Regulations on grants. Regulations on grants - targeted financing of socially significant projects Actual address of the organization

On the formation, examination and implementation of the section “Infrastructure and targeted support for science” of the Plan for the Development of Science and Technology in the Interests of the City for 2000-2001, approved by the Vice-Mayor of Moscow on February 28, 2000.

1. Concepts and definitions used

1.1. Grant from the Moscow Government (hereinafter referred to as the grant)- free and irrevocable provision on a competitive basis by the Moscow Government (grantor) to a subject of scientific and scientific-technical activity (grant recipient) Money from the city budget to implement a specific project in the interests of developing the scientific and technical potential of the city.

1.2. State customer- an institution of the Moscow Government authorized by it to manage scientific and technical activities in the interests of the city.

1.4. Scientific organization- scientific organizations as defined by the Federal Law of August 23, 1996 “On Science and State Scientific and Technical Policy”

2. General provisions

2.1. Grants are provided by the Department of Science and Industrial Policy of the Moscow Government based on the decision of the competition commission in the following areas:

2.1.1. In the field of applied scientific and technical work and fundamental research aimed at the development of the city.

2.1.2. To develop the experimental (research) base of scientific and scientific-technical activities.

6.5.5. Determines the final cost and timing of work.

6.5.6. Accepts reports under contracts in the prescribed manner and has the right to request from the contractor all financial documents under the contract.

8. Implementation of scientific and technical projects carried out within the framework of the provided grant

8.1.1. Used exclusively for the needs of the project provided for by the grant in accordance with the approved cost structure.

8.1.2. Spent by the organization for the needs of the project in agreement with the scientific supervisor.

8.1.3. Explanation of costs is attached to the contract report.

8.1.4. The intellectual property right (expressed in the form of scientific and technical documentation, patents, etc.) under a grant from the Moscow Government belongs to the city and is reflected in the agreement.

8.2. Financing of a grant provided to an individual is carried out through scientific organization or enterprise specified in the application.

8.3. The maximum amount of overhead costs cannot exceed 10% of the contract value for grants in the direction of clause 2.1.1 and 10% of the contractor’s own costs for the grants in the direction of clause 2.1.2 (the cost of the contract minus the cost of purchased equipment).

8.4. The purchase of the necessary computer equipment by the grant recipient is carried out in agreement with the city customer, taking into account the capabilities of the existing centers for collective use.

8.5. Acceptance of grant reports is carried out by the city customer together with the relevant users (departments, committees and offices) in the prescribed manner.

9.7. If circumstances arise that prevent the project manager from performing his functions, the project manager informs the city customer about this, after which the city customer, together with the competition commission, considers the feasibility and conditions for continuing work on the project. The replacement of the project manager is made by decision of the Competition Committee.

Grants from the Russkiy Mir Foundation are provided on a competitive basis to Russian and foreign non-profit organizations, as well as citizens or stateless persons for the implementation of projects whose goal is to popularize the Russian language, support programs for its study, expand cultural and humanitarian cooperation with the Russian Federation, promote activities foreign Russian language means mass media.

A Foundation grant refers to targeted funds provided irrevocably and free of charge to individuals and legal entities for the implementation of specific projects on conditions determined by the Foundation.

A grant is targeted funds provided irrevocably and free of charge to individuals and legal entities for the implementation of a specific project on conditions determined by the Russkiy Mir Foundation (hereinafter referred to as the Fund) and with the obligatory provision of a report on the intended use of the funds received.

The Foundation's grants are provided to Russian and foreign non-profit organizations, as well as citizens or stateless persons for the implementation of specific projects.

A project is an event (or a set of events) carried out with a specific purpose, having a specific implementation period, aimed at a specific target audience, as a result of which the stated results are achieved.

The Foundation grants are provided in two areas:

    • projects to promote the Russian language;
    • cultural and humanitarian projects.

As part of the implementation of projects to promote the Russian language, projects aimed at:

    • teaching Russian (including as a non-native language and as a foreign language);
    • advanced training and retraining of teachers of Russian language and literature;
    • creation of new educational and methodological complexes, teaching aids, textbooks and other publications to help teachers of Russian language and literature studying the Russian language;
    • development of multimedia educational resources and systems distance learning Russian language and literature;
    • establishment and support of Russian-language schools;
    • holding olympiads and competitions in Russian language and literature;
    • popularization of the Russian language and literature through media channels;
    • conducting linguistic research on the Russian language;
    • holding forums, conferences, round tables, festivals, holidays and other similar events aimed at popularizing the Russian language and Russian literature.

Within the framework of the cultural and humanitarian direction, projects are being considered that have as their goal the popularization of the ideas and values ​​of the Russian world, the formation abroad of a positive image of Russia and interest in its modern life, including:

    • release and promotion of Russian-language media, other information resources oriented towards preserving and promoting the values ​​of the Russian World;
    • preparation and publication of monographs, books, albums, creation of films about the Russian world and its outstanding representatives;
    • holding forums, conferences, round tables, seminars dedicated to the study of Russia, its history and culture and their place in world civilization;
    • holding thematic festivals, holidays, exhibitions, competitions, etc.;
    • conducting other research and cultural and humanitarian activities.

No, the project presented in the grant application must correspond to only one of the two areas specified in clause 1.6 on the provision of grants from the Russkiy Mir Foundation. Each of the directions has its own list of goals provided for in paragraphs 1.7 or 1.8 of the above.

Decisions on supporting grant applications received by the Fund are made expert advice Fonda.

Grants are provided on a competitive basis. All other things being equal, preference is given to projects that have greater social significance and are more focused on achieving practical results. When assessing projects, experts and expert councils of the Foundation make decisions based on the following criteria:

    • compliance of the project with the activities of the Foundation and the areas in which financial support is provided;
    • relevance, novelty and innovative nature of the project, the possibility of widespread use of the results of the project in the activities of educational institutions, non-profit and other organizations supported by the Foundation;
    • Availability target audience interested in the results of the project;
    • the validity of the requested funds;
    • availability of letters of support for the project from international and national professional associations, associations and organizations, scientific institutions, public and non-governmental organizations commercial organizations, government and administrative bodies, educational institutions;
    • availability of written confirmation of support of this project at the expense of other sources of financing by other non-profit and commercial organizations, indicating the amounts provided by them for the implementation of the project;
    • the prospect of further development of the project and the use of its results after the completion of project financing.

Applications for the implementation of projects are not accepted for consideration and are not admitted to the competition:

    • commercial organizations, as well as non-profit organizations that have commercial structures among their members;
    • who were previously provided with grants and donations from the Foundation, the recipients of which did not fulfill their obligations to the Foundation, relating primarily to the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of submitting a report on the intended use of the funds received;
    • submitted by organizations since their establishment, whose registration at the time of application has passed less than a calendar year;
    • involving the generation of income and profit;
    • aimed directly at financing the activities of non-profit organizations as such, as well as covering the costs of repairing premises, forming property, creating funds and financing the activities of management and supervisory bodies of organizations;
    • corresponding to more than one of the two directions specified in clause 1.6. , as well as projects whose goals correspond to more than one of the provisions specified in paragraph 1.7. or 1.8. the above provision;
    • individuals who provide for remuneration of the applicant for the implementation of the project and (or) expenses associated with the involvement of other individuals in the implementation of the project (wages, travel, accommodation, food, etc.);
    • the purpose of which is the publication of books, teaching aids, teaching materials, albums, the creation of films, television and radio programs and similar ones, providing for the payment of royalties and royalties from the Foundation grant, as well as projects involving the distribution or screening of these materials created at the expense of the grant Fund, on a paid basis;
    • not providing for communicating the project results to the target audience;
    • the amount of requested financing is indicated in a currency other than rubles Russian Federation, euro or US dollars;
    • if the application, cost estimate and calendar plan the implementation of which is not certified by the signature of a person (the head of an organization or an applicant - an individual) and a seal, if the applicant has one - legal entity;
    • if there is no cost estimate, project implementation schedule, Bank details, as well as photocopies of accompanying documents;
    • if the original (original) of the application is not submitted;
    • if the application is not in Russian;
    • if the application is not made in the form established by the Foundation (application forms for applicants - legal entities and applicants - individuals are posted on the Foundation’s Internet portal).

The project of an individual applicant must be implemented by him independently (single-handedly, without the involvement of other individual co-executors). Projects of individuals that provide for payment of labor to an individual applicant for the implementation of the project and (or) expenses associated with attracting other individuals to implement the project (wages, travel, accommodation, food, etc.) are not accepted for consideration and are not allowed to compete. ). Applicant- individual to implement the project has the right to use the services (for example, printing, postal, information, etc.) of specialized organizations.

No you can not.

The number of applications submitted by the applicant is not limited by the Foundation and is determined by the grant applicant independently.

The grant application must be written in Russian. Applications written in other languages ​​will not be considered.

The amount of the requested grant amount is not regulated by the Foundation. The requested amount is determined by the grant applicant independently. The calculation of the requested amount is reflected in the cost estimate (Appendix No. 1 to the grant application).

The duration of the project is determined by the applicant independently (based on the content of the project) and is not regulated by the Foundation. The timing of the project includes preparatory activities (purchase of tickets, production of printed materials, etc.) and are reflected in the calendar plan (Appendix No. 2 to the grant application).

Applicants who are residents of the Russian Federation must indicate in the application for a grant the amount of the requested grant in rubles of the Russian Federation; applicants who are residents of European Union countries - in euros; all other applicants - at their choice: in Russian rubles, US dollars or euros. The transfer of the grant amount is made by the Foundation in rubles, euros or US dollars on the basis of the grant agreement and in the manner established by the Foundation.

Grant funds are provided exclusively in non-cash form by transfer to the bank account of the grant recipient in accordance with the grant agreement.

To receive a grant, you must submit a grant application to the Foundation, drawn up according to the form posted on the Foundation’s Internet portal (for applicants - or for applicants -). The application must contain an estimate of costs for the implementation of the project (Appendix No. 1) and a calendar plan for the implementation of the project (Appendix No. 2). The application must also be accompanied by photocopies, the list of which and the content requirements are published on the Foundation’s Internet portal.

The expert council makes a decision on whether to support or reject the project, as well as the amount of funding if supported. The application may not be supported in full, which is not a reason for the applicant to change the parameters of the project during its implementation.

The decision on consent or disagreement to implement the project on the proposed terms is made by the applicant. If agreed, the approved amount is transferred to the applicant’s account after preparation and conclusion of the grant agreement.

The original application in paper form with copies of accompanying documents is sent to the address: 117218, Moscow, st. Krzhizhanovskogo, 13k2, Russkiy Mir Foundation with an inscription on the envelope in Russian: “Application for a grant.”

Applications from individuals must be certified by their personal signature, and applications from legal entities must be certified by the signature of the head of the organization indicated in the application, who has the right to act without a power of attorney on behalf of the applicant, and a seal (if any).

Simultaneously without fail to the address should be sent electronic versions applications in MS Word text format(no need to scan the application). Along with the electronic version of the application, scanned copies of additional documents attached to the application (if any) are also sent - letters of support, programs, etc. (except for constituent ones).

Applications are accepted year-round.

If the grant application is received between January 1 and June 30 current year(in the spring session), then the project on it should begin no earlier than January 1 next year.

If a grant application is received between July 1 and December 31 of the current year (in the fall session), then the project on it must begin no earlier than July 1 of the following year.

The date of application is considered date of admission to the Fund original application on paper with accompanying documents attached.

In accordance with the list of documents attached to the application for a Foundation grant and the requirements for their content (the document is published on the Foundation’s Internet portal), applicants for a Foundation grant must attach photocopies of the following documents to their grant applications:

1) applicant is an individual, regardless of citizenship: passport;

2) applicant is a Russian legal entity: extract from the Unified state register legal entities, received no later than 6 (six) months before the day of its sending to the Fund, as well as a letter from the applicant stating that the organization is not in the process of reorganization or liquidation;

3) applicant-foreign legal entity: an extract from the register of the registering state authority (administrative or judicial), received no later than 6 (six) months before the day of its sending to the Fund, which must contain the following information:

    • an indication that the applicant has the status of a legal entity;
    • the exact full name of the applicant, including the name of its legal form, in accordance with its statutory documents;
    • an indication that the applicant is a non-profit organization, reflecting a list of its statutory goals and activities;
    • date of establishment (registration) of the applicant;
    • list of founders, participants, members of the applicant;
    • last name, first name, patronymic and name of the position (management body) of the person who has the right to act on behalf of the applicant without a power of attorney, including concluding agreements on behalf of the applicant, as well as the term of his powers;
    • the exact address of the applicant's location.

If the legislation of the country of registration of the applicant does not provide for the issuance of the extract specified in this subclause, or if any of the above information is missing in the extract, the applicant must additionally submit to the Fund copies of documents reflecting the missing information. Such documents, depending on what information was not indicated in the extract, may be:

    • charter or extract from the charter (charter, regulations, statute, law on establishment) of a legal entity;
    • act of registration of a legal entity, that is, an act of a public authority (administrative or judicial) on state registration applicant as a legal entity;
    • a document (protocol, order) confirming the fact of election (appointment) to a position of a person who has the right to act on behalf of a legal entity without a power of attorney, including concluding (signing) agreements.

An applicant who is a foreign legal entity must also attach a letter signed by the head of the organization stating that the organization is not in the process of reorganization or liquidation.

If the grant agreement on the part of the applicant-legal entity will be signed not by its director, but by another person, then, regardless of the country of registration of the applicant, a duly executed power of attorney for this person must be submitted to the Fund, confirming his right to act on behalf of the applicant.

Applicants - foreign legal entities and individuals must submit to the Fund the documents specified in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this list, together with translations into Russian, certified by the signature and seal of the applicant (if any).

At the discretion of the applicant, the following may be attached to the application:

    • letters of support for the project from international and national professional associations, associations and organizations, scientific institutions, public and non-profit organizations, government and administrative bodies, educational institutions;
    • project implementation program.

If the project provides for co-financing from other sources, then the application must be accompanied by written confirmation of support for this project from other sources of financing by other non-profit and commercial organizations indicating the amounts provided by them for the implementation of the project.

Decisions on supporting grant applications received by the Foundation during the spring session (from January 1 to June 30 of the current year) are made by the Foundation's expert councils until September 30 of the current year.

Decisions on supporting applications received by the Foundation during the autumn session (from July 1 to December 31 of the current year) are made by the Foundation's expert councils until March 30 of the following year.

The Foundation does not personally notify the applicant about admission, non-acceptance for consideration (non-admission to the competition) or rejection of the application.

The decision to support/reject a grant application is posted on the Foundation’s Internet portal after its expert advice from the Foundation.

Personal notification to the applicant occurs only if the application was supported (approved) by the Foundation's expert council. The information letter is sent to the address Email specified in the application.

No, funds are allocated subject to the implementation of the project in full, as specified in the application.

The Foundation does not provide written or oral explanations about the motives for making decisions by the Foundation’s expert councils. In addition, the Foundation does not personally notify grant applicants about applications that are not accepted for consideration, as well as about rejected applications. Information on the results of consideration of applications for grants from the Foundation received by the Foundation is posted on the Foundation’s Internet portal (in the “Grants” section).

The following types of expenses are not subject to payment at the expense of the Foundation grant:

    • o related to the current activities of the organization (utility costs, costs for the maintenance and repair of buildings and structures, administrative costs not related to the implementation of the project, banking services, rent office space for the current activities of the organization, etc.);
    • for the acquisition of buildings, structures and other real estate, as well as movable property;
    • on payment of taxes of legal entities (on profit, on income, on added value);
    • for the purchase of communications equipment and payment for services mobile communications;
    • for the purchase of business class air tickets and railway tickets of the categories “SV”, “luxury”, “soft”, etc.;
    • for payment for services for renting residential premises of a category higher than “economy”;
    • upon payment entertainment programs;
    • unforeseen expenses, other expenses not directly related to the implementation of the project;
    • entertainment expenses;
    • payment of prizes in cash;
    • publication of books, teaching aids, teaching materials, albums, creation of films, television and radio programs and similar ones: expenses for payment of royalties and royalties from the Foundation grant, as well as expenses for distribution or screening of these materials created at the expense of the Foundation grant, for on a paid basis.

For projects whose goal is book publishing(textbooks, teaching materials, albums, etc.), a grant from the Foundation can cover the costs of applicants for pre-press preparation of publications and printing costs for printing editions, which are sent entirely free of charge to non-profit organizations (according to the list agreed with the Foundation).

For projects whose goal is film making(television/radio programs and broadcasts), the grant funds can cover the costs of organizing filming, editing, dubbing and issuing rental permits, provided that the work is shown free of charge (in target audiences agreed with the Fund).



Pursuant to paragraph 2 of the Moscow Government Resolution No. 488-PP dated May 26, 2009 “On measures to train specialists with higher professional education in the specialty “State and Municipal Administration” for government bodies of the city of Moscow” Moscow Government


1. Approve the Regulations on “Grants from the Moscow Government for training” in the specialty “State and municipal government" for government bodies of the city of Moscow (subsidies) (hereinafter referred to as "Moscow Government Grants for training") in accordance with the appendix to this resolution.

2. Establish that:

2.1. Financial support expenses for providing subsidies for the training of gifted graduates of Moscow schools from low-income families in higher educational institutions of the city of Moscow under the "Moscow Government Grants for Education" system are made from funds from additional expenditure obligations of prefectures administrative districts of the city of Moscow, provided for in the budget of the city of Moscow.

2.2. The expenses specified in paragraph 2.1 of this resolution do not apply to the norms of legal acts of the Moscow Government regulating the procedure for providing subsidies from the funds of additional expenditure obligations of the prefectures of the administrative districts of the city of Moscow, provided for in the budget of the city of Moscow.

2.3. Payment of expenses provided for by this resolution is carried out on the basis of agreements concluded with higher educational institutions - winners of the selection for the provision of “Moscow Government Grants for training”.

3. To the prefectures of administrative districts of the city of Moscow:

3.1. Allow the provision of subsidies from the budget of the city of Moscow in the direction of “providing subsidies for the training of gifted graduates of Moscow schools from low-income families in higher educational institutions under the “Moscow Government Grants for Education” system.

3.2. Provide subsidies in the direction specified in paragraph 3.1 of this resolution, in the manner prescribed by this resolution.

3.3. By November 1, 2009, introduce into the legal acts approving the procedure for the provision of subsidies from the budget of the city of Moscow by the prefectures of the administrative districts of the city of Moscow, a provision stating that the selection of higher educational institutions for the training of gifted graduates of Moscow schools from low-income families is carried out in accordance with this resolution .

4. Entrust control over the implementation of this resolution to the head of the Office of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow V.A. Korobchenko. and First Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government Roslyak Yu.V.

Mayor of Moscow
Yu.M. Luzhkov

Application. Regulations on "Moscow Government Grants for training" in the specialty "State and Municipal Administration" for government bodies of the city of Moscow (subsidies)

1. General Provisions

This Regulation has been developed in accordance with the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and legal acts of the city of Moscow, Resolution of the Moscow Government dated May 26, 2009 N 488-PP “On measures for training specialists with higher professional education in the specialty “Public and municipal management" for government bodies of the city of Moscow" and determines the conditions and procedure for providing "Moscow Government Grants for training" in the specialty "State and Municipal Management" for government bodies of the city of Moscow (subsidies) (hereinafter referred to as "Moscow Government Grants for training") for Moscow city budget account.

1.1. "Grants from the Moscow Government for training" - a subsidy provided in accordance with the established procedure to educational institutions of higher education vocational education of the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as higher educational institutions) for the training of gifted graduates (who received at least 160 points based on the results of the Unified State Exam and who take an active part in subject Olympiads, intellectual marathons, competitions) of Moscow schools from low-income families whose average per capita income is less than 15 thousand .rub. per month per family member permanently residing in the city of Moscow, in higher educational institutions under the main program of higher professional education in the specialty "State and Municipal Administration".

1.2. “Grants from the Moscow Government for training” are allocated annually from funds provided in the budget of the city of Moscow to the prefectures of the administrative districts of the city of Moscow, in order to create conditions for gifted graduates of Moscow schools from low-income families to receive higher professional education, and to train highly qualified specialists from among them to work in government bodies of the city of Moscow.

1.3. Funds for the training of persons studying under the "Moscow Government Grants for Training" system are allocated based on the amount of training cost per student and the number of students in a higher educational institution.

1.4. The purpose of establishing the “Moscow Government Grants for Training” is the formation of highly qualified staffing employees of government bodies of the city of Moscow.

1.5. The main objective of establishing the “Moscow Government Grants for Training” is to train highly qualified specialists for government bodies of the city of Moscow in accordance with the state educational standard in a specialized specialty by higher educational institutions on a contract basis with a guaranteed employment system.

2. The procedure for providing “Moscow Government Grants for training” and the main conditions of training under the “Moscow Government Grants for training” system

2.1. The volume of targeted training is established no later than April 1 of the current calendar year by the Moscow Government based on the need of the prefectures of the administrative districts of the city of Moscow for qualified specialists in the field of management and the possibility of financing the educational process and assumes an annual enrollment of students in the number determined by the prefectures of the administrative districts of the city of Moscow in accordance with their needs.

2.2. The provision of "Moscow Government Grants for training" is carried out only to higher educational institutions selected based on the results of selection by the prefectures of the administrative districts of the city of Moscow.

2.3. Higher educational institution may participate in the selection subject to having a license for educational activities, certificates of state accreditation for the main program of higher professional education in the specialty "State and Municipal Administration", as well as provided there are no financial violations in the activities.

2.4. Applications for the provision of “Moscow Government Grants for training” from higher educational institutions are received by the prefectures of the administrative districts of the city of Moscow before February 1 of the current calendar year.

2.5. List of documents that are required to be included in the application: a license for educational activities, a certificate of state accreditation, a certificate of entry into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, a charter, as well as documents confirming the absence of overdue taxes and debts on the date of filing the application. other obligatory payments to budgets of all levels and state extra-budgetary funds, using funds from the budget of the city of Moscow issued on a repayable basis; documents confirming experience of working with government bodies of the city of Moscow (in no particular order).

2.6. The decision on the provision of a subsidy for training under the “Moscow Government Grants for Training” system is made based on the results of the selection by a commission created in accordance with the legal act of the prefecture of the administrative district of the city of Moscow, and is formalized by the legal act of the prefecture of the administrative district of the city of Moscow, which is the basis for concluding an agreement on the provision of "Grants from the Moscow Government for training."

2.7. The Moscow Government Grants for Training system is implemented on the basis of targeted contract training. In order to ensure the principle of targeted contract training, the contingent of applicants for training is formed from among young people on the basis of applications submitted by them from the prefectures of administrative districts of the city of Moscow recommending training in agreement with the Department of Education of the city of Moscow.

2.8. Applicants who have successfully passed the interview and entrance examination at a higher educational institution enter into an agreement with this higher educational institution, regulating the mutual obligations of the parties to educational process, and a contract with the prefecture, regulating the mutual obligations of the student and the prefecture. The contract concluded by the applicant with the prefecture provides for an obligation to employ the graduate in government agency the city of Moscow or in government agency, under the jurisdiction of the prefecture of the administrative district of Moscow, for a period of at least three years.

2.9. The job (position) offered to the student after completion of training in accordance with the contract for targeted training concluded with the recommending prefecture of the administrative district of Moscow must correspond to the level and profile of his professional education and qualifications obtained.

2.10. Graduates who refused compulsory service, as well as students deprived of the right to study in accordance with clause 3.8 of these Regulations, reimburse the Moscow Government for training costs in the amount of the cost of training on the terms and in the manner determined by the contract with the prefecture of the administrative district of the city of Moscow.

3. Conditions and procedure for selecting candidates for training under the “Moscow Government Grants for Training” system and conditions for student training

3.1. The selection of candidates for study in higher educational institutions under the “Moscow Government Grants for Studying” system is carried out by the district competition commission.

3.2. Candidates for training, along with an application from the recommending prefecture of the administrative district of Moscow (clause 2.7), submit the following documents to the higher education institution:

- a statement indicating the place of residence;

- a certificate of financial status (income of family members);

- documents confirming the quantitative composition of the family;

- certificate of secondary (complete) general education;

- certificate of the results of the Unified State Exam;

- copies of certificates, diplomas confirming success in studies, olympiads, competitions.

3.3. Enrollment of applicants is carried out in accordance with the current procedure for admitting citizens to qualified state accreditation educational institutions higher professional education, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, and the rules of admission of a higher educational institution, subject to the conclusion of an agreement with the higher educational institution and a contract with the recommending prefecture.

3.4. Students are trained in a higher educational institution that provides training under the “Moscow Government Grants for Training” system during the entire period of study curriculum subject to academic performance in all disciplines throughout the entire period of study.

3.5. A higher education institution has the right to grant students academic leave in accordance with and in the manner specified in Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated November 5, 1998 N 2782 “On the procedure for granting academic leave.”

3.6. To make a decision on whether to continue a student’s education, the higher education institution annually reviews the results of their studies for the past academic year.

3.7. Termination of the right to study is carried out by order of the rector of a higher educational institution in agreement with the prefectures of the administrative districts of the city of Moscow.

3.8. Grounds for depriving a student of the right to study: low academic performance, gross violations discipline and rules internal regulations higher education institution.

3.9. Vacant position training may be redistributed to a new candidate, the selection of which will be carried out according to the criteria established by these Regulations.

4. Sources and procedure for financing “Moscow Government Grants for training”

4.1. “Grants from the Moscow Government for training” (subsidies) are taken into account as part of the expenses provided for in the budget of the city of Moscow to the prefectures of the administrative districts of the city of Moscow for the current financial year.

4.2. The volume of allocations for “Moscow Government Grants for Training” is planned by the main manager of budget funds based on the cost of training for one student and the number of students under the “Moscow Government Grants for Training” system at a higher educational institution in the next financial year.

4.3. The higher education institution annually calculates (costs) the cost of education for one student for the next financial year and submits it to the prefecture of the administrative district of Moscow.

4.4. When forming the budget of the city of Moscow for the next financial year, the Department of Finance of the city of Moscow takes into account, as part of the expenses provided for in the budget of the city of Moscow to the prefectures of the administrative districts of the city of Moscow, subsidies for financing training under the “Grants of the Moscow Government for training” system.

4.5. Prefectures of administrative districts of the city of Moscow annually transfer funds to the bank account of a higher educational institution in accordance with the terms of the agreement concluded between them according to the amount of the “Moscow Government Grants for Education” in the current financial year.

4.6. The higher education institution, in accordance with the established procedure, submits to the prefectures of the administrative districts of the city of Moscow a report on the actual use of the “Moscow Government Grants for Studying”.

Electronic document text
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
Bulletin of the Mayor and Government of Moscow,
N 42, 07.28.2009

Regulations on the procedure for providing grants by the Foundation for Support and Protection of the Rights of Compatriots Living Abroad

Approved by the Governing Council of the Fund for Support and Protection of the Rights of Compatriots Living Abroad
(minutes of meeting No. 2 dated March 27, 2012)

I. General provisions
II. Grant application deadlines
III. Grant Application Requirements
IV. Procedure for considering applications for grants
V. The procedure for concluding and executing grant agreements
VI. Report on the intended use of the grant
VII. Final provisions

Appendix to the Regulations on the procedure for providing grants by the fund for the support and protection of the rights of compatriots

I. General provisions

1. Fund for the support and protection of the rights of compatriots living abroad
(hereinafter referred to as the “Fund”), provides grants (makes donations) to individuals and legal entities (with the exception of commercial organizations) for the implementation of projects aimed at providing compatriots living abroad (hereinafter compatriots) with methodological, informational, organizational, legal assistance and material support in protecting rights, freedoms and legitimate interests in countries of residence. Grants are provided on the basis of agreements concluded with recipients of grants (donations). Hereinafter, “grants” and “donations” are collectively referred to as “grants.”

2. Priority is given to projects whose implementation is aimed at:

  • monitoring the legal status of compatriots in the states of their permanent residence.
  • promoting the activities of non-governmental organizations in the field of protecting the rights of compatriots in the states of their permanent residence;
  • creation and support of the activities of legal defense centers under the coordination councils of associations of compatriots in countries near and far abroad;
  • providing methodological, organizational and legal assistance to organizations of compatriots and other NGOs in ensuring the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of compatriots in foreign countries;
  • providing compatriots with legal assistance and material support, including through the involvement of lawyers and other experts in protecting the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of compatriots in the authorities of the country of residence, as well as in national and international courts;
  • conducting scientific and research work in the field of international and national legislation, issues of protecting the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of compatriots;
  • assistance in the activities of Russian and foreign media in the preparation of individual actions and targeted information television and radio programs, companies in print media and the preparation of thematic publications dedicated to the protection of the legal rights of compatriots in the states of their permanent residence;
  • holding international, regional and bilateral events (conferences, seminars, symposiums, meetings, round tables, briefings and presentations) with the participation of Russian and foreign officials, public figures, representatives of compatriot associations and the media, lawyers, scientists, experts on issues, related to the goals and objectives of the Foundation in Russia and abroad;
  • encouraging active human rights activities of both non-governmental organizations and individuals.

3. Priority is also given to projects that provide for the participation of third parties in their financing, confirmed by letters of guarantee.

4. Commercial projects are not accepted for consideration, i.e. projects that provide for the full or partial return to the grant recipient of funds received from the Foundation in the form of a grant, as well as projects that provide for the costs of creating organizations, forming their property and financing the activities of their governing bodies.

5. The Foundation issues grants:

  • non-profit organizations registered in the Russian Federation;
  • state and municipal institutions of the Russian Federation specified in paragraph 1 of Article 582 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, and other entities civil law specified in Article 124 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation;
  • organizations of any organizational and legal form incorporated outside the Russian Federation;
  • to individuals, regardless of their citizenship.

6. For citizens of the Russian Federation and non-profit organizations - residents of the Russian Federation, as well as for state and municipal institutions of the Russian Federation specified in paragraph 1 of Article 582 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, and other subjects of civil law specified in Article 124 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, “grant” is understood as a donation (donation for generally beneficial purposes) in accordance with Article 582 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

7. Grants from the Foundation are not provided to Russian commercial organizations of any organizational and legal forms provided for by the civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

8. The goals of projects for the implementation of which the Foundation provides grants must correspond to the statutory goals of non-profit organizations and the main profile of the activities of commercial organizations that receive grants.

9. Grants are given to individuals and legal entities, as well as other subjects of civil law specified in paragraph 1 of Article 582 and Article 124 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, who have submitted, in accordance with these Regulations, applications for a grant, drawn up in accordance with the form proposed by the Fund (hereinafter referred to as “applications” ).

10. Original applications of individuals and legal entities, grant applicants (hereinafter, depending on the context - “applicants” or “applicant”) must be sent to the postal address 119200, Russia, Moscow, Arbat St. 55/32 room. 317.

11. Only original applications that meet all the requirements of these Regulations are subject to consideration.

12. In addition to the originals of applications, their electronic versions must be sent to the Fund to the following address: [email protected] in Word text format, which is used by the Foundation solely for technical purposes.

13. The Foundation does not accept applications from individuals and legal entities whose reports for the intended use of grants previously received by them are not approved by the Foundation at the time of receipt of a new application.

14. The Fund does not accept applications received outside the deadlines specified in Article II of these Regulations.

II. Grant application deadlines

1. Applications are accepted twice a year:

  • from February 1 to May 31 inclusive (hereinafter referred to as the “first term”) and
  • from September 1 to November 30 inclusive (hereinafter referred to as the “second term”).
  • Throughout the year, only requests of an operational nature (providing legal assistance) are accepted.

2. The date of filing the application is determined by the date of sending the letter indicated on the postmark.

3. Applications for projects whose implementation is planned to begin after January 1 of the following year are considered only if they are received by the Fund during the first term of the current year.

4. Applications for projects whose implementation is planned to begin after July 1 of the following year are considered only if they are received by the Fund no later than the second deadline of the current year.

5. The number of applications to be considered from those received during each of the terms of the current year may be limited.

III. Grant Application Requirements

1. The application must be drawn up in Russian. Applications written in other languages ​​will not be considered.

2. The application must contain:

  • name of the project (preferably short), its purpose, expected results, duration and stages of project implementation, estimated cost of the project as a whole;
  • the amount of funding requested;
  • for individuals: full name, gender, citizenship, education, permanent residence address, mailing address, telephone, email address;
  • for legal entities: full name, legal form, place of registration, location and postal address, name of contact person, telephone number, email address and website, if available;
  • position and full name of the manager who has the right to act without a power of attorney on behalf of the applicant for a legal entity;
  • full names of the employees of the legal entity applicant who will be employed in the project, their positions, contact numbers, indication of their role in the project;
  • otherwise, according to the application form posted on the Foundation’s Internet portal.

3. Applicants who are residents of the Russian Federation must indicate the amount of requested funding in rubles of the Russian Federation, applicants who are residents of the countries of the European Union - in euros; all other applicants - optionally in Russian rubles, US dollars or euros.

4. Applications from individuals must be certified by their personal signature, and applications from legal entities must be certified by the signature of the manager indicated in the application, who has the right to act without a power of attorney on behalf of the applicant, and a seal, if any.

5. The application must be accompanied by documents, including an estimate of costs for the implementation of the project, details of the applicant’s bank account to which the grant will be transferred and other things specified in Appendix No. 01 to these Regulations.

6. Applications will not be considered:

  • For projects that do not correspond to the goals and objectives of the Fund, provided for in Article I of these Regulations;
  • in which there is no information from the list given in paragraph 2 of this article;
  • in which the amount of the requested financing is indicated in a currency other than Russian rubles, euros or US dollars;
  • not certified by the signature of the persons specified in paragraph 4 of this article and the seal, if any, of the applicant for a legal entity;
  • to which all or some of the required documents (appendices) specified in Appendix No. 01 to these Regulations are not attached.

IV. Procedure for considering applications for grants

1. Applications received by the Fund are registered.

2. After a preliminary examination of the application and the documents attached to it for compliance with the requirements of these Regulations, a decision is made:

on acceptance of the application for consideration or

about leaving the application without consideration.

3. If the application is accepted for consideration, a case is opened and an application number is assigned.

4. The Foundation conducts an internal examination of applications accepted for consideration.

5. If the information provided in the application does not allow the Foundation’s experts to make an informed decision, the Foundation has the right to request from the applicant additional information both about the project and about the applicant himself.

6. The applicant’s refusal to provide the information and (or) documents requested by the Fund and the applicant’s submission of false (falsified) information about himself or the project is an unconditional basis for refusal of a grant.

7. Based on the results of the examination, the applicant may be offered a grant in a smaller amount, for example, for partial implementation or partial financing of the declared project.

8. Information about applications that have received a positive expert assessment is posted on the Foundation’s Internet portal.

9. The Foundation does not notify applicants personally:

  • about applications left without consideration;
  • about rejected applications.

10. The Fund does not provide written or oral explanations about the reasons for making certain decisions based on the results of consideration of applications.

V. The procedure for concluding and executing grant agreements

1. Based on applications that have received a positive expert opinion, a grant or donation agreement is drawn up depending on legal status applicant:

with Russian non-profit organizations, with citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as with government and municipal institutions The Russian Federation, specified in paragraph 1 of Article 582 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, and other subjects of civil law specified in Article 124 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, concludes a donation agreement in accordance with Article 582 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation;

a donation agreement or a grant agreement is concluded with foreign individuals and non-profit organizations in accordance with Article 582 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation;

2. The decision to satisfy the application is considered made from the moment the corresponding grant agreement is signed by the executive director of the Foundation’s Board or the person whom he authorized to do so.

3. Grant agreements come into force from the date of their signing.

4. Transfer of grant amounts is made by the Foundation in rubles of the Russian Federation, euros or US dollars on the basis of relevant agreements signed by authorized representatives of the Foundation and the grant recipient.

5. Grants are given only by non-cash transfer of amounts in the amounts determined by the relevant grant agreements.

6. The obligations of the Foundation under a grant agreement that has entered into force are considered fulfilled from the moment the grant amount is received in the bank account of the grant recipient.

VI. Report on the intended use of the grant

1. The recipient of the grant, within the period established by the grant agreement that has entered into force, must submit to the Foundation a report on the intended use of the grant (hereinafter referred to as the “report”).

2. The report must include information on the implementation of the project and its results (the content of the report) and a financial report on the execution of the estimate.

3. The report must be prepared in Russian according to the form approved by the Foundation, posted on the Foundation’s Internet portal.

4. The report must be accompanied by:

duly certified copies of payment and other primary documents confirming actual expenses incurred;

documents on the basis of which these payments were made;

register of attached documents and copies in Russian.

5. Duly certified copies of primary documents confirming actual expenses incurred must be presented in Russian or accompanied by a translation into Russian.

6. The grant recipient is obliged to return the part of the grant unused during the implementation of the project, if any.

7. In the process of reviewing the report, the Foundation has the right to request from the grant recipient additional information and (or) documents necessary to obtain a complete picture of the progress and results of the project, and the grant recipient must provide them.

8. The Foundation approves the report if it leaves no doubt that the grant amount was spent for its intended purpose.

9. The Foundation notifies the grant recipient in writing about approval of the report.

10. The obligations of the grant recipient under the grant agreement are considered fulfilled from the moment the Fund approves its report.

VII. Final provisions

1. This Regulation comes into force from the moment of its publication on the Fund’s Internet portal.

2. Changes and additions to these Regulations can only be made by decision of the Fund’s Governing Council.

3. Instructions for applicants and grant recipients regarding individual requirements of these Regulations are indicated in the appendix and approved Executive Director Fund and come into force from the moment of their publication on electronic media, for example, on the Foundation’s Internet portal.

I approve ___p/p_______

Executive Director

Fonda Panevkin I.K.

Appendix to the regulations on the procedure for providing grants from the fund for the support and protection of the rights of compatriots living abroad

2. An applicant - an individual, regardless of his citizenship, must provide the Fund with a notarized copy of his passport or, if the legislation of the applicant’s country prohibits notarization of a passport, a copy of it certified by the consulate of the Russian Federation in the applicant’s country.

3. If the implementation of the project for which a grant is requested requires certain qualifications, including an academic degree, then the applicant, regardless of the country of incorporation, must provide the Fund with copies of diplomas or other documents certifying that he or his employees have the required qualifications, or other persons who will take part in the implementation of the project.

4. The applicant - a Russian legal entity, must provide the Fund with a notarized copy of an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, received no later than 15 (fifteen) days before the day it is sent to the Fund.

5. If the grant agreement on the part of the applicant will be signed not by its director, but by another person, then, regardless of the country of incorporation of the applicant, the Fund must be presented with a duly executed power of attorney for this person, confirming his right to act on behalf of the applicant.

6. Applicants - foreign legal entities must provide the Foundation with a notarized copy of an extract from the register of the registering government authority (administrative or judicial), received no later than 15 (fifteen) days before the day of its sending to the Foundation, which must contain the following information:

  • an indication that the applicant has the status of a legal entity;
  • the exact full name of the applicant, including the name of its organizational and legal form, in accordance with its statutory documents;
  • if the applicant is non-profit organization, a list of its statutory goals;
  • surname, name, patronymic and name of the position (management body) of the person who has the right to act on behalf of the applicant without a power of attorney, including concluding agreements on behalf of the applicant, as well as the term of his powers;
  • legal and actual (postal) address of the applicant's location.

7. If the extract specified in paragraph 6 does not contain any of the above information, notarized copies of additional documents reflecting the missing information must be provided. Such documents, depending on what information was not indicated in the extract, may be:

  • Charter or extract from the Charter (charter, statute, regulations, law on establishment) of a legal entity;
  • act of incorporation of a legal entity, i.e. act of a government body (administrative or judicial) on state registration of the applicant as a legal entity;
  • a document (protocol, order) confirming the fact of election (appointment) to a position of a person who has the right to act on behalf of a legal entity without a power of attorney, including entering into (signing) agreements;
  • certificate from the tax (fiscal) authority.

8. The documents specified in paragraphs 6 and 7 must be provided with their notarized translations into Russian.

9. Applicants who are citizens of foreign countries must submit all required documents along with their notarized translations into Russian.

10. In addition to the above documents, each Application must be accompanied by:

  • cost estimate for the project,
  • project implementation program and (or)
  • project implementation schedule,
  • details of the applicant's bank account to which the grant will be transferred.

11. If the project provides for partial coverage of costs through a grant (equity financing of the project), an estimate of costs to be covered exclusively by the grant must be attached to the Application. In this case the application general estimate There are no costs required for the implementation of the project, because upon completion of the project, the grantee will report on the expenditure of funds according to the estimated costs covered by the grant.

12. This Appendix to the Regulations on the procedure for providing grants by the Foundation for the Support and Protection of the Rights of Compatriots is approved by the Executive Director of the Foundation and is an integral part of it.