Press 100 400 2e adjustment. Hydraulic system malfunction due to distributor failure. Leakage of working fluid

The press is equipped with three heating plates, forming 2 working floors.
Dimensions of heating plates 400x400, distance between heating plates 138 mm, maximum working temperature 250 `C, drive - hydraulic.
To cool the plates, an oil cooling station is attached to the press.
The press is serviced from one side.
To lift the molds onto the middle platen, there is a pneumatically driven lifting table.

Specifications. 100-400 2E

Nominal press force, MN (tf)1,0 (100)
Distance between heating plates, mm138±3
Number of floors, pcs.2
Closing (connector) time of plates, s, no more10
Temperature difference at different points of the working area of ​​the heating plate surface in the temperature range:±5
Maximum operating temperature of heating plates, °C250
Heating plateselectric, induction
Total power of press heating plates at a temperature of 200 °C, kW, no more12
Heating time of press plates from 20 °C to 200 °C, min., no more40
Number of automatically performed pre-presses, pcs.0; 1-4
Power supply current - alternating, three-phase:
voltage, V380/220±10%
frequency Hz50±0.2
Limits for regulating oil pressure in the hydraulic system, MPa (kgf/cm2)6 (60)-20 (200)
Drive unithydraulic, individual
Installed power of the electric motor of the hydraulic drive, kW, no more2,2
Oil volume in the hydraulic system, l60
Oil volume in the cooling system of heating plates, l80
Installed power of the electric motor of the oil cooling station pump, kW2,2
Water consumption in the cooling system, m3/h, no more1,5
Compressed air consumption at a pressure of 0.6 MPa (6 kgf/cm2), m3/h, no more0,01
Overall dimensions, mm, no more1120x2500x1820
Weight, kg, no more2050
Compressed air pressure in the pneumatic system, MPa (kgf/cm2)0,4 (4)-0,6 (6)
Lift table drivepneumatic

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The causes of this malfunction and corrective measures may be as follows.

  1. There's not enough in the tank working fluid, therefore the distributor does not work (the liquid must be added to the level).
  2. The bypass valve hangs due to dirt getting into the valve shank-guide interface; there are foreign particles on the bypass valve seat that prevent it from completely closing; The jet hole in the valve collar (plunger) is dirty. To eliminate a stuck valve, it is necessary to remove the valve and guide from the distributor body, wash them in diesel fuel, clean the jet hole and wipe the valve seat. When reinstalling the bypass valve parts, check that the valve stem moves freely in the guide.
  3. The safety valve does not close completely due to dirt accumulation under the ball on the edge of the socket hole. Therefore, the distributor bypass valve is fully or partially open and the hitch system does not work. To eliminate the malfunction, it is necessary to briefly hold the distributor handle in the “Forced lowering” position several times in order to wash away dirt from the edge of the safety valve with a flow of working fluid. If dirt cannot be removed in this way, then the distributor must be removed and sent to a repair shop.
  4. The distributor may be in good working order, but the mounted machine will not lift. This may be for the following reasons:
    • The hydraulic system pump is not turned on or the pump spontaneously turns off due to a faulty switching mechanism; leakage of working fluid in the pump
    • the shut-off device does not allow working fluid to pass through the oil line
    • air leakage through the pump drive shaft seal or through the sealing ring of the suction pipe or oil line fitting, which causes foaming of the working fluid
    • faulty power cylinder
    • the calibrated hole of the retarding valve is clogged
    • increased leakage through the piston o-ring
    • jamming in the seat of the piston stroke limitation valve
    • the gap between the stop and the shank of the piston stroke limitation valve is less than 10 mm
  5. Low or high fluid temperature in the hydraulic system tank. In this case, it is necessary to ensure the temperature of the working fluid in the tank is in the range of +30-60°C.

The spool does not automatically return from the "Raise" or "Forced Lower" position

The causes of this malfunction and ways to eliminate them may be the following:

  1. The response pressure of the safety valve is equal to or lower than the response pressure of the automatic spool return device. This reason is eliminated by changing the adjustment of the response pressure of the automatic spool return device to I-12 MPa (110-125 kgf/cm2) or the safety valve to 13.0-13.5 MPa (130-135 kgf/cm2) in repair shops.
  2. The bypass valve freezes, as a result of which the required pressure does not develop to activate the automatic device. The method for eliminating this problem is described above.
  3. The temperature of the working fluid in the tank is above +60°C, therefore, the viscosity is insufficient; resulting in large fluid leaks through the gaps in the automatic spool return device. The temperature of the working fluid of the hydraulic system has increased due to a malfunction of the booster device, therefore, until the malfunction is eliminated, the tractor driver must manually return the handle from the operating positions to “Neutral”. The cause of the malfunction can be eliminated by cooling the working fluid to a temperature of +60-30° C.
  4. The automatic spool return device is operational, but does not work due to a malfunction of the pump (it does not create the required pressure).
  5. The spool filter is clogged and the working fluid does not flow into the booster device in sufficient quantity. The malfunction can only be eliminated by disassembling the spool - remove the sleeve, gasket with filter and wash it.

The spool (and therefore the handle) is not fixed when it is installed in the working position (“Lifting” or “Forced Lowering”) or returns to the neutral position before the end of the full stroke of the piston in the cylinder

The causes of the malfunction and solutions may be as follows:

  1. The response pressure of the booster device (automatic spool return device) is below 11 MPa (110 kgf/cm2) and below the operating pressure developing in the power cylinder when lifting the mounted machine. Consequently, the booster device is activated before the machine is raised to its highest position. To eliminate this reason, it is necessary to adjust the booster device to a pressure of 11 - 12.5 MPa (110-125 kgf/cm2).
  2. The weight of the mounted machine is greater than that established for this tractor or there is high soil resistance when digging out the machine. In this regard, the fluid pressure in the power cylinder reaches a value greater than the activation pressure of the booster device, and therefore the spool does not lock. In this regard, you need to pay attention to the correct aggregation and the depth of travel of the working parts of the mounted machine. In this case, replace the mounted machine with a machine of smaller weight or set the required soil tillage depth.
  3. The spool booster valve is not sealed due to foreign particles getting into the valve seat or into the gap between the booster and the spool. Due to a leak in the booster valve, the automatic spool return device operates at lower pressures. This malfunction can be eliminated by holding the distributor handle in the working position five to seven times after the end of the power cylinder piston stroke so that the flow of working fluid can wash away foreign particles from the parts of the booster device. If this does not resolve the malfunction, then it is necessary to reassemble the spool assembly, wash it in diesel fuel and blow it with compressed air.
  4. The temperature of the working fluid in the tank is below +30°C. The operation of the distributor on a cold working fluid (high viscosity) causes a slow landing of the ball on the edge of the supply hole. In this regard, the piston of the power cylinder reaches its extreme position before the booster valve closes the supply hole. Therefore, premature release occurs.
  5. The calibrated hole of the retarding valve is clogged or the diameter of the calibrated hole does not match the diameter of the cylinder. Therefore, an increase in fluid pressure in the booster device occurs and premature release occurs. To eliminate the malfunction, it is necessary to clean the calibrated hole and rinse the fitting in diesel fuel or check that the diameter of the calibrated hole matches the diameter of the cylinder. For cylinders Ts55, Ts75, Ts90, Ts100, Ts110, Ts125, Ts140, the hole diameter should accordingly be 2.5; 3; 3.5; 4; 4.5; 5.5 and 7 mm.
  6. Incorrect installation of the retarding valve in the power cylinder. In this case, you need to swap the fitting with the retarding valve with the second fitting of the cylinder, that is, install the fitting with the retarding valve in the cylinder so that when lowering the mounted machine, the working fluid passes only through the calibrated hole.
  7. The oil line shut-off device does not allow working fluid to pass through. In this case, the attachment rises slowly or does not rise at all, or hangs in an intermediate position, and the pressure in front of the booster quickly increases, which leads to premature release. The cause of the malfunction can be eliminated by tightening the union nut of the locking device until it stops. If the locking device is faulty, you need to replace it or free it from balls, springs and crosses, and then tighten the union nut.
  8. Jamming in the seat of the piston stroke adjustment valve or the gap between the stop and the shank of the piston stroke adjustment valve has become less than 10 mm. In this case, the oil line in the power cylinder is blocked and the pressure in the booster device increases, which leads to premature activation of the booster device. This malfunction can be eliminated in the first case by lifting the valve by the shank with pliers, and in the second - by raising the movable stop on the power cylinder rod to a distance of 20-30 mm from the valve shank.
  9. Retainer wear. In this case, you need to check the latch with the pump not running. If it does not hold the spool in working positions, then the worn parts need to be replaced.

Attachment falls

When the spool is set to the “Forced lowering” position, a rapid fall of the mounted machine occurs, caused by the absence of a washer with a calibrated hole in the retarding valve. The malfunction is eliminated by installing a new washer with a calibrated hole with a diameter corresponding to the diameter of the cylinder.

Leakage of working fluid

  1. By spheres of leverage. O-ring worn. To replace the ring, you need to unscrew the anther plate and remove it without removing the corrugated anthers from the levers, remove the control levers, remove the O-rings and replace the worn ones.
  2. Along the connector of the housing with the covers, along the bolts securing the covers to the distributor body. Fluid leaks through the connectors can occur when the cover gaskets are worn out and if the hydraulic system drain filter is clogged.
    • When the filter is clogged, the pressure at the drain increases and the working fluid enters the tank through the filter safety valve. An increase in the pressure of the working fluid at the drain causes the working fluid to leak out through the seals of the distributor caps. In this case, you need to rinse the filter without disturbing the adjustment of the safety valve.
    • Worn gaskets of the top and bottom covers must be replaced with new ones. When replacing the top cover gasket, you must unscrew the anther plate and remove it without removing the corrugated anthers from the levers, remove the control levers, remove the cover and replace the gasket. When replacing the lower distributor cap gasket, you must unscrew the nuts securing the triangular flange to the lower cover and remove it, and then unscrew the stud nuts securing the cover to the body, remove it and replace the gasket.
  3. At the bypass valve guide stop connector. Leakage of working fluid occurs due to wear of the gasket or sealing ring of the guide. It is necessary to unscrew the bolts securing the bypass valve guide stop to the body, remove it, check the condition of the gasket and, if necessary, replace it. If leakage continues after replacing the gasket, the valve guide O-ring must be replaced.
  4. Through fittings supplying working fluid from the pump to the distributor and from the distributor to consumers, as well as through the plug.