Why you can travel. Three main reasons why you need to travel! Why travel if it's good at home?

Today is my little anniversary - exactly two years of non-stop travel. For this date, I prepared a short article, the main thoughts of which were compiled into a list. Every person who decides to take this action will experience a list of wonderful travel moments: to leave everything and everyone behind and go to discover oneself and, as a result, see how the peoples of other countries of the world live and get high from the unreal beauty of the natural wonders around. If every person overcomes internal questions in the style of: “How will I live without my family and friends?”, “What about my work in the office?” (“What about my pension?” a question from the same opera), “How will I save for an apartment/car?” and an endless list of questions, then a wonderful world called travel will open up.

Here are my 12 reasons why people simply need to travel!

1. Travel teaches you things you never knew.

First of all, this is geography :) If you had asked me 2 years ago which city is the capital, or, I would have had to shyly go to Google. But now I know even more, due to constant dreams and plans to see this or that country. Secondly, it is the culture and traditions of the peoples of the world. Imagine people who look at life completely differently, who have strange and, at times, terrifying traditions and a completely different religion. All this inspires and awakens your curiosity about everything you see and feel.

Travel is always about exploration!

2. Learn to be tolerant

A useful thing in society. If you are tolerant, it means you are educated and generally a normal person. When going on a trip, expect that people in another country will be different: different in skin color and eye shape, traditions and religion, outlook on life and way of life. Therefore, you must always respect a state of affairs that is different from yours and understand that you are not at home. In another country, you are a guest and must take into account their peculiarities.

Travel is what makes us better!

3. Learn to be independent

When traveling, you never depend on anyone, you completely surrender to yourself and rely only on yourself. Therefore, this is, first of all, self-knowledge and the disclosure of one’s abilities and capabilities.

Traveling is independence!

4. Traveling is fun and always a great adventure.

If you are going abroad not on a hot package to some all-inclusive hotel for a week, but do everything yourself, including creating an entertainment program, then adventure will definitely find you. It has been tested more than once, especially when you suddenly deviate from the plan of your program, choose a different route from the usual one, or, at worst, decide to go to some crowded cafe on the outskirts of the city. Life just has to provide something like that! Traveling is always fun! Or you bargain at the local market for some little thing and then, having snatched this very little thing for mere pennies, you feel like a hero and smile from ear to ear all day. Or you went to a restaurant to try khinkali, and there was a Georgian ensemble singing at the top of their lungs - and your mood improved! Or there are boys playing football in the yard, and as soon as they see you, they run up to say hello and shake hands. Or when you meet many different pets on your way in the mountains, you immediately run to cuddle and pet them (not to mention the million photos on your phone).

Traveling is fun!

5. Good language practice

In my case, English. Every person should know at least basic things English language so that you can explain yourself at least at the level of a first-grader. But since language learning at home proceeds in a passive form, when traveling you can’t go anywhere without active practice. If you communicate every day among native speakers or at least those who are the same as you, but when communicating in your native languages ​​you do not understand each other, then the awkwardness and embarrassment gradually goes away, the level of the language improves and there are fewer misunderstandings with other people. Better than sitting at home and knowing the language only in theory.

6. See what you can or cannot live without

One of the meanings of life is to find for yourself what only you need and determine your comfort zone. Staying far beyond the borders of your country, you begin to understand the true value of things, for example, you rethink communication with family and friends, the need for universal approval. And you completely forget about everyday things, such as the presence of a microwave, TV, hot water.

Travel is a choice!

7. Find out your abilities outside of your comfort zone

When you go far from home, you realize that your soft bed with a pillow will no longer please you, the always clean bathroom will be replaced by one that has already passed through hundreds of people, and in the kitchen everything will not be the way you want it. But it’s always nice to expand your comfort zone, to understand that you could survive anywhere and with minimal waste of nerve cells.

8. Understand what you would like from life and find inspiration

If you feel like life has lost its meaning and you don’t have the strength to do anything, plan a trip! Even for a week. This will give you time to get distracted by thinking, relax and be inspired for new achievements and projects.

Travel is inspiration!

9. Make new acquaintances

Probably the most pleasant thing about traveling is meeting new people and interesting personalities. Through meeting local people you can learn more about the country, city, traditions and religion. Since they are local, neither Wikipedia nor any other blog will tell you about this. They will show you places where you can dine without compromising your health, and show you where to buy fruits/vegetables to make them tastier and cheaper! They will show you how they spend their leisure time and how they have fun and will advise you better than any guide on what to see in the city.

10. Try cuisine from different countries of the world

It is unlikely that you will be able to try real Adjarian khachapuri, Georgian khinkali, and Dal Bat rice, Thai Tom Yum soup and Vietnamese spring rolls at home. People have even come up with a new branch in travel - gastronomic tours. Simply put, when you go abroad just to eat and get drunk :)

Travel is always delicious!

11. The opportunity to help people

Volunteering is no longer such a new direction in tourism. People go to poor countries to help both physically and financially. It’s not for me to tell you that a person gets extraordinary satisfaction from helping others. For example, in , after the largest earthquake in history in 2015, a lot of buildings, both ordinary residential buildings and cultural heritage sites, were destroyed. Without tourism and volunteers, the city would take a very long time to recover. The owner of the house in Nepal, from whom we rented an apartment, is engaged in big project to rebuild from scratch the only school high in the mountains, which was completely destroyed by the earthquake. He is actively looking for sponsors and collecting funds to restore Yangrima School. To make construction go faster, you can help using this link.

12. Create new pleasant memories that you will never forget

And finally, these are memories. Probably the most expensive thing we can have. We ourselves are the creators of moments: both pleasant and not so pleasant. But still, later it will be cool to remember and in some places understand how you have changed. The main thing is not to forget to live here and now, enjoy life and not look for any reasons to travel. Just open

If someone ever asks you, “Why are you traveling?”, you can safely ask him a similar question, “Why do you live?” These questions are similar in structure and concept. People at all times have strived to open new horizons, expand knowledge and strive for the unknown. Only, without doing anything, you can rub the callus on the “fifth point”. Agree, it’s not interesting to just sit and look at the monitor, dreaming about the sea or thinking about how to see Stonehenge with your own eyes. Just think what horizons might open up for you when you cross the threshold and set out on a journey. Let it be a neighboring city or region at first, but in a year it could be another country, and in two years it could be the whole world.

First stage

So you saw beautiful places in a picture or in a film and were eager to get there. This is already good, you have a goal, which means it must be fulfilled. Another question is how will you achieve this goal? You can do the standard thing for everyone - wait for your vacation, buy a plane ticket, and go to the place of your dreams. Another issue is that you will see this place and you will no longer have any desires until you randomly stumble upon another beautiful picture. Why wait for this when you can go on a trip right now. "For what?" - you ask. Yes, because you will be able to see hundreds of times more than what you experienced and saw before. Meeting new people, nations, customs, traditions and a lot of things you can talk about for days.

Man is created from memory and consciousness. It is necessary to constantly replenish your memory so that you have something to remember and tell others. You should travel the world not because you want to relax, but because you need to look at the world with your own eyes and not limit yourself to four walls and a computer. You need to be aware of the reality that you need to move on. If there is no desire for something, then there is no meaning in our life at all.

Initially, man was created in order to see how beautiful the world is and how good life is when you use it 100%. It was then that the man handcuffed himself and said to himself: “You need to work and eat!” No, most of the planet now lives by this principle. You need to free yourself from all these prejudices and set realistic goals and deadlines. In any business you need a plan, and here you need to understand why you live and what you want to get from life. If you immediately bring yourself to your knees, then you will not succeed in anything in life.

Everyone constantly talks about some kind of horizon. What is a horizon? This is essentially the end of the world that people look at every day. In reality there is no horizon. If you always move forward, then this horizon will continue to move away. Is it worth trying to achieve it at all? No, just go forward and look at what is in front of your eyes.

There are many places in the world that you just want to live when you look at them. In addition, there are places on the planet, the sight of which raises thousands of different questions in your head. Our planet is so unknown to people that it will take millions more years to fully understand it. There are many questions, due to the fact that out of billions of people, only hundreds of people solve them.

Second phase

It is worth remembering that everyone can travel differently. For some, a trip to a neighboring city may already seem like a journey, but for others, the whole world is not enough. You need to immediately set yourself up for the stage that you can pull off. If the meaning is in one specific place, then you shouldn’t burden yourself. But if you decide to go on a long-term trip, then you need to prepare for it properly, since no one can know what will happen along the way.

For many people, traveling is like an adventure or a game. A person does not create a script and acts according to the situation. In this case, this is good because he will become stronger and will be ready for any life situations. One way or another, it’s worth deciding what the term “travel” means to you. It cannot in any way imply relaxation or entertainment. This is also a kind of work that each person endures in his own way.

If a person is going on vacation, he often says so. But when we hear the word “travel”, we inadvertently immediately imagine the desert, the Amazon River and many other places. The way it is. In such places, people usually do not relax, but travel, increasing their status, worldview and increasing their life experience. In any case, traveling is much better and more interesting than sitting around your precious time, staring at a computer monitor and just talking about interesting places. In fact, everything is not as far as we think. Mileage is an everyday matter. It is much more difficult to overcome your fear than to travel thousands of kilometers. To the question “Why do you need to travel?” Everyone may have their own answer, but it is worth remembering that travel increases our lives.

Travel as the meaning of life

Traveling certainly has great meaning. Just think how big our planet is. There are thousands of places worth visiting and seeing with your own eyes. There is no need to limit yourself to the same resort or sanatorium. You can also go to the city next to your vacation spot and look at an architectural monument in the form of an ancient church.

Traveling used to be difficult for people. It was not so easy to get abroad. Now, a person has everything at hand. Have you decided to fly to another country? Please apply for a foreign passport and order tickets online, as well as book a hotel. Everything is done to make the person comfortable. There are airports in almost every big city. Now you don’t have to worry about your own vacation, since everything down to the smallest detail can be planned in advance.

What does the trip consist of?

The journey is structured a little differently. Here one habitat will not be enough. You will have to travel around the countries, but in return, you will get a lot of unforgettable experiences from what you see. You will meet different people, learn their way of life, traditions and laws. It's actually very exciting and fun. Of course, for people who go for it, everything doesn’t work out right away, but the fact of the matter is that everything in life needs to be learned. After a while, a person realizes that he has found what he was looking for. It’s not a matter of principle, “I want to see it and that’s it!” It's all about the goal that a person sets for himself.

Many people, having walked around the planet, understand that the meaning of life lies in what they see. After all, every person has a place in his head that he dreams of visiting. Some are in the sea, some are in the mountains, and some want to play in a casino in Las Vegas.

Our land was created so interesting precisely so that it could be studied and explored. Just imagine how many unexplored places our land conceals. Yes, this is just the beginning. It takes a long time for a person to decide to travel, but when he finally crosses the threshold, he realizes that there is no turning back. By retreating from his dream, a person destroys himself, because without a dream he does not live, but simply exists. It is necessary to remember this.

Travel is like adrenaline

Travel is the meaning of life that is worth sticking to. Sitting in your hometown, sooner or later you will want to go somewhere. While health allows, it is worth looking at the lives of other people and at the sights. For many, this will seem like an expensive pleasure, but we hasten to disappoint you. Nowadays, people are able to travel without pennies in their pockets - if only they wanted to. If you are with a kippah Money fly to Australia and know that you will be met there and placed in a luxurious hotel room, then this is not a trip, but a regular planned vacation. Traveling must have adrenaline.


One way or another, decide what is most important to you – work and home or unknown places and expanding your own horizons. In the first case, you have everything ahead, but it will be difficult for you to give up everything. In the second case, all you have to do is pack your things and go on a journey, because everything is at stake. May your life be full of contrasts and diversity!

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Interesting articles 23.06.2018

You have been planning to change your life for a long time. BUT! work-home-family-responsibilities-loans and other excuses don't even allow you to breathe to understand what changes you need. You continue to run at the usual crazy pace of life, without doing anything.

Think, look at your life from a different angle, decide what you lack now and what prevents you from living in harmony with yourself. Does not work? Then here's some working advice for you: leave the house and go a bit further usual route home-work-shop-home.

Why travel if it's good at home?

Does the unknown scare you? This is fine. Fear of the new is a common occurrence in the life of every person. But weigh all the benefits of travel and your fear - are they on the same scale? Let's figure it out what travel teaches us and whether we should actively look for excuses to defend our fears.

1. You look up from the couch. Thinking about the upcoming voyage, we begin to worry about the difficulties that await tourists. We are worried that we will not find a place to stay for the night, that we will not be able to communicate with the residents of another country in our broken English. What do travel teach? Because all the fears listed above are in vain. Gather your courage, put aside your worries, focus on your goal and hit the road. It is a mistake to think that traveling is either a “round the world” trip, where you burn all your bridges, or a package holiday, which limits you to an all-inclusive system. How much do you know about the surrounding areas of your city? About the life of residents of neighboring villages? Surely there are a lot of interesting things near you. Start discovering the world small.

2. Travel changes your worldview. The first thing he learns after visiting different countries is that exotic places are not as dangerous as they seem. You can feel comfortable in any city. This rule also applies to wildlife: respecting basic rules security, you are guaranteed to avoid trouble. Moreover, in a metropolis a person is more likely to die (for example, by being hit by a car) than in a desert or forest.

3. You will constantly expand your horizons. What are travels for? To get to know the world and get acquainted with the culture of other peoples. Don't worry about the friendliness of the people: the locals always treat travelers politely and try to help them. If you are not a Tagil fan, don’t spoil their heritage and don’t laugh at the culture of the country in which you are a guest, then traveling will definitely bring you new acquaintances and faith in people. Many people will be happy to provide you with an overnight stay, show you the way, and tell you about the interesting sights of their country.

4. You don’t have to be a millionaire to see the world. Travel more and you will realize that you don't need to spend millions to do it. Big money is necessary only for those who dream of a sea cruise to exotic islands. Although, if you make friends with the locals, you can easily avoid these expenses. When organizing your travels yourself, you only need to have a small amount of cash to buy food, pay for transport and hotel rooms or places in hostels. Living in the latter, by the way, despite its cheapness, can give you a huge amount of experience and impressions.

5. Things are just things. First-time tourists consider it their duty to take 10 suitcases on the road with outfits for all occasions and full equipment in case of the end of the world. But over time, travel teaches that an abundance of luggage only gets in the way. A person on the road (as in life) needs a minimum of clothing, two pairs of shoes, hygiene products, money and documents.

You can’t decide which of the two T-shirts you have is better to take with you, but you end up putting both in your backpack. Why do you voluntarily complicate your life? Learn to make choices, starting with small things like this. .

Once you start traveling, you will realize that you absolutely do not need most of the things you have, and you can painlessly get rid of them by freeing up space in your closet. The same applies to unnecessary emotions, unnecessary worries, uninteresting people and habitual obligations - by getting rid of such “junk”, you will make room for new things.

6. You are yours best friend and a travel companion. Can't find travel companions to go on the road with cheerful company? This will only benefit you. No the best way understand yourself, the world, define life goals and cultivate fortitude than solo travel. Traveling alone is an incomparable experience. By relying only on your own strengths, you will begin to believe in yourself more and learn to make responsible decisions on your own. This will make it easier for you to meet new people, try unusual things and take on unfamiliar roles, since you won’t have to look up to anyone and won’t be afraid of anyone’s judgement.
The heroine Reese Witherspoon went on a similar journey in the film “Wild” after upheavals in her life: overcoming the difficulties of the route on a solo trip, she was able to save herself from mental suffering. If you can't figure it out difficult life situation , maybe solo travel is what will help you now?
7. It's a small world. Long journeys have changed the opinion of millions of people that our planet is vast. It only seems like this when you watch about other countries on TV. In reality, it is possible that you will meet your friends when you go to Cambodia, India or Kamchatka. Or, in a quiet, remote corner of the world, meet someone from your hometown.

8. Learn to be tolerant. A useful thing in society. If you are tolerant, it means you are educated and generally a normal person. When going on a trip, expect that people in another country will be different: different in skin color and eye shape, traditions and religion, outlook on life and way of life. Therefore, you must always respect a state of affairs that is different from yours and understand that you are not at home. In another country you are a guest and must take into account their peculiarities. Travel more and don’t be afraid to communicate with people and look for new acquaintances. Perhaps one of the billions of people who will change your life will meet you in a place you never thought possible.

9 . Explore your abilities outside of your comfort zone. When you go far from home, you realize that your soft bed with a pillow will no longer please you, the always clean bathroom will be replaced by one that has already passed through hundreds of people, and in the kitchen everything will not be the way you want it. But it’s always nice to expand your comfort zone, to understand that you could survive anywhere and with minimal waste of nerve cells.

10. Understand what you can and cannot live without. One of the meanings of life is to find for yourself what only you need and determine your comfort zone. Staying far beyond the borders of your country, you begin to understand the true value of things, for example, you rethink communication with family and friends, the need for universal approval. And you completely forget about everyday things, such as the presence of a microwave, TV, hot water.

11. Create new pleasant memories. And finally, these are memories. Probably the most expensive thing we can have. We ourselves are the creators of moments, both pleasant and not so pleasant. But still, later it will be cool to remember and in some places understand how you have changed. The main thing is not to forget to live here and now, enjoy life and not look for any reasons to travel.

12. The joy of returning. No matter how good it is along the way, returning home is a joyful moment for every person. Arriving in your hometown, you will be glad to meet your loved ones and work colleagues. And the changes that happen to you on your journey will certainly affect your life. And if you want to change your life now, try to start with at least a short trip to an unfamiliar place.

For several years now, there has been a kind of trending epidemic among young people, which is responsible for the appearance of many articles on the Internet in the style of “20 reasons why you should travel around the world” or “20 places to visit before the end of the world”, etc. The name of this epidemic is travel.

To bookmarks

Two years ago I left my favorite job as a designer and went traveling, starting with the simplest and cheapest part of the earth - Asia. Having rafted there for two years and traveled several tens of thousands of kilometers, I have acquired a certain sense of smell that allows me to identify mocking slogans from the phrases of other travelers calling on people to leave everything and leave. And before you do the most big mistake in your life (unless of course you already have children), I implore you to read the following analysis of quotes that will help you save the most precious thing in your life - time, and a few thousand bucks in your stash.

In this post, I'm not advocating for people to avoid traveling, I'm just warning people of the consequences of having high expectations.

1/8 “Quit your job, get rid of your things and start traveling” - beautiful words and nothing more.

I was one of the few who loved my job and deeply valued my privileges. Learning and starting to work has never been an option for me. special labor. I easily did what I was good at and when the opportunity to leave my job came up, I really panicked that I wouldn’t be able to get it back. After all, finding a job is the first thing, and learning to work in such a way as to be needed is a skill that many, alas, never manage to acquire.

Not working with clients to achieve my goals threw me off track every day. Imagine you are offered a job for good money, and you say “no, thanks.” The process of closing the company in the register, bank accounts, and tax reports ultimately took about two years. Without delving into the fact that due to the time period and stay abroad, communication with the tax office was flawed and resulted in fines due to late payments.

When I sold and gave away my belongings, it turned out that I still had a couple of bags of things that were too precious to me to get rid of. In the end, they had to be returned to where I had once taken them from, to my parents’ house. The fact that I found myself needing these things less throughout my life is also a fact, but I simply couldn’t morally get rid of them completely. This is me, a person obsessed with things.

2/8 Travel is a luxury, not a “necessity of life.”

In the genetic lottery, I drew the lucky ticket given to me at birth - I was born into a middle-class white family with average income. My parents’ priorities did not include vaccinations against deadly diseases; there was a shortage drinking water, finding food and moving from the slums to the city. I had a well-fed adolescence, a good education and a respectable job. I allowed myself holidays, gifts and vacations, and traveling to meet the world was something like a fantasy on TV. The very concept of the word “travel” was helped me define by Arthur Clarke and Jack Kerouac, whose heroes, for a number of specific circumstances, traveled around countries in search of solutions to life’s problems. But the truth is that many of what was written were fiction, and those that were true were meant to be tramps that were once in vogue.

While I was traveling in the Himalayas, most of my friends were working hard to pay off their mortgages, student loan, or a car loan, and buying packs of diapers for children, shaking for their place of work, knowing that this is the only the right way in their lives, and who can blame them?

Nepalese landscape rugged with rice terraces.

3/8 Feeling of life, self-discovery and enlightenment.

Tasting life is not the same as feeling alive. You don’t need to go to another part of the planet to feel “alive”; all you need to do is poke yourself with a needle. If you are in pain and bleeding, you are alive. Look, I've already saved you a couple of grand.

I don’t understand how you can find yourself while traveling. Before you find something, you need to lose it. The journey is not a result, but a process in which you are who you are 100%. By transporting you from one environment to another, you will not be found or lost, but will only begin to react differently to other conditions. But when you return back to the environment, you will immediately return to your previous state, because the environment shapes you and your behavior necessary to get used to these conditions. Getting used to it does not mean finding it. The one you are looking for is an ever-changing model of your personal existence. This way, any problems you face now will be with you there too. Whether it's a loan debt or a disagreement with your wife. This will be with you during the Thai massage and Full Moon Party. And the one who believes only in his own actions to achieve some goal and encourages others to live the same way is a real scoundrel.

4/8 “You must be the person you want to see the world.”

The most natural modern cleanliness of a traveler is to do nothing and be clean. Live in communes and don’t interfere with others’ lives. Smoke dope and love everyone equally. Traveling is no longer necessary to make the world a better place. Now it’s more important to more actively reorganize the world around you, increasing good over evil, doing something directly for the world, and not focusing on yourself. This can be done without leaving home.

A foreigner meditates early in the morning in ancient city India Varanasi.

5/8 Motivator with the picture “You can if you want.”

My peers and younger people had an idea about the need to travel. Moving around the world began to be considered a duty, calling for forgetting about money problems. Millions of people around the world post motivational quotes to places that many people want to visit. But the truth is that most of these pictures are fabricated and their creators are lifestyle influencers. This is something like stimulating one's vanity, teasing the viewer with pictures from a life that he will never have, and making him feel like a failure and change his life in a different direction. I myself am guilty of giving false hope to many people in developing countries, because for the wealthy classes, traveling has become a way to pat themselves on the back for something that, frankly, anyone with the means can do.

Anyone who says “You can if you want” is simply a hypocrite, he either does not understand the difficulties of life, or is connected with travel companies, and is ultimately trying to sell you something. Tourism is a colossal business. In 2014, 1 billion people left their countries. This says a lot about the growth of personal well-being, but this is only 1/7 of the world's population, which means that the remaining 6 billion people cannot afford it for many reasons. By the way, these calculations also include mass immigration. The truth is that travel is not a necessity, but a competition between wealth and opportunity, and advice to “don’t worry about money” only adds salt to the wounds of those who have neither.

6/8 Getting out of your comfort zone.

Leaving your comfort zone means being aware, because without knowledge, inconvenience will begin. Getting out of your comfort zone means being prepared to see little Chinese children shitting on the sidewalk. In India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, people may spit red tobacco gum on you (accidentally, of course, but still possible). You need to be prepared for the streets of London and Paris, which in the evenings from Friday to Sunday stink of urine due to drinking in taverns. How to react to a festival where a bunch of religious fanatics drive a cow into a corner, cut off its head, and leave it there to die? Seeing poverty will collapse your personal understanding of happiness once and for all. And next time, before paying the bill at a restaurant, you will know that for the same money you can feed a village.

The other side of Chennai, India.

Traveling without comfort, staying, for example, in some budget hotel, you will undoubtedly acquire bedbugs. After all, if you have skin, there will always be someone who wants to suck on it. The problem with skin is that it doesn't have eyes. If they were there, they would show that the proboscis of a mosquito is inserted into it, which seems to drink your health from a straw, injecting malaria molecules into it, or that the deadly jaws of a giant shaggy spider are trying to bite through it.

The world may not be as dangerous as the media makes it out to be, but it is unfair, dirty and rough, and if you are left alone in some place, you can feel all its cruelty.

7/8 “Traveling is easy.” I didn't do anything more difficult.

You are not Anthony Berdine or Bear Grylls, who are paid to travel around the world and thereby entertain others. In order to climb the volcano you need to sweat a lot, otherwise you will have to pay the minions who will carry you there in a chair. It’s also not easy to find a hotel, navigate a chaotic area, and not get robbed or get food poisoning from the local food. The information media distorts reality - the world is no longer the same as it illustrates. There are almost no places left in the world that do not belong to someone, and their animals are protected in a reserve or have long since become extinct. The remaining 3 thousand wild tigers in the wild are proof of this. This is slightly more than the population of Taiwan's Lan Island, spread over an area of ​​45 km².

White man = money. It's sort of like a rule that sets up a dynamic between you and the locals that is difficult to overcome without paying.

Travel is a kind of school that teaches through your efforts. It’s as if it throws you onto a platform among cannibals and looks at your reaction and ability to maneuver. Travel is not without comfort; not everyone can withstand the constant test of endurance, weak stomach, cramped conditions and chaos.

Seasonal flood in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

8/8 Travel for cultures and people.

This is as absurd as looking for yourself. After all, people are the same everywhere and are not far from a global monoculture, with the same instincts and needs, and the satisfaction of these needs. They also live and work, and know that prosperity is their only way to procreate. And if you are not an anthropologist, be honest with yourself and say that traveling for the sake of cultural heritage is more important to you, only for the screen saver and the like in the feed.

And finally.

It amazes me to no end how many people set off to travel the world and then complain that the process of traveling is quite tedious and boring; that you need to take a plane, then a train, a bus, a taxi and a rickshaw. That you need to walk around the city in the heat, from one place to another. That the bacilli bite, there are no toilets or showers, food makes you swell. This is as stupid as thinking that traveling is a vacation. Traveling is all of the above inconveniences. Travel is work. And just as it is given to a person not always to love his job, home and resort will be his only places of relaxation.
