Increase in salary for nurses per year. Doctors are waiting for a raise. Regional features of increase

High-quality medicine is not the last stone in the foundation of a country’s well-being. Therefore, doctors themselves are forced to study a lot, constantly undergo advanced training and work a lot to ensure good health of citizens. That is why the government provides and develops all kinds of measures to support this category of specialists, both in the form of salary increases and in various non-material forms.

Normative base

The May decrees of the head of the country, which were presented in 2012, contained clauses devoted to the salaries of doctors in the coming years. Rosstat testifies that the President more than fulfilled all his obligations to doctors and other medical personnel in Russia:

  • the average salary of an average health worker is 72,000 rubles. (as of January 2018);
  • for the annual period as a whole, the salary indicator is 36,000 rubles;
  • Representatives of junior medical staff earn an average of 33,500 rubles.

Of course, the given salary levels for doctors do not apply in every region. However, in many regions of the Russian Federation, the salary of a medical specialist allows you to lead a decent life. The main regulation on this issue is Decree No. 597 of 05/07/2012 “On the implementation social policy» . In the standard we're talking about about the measures that will be taken to increase wages medical professionals.

Wages and salaries - what will they increase?

Even at the end of 2017, Rosstat said that the order given in the previous paragraph is practically never implemented anywhere. Based on the data obtained during the study, we can conclude that only in 16 regions of the country doctors were provided with a decent standard of living according to data for 2017. However, already at the beginning of 2018, statements appeared from many entities about increasing the salaries of health workers by almost 200%.

As in any other area labor relations, wages are formed from salary and incentive amounts. The salary is usually a small amount, which is barely comparable to the subsistence minimum or. The increase occurred precisely through an increase in the size of incentive payments.
Traditionally, their size is influenced by several fundamental factors:

  • length of service;
  • class of work;
  • nature of employment;
  • region of residence;
  • number of hours worked;
  • type of medical facility.

The distribution of payments is primarily carried out by the heads of individual institutions. Part of the increase in total income occurs due to the fact that many doctors began to earn more through overtime and part-time work in the face of a shortage of personnel.

Dependence of earnings on region

The territorial subject of the Russian Federation in which the physician lives also plays an important role. In order to comply with Decree No. 597 and the document developed on its basis, many managers use tricks and indicate false data in official documents (for example, they mark part-time work, while a specialist works “full-time”, or equalize the income of nurses with paramedics and even nurses).

As a result, we can conclude that the requirement to comply with a certain level of wages is met exclusively in the Russian capital - Moscow, where the minimum salary is 68,000 rubles, and the average is 136,000 rubles.

Current salaries for doctors

External pressure on the country and its economy could not remain without consequences in the form of a crisis, so the 200% increase in income in medicine was largely offset by the crisis. Real data look like this:

  • based on the results of the first half of 2018, the average salary of doctors is 52,900 rubles;
  • the income of average-level doctors is 29,400 rubles;
  • junior specialists receive 19,400 rubles;
  • the leaders in terms of salaries received by medical specialists are the following regions: Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Far Eastern Federal District, Chukotka;
  • The “weakest” income levels are for doctors who perform job responsibilities in North Ossetia, Kalmykia.

Despite the lack of practical growth in wages up to 200% of the regional average, they still continue to increase. Further increases are planned for 2019. Especially the “lagging” regions expect such good news.

Doctor's salary at the end of 2018

Currently, the conditions for increasing income to 180% of the current average level have not been created. There is an assumption that at the end of 2018, the average monthly salary of a physician will be 66,000 rubles. However, the authorities promise to do everything possible to increase the earnings of medical staff in the coming months and to implement the norms of the “May” decrees of 2012 at the beginning of 2019.

Nurses' salary

Nurses' income growth is unlikely to reach 80%. Although, as evidenced by the requirements of the decrees, this indicator should be equal to 100%, i.e., become identical in all regions of Russia.

Junior medical staff salary

Salaries for junior staff are also projected to increase. However, as the practical side of the issue shows, not all regions have the opportunity and appropriate resources to implement these goals and objectives.

How are the salaries of health workers determined?

There are several constituent elements directly related to the statistical average:

  • salary(this is the main part, although in practice it can be small and amount to only 20% of the total income);
  • support payments(they are charged for processing, excessive loads, process intensity and difficult conditions);
  • allowances(they are mainly based on length of service and working qualification category);
  • compensation and regional amounts(paid to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation separately).

Indexation primarily affects salaries, but in practice it is auxiliary payments that play a significant role.

Prospects for salary growth

Indexation according to forecast standards will be 4% of the salary. The head of state also said that at the end of 2018, the average salary for doctors should be 200%, and for junior staff - 100%.

The President himself is convinced that the foundation for these changes has already been laid, and the first steps have definitely been taken. By the end of 2018, there is a gradual achievement target indicators . As for the practical picture, salaries of specialists are uneven and variable across regions.

Putin's promises

In March 2018, the news reported that the goal of government at all levels is to raise the salary level of doctors to 200%, and junior staff to 100% of the average values ​​for the region. The president also surveyed the heads of several medical institutions in different regions about their satisfaction with the standard of living, and they gave positive answers, saying that salaries had really increased. Along with this, plans and prospects for further work aimed at increasing the size were discussed.

Increasing the income level of doctors from the Federal Compulsory Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund

The chairman of the fund associated with compulsory health insurance made an unequivocal promise regarding a further increase in wages received by medical specialists. It was guaranteed that within the framework of 2018, all these conditions would be met, because the MHIF budget is formed and will provide many opportunities for improving the level of wages for doctors in the near future.

During the first reading, deputies working in the State Duma adopted a bill, according to which for the planning period (in the next 2 years) the fund’s income will be equal to 1.888 trillion. rub., and in 2018 it should amount to 1.993 trillion.

This is not the first time that such promises have been made by the MHIF. Along with this, an alternative opinion reigns in the Accounts Chamber. Auditors believe that the insurance service is simply overestimating its own capabilities.

The Government of the Russian Federation initially planned for the fact of increasing the salaries of senior representatives medical personnel by 7.5%, and after that - up to 180% (until October 1, 2018). Putin himself said that by the start of the 2019 annual period, doctors’ salaries should be equal to twice the regional average, while junior employees will receive 100%. But some regions have received requests related to acute budget deficits, as well as requests for help.

According to statements by experts working in the independent monitoring fund called “Health”, after analyzing information from Rosstat, it can be concluded that the achievement of target indicators did not occur either in 2016 or in 2017. Accordingly, the same dynamics should be expected in 2018. Despite the loud assurances of the authorities that the desired indicators are being achieved, in practice other, opposite conditions arise.

The Russian government promises that at the end of 2018 there will be a significant jump in the salaries of medical specialists.

However, real data shows the opposite picture. Despite this, the state is taking all kinds of measures aimed at increasing wages and improving the quality of life of medical and healthcare employees. This indicator depends on several factors. First of all, we are talking about the region of residence, qualification level, the number of hours of work of a professional.

The following story is devoted to the issue of increasing salaries for health workers and the timing of when this should happen.

It is especially relevant in Russia. Especially when it comes to well-known and common professions. What is the current salary of a doctor? The answer to this question will be given in the article.

Earnings of doctors: how are things today?

Determining the exact figure for doctors' income is not so easy. In addition to the fact that you should take into account the region, place of work, specialty and level of qualifications, you should not forget about state decrees that constantly fix new minimums. However, the average indicator can still be identified. Thus, today the average income of a doctor in Russia is about 45 thousand rubles. The figure, it should be noted, is impressive. In addition, until quite recently (in 2014), a doctor could receive no more than 30-35 thousand rubles for his work. It's all about a special government program regulating the increase in the salaries of doctors to 90 thousand rubles by 2018.

Many doctors, seeing these data, may be slightly perplexed. After all, not every professional medical worker today receives even 40 thousand rubles. Of course, in the regions the income of doctors is much less than what is actually stated. Hospitals and various types of medical institutions may be underfunded, in poor or deteriorating condition. In addition, the amount presented above, which is due to doctors today, already includes various bonuses and allowances.

Earnings by specialization

As mentioned above, a doctor’s salary should not be considered in general procedure. It is necessary to take into account many different factors: from location to specialty.

It is the last factor that will be discussed. For 2016, the following list of main positions and corresponding salaries was compiled:

  • cosmetologist - average income 85 thousand rubles;
  • gynecologist - 90 thousand rubles;
  • osteopath - 70 thousand rubles;
  • resuscitator - 70 thousand rubles;
  • MRI doctor - 70 thousand rubles;
  • dentist - 50 thousand rubles;
  • pediatrician - 50 thousand rubles.

Salary veterinarian today it is about 50 thousand rubles; The salary of a general practitioner is 40 thousand rubles. However, it is worth distinguishing between work activities in private and budget clinics. So, already from the list above it becomes clear that the specialists who, as a rule, are approached by elite and wealthy clients receive the most: cosmetologist, dermatologist, etc.

USA and Russia: salary comparison

Before talking about possible increases and increases in the salaries of doctors in Russia, it is worth paying attention to the income of doctors in the USA. This is necessary, first of all, in order to have an idea of ​​where our country should grow and in what direction. There is no point in denying the fact that the average salary in the Russian Federation is considered relatively low, especially in comparison with European countries and the USA. So how much do medical specialists in the states earn?

The minimum salary for a doctor in the United States is $8,000. Even for a novice specialist this is quite a large amount; all because a doctor abroad is considered an incredibly important and necessary employee. This is truly a necessary person for society. Average salaries in the states are the following:

  • surgeon - 20 thousand dollars;
  • psychologist - 17 thousand dollars;
  • pediatrician - 16 thousand dollars;
  • therapist - 15 thousand dollars.

A doctor is a very profitable and prestigious profession abroad. Doctors, both in the USA and in other developed countries, are very respected and cherished. This respect, first of all, is manifested in the financial component.

Should we expect an increase in income?

Will the average doctor's salary ever increase? How soon can healthcare workers see real gains? Answering all these questions is not so easy. However, today there are many comments from various officials and bills being prepared for adoption, according to which it will be possible to track the increase in wages.

The first thing worth noting is the presidential decrees presented on May 7, 2012. The so-called “May decrees” are known to almost all Russians, because they concern, first of all, improving the well-being and standard of living of budget workers. According to the decrees, the income level of workers should have increased at least twice. Are the “May Decrees” being implemented effectively? The question is controversial. As of 2016, workers' wages increased slightly. For example, prices for various types of products and services have increased much more.

What more can doctors hope for? In 2016, 332 billion rubles were allocated for medicine. Despite the seemingly impressive amount, many experts talk about a significant regression in the field of medical financing. Thus, in 2015, an amount of 16% more was allocated from the budget.

So should we expect an increase in doctors' incomes? It is not difficult to draw conclusions.

Payroll methods

It is really necessary to mention payroll calculation methods. The fact is that the state has recently developed a new method for calculating average monthly income. What is this method?

The average income of doctors is now calculated in a special way: the salary will include both the actual income of state employees and the income of citizens working in private companies. It would seem how this could be related to the basic payment labor activity doctors, what could this affect? Many experts talk about this method of calculating average income as an extremely unfair system. In fact, the promised salary increases can be compared with average incomes in the country and positive conclusions can be drawn. At the same time, few people take into account the fact how much the incomes of state employees and wage earners differ.

“Paper increase” is criticized by the people and supported by the authorities (the latter, in particular, declare “incredible effectiveness” new system calculations). So is there any hope left for an increase in the salaries of public sector doctors?

Situation in 2016

The past year was characterized by extremely deplorable economic indicators. Doctors have acquired new responsibilities. It is becoming increasingly difficult for state employees to work, and, unfortunately, an increase in income has not yet been observed. The promised indexation of wages did not happen; almost everyone forgot about the May decrees. The emerging “paper increase” only aggravated the situation.

The salary of a doctor in Russia is really small. You don’t even have to compare it with global indicators - and so it becomes clear that the phrase “live, not survive” is becoming more and more real. Citizens are looking forward to 2017 with hope, expecting at least some decisions from the state. So what should doctors expect?

Forecasts for 2017

Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Olga Golodets announced two stages of salary increases in 2017. The first stage was supposed to begin on January 1, the second - on October 1. From the first stage, the amount of payments was supposed to increase by 7.5%. On October 1, a doctor’s salary should be 180% of the average for the regions of the country.

Are there any results already? The question remains open. Of course, some budget companies should have already felt an influx of funding. It is also worth mentioning the state’s plans to equalize wages medical workers to 200% of the national average - according to the “May decrees” already mentioned above. This must happen no later than January 1, 2018.

Reduction of doctors: truth or myth?

Rumors about layoffs of government workers have been circulating for a long time. Healthcare financing really leaves much to be desired. Despite this, the authorities are trying to find at least some way out, so as not to cause a huge number of “victims” of the cuts. So what should you expect today?

It’s worth noting right away that in 2017 it’s impossible to do without cuts to state employees. Thus, the government began an extensive program to optimize the medical sector, and therefore adopted a decree to close old and half-empty hospitals and other medical centers. Already in 2016, many doctors and other workers were left without work. However, here, too, not everything is so simple: while there is definitely an abundance of therapists today, there are not so many highly specialized specialists (ophthalmologists, dentists, gynecologists, etc.).

Problems still remain today. Despite the fact that the authorities are taking many measures to resolve them, one should not yet expect a qualitative leap and progress.

"Road map": general characteristics

The question of what doctors' salaries cannot be considered if you do not pay attention to special documents and projects developed by the state for a long time. One of the largest projects, developed and adopted by the government back in 2012, is called the “road map”. What it is?

The Road Map includes a number of specific provisions and measures aimed at effectively optimizing the healthcare sector. There are two main groups of measures recorded in this project. The first group is aimed at improving financial situation medical personnel. The second group is for increasing wages.

The "road map" regulates the increase in the salaries of chief doctors (as well as ordinary specialists) by 200%, and of middle and junior staff - by 100%. All this should happen by 2018. In addition to salaries, the road map establishes provisions for regulating the level of mortality and disease.

Doctor's salary in Russia: statistics

It is worth summing up all of the above in the form of special statistics. Thus, as of the beginning of 2017, the income of medical workers is approximately the following:

  • the average salary of a doctor is 45 thousand rubles;
  • income of nursing staff - 28 thousand rubles;
  • the income of junior medical staff is 20 thousand rubles.

All these figures, oddly enough, meet the requirements of the Road Map. In reality, everything is somewhat different. “Paper salary increases” greatly distort the situation. We should not forget about the work of doctors at several rates in order to somehow ensure their lives.


All necessary statistics on income, features of accrual and recalculation were indicated above. The question of whether we should expect an increase in doctors' salaries remains open and very difficult. Despite the fact that the government is really monitoring the situation and trying to somehow resolve it, funding for budgetary areas still remains incredibly low.

Doctors and patients have always been in the same boat. That is why the question of the position of doctors concerns absolutely all citizens. There is a direct relationship between the deterioration of an employee’s standard of living and the number of his professional errors. What could be the solution here? At the moment, this is an increase in legal and political culture among the population. Only thanks to this will a person look at the world more broadly, and therefore, notice problems better.

It's no secret what the essence of a doctor's work is. These people save human lives day after day. Very, very many people go into this profession not at all because of prestige or money, but simply because, as they say, “the soul is in it” - they want to help people. And such people can and should be proud! And not only ordinary people, but also the government and the country as a whole should be proud. And this pride implies that there should be decent pay for the difficult daily work, the essence of which is to help people and maintain the health of the inhabitants of our country. Because a calling is a calling, but the more prestigious the work of a doctor, the more social guarantees she will have, and the higher the salary, the more qualified specialists will be produced by medical educational establishments. But, unfortunately, teachers' salaries currently leave much to be desired. Let's figure out whether doctors should expect a salary increase in 2017 and what the current level of their salaries is.

Current status and salary levels for doctors

In 2014, there was a significant reduction in the number of health workers. This has led to the fact that on average each doctor works at 1.4 times the salary. In addition, health care providers are increasingly changing their contractual payment terms to assign additional responsibilities to physicians as physicians are in short supply. At the same time, everything is legally correct - in defense of their decisions, the management of medical institutions refers to Art. 74 Labor Code. As a result, doctors do not have enough money, and they are forced to negotiate with management in one way or another to work 3 or 4 shifts, although legally they have the right to take a maximum of 3-4. Moreover, the management of many institutions began to enter into agreements with doctors additional agreements To employment contracts, according to which the health worker is assigned additional duties as official duties: if previously these duties were paid in addition to the salary, then after the conclusion of additional. agreement, doctors are required to work 12 hours instead of eight for essentially the same money.

A doctor’s salary consists of several components:

l Incentive payments;

l Long service allowances;

l Allowances for harmful conditions labor.

In this scheme lies precisely the trick, thanks to which the level of the average doctor’s salary, according to statistics, is growing. The fact is that the 35-36 thousand that the average health worker receives, in fact, for the most part consists of all these allowances. Moreover, these bonuses are not a guaranteed part of the payment, that is, today they are there, tomorrow they are gone. For example, a couple of years ago, the scheme for paying bonuses for hazardous work was revised: if previously doctors belonged to category 3 (harmful working conditions), now even X-ray room workers belong to category 2 ( acceptable conditions labor). And this brings with it not only a reduction in payments, but also the abolition of social benefits, including additional days, which are physically necessary for doctors working 12 hours a day.

In turn, the payment of incentives and other allowances mainly depends on the management of the medical institution, which “shuffles” them in such a way as to deprive the employee of these allowances. This happens everywhere and, in fact, for no reason - bonuses can be deprived for an error in paperwork, incentive payments can be deprived because it takes too much time to see one patient (and sometimes, according to the system electronic queues, it should take 10-15 minutes to see one patient).

Should we expect a salary increase for doctors in 2017?

For a long time, salaries for health workers have been at an unacceptable level. However, in this year We should count on the situation improving - in the new year it is planned to spend more than a hundred billion rubles on paying health workers. What is especially noteworthy is that changes in payment will affect not only doctors, but also workers who do not have the appropriate medical education (for example, physical therapy teachers). You will also be especially pleased with the new wages for nurses and aides - more than four hundred billion will be spent on wages in the new year. It’s too early to talk about specific numbers, but one thing should be noted - changes are planned, and quite large-scale ones.

The current regulatory framework prescribes methods for determining the salaries of doctors in Russia. The accrued amount consists of 3 parts: bonus for length of service, rate and compensation for harmful conditions. Subjects of the federation are given the right to establish additional payments to certain categories of medical workers. According to the current legislation, additional payment is optional. Appointed if there are appropriate financial resources in the budget.

The growth of salaries of medical workers in the period from 2013 to 2017.

From the moment an employee starts working, a labor or employment contract is concluded with him fixed-term contract. In some cases, we are talking about a collective agreement. The document specifies the salary of doctors and all the conditions that allow it to be changed in one direction or another:

By separate resolution of the Ministry of Health Russian Federation defined size limit salaries for the management of a medical institution. The monthly salary of the chief physician cannot exceed eight times the salary of the employees of this medical institution. This formulation made it possible to eliminate the conflict associated with certain provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Watch the video: real salary figures for doctors.

Much attention is paid to the issue of accounting for experience. Thanks to this indicator, the salaries of doctors will be indexed in 2017. On the one hand, current regulations do not allow length of service to be taken into account as one of the grounds for increasing or decreasing wages. On the other hand, a special resolution of the Ministry of Health recommends taking into account length of service when assigning compensation payments in 2017 in Russia.

Thanks to this, employees of medical institutions in remote areas of the country received significant additional payments. It’s not just compensation for harm that’s at work here. The duration of work played an important role. The professional qualification group is taken into account. Each of them has certain requirements for experience, merit, scientific publications, etc.

Doctor's salary sheet with tax deduction

The better the doctor works, the more funds he will receive at the end of the month. This allows you to objectively assess the contribution to the work of the medical institution of each employee. Statistical information is analyzed monthly. The employee has the right to familiarize himself with it. If disputes arise that cannot be resolved at the level of the head physician, you must contact a specialized commission on labor conflicts.

Comparison of salaries of medical workers in major cities of Russia

Piece-bonus form of remuneration

The legislation of the Russian Federation allows the calculation of wages to medical personnel in a piece-rate format. In this case, you need to remember a number of legal subtleties. They were determined by a decision of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and a resolution of the tripartite commission (RTC). The first rule says that it is possible to install this format without any restrictions.

This means that in addition to the basic salary, the employee has the right to work part-time in the same institution. Before signing an amendment to an existing employment agreement, it is necessary to ensure that the applicant has the appropriate qualifications. This rule is not mandatory if the applicant plans to engage in work not related to the provision of medical care.

The second rule requires compliance with the established methodology for the formation of piecework-bonus wages. Taken into account:

  • actual cost of services provided;
  • duration of the work performed.

Stimulating and compensation payments are not taken into account. Regardless of the duration of the additional work performed, doctors are paid piecework within the framework of the next salary. Payment documents must indicate the timing of the work performed, the coefficients used and possible deductions.

An example of a pay slip for a surgeon in Russia

Calculation of brigade wage forms

In order to increase the efficiency of medical institutions, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation decided to change the form of remuneration for doctors.

Now the salary of an individual health worker depends on the performance of the team in which he works. The new technique is based on many years of medical experience.

Watch the video: The Minister of Health talks about the sources of increasing salaries for doctors.

Officials decided not to prescribe strict workload hours. This was done for reasons of common sense. Firstly, during the day it is impossible to predict how many calls will be made by patients. Second, the team will spend a different amount of time with each patient. This means that, again, standard hours are a very arbitrary indicator here.

Current the legislative framework in the Russian Federation provides the following formula for determining the size of the brigade form of payment:

  • A is the number of calls recorded in the reporting period;
  • B is the population of the serviced area;
  • C - duration of the reporting period (30 or 31 days depending on the month).

An approximate calculation of the indicator is performed as follows - A x B: C. 418 received calls are taken and multiplied by 1000 people living in this area. The resulting value is divided by the duration of the reporting period. The resulting value is used to calculate the brigade form of remuneration. From a practical point of view, this approach encourages the doctor to perform better.

The photo shows the average salaries of doctors in Ukraine

The presence of a direct relationship between efficiency and salary helps the employee to realize responsibility for his own future. However, there is a downside to the model. Skeptics focus on the possibility of being left without a salary at all. Let's say medical institution carried out effective preventive work. The number of calls during the month is at a low level.

If we take only this formula as a basis, then the average salary of doctors in 2017 will be at a similar level. The Ministry of Health, understanding the significance of the decisions being made, left medical institutions room for maneuver. Medical institutions have the right to use complex methods for calculating wages based on actual conditions.

The average salary of doctors in Russia increased in 2016, according to Rosstat, by 5.8% and amounted to 50.7 thousand rubles per month. It is noteworthy that in six regions, the indicator for which officials at all levels are persistently fighting under the supervision of the president, on the contrary, went into the negative. The situation with the earnings of paramedical and junior medical personnel is no better.

Average monthly wages of workers in the healthcare sector in 2015-2016, in rubles (Rosstat)

Let us remember: not long ago, officials boldly stated that in accordance with the “May” presidential decrees, doctors’ salaries would increase by 200% of the average salary in the country in 2017.

Real and target indicators of wage growth by various categories medical workers until 2018, in%

However, it now turns out that this height will be attacked only in 2018. Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Olga Golodets recently announced that doctors’ salaries will be increased in 2017 in two stages and should reach 180% of the regional average by October 1.

Director of the Health Foundation, member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation Eduard Gavrilov:

– Raising doctors’ salaries remains a sore point, despite the annual increase in funds allocated for healthcare. Thus, in 2011, a total of 1.93 trillion rubles were allocated for healthcare, and in 2015 – already 3.23 trillion. Why aren't wages rising? The regions urgently need to restore order in this area.

Head of the Department of Economics and Management in the Social Sphere of the Institute of Industry Management of the Russian Academy National economy and civil service Larisa Gabueva:

– The target indicators for salaries of healthcare workers are, of course, achievable, because those responsible for the implementation of government resolutions and presidential decree have no choice. Therefore, officials will report on their achievements. Another question is: at what cost will they be achieved. As you know, in most regional healthcare facilities, the path of optimizing staffing levels was chosen for this, naturally, downwards, so that the remaining doctors would have enough money to achieve these results.

The ratio of the average monthly nominal accrued wages of workers on average in the economy and in the healthcare sector and social services, in rubles and %

According to Rosstat, salaries of those employed in the healthcare and social services sector have grown at an accelerated pace since 2002, and without any shout from above. During the period under review, the indicator increased 21 times compared to 15.3 times on average for the economy. This made it possible to improve the ratio of the salaries of workers in this field and the average salary in economy: from 60% in 2000 to 82% in 2016.

Head of the design and analytical center of the Academy of Labor and Social Relations Anton Daletsky:

– Rosstat statistics represent the “average temperature in a hospital.” Since it includes in the salary data not only doctors, nursing and junior medical staff, but also management personnel. Which, naturally, leads to an increase in the average. Plus, there are questions about the reliability of these statistics, since they are collected in health care facilities, whose managers do not want to lose their workplace. Therefore, there are concerns that salary figures are being inflated. In my opinion, without manipulating statistics, the indicators established by the “May” presidential decrees are clearly unattainable.

The ratio of the average monthly nominal accrued wages of workers on average in the economy and in the healthcare sector, in rubles and %

In the period 2009–2015, the rate at which wage growth in healthcare outpaced wage growth in the economy as a whole was noticeably less than in the period 2000–2015. The ratio ranged from 79 to 87%.

With regard to increasing wages by category of health workers, the implementation of the target indicators provided for by the road map is regularly monitored to ensure the achievement of the tasks set in the presidential decrees by 2018. Below are data by year of the reporting period (2013-2016) for various categories of employees.

As of January 1, 2016 in medical organizations In the system of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, 543,604 doctors and 1,309,846 medical workers with secondary vocational education worked.

In some regions, doctors’ salaries back in 2014-2015 were twice the average. But there are very, very few of them, so even the aggregate indicators for the districts, not to mention the country as a whole, are not so optimistic.

Ratio of the average salary of doctors, paramedical and junior medical staff to the average salary in the economy
Factors influencing the level of remuneration in an institution, in terms of the average level of income of health workers in their main position, thousand rubles.

Head of the design and analytical center of the Academy of Labor and Social Relations Anton Daletsky:

– The data from our study are based on interviews directly with health workers, and communication often went beyond the scope of the study. Thus, we learned that the situation with part-time work among healthcare workers sometimes goes beyond the limits of reason. I understand that in order to survive, doctors have to take additional rates within their medical facility, combine this work with private practice or in the field of education. But we are faced with outrageous cases where surgeons are forced to work as taxi drivers, and paramedics as hairdressers.

Distribution of income levels of health workers from various sources, rub.