Regulations on the photo competition “Nature in the Lens. The best photos of the “Beauty of Nature” photo competition (28 photos) Regulations on the nature photography competition

Olga Karpova
Regulations on the photo competition “Nature in the Lens”


The present Position determines the procedure for holding the competition in accordance with the annual work plan of the MBDOU "TsRR-d/s No. 196" for the 2015-2016 academic year.


Showcasing the diversity of beauty nature, picturesque spots and monuments nature of the Black Earth region


1. Formation ecological culture and consciousness in children;

2. Fostering love for the homeland and developing a caring, responsible attitude towards it natural resources.


Expressiveness of the figurative solution;

Technique and quality of workmanship;

Color, clarity;

The artistic level of the work;

Environmental component.


1. Works for the competition must be submitted in printed form.

2. Photos of any size must be accompanied by a label with the author's name.


« Nature- creator of all creators" (photographs of unique places of nature)

“Stop, just a moment!”(unexpected, funny, interesting photos, displaying any event, a natural phenomenon, animals, etc.)

"Macro photography"(maximum enlarged image wildlife objects)

"A man alone with nature»

"Life source" (image of water in photos)

"In the world of fauna" (animal photos, birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians, insects, arachnids in natural habitats)

"In the world of flora" (photos plants in natural habitats)


1. Time: 04/15/16.

2. Submit the results of the competition by 04/17/16.

3. Appoint a commission and familiarize it with the order by 03/15/16

4. Based on the protocol of the competition commission, the head of the MBDOU prepares documents on awarding bonuses to the winners.

Publications on the topic:


Regulations on the speech therapy room Regulations on the speech therapy room of the MBDOU “Kindergarten of a combined type “Rodnichok” Kursk region Kursk region 1. General provisions.

Regulations on the Methodological Cabinet 1. General provisions 1.1. A methodological office (hereinafter referred to as the Office) is being created at the MBDOU “Kindergarten of compensatory type No. 37 “Gvozdichka”.

Regulations on GCD for the educational program Regulations on GCD to educational program MBDOU kindergarten No. 18. 1. General provisions 1.1. Regulations on the organization of NOD in the municipal.

Regulations on project activities in preschool educational institutions Approved: by order of MDOBU d/s No. 1 MO Korenovsky district No. ___ dated "__"___ 2016. ___ E. Yu. Anikienko REGULATIONS on the design.

Regulations on the work of a book exchanger Agreed by: Director of the MBUK "Manskaya MB" branch of the Pervomansk Rural Library ___D. I. Dmitrieva Agreed: Protocol.


Municipal budgetary cultural institution

"Center of Traditional folk culture»


Ophoto competition "I love my region»,

dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the city of Kharovsk,

85 -anniversary of Kharovsky district.


1.1. These Regulations on the “I love my land” photo competition dedicated to the 60th anniversary

the city of Kharovsk and the 85th anniversary of the Kharovsky district, determines the procedure for organizing and holding the Event.

1.2. The organizers of the competition are the Municipal Budgetary Institution of Culture “Center for Traditional Folk Culture” and the Department of Education of the Kharovsky Municipal District.


2.1.Purpose of the competition:

    the formation of patriotic feelings and civic position of students, the development of a sense of pride in their native land, love for their small homeland.

2.2. Competition objectives:

    develop students’ creative thinking, their artistic taste and creative initiative;

    increase students' interest in professional activity in the field of digital photographic technologies and general information culture;

    using the art of photography to tell about the history, traditions, and present day of our native land.

Popularization of photography as a means of artistic expression.


3.1.Students can take part in the event 1-11 grades general educational institutions, pupils of additional education institutions, students of educational institutions of primary vocational education.


4.1. Dates of the Event: from September 20, 2014 to October 28, 2014.

From September 20, 2014 to October 20, 2014 – acceptance of photographs.

From 21.10. 2014 to October 24, 2014 – exhibition design.

From 10.25.2014 to 10.27.2014 – summing up.

10.28.2014 - award ceremony for the winners (time and place will be determined later)


5.1. The event has a local history focus and is dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the city of Kharovsk and the 85th anniversary of the Kharovsky district. Competition entries must reflect the diversity of their native land and demonstrate the unique features of Kharovskaya land.

5.2.Nominations of the photo competition:

    "Edge" our northern »

Photographs in this category must reflect "ethnographic photographic research":

Traditional way of life, folk costume, national and cultural heritage of the people living in the Kharovsky district;

Organization of life and everyday life of the city, villages, towns, their inhabitants, their occupations, features and lifestyle, traditions, etc.

    « Places dear to the heart" The most beautiful corners of nature native land, natural monuments, photographs of natural objects indicating their local names.

    "My fellow countrymen" A portrait photograph depicting a person or a group of people who are the main subjects of the photograph. Photos of people who belong to different generations, photographs that reflect the feelings of loved ones, and manifestations of good relations between people and the outside world are accepted.

    "Free Theme"

Color or black and white photographs are accepted for the competition. good quality in printed form (standard format - 20x30 cm) and in in electronic format. Photos downloaded from the Internet will not be considered.

5.4. The competition participant draws up an accompanying sheet for the photograph. The accompanying sheet reflects the details of the competition participant: Full name. student, name educational institution, class, title of the work, competition nomination, time and place of shooting, brief description of the subject of the photograph - who or what is captured in the photograph. Volume no more than 0.5 pages of printed text.

5.5.All electronic materials must be saved in a separate folder. The folder is named by last name author.

5.6.Each participant can submit one work in the nomination to the competition. Works submitted to the competition are not reviewed and photographic materials are not returned.

5.7. Poor quality photographs in which the main subject is poorly visible are not accepted for the competition; negative or repulsive content; without name and tags; with the date and time of shooting; photographs processed in graphic editions and collages.

5.8. The organizers of the competition reserve the right to use photographs for non-commercial purposes in whole or in part.

5.9. Acceptance of competition materials and registration of participants is carried out until OCTOBER 20, 2014 in the MBUK "Center for Traditional Folk Culture", at the address: Kharovsk, Energetikov Street, 11, 2nd floor of the MIR State House of Culture. Tel. for inquiries - 89005416757


6.1.A jury is created to determine the winners of the competition. The jury consists of at least 5 people. The jury evaluates the materials submitted to the competition for each nation and determines the winners.


7.1. The winners and runners-up are determined by members of the expert commission. Winners and runners-up receive Diplomas, each participant in the competition will receive a Certificate of Participation for their portfolio.

7.2. The results of the event are posted on the official website of the administration of the municipal formation of the city of Kharovsk.

The Siena International Photo Awards photo competition in 2016 attracted participants from 130 countries. Winners were chosen from about 50,000 competition works, submitted by amateur and professional photographers.
"Beauty of Nature" is one of the most exciting categories of the photography competition, full of wonderful shots taken from interesting angles in the wild. Here you can see landscape photos made in forests, deserts and mountains; macro photographs of flora and fauna; footage taken above and below water in oceans, lakes and rivers.
We invite you to familiarize yourself with the best photographs of nature that took prizes and received an honorable mention in 2016.
1st place – Spectacular eruption of Mount Etna, Cesaro, Italy

Photo by: Giuseppe Mario Famiani

This image captures the splendor of erupting magma, ash and gas in the early days of December 2015, as a plume of smoke rose several kilometers above Mount Etna's summit.

2nd place – Decisive throw, Kuril Lake, Kamchatka, Russia

Photo by: Mike Korostelev

A bear is fishing in the river. He sits down, puts his head under the water and freezes, tracking the fish. As soon as she stops being afraid and swims closer, the bear makes a decisive lunge and catches her with his paws or teeth.

3rd place – Galaxy of the Dolomites, Tre Cime di Lavaredo, Italy

Photo by: Ivan Pedretti

Panoramic view with setting moon and three peaks of Lavaredo (Italy). Taken at night in July during a photo weekend.

Honorable Mention
Mangroves, Cuba

Photo by: Greg Lecourt

Mangrove forests are unique. This is a very important ecosystem on Earth. As in all ecosystems, there is a predator at the top of the food chain. I was exploring mangroves in Cuba and was able to photograph an American crocodile.

French Polynesia is an amazing place for nature lovers. I went snorkeling in the lagoon of Moorea Island and photographed marine life, namely blacktip sharks. Swimming or diving with sharks changes the way you think about them.

Jellyfish under the northern lights off the coast of Northern Norway, near Tromsø.

Small and giant creatures of the forest, Mantua, Italy

Photo by: Alberto Gizzi Panizza

This autumn photo from an interesting angle captures dewdrops and small mushrooms under the poplars.

Stars from two worlds, Tromso, Norway

Photo by: Audun Rikardsen

Starfish feeding underwater at night are illuminated by celestial stars and dancing northern lights.

Fire Falls, Yosemite National Park, California

For two weeks a year, the sun illuminates Horsetail Falls in Yosemite National Park in a special way. Within a few minutes before sunset, the sun's rays turn the waterfall into fiery lava. To get this shot, I set up my tripod six hours before sunset on the banks of the Merced River among more than 200 other photographers. I waited for the fog to rise up the waterfall, and only on the second evening I took this magical photo.

I took this photo in the Austrian Alps, half a mile away from another mountain. A scene unfolded in front of me where a skier, descending from a high mountain, enjoyed the soft snow and the beauty of this place.

After several days of heavy rain, fresh water finally cleaned the Rio Tinto River, carrying away the acid and transforming it into an ecosystem suitable for the birds that came from the swamps of the nearby Odiele River. I focused on the flight of a flock of pink flamingos.

Red dawn, Airuno, Lombardy, Italy

Photo by: Michele Masullo

This photo was taken on a beautiful morning with a magical sunrise. I was able to photograph the swan at the moment when the bird rose from the water, as if realizing the beauty given by nature.

"Wonderful" Award
Mystical monument

Photo by: Massimiliano Broggi

There are no two without four