The procedure for creating a corporate code of ethics. Code of Corporate Ethics. Algorithm for applying the code


corporate team ethics

Corporate etiquette implies a set of measures of decency and appropriate behavior of an employee in the workplace. By observing all the rules and norms of this etiquette, you can show a culture of communication, mutual understanding, and make a favorable impression on a person or employees. Etiquette also includes laws and rules that all employees must follow - this is their responsibility. Corporate etiquette has existed for quite a long time, but new rules began to be included in the laws of etiquette quite recently. But these laws acquired a certain unusual and the new kind: pass the professional aptitude test every year, keep your workplace clean, constantly go to corporate parties and the like.

Corporate ethics will unite employees into a family, where everyone will try to help and support the other, thus working for one common cause. As soon as an employee stops feeling like a cog in the system, with the help of which bosses and owners pump out money for themselves, he will begin to work more productively and enthusiastically.

It is impossible to say that there are any norms common to any organization corporate culture. After all, just as different families have different approaches to raising children, each company needs to find its own approach to organizing employees. A person, as a social being, must feel that he is needed, that he is part of a team. And only in this case will he be devoted to his work as much as to his loved ones.

It is very important for a manager to develop clear standards of etiquette in the organization, as well as convey them to each of the employees. Only in this case does he have the right to demand their unquestioning implementation. If you organize your corporate culture correctly, then essentially you won’t need to demand anything from anyone, because working for the benefit of the company in one big family will only be a joy for all members of the team.

* compliance with all rules of business communication, both within the company and with clients;

* care of each team member about the interests of the company and its reputation;

* working together to achieve the main goals of the company;

* quality control of services provided or products;

* responsibility when working with clients.

Management, in order to maintain its authority, must also negotiate the culture with subordinates official relations inside the company. Thus, management should not scold subordinates in front of other employees. According to corporate ethics, each employee must respect the opinions of others. All company employees must be polite to each other, the use of swear words and profane language, etc. is excluded.

In fact, all these rules of behavior are known to every civilized adult. However, if you do not carry out explanatory work and do not monitor the implementation of all these standards, it is impossible to achieve any result.

It is necessary to try to create for each employee of the company such working conditions where he will feel like part of a friendly team. And only when employees stop going to work as if they were doing hard labor, the company will experience prosperity and success.

1. The concept of corporate ethics

Ethics is a set of rules and norms of behavior in one or another area of ​​human communication. Corporate ethics is a system of moral principles, norms of moral behavior that have a regulatory impact on relations within one organization and on interaction with other organizations. The subjects of corporate ethics are: owners, managers and employees of the organization. Already in the Middle Ages, certain systems of corporate views began to form. Most of them characteristic features were: solidarity of people of the same profession, strict regulation of the rights and responsibilities of professional activity, etc. Subsequently, they were developed within the Roman Catholic Church, and were reflected in the social encyclicals of the popes, which appeared at the end of the 19th century as a reaction to the rapid development of socialist teachings. In search of an effective alternative, the church turned to the idea of ​​corporatism. This idea was first fully presented in Leo XIII's encyclical Rerum Novarum (1891). It put forward the concept that is now called “social partnership”, which consists in the cooperation of wage labor and capital, which are considered as two interrelated and complementary factors in the production process. Corporate ideas were introduced to public opinion during the debates over trade union law to contrast them with the development of socialist ideas in workers' unions. As for the direct activities of enterprises, the value-motivational, cultural components of economic life for quite a long time were assessed as secondary, not limiting economic growth and resource. The reproduction of the value environment at the enterprise occurred mostly spontaneously, although the attention to it from managers and scientists was constantly increasing. However, starting from the 70s of the twentieth century, the impact on the cultural components of the activities of organizations becomes continuous and from the individual to the massive, acquiring the features of a well-coordinated and priority strategy of their leadership. According to M.V. Dubinina, “under the influence of corporate ethics, the activities of employees are organized not so much on the basis of orders or compromises, but rather due to the internal consistency of the guidelines and aspirations of employees. An organization built on the unity of the worldview and value systems of its members becomes the most harmonious and dynamic form of the corporate community.” Thus, the purpose of corporate ethics is to regulate the relationship between representatives various professions, united by a community of labor collectives working in one organization.

Corporate ethics can be represented as a system with two subsystems. Firstly, these are the moral and ethical values ​​of the organization and its development priorities. Secondly, these are the norms and rules of behavior of organization employees in formal and informal situations.

Corporate ethics is based on a number of principles. The principle of corporate ethics is a rule of activity in the system of norms of moral behavior of subjects of corporate ethics in the performance of their duties.

The absence of clearly formulated rules of corporate ethics inevitably leads to a lack of a certain dedication to one’s enterprise, which negatively affects the work of a particular employee (employees) and the profit of the entire enterprise as a whole. For example, transferring confidential information to a competing enterprise is practically an ethical norm, because an employee is not obliged to care about a society of which he is not a member. And only the introduction of the rules of corporate ethics allows a person to feel like not just a cog in a production machine, not a tool with the help of which someone “makes money,” but a full member of the team, almost a member of the family.

Corporate ethics stipulates collective principles of behavior. For example: caring for the general interests of the organization and each employee individually, ensuring the growth of the organization’s values, complying with the norms of business communication, creating and maintaining a business image and impeccable reputation of the organization (while talking about how bad things are in the organization and what kind of boss is boorish behavior with outsiders becomes ethically impossible), support for the overall strategy and priorities of the organization, non-use of the organization’s image to its detriment for personal gain, confidentiality of information received, etc.

Corporate ethics stipulates ethical principles service relations. For example, employees of an organization must treat all people with respect, they must keep their promises, be tolerant of other people's opinions, be polite and correct, not interfere in the personal life of another person without his personal request, etc.

Above the rules established by the corporate code for employees are the rules established for the organization itself. For example: building relationships with clients and partners solely on legal basis, full responsibility for the quality of their products and fulfillment of contractual obligations, creation and support of mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers and consumers, recognition of the labor merits of employees and providing them with fair remuneration, ensuring social guarantees employees, etc.

In other words, corporate ethics must satisfy the SMART principles: S (specific) - specific; M (measurable) - measurable; A (acquireable) - achievable; R (realistic) - realistic; T (time bound) - feasible in a limited time.

The basis of corporate ethics standards are values. Values ​​are relatively general beliefs that define what is right and wrong and establish people's general preferences.

Values ​​can be positive, guiding people towards patterns of behavior that support the achievement of the organization's strategic goals, but they can also be negative, which negatively affect the effectiveness of the organization as a whole.

Positive values ​​expressed by the following statements:

The work can be done perfectly;

In dispute, truth is born;

The interests of the consumer come first;

The company's success is my success;

An attitude of mutual assistance and support good relations with colleagues;

Not competition, but cooperation in working towards a common goal.

Negative values ​​expressed by the following statements:

You can’t trust your bosses, you can only trust your friends;

You are the boss - I am a fool, I am the boss - you are a fool;

Keep your head down;

Working well is not the most important thing in life;

You can't redo all the work.

Values ​​can also be divided into individual and organizational, however, they largely coincide, but there are also those that relate exclusively to either one group or another. For example, such as “well-being”, “safety”, “initiative”, “quality”, “independence” can relate to both groups, and such as “family”, “predictability”, “work”, “authority” refer to individual , and “interchangeability”, “flexibility”, “change” are associated with the organization.

Everyone puts their own meaning into the name of a value, so when studying value orientations, it is worth asking to clarify the meaning of a given value, what they mean by it.

The fundamental values ​​on the basis of which corporate ethics are formed, as a rule, are:

Competence and professionalism. Subjects of corporate ethics must: have high-quality education, work experience, and the ability to make informed and responsible decisions; strive to improve your professional level; have initiative and activity in execution job responsibilities, responsibility and discipline.

Honesty and impartiality. This is the foundation of the organization's activities, its business reputation. The organization does not allow any conflict between personal interests and professional activities.

Responsibility. Responsibility is a guarantee of the quality of the organization's activities.

Respect for the human person. Employees of the organization have the right to be treated fairly and fairly, regardless of race, language, political and religious beliefs, gender, nationality and cultural background.

Patriotism. An employee must be both a patriot of his state and a patriot of his organization. It should contribute to the development of the organization and the state.

Safety. It is expressed in the desire to preserve trade secrets, and in concern for the preservation of the organization, and in ensuring that no harmful or hazardous conditions labor.

Well-being. Focus on material well-being, as a condition for meeting the needs of a person, his family, and the community within which he lives.

Interchangeability. Allows the organization to respond flexibly to unexpected changes in the environment and emergency situations in the organization itself.

Harmony. Focus on the compliance of various aspects and aspects of the organization’s life, regardless of whether these phenomena are effective or not, the main thing is not to disturb the balance and harmony of relationships.

Flexibility. Focus on flexibility and encouraging employees to interact effectively, jointly search for an optimal solution to the problem, ways of achieving goals acceptable to representatives of various services, timely response to changes environment(especially relevant in unstable external environment).

It should also be listed moral qualities, on which corporate ethics is based: responsiveness; attentiveness; goodwill; ability to take criticism; devotion; decency, honesty; modesty; openness, etc.

2. Types of corporate ethics

There are several types of corporate ethics. These are traditional, highly skilled, innovative and social ethics.

· Traditional corporate ethics is an old-fashioned approach to the corporate environment. It is based on clearly defined roles and relationships between employees. Traditionally, a simple chain of command works. Orders are given from above and carried out by subordinates without discussion or disagreement. Although this type of ethics is outdated, it still has its place. Most often, such ethics are used in companies with long-established methods of management and business, and for them it is most effective.

· Highly qualified corporate ethics is called so not because other types of ethics do not imply highly qualified personnel. The main principle of this type of corporate ethics is the selection of talented people senior management, which will influence lower-level employees. This is typical for companies where risky transactions, such as financial games on the stock market, are the norm.

· Innovative corporate ethics is in many ways the antipode of traditional ethics. In this case, creative initiative is supported among ordinary employees. There is always a certain risk in companies with this type of corporate ethics.

· Public ethics derives its strength from collaborative efforts, teamwork, and healthy, trusting relationships among company employees. Often this type of corporate ethics emphasizes caring for its employees. In this case, the company follows the principle that employees should be paid a little more than usual, and people should also be encouraged and rewarded for their achievements.

Creating a productive work environment that attracts and retains talented employees will help you achieve maximum business success. Those employees who feel valued will try to do better. And negative corporate ethics can affect work with clients, as they may feel disagreements and unhealthy competition among the company's employees.

3. How to create a positive work environment

It is very important to know how to create positive corporate ethics in your company.

First of all, you need to establish specific company goals. This will help you build a business plan correctly. This will also ensure that employees are aware of what responsibilities they have and what role they play in running the business. Give your employees the opportunity to participate in drawing up a business plan, listen to their questions and suggestions.

Hire talented managers who have both specialized skills and the ability to work with people. Don't rely solely on a perfect resume. Teach your managers the basic principles of communication with the company's employees and clients.

Create an environment in your company that encourages creativity and learning. Teach your employees to think creatively, as this will help reduce problems that arise in the work process and eliminate boredom, which usually leads to a formal approach to work. Try to keep your employees up to date with technological progress.

Introduce an incentive program in your company to keep your employees engaged and focused on their work. You can use cash bonuses and all kinds of incentives. You can also host company picnics and holiday parties.

Establish open communication in your business environment. Have regular meetings to discuss the company's needs and goals. Give your employees freedom to speak up. You can also install special suggestion boxes in your office.

Everything matters for corporate ethics - the architecture of the building, the colors and dress code of the employees. One of the main points of corporate ethics is a sense of team. Employees must follow company rules and goals at all levels. Without this, business success is simply impossible.

To attract customers, corporate ethics is also of great importance. If potential client or a customer walks into a company office that clearly lacks strong corporate ethics, this may discourage them from doing business with you. For example, if a company administrator sits at the counter in jeans and a T-shirt, chewing gum and typing SMS on his phone, then the person will immediately come to the conclusion that this company is not serious. And here it will no longer matter how professional other company employees turn out to be. But if the company adheres to a single free dress code, with the exception of senior managers, then perhaps the potential client will not be too surprised.

Of no small importance for corporate ethics is the conditions in which your company’s employees work. Try to keep your office clean, tidy and smelling good. Then your company’s employees will be happy to come to work in the morning.

If you adhere to all these rules and build positive corporate ethics in your team, your employees are likely to remain working for you for a long time. If the company's management treats its employees with respect and values ​​their work, then the employees will also value each other and work conscientiously for the benefit of the company.

4. Corporate ethics (the image and reputation of the enterprise)

Corporate ethics is a value system that governs ethical relations in a given organization. In contrast to universal corporate ethics, corporate ethics is determined by the specifics of the activities and goals of a given organization, as well as the prevailing stereotypes of behavior in a given organization. Corporate ethics is a key element that unites the people involved production process at the enterprise - into a single social organism (human community) 1.

Under the influence of corporate ethics, the activities of employees are organized not so much on the basis of orders or compromises, but rather due to the internal consistency of the guidelines and aspirations of employees. An organization built on the unity of the worldview and value systems of its members becomes the most harmonious and dynamic form of the production community.

Modern personnel management requires new qualities from managers. He must simultaneously be a visionary strategist, an authoritative leader, a social partner, a courageous innovator, and a spiritual mentor. A leader's behavior and management style largely determine the motivation and achievements of his subordinates. Based on the activities of the leader, subordinates draw conclusions about which achievements are rewarded and which are not, and what follows from each method of activity. It is obvious that it is the value ideas of the manager himself that mainly determine the ethical standards and organizational culture of the enterprise.

Compliance by employees of the organization with the norms and rules of ethics business relations becomes her " business card“and in many cases determines whether an external partner or client will want to deal with this organization in the future, and how successfully their relationship will be built.

The use of norms and rules of ethics in corporate relations is perceived favorably by others in any case, even if a person does not have sufficiently developed skills in applying the rules of ethics. The effect of perception is enhanced many times over if ethical behavior becomes natural and unpretentious.

Ethics includes a system of moral requirements and standards of behavior, i.e. business ethics is based on general rules behavior developed by people in the process of joint life activity. Naturally, many norms of relationships in a business setting are valid for everyday life, and, conversely, almost all rules of interpersonal relationships are reflected in work ethics.

Modern corporate ethics, according to most scientists, should be based on three the most important provisions:

the creation of wealth in all its diversity of forms is considered as an inherently important process;

profit and other production income are considered as a result of achieving various socially significant goals;

Priority in resolving problems arising in the business world should be given to the interests of interpersonal relationships rather than to production.

The work of the American sociologist L. Hosmer formulated modern ethical principles of corporate ethics, based on the axioms of world philosophical thought, which have passed centuries of testing by theory and practice. There are ten such principles and, accordingly, axioms3:

Never do anything that is not in your or your company's long-term interests (the principle is based on the teachings of ancient Greek philosophers (particularly Democritus) about personal interests combined with the interests of other people, and the difference between long-term and short-term interests).

Never do anything that cannot be said to be truly honest, open and true, which could be proudly announced to the whole country in the press and on television (the principle is based on the views of Aristotle and Plato about personal virtues - honesty , openness, moderation, etc.).

Never do anything that does not contribute to the formation of a sense of comradeship, since we are all working towards one common goal (the principle is based on the commandments of world religions (St. Augustine), calling for kindness and compassion).

Never do anything that violates the law, because the law represents the basic moral norms of society (the principle is based on the teachings of T. Hobbes and J. Locke about the role of the state as an arbiter in competition between people for the good).

Never do anything that does not lead to good and not harm to the society in which you live (the principle is based on the ethics of utilitarianism (the practical benefits of moral behavior), developed by I. Bentham and J. S. Mill).

Never do anything that you would not recommend doing to others who find themselves in a similar situation (the principle is based on the categorical imperative of I. Kant, which declares the famous rule about a universal, universal norm).

Never do anything that infringes on the established rights of others (the principle is based on the views of J. J. Rousseau and T. Jefferson on individual rights).

Always act in a manner that maximizes profits within the limits of the law, market requirements and full consideration of costs. For the maximum profit, subject to these conditions, indicates the greatest production efficiency (the principle is based on economic theory A. Smith and the teachings of V. Pareto on the optimal transaction).

Never do anything that could harm the weakest in society (the principle is based on C. Rhodes' rule of distributive justice).

Never do anything that would interfere with another person’s right to self-development and self-realization (the principle is based on A. Nozick’s theory of expanding the degree of individual freedom necessary for the development of society).

Corporate ethics is based on moral standards that allow everyone to feel like an individual. First of all, they are related to the basic (material) needs of the employee:

remuneration for skilled labor should not be lower than the income of the middle strata of the population;

the corporation assumes responsibility for a certain stability of employment, and in the event of forced dismissal, payment of appropriate compensation;

preventing an unjustified gap in the income levels of owners, managers and ordinary employees.

The employee's relationship with the corporation is largely determined by higher-order ethical standards, not least such as:

respect for human dignity regardless of the social status occupied in the hierarchical ladder of the enterprise;

guarantees of advanced training and professional advancement;

free expression of opinions about the activities of the corporation;

participation in the preparation and adoption of decisions affecting the interests of employees;

sharp condemnation of such phenomena in the system labor relations, as denunciation, pitting one group of workers against another;

transparency of the corporation's financial activities, excluding any form of shadow transactions.

Of course, even in corporate ethics, a certain community of corporate interests cannot eliminate the specific interests of various groups of people. Conflicts may arise in an enterprise. However, corporate ethics allows you to manage a conflict situation, giving it a functional rather than a destructive nature, i.e. use it as the first signal of a problem that needs to be solved within the framework of the social partnership system.

5. Corporate codes

The first shoots on the field of business ethics in modern Russia began to make their way in the 90s. A number of professional ethical codes were adopted, among which we should mention: the Banker's Code of Honor (1992), the Rules for the Fair Activities of Members of the Professional Association of Stock Market Participants (1994), the Code of Honor for Members of the Russian Guild of Realtors (1994), the Code of Professional Ethics for Members Russian society evaluators (1994). A certain milestone in the evolution of modern Russian business began the financial and economic crisis in August 1998. It was after the notorious financial default that many public organizations Russian entrepreneurs(at the federal and regional levels) began to develop and adopt moral codes. In October 2002, such a code was adopted by the Russian Union of Entrepreneurs and Industrialists (RSPP), one of the most influential business structures. A month later, the congress of the Union of Russian Beer Producers and non-alcoholic products adopted a code of honor for brewers. Moral codes already exist in both large Russian corporations and smaller enterprises.

At the level of individual enterprises, the practice of adopting corporate codes is becoming increasingly widespread. Corporate codes can vary in form of presentation and headings. It depends on the specifics of specific industries, regions, enterprises, management preferences, etc.

The code of corporate ethics can perform three main functions: reputational; managerial; development of corporate culture.

The reputational function is to increase confidence in the company on the part of potential investors (shareholders, banks, investment companies) and business partners (customers, suppliers, contractors, etc.). The presence of a company code of business ethics is already becoming a kind of sign of its success and a necessary condition for a high business reputation. As a result of the adoption and implementation of a code of business ethics in the company’s activities, its investment attractiveness increases, and the company’s image reaches a qualitatively higher level.

However, the managerial function of a code of business ethics should not be underestimated. It consists of regulating and streamlining corporate behavior in complex and ambiguous situations from the point of view of compliance with the principles of ethics, honesty and integrity.

The management function is provided by:

Formation of ethical aspects of corporate culture between stakeholders within the corporation (shareholders, directors, managers and employees). The Code of Business Ethics, by introducing corporate values ​​within the company, crystallizes the corporate identity of this company and, as a result, improves the quality of strategic and operational management in it.

Regulation of priorities in relations with external stakeholders (suppliers, contractors, consumers, creditors, etc.).

Determining the order and procedure for developing and making decisions in complex ethical situations.

Listing and specifying forms of behavior that are unacceptable from an ethical standpoint. The Code of Corporate Ethics is a significant factor in the development of corporate culture. The code can transmit the company's values ​​to all employees, guide employees towards common corporate goals and thereby enhance corporate identity.

Basic implementation limitation ethical standards in the organization is the impossibility of their direct administrative regulation. The area of ​​individual moral attitudes is too sensitive an area for direct intervention through directive levers.

Therefore, as a rule, the code does not provide for legal liability for non-compliance. At the creation stage, it is proposed to adopt the code voluntarily; if desired, and if the appropriate procedure is available, each employee can add his or her wishes to the text and implementation system. For new members of the community, the document is already a given and must be accepted. If a person strives to work in a company, then knowledge and understanding of the principles of life in this company will help, on the one hand, a new employee to adapt faster, and on the other hand, the company to maintain its integrity, “a single face.”

The option of introducing a code as a local regulatory act is also possible. For this purpose, variants of specific violations are more carefully prescribed and a system for their detection and prevention is created. This approach, adopted more in the United States than in Europe, maintains compliance with ethical standards at a preconvective level (due to fear of punishment and due to group pressure). However, focusing on social control over ethical behavior simultaneously reduces intrinsic motivation to comply with rules and regulations. In areas where social control difficult (violations with a low risk of detection), the likelihood of violations remains high.

In professionally homogeneous organizations (banks, consulting companies) codes are often used that primarily describe professional dilemmas. These codes emerged from the previously described codes of professional societies. Accordingly, the content of such codes primarily regulates the behavior of employees in complex professional ethical situations. In banking, for example, this is access to confidential information about the client and information about the stability of one’s bank. The Code describes the rules for handling such information and prohibits the use of information for personal gain.

First of all, management problems are solved here. Supplementing such a code with chapters on the company’s mission and values ​​contributes to the development of corporate culture. At the same time, the code can have a significant volume and complex specific content and can be addressed to all employees of the company.

In large, heterogeneous corporations, the combination of all three functions becomes difficult. On the one hand, there are a number of policies and situations traditionally enshrined in ethical codes in international practice. These are policies in relation to clients, suppliers, contractors; description of situations associated with possible abuses: bribes, bribery, theft, deception, discrimination. Based managerial function, the code describes standards of exemplary behavior in such situations. Such a code has a significant volume and quite complex content. Addressing it to all groups of employees in conditions of significant differences in the educational level and social status of employees is difficult. At the same time, the development of the company’s corporate culture requires a unified code for all employees - it must set a common understanding of the company’s mission and values ​​for each employee.

In such a situation, two versions of the code are used - declarative and expanded.

The declarative version of the code primarily solves the problem of developing corporate culture. At the same time, in order to provide the code to the international community and solve specific management tasks additional documents need to be developed.

The expanded version of the code regulates in detail the ethical behavior of employees. It sets out specific regulations for employee behavior in certain areas where the risk of violations is high or complex ethical situations may arise. These regulations are described in the form of policies regarding customers, consumers, the state, political activities, conflicts of interest, and labor safety. At the same time, the large volume and complexity of the content of such codes determine their selective addressing.

In most companies, such codes are developed for top and middle management and are not a universal document that unites all employees.


Corporate ethics is a value system that governs ethical relations in a given organization.

Corporate ethics is a key element that unites people - participants in the production process at an enterprise - into a single social organism (human community).

In foreign management practice, a number of special measures and methods have been developed aimed at creating a healthy ethical basis for labor relations.

It is worth noting the growing importance of national and international regulators of business ethics and labor relations. International codes of business practice are adopted by the United Nations, the International Chamber of Commerce and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.

The standards developed by International organization Labor (ILO) and largely adopted at the national level by government legislation.

There is no doubt that normal business can only develop in a state governed by the rule of law, on the basis of developed legislation. However, even the most perfect rule of law will not solve the problem of the ethical foundations of business.

Almost all areas of corporate ethics have rules that correspond to moral and ethical standards of behavior in a broad sense. In addition, without exception, all areas of business ethics are based on fundamental ethical standards. These include respect for the self-esteem and personal status of another person, understanding the interests and motives of behavior of others, social responsibility for their psychological security, etc.

The principles of ethics in corporate relations are a generalized expression of moral requirements developed in the moral consciousness of society, which indicate the norms of behavior of participants in business relations.


1. Botavina R.N. Management ethics: textbook / R.N. Botavina; - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2012.

Vogel D.D. Ethics of business relations: past and present / Lessons in organizing business relations. - St. Petersburg, 2013

Kibanov A.Ya. Ethics of business relations: textbook; edited by AND I. Kibanova; M.: INFRA-M, 2012.

Martirosyan A.V. What talents does a leader need? // Man and labor. 2014. No. 3

Petrunin Yu.Yu. Business ethics: textbook. Benefit. - M: Delo, 2013.

Psychology and ethics of business communication / ed. V.N. Lavrinenko. - M.: UNITY-LANA, 2014.

Shikhirev P.N. Is business ethics possible? // Social Sciences and Modernity. 2013. No. 6. P. 23.

Ethical principles of doing business in Russia / Ed. ed. S.A. Smirnova. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2014. P. 156.


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The main purpose of a code of ethics is to create comfortable conditions labor, a suitable psychological climate in the company. With the help of a code of ethics it is possible to unite all team members and form a corporate culture. It is easier for employees who have mastered the company's laws to understand difficult work environments, and it is easier for a new employee to integrate into the team and understand what is expected of him here.

The code must provide an explanation of the main purpose of the company’s existence, i.e. her mission. Every employee must know why the enterprise was created.

The code of ethics highlights the following points:

  • - corporate standards: it’s good if the company can be recognized by the traditionally correct answer of the secretary;
  • - continuous development and improvement: increasing professional level, sharing positive experiences, searching for new solutions; - reliability: responsibility, dedication;
  • - team work: respect for each other, open discussion of problems;
  • - the order of internal interaction: an established exchange of information increases the speed of processes, which has a positive effect on financial indicators companies;
  • - rules of conduct in non-standard situations: the risk that an employee will become confused when interacting with a partner, client, etc. is reduced.

Western firms have long recognized the need to implement a code of ethics that characterizes the fundamentals of business conduct, which allows them to achieve an advantage in business. In our country, due to insufficient government control and established traditions, the ethics of business behavior in enterprises is not given due attention.

“A code of ethics arises in a company when it expands and the General Director faces the need to develop a system of coordinates so that employees know ethical corporate values. In addition to all this, the code of ethics perfects relations with partners and investors. The code provides partners with a guarantee that all obligations will be fulfilled. For investors, the code is an argument in favor of the correctness of the decision to invest in a company for which honor comes before profit.”

It is also known that in the employment contract of any enterprise there are sharp corners that are hidden. On the other hand, there is the Labor Code, a document that makes both the employee and the company vulnerable to official bodies. To resolve this contradiction, the company creates a list of ethical standards. Taking it new employee, or employee extending labor contract, knows what is accepted and what is not accepted to do in the company. By signing the document, they know what to expect from working for the company.

Companies can choose one of three paths to develop and implement a code of ethics.

  • 1. Involve external expert consultants who will guide the draft code of ethics from start to finish and accompany the company after its implementation.
  • 2. Develop and implement a code of ethics with the help of external experts, and support the system independently.
  • 3. On your own develop and implement a code of ethics.

In fact, some companies turn to consulting agencies, whose consultants collect the opinions and proposals of the team, analyze them, and after 1-4 months propose a “corporate constitution” to the company’s management.

Other companies borrow standard codes of a particular industry (codes of doctors, psychologists, personnel officers, teachers), edit them and receive their own set of internal corporate rules.

When preparing a code of ethics, top and middle management of a company get acquainted with similar documents in force at other enterprises, identify the traditions that have formed in the company, the ethical factors present in the corporate culture, and introduce what they would like to see ideally.

Stages of development and implementation of a code of ethics.

It is recommended to develop and implement a code of ethics in four stages.

  • 1. Research. The company is diagnosing the situation: identifying potential areas of conflict of interest, contradictions within the organization and in its external relations - with clients and partners. Areas of possible violations related, for example, to rude staff, theft, etc. are identified. The goals of the program are formulated.
  • 2. Concept development. The company's management creates an “image of an ideal employee” - describes his desired behavior in conflict and difficult ethical situations. They are individual for each organization. Depending on their characteristics, the structure of the code is formed: content, chapters. At the same stage, a draft text of the code is drawn up.

Thus, a base of one’s own ideas about ethical standards in the company is created.

Further work is entrusted to the personnel service, which formulates the main provisions of the code of ethics. When developing a code of ethics, it is advisable to involve employees at all levels in the discussion of its provisions. At the same time, problems of a professional and ethical nature that arise in the daily activities of employees are clarified, classified into specific examples Desirable and undesirable behavior of personnel is described. That. are fixed unwritten rules, which exist in any company: from requirements for employee clothing to norms of relationships with clients, competitors, etc. When developing a code of ethics, it should be taken into account that its provisions must be feasible.

  • 3. Discussion, adjustment and acceptance. All employees are introduced to the draft code, its necessity for each employee and the company as a whole is clarified, and they receive feedback on the draft code. Then the text is corrected and the document is finalized. The Code is approved by the company's management.
  • 4. Implementation. A system for implementing the code of ethics is being created. It includes four elements: 1) promoting ethical standards of behavior within the company; 2) training of employees (how to apply the norms fixed in the code); 3) monitoring the implementation of ethical standards and possible violations; 4) response to violations.

The entire set of ethical rules is fully accepted by the president of the company, who is the guarantor of their implementation. Having started with himself, he can demand the same from others.

Once the code of ethics has been adopted and implemented, changes can be made to it if necessary. For example, a company has acquired a new type of activity or opened a branch in another country. It is necessary to make additions to the code of ethics that will reduce the likelihood of conflicts and ethical problems associated with new activities. Changes are formalized as an appendix to the main text of the code of ethics.

There are no uniform standards when drawing up a code of ethics. Usually it sets out the general goals and principles of the company, norms of behavior, work schedule, dress code, rules for working with clients and partners. The code may include the company’s obligations to the team, management policy in the field of labor protection, confidentiality provisions and other nuances organizational activities. Every employee faces problems that are difficult to solve on their own. How to resolve these issues is prescribed in an internal document. The essence of this document is to help employees live up to the company's image and maintain its authority.

Typically, a corporate code of ethics consists of two main parts:

  • 1. Ideological, including the mission, goals and values ​​of the company.
  • 2. Normative (behavioral), which describes specific standards of behavior common to all employees, the company’s obligations to employees, social and disciplinary liability, features of handling internal corporate information. It also regulates the behavior of employees in certain situations, for example when communicating with clients, partners, and also provides safety, environmental standards and much more. To comply with the principles of the code of ethics, it is necessary:
  • 1. Bring the principles to the attention of all employees;
  • 2. The personnel service should organize a discussion of corporate ethical standards (anonymous surveys, discussions on Internet forums);
  • 3. Create a department for handling complaints regarding the ethical quality of service;
  • 4. Periodically (once a year) review the code of ethics to eliminate or change outdated rules.

It is not always possible to ensure that staff comply with all the standards prescribed in the corporate code. So, if the boss violates the code, it is pointless to demand its implementation from ordinary employees. Therefore, the code of ethics is one of the levers of personnel management.


The Code is based on generally accepted standards of corporate and business ethics and the best Russian and foreign practices corporate governance.

All Employees of the Enterprise follow the provisions of the Code.

The Code is advisory in nature for individuals working under civil contracts concluded with the Enterprise, as well as for contractors and consultants acting on behalf of the Enterprise and representing the Enterprise before third parties.

In the event that certain provisions of the Code conflict with the current legislative acts or local acts Enterprises adopted earlier will take advantage of the provisions of the current legislation and local acts of the Enterprise. In the event that certain provisions of the Code conflict with traditions, customs or anyone’s ideas about the rules of conduct, the provisions of the Code will take precedence.

Each Employee of the Enterprise should:

  • when performing their official duties, be guided by the provisions of the Code and the rules of conduct that are regulated by the Code and current local acts of the Enterprise;
  • If you have any questions regarding the provisions of the Code or rules of conduct, seek clarification from your immediate supervisor or the Personnel Department;
  • promptly notify the immediate supervisor or the Personnel Department of cases of contact with him in order to induce actions leading to a violation of the Code;
  • comply with the provisions of the Code.

Company managers should:

  • when performing official duties, take into account the provisions of the Code, after familiarizing yourself with its provisions;
  • be a personal example of ethical behavior consistent with the provisions of the Code;
  • carry out work in the entrusted departments to explain the provisions of the Code, as well as to prevent violations of the rules of conduct set out in the Code.


The company is a major supplier of flexible packaging. The main activities of the Enterprise are printing and production of label and packaging products from single-layer and multi-layer materials with flexographic printing.

The company sees its mission in meeting the needs of Russian and foreign manufacturers in modern high-quality packaging, developing long-term relationships with partners based on mutual understanding, openness and trust, improving the technical base and technologies, supporting and developing the company’s personnel, promoting professional growth and social success of employees, as well as worthy remuneration of the Company’s shareholders. The Company's activities are aimed at generating profits that guarantee the constant technical growth of the enterprise, contributing to the improvement of the quality, stability and safety of products and the satisfaction of consumers, staff and the Company as a whole.

Strategic goals:

  • Compliance with legal requirements,
  • Satisfying consumer needs,
  • Increased staff satisfaction,
  • Strengthening the economic position of the Enterprise by increasing production volumes and sales that are stable in terms of safety and product quality,
  • Development of mutually beneficial partnerships with suppliers of raw materials, materials, equipment;
  • Development and production of new types of products in accordance with market prospects;
  • Further improvement of technological, management and logistics processes, as well as increasing the efficiency of the Enterprise through the use of information technologies, resources, knowledge
  • Providing innovative leadership through improving production technologies

The Company's strategy is based on the following principles:

  • systematically increasing efficiency in all processes at the Enterprise;
  • expansion and diversification of activities through projects that ensure the creation of new products, including expanding the range of cooperation with the Company’s clients;
  • improving environmental protection and energy efficiency policies;
  • respecting the interests of all shareholders;
  • improving corporate governance, ensuring transparency of financial and economic activities;
  • increasing the personal responsibility of managers for management decisions made.

The corporate values ​​of the Enterprise are:

  • leadership- in our activities we strive to demonstrate leadership skills, directing efforts to create strategic advantages of the Enterprise;
  • confidence- we build relationships within the Company on the principles of mutual respect and openness, which allows us to create an atmosphere of goodwill and honest exchange of information;
  • professionalism- professionalism of employees is the basis for the successful development of the Enterprise. The constant acquisition of new knowledge and improvement of professional skills allows us to look confidently into the future;
  • efficiency- we strive to increase productivity with optimal use of the Company’s resources and the creative potential of its Employees;
  • responsibility- we do what we say. We are responsible for our words and actions, for the development and success of the common cause.


The relationship between Employees and the Enterprise is defined employment contract, in strict accordance with the current labor legislation and local regulations. The provisions set out in this Code are intended to strengthen the achieved high level of trust and mutual understanding between Employees and the Enterprise.

The company creates open relations in personnel management, constantly improves management methods, provides Employees with favorable working conditions, the opportunity to improve their skills and realize their potential. At the same time, the Company maintains confidentiality regarding the personal data of its Employees in accordance with the requirements Labor Code Russian Federation, Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”, as well as others federal legislation, by-laws, local acts of the Enterprise.

The Company implements in relation to Employees social policy aimed at increasing the prestige of work and providing comfortable and safe conditions labor.

The company provides employees hired with conditions that facilitate rapid adaptation to the team, mastering work process algorithms, realizing their potential and effective work.

The enterprise creates personnel reserve- a specially formed and trained group of Employees who combine a high level of development of management competencies and professional skills that meet corporate requirements and are focused on promotion to leadership positions higher level. The creation of a personnel reserve complies with the Personnel Policy regulated by Regulation No. 08-SM 01.

The company strives to ensure safe working conditions based on compliance with current legislation and technical standards. Labor protection is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on Labor Safety at CJSC "Conflex SPb" adopted by the Enterprise, which is accompanied by Labor Safety Instructions for Employees of the Enterprise.

Each of the Enterprise Employees is responsible for compliance with safety conditions at their workplace (in accordance with the conditions prescribed in the Labor Safety Instructions).

The Company guarantees its Employees protection from any forms of discrimination, as defined by the current legislation of the Russian Federation (including discrimination based on gender and nationality). When implementing personnel policy, wage policies, policies social security Any discrimination based on nationality, gender, age, etc. is prohibited.

An employee of the Company who believes that he is not provided with protection from discrimination should seek protection from his immediate supervisor or the Human Resources Department.

The Company values ​​in its Employees:

Competence expressed in the following characteristics:

  • deep and comprehensive professional knowledge;
  • high level of communication, allowing you to build successful relationships with partners and colleagues;
  • knowledge in related fields;

initiative, determined by the following parameters:

  • ability to propose new approaches and ideas;
  • desire for self-improvement;
  • ability to independently improve qualifications;
  • creative approach to work;
  • independence of thinking;
  • willingness and ability to take responsibility;

personal qualities that are of high importance:

  • honesty, decency, sincerity;
  • goodwill in relations with colleagues;
  • internal culture and self-discipline;

corporate behavior demonstrating commitment to the principles of the Company:

  • loyalty to the Company;
  • promoting team cohesion;
  • willingness to provide support.


Printing activities involve interaction with various active substances, which can have a harmful effect on the environment in the absence of regulations for the handling of these substances. The Company is aware of the full degree of responsibility to its contemporaries and future generations for the impact that the Company’s activities have on the environment.

In its activities, the Company adheres to the principle of dynamic economic growth with the most rational use of resources with minimal impact on the environment. The company complies with national environmental laws, standards and requirements relating to its activities and products. The Company's policy is also aimed at the most careful use of energy, water, land and other natural resources in the production process, proper handling of production waste, careful and restrained use of hazardous materials and technologies.

The company strives to:

  • guarantee compliance with all legislative norms of the Russian Federation and international legal acts in the field of environmental protection;
  • ensure careful use of natural resources;
  • ensure energy saving;
  • constantly improve the environmental knowledge of the Enterprise Employees;
  • ensure wide availability of environmental information about the activities of the Enterprise.


Conflict of interest is a situation in which a contradiction arises between the personal interest of the Employee and the legitimate interests of the Company, affecting the objective and impartial performance of the Employee’s duties.

The presence of such a conflict poses a threat to the reputation of the Enterprise.

Employees of the Company should avoid situations in which a conflict of interest arises.

If a situation arises that entails a conflict of interest, Employees should inform their immediate supervisor or the Personnel Department of the Enterprise.

A transaction in which there is an interest does not give rise to a conflict of interest if it has been previously properly approved by the management bodies of the Enterprise ( General meeting shareholders, the Board of Directors, the tender commission) as a transaction in which there is an interest, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, local acts of the Enterprise, its constituent documents.

In a situation of conflict of interests between the Employee and the Enterprise, if it is impossible to eliminate it, the interests of the Enterprise have priority.

Below, in Articles 5-8, 10 of the Code, situations are presented that demonstrate a conflict of interest, but are not exhaustive. Employees are advised to assess the presence of a conflict of interest in other similar situations.


The presence of family ties between the managers of the Enterprise within the same division can create reputational costs and raise doubts about the objectivity of personnel assessment and promotion procedures.

The company does not limit cases collaboration relatives, if the decisive factors for appointment to a certain position are objective characteristics, and the selection is carried out on an equal basis with other applicants for the position.

The Company prohibits protectionism based on nepotism.

The specified requirements do not have an impact on situations related to the professional continuity of Workers in blue-collar occupations.


The definition of “gift” refers to any value in tangible or intangible form for which there is no obligation to pay.

Receiving a gift by an Employee may be perceived negatively by other Employees or other persons (shareholders, counterparties, the state and government agencies, professional associations, etc.) even in the absence of protectionism in the behavior of the employee in relation to the donor.

The Enterprise, taking into account the developing working and non-working relationships of Employees with third parties, recommends that Employees, in each specific case of receiving gifts from third parties, proceed from the provisions of this Code.

An employee of the Company should be notified of gifts received from third parties that meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • for committing any actions (inaction) related to the performance of official duties at the Enterprise;
  • costing over 3,000 rubles;
  • as Money or cash equivalents;
  • in the absence of an obvious, generally accepted reason for the gift.

The provisions regarding the acceptance of gifts established by this Code do not apply to the relationship between the Employee and the donor when such a gift is corporate souvenirs: pens, notepads, diaries, etc.
If, based on all the circumstances of receiving a gift, it becomes extremely clear to the Employee that such a gift was given to him solely for the purpose of contrary to the principles of this Code, and the Employee, due to certain reasons, does not have the opportunity to refuse it, it is recommended to accept such a gift with the transfer of the issue of its further application to the immediate supervisor or the Personnel Department for decision.
If there are any doubts regarding the admissibility of a gift or other questions regarding the procedure for handling gifts, the Employee must seek clarification from his immediate supervisor or the Personnel Department of the Enterprise.


The assets and resources of the Enterprise in the context of this Code include:

  • movable and immovable property;
  • objects of intellectual property;
  • work time Workers (labor resources).

The enterprise, as well as its Employees, have the right to use and dispose of existing assets and resources to achieve its strategic goals and increase capitalization.

Each Employee must treat the resources of the Company at his disposal with care and use them exclusively for work purposes and as efficiently as possible.

The use of the Company's assets by Employees for personal purposes is not permitted, except in cases of limited use:
- the Internet (controlled through the use of a proxy server and traffic restrictions), communications, office equipment and computer equipment, provided that the use of these assets is not carried out by reducing working hours and in total does not exceed one hour during the day;
- other assets of the Enterprise in cases that are directly provided for by the internal documents of the Enterprise.

Employees in the course of carrying out their own business or other commercial activities(including participation in the authorized capital or management legal entities), should not be used own position at the Enterprise, the assets and resources it uses, in order to obtain its own benefit to the detriment of the interests of the Enterprise. This Code invites such Employees to use resources and assets belonging both directly to the Employee and to the Enterprise for joint mutually beneficial activities.

This restriction does not apply to cases where such activities or participation are directly assigned by the Enterprise to the Employee in the prescribed manner, i.e. carried out for the purpose of execution professional responsibilities An employee at the Enterprise.

Employees of the Enterprise comply with the rules established by current legislation, as well as those regulated by the Enterprise, for handling information obtained in the course of work at the Enterprise, including insider information, information containing trade secrets, and information containing personal data.

The Company discloses information in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


The Company builds relationships with counterparties on the principles of responsible and conscientious partnership.

The company aims to maintain long-term, stable, mutually beneficial relationships with customers, for which the company constantly carries out work aimed at increasing the reliability of supplies and improving quality.

The company selects suppliers and contractors primarily on the basis of tender procedures, the main principle of which is to ensure fair competition. At the same time, the Company’s Employees act openly and in good faith, without creating benefits or preferences for individual suppliers or contractors.

The company makes its choice based on the impeccable reputation of its counterparties, analyzing their compliance with laws and regulations, as well as generally accepted standards of business ethics.

The company does not allow unfair competition, violations of antimonopoly legislation, business standards.


The basis for the interaction of the Enterprise with the state and society is the current legislation.

The company attaches great importance not only to the economic, but also to the social component of its activities.

The company does not participate in political activities and does not finance political organizations, as well as other non-profit organizations, whose activities are not directly related to the activities of the Enterprise.

Employees of the Enterprise have the right to carry out social, religious, political activities only if such activities are not and will not be carried out using the working time, name or resources of the Enterprise.

An enterprise interacting with funds mass media, builds it on the principles of openness and authenticity. The Company interacts with the media through the department responsible for implementing the information policy.

Only the heads of the Enterprise or their authorized representatives can speak publicly in the media, as well as at events with the participation of the media. In the event that Employees of the Enterprise are not vested with such authority, they should avoid any statements or statements on behalf of the Enterprise that could be interpreted as an official position.


Corruption in this Code means abuse of official position or authority, bribery, commercial bribery or mediation in commercial bribery, as well as any other illegal use an individual official position contrary to the interests of the Enterprise and the state, when such actions are taken with the aim of obtaining benefits in the form of valuables, money, property services.

The Company has created and maintained an atmosphere of intolerance towards corrupt behavior. Employees of the Company must comply with the requirements specified by anti-corruption legislation.

Any form of exerting illegal influence on decisions of government bodies, including bribery, offering inappropriate gifts, employment of relatives of government officials, charitable or sponsorship at the request of civil servants making decisions in which the Enterprise is interested, are unacceptable at the Enterprise.

Employees should notify their immediate supervisor, the Personnel Department, about any person contacting Employees to induce them to commit corruption offenses.


The corporate image of the Enterprise consists of such significant components as the business behavior of Employees and a unified corporate style. The company pays great attention to both components, recommending that Employees constantly adhere to ethical standards of business conduct and a unified corporate style.

Each Employee participates in the creation positive image and in strengthening the reputation of the Enterprise with its impeccable business behavior, the elements of which are the appropriate appearance of the Employee and the style of his business communication.

An essential part of the Company's image is its corporate identity. The corporate color of the Company is green.


Employees of the Enterprise should not allow:

  • public statements that may, in their interpretation, distort or ambiguously represent the work of the Enterprise or work at the Enterprise;
  • drug use;
  • drinking alcohol on the territory of the Enterprise, with the exception of special corporate events;
  • smoking outside designated smoking areas;
  • aggressive actions, behavior, behavior;
  • distribution of offensive materials.

Employees should refrain from actions that could directly or indirectly negatively affect the reputation of the Enterprise.


Responsibility for organizing work to comply with the provisions of the Code rests with the heads of departments of the Enterprise, as well as with the Personnel Department.
Heads of departments and the Personnel Department, based on requests received from them, make decisions aimed at:

Explanation to the Employee of the provisions and procedure for applying this Code;
- taking measures to prevent or eliminate conflicts of interest. If it is impossible to eliminate it, the heads of the divisions of the Enterprise and the Personnel Department take measures aimed at limiting the conflict of interests and its consequences, as well as at protecting the interests of the Enterprise in a situation of such a conflict.

Contacting these persons is carried out through all available forms of communication provided by the Enterprise.

For questions regarding clarification of the provisions of the Code, as well as questions regarding its application (including information about violations of the provisions of the Code), Employees should contact:

  • to your immediate supervisor;
  • or in writing and anonymously using the message box;
  • or to the Personnel Department.

In cases of a conflict of interest, Employees should contact their immediate supervisor or the Human Resources Department.

If the immediate manager does not take measures aimed at preventing or eliminating a conflict of interest, or Taken measures were not effective and did not lead to the elimination of the conflict of interest, the Enterprise Employee should send his appeal to the Personnel Department or to the head of the Enterprise.

The Company guarantees that the provision by the Employee of information about violations of the Code will not become the subject of publicity and will not cause negative consequences in relation to him and his official position.


The head of the Enterprise, on his own initiative, at the suggestion or on the initiative of the immediate supervisor of an Employee who does not comply with the recommendations of the Code, which led to damage to the principles of the Enterprise, damaged the reputation of the Enterprise, decides to apply measures to the Employee disciplinary action in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (in the event that failure to comply with the recommendations of this Code led to the commission of an act, which, after carrying out the procedures adopted at the Enterprise, will be regarded as a disciplinary offense).

Information on compliance with the provisions established by this Code, along with other indicators necessary for such purposes, is taken into account when assessing and promoting personnel.


Actions to implement and introduce this Code are carried out by posting the Code on the Company’s website, familiarizing the Company’s counterparties by including a link to the Code on the Enterprise’s website in the signature of all letters sent out by the Company’s employees who are in contact with representatives of the counterparties, reflecting all significant provisions of the Code in contracts concluded with counterparties, familiarizing the Company's employees with the provisions of the Code regarding compliance with their interests and responsibilities.

Code of Corporate and Business Ethics

security company "Vodopad"
The Code of Corporate and Business Ethics of the Vodopad security company establishes the values ​​of the enterprise and the basic principles of ethical behavior of employees in fulfilling their duties. labor responsibilities.

Compliance with this document is the responsibility of each employee, the implementation of which implies continuous self-improvement of employees, increasing their integrity, developing self-control and the ability to understand the situation. The management of the enterprise, by its example and organization of work, contributes to compliance with the principles of corporate ethics.

Employees try to prevent illegal activities that do not comply with the principles established in this Code. The Code of Corporate and Business Ethics is mandatory for every employee and is an integral part of labor relations in our company.

Employees perform their duties in compliance with the goals and policies of the enterprise, rules and instructions, as well as the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Employees perform their duties with a sense of responsibility and equal treatment of other people.

Employees, through their ethical behavior, create positive relationships both with colleagues and with clients and partners of the enterprise. Each employee is obliged to comply with these standards of corporate and business ethics, work in accordance with them and improve them.

1. Values ​​and beliefs on which we rely in our work:

- Respect personal rights and interests of our employees, Customer requirements, terms of interaction put forward by suppliers, partners, and society as a whole.

- Justice, which involves remuneration in accordance with the results achieved and equal conditions for professional growth.

- Honesty in relationships and provided information necessary for our work.

- Efficiency b as a stable achievement of maximum results in everything we do.

- Courage confront what we do not accept, and take personal responsibility for the consequences of our own decisions.

- Caring, manifested in our desire to protect people from any harm to their lives, health and business.

- Confidence to employees, allowing them to delegate authority and responsibility for decision-making and their implementation.

Following our values, we support the corporate culture that is necessary to achieve the highest level in all our business endeavors.

Our values ​​are reflected in our successes, are binding on us and are offered to everyone who cooperates with us.

2. How we act based on our values ​​and beliefs:

Statement: Wherever we work, we work for a common result.

How we understand this:

We welcome leadership, as the ability to make decisions at all levels.

Required powers delegated to each employee, who is expected to take personal responsibility for completing assigned tasks.

We appreciate teamwork , where every voice will be heard. If this does not happen, we have the opportunity to make a proposal for improving activities to the head of any level and department, up to General Director.

We always communicate open , expressing our thoughts clearly and clearly, understanding how necessary feedback is in our daily work.

Our organization is always performs their obligations to employees, and employees comply their obligations to the organization and to each other.

We all respect personal freedoms, human rights, provide equal opportunities. Any type of discrimination is not acceptable in our organization.

Our enterprise creates conditions for the professional development of employees. Professional Development is aimed at improving the quality of work performed and achieving set goals.

We we are waiting initiative and the maximum contribution of each of us to solving the problems facing our organization.

Our work is based on compliance legal norms.

3. External relations:

Approval: in All of our relationships with customers, suppliers, competitors and the community are built on the basis of partnership and mutual respect.

How we understand this:

We always we carry out our obligations and expect compliance with obligations from our partners.

We are interested in sustainable development our business and the business of our partners.

We strive for long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation .

We all focus on the needs of our customers, we guarantee high quality our services, stability and predictability.

We we compete Honestly. Relations with our competitors are built on the principles of honesty and mutual respect.

In the event of disagreements and disputes in relations with our competitors, priority is given to negotiations and the search for a compromise.

We strive to build and maintain healthy, constructive and open relationships with government agencies , officials and other government officials.
- We do not attempt to dishonestly influence the decision-making of public authorities or officials.
- We provide complete and reliable data about the activities of our organization.
- The company does not take either direct or indirect participation in political movements or organizations.

We we value its reputation, strictly observing the norms of business ethics and law.

4. Use of resources

Statement: the company trusts and provides us with the necessary resources - we use them rationally to achieve our goals.

How we understand this:

We welcome the careful attitude of employees towards the property and funds of our enterprise.

We we don't use your position, funds, information and resources of our organization for personal use.

We we strive rational use of our working time and the time of our colleagues and partners.

Information is provided to the person to whom it is given necessary for work. At the same time, information should not be transferred to persons for whom it is not intended.

We we value the reputation of our company as an important asset and we constantly strengthen it with our work and behavior.

All employees of our organization must take into account the difference between issues that can be discussed exclusively among colleagues at work, as well as strictly maintain confidentiality of information received in the course of their professional activities.

5. Health protection and occupational safety

Statement: We value human life and health above economic results and production achievements.

How we understand this:

We do everything to achieve a complete absence of occupational injuries.

- Improvement occupational safety systems is one of the key priorities of the organization.

The company is fully aware of the need to develop services that are safe for both employees and society and strives to comply with all officially adopted legislative norms and requirements;

6.Efficiency and profitability

Statement: our company will achieve its goal - to become the most effective organization in the North-West region, in its field of activity, if every employee - from the General Director to the ordinary employee - works effectively.

How we understand this:

Each employee sets himself ambitious goals and does everything to exceed them.

Everyone participates in determining their own goals and the goals of their subordinates.

Each employee needs to clearly understand their goals and their relationship with the goals of their department and the goals of the entire organization.

We always ready to changes and new requirements of the security services market.

We are constantly improving processes and methods of our work, we fight unreasonable bureaucracy, increasing productivity and efficiency.

We always consistent in the decisions and actions we make.

We analyze risks associated with our activities and constantly minimize them.

We accept investment solutions based on verified data, calculations of the payback period of investments and the expected rate of return.

We are constantly are looking for and use opportunities to optimize the resources involved.

Our choice suppliers and contractors are always built on an alternative basis.

Our company is constantly increases profit and business value, focusing on providing services that satisfy the needs of our customers, conquering new markets, improving the quality of services, introducing new technologies for doing business and relationships with customers.

Solving today's problems, we always we evaluate the impact of these decisions on achieving long-term goals.

The Code of Corporate and Business Ethics of OP Vodopad LLC is an open document and is freely distributed among employees, customers, partners and any other interested parties.




This Code is internal normative document of our company, mandatory for all employees, including executives. Each employee bears personal responsibility for compliance with the Code in their conduct.


The Company encourages employees to openly discuss the Code and welcomes any constructive proposals for its improvement. For all questions, suggestions and comments arising under the Code or in connection with its application, employees may contact the Human Resources Department. In addition, employees can contact their immediate supervisor with any questions.


Any decisions made by the company's employees, both strategic and day-to-day, must comply with the norms of the Code of Corporate and Business Ethics. When difficult ethical situations arise, an employee should ask himself:

- Are my actions legal?

- Does the decision I make comply with the Code?

- Will I feel confident if my colleagues and family know about my decision?

If you doubt the correctness of your decision and are not sure what to do, seek advice from your immediate supervisor or HR department.

All employees must act in the best interests of the enterprise and avoid any conflicts of interest. In the event that a conflict of interest cannot be avoided, employees must report it to their immediate supervisor and, in agreement with him, take measures to overcome this conflict of interest.

Requirements regarding the inadmissibility of conflicts of interest apply to both employees of our organization and their family members.


Every citizen of the Russian Federation who has chosen the profession of a private security guard and works in the security company “Vodopad” is obliged to:
- Be brave and courageous, behave honestly and with dignity in any situation, show high performance and initiative.

Comply with the law, be convinced of the usefulness of your work for the benefit of the protected interests of society and the state.

Be self-critical, self-demanding, truthful, careful and careful, and do not allow personal feelings, prejudices and hostility to influence decisions made.

Constantly improve your skills and vocational training, wear the company uniform with honor and dignity, take care of appearance, strictly take care of entrusted firearms and special means of self-defense.

Protect professional secrets, official and commercial secrets from disclosure.

Interact with all recognized and responsible law enforcement and government agencies.

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