Regulations on the Department of Social Development. Forms: Regulations on the Department of Social Development Main tasks of the department

At the present stage of development of society, in order to solve the tasks assigned to it, it is necessary to fully mobilize socio-psychological factors in social production, strengthening the social orientation of economic management, which is impossible without active research and timely penetration into the essence of socio-economic processes occurring in the sphere of production.

In this regard, there is a need to improve the management of social processes and increase the level of work in the field of social development of work collectives. Social development services of enterprises, organizations, and ministries should play an important role in this.

The Social Development Service is called upon to conduct sociological research at the enterprise and, on the basis of a comprehensive study of socio-psychological problems of organizing work, life and rest of workers, develop and implement measures that ensure the full identification and use of reserves for increasing labor productivity and increasing production efficiency, improving the management of social processes, improving educational work and development of creative activity of workers. It organizes work on managing the social development of work collectives, methodological support, coordination of the development and implementation of plans, targeted comprehensive social development programs.

Based on the social problems and tasks facing sociologists of the enterprise in solving these problems, a regulation on the social development service of the enterprise is being developed, which provides for the following functions: information and research (cognitive) function, which provides the management of the enterprise with reliable and complete information about the state and trends in changes in social phenomena and processes in production. To do this, the social development service must systematically research and analyze bottlenecks, develop social cards of workers and social passports of teams, which represent a system of socio-economic indicators characterizing them. This function is creative in nature, it is based on the collection, processing and analysis of social information, studying the results of other sociological research and determining trends in the development of social phenomena and processes;

Managerial - forecasting function, expressed in the responsibilities of service workers to predict the development of social phenomena, processes and manage them in production teams;

Organizational and control function, which boils down to organizing and implementing scientific recommendations for managing social processes and monitoring the implementation of these recommendations;

Consulting function, which consists of providing enterprise sociologists with practical advice to team members on various social issues, conducting consultations on social issues;

Functions of social assessment, which consists in determining the social effectiveness of implemented measures. The economic effect does not always coincide with the social one. Some activities, while improving economic indicators, may cause undesirable social phenomena. The tasks of the sociological service include monitoring the social parameters of the development of the team in order to prevent their deterioration;

Pedagogical and educational function, which imposes on sociologists the responsibilities of disseminating best practices, organizing sociological training of personnel, studying and communicating to the team, including the administration. The necessary sociological, psychological, pedagogical knowledge and convincing them of the advisability of using this knowledge in practical activities, the formation of sociological thinking among production managers. The regulations on the social development service of an enterprise specify the content of the functions performed in various areas of its activity. 1. In the field of planning and management of social development of work collectives:

Analysis of the level of social development of labor collectives, preparation of proposals for draft programs for the social development of collectives;

Studying the social aspects of scientific and technological progress, developing measures to overcome the social heterogeneity of labor, socio-psychological support for the introduction of new technology and equipment, reducing heavy, monotonous and low-skilled manual labor; conducting sociological and socio-psychological research, analyzing and forecasting the development of social processes, preparing proposals for taking into account socio-psychological factors in the organization of production and everyday life; promotion of sociological and psychological knowledge;

Participation in organizing and conducting experiments, developing proposals on the socio-psychological aspects of improving the economic mechanism; participation in the examination of construction and reconstruction projects for production and non-production facilities in terms of ensuring that they take into account social requirements and standards.

In the field of improving the social structure and stabilizing labor collectives:

forecasting social processes in connection with planned programs of technical re-equipment of production, analysis of changes and development of proposals for improving the social structure of personnel; studying the causes of staff turnover, developing measures to retain personnel and stabilize work teams.

In the field of introducing progressive forms of labor organization: development and implementation of measures to increase job satisfaction. Ensuring the prestige of professions, enhancing the creative nature of work; carrying out certification and rationalization of workplaces in accordance with social requirements; preparation of measures to improve health and create safe and favorable conditions and improve work culture, improve the work and working life of women; development of proposals to improve the quality of labor standards.

In the field of development of labor and social activity of workers: development and implementation of measures to increase the social role of the individual, creating a favorable socio-psychological climate in work collectives; conducting sociological consultations for workers on production and everyday issues.

At the present stage of development of society, in order to solve the tasks assigned to it, it is necessary to fully mobilize socio-psychological factors in social production, strengthening the social orientation of economic management, which is impossible without active research and timely penetration into the essence of socio-economic processes occurring in the sphere of production.

In this regard, there is a need to improve the management of social processes and increase the level of work in the field of social development of work collectives. Social development services of enterprises, organizations, and ministries should play an important role in this.

The Social Development Service is called upon to conduct sociological research at the enterprise and, on the basis of a comprehensive study of socio-psychological problems of organizing work, life and rest of workers, develop and implement measures that ensure the full identification and use of reserves for increasing labor productivity and increasing production efficiency, improving the management of social processes, improving educational work and development of creative activity of workers. It organizes work on managing the social development of work collectives, methodological support, coordination of the development and implementation of plans, targeted comprehensive social development programs.

Based on the social problems and tasks facing sociologists of the enterprise in solving these problems, a regulation on the social development service of the enterprise is being developed, providing for the performance of the following functions:

    information and research (cognitive) function, which provides enterprise management with reliable and complete information about the state and trends in changes in social phenomena and processes in production. To do this, the social development service must systematically research and analyze bottlenecks, develop social cards of workers and social passports of teams, which represent a system of socio-economic indicators characterizing them. This function is creative in nature, it is based on the collection, processing and analysis of social information, studying the results of other sociological research and determining trends in the development of social phenomena and processes;

    management-prognostic function, expressed in the responsibilities of service workers to predict the development of social phenomena, processes and manage them in production teams;

    organizational and control function, which boils down to organizing and implementing scientific recommendations for managing social processes and monitoring the implementation of these recommendations;

    advisory function, which consists of providing enterprise sociologists with practical advice to team members on various social issues and conducting consultations on social issues;

    the function of social assessment, which consists in determining the social effectiveness of implemented measures. The economic effect does not always coincide with the social one. Some activities, while improving economic indicators, may cause undesirable social phenomena. The tasks of the sociological service include monitoring the social parameters of the development of the team in order to prevent their deterioration;

    pedagogical and educational function, which imposes on sociologists the responsibility of disseminating best practices, organizing sociological training of personnel, studying and communicating to the team, including the administration. The necessary sociological, psychological, pedagogical knowledge and convincing them of the advisability of using this knowledge in practical activities, the formation of sociological thinking among production managers.

The regulations on the social development service of an enterprise specify the content of the functions performed in various areas of its activity.

1. In the field of planning and management of social development of work collectives:

    analysis of the level of social development of work collectives, preparation of proposals for draft programs for social development of collectives;

    studying the social aspects of scientific and technological progress, developing measures to overcome the social heterogeneity of labor, socio-psychological support for the introduction of new technology and equipment, reducing heavy, monotonous and low-skilled manual labor;

    conducting sociological and socio-psychological research, analyzing and forecasting the development of social processes, preparing proposals for taking into account socio-psychological factors in the organization of production and everyday life;

    promotion of sociological and psychological knowledge;

    participation in organizing and conducting experiments, developing proposals on socio-psychological aspects of improving the economic mechanism;

    participation in the examination of construction and reconstruction projects for production and non-production facilities in terms of ensuring that they take into account social requirements and standards.

2. In the field of improving the social structure and stabilizing labor collectives:

    forecasting social processes in connection with planned programs of technical re-equipment of production, analysis of changes and development of proposals for improving the social structure of personnel;

    studying the causes of staff turnover, developing measures to retain personnel and stabilize work teams.

    3. In the field of introducing progressive forms of labor organization:

    development and implementation of measures to increase job satisfaction. Ensuring the prestige of professions, enhancing the creative nature of work;

    carrying out certification and rationalization of workplaces in accordance with social requirements;

    preparation of measures to improve health and create safe and favorable conditions and improve work culture, improve the work and working life of women;

    development of proposals to improve the quality of labor standards.

4. In the field of development of labor and social activity of workers:

    development and implementation of measures to increase the social role of the individual, creating a favorable socio-psychological climate in work collectives;

    conducting sociological consultations for workers on production and everyday issues.

5. In the field of social services:

    development of proposals for improving and developing social infrastructure and creating conditions to meet the socio-cultural and everyday needs of workers;

    analysis of the organization of leisure time and development of proposals to improve the use of free time, providing more favorable conditions for rest of workers and members of their families, labor veterans and pensioners.

The Social Development Service is an independent unit subordinate to the head of the enterprise or his deputy for social issues. The divisions of social development services include sociologists, psychologists, specialists in career guidance, organization and production management.

The professional content of the activities of service workers is conducting applied sociological research of production teams, planning and forecasting indicators of their development, as well as the development and implementation of measures aimed at solving social problems.

Interacting with all production departments, the social development service of the enterprise organizes and coordinates sociological work, requests and analyzes social information necessary for carrying out planned work, conducts specific sociological research, familiarizes and transmits recommendations and results of ongoing research work to departments, controls their implementation, conducts scientific research. -search work for further solution of social problems, develops scientific, methodological and educational materials on the problems under study, promotes sociological and psychological knowledge among enterprise employees. The Social Development Service establishes business relationships necessary to carry out work on a thematic plan with other related services of enterprises, scientific institutions, universities, organizes and conducts seminars, meetings, and internships for specialists from related services and enterprises.


(full company name, location of the enterprise)

I APPROVED Head ___________ ________________________ "___"__________ _____ g.


about the department of social development of the enterprise


1.2. The department was created on the basis of the order of the Head No. _____ dated "__"_________ ____.

1.3. Employees of the department are appointed and dismissed based on the decision of the Head on the proposal of the head of the department.

1.4. Department employees must know and be guided in their work by the following:

Constitution of the Russian Federation;

Legislative and regulatory legal acts, methodological materials on social development issues;

Labor legislation;

Goals, strategy and personnel policy of the enterprise;

Profile, specialization and features of the enterprise structure;

Sociology, psychology and physiology of work;

Fundamentals of social planning;

Methods of psychological testing;

Methods of conducting sociological research, studying public opinion;

The procedure and methods for developing plans and programs for the social development of an enterprise;

Fundamentals of organizing the management of social development of an enterprise;

Social requirements and standards;

Fundamentals of engineering and social psychology;

Methods for analyzing the implementation of social programs and determining their economic efficiency;

Forms and systems of remuneration, material and moral incentives;

Advanced domestic and foreign experience in managing social processes;

Fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management;

Fundamentals of labor legislation;

Labor safety rules and regulations;

Local acts of the enterprise.

1.5. The department should have documents and materials on the following issues:

Methodological materials on the organization of social development;

The structure of the enterprise, its profile, specialization and development prospects;

The state and prospects for the development of domestic and foreign science and technology in relevant fields of knowledge and industries;

Basic technological processes of production of the enterprise's products;

Methods of organizing and planning the work of the department;

Unified state system of office work;

Methods for the effective use of office equipment and other technical means of managerial work;

Internal labor regulations;

Rules and regulations of labor protection, fire safety.


2.1. The structure and staffing of the department is approved by the head of the enterprise.

2.2. The department is managed by the head of the department.

2.3. The department includes (specify position):



- __________________________________________.


3.1. The main objectives of the department are:

Carrying out sociological work at the enterprise aimed at forming stable work teams, developing organizational culture, using socio-psychological factors of workers’ work motivation, increasing their social and creative activity, job satisfaction in order to maximize the development and use of the labor potential of each employee;

Development and implementation of measures to preserve the health and increase the content of leisure time for workers, increase the standard of living of workers and members of their families.


In accordance with the tasks assigned to it, the department performs the following functions:

4.1. Development and implementation of targeted programs and plans for social development based on social forecasts and modeling of social processes in accordance with the goals, strategy and personnel policy of the enterprise in a market economy, taking into account external and internal development factors.

4.2. Work to stabilize labor collectives, improve the social structure of personnel, its demographic and professional qualification composition.

4.3. Preparation of proposals for regulating the number of employees, increasing their general educational and cultural-technical level, strengthening discipline and organization, creating and maintaining a favorable socio-psychological climate in the team, optimal interpersonal and intergroup connections, and adaptation of newly hired employees.

4.4. Studying the conditions and content of work and their impact on job satisfaction by employees of the enterprise.

4.5. Development of measures to improve ergonomic, sanitary and hygienic working conditions, ensure labor protection and safety of workers, social and psychological support for the implementation of the process of mastering new types of complex equipment, reducing heavy and unskilled manual labor, increasing the attractiveness, prestige and culture of work.

4.6. Examination of construction and reconstruction projects for production and non-production facilities in order to ensure that they take into account social requirements and standards.

4.7. Improving the system of material, socio-cultural and moral-psychological incentives to increase the labor and social activity of workers, creative attitude to work, group and individual responsibility for the results of joint activities.

4.8. Control over the provision of social insurance for workers, compliance with their social guarantees and civil rights.

4.9. Development of proposals for measures of social protection of enterprise employees within the framework of collective bargaining regulation of labor relations.

4.10. Development and implementation of measures to preserve the health and improve the content of leisure time for workers, increase the living standards of workers and members of their families, meet the needs for housing and household amenities, various services, social protection of certain categories of workers (retired people, youth, women).

4.11. Consulting workers on legal and financial issues, women's labor issues.

4.12. Development of proposals for the provision of various social benefits to employees of the enterprise; compensation for housing costs, education of children, provision of transportation for commuting, and medical care.

4.13. Ensuring the introduction of mechanization and computer technologies in their activities.

4.14. Conducting lectures and seminars on the study by enterprise employees of socio-psychological methods of managing social processes.

4.15. Providing methodological assistance to the structural divisions of the enterprise in the development of measures for the social development of labor collectives.

4.16. Coordination of the activities of the structural divisions of the enterprise to identify and use social reserves of production and implement targeted comprehensive social programs.

4.17. Provide methodological guidance to the activities of other structural units on social issues.

4.18. Carrying out, within one’s competence, record keeping, generating and sending/receiving correspondence and other information via electronic communication channels.

4.19. Implementation of the organization of maintaining regulatory and reference information related to the functions of the department.

4.20. Ensuring, within its competence, the protection of information constituting state secrets and other information of limited distribution.

4.21. Carrying out, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, work on the acquisition, storage, recording and use of archival documents generated during the activities of the department.

The assignment to the department of functions that are not within the competence of the department is not permitted.


To solve the tasks assigned to it, the Social Development Department has the right to:

5.1. Request, in the prescribed manner, from the structural divisions of the enterprise information, documents and written explanations necessary to resolve issues within the competence of the department.

5.2. Represent, within his competence, the interests of the enterprise in matters related to the social development of the enterprise.

5.3. Involve specialists from other structural divisions of the enterprise to resolve issues within the competence of the department.


6.1. In the process of production activities of the enterprise, the department constantly interacts with the following structural divisions:

(specify structural units)

- ____________________________________________________________________,

- ____________________________________________________________________,

- ____________________________________________________________________.

6.2. On issues within its competence, the department provides assistance to all divisions of the enterprise.


7.1. The head of the department bears full responsibility for the quality and timeliness of fulfillment of the tasks and functions assigned to the department by the Regulations.

7.2. The degree of responsibility of other employees is established by job descriptions.

7.3. The head and other employees of the department are personally responsible for the compliance of the documents they prepare and transactions with correspondence with the legislation of the Russian Federation.


8.1. Timely and high-quality implementation of set goals and objectives.

8.2. High-quality performance of functional duties.

Head of Social Development Department


Agreed: legal service



/Stitch and affix the signature of an authorized person with a transcript, indicating the position, and the seal of the enterprise./


(full company name, location of the enterprise)

I APPROVED Head ___________ ________________________ "___"__________ _____ g.


about the department of social development of the enterprise


1.2. The department was created on the basis of the order of the Head No. _____ dated "__"_________ ____.

1.3. Employees of the department are appointed and dismissed based on the decision of the Head on the proposal of the head of the department.

1.4. Department employees must know and be guided in their work by the following:

Constitution of the Russian Federation;

Legislative and regulatory legal acts, methodological materials on social development issues;

Labor legislation;

Goals, strategy and personnel policy of the enterprise;

Profile, specialization and features of the enterprise structure;

Sociology, psychology and physiology of work;

Fundamentals of social planning;

Methods of psychological testing;

Methods of conducting sociological research, studying public opinion;

The procedure and methods for developing plans and programs for the social development of an enterprise;

Fundamentals of organizing the management of social development of an enterprise;

Social requirements and standards;

Fundamentals of engineering and social psychology;

Methods for analyzing the implementation of social programs and determining their economic efficiency;

Forms and systems of remuneration, material and moral incentives;

Advanced domestic and foreign experience in managing social processes;

Fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management;

Fundamentals of labor legislation;

Labor safety rules and regulations;

Local acts of the enterprise.

1.5. The department should have documents and materials on the following issues:

Methodological materials on the organization of social development;

The structure of the enterprise, its profile, specialization and development prospects;

The state and prospects for the development of domestic and foreign science and technology in relevant fields of knowledge and industries;

Basic technological processes of production of the enterprise's products;

Methods of organizing and planning the work of the department;

Unified state system of office work;

Methods for the effective use of office equipment and other technical means of managerial work;

Internal labor regulations;

Rules and regulations of labor protection, fire safety.


2.1. The structure and staffing of the department is approved by the head of the enterprise.

2.2. The department is managed by the head of the department.

2.3. The department includes (specify position):



- __________________________________________.


3.1. The main objectives of the department are:

Carrying out sociological work at the enterprise aimed at forming stable work teams, developing organizational culture, using socio-psychological factors of workers’ work motivation, increasing their social and creative activity, job satisfaction in order to maximize the development and use of the labor potential of each employee;

Development and implementation of measures to preserve the health and increase the content of leisure time for workers, increase the standard of living of workers and members of their families.


In accordance with the tasks assigned to it, the department performs the following functions:

4.1. Development and implementation of targeted programs and plans for social development based on social forecasts and modeling of social processes in accordance with the goals, strategy and personnel policy of the enterprise in a market economy, taking into account external and internal development factors.

4.2. Work to stabilize labor collectives, improve the social structure of personnel, its demographic and professional qualification composition.

4.3. Preparation of proposals for regulating the number of employees, increasing their general educational and cultural-technical level, strengthening discipline and organization, creating and maintaining a favorable socio-psychological climate in the team, optimal interpersonal and intergroup connections, and adaptation of newly hired employees.

4.4. Studying the conditions and content of work and their impact on job satisfaction by employees of the enterprise.

4.5. Development of measures to improve ergonomic, sanitary and hygienic working conditions, ensure labor protection and safety of workers, social and psychological support for the implementation of the process of mastering new types of complex equipment, reducing heavy and unskilled manual labor, increasing the attractiveness, prestige and culture of work.

4.6. Examination of construction and reconstruction projects for production and non-production facilities in order to ensure that they take into account social requirements and standards.

4.7. Improving the system of material, socio-cultural and moral-psychological incentives to increase the labor and social activity of workers, creative attitude to work, group and individual responsibility for the results of joint activities.

4.8. Control over the provision of social insurance for workers, compliance with their social guarantees and civil rights.

4.9. Development of proposals for measures of social protection of enterprise employees within the framework of collective bargaining regulation of labor relations.

4.10. Development and implementation of measures to preserve the health and improve the content of leisure time for workers, increase the living standards of workers and members of their families, meet the needs for housing and household amenities, various services, social protection of certain categories of workers (retired people, youth, women).

4.11. Consulting workers on legal and financial issues, women's labor issues.

4.12. Development of proposals for the provision of various social benefits to employees of the enterprise; compensation for housing costs, education of children, provision of transportation for commuting, and medical care.

4.13. Ensuring the introduction of mechanization and computer technologies in their activities.

4.14. Conducting lectures and seminars on the study by enterprise employees of socio-psychological methods of managing social processes.

4.15. Providing methodological assistance to the structural divisions of the enterprise in the development of measures for the social development of labor collectives.

4.16. Coordination of the activities of the structural divisions of the enterprise to identify and use social reserves of production and implement targeted comprehensive social programs.

4.17. Provide methodological guidance to the activities of other structural units on social issues.

4.18. Carrying out, within one’s competence, record keeping, generating and sending/receiving correspondence and other information via electronic communication channels.

4.19. Implementation of the organization of maintaining regulatory and reference information related to the functions of the department.

4.20. Ensuring, within its competence, the protection of information constituting state secrets and other information of limited distribution.

4.21. Carrying out, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, work on the acquisition, storage, recording and use of archival documents generated during the activities of the department.

The assignment to the department of functions that are not within the competence of the department is not permitted.


To solve the tasks assigned to it, the Social Development Department has the right to:

5.1. Request, in the prescribed manner, from the structural divisions of the enterprise information, documents and written explanations necessary to resolve issues within the competence of the department.

5.2. Represent, within his competence, the interests of the enterprise in matters related to the social development of the enterprise.

5.3. Involve specialists from other structural divisions of the enterprise to resolve issues within the competence of the department.


6.1. In the process of production activities of the enterprise, the department constantly interacts with the following structural divisions:

(specify structural units)

- ____________________________________________________________________,

- ____________________________________________________________________,

- ____________________________________________________________________.

6.2. On issues within its competence, the department provides assistance to all divisions of the enterprise.


7.1. The head of the department bears full responsibility for the quality and timeliness of fulfillment of the tasks and functions assigned to the department by the Regulations.

7.2. The degree of responsibility of other employees is established by job descriptions.

7.3. The head and other employees of the department are personally responsible for the compliance of the documents they prepare and transactions with correspondence with the legislation of the Russian Federation.


8.1. Timely and high-quality implementation of set goals and objectives.

8.2. High-quality performance of functional duties.

Head of Social Development Department


Agreed: legal service



/Stitch and affix the signature of an authorized person with a transcript, indicating the position, and the seal of the enterprise./