Presentation for the parent meeting: "Cultivating tolerance in the family." Presentation "The problem of tolerance and ways to solve it in the school community" Presentation on teaching tolerance in the family

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Education of tolerance Completed by: Kuzmina L.F. Social teacher of GAPOU SO "Saratov Polytechnic"

Mutual understanding, - mutual respect, - responsibility, - goodwill, - restraint, - compliance, - sociability, - tolerance... Human qualities: It is important to develop tolerance in every person from childhood!

Unfortunately, intolerance and hostility towards other cultures, lifestyles, and habits have always existed and continue to exist in our time. It should be noted that the subject of intolerance can be both the national, religious, social, and gender identity of the child, as well as the characteristics of his appearance, interests, hobbies, and habits.

It is respect, acceptance and understanding of the rich diversity of our world's cultures, forms of self-expression and ways of manifesting human individuality. Tolerance

it means recognizing that people differ in appearance, position, interests, behavior and values. Show tolerance Every person has the right to live in peace while maintaining their individuality.

Monad is an ancient eastern theory about two forces “Yin” (dark, earthly, passive female force) “Yang” (light, heavenly, active male force) The entire Universe rests on the interaction, cooperation and struggle of these two principles, which constitute the unity of chaos . This sign is used to form the tolerant consciousness of students.

According to E. Berne, there are four life positions in relation to oneself and others: 1. “I’m okay, you’re okay.” This is the position of a completely healthy person, symbolizing a decent life, the position of Heroes and Princes, Heroines and Princesses. 2. “I’m okay, you’re not okay.” I am the Prince and you are the Frog. This position of similarity, arrogance, intolerance towards people whom a person considers unworthy of himself. 3. “I’m not okay, you’re okay.” This position is that of a loser who has lost himself, engages in self-humiliation and self-criticism. 4. “I’m not okay, you’re not okay.” This position of hopelessness, despair, meaning in life. Search for a tolerant position

Tolerance Tolerance of other people's opinions, beliefs, behavior. Compassion Accepting others as they are Forgiveness Respect for the rights of others Mercy Cooperation, spirit of partnership Respect for human dignity

Definition of the word “tolerance” in different languages ​​of the globe In Spanish, it is “the ability to recognize ideas or opinions different from one’s own.” In French, “an attitude that accepts that others may think or act differently than oneself.” In English - “willingness to be tolerant, condescending.” In Chinese it means “to allow, to accept, to be generous towards others.” In Arabic it is “forgiveness, forbearance, gentleness, mercy, compassion, benevolence, patience, goodwill toward others.” In Russian - “the ability to tolerate something or someone” (to be self-possessed, hardy, persistent, to be able to put up with the existence of something, someone).

In the UNESCO “Declaration of Principles of Tolerance” we will find the following formulations of tolerance: “Tolerance means respect, acceptance and understanding of the diversity of cultures of our world, forms of self-expression and ways of manifesting human individuality.” “Tolerance is promoted by knowledge, openness, freedom of thought, conscience and belief.” “Tolerance is not a tolerant attitude towards injustice (in the sense of internal resistance), not a renunciation of one’s beliefs or concession to others, not condescension or indulgence, but an active attitude, recognition and respect for human rights and freedoms.

Tolerant personality Intolerant personality Respect for the opinions of others Benevolence Desire to do something together Understanding and acceptance Sensitivity Curiosity Condescension Trust Humanism Misunderstanding Ignoring Selfishness Intolerance Expression of disdain Irritability Indifference Cynicism Unmotivated aggressiveness Personality characteristics

Advice for an intolerant person * Remember that the most important questions are asked not to people, but to yourself, but the answers to them should be sought together. * Learn through training to step back from your usual view and look at the problem and people impartially. * Remember that changing attitudes, thoughts and behavior takes a lot of effort, a lot internal work and activity. * Remember, if others do not share your points of view, this is not an indicator of their failure. * Treat the importance of your person with irony, smile more often. * Accept the world around you as it is, because for us this world is the only one. * Relationships with like-minded people and opponents stimulate cognitive (cognitive) and creative processes. Communicate more with different people. * Be realistic, do not expect ease in the process of positive change in the people around you, but when you notice changes, be sincerely happy for them.

Memo Having done good, a person himself becomes better, cleaner, brighter. If we are attentive to any person with whom we interact, be it a random fellow traveler, a tramp or a friend, this will be an act of kindness.

Respect your interlocutor Try to understand what others are saying Defend your opinion tactfully Look for the best arguments Be fair, ready to admit that another is right Strive to take into account the interests of others RULES OF TOLERANT COMMUNICATION

Prayer for a meeting I did not come into this world to meet your hopes, not to meet your interests, not to meet your expectations. And you came into this world not to meet my expectations, not to meet my interests, not to justify my hopes. Because I am me, and you are you. But if we met and understood each other, then that’s great! And if not, well, nothing can be done.

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Cultivating tolerance as a means of developing a successful personality
The good you do from your heart, you do to yourself. L.N. Tolstoy

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Tolerance (from the Latin "toleran") - patience, tolerance, forbearance. Today, tolerance is considered in the context of such concepts as recognition, acceptance, understanding.

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Recognition is the ability to see in another exactly the other, as the bearer of other values, a different logic of thinking, and other forms of behavior. Acceptance is a positive attitude towards such differences. Understanding is the ability to see another from the inside, the ability to look at his world simultaneously from two points of view: your own and his.

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Tolerance is given great attention in society: at the proposal of UNESCO, the first decade of the new century was declared the “Decade of Peace and Non-Violence in the Interests of the Children of the Planet”; government Russian Federation approved the federal target program “Formation of attitudes of tolerant consciousness and prevention of extremism”; 2003 was declared by UNESCO as the “Year of Tolerance”.

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Life positions in relation to oneself and others (according to E. Bern)
I’m ok, you’re ok. This is the position of a completely healthy person, symbolizing a decent life, the position of Heroes and Princes, Heroines and Princesses. I’m ok, you’re not ok. I am the Prince and you are the Frog. This is a position of superiority, arrogance, intolerance towards people whom a person considers unworthy of himself. I am neo-okay, you are o-okay. This is the position of a loser who has lost faith in himself and is engaged in self-abasement and self-criticism. I’m not okay, you’re not okay. This is a position of hopelessness, despair, loss of life meaning.

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Formula for fostering a culture of tolerance
“parents + children + teacher”

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Approaches to teaching tolerance
personality-oriented, activity-oriented

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The principle of purposefulness
Cultivating tolerance requires a clear understanding of the appropriateness of pedagogical influences, a clear definition of the goal by the teacher. Rules: developing interest in the problem of tolerance; development of motivation for self-improvement and the formation of tolerance; clear definition of the final result of educational influences; setting goals (long-term, specific and working), based on the interests, needs, characteristics of students.

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Taking into account individual and gender-age characteristics
Cultivating tolerance largely depends on individual characteristics pupil: already existing moral principles of behavior, ethical attitudes, development of the intellectual and emotional-volitional spheres, level of development of mental processes, personal experience relationships, etc. Rules: careful study of the personality characteristics of the pupil; organizing pedagogical actions proactively (preventing intolerant behavior so that it does not become entrenched in the mind); determination of methods, techniques and forms of tolerance education in accordance with individual and gender-age characteristics, combining them with self-education.

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The principle of cultural conformity
In the process of teaching tolerance, it is necessary to take into account the cultural and ethnic environment of the child’s upbringing. Rules: rely on the positive experience of the child’s interaction with the world; take into account the cultural level of the child’s microenvironment (class, family, friends); use the potential of a culture of peace.

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Principles of connection between education of tolerance and life
Fostering tolerance largely depends on how much the child understands the significance of this category and its connection with life, sees its results or the consequences of intolerance in the world. Rules: preparing students for real relationships with the outside world; demonstration of the consequences of tolerance and intolerance; searching for solutions, cooperation and dialogue; assigning responsibility for one’s behavior (tolerant or intolerant actions).

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The principle of respect for individuals
Regardless of the child’s position, his worldview, respectful attitude towards him is a necessary principle of the educational process. Rules: organization of communication from the position of pedagogical tact, goodwill, focusing on a humane attitude in any circumstances.

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The principle of relying on the positive in the child
By cultivating tolerance, it is necessary to support development, to see in the child a self-developing personality, ready for change and self-realization. Rules: identify, support and develop tolerance attitudes among students; creating a situation of success.

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The principle of social conditioning of the process of education of tolerance
The cultivation of tolerance is largely due to the influence of the social environment. Rules: study of the possibilities, characteristics and potential of the microenvironment; reliance on the capabilities and level of the social environment; integration of the microenvironment into the educational process for the formation of tolerance.

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The principle of the unity of knowledge and behavior
This principle requires the construction of an educational process for the formation of tolerance at two interconnected levels: informational and behavioral, constituting a single whole. Rules: compliance with the relationship between levels of tolerance formation; transferring tolerance from the field of knowledge to the field of action.

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The principle of dialogue and cooperation
Dialogization of the educational space and reliance on cooperation as the leading type of interaction are mandatory for compliance with the principles of tolerance education. Rules: actualization, stimulation of students’ needs for self-education of tolerance; organization of active forms and methods of tolerance education.

1. Realizes that he is perceived as a role model. 2. Masters and uses appropriate skills to promote dialogue and peaceful conflict resolution. 3. Encourages creative approaches to problem solving; 4. Provides conditions for joint constructive activity of participants in the educational process, conditions for personal achievements, does not aggravate aggressive behavior or heightened rivalry; 5. Promotes student and parent involvement in decision making and program development joint activities; 6. When implementing curricula utilizes the capabilities of the entire community; 7. Teaches you to think critically and knows how to appreciate the positions of others, while clearly formulating your own position on controversial issues; 8. Values ​​cultural diversity and creates conditions for the recognition of cultural differences and their manifestations in life.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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The problem of tolerance and ways to solve it in the school community Compiled by: Brown L.N., freelance inspector for the protection of children's rights of the Municipal Public Institution "Proslaukhinskaya Secondary School", head of the Regional Educational Institution for Social Pedagogues

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Today, hostility, anger, and aggressiveness are becoming increasingly common among children. There are many reasons for this. Mutual intolerance and cultural egoism through means mass media, the social environment of children and family are increasingly penetrating into school. Therefore, the process of searching for effective mechanisms for raising children in the spirit of tolerance is intensifying. “So let’s learn tolerance in schools and other communities, at home and at work, and most importantly, understand its essence with our minds and hearts,” calls on UNESCO Director-General Federico Mayor.

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If we talk about the modern world, we can say that it is scary, cruel, and divided. It’s scary to live in our world: it’s scary to lose consciousness on the street, it’s scary to go home in the evening, it’s scary to open the door to a stranger, it’s scary to fly on an airplane. But what’s even worse is the thought that both our children and our grandchildren will experience a feeling of mistrust and intolerance towards others throughout their lives. Therefore, recently there has been more and more talk about a tolerant world, i.e. a world without violence and cruelty, a world in which the most important value is the unique and inviolable human personality. But just throw away in beautiful words, of course, not enough. Tolerance must be cultivated!

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Federico Mayor, CEO UNESCO said: “Living with diversity is one of the sources of serious problems for the societies in which our children grow up. In a world where the interpenetration of different cultures is becoming increasingly widespread, teaching the values ​​and skills of “social life” has become a primary task of education. Therefore, I appeal to the heads of state and government of the world, ministers and officials responsible for education at all levels, to the mayors of cities and towns, villages and towns, to all teachers, religious communities, journalists and parents: educate and teach our children and youth be open, treat other peoples, their history and culture with understanding, teach them the basics of human coexistence, teach them how important it is to renounce violence and look for peaceful ways to resolve disputes and conflicts.”

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The relevance of the problem of establishing the ideals of tolerance in our society today is beyond doubt. Difficulties social development largely due to the lack of developed legal and democratic consciousness. The values ​​of tolerance are the cornerstone of this consciousness. Therefore, the further movement of society along the path of democracy and freedom is impossible without creating a system that would instill the values ​​of tolerance in the younger generation. An attitude of tolerance and trust is the basis for making the choice of future generations in favor of peace rather than war. The conflict in these conditions becomes a starting point for improving future life and personal growth, and not the basis for hostility with this world. Rooting the spirit of tolerance in school, developing an attitude towards it as the most important value of society is a significant contribution of school education to the development of a culture of peace on Earth.

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Awareness of these ideas leads to the adoption of the Declaration of Principles of Tolerance at the UNESCO General Conference in 1995. In the Russian Federation in August 2001, the Federal Target Program “Formation of attitudes of tolerant consciousness and prevention of extremism in Russian society" At the proposal of UNESCO, the first decade of the new century was declared the “Decade of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the Planet,” and 2003 was declared by UNESCO the “Year of Tolerance.”

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What is tolerance? Tolerance is a fairly new concept, it is: – a person’s value attitude towards people, expressed in recognition, acceptance and understanding of representatives of other cultures; – tolerance for other people’s opinions, beliefs, behavior. Tolerance presupposes respect for the child’s original inner world, faith in the victory of good beginnings in interpersonal relationships, rejection of methods of brutal coercion and any form of authoritarianism, and positive vocabulary.

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Tolerance (from the Latin "toleran") - patience, tolerance, forbearance. Dictionary foreign languages interprets it as patience towards other people's opinions and beliefs. Today, tolerance is considered in the context of such concepts as recognition, acceptance, understanding. Recognition is the ability to see in another exactly the other, as the bearer of other values, a different logic of thinking, and other forms of behavior. Acceptance is a positive attitude towards such differences. Understanding is the ability to see another from the inside, the ability to look at his world simultaneously from two points of view: your own and his.

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Tolerance of a person going out in great life, is a factor of socialization and largely determines the success of a person’s life path. That is why the most important task is to develop in the younger generation the ability to build relationships in the process of interaction with others on the basis of cooperation and mutual understanding, willingness to accept other people and their views and habits as they are.

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The formation and development of a tolerant attitude among the younger generation towards representatives of different nationalities, religions, social classes, different political views, and creative interests is an important condition for the effective formation of a democratic and legal state, an urgent task modern system education, the entire Russian society.

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What kind of education do students need? What do they need to enter the adult world and live in it without harming others, maintaining themselves as an original person? How to cultivate tolerance towards people? How to help students successfully adapt not only to life at school, but also outside of it?

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"HOW TO RAISING A TOLERANT PERSON?" To achieve this goal during school, it is not enough to hold a lesson or a day of tolerance. This issue needs to be worked on systematically throughout the entire period of study.

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Tolerance is a new basis for pedagogical communication between teacher and student, the essence of which boils down to such principles of education that create optimal conditions for the formation of a culture of dignity and personal self-expression in students, and eliminate the factor of fear of the wrong answer. The problem of tolerance can be classified as an educational problem. The problem of communication culture is one of the most acute in school, and in society as a whole. Understanding perfectly well that children are all different and that we must perceive another person as he is, but children do not always behave correctly and adequately. It is important to be tolerant of each other, which is very difficult. “Pedagogy of cooperation” and “tolerance” are concepts without which any transformations in a modern school are impossible.

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For schools, the problem of teaching tolerance is relevant in itself. On this life stage interaction begins to take shape between 20-30 children who come from different microsocieties, with different life experiences and with unformed communicative activities. For the fruitful education of children in the classroom, it is necessary to reduce these contradictions in the process of interaction to a certain common basis. A non-violent, respectful attitude, harmonization of relationships in the classroom, and education of tolerance contribute to the development of cooperation. At school, it is important to teach the child, on the one hand, to accept others as significant and valuable, and on the other hand, to be critical of their own views.

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Approaches to the education of tolerance The principle of purposefulness The education of tolerance requires a clear understanding of the appropriateness of pedagogical influences, a clear definition of the goal by the teacher. The formation of this quality is possible only if there is motivation and the child understands why exactly he needs this quality (personal goal) and awareness of its significance for society (social goal). The unity of goals between the teacher and the child is one of the factors for the success of teaching tolerance.

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Taking into account individual and gender-age characteristics Education of tolerance largely depends on the individual characteristics of the pupil: existing moral principles of behavior, ethical attitudes, development of the intellectual and emotional-volitional spheres, level of development of mental processes, character traits, personal experience of relationships, the presence and development of natural and spiritual abilities, etc. When developing tolerance, one should take into account, first of all, differences in personality traits and social behavior. At the same time, it is necessary to remember about the age dynamics of development moral qualities and rely on it when teaching tolerance

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The principle of cultural conformity In the process of teaching tolerance, it is necessary to take into account the cultural and ethnic environment of the child’s upbringing. This principle is reflected in the integration of education into the culture of the people, family, and world. Fostering tolerance is directly related to the formation in a child of the ability to build his life in accordance with the rules, customs and traditions of his people, world culture as a whole, without losing his individuality

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Principles of connection between education of tolerance and life Education of tolerance largely depends on how much the child understands the significance of this category and its connection with life, sees its results or the consequences of intolerance in the world. In this case, it is necessary to focus not only on situations in society in general, but also on life situations associated with tolerant (intolerant) interaction in the child’s communication with relatives, friends, and teachers. The principle lies in the unity of the socially organized educational process and real life experience, the absence of a discrepancy between words and deeds.

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The principle of respectful attitude towards the individual Regardless of the child’s position, his worldview, respectful attitude towards him is a necessary principle of the educational process. In the formation of tolerance, this principle acquires double significance. By respecting and accepting the child’s position and opinion, correcting them if necessary, we show him an example of a tolerant attitude towards a person with a different view of the world.

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The principle of relying on the positive in a child When nurturing tolerance, it is necessary to support development, to see in the child a self-developing personality, ready for change and self-realization. At the same time, the basis for the success of the process of developing tolerance in children and adolescents is the actualization of positive traits, positive social experience, developed constructive skills of interaction with people.

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The principle of social conditionality of the process of education of tolerance Education of tolerance is largely due to the influence of the social environment. The less tolerant the child’s environment, the more difficult the process of its formation. Therefore, it is necessary to study the social environment and transfer ideas of tolerance into it, selecting appropriate forms, methods and techniques of work for this.

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The principle of the unity of knowledge and behavior This principle requires the construction of the educational process for the formation of tolerance at two interconnected levels: informational and behavioral, constituting a single whole. The main criterion for the development of tolerance should be the ability to interact constructively and tolerantly with people and groups that have certain differences.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Formation of a tolerant attitude towards children with disabilities health The presentation was prepared by Sakaeva N.V. teacher - speech therapist of higher education qualification category Lobnya November 2015

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Goal: Increasing the competence of teachers to form a tolerant attitude of society towards children with disabilities.

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What is inclusion? Inclusive education is a specially organized educational process, providing a child with disabilities with education among peers in a general education institution according to standard programs, taking into account his special educational abilities. One of the main principles for the implementation and success of inclusive education is maintaining an atmosphere of acceptance, tolerance, and cooperation in the school or class where a special child is studying. Tolerance is expressed in the willingness to accept others as they are and interact with them on the basis of consent.

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Tolerance is one of the meanings of this concept in modern Russian: high spiritual quality, the ability of an individual, without internal aggression, to perceive another who has different/opposite value systems.

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Four levels of teacher tolerance for children with disabilities 1. High level– a stable positive attitude, an active position towards children with disabilities, expressed in high readiness, knowledge about disability and the essence of tolerance, skills and abilities to interact with this category of children, lack of social distance. 2. Average level– a predominantly positive attitude and active position, expressed in sufficient professional readiness, knowledge about tolerance and disability, theory, methodology and practice of pedagogical interaction with children with disabilities. 3. Below average level – unstable, inactive position in relation to pedagogical activity associated with children with disabilities, expressed in poorly formed professional readiness, insufficient knowledge about tolerance and characteristics of disability. 4. Low level – negative attitude towards children with disabilities, little knowledge about disabilities and tolerance towards children with disabilities.

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Tasks class teacher in a class where a “special” student studies Creating the most favorable organizational conditions in educational and cognitive activities for the success of every student, including inclusive children. Ensuring the participation of all children in a variety of extracurricular activities of the school community, guaranteeing versatility of development. Creating a situation of success for a child with special educational needs. Establishing interaction with the family of a child with health problems in order to care for his maximum development. Pedagogical observation, diagnosis of children's upbringing and empathic acceptance of an inclusive child by his classmates, appropriate pedagogical adjustment of the tolerant attitude of each student.

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To form a tolerant attitude towards children with disabilities, it is necessary to rely on the following tasks: changing public opinion and inadequate social ideas among students of secondary schools, their parents and teachers in relation to children with disabilities; the formation of the foundations of empathic behavior both on the part of ordinary peers, their parents, and on the part of the family raising a disabled child, and the disabled student himself; neutralization of dependent attitudes and behavioral styles of disabled children and their families; level up professional competence teachers of secondary schools in the field of technologies and methods of integrated learning.

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Problems in secondary schools who began to accept children with special needs. The teacher does not understand WHY the child behaves differently from everyone else. The teacher feels confused and tries to act in a directive manner towards the student, but this does not bring success. The teacher does not understand the specifics of developmental disorders of each individual child. Perception of the image of the child as “sick”, perception of the child as unpredictable in his behavior. Lack of faith in his development and that his educational resources increase and his behavior improves; fear that the child may do something bad at any second, distrust of the child. One of the ways to successfully develop inclusion is to introduce a tutor into the educational process for a student with special needs. A tutor is a specialist who organizes conditions for the successful integration of a student with special needs into the educational and social environment of the school. But: Not all teachers are ready for another specialist to appear in their lessons. The teacher experiences increased emotional tension. Reluctance of parents of normally developing peers to educate their children together with children with disabilities.

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The advantages of inclusive education and cognitive development of both children with disabilities and children without such disabilities: - social advantages: developing the independence of all children through the provision of assistance; enriching the social (communicative and moral) experience of children; development of tolerance, patience, the ability to show empathy and humanity; - advantages of a psychological nature: eliminating the formation of a sense of superiority or the development of an inferiority complex; medical advantages: imitation of a “healthy” type of behavior as a behavioral norm of a particular society; - pedagogical advantages: considering the development of each child as a unique process (refusal to compare children with each other).

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Areas of activity For parents: Increasing the pedagogical competence of parents on this issue, including all forms of work with parents (moving folders, questions on parent meetings, round tables, master classes, etc.) For children: Use fiction, as a means of developing social and moral qualities; Playing out situations with moral (moral) choice; Communication, role-playing and other various types of games.

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Working with parents to explain the importance of instilling a culture of communication in children; organize a joint discussion of these problems with students and parents, the personal example of adults instills in schoolchildren a sense of respect for other views (it is difficult to develop tolerance in children if parents do not possess this quality) lectures for parents, participation in parent meetings, individual and group consultations, training classes, distribution of leaflets, design of stands.

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Literature for reading with children 1. Grinko A. “As tall as a grasshopper”; 2. Seph R. “The Tale of the Round and Long Men”; 3. Rodari J. “The Dog Who Couldn’t Bark”, “Fairy Tales with Three Endings”; 4. Abramtseva N.K. “Extraordinary Friends”, “Confusion”, “Conversation on the Windowsill”; 5. Andersen G.H. "Ugly duck"; 6. Bianki V.V. "Foundling"; 7. Kozlov S. “Not a Word”; 8. Paustovsky K.G. “The cat is a thief”; 9. Raskin A. “How dad tamed the dog”; 10. Hogarth E. “Muffin and the Spider.”

Formation of tolerance among schoolchildren

  • Prepared by technology teacher:
  • Kuznetsov Ivan Andreevich
  • Municipal educational institution Gymnasium No. 5, Volgograd
In 1995, 185 countries signed the Declaration of Principles of Tolerance
  • "Tolerance (from lat. tolerance- patience; tolerance for other people's lifestyles, behavior, customs, feelings, opinions, ideas, beliefs) is respect, acceptance and correct understanding of the rich diversity of cultures of our world, our forms of self-expression and ways of manifesting human individuality.
It is generally accepted that humanity today lacks tolerance, or, more simply put, mutually respectful attitude towards each other. Therefore, it is of great importance today to develop and implement principles, methods and forms that would contribute to the development of tolerance towards another person. This task can be successfully solved already at school.
  • It is generally accepted that humanity today lacks tolerance, or, more simply put, mutually respectful attitude towards each other. Therefore, it is of great importance today to develop and implement principles, methods and forms that would contribute to the development of tolerance towards another person. This task can be successfully solved already at school.
The purpose of the tolerance lessons course:
  • promote the widest possible dissemination of ideas and social models of tolerance, practical introduction to the culture of tolerance among children of primary school age;
  • contribute to the formation of an individual who has self-esteem and respect for people, who is able to build relationships in the process of interaction with students of different beliefs and nationalities on the basis of cooperation and mutual understanding.
Block 1 - emotional-volitional is associated with the education of tolerance in a schoolchild at the emotional level in the process of relationships with the surrounding reality, that is, outside of special classes - in class, at recess, during rest, play, work.
  • Block 1 - emotional-volitional is associated with the education of tolerance in a schoolchild at the emotional level in the process of relationships with the surrounding reality, that is, outside of special classes - in class, at recess, during rest, play, work.
  • At the lesson
  • At a break
  • Reception "Relay Race". The teacher organizes activities so that students from different groups interact.
  • Reception "Mutual Aid". The teacher organizes activities in such a way that the success of the common cause depends on the help of a friend.
  • Reception “Emphasis on the best”. When talking with children, the teacher tries to emphasize the best features of each person. At the same time, his assessment must be objective and based on specific facts.
  • Some methods of action of the teacher,
  • aimed at developing tolerance among students
  • in the process of everyday communication:
The 2nd block – diagnostic and research includes personal observation, questioning and diagnosing the child’s development, helps to timely adjust and plan further educational work to form a tolerant worldview. This block includes:
  • The 2nd block – diagnostic and research includes personal observation, questioning and diagnosing the child’s development, helps to timely adjust and plan further educational work to form a tolerant worldview. This block includes:
  • observation
  • survey
  • diagnosing
3rd block – socially significant This is an active block that involves children’s participation in social projects outside of school, in socially moral activities
  • 3rd block – socially significant This is an active block, which involves the participation of children in social projects outside of school, in events with a social and moral orientation.
  • It should be noted that it is impossible to develop tolerance in a child, like any other quality, if the parents are not allies of the teacher. In mastering the experience of tolerant behavior, the personal example of parents and relatives is of great importance. The problem of interethnic tolerance is common to parents and teachers. Often it is parents who in everyday life sow the seeds of national enmity without even noticing it, speaking not about a bad person, but a “bad” Russian, Jew, or Azerbaijani. In this regard, targeted work must be carried out with parents of students, explaining the importance of instilling tolerant communication in children.
  • Working with parents
Meeting the student's family
  • Meeting the student's family
  • Questioning parents
  • Joint discussion of these problems with students and their parents
  • Organization of joint activities of parents and children
  • Carrying out family competitions and holidays at school
  • Working with parents
  • As can be seen from the above, this program is aimed at the consistent introduction of the student into the social world, allows taking into account the individual level of development of each child, his interests, promotes successful socialization and enriches the experience of tolerant interaction.