magomedovna
Department engineer

Work experience (total): 1 year.

Kostenko Ruzana Valerievna
Senior Lecturer

Provides teaching of disciplines in the field of preparation: 03/38/01 Economics.

Work experience (general/teaching): 4/3 years.

Kutin Mikhail Viktorovich

Disciplines taught at the department:

  • Financial Planning Basics
  • Professional computer programs for financiers
  • Corporate finance

Provides teaching in the following areas and specialties: 03/38/01 Economics, 05/38/01 Economic Security.

Work experience (general/teaching): 11 years.

Litvinyuk Tatyana Alexandrovna
Associate Professor of the Department. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Disciplines taught:

Provides teaching of disciplines, management of coursework in the field of preparation: 03/38/01 Economics, 04/38/01 Economics.

Work experience (general/teaching): 22 years.

Natkho Susanna Ramazanovna
Department Assistant

Disciplines taught at the department:

  • Finance;
  • Business valuation;
  • Financial markets

She teaches the discipline in the field of preparation: 03/38/01 Economics.

Work experience (general/teaching): 3 years.

Petrenko Anna Sergeevna
Associate Professor of the Department. Candidate of Economic Sciences

Disciplines taught:

  • Finance;
  • Modern financial products and services;
  • Foreign financial markets;
  • Documentation support financial activities.

Provides teaching of disciplines, supervision of coursework in the areas of training: 03/38/01 Economics, 03/46/02 Documentation and archival science.

Work experience (general/teaching): 15 years.

Primakova Victoria Olegovna
Senior laboratory assistant of the department

Work experience (general/teaching): 1 year.

Email mail: [email protected]

Reutskaya Irina Vasilievna
Associate Professor of the Department. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Disciplines taught:

Provides teaching of disciplines, management of educational and research practice, coursework and final qualifying works in the areas of training: 04/38/01 Economics, 03/38/01 Economics.

Work experience (general/teaching): 40/18 years.

Rubina Raisa Yakovlevna
Associate Professor of the Department. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Disciplines taught:

  • Investment analysis;
  • Investment strategy;
  • Investments.

Work experience (general/teaching): 53 years.

Sedykh Nadezhda Vladimirovna
Associate Professor of the Department. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Disciplines taught:

  • Financial management
  • Fundamentals of Financial Computing

Provides teaching of disciplines, management of coursework in the areas of training: 03/38/01 Economics, 03/38/02 Management.

Work experience (general/teaching): 19 years.

Semerikova Yulia Valerievna
Senior Lecturer of the Department

Disciplines taught:

  • Financial management;
  • Financial monitoring;
  • State and municipal finances.

Work experience (general/teaching): 12 years.

Director of the Center for Economic Forecasting, Investment Development and Monitoring of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "KubSTU". Implementer of a research project implemented within the framework of the Federal Target Program “Research and Development in Priority Areas of Development of the Scientific and Technical Complex of Russia for 2014-2020.”

Semidotsky Viktor Alexandrovich
Professor of the department. Doctor of Economic Sciences

Disciplines taught:

  • Financial management;
  • Economics of organizations, industries and regions;
  • Corporate finance.

Provides teaching of disciplines, supervision of practices, coursework and final qualifying work in the field of preparation: 03/38/01 Economics, 04/38/01 Economics.

Work experience (general/teaching): 20 years.

Sukhina Nadezhda Yurievna
Associate Professor of the Department. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Disciplines taught:

  • Financial management
  • Financial monitoring
  • Long-term financial policy
  • Finance

Provides teaching in the following areas: 03/38/01 Economics, 04/38/01 Economics.

Work experience (general/teaching): 37 years.

Honorary worker of higher education, member of the scientific and methodological council under the Ministry of Finance of the Krasnodar Territory Administration; member of the scientific and technical council of the university, academic council of the faculty; certificates of honor and diplomas from the Department of Education and Science of the Krasnodar Territory.

Udovik Elena Eduardovna
Professor of the department. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor,

Disciplines taught at the department:

  • Design sustainable development corporate structures and regional systems;
  • Financial and monetary methods of regulating the economy;
  • Financial methods and management tools for the commercial and public sectors;
  • Scientific and applied aspects of competitive development of corporate structures;
  • International finance.

Provides teaching of disciplines, management of educational and research practice, coursework and final qualifying work in the field of preparation: 04/38/01 Economics, 03/38/01 Economics, supervision of graduate students.

Work experience (general/teaching): 26 years.

Khashir Bella Olegovna
Professor of the department. Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Disciplines taught

  • Finance
  • Corporate finance
  • Economics of organization, industries and regions

Provides teaching of disciplines in the direction of 38.04.01 Economics and specialties 38.05.01 Economic security. Management of educational and research practice, coursework and final qualifying work in the field of study: 04/38/01 Economics. 03/38/01 Economics, graduate student supervision

Work experience (general/teaching) 29 years/19 years

Medal "For outstanding contribution to the development of Kuban" III degree
With gratitude to the Administration of the Krasnodar Territory
Laureate diploma All-Russian competition“Best Young Scientist 2013” ​​in the “Young Doctor of Science” nomination
Thanks declared municipality Krasnodar city
for assistance in organizing the VII City Competition of student works on the formation of a competitive financial market

Khlypalov Vladimir Mikhailovich
Associate Professor of the Department. Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor

Discipline taught:

  • World economy and international economic relations.

Provides teaching of disciplines, supervision of coursework in the field of preparation: 03/38/01 Economics.

Work experience (general/teaching): 44 years.

Current member of the New York Academy of Sciences. Awarded a diploma as a laureate of the All-Russian exhibition “Golden Fund of Russian Science” in the category “Best teaching aid”.

Khmelnitskaya Svetlana Valerievna
Associate Professor of the Department. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Disciplines taught:

  • Econometrics
  • Economic forecasting

Provides teaching disciplines in the following areas and specialties:
03/38/01 Economics, 04/38/01 Corporate financial and tax management

Work experience (general/teaching): 13 years.

Khoroshun Kristina Vyacheslavovna
Associate Professor of the Department. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Disciplines taught at the department:

  • Stocks and bods market;
  • Economics of Organizations;
  • Finance.

Provides teaching of disciplines in areas and specialties: 03/38/01 Economics, 05/38/01 Economic security.

Work experience (general/teaching): 5 years.

Hot Kazbek Pshimafovich
Associate Professor of the Department. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Disciplines taught:

  • Enterprise economy
  • Economics of the company

Provides teaching of disciplines, management of coursework in areas of training: 03/38/01 Economics, 03/38/02 Management. Responsible for preparing and organizing practices.

Work experience (general/teaching): 28 years.

Chepsina Asya Vanushevna
Senior Lecturer

Disciplines taught at the department:

  • Fundamentals of financial mathematics;
  • Finance;
  • State and municipal finances;
  • Financial and investment analysis and investment.

Provides teaching disciplines in the following areas of training: 03/38/01 Economics, 03/38/04 State and municipal administration.

Work experience (general/teaching): 14 years.

Yakimenko Andrey Alexandrovich
Associate Professor of the Department. Candidate of Economic Sciences

Disciplines taught at the department:

  • Corporate Finance;
  • Economics of the organization;
  • Investment analysis;
  • Economics of organizations, industries, regions.

Provides teaching of disciplines in the field of preparation: 03/38/01 Economics; 04/38/01 - Economics.

Work experience (general/teaching): 4 years.

Material and technical base

The educational process and research work of the department are equipped with computer technology. There are 4 faculty computer classes equipped with 55 modern computers, used for classroom training, individual work with students, research and development work of the department.

Research work

For 2000-2017 The department has prepared over 55 monographs, 12 textbooks with the stamp of UMO, about 650 scientific articles.
State budget research is carried out within the framework of a complex topic: “The state and main directions of innovation and investment policy in the regional production complex in the context of modernization of the Russian economy.”

Areas of contractual activity of the department, consulting and expert services:

  • development of investment projects and models for their financing;
  • conducting a comprehensive financial and investment analysis;
  • financial support business planning;
  • optimization of corporate financing;
  • development and optimization of models strategic management;
  • development and implementation of a balanced scorecard system;
  • development and implementation of budgeting models in the system corporate governance;
  • advanced training of specialists in the field of finance;
  • management and financial consulting for government agencies;
  • financial support innovation activity;
  • improvement modern technologies financial optimization of the development of business processes at enterprises and in the region;
  • financial architecture of a growing business;
  • modern business management tools;
  • diversification and integration: factors and selection strategy.

The department operates a postgraduate course. Specialty code: 08.00.05 “Economics and Management” national economy" As part of scientific research, 10 candidate dissertations and one doctoral dissertation have been defended over the past three years.


The department conducts scientific and educational work in close cooperation with the country's leading economic universities. The department actively cooperates with the regional administration, tax authorities of the city and region, the federal treasury, commercial banks, etc.

For practical training, students are sent to basic enterprises in the real sector of the economy, as well as to organizations in the banking sector, in government agencies, in charge of organizing and monitoring the preparation of the financial and credit system of the Krasnodar Territory. For this period, these are: Bank "Pervomaisky" (PJSC), Krasnodar; Krasnodar branch No. 8619 of Sberbank of the Russian Federation; Branch No. 2351 of PJSC VTB24; CJSC "Tander", Krasnodar; PJSC "Bank Uralsib", Krasnodar; OJSC "Krasnodarzernoprodukt", Krasnodar; OJSC "Bread Factory No. 3", Krasnodar; LLC "Metallstroyservis", Krasnodar; CJSC Moscow Joint-Stock Insurance Company - branch in Krasnodar of CJSC "Max".

To gain communication skills with employers and requests for qualifications from them, regular meetings of students with representatives of banks are held, commercial enterprises and government agencies.

History of the department

The history of the Department of Economics and Finance begins at the end of 1967, with the creation of the Faculty of Engineering and Economics and the Department of Economics Food Industry. For many years, the department was headed by Professor M.A. Kerashev, academician of two branch academies, corresponding member of the MAVSH, Honored Scientist of Kuban, the Republic of Adygea, Honored Economist of Russia, Honorary Worker of the Higher vocational education Russian Federation, laureate of the regional administration award in the field of science, art, education. Under the leadership of Professor M.A. Kerashev, the department formed scientific school on the economic mechanism for managing complexes and systems of the agro-industrial complex.

For a long time (until 1990), the department trained specialists in economics, organization and industrial planning food products. Since 1990, the department began training in the specialty “Management”. In 1994, training of specialists began in the two most promising specialties - “Finance and Credit” and “Accounting and Audit”. In 2000, the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit was separated from the department. Among the first four universities in Russia in 2000, the department began training specialists in new specialty“Taxes and Taxation”, in 2008 the Department of Taxation and Business Infrastructure was separated from the department. Now the name of the department is “Economics and Finance”.

Department of Financial Management

The Department of Financial Management was founded in 2007 and became one of the basic units of Moscow University that trains financial specialists. From the day of its foundation, the department was headed by Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Alla Zinovievna Bobyleva, a well-known specialist in the field of financial management technologies and crisis management.

At the faculty, the department supervises the module “Corporate Finance” in the direction of “Management”. Actively participates in ensuring the educational process in the modules “Economic and Financial Management” and “Anti-Crisis Management” (GMU), in the master’s program (program with the support of Sberbank PJSC) and graduate school. and graduate school. The department also provides professional retraining under the program “Financial technologies in management” (enrollment is open for September 2018, training for one year) with the issuance of a diploma state standard, as well as a number of short-term training programs.

Every year, under the scientific guidance of the department’s teachers, 30–40 graduation papers are successfully defended (with “good” and “excellent”) qualification works. The list of diploma works of students of the department defended in 2017-2018 will help in choosing the topic of the graduation work.

Graduates of the faculty who have completed specialization at the department work in the largest Russian banks (VTB, Sberbank of Russia), leading consulting companies(McKinsey, Boston Consulting Group, KPMG, Ernst&Young, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Deloitte), well-known companies in the real sector of the economy (Rusal, Gazprom, etc.). The department actively cooperates with the Department for Working with Problem Assets of Sberbank PJSC: Bank employees conduct business games, brainstorming sessions with students, and invite the best students to a paid internship with subsequent employment. Students of the department take part in the faculty’s research work, carried out under contracts with Sberbank. Cooperation is actively implemented through Sberbank's support for the master's program "".

Teachers of the department train graduate students and doctoral students, there is the possibility of being attached as an applicant. Behind last years The department has trained 8 candidates of economic sciences.

Educational activities

Study work The department combines the traditions of classical university education, focused on fundamental theoretical knowledge, with preparation for practical activities in area financial management. Teachers of the department teach undergraduate classes in all areas of training at the faculty, master's programs and for students of second higher education.

Teachers of the department read such training courses , How:

  • "Financial management";
  • "Corporate Finance";
  • "Banking";
  • "Money, credit, banks";
  • "Financial market";
  • "Money-credit policy";
  • “Anti-crisis management in the banking sector”;
  • “Financial technologies in company management”;
  • "Accounting";
  • "Crisis management";
  • "Financial recovery";
  • “Accounting and Analysis”;
  • "Management control";
  • « Financial planning and budgeting";
  • “Theory and practice of restructuring”;
  • "Statistics";
  • "Insurance";
  • "Business Valuation".

The department also offers a large number special courses:

  • "The financial analysis";
  • "Business planning";
  • “Management control and accounting”;
  • "Control working capital»;
  • "Econometrics";
  • "Financial Mathematics";
  • “Strategic financial and investment decisions”;
  • "Investment analysis";
  • “Company growth management”;
  • “Financial management in credit institutions”;
  • “Banking products and services for companies”;
  • “Technologies for attracting financial resources”;
  • “Financial management in the public sector”;
  • “Anti-crisis potential of bankruptcy”;
  • "Taxation in oil and gas industry»;
  • “Diagnostics and methods for identifying the crisis state of companies.”

To help students study theoretical foundations subject area, teachers of the department have published textbooks and teaching aids, both at Moscow State University and widely used in other universities in the country.

The most significant textbooks, educational and methodological aids of the department are:

  • Financial management: problems and solutions.

Textbook for universities. 2nd ed. / under. ed. A.Z. Bobyleva. M.: Yurayt, 2017.

  • Anti-crisis management: government mechanisms, business technologies. Textbook and workshop for academic bachelor's degree / ed. ed. A.Z. Bobyleva. M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2017.
  • Bobyleva A.Z. Working Capital Management (Chapter 17, Sections 18.1–18.3). Financial management: textbook / team of authors; edited by N.I. Berzon and T.V. Thermal. M., 2013.
  • Bobyleva A.Z. Financial planning of innovations. Innovation Management: Tutorial/ Hand. auto coll. V.P. Vasiliev. M., 2011.
  • Bobyleva A.Z. Financial technologies in management. Textbook for universities. M.: Infra-M, 2008.
  • Bobyleva A.Z. Financial management: problems and solutions: Collection of mini-topics for discussion, tests, tasks, business situations. Tutorial. M.: Delo, 2007.
  • Among individual educational projects The following departments should be highlighted:

    • Participation in the Professional Development Program " Local government V Russian Federation: current state and prospects" of the educational and scientific center of state construction and management training of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.
    • Participation in the Program “Training and retraining of the management personnel reserve (2010–2015)” (approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 22, 2010 No. 636-r) for civil servants. A.Z. Bobyleva teaches the course “Public Finance Management”, E.N. Zhavoronkova - “International standards financial statements in the public sector." Many students of the State Reserve Program choose the department as the leading department for writing their final qualifying work.
    • Conducting the interfaculty course “Financial Management,” one of the most popular, as well as the course “Banks in the modern economy.”
    • Training of state representatives in management and control bodies joint stock companies with the share of the Republic of Tatarstan on the topic “Development of an anti-crisis management mechanism” - 2011, 2013. Based on the results of the classes, letters of gratitude were sent to the dean of the faculty from the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Ministry of Land and Property Relations of the Republic of Tatarstan with a high assessment of the quality of the classes conducted by A.Z. Bobyleva.
    • Training within the educational module “Business Planning” of the Program Federal agency on youth affairs “You are an entrepreneur”, lasting 65 hours. Based on the results, a letter was sent to the dean of the faculty expressing gratitude to teacher O.A. Lvovoy.
    • Corporate training for senior and middle managers of Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC in the course “Fundamentals of Finance”: Headquarters in Moscow, as well as in Smolensk, Rostov, Balakovo, Novovoronezh nuclear power plants(A.Z. Bobyleva, O.A. Lvova, E.N. Zhavoronkova). Behind high quality training teacher O.A. Lvov was awarded a diploma.
    • Conducting trainings and corporate training(Softline, Elinar poultry farm, etc.)

    Cooperation of the department with other faculties of Moscow State University:

    1. With the Faculty of Economics according to the programs:

    • master's degree in "Management" (A.Z. Bobyleva, O.A. Lvova);
    • MBA, course “Anticrisis Management”, for which a specialized electronic textbook was developed (A.Z. Bobyleva, O.A. Lvova);
    • Professional retraining “Anti-crisis management” (Prof. A.Z. Bobyleva and Prof. V.V. Gerasimenko - co-directors).

    2. With the Faculty of Law master's program“Bankruptcy” (A.Z. Bobyleva, O.A. Lvova).

    3. With faculty additional education- course “Financial Management” for second higher education (O.A. Lvova).

    Cooperation of the department with other universities:

    • National Research University Higher School of Economics: with the Faculty of Management (course “Financial Management” for undergraduate studies - E.N. Zhavoronkova);
    • Higher School of Project Management of the National Research University Higher School of Economics (MBA, EMBA programs, retraining - A.Z. Bobyleva, E.N. Zhavoronkova);
    • Russian-German high school management of RANEPA (course “Financial Management” for the program vocational training“Young business personnel” - O.A. Lvov);
    • RANEPA: Retraining program for civil servants, course “Economic component of the institution of bankruptcy” - A.Z. Bobyleva.

    Scientific work

    The general scientific direction of the Department of Financial Management is the development of financial and economic technologies in management. In the scientific direction of the department, the following subject areas can be distinguished:

    1. Financial technologies in company management;
    2. Financial business environment: banks, stock markets;
    3. Public Financial Management;
    4. Financial and economic aspects of crisis management.

    In 2018, employees of the department, commissioned by Sberbank PJSC, carried out research work on “Anti-crisis management of an enterprise taking into account the specifics of the industry”, and acted as experts in the bankruptcy case of the Golden Ring OJSC airport, which is being considered Arbitration court Ivanovo region.


    The most significant monographs and scientific articles of recent years:

    • State anti-crisis management in the oil industry: monograph / ed. A. Z. Bobyleva, O. A. Lvovoy. – Urayt Moscow, 2018.
    • Management in conditions of instability of the financial and economic system: strategy and tools: monograph / ed. A.Z. Bobyleva. M., 2011.
    • Bobyleva A.Z. Carrying out analysis financial condition debtor in bankruptcy proceedings: problems and solutions. - Law and economics. 2017. No. 11. P.26-32
    • Lvova O. A. The role of financial investigation tools in bankruptcy procedures of companies // Bulletin of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. - 2018. - No. 2. - P. 125–140.
    • Bobyleva A.Z. State policy in the oil and gas industry as a driver of sustainable development. Collection of abstracts of speeches of the International scientific conference “Russia on the way to Russia: conceptual search and economic strategy” / Ed.

    Yu. M. Osipova, S. S. Nipa, T. S. Sukhina. - M.: Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, 2017. - 280 p.

  • Bobyleva A.Z. Draft Federal standard for an arbitration manager to analyze the financial condition of a debtor. Effective crisis management. 2016 No. 2.
  • Bobyleva A, Anshin V. New Challenges and Advances in Public Crisis Management. Book of Proceedings. International Scientific Conference "Economic and Social Development". Varajdin, 9-10. June, 2016.
  • Bobylev S.N., Bobyleva A.Z. Social indicators of sustainable development. .
  • Bobyleva A.Z. Draft Federal Standard for Arbitration Managers to Analyze the Debtor's Financial Condition/Effective Crisis Management. 2016 No. 2. P.43-47/
  • Bobyleva A.Z., Lvova O.A. /- Public administration. Electronic Bulletin (Electronic Journal), No. 58, 2016.
  • Lvova O. A. Anti-crisis potential of bankruptcy // Bulletin of Moscow University. Episode 21: Governance (state and society). - 2016. - No. 4. - P. 79–104.
  • Bobyleva A.Z. Results of the implementation of stabilization and anti-crisis measures in Russia in 1990-2015: review of the main indicators.
  • Bobyleva A.Z. Modern investment and financial opportunities of Russian oil companies. Taxes and taxation, 2015, No. 3.
  • Lvova O. A., Bobyleva A. Z., Karelina S. A. Questionnaire on insolvency law and company law: Russia / Questionnaire on insolvency (bankruptcy) law and corporate law in Russia // Community of Practice Questionnaire on Insolvency Law And Company Law. - Insolvency and Creditor/Debtor Regimes Questionaires. - Global Forum on Law, Justice and Development (GFLJD), 2015.
  • Lvova O. A., Bobyleva A. Z., Karelina S. A. Étude comparative des procédures d’insolvabilité - russie / Comparative analysis insolvency (bankruptcy) legislation - Russia // Étude Comparative Des Procédures D’insolvabilité, Sous la direction de Jean-Luc Vallens / Comparative analysis of insolvency (bankruptcy) legislation, ed. J.L.Vallens. - T. 18 of Insolvabilité / Insolvency (bankruptcy). - Société de législation compare (SLC) / French Association of Comparative Legislation Paris, 2015. - pp. 41–62.
  • Lvova O. A. Balance of interests of the state and business in modern tax systems of the oil sector // Public administration. Electronic newsletter ( Electronic journal). -2015. - No. 50. - P. 65–88.
  • Bobyleva A.Z. Mechanism for preventing insolvency (bankruptcy). Financial aspects insolvency." Law and business. supplement to the journal “Business Law” 2015. No. 1.
  • Bobyleva A.Z., Zhavoronkova E.N., Lvova O.A. Assessment of taxation models for the oil sector in Russia and abroad. Bulletin of Moscow University. Series 6. Economics. 2015. No. 5.
  • Bobyleva A.Z., Zhavoronkova E.N., Lvova O.A. On the concept of an arbitration manager conducting an analysis of the financial and economic condition of the debtor. Property relations in the Russian Federation. 2015, No. 10.
  • Bobyleva A.Z. State strategy regulation of the Russian oil industry: evolution of the taxation system. Bulletin of Moscow University. Series XXI. No. 4. 2015.
  • Bobyleva A.Z. Approaches to the design of comprehensive anti-crisis management programs for universities. Bulletin of Moscow University. Episode 6 “Economics”. No. 2, 2014 (March-April).
  • Bobyleva A.Z., Usachev A.A.. Public administration. Electronic Bulletin, 2014. Issue No. 42.URL:
  • Lvova O., Bobyleva A. Insolvency Regulation in Russia: Current Issues and Prospects for Reform // Norton Journal of Bankruptcy Law and Practice, Vol. 23, No. 5. – Thomson Reuters, 2014. – P. 583-603.
  • Bobyleva A. Analytical Review of Informal Workouts and Non-Insolvency Procedures in Russia: Examples of Failure and Success // European Insolvency Law: Current Issues and Prospects for Reform (Chapter) / Ed. Rebecca Parry. INSOL Europe, 2014.
  • Lvova O. Russian Insolvency Law: the Mechanism for the Creditors’ Protection or the Opportunity to Raid the Company (Chapter) // European Insolvency Law: Current Issues and Prospects for Reform / Ed. Rebecca Parry. INSOL Europe, 2014.
  • Lvova O.A., Peganova O.M. Factors and causes of bankruptcy of companies in the conditions modern economy// Public administration. Electronic Bulletin, 2014. Issue No. 44. URL:
  • Bobyleva A.Z., Sidorova A.A. Efficiency of university management in Russia: problems and solutions. Bulletin of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2014. No. 2.
  • Information about publications for previous years is available on the individual pages of department employees.