An example of filling out an application for a social project grant. How to characterize the target audience and geographic area of ​​the project? Project target groups

Many people think that the main thing is to receive a presidential grant, but in fact the main thing is to report for it on time, correctly and beautifully. A presidential grant is not only an honor, but also very responsible.

Application for Presidential Grant 2018

1. About the project

1. Grant direction, which primarily corresponds to the planned project activities: support for projects in the field of science, education, enlightenment

1.1. The subject of the grant direction, which mainly corresponds to the planned activities of the project: assistance and implementation of activities in the field of education, additional education children, additional professional education

2. Name of the project for which the grant is requested: Social 3D modeling online.

3. Short description project (activities within the project):

The main idea of ​​the project is to promote professional self-determination of 200 schoolchildren by combining social engineering with design and 3D modeling.

Distance classes in the form of webinars are held on Wednesdays and Fridays from 18.00 to 19.00. The entire course consists of 14 lessons on 3D modeling () and 14 lessons on social design, including social design, emotional intelligence (), personal growth, career plans (). Classes are organized in the form of webinars, which can be listened to not only in a computer class, but also from the comfort of your home. For classes you need a computer connected to the Internet.

High efficiency educational program allows for a short time achieve tangible results in learning and significantly increase the level vocational training participants. Special techniques, intensive training regimen and significant volume independent work help to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary in the future to participate in school competitions and receive additional points for the Unified State Exam.

Both individual and team training are possible. During classes, teams receive more complex tasks for collaboration. Schoolchildren from 14 years of age are invited. Advantage will be given to students with home-based education and from remote small schools. Webinar participants are not required to have any special knowledge or skills, but they must be willing to complete the entire course from start to finish and take part in the work competition, which is the final stage of the project. Best works printed on a 3D printer.

The relevance of the project is that for the target audience, training in “hard” and “soft” skills is combined within the framework of one project.

The training will take place in two streams of 150 registered users, of which 100 schoolchildren will be trained in each stream. The first stream starts on 09/01/18 and ends on 12/31/18. Summing up the results of the 1st stream and preparing for the second from 01/01/19 to 01/31/19. Second stream from 02/01/19 to 05/31/19

The following roles are introduced in the project: Team Member, Individual Participant, Team Mentor, Understudy, Observer, Parent. They all participate in project activities, and they all receive information support.

The results of the project are: professional self-determination, disclosure of creative abilities, training of schoolchildren as carriers of project culture, as creators of a subject environment, which will increase their competitiveness in the labor market.

Registration of participants and schedule of classes is carried out on the website, information support is provided on the website

4. Geography of the project:

The choice of region is determined by applications received from educational organizations for participation in the project and the presence of beneficiaries. This is mainly Moscow and the Moscow region. This is due to the fact that in 2014, 200 schools in the Moscow region were equipped with 3D laboratories. These laboratories include computers, 3D printers and 3D scanners. And even earlier, all schools in the Moscow region were connected to the Internet.

Any school or NGO working with children from any region can apply application to participate. Applications from individual participants are also accepted. By participating in the project, you become a partner in the implementation of the project, which is applied for a presidential grant. It's not too late to apply for the 2018-2019 academic year.

5. Project start date: 09/01/2018
6. Project completion date: 05/31/2019
7. Justification of the social significance of the project for the presidential grant:

According to modern concept social design, he must not only create products, but also solve the problems of people living in a particular territory. The products themselves must be truly tailored to the needs of the local population. But in any territory there are still many groups that are called socially vulnerable. Therefore, one of the tasks of social design is to study their needs, abilities, skills and activities in order to offer these groups an adequate design solution.

Social 3D modeling is one of the components of social design.

Social design requires specialists who are able to perceive the design process comprehensively. Unfortunately, according to the founders of social design, not a single university produces designers of this level. And they need to be prepared starting from school.

The problem is complicated by the fact that many teenagers are poorly aware of their abilities, do not know the requirements of the labor market for the competencies of specialists, do not have the skills to achieve these competencies, and do not have a specific plan for mastering a profession and finding employment in their area of ​​residence.

According to the laboratory of socio-professional self-determination of youth of the ISMO RAO (http://my-orientir.rf/):

  • 50% of high school students do not correlate their choice of profession with their real capabilities;
  • 46% are guided by the opinions of parents and relatives when choosing a profession;
  • 67% have no idea about the essence of their chosen profession.

A partial solution to these problems is the creation and implementation of a training and seminar program that ensures professional self-determination, development of project competence and the ability to work in a team.

Experts note that self-determination is a long stage, but everyone must go through it. Among the new pedagogical technologies aimed at solving the problems posed, social practice and the methodology of social design occupy a special place. It is project-based learning that today becomes the means that allows for the formation of such key competencies.

Key competencies:

  • ability to take initiative,
  • to take responsibility,
  • willingness to notice problems and look for ways to solve them,
  • be able to master new knowledge and apply it to analyze new situations,
  • be able to make decisions, i.e. be socially adapted,
  • have a set of qualities and knowledge for successful self-realization,
  • feel your importance in almost any field of activity.

However, surveys conducted (a total of 340 teachers took part) showed that about 36% of teachers do not use the project method in educational activities. There are several reasons: a lack of knowledge about the project method, a lack of time in class, limited resources and students’ workload with other subjects.

On the other hand, there is interest in design education, which is associated with a person’s awareness of the possibilities of new technologies for his personal development and self-realization. Highest level development of the ability to design one’s own activities in various socio-cultural situations is called “project culture”. Formation of a project culture is one of the components of the project.

7.1. Full description project, project presentation:

Presentation of the project Social 3D modeling online.pdf

8. Project target groups:

Children and teenagers. Teachers and parents. Mentors of children's teams.

9. Project goals:

Goal No. 1: Promote professional self-determination of schoolchildren by increasing the level of design competence through design and 3D modeling

10. Project objectives:
Task #1:

Select project participants and form creative teams of schoolchildren.

Task #2:

Train participants in the basics of 3D modeling and social design

Task #3:

Develop creative tasks with a social orientation, criteria for their evaluation and hold a competition for the best works.

11.1. Letters of support, cooperation agreements and other similar documents for the 2018 presidential grant:

UMOC Korolev.pdf
Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 4 in Fryazino.pdf
Kurovskaya secondary school No. 2.pdf

A forum is used for team interaction between participants. Registration of participants, schedule and program of classes .

If the results of the competition for a presidential grant are positive, advertising campaign V social network and on friendly sites.

13. Quantitative results:

number of people who received services in the field of education and enlightenment: 200
number of people who took part in project events: 300

14. Qualitative results:

Professional self-determination.
This indicator is determined by the rating of participants when completing creative and homework assignments.

Preparing schoolchildren as carriers of project culture.
The indicator is determined by the degree of proficiency in software tools for creating creative work.

Preparing schoolchildren as creators of a subject environment.
Determined by the level of graphic (visual) implementation of the plan during execution
creative tasks.

Unlocking your creative potential.
The value of the indicator is determined based on the results of the final competition

15. Further development of the project:

Further development of the project will be the creation of a virtual community of children and adults and
involving schoolchildren in the activities of this community.

The community will function on the principle of a club association.

The sustainability of the achieved results is due to the availability of educational and methodological support, personnel, financial and logistical conditions for the implementation of the project, as well as in consolidating the acquired knowledge and skills in practice (participation in the competition).

An example of such a community of professional designers is the activities of the organization “Design21: social design network”. The Social Design Network's mission is to inspire social consciousness through design by connecting people and organizations who want to explore the ways in which design can positively impact local communities. The Design 21 network has a database with links to participating developers and design organizations, leading the development of projects organized by social themes and by type of social design. The network also organizes design competitions that allow members to create solutions social problems. A forum has been created for non-profit organizations to request design assistance.

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There is a term - grantwriting, which literally translates as the art of writing projects aimed at financing socially significant initiatives.

As a rule, all grant givers are large government and commercial structures that direct funding to implement exclusively those project initiatives that have social significance and a specific result. This should be remembered when formalizing the project.

Formation of an idea

First of all, it is necessary to determine the area of ​​the project, as well as the social group whose conditions the project is aimed at improving.

The main characteristics of a truly worthwhile idea social project the following can be mentioned:

  • Novelty. The idea must be original, not borrowed;

  • Accuracy. The attractiveness of an idea is always very visible to experienced grant funds, and inaccurate goals and objectives can reduce the chances of receiving funding to zero;

  • Necessity. The idea must correspond to social problems, that is, be aimed at solving them. If the problem does not exist, or the grant provider's scope does not cover it, funding will not be allocated.

The times when projects were written for the eventual acquisition of some material assets are gradually passing. Grantmakers are becoming more selective and professional, so against the backdrop of very successful projects, it is becoming not so easy to come up with a truly worthwhile idea.


The definition of the idea is followed by a solution to the problem, which consists of the activities provided for by the project. For example, if we take the social adaptation of orphans as a problem, then the activities of the grant project could be:

  • conducting career guidance;

  • holding meetings with representatives of a wide range of professions;

  • information seminars;

  • preparation of special career guidance literature.

That is, the entire sequence of actions should be aimed at solving the problem that was initially identified. The list may be wider or narrower depending on the maximum level of funding allocated by a particular fund.

Having identified the problem, solutions, as well as the social group of recipients, the following characteristics of the project should be determined:

  • project area;

  • duration in time;

  • amount of financing.

The first two criteria are basic, and if the idea is clearly formed, then, as a rule, answering the question of territory and time is not difficult.

Significantly more problems arise for potential grant recipients when determining funding for activities. It should be remembered that grant givers are often interested not so much in, but in partner implementation socially significant projects. This means that the authors of the grant must also invest their resources for its implementation: labor, clothing, charity, etc.

When determining the estimate, it is important to remember that all costs will require a detailed report. And it is at this stage when implementing a project that difficulties usually arise. Thus, practice shows that even some costs incurred are difficult to report (such as fuel and lubricants). Therefore, it is easier to take them into account within the limits of co-financing of the author’s group.

Search for a fund

A significant step in grant writing is finding a potential grantee. Each fund has its own application requirements, which are set out in regulatory documents. You should study them all before preparing applications.

Do not forget about the danger of formally rejecting an application due to non-compliance with document requirements: text volume, font, indents and other nuances must be strictly observed.


Almost all funds conduct research before allocating funds. The authors must be prepared not only to retell the provisions of the project that have already been studied by experts, but also to answer questions regarding its implementation and goal setting.

Video on the topic

You will need

  • Computer
  • Internet access
  • Microsoft Office Suite
  • Printer, copier
  • Paper
  • Accountant consultation
  • Cash for postage


First of all, decide on the main idea of ​​your grant proposal. You can go two ways: look for a competition for a specific idea or look for an idea for a specific competition. Currently great amount funds (state and non-state, Russian and international, regional and foreign) invites you to take part in competitions to receive. Each of them has strict application requirements that must be strictly met.

Come up with a succinct name that reflects the main idea. Prepare the “Title Page” in accordance with the template proposed by the grantmaker.

Carefully work through the “Resume” section ( summary)". Typically this section takes up exactly half of an A4 page and answers the questions:
- what is new and relevant;
- what are its goals and objectives, the main stages and expected results from the implementation of the project;
- what is the project budget, how much funds need to be raised and how much you yourself are willing to invest in. Return to this section again and again, gradually bringing it to perfection.

Proceed to writing the “Introduction-Familiarization” and “Substantiation of the Problem” sections. Use simple language. Do not overload the text with professional terms. Give vivid and imaginative examples of the current situation, leading to the conclusions you need.

The “Goals and Objectives” section should have one main goal and several task-stages to achieve it. Proper formulation of tasks will make it easier to write the section “Methodology and calendar plan", since the completion of each task must be the completion of the next stage in the plan.

Pay special attention to the “Summarizing and Evaluation” section. Clearly state the expected results (tangible and intangible), linking them with the completion of task-stages. Use quantitative and qualitative evaluation indicators so that you can provide specific numbers of positive things that happened as a result of the project.

When preparing the Budget and Budget Explanation section, use the form provided by the grantmaker and only those cost items specified by the grantor. Please indicate the amounts including required taxes. Be sure to consult with an experienced accountant about what costs you may incur if you receive grant funding. It is also better to tie the budget to stages, since the grant giver often transfers funds in parts. Each expense item must be justified in the appropriate section of the application. Please indicate in this section: overall project, the amount of funds requested, the amount of available funds (at least 30% of total amount).

When starting the “Future” section, describe possible options for prolonging (continuing) the project, and also indicate at what cost this can be accomplished. Possible options: fundraising (attracting sponsorship) or self-sufficiency.

In the “Applications” section, place materials that can help create a favorable attitude towards the members of the commission. This could be illustrations, layouts, publications, documentary evidence of previous victories in similar competitions, results of implementation of others, and the like. Enlist the support of reputable people and organizations. Let them write “letters of support for the project”, where they indicate: that the project is of particular importance, and its author is well-deserved in a particular social environment; that, if funding is received, these people (organizations) are ready to take part in the implementation of the project to the best of their ability.

Start preparing a “Covering Letter” to the competition organizers. Don't forget to include your contact information. Make an inventory of the attached documents. Record a copy of the application on electronic media. Attach it to your application. Send a package of documents by registered mail with notification to the competition organizers in advance, so that if there are any shortcomings, they can be promptly corrected.


The most best idea, designed carelessly or incorrectly, risks remaining an idea. Be extremely careful when submitting your application to the requirements of the grant provider.

Helpful advice

1. Pay great attention to the name of the project. It must be both succinct (up to seven words) and understandable (express the main idea of ​​the application).
2. The “Resume” section of the application must be clearly checked and not contain anything superfluous.
3. Goals, objectives, calendar plan and budget must be linked to each other.
4. “Expected results” are usually written in the perfect tense as if the project has already been implemented and the results have been achieved.
5. The budget of the application must be justified and verified to the smallest detail. Take into account possible inflation and force majeure costs. Pay attention to which budget lines are allowed for payment. Be prepared to provide information about the resources at your disposal: material ( cash, infrastructure, equipment) and intangible ( human resources, fame).


  • The ABCs of Social Investment: Grant Writing Guidelines
  • grant writing examples

Grant– this is a certain amount of money provided to you by a Russian or international organization to implement a project that is of public value. Grant provided under the conditions stipulated by the grantor, free of charge. One of the necessary conditions for receiving it is a positive review of your application. Here you need to understand that there is always less money than there are people willing to receive it. Therefore, the winner is the one who compiled the best application for financing. At the same time, it is important to have a good understanding of the mechanism of the applicant selection process, as well as the psychology of the people carrying out this process.


When you already have a specific project, you need to fill out application in writing requesting a grant for this project. Just as a business firm draws up a business plan to convince investors to invest in a business, this one is needed to convince a grant giver to invest a certain amount in your project. An application differs from a business plan in that it seeks funds for a non-profit project, i.e. for a non-profit making business.

When drawing up an application, you need to keep in mind the goal: to convince grant providers (represented by the relevant committee, council of experts, commission) that your project has the necessary merits that have weight within the framework of any science: conceptual novelty, significant content and methodological rigor.

Under equal conditions, the winner is the application in which all three of these advantages are most clearly visible. Those. it must maximally comply not only with the necessary requirements for its writing, but also with the hidden expectations of the commission. It will also be very useful (especially in the case of applied and human sciences) to convincingly demonstrate the usefulness and importance for your country. Since most grant-giving foundations do this with the goal of helping the country as a whole. Therefore, the more clearly you demonstrate the significance of your project from this perspective, the better.

Composing application, be guided by the fact that it will look for answers to three main questions:
1. What new things will we learn as a result of the project?
2. Why do you need to know this?
3. How do we make sure that the conclusions drawn are correct?

It must be borne in mind that, as a rule, there are many applications, and the commission has little time to decide. And they are unlikely to look for hidden answers to these questions. Therefore, the presentation of your text should be clear and concise. Your best chance of getting attention is to fit all of these answers into the first paragraph, or at least on the first page. Be sure to take advantage of this chance. If your project is too complex to express the main idea in a few lines and can only be revealed gradually, still make an effort to say something that will be memorable to the reviewer, even after hours of reading other submissions. Perhaps it will be some special, catchy, non-standard statement. This will increase the chance that your project will attract attention.

Many applications are reviewed by multidisciplinary committees. Therefore, express your thoughts as clearly as possible, do not abuse professional slang, and use highly specialized terms only in cases where there are no analogues in common use. Focus on the main idea of ​​your project. Various details and additions, if you are sure that they are necessary in the application, are best placed in the appendices to make it easier to understand.

It will also be useful to give a short overview of the current state of affairs in your field of science and include as complete a bibliography as possible, highlighting the latest work in this area. In this case, you need to mention only what is directly related to your topic. Bibliographies are considered a sign scientific approach and the seriousness of the applicant, therefore special attention is often paid to them. A well-written bibliography shows that you have done serious preparatory work, and also made sure that your project will be a new word, and not a duplication of results already obtained by someone else.

Different sciences have their own methodological canons, and they often differ even within the same discipline. However, we can give two universal recommendations on how to make a positive impression with the “methodological equipment” of your application. First, tell us what kind of research you have done and how you plan to use the results in your project. Also explain how much time you plan to spend on this and how you will distribute it.

Secondly, use arguments in favor of the fact that solving these particular problems will advance you in solving the main problem of the project. Usually, the methods described in the application are very vague and vague. For example, phrases like “the relationship between X and Y will be considered” are common. What this means is completely unclear. Therefore, tell us in as much detail as possible what methods you intend to use to analyze the data, as well as what the criteria for the authenticity of the results will be in the end. The more clearly the reviewer understands exactly what, why and how you are going to do it, the more favorable it will affect the fate of your application.

A properly structured application, like a sonata, usually ends with a return to the original theme. How does the study and its results relate to the main problem? How will you determine whether your hypothesis was true? All this must be reflected in the application. Also indicate what will be the outcome of the project as a result: a dissertation, an article, or something else.

When writing a good application, you need to be aware that it won’t take 5 minutes. Therefore, do not put things off for a long time, start drawing up application for the grant in advance. After writing it, re-read it again with a fresh mind, especially the first paragraph and the final part, trying to see it through the eyes of the reviewers.


Any research requires funds. In Russia, a system has been developed for financing scientific projects grants, which are awarded to institutions on a competitive basis. In order to win a grant, you must submit an application to the fund providing the funds.

You will need

  • - a computer with a text editor;
  • - project plan;
  • - ability to clearly formulate thoughts;


Begin your application by writing a brief letter of request briefly describing the nature, content and importance of the application. The letter should be short, about 2-3 paragraphs. It must be signed by the head of the institution and the executive officer to show that the organization is interested in the research.

The next part of the application is the introduction. In it, introduce the founders of the organization in which you work. It is important to show that the organization is stable and reliable in financially and in terms of fulfilling obligations. Indicate the composition of grant executors, the number of persons with academic degrees, and students. Describe what the financial and material benefits are, and whether there is support from other financial funds. Please note what achievements there are in the field of this research, scientific articles, third party organizations about your activities. It is necessary to demonstrate the uniqueness of the research and the need for its implementation on the basis of this particular organization.

After the introduction, move on to the goals and objectives section. Describe the goals of the project. There may be few of them, but they must be important to the project. Next, list the tasks you set for yourself to achieve these goals. Use concise and clear language.

In the methods section, describe how you are going to solve the problems. Justify why you chose these particular techniques. Tell us about alternative methods and your experience of using them in similar projects.

The next section is job evaluation. Include a plan for evaluating results and progress.

The budget section is one of the most time-consuming in an application. In it, describe the plan for purchasing materials and equipment necessary for the implementation of the project, the plan for paying salaries to performers, and the travel plan. List all expense items in as much detail as possible. Please note that amounts must be realistic and not inflated. Asking for money less than the maximum grant amount will increase your chances of success.

If the project requires the involvement of third parties and organizations, mention this with an indication of the appropriate stage of work.


There is an opinion that it is better to write an application when some part of the work has already been done, and there is also an opportunity to purchase Consumables and equipment with funds from other sources. This is due to the fact that bureaucratic procedures when receiving grant money may drag on, and you will not have time to complete the project in time for the report.

Helpful advice

Usually state organizations create a list of guidelines for applying for a grant. If you are given such instructions, follow them carefully and pay attention to the recommended fonts and forms for sections of the application.

A social project is a creative measure to influence the present reality in order to achieve its desired state in the future. There are many definitions of projects, as well as many ways to construct them. However, the main and determining factor in this work is precisely the action taken by a group of like-minded people. And if you decide to participate in the life of society, to achieve some changes and results, you need to act according to plan.


Study public opinion in this social group where social is supposed to be implemented. Make an objective picture of the situation, systematize the research results, and draw conclusions.

Determine the reasons for the problem, based on them clearly outline the problem, and make specific changes to the situation.
Explore the capabilities of the team that will implement this project.

Define goals and objectives, consider target audience, to which it will be directed, and with which there will be close interaction in its implementation. Clearly formulate the goals of the program and, based on them, set specific tasks for participants.

Conduct explanatory and training seminars among project members, explain their responsibilities, develop a rating system and a list of indicators for the successful implementation of the program.

Bring to the attention of the public and administrative authorities the essence of the proposed project, its goals and benefits, in order to create a favorable environment for its implementation.

Video on the topic

A social project is a document that includes a rationale for a specific problem, proposed ways to solve it and a financing plan. The authors of the social project within the framework of various programs are both young people and people of the older generation.

You will need

  • - Social problem;
  • - solutions;
  • - extensive material on this topic;
  • - writing materials.


Most social services today involve volunteers and members charitable organizations. In other words, society itself participates in solving social problems. Therefore, to promote the idea, you can turn to like-minded people from public non-profit organizations.


  • How to write a social project correctly

Tip 7: How to learn to develop projects and receive grants

Most of the projects that are developed for scientific implementation cannot be fully provided by the state, which is why various types of projects are allocated grants. But in order to get them, you need to learn how to develop promising projects.


Make sure your university has good enough scientific base, which will allow you to develop valuable . It is rare that even senior students can independently explore significant areas of science because they do not have the experience to do so. Their work is mainly educational in nature. But there are exceptions to the rules, so you can always count on receiving grants for your work ().

Work out theoretical basis future research. For successful project It is always important to understand the purpose of its creation. What value will it provide? Answer this question. Also determine the methodology, objectives of the work and the plan for its writing (creation). It will be impossible to receive a reward if the grantor does not see the relevance of the research, its significance and application. Also, the work must have “scientific novelty.” This applies to all types of research.

Find a competent and experienced supervisor. Many departments and scientists working in them received at one time grants, region or government. This confirms their high . If you have such specialists, then you; if not, the chances of developing a good project and receiving a subsidy drop sharply.

Invite the most prominent scientist at the university to head science project. Show him how relevant the topic is and what benefits he will receive. Remember that you must have a good understanding of the nature of the study and the activities of the supervisor. That is, his previous works should be similar to your idea.

- Lilia, tell us about your experience project work and coaching activities.

I first learned what the public sector is in 2004, when the first project was implemented in my hometown. This happened thanks to cooperation with Ukrainian and English public organizations. I took part in the project as a member of the advisory council, being the head of the economics department of the district state administration. Social activities interested me, I started going to various trainings to learn more. In 2007, she completed training for trainer-consultants and began to engage in active social activities. The topics of my trainings are very wide: from writing project proposals, community activation to the basics of media literacy for residents. Regarding our own projects, now, together with Polish partners, we are implementing a project to develop a Strategic Development Plan for the Bashtansky United Territorial Community in the Nikolaev region, where I come from. The document should be prepared by September 2017.

- How to decide on the idea of ​​the project? Is it better to look for a competition for an idea or an idea for a competition?

In practice, it happens both ways. If there is a desire to bring something good to life and there are several people who can work together to realize this good thing, the plan becomes a reality.

- What role does the name of the project play?

Very important. The name of the project should clearly, succinctly and uniquely concentrate what you plan to do and what all this activity is intended to solve. Imagine that 100, 200, 300 projects can be submitted to competitions and they all have almost the same name. The ability to stand out is also important here.

- Which sections are usually included in a project and which of them should be given the most attention?

Each donor organization has its own application form. But the sections are actually important, everything from the project summary, information about the organization, description of the problem, definition of the goal and ending with tasks, activity plan, budget and applications.

Who is easier to receive and implement a grant: organizations or to an individual? Does the success of the project depend on the number of people involved in the project?

Individuals are mainly supported in the form of scholarships to study something, to conduct research work, and for the implementation of larger-scale projects - very rarely. For example, an initiative group of residents may become an exception. The vast majority of donor organizations work with public non-profit organizations. There are also opportunities for attracting extra-budgetary resources for local governments.

If we talk about the number of people covered by the project’s activities, that is, about the target group of the project, then the donor organization is interested in ensuring that, within the available budget, the coverage and involvement of the target group is as much as possible. It’s worth talking about the success of a project when our goal towards project activities, has already been achieved.

- How should you proceed if the project fails or the results do not meet expectations?

If you submit a project application, it provides for the implementation of a specific action plan that will solve the problem that you describe in this application. Yes, it happens that not everything can be accomplished, or what we did did not lead to a solution to the problem, etc. It is difficult to advise what to do if such a situation arises. I think each specific case should be considered separately, but such situations do exist. Subsequently, this makes it much more difficult to support your next project, even from another donor organization, because they may be interested in feedback from cooperation with you.

Therefore, I would advise you to clearly prepare projects, and then implement them conscientiously, and everything will be fine.

- Is finance the reason for writing a project?

A project is written to solve some problem that worries many residents of a village or city, and getting money cannot be the goal of the project. We often come across phrases, especially among officials, like: “we received 10 computers worth 100 thousand UAH,” and sometimes also: “we spent 100 thousand UAH.” This is, of course, good, but it is worth focusing on the fact that, for example, 250 school students had the opportunity to practice their computer skills thanks to the installation of a computer class.

The goal of the project is, first of all, to focus on solving the problem; these are changes that we can make in the community by introducing an action plan, which, in fact, is provided for in the project.

There are small and very significant grants. Should people who are just starting out in grant work apply to competitions that involve large sums of money? Or is it better to limit yourself to small budgets?

I can tell you from my own experience: if your organization is very young, then you should start with a small amount. This way you will gain certain skills, which will be very useful. Then, when you decide to work with large sums, the experience gained will be able to confirm that you already have successful experience in implementing project activities.

Also, to gain experience, you can first work as a partner in a large public organization that has successfully implemented many projects. This will also be an advantage, as opposed to your lack of experience at all.

But it is worth remembering that there are competitions where it is clearly stated that only organizations registered, for example, no later than 2014 can participate. If your organization was registered in 2015, then it cannot take part in this competition, either with or without experience.

Donor organizations often specify the clause “own contribution”. Does this mean that the authors of the project must contribute part of the funds themselves, or is there something else in mind?

Own contribution can indicate not only funds, but, most often, the work of activists on a volunteer basis, the presence of their own equipment, the provision of materials by activists for the implementation of the project (for example, paint for arranging a playground, etc.). But the information needs to be clarified in each specific case with the donor organization whose competition interests you.

- What should you do when the planned budget for the implementation of the project is not enough?

Typically, you have the amount of funding that was specified in the grant agreement. It is also important to understand why you did not have enough funds. Did you calculate your budget incorrectly? Have you planned one number of events or participants, but now you want more? The donor organization must be notified of all such cases.

If you want to do large quantity activities than were provided for in the budget, you will get a wonderful opportunity to practice attracting resources from other sources, for example, from residents whose problem this project is aimed at solving, from entrepreneurs who are open to implementing socially important projects. You can contact your city or village council. It's about not only about funds, but, for example, also about the free provision of equipment, volunteer work of activists, etc.

Have you personally encountered denial of grants? How to come to terms with the refusal of a donor organization and continue working?

Of course, there were refusals, but we must take them calmly. Yes, it’s a pity for the time and effort, but such situations exist. They keep you on your toes and don’t allow you to get too cocky and encourage you to constantly improve. Defeat should be taken as an opportunity to improve your idea or project for the next competitions.

- What could you wish for people who do not dare to start project work?

There is such a good story about the Master and the student. One day a student asked the Master: “Master, how long will it take to wait for changes?” and received the answer: “If you wait, it will take a long time.”

We all have different reasons for not doing anything, ranging from explanations “this is a matter for the city or village council, they were elected - let them do it” and our own everyday problems that require our time, ending with simply uncertainty in own strength. But all these factors hold us back from starting something new, important for many, and not just for ourselves.

The reasons we justify our passivity are actually worth understanding. But it’s worth looking around and asking yourself, do I want the rest of my life to be like this? Or am I okay with everything? I live here, my children live here and I want me to be comfortable in my city or village! If from the fact that I start some kind of important project, someone else will feel better - that’s great, but I will feel better too. Therefore, I wish people who would like to do something, but have not yet dared, to start! You deserve good changes!

The introduction of project work in the Chernihiv region and the activation of the population to participate in various grant competitions is one of the tasks charitable foundation"The future of Chernihiv region." To date, the foundation has already held training forums in several communities in the region, where everyone could learn how to write grant projects.

Participants of the forums (and not only them) were able to apply knowledge in practice and participated in a grant competition from the charitable foundation “Future of Chernihiv Region”. In total, more than 60 projects were submitted to the competition, 21 authors received a grant to implement the proposed idea. And this is just the beginning - residents of the Chernihiv region are ready to continue developing their hometowns and villages.