Explanatory note Training program for the profession “Assay Analysis Laboratory Assistant”

2.3. Fundamentals of Assay Analysis
General information. Definition of assay analysis. Assay analysis scheme. (mixing, crucible melting, sherbering (if necessary), cupelling, boiling the core, washing, drying, calcining the core, weighing the gold core). Auxiliary operations (roasting, leaching, special types of melts).

Ore classification. Class I ores. Class II ores. Class III ores. Ores of class IV. Mineralogical composition of ores, concentrates and other products submitted for assay analysis.

Reagents used in assay analysis. Groups of reagents (Collectors, fluxes or solvent reagents (acidic and basic), reducing agents, oxidizing agents, precipitants, reagents that protect the sample from air access (tires)). Application of reagents (quartz, borax, soda, litharge). Preliminary testing of reagents.

Composition of furnace for smelting ores of various classes. Weight size. The degree of grinding of the source material for analysis. Sample preparation and mixing.

Crucible melting. Melting process. Reactions occurring during crucible melting. Main products of crucible melting (lead alloy, slag).

Speiza. Matte. Smelting of quartz ores. Smelting of clay ores. Melting with iron. Melting with pre-firing. Smelting of sulfide ores. Other melting methods. Sherber smelting.

Cupellation and boiling. Cupellation process. Reasons for the loss of precious metals during cupellation. Separation of gold and silver. (boiling the king). Acid preparation. The process of boiling, washing, calcining. Quartering.

Weighing. Weighing operation. Conditions for the weighing room. The result obtained.

2.4.Basics of atomic absorption analysis
General information.Essence of the method . Basic operations of atomic absorption analysis. Sample preparation methods. Preparation of calibration solutions. Construction of a calibration characteristic. Monitoring the stability of the calibration characteristic. Atomic absorption determination of gold.
2.5 Equipment, laboratory measuring instruments
Test equipment.

Electric furnace for crucible melting. General information. Specifications. Design and principle of operation of furnaces. Heating elements. Fireproof and heat-insulating materials for furnaces. Operation of furnaces. Security measures.

Electric furnace for cupellation. General information. Specifications. Operating principle of furnaces. Heating elements. Fireproof and heat-insulating materials for furnaces. Operation of furnaces. Security measures.

Laboratory muffle furnace. Types of stoves. General information. Specifications. Operating principle of furnaces. Heating elements. Operation of furnaces. Security measures.

Drying cabinet. General information. Specifications. Operating principle of the drying cabinet. Operating the drying cabinet. Security measures.

Auxiliary equipment

Ball mill. General information. Specifications. Device and principle of operation. Operating a ball mill. Security measures.

Hydraulic machine. General information. Specifications. Device and principle of operation. Operation of a hydraulic machine. Safety measures.

Electric stove. Specifications. Security measures. Operation of tiles.

Measuring instruments.

Scales. Types of scales ( electronic laboratory scales, analytical laboratory scales, electronic laboratory scales). General information. Specifications. Security measures. Using scales. The operating procedure of the scales. Checking the scales.

Atomic absorption spectrometer. General information . Device and principle of operation. Security measures. Exploitation. spectrometer. Spectrometer maintenance.
2.6. Determination methods used in the laboratory
NSAM No. 505-X. CCA Determination of gold and silver by assay method in rocks, ores and products of their processing.

NSAM No. 497-HS. CCA Determination of gold in rocks, precious metal ores and products of their processing by assay and assay-atomic absorption methods.

NSAM No. 108-X. CCA Determination of gold, silver, copper, zinc, iron, nickel, lead. Cobalt, antimony, bismuth and tellurium by the atomic absorption method in cyanide technological solutions of gold ores.

MA IAC -46-2004. CCA Determination of mass fractions of gold and silver in samples of gold-containing ion-exchange resins and activated carbons by the atomic absorption method.

GOST 17234-71. Gold alloys. Method for determining gold and silver content.

The concept of repeatability, reproducibility, accuracy.
2.7. Quality control of analysis results
Familiarity with modern requirements for laboratory quality control systems. Knowledge of internal regulatory documents laboratories

(Quality Manual, Quality Policy, Laboratory Regulations, Instructions). The concept of internal and external quality control.

Preventive control(conditions for performing analysis (temperature, humidity, voltage, compliance with safety requirements, ventilation), quality control of reagents (incoming control of reagents, compliance with expiration dates of reagents or prepared solutions), monitoring the condition of measuring instruments (scales, dispensers, etc., compliance with verification dates) , monitoring the performance of equipment (drying ovens, muffle furnaces, thermostats, etc.), monitoring the cleanliness of dishes.

3. Fundamentals of labor legislation
Employment contract. Concept employment contract, sides. Duration of the employment contract. Issuing copies of work-related documents.

Conclusion of an employment contract. Documents presented when concluding an employment contract. Employment history. Registration of employment. Employment test.

Termination of an employment contract. General grounds for termination of an employment contract. Termination of an employment contract by agreement of the parties. Termination of a fixed-term employment contract. Termination of an employment contract at the initiative of the employee. Termination of an employment contract at the initiative of the employer. Termination of an employment contract.

Work time. Normal duration working hours. Incomplete work time. Duration of work on the eve of non-working holidays and weekends. Night work. Overtime work.

Time relax. Work breaks. Weekends and non-working days holidays. Vacations. Annual basic paid leave. Annual additional paid leave. Providing annual paid leave. Review from vacation. Leave without pay.

Occupational safety requirements. Employer's obligations to provide safe conditions and labor protection. Medical examinations. Responsibilities of the employee in the field of labor protection. The employee’s right to work in conditions that meet labor protection requirements.

Material liability parties to the employment contract. Employer's financial liability. Material liability of the employee.

Features of labor regulation of persons working on a rotational basis. Restrictions on work on a rotational basis. Duration of watch. Work and rest modes. Guarantees and compensation for persons working on a rotational basis.

Peculiarities of labor regulation of persons working in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas. Salary. Annual additional paid leave. Guarantees and compensation for persons working in the Far North and equivalent areas.

4. Occupational health and safety
Goals and objectives of labor protection. The concept of “labor safety”. Labor protection methods, goals and objectives. Basic terms and definitions.

Dangerous and harmful production factors. Factors influencing working conditions and safety. Physical, chemical, biological and psychophysiological production factors.

State policy in the field of labor protection. Principles of public policy. Rights and guarantees of workers in the field of labor protection. Responsibility for violation of labor protection requirements.

Training workers in occupational safety knowledge. Induction training on labor protection. Initial training at the workplace. Repeated instruction. Unscheduled briefing. Targeted instruction.

Working conditions. Factors and conditions labor activity person. Types of work activity. Fatigue. Ergonomic fundamentals of labor protection.

Injuries in the workplace. Main reasons industrial injuries And occupational diseases. Dangerous situation. Measures to prevent injuries.

Electrical safety. Electric shock hazard. Types of electrical injuries. Requirements for electrical wires, cables, switches, switchgear, passages, fences of electrical installations. Permissible distances from the top point of moved equipment or structures to energized power lines. Monitoring the serviceability of electrical power equipment, electric drives, ballasts, electrified lifting and transport equipment, electrified hand tools, instruments, portable lamps, transformers, electrical equipment in fire and explosion hazardous areas. Electrical protective equipment and rules for their use. Grounding of electrical installations (equipment).

Organization of the workplace. Certification of workplaces according to working conditions. Main harmful production factors. Classification harmful substances. Noise, the effect of noise on the human body. Means and methods of noise protection. Ultrasound, its effect on the human body and protection from it. Infrasound, its effect on the human body and protection from it. Vibration, types of vibration, its effect on the human body, methods of reducing vibration. Workplace lighting, types of lighting. Electromagnetic fields, sources in production, methods of protection against electromagnetic fields. The impact of laser radiation on the human body and protection from it. Infrared protection. Ionizing radiation, types, characteristics, effects on the human body and protection from ionizing radiation.

Requirements for organizing the workplace. Compliance with safety requirements when working with equipment, structures, mechanisms, tools and devices. Guarding of rotating parts of machines and mechanisms. Use of light and sound alarms, use of warning signs. Emergency alerts. Protective grounding device. Fencing of sites, workplaces, hazardous areas. Dangerous and prohibited areas.

Safety requirements for lifting mechanisms and devices. Rules for loading, unloading, warehousing and storage of structures, equipment, packaged materials, long, heavy, bulky, bulk cargo. General information about the safe operation of load-lifting cranes. Safety rules for lifting, lowering and moving loads. Safety rules for loading and unloading explosive, flammable, poisonous and radioactive gas cylinders.
5. Industrial sanitation and occupational hygiene
Occupational hygiene. Definition of occupational health. Tasks of occupational hygiene. Personal hygiene of workers.

Microclimate of the production environment. Microclimate production premises. Overheat. Cooling. Humidity. Air mobility. Thermal radiation. Sources of thermal radiation. Normalization of the microclimate of industrial premises. Work in the cold season. Operating modes outdoors and in closed, unheated rooms during the cold season.

Industrial ventilation. Natural ventilation. Artificial ventilation. Mixed ventilation.

Workplace lighting. Types of lighting. Daylight. Artificial lighting. Standardization of artificial lighting.

Industrial poisons. Determination of the main industrial poisons. Classification of poisons. Symptoms of poisoning by industrial poisons.

Individual protection means. Skin protection products. Personal respiratory protection. Means and methods of noise protection. Personal protective equipment against ultrasound. Personal protective equipment against infrasound. Vibration reduction methods. Methods of protection from electromagnetic fields. Personal protective equipment against laser radiation. Personal protective equipment against infrared radiation. Protection against ionizing radiation. Electrical protective equipment for servicing electrical installations.
6. Fire prevention measures
Possible causes of fires and measures to prevent them. Characteristics of production areas that are most dangerous in terms of fire. Possible causes of fires and measures to prevent them, fire and explosion hazard indicators of petroleum products, as well as other substances and materials stored and used at the facility. The procedure for maintaining the territory, buildings and premises, including evacuation routes. Special measures for individual production processes, non-compliance with which may cause a fire. Procedures and standards for storage and transportation of fire and explosive substances and materials. Places for smoking, use of open flames and hot work. The procedure for collecting, storing and removing flammable substances and materials, maintaining and storing workwear. Limit readings of control and measuring instruments (pressure gauges, thermometers, etc.), deviations from which can cause a fire or explosion.

Availability and location of fire notification means at the facility. Location of fire notification means. Notification procedure. Characteristics of fire extinguishing agents, primary fire extinguishing agents. Rules and procedure for using them. Requirements for the maintenance and operation of primary fire extinguishing equipment.

Organization and carrying out fire and explosion hazardous work. Fire prevention measures. Identifying causes that can lead to a fire. Places to store keys to all office and production premises. Persons responsible for storing keys. Studying an evacuation plan in case of fire.

Actions in case of fire. Specific actions of the employee in the event of a fire. Rules for calling the fire department. Emergency stop procedure for technological equipment. The procedure for turning off ventilation and electrical equipment. Rules for the use of fire extinguishing agents and fire automatic installations. Procedure for evacuation of flammable substances and material assets. The procedure for inspecting and bringing all premises of the unit into a fire and explosion-proof condition. Fire safety regime (maintenance of passages, exits, approaches to fire extinguishing equipment, smoking regime, etc.). Safety precautions when working to eliminate a fire.

1. Briefing on labor protection and industrial safety
Instruction is carried out by the master of the assay laboratory or the master of industrial training according to a program agreed upon and approved in the prescribed manner.

2. Acquaintance with the workplace of the assay laboratory assistant
Getting to know the production structural divisions enterprises, organization of analysis work, documentation.

Introduction to the rules internal regulations, operating hours at the enterprise and occupational safety instructions for the assay laboratory assistant.

Introducing the drop making department, the sample mixing department, the sample melting department, the cupellation department, the gold-silver bead welding department, and the gold bead weighing department. Familiarity with the work and rest regime, the specifics of work, and the work system. General information about the technological process in the assay and analytical laboratory. Familiarity with the actions of an assay laboratory assistant in the event of an accident, explosion, or fire. Familiarization with the locations of fire extinguishing equipment, emergency protection and alarm systems. Familiarization with the requirements of occupational safety instructions for an assay laboratory assistant.

The issue was approved by Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Labor and Social Issues and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated January 31, 1985 N 31/3-30
(as amended:
Resolutions of the State Labor Committee of the USSR, the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated 10/12/1987 N 618/28-99, dated 12/18/1989 N 416/25-35, dated 05/15/1990 N 195/7-72, dated 06/22/1990 N 248/10-28,
Resolutions of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR 12/18/1990 N 451,
Resolutions of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated December 24, 1992 N 60, dated 02/11/1993 N 23, dated 07/19/1993 N 140, dated 06/29/1995 N 36, dated 06/01/1998 N 20, dated 05/17/2001 N 40,
Orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated July 31, 2007 N 497, dated October 20, 2008 N 577, dated April 17, 2009 N 199)

Assay laboratory assistant

§ 129. Laboratory assistant for assay analysis (3rd category)

Characteristics of work. Carrying out simple and medium-complexity content tests precious metals in products, alloys, solders, semi-finished products and production waste. Analysis of solders from non-ferrous metals, ash obtained from the combustion of industrial waste, for the content of precious metals in it according to the accepted methodology. Preparation of titrated and percentage solutions and oxidation mixtures. Conducting the process of mixing, firing, melting, dissolving, filtering, shearing and cupellation of samples. Weighing precious metals. Maintenance of heating devices. Recording analysis results.

Must know: methods of analysis for the content of precious metals; purpose and properties of the reagents used; installation of muffle furnaces, electrical appliances and laboratory equipment; rules for using technical and analytical balances, viscometers, hydrometers, etc.; temperature conditions processes; fuel combustion and air supply modes.

§ 130. Laboratory assistant for assay analysis (4th category)

Characteristics of work. Carrying out complex analyzes for the content of precious metals in products, alloys, semi-finished products, materials and production waste. Control chemical analyzes of solutions obtained from production areas (etching, passivating, alkaline), analysis of gilding, silvering baths and industrial waters of the galvanic department, etc. Testing of products containing precious metals for corrosion, heat resistance and chemical resistance. Control analyzes of samples at various stages of the technological process of smelting and processing of precious metals.

Must know: technological process smelting and processing of precious metals; methods of analysis of non-ferrous metals; gilding and silvering modes; mechanical, physical and Chemical properties metals; kinematic diagrams and rules for checking the accuracy of similar models of laboratory equipment.

§ 131. Laboratory assistant for assay analysis (5th category)

Characteristics of work. Carrying out particularly complex assay analyzes of gold and platinum alloys, as well as waste from them. Particularly complex analyzes of solders for the content of precious metals in them.

Must know: methods of assay analysis of precious metals; kinematic, electrical circuits and methods for checking the accuracy of various equipment models; design of the equipment being serviced.

Secondary specialized education required.

Characteristics of work. Carrying out simple and medium-complexity analyzes for the content of precious metals in products, alloys, solders, semi-finished products and production waste. Analysis of solders from non-ferrous metals, ash obtained from the combustion of industrial waste, for the content of precious metals according to the accepted methodology. Preparation of titrated and percentage solutions and oxidation mixtures. Conducting the process of mixing, firing, melting, dissolving, filtering, shearing and cupellation of samples. Weighing precious metals. Maintenance of heating devices. Recording the analysis results.

Must know: methods of analysis for the content of precious metals; purpose and properties of the reagents used; arrangement of muffle furnaces, electrical appliances and laboratory equipment; rules for using technical and analytical balances, viscometers, hydrometers, etc.; temperature conditions of processes; fuel combustion and air supply modes.

§ 130. Laboratory assistant for assay analysis (4th grade)

Characteristics of work. Carrying out complex analyzes of the content of precious metals in products, alloys, semi-finished products, materials and production waste. Control chemical analyzes of solutions obtained from production areas (etching, passivating, alkaline), analysis of gilding baths, silvering and industrial waters of the galvanic department, etc. Testing of products containing precious metals for corrosion, heat resistance and chemical resistance. Control analyzes of samples at various stages of the technological process of smelting and processing of precious metals.

Must know: technological process of smelting and processing of precious metals; methods of analysis of non-ferrous metals; gilding and silvering modes; mechanical, physical and chemical properties of metals; kinematic diagrams and rules for checking the accuracy of similar models of laboratory equipment.

§ 131. Laboratory assistant for assay analysis (5th grade)

Characteristics of work. Carrying out particularly complex assay analyzes of gold and platinum alloys, as well as waste from them. Particularly complex analyzes of solders for the content of precious metals in them.

Must know: methods of assay analysis of precious metals; kinematic, electrical diagrams and methods for checking the accuracy of various equipment models; design of the equipment being serviced.

Secondary specialized education required.

February 13, 2020 - The large international company SGS Vostok Limited - a leader in the market of independent examination, laboratory research and certification - is hiring an Assay ANALYSIS LABORATORIST. Responsibilities: Reception and registration of samples; Preparation of charge for assay...

February 13, 2020 - The large international company SGS Vostok Limited - a leader in the market of independent examination, laboratory research and certification - is hiring an Assay ANALYSIS LABORATORIST. Responsibilities: Reception and registration of samples; Preparation of charge for assay...

February 13, 2020 - The large international company SGS Vostok Limited - a leader in the market of independent examination, laboratory research and certification - is hiring an Assay ANALYSIS LABORATORIST. Responsibilities: Reception and registration of samples; Preparation of charge for assay...

February 13, 2020 - The large international company SGS Vostok Limited - a leader in the market of independent examination, laboratory research and certification - is hiring an Assay ANALYSIS LABORATORIST. Responsibilities: Reception and registration of samples; Preparation of charge for assay...

February 13, 2020 - The large international company SGS Vostok Limited - a leader in the market of independent examination, laboratory research and certification - is hiring an Assay Analysis Laboratory Assistant. Responsibilities: Reception and registration of samples; Preparation of charge for assay...

February 13, 2020 - The large international company SGS Vostok Limited - a leader in the market of independent examination, laboratory research and certification - is hiring an Assay ANALYSIS LABORATORIST. Responsibilities: Reception and registration of samples; Preparation of charge for assay...

February 7, 2020 - The Irokinda mine is located in the Muisky district of the Republic of Buryatia, 75 km from the village of Taksimo, where vein mining is carried out at the Irokindinskoye and Kvartsevaya deposits. Responsibilities: Crushing geological samples, maintaining crushing equipment,...

February 7, 2020 - The Irokinda mine is located in the Muisky district of the Republic of Buryatia, 75 km from the village of Taksimo, where vein mining is carried out at the Irokindinskoye and Kvartsevaya deposits. Responsibilities: Crushing geological samples, maintaining crushing equipment,...

February 7, 2020 - The Irokinda mine is located in the Muisky district of the Republic of Buryatia, 75 km from the village of Taksimo, where vein mining is carried out at the Irokindinskoye and Kvartsevaya deposits. Responsibilities: Crushing geological samples, maintaining crushing equipment,...

February 7, 2020 - The Irokinda mine is located in the Muisky district of the Republic of Buryatia, 75 km from the village of Taksimo, where vein mining is carried out at the Irokindinskoye and Kvartsevaya deposits. Responsibilities: Crushing geological samples, maintaining crushing equipment,...

February 7, 2020 - The Irokinda mine is located in the Muisky district of the Republic of Buryatia, 75 km from the village of Taksimo, where vein mining is carried out at the Irokindinskoye and Kvartsevaya deposits. Responsibilities: Crushing geological samples, maintaining crushing equipment,...

February 7, 2020 - The Irokinda mine is located in the Muisky district of the Republic of Buryatia, 75 km from the village of Taksimo, where vein mining is carried out at the Irokindinskoye and Kvartsevaya deposits. Responsibilities: Crushing geological samples, maintaining crushing equipment,...

February 6, 2020 - The Irokinda mine is located in the Muisky district of the Republic of Buryatia, 75 km from the village of Taksimo, where vein mining is carried out at the Irokindinskoye and Kvartsevaya deposits. Responsibilities: Crushing geological samples, maintaining crushing equipment,...

February 7, 2020 - Responsibilities: Assay analysis of precious metals ICP analysis Preparation of solutions Working on analytical balances Requirements: Higher education(chemistry) Experience in the field of assay analysis or experience in ICP analysis of metals and alloys from 3 years...

February 11, 2020 - Responsibilities: Ensuring the implementation of plans for the production of analyzes (assay test, X-ray spectral, atomic absorption) according to approved measurement methods (MVI), with proper quality. Registration of test results. Operational...

February 11, 2020 - Responsibilities: Ensuring the implementation of plans for the production of analyzes (assay test, X-ray spectral, atomic absorption) according to approved measurement methods (MVI), with proper quality. Registration of test results. Operational...

February 11, 2020 - Responsibilities: Ensuring the implementation of plans for the production of analyzes (assay test, X-ray spectral, atomic absorption) according to approved measurement methods (MVI), with proper quality. Registration of test results. Operational...

February 11, 2020 - Responsibilities: Ensuring the implementation of plans for the production of analyzes (assay test, X-ray spectral, atomic absorption) according to approved measurement methods (MVI), with proper quality. Registration of test results. Operational...

February 11, 2020 - Responsibilities: Ensuring the implementation of plans for the production of analyzes (assay test, X-ray spectral, atomic absorption) according to approved measurement methods (MVI), with proper quality. Registration of test results. Operational...

February 11, 2020 - Responsibilities: Ensuring the implementation of plans for the production of analyzes (assay test, X-ray spectral, atomic absorption) according to approved measurement methods (MVI), with proper quality. Registration of test results. Operational...

February 11, 2020 - Responsibilities: Ensuring the implementation of plans for the production of analyzes (assay test, X-ray spectral, atomic absorption) according to approved measurement methods (MVI), with proper quality. Registration of test results. Operational...

February 11, 2020 - Responsibilities: Ensuring the implementation of plans for the production of analyzes (assay test, X-ray spectral, atomic absorption) according to approved measurement methods (MVI), with proper quality. Registration of test results. Operational...

February 11, 2020 - Responsibilities: Ensuring the implementation of plans for the production of analyzes (assay test, X-ray spectral, atomic absorption) according to approved measurement methods (MVI), with proper quality. Registration of test results. Operational...

February 13, 2020 - The large international company SGS Vostok Limited - a leader in the market of independent examination, laboratory research and certification - is hiring an Assay ANALYSIS LABORATORIST. Responsibilities: Reception and registration of samples; Preparation of charge for assay...

February 12, 2020 - Contact person: Marina Requirements: The Irokinda mine is located in the Muisky district of the Republic of Buryatia, 75 km from the village of Taksimo, where vein mining is carried out at the Irokindinskoye and Kvartsevaya deposits. Responsibilities: Crushing geological samples, maintaining...

February 7, 2020 - The Irokinda mine is located in the Muisky district of the Republic of Buryatia, 75 km from the village of Taksimo, where vein mining is carried out at the Irokindinskoye and Kvartsevaya deposits. Responsibilities: Crushing geological samples, maintaining crushing equipment,...

February 7, 2020 - The Irokinda mine is located in the Muisky district of the Republic of Buryatia, 75 km from the village of Taksimo, where vein mining is carried out at the Irokindinskoye and Kvartsevaya deposits. Responsibilities: Crushing geological samples, maintaining crushing equipment,...

February 7, 2020 - The Irokinda mine is located in the Muisky district of the Republic of Buryatia, 75 km from the village of Taksimo, where vein mining is carried out at the Irokindinskoye and Kvartsevaya deposits. Responsibilities: Crushing geological samples, maintaining crushing equipment,...

February 2, 2020 - Contact person: Tatyana Yuryevna Zueva Our expectations: Responsibilities: Assay laboratory assistant in the assay and analytical laboratory of a gold mining enterprise. Sample crushing, mixing, boiling, weighing. Sample quality control. Requirements: ...

February 7, 2020 - Contact person: Yulia Viktorovna Shakina Requirements for the candidate: Job responsibilities: Performs laboratory analyses, tests, measurements and other types of work during research and development. Participates in the collection and processing of materials...

February 7, 2020 - Contact person: Yulia Viktorovna Shakina Our requirements: Job responsibilities: Performs laboratory analyses, tests, measurements and other types of work during research and development. Participates in the collection and processing of materials in the process...

February 7, 2020 - Contact person: Yulia Viktorovna Shakina Requirements: Job responsibilities: Performs laboratory analyses, tests, measurements and other types of work during research and development. Participates in the collection and processing of materials in the process...

February 7, 2020 - Contact person: Yulia Viktorovna Shakina Our expectations: Job responsibilities: Performs laboratory analyses, tests, measurements and other types of work during research and development. Participates in the collection and processing of materials in the process...