Design as a field of professional activity presentation. Stages of professional development

Technology and people are inseparable. Man's ability to make tools is what made him a man. Therefore, history and philosophy cannot avoid the question of the essence of technology, and in modern society technology rightfully occupies one of the leading places. For a long time, the very combination of the words philosophy and technology seemed contradictory, since the first of them is the personification of the theoretical mastery of reality, and the second – practical. However, today it is clear that without theoretical research such a rapid development of technology would have been impossible, and without a philosophical and social understanding of technology, modern philosophical research would not be complete.

There is a huge research area in the philosophy of technology - engineering and design. In life modern society Engineering is playing an increasingly important role. Problems of practical use of scientific knowledge, increasing efficiency scientific research today bring engineering activities to the forefront of the entire economy and modern culture. Current stage of development engineering activities characterized by a systematic approach to solving complex scientific and technical problems, addressing the entire complex of social, humanities, natural and technical disciplines.

The isolation of design and its penetration into related areas related to the solution of complex sociotechnical problems led to a crisis of traditional engineering thinking and the development of new forms of engineering and design culture, the emergence of new systemic and methodological orientations, and the emergence of humanitarian methods of cognition and mastery of reality.

1. The concepts of “philosophy of technology”, “technology”, “design”

Technology in the twentieth century becomes the subject of study of various disciplines, both technical, natural and social, both general and private. The ever-increasing specialization in technology stimulates the opposite process of development of general technical disciplines. Due to the penetration of technology into all spheres of life in modern society, many social sciences, primarily sociology and psychology, turn to a special analysis of technical development. That is, technology became the subject of special analysis and research, which led to the emergence of an independent discipline of philosophy of technology. The term “philosophy of technology” was first introduced into the Russian lexicon by the engineer-theorist Pyotr Klementievich Engelmeyer in the 90s of the 19th century.

Philosophy of technology explores:

1) The phenomenon of technology in general;

2) Place in social development;

3) A broad historical perspective of technology.

From an objective point of view, the term “technology” denotes a set of material means created by man to facilitate and increase the productivity of human activity. That is, technology is a world of tools, machines and automata created by man and serving man. In this case, the concept of “technology” refers to “technical objects” that are the result of material production and serve to satisfy various human (social) needs, emphasizing only the object aspects of technology.

On the subjective side, “technology” is a body of knowledge, experience, the ability to create or organize certain activities necessary for the creation of technical objects and methods of their use. Subjective aspects of technology are associated with work activity a person, which is characterized by the fact that the expected result of this activity is created, first of all, ideally, in the form of an idea, plan, project and then in real form.

From the dialectical unity of both sides of technology it follows that with the help of technology man transforms not only the objective world for a more effective use, but also himself, expanding his abilities, knowledge, increasing the level of his knowledge of objective reality. This gives rise to the concept of “design” as a purposeful activity, the purpose of which is the formulation and modeling of a representation:

About future activities (productive or non-productive) intended to satisfy

About social and personal needs;

About the future final result;

About the future consequences that arise as a result of the creation and operation of its product.

That. design is necessary integral part technical, economic and material development of society, since it predetermines the goals of achieving certain economic results. The isolation of design and its penetration into related areas related to the solution of sociotechnical problems has led to the development of new forms of engineering and design culture, the emergence of new forms of engineering and design culture, and the emergence of new systemic and methodological orientations. In accordance with this, three main sections of design are considered:

1) classical engineering;

2) systems engineering;

3) sociotechnical (humanitarian);

2. Engineering design

Design as a special type of engineering activity was formed at the beginning of the twentieth century and was initially associated with the activities of draftsmen and the need for an accurate graphic representation of the engineer’s plan for its transmission to performers in production. However, gradually this activity is connected with scientific and technical calculations on the drawing of the main parameters of the future technical system, its preliminary research.

In engineering design, a distinction should be made between “internal” and “external” design. The first is associated with the creation of working drawings (technical and detailed designs), which serve as the main documents for the manufacture of a technical system in production; the second is aimed at developing the general idea of ​​the system, its study using theoretical tools developed in the relevant technical science. Design should be distinguished from construction. For design activity, the starting point is the social order, i.e. the need to create certain objects. The product of design activity, in contrast to design activity, is expressed in a special symbolic form - in the form of texts, drawings, tables, etc. The result of design activity is a prototype, with the help of which the calculations carried out in the project and the structural and technical characteristics of the designed technical system are specified.

In the engineering field, the design process is often contrasted and compared with research and development to show their similarities and differences. Another design development trend involves the analysis and modeling of practical human activities, management processes and decision making. The decision-making process is based on statistical decision theory, decision theory in conflict situations, operations analysis and operations research methods, optimization method, etc.

The next trend is closely related to the problem of innovation, to the problems of scientific and technical changes. In this regard, it is necessary to mention Kuhn's study of the structure scientific revolutions and analysis of the functions of paradigms in the development of scientific thinking. These trends do not appear in isolation during the design process, but are the result of the activities of an interdisciplinary design team. The activities of such a group put forward special requirements for the nature of the synthesis of various scientific and engineering disciplines, different criteria systems.

The following trends are characteristic of modern design activity:

a) expanding the range of information that is taken into account during the design process. Today it is necessary to take into account the wide connections and relationships of systems, a large number of different professional fields, which are focused on design activities. This trend is also manifested in the creation of multi-purpose data banks and automated systems. Complex projects provide the opportunity for multi-purpose use of data across different phases of the design process and subsequent phases of use;

b) the increasing complexity and mathematical difficulty of engineering calculations during the design process. This trend is driven by the need for more detailed analysis and computer simulation of major components. In the field of application of computer theory, two new areas have recently emerged - data processing and scientific and technical calculations;

c) the complexity of the design process puts forward an urgent need for its special research, simulation, and testing the possibility of various options for planned solutions. This gives rise to a set of technical information and other requirements included in the assessment activities;

d) the predictive side of the project. Design activities must be scientifically and technically justified based on the latest research and development results available here and now. But at the same time, the designer must always take into account the more or less distant future, the future. That is, design is increasingly shifting from the empirically given world to the area of ​​“possible worlds” that can both improve and worsen the situation existing in our modern world.

3. System design.

System design includes 3 main sections:

1) stages of system development;

2) description of the sequence of phases and operations of systems engineering activities;

3) analysis of design from the point of view of cooperation of works and specialists.

1. Stages of system development.

The stages of system development are divided in accordance with the system engineering activities of the facility. During design, the idea of ​​a complex technical system changes. There is a consistent concretization of the models of this system. Typically, when designing technical systems, general procedural rules for creating systems on various material bases are presented. First, the process of synthesizing a functional model of a system is considered, and then its transformation into a structural model (or its implementation). Each stage is associated with certain means of graphical and symbolic representation of the system. Here certain intermediate transformations can be introduced (operations that each element of the system performs in relation to the flow of the process). For example, algebraic models can be used as functional models. Structural models are divided into substance flow diagrams and block diagrams. The diagram shows the sequence of operations (in more detail than in the functional model, where a strict sequence is not followed) and provides a minimum of information about the plan for building the system: identification of elements and connection diagrams. The block diagram shows the form of the substance at the input of one and the output of another element.

Functional models can be obtained in three ways.

1. The prototype of the system is given in the form of a block diagram.

2. In the form of a sequence of instructions. A flow diagram of a substance can be obtained from a block diagram, and from it a functional model can be obtained. From the sequence of instructions, diagrams are first constructed for various groups of instructions, which are then combined into a single functional model.

3. There is no prototype of the system. A functional model is obtained either in the form of analogies, or the problem is reduced to subsystems, or the model is compiled by modifying some elements of the available system.

4. If the model cannot be obtained by any of the above, then at the implementation stage the functional model is presented in the form of a flow diagram. By rearranging the blocks from the functional model, multiple flow diagrams are obtained. To implement these diagrams, the designer needs a catalog of elements from which system ones are selected that have similar properties to the idealized elements of flow diagrams. The result is a block diagram corresponding to technical specifications terms of reference.

To create a system, no single description is sufficient; a combination of a block diagram, a flow diagram, and a functional model is required. During the design process, they are constantly adjusted by returning to previous stages. The result is a holistic description of the system, the components of which complement each other. When dividing system design in accordance with the structure of the technical system, the following stages are distinguished: macro design (external design) and micro design (internal design) and environmental design, which is associated with the formulation of system goals.

The micro level includes a system view of the various activities involved in the design process. At this level of analysis they are differentiated in different ways, for example:

Depending on the subjects of individual types of activity (design teams, institutes or legal entities etc.). Subjects can be further divided according to their professions - designer, researchers, managers, etc.;

Depending on the type of individual activities. Technology of activities can be done and detailed different ways depending on the nature of the design process as a whole. For example, if a network schedule of construction, investment and design activities is being built, two types of activities are distinguished: operational (survey, cognitive, design) and evaluative decision-making activities (approval, evaluation, etc.). This model highlights the second type of activity.

The separation of subjects and types of activities involved in the design process can increase the adequacy and semantic culture of those macromodels that are most often used at this level.

Micro level analyzes individual species activities included in the design process. For this level, the concept of “activity” is important, as well as the various modeling capabilities included in the design process. This means that the possibilities for modeling various types of activity are represented by mathematical and semantic information theories, developed in close connection with theories of decision making. Analysis tools that are based on economic models are very progressive. They are needed:

To achieve the planned goal at the desired level, in the desired quantity;

To achieve this goal with minimal losses, expenses, required prices, etc.

The next level of analysis is the analysis of information processes. The connection between individual blocks of activity can be effective with the help of certain linguistic means expressing the corresponding initial or derived data, goals and requirements associated with the problem under consideration, etc. Data forms should provide not only multi-purpose use, but also the transformation of data from one form to another (for example digital, graphic, etc.). In the analysis of information processes in design activities, a tendency appears that is characterized as an information explosion. If we understand information as a property of data that can lead to a decrease in the initial level of entropy, then this phenomenon means the growth of a data field, of which only some are capable of implementing information function. That. During design, a complex process of transforming data into information occurs, which includes the selection of essential data and the omission of unimportant ones.

2. Phases and operations of system design.

This way of describing system design consists of identifying a sequence of phases in it, and in these phases themselves a chain of actions, or generalized operations. Typically, systems engineering activities are divided into the following five phases:

Preparation of technical specifications;




Sometimes a "disposal" phase is added due to the possible environmental consequences of this process. At each phase of systems engineering activity, the same sequence of generalized operations is performed: analysis of the problem situation, synthesis of solutions, assessment and selection of alternatives, modeling, adjustment and implementation of the solution. Systems engineering design as a sequence of phases, steps and tasks can be presented in the following table:

3. Cooperation of works and specialists in systems engineering

System engineering design is a complex type of activity that includes a large number of performers and functions. Its goal is to organize all the work and specialists involved in this development. The systems engineering group can be organized:

1) as a staff group under the project manager (provides plans and program management);

2) as a linear group headed by the project manager, who is its immediate supervisor (functions in all parts of the project organization);

3) as a disaggregated group consisting of equipment group leaders who meet to perform design tasks for the system as a whole;

4) as a separate linear organization on equal terms with groups of equipment, quickly switching from one equipment to another;

5) as a separate design bureau;

If not large quantities The best organization of projects is (1), with a large number - (4).

Thus, today design can no longer rely on technical sciences. The entry of engineering activities into the sphere of socio-technical and socio-economic developments led to the isolation of design into an independent field and its transformation into systems engineering, aimed at the design of human (for example, management) activities, and not just the development of machine components. This results in engineering and design activities being reversed. While traditional engineering design is an integral part of engineering activities, systems engineering may exclude (for example, when creating new machine components) or not include engineering activities. The scope of systems engineering is expanding to include all areas of social practice (service, teaching, management, etc.), not just industrial production. Socio-technical design is being formed, the task of which is to purposefully change social and organizational structures.

4. Socio-technical design.

The new state of the art in systems engineering is the design of activity systems. Therefore here we're talking about about sociotechnical (as opposed to systems engineering) design, where the main attention should be paid not to machine components, but to human activity, its social and psychological aspects. However, designers often use old tools and inadequate ideas.

First of all, sociotechnical design is characterized by humanitarization. Design itself becomes the source of the formation of design technology and thereby enters the sphere of cultural and historical activity. In addition, the sphere itself acts as a design object project activities(“design design”). A special methodological layer is formed aimed at developing standards and prescribed for design procedures, and a theoretical layer that provides methodologists with knowledge about these procedures.

Sociotechnical design is design without prototypes and is focused on the implementation of ideals that are formed in a theoretical field or in the culture at large. It can be characterized as a special project movement, consisting of various types of activities: production, operational, traditional design, etc. Design is closely intertwined with planning, management, programming, forecasting and organizational activities. However, although the field of design includes many types of activities, it leaves constructive tasks in the foreground, subordinating all others to them.

If we consider the main problems of socio-technical design using the example of urban planning, then the task of implementation is especially acute there, when individual stages of project implementation are clarified on the basis of the experience of functioning of the blocks of the designed system already completed at previous stages. In this regard, a complex problem arises of organizing and reorganizing the design activity itself, the design process (more precisely, the cycle). This function is performed by a design methodology that ensures the connection of design with other areas (for example, production and consumption), taking into account the dynamics of each of these areas. In urban planning, the living space of a district or block, human flows and the placement of elements of public services remain out of sight of the customer at the time the facility is put into operation. What appears before him is only a collection of buildings, asphalt roads, etc., and this entire complex must meet more or less clear technical and aesthetic requirements. However, this does not mean that the latter requirements exist in reality and the former do not. On the contrary, the shortcomings of the project authors are most directly felt by residents and affect their performance and well-being. Here social and psychological aspects come into force that are not registered from the point of view of the engineering position, which was based only on natural scientific knowledge and ideas. Therefore, representatives of modern scientific and technical disciplines seek support in a general systems approach, from which they draw basic concepts and ideas. However, most often, engineering and technical specialists do not find ready-made intellectual tools in a sufficiently developed form and are themselves forced to become methodologists of a certain (specific scientific) level, completing the missing theoretical schemes of their discipline.

Based on the example of systems design (artistic design), the following trends have currently emerged. Design should not merely complement engineering design. It is a more developed form of design. The designer performs several professional functions at once:

1) acts as a researcher acting in accordance with the norms of scientific and theoretical activity;

2) performs the functions of a design engineer and methodologist, considering the product of his activities as a project;

3) is an artist who inherits and aesthetically transforms all the achievements of the previous artistic culture in order to create a new work of art.

This diversity of professional roles blurs the lines between research and design, knowledge acquisition and its use, between knowledge and activity. In some cases, the designer performs only auxiliary functions as a designer in a group of designers, in others he plays a leading role, controlling all the parameters of the thing being designed. In addition, the organization of the design process falls into the scope of design. Because she herself organizational structure becomes the subject of comprehension, modeling and programming, an integral part of the design object.

From the above examples it is clear that sociotechnical design differs significantly not only from traditional engineering, but also from systems engineering activities. Socio-technical design goes beyond the traditional scheme of “science - engineer - production” and is closed on a wide variety of types of social practice (for example, training, service, etc.), where the classical engineering installation ceases to operate, and sometimes has a negative meaning. All this leads to a change in the very content of design activity, which breaks through the narrow framework of engineering activity that has become narrow for it and becomes an independent sphere of modern culture.

The sociotechnical setting of modern design influences all areas of engineering activity. This is expressed primarily in the recognition of the need for social and environmental assessment of technology, in the awareness of the enormous degree social responsibility engineer and designer.

5. The problem of responsibility and technology.

“The first and most general condition of responsibility is the ability to cause, that is, the ability of an acting person (agent) to influence the world; second, the agent’s ability to control his actions; third, that he can to some extent foresee their results. The presence of these necessary conditions makes it possible to talk about responsibility.” (Hans Jonas)

Back in 1906 Henry Gosley Prout, a former military engineer, speaking to the Cornell Association of Civil Engineers, expressed the following thought: “Engineers, more than anyone else, will lead mankind forward... engineers... have a responsibility such as mankind has never faced.” An engineer is obliged to listen not only to the voice of scientific technical specialists and the voice of his own conscience, but also to public opinion, especially if the results of his work can affect the health and lifestyle of people, etc. No references to economic, technical or even government feasibility can justify the social, moral, and environmental damage that may result from the implementation of certain projects. Their open discussion, explanation of advantages and disadvantages, objective criticism in the general press, social expertise and the promotion of alternative projects are becoming the most important attribute of modern life.

The initial goal of engineering is to serve man and satisfy his needs and needs. However, modern technology is often used to harm people. This applies not only to the use of technology for the targeted destruction of people, but also to the daily operation of engineering devices. If the engineer and designer did not foresee that, along with accurate economic and clear technical requirements operation, the requirements for safe, silent, convenient, environmentally friendly use of engineering devices must also be met, then from a means of serving people, technology can become hostile to humans. This feature of the modern situation highlights the problem of ethics and social responsibility of the engineer and designer to society and individuals.

Today, humanity is in a situation where inattention to the problems of introducing new technology can lead to irreversible negative results for the entire civilization and the earth's biosphere. In addition, we are at a stage of scientific and technological development when such consequences can and must be foreseen and minimized already in the early stages of developing new technology. In the face of a very real environmental disaster that could result from human activity, it is necessary to rethink the very idea of ​​scientific, technical and socio-economic progress. There are now practical changes in the structure of engineering activities that, at least partially, allow society to control the consequences technical projects in foreseeable future.

So, in 1972 In the United States, a technology assessment law was passed. This law provided for the creation of the Bureau of Technology Assessment, whose task was to provide senators and congressmen with objective information in this area. The main tasks of the bureau are:

1) identify existing or foreseeable consequences of technology and technological programs;

2) establish cause-and-effect relationships;

3) show alternatives technical methods for the implementation of specific programs;

4) show alternative programs to achieve the required goals;

5) begin to evaluate and compare the effects of alternative methods and programs;

6) present the results of the completed analysis to the responsible legislative authorities;

7) identify areas in which additional research or data collection is required to provide sufficient support to evaluate what is identified in paragraphs (1) through (5) of this subsection;

8) carry out additional related activities.

Thus, technology assessment is becoming an integral part of engineering today. Sometimes technology assessment is also called socio-humanitarian (socio-economic, socio-ecological, etc.) examination of technical projects. Assessing technology, or assessing the consequences of technology, is an interdisciplinary task and requires the training of generalists with not only scientific and technical, but also social and humanitarian knowledge. However, this does not mean that the responsibility of the individual ordinary engineer is reduced - on the contrary, collective activity must be combined with individual responsibility.


The design process is a special type of human activity. Design objects can include both material (industrial buildings, machines, etc.) and intangible objects (social design). At the same time, the design process itself is intangible, characterized as an information-processing activity of creating information planning models technical work, technical innovations and the development of many methods, tools and procedures for their implementation.

Current trend improving the design process lies in design automation. Because the modern design process is not simply about preparation project documentation. There is a comprehensive system design, which includes the areas of knowledge of objects, social need for them, assessment of their feasibility and assessment of the consequences of putting them into operation. Only such a systematic methodological analysis of the design process, involving an interdisciplinary approach, can become a successful introduction to design automation and make such design effective.


1. L. Tondl, I. Peisha, Methodological aspects of system design. - “Questions of Philosophy”, 1982, No. 10, p. 87.

2. Philosophy of science and technology: Textbook. Benefit./V. S. Stepin, V. G. Gorokhov, M. A. Rozov. - M.: Contact - Alpha, 1995. - 384 p.

3. Mitcham K., What is the philosophy of technology? / Per. from English Ed. V. G. Gorokhova. – M.: Aspect Press, 1995. 149 p.

4. Modern philosophy Sciences. – M.: Nauka, 1994 – 254 p.

5. Good G. H., Makol R. E. Systems Engineering. Introduction to large system design. – M.: Nauka, 1962.

6. Engelmeyer P.K. Problems of the philosophy of technology / Bulletins of the Polytechnic Society. 1913. No. 2. P. 113.

7. Ridler A. Goals of higher technical schools / Bulletins of the Polytechnic Society. 1901. No. 3. P. 133.

8. Tondl L. Relation of preference. In the book: “Questions of cybernetics No. 90. Cybernetics and mathematical logic.” M., 1984, p. 147-169.

9. Engelmeyer P.K. In defense of general ideas in technology / Bulletin of Engineers. 1915. No. 3. P.99.

Most of us choose a helping profession because we are socially active or because a sense of connection with other people is very important to us. Most often, when choosing this profession, a person is driven not so much by financial considerations as by ideological ones.

The way people get into the profession often determines the process of becoming a profession, its beginning, how a person will adapt to the profession, whether it will go through a crisis or smoothly. However, in professional development Every person goes through certain stages. Let's remember them.

Stages professional development

A person manifests and shapes himself through activity, including through professional activity. Possibility of crises, failures in development professional activity occupying an important or leading place in a person’s life is a psychological pattern. Crises and turning points are obligatory companions of any living development. Depending on the circumstances, these periods can pass in different ways - smoothed or sharp, mild or aggravated, short-term or long-term, and finally, they can lead to professional development or professional destruction.

Professional development is a dynamic multi-level process consisting of four main stages:

1) Formation of professional intentions. Development during the period of “choosing a profession,” designing a professional “start” and life path is defined as the optant stage. This is the stage of conscious preparation for “life”, for work, the stage of planning, designing a professional life path.

The optant stage ends with the formation of a mental new formation specific to it in the self-awareness of the subject of activity. A realistic idea of ​​a certain “referent” professional community is formed, into which the optant includes himself in the future. Are being formed professional plans, appropriate conscious, independent, specific and fairly firm decisions are made.

2) Vocational training. Stage of development during vocational training and further development of a professional - in different cases it occurs at the age of 15 - 18 or 16 - 23 years. The young man psychologically became a more or less pronounced adherent of a certain professional community. This period may be called the stage or phase of the adept. Adepts include students of different levels and types of professional education.

Of course, if we consider the many years of training of a professional, then it is necessary to distinguish between those who are in the first, second, etc. years of study. During the period of professional education, very significant changes occur in self-awareness, personality orientation, awareness, skill and other aspects of individuality; there are specific “developmental crises” and the need for psychological support in becoming a professional.

In general, at this time there is a development of a system of basic value concepts that characterize a given professional community and cultivated in it, mastery of special knowledge, skills, abilities, necessary and important both for a successful professional start, for future professional activities, and in everyday life. Professionally important personal qualities are developed, and systems of these qualities are structured. Professional suitability is formed, understood as a systemic organization of the subject and object (the subject in a professional specific environment) and expressed in a combination of educational and professional success, labor activity with satisfaction in the chosen path.

  • 3) The stage of professional adaptation is represented by the following stages:
    • - stage of adaptation, “getting used to” young specialist to work. A professional at this stage can be called an adapter. At this stage, the young specialist becomes accustomed to and adapts to the professional environment. A professional is directly faced with the need to enter into many of the subtleties of professional activity, which a young specialist may have known about only from the words of his teachers. Coping strategies are being formed that allow the professional to cope with the inevitable difficulties and traumatic circumstances of professional activity. As a rule, the adaptation stage lasts from one to three years. The stage of entering the profession is extremely dangerous for a professional from the point of view of the formation of professional destruction. At this stage, it is important for a young specialist to have a mentor. This could be a scientific supervisor or an experienced colleague in the team.
    • - internal stage. A professional at this stage can be called an experienced specialist who is confident in the correctness of his chosen professional path and loves his work. He has sufficient experience to independently and with sufficient efficiency solve the main professional tasks. The specialist’s colleagues evaluate him as a professional who has his own achievements and has found his place in the profession.
  • 4) Partial or complete realization of personality in professional work represented by the following stages:
    • - the stage of the master, mastery, which will continue further, and the characteristics of the remaining stages are, as it were, summed up with its characteristics. A professional can already solve both simple and the most difficult professional problems. He has acquired his own specific, individual, unique style of professional activity, and his results are stable. He already has experience in unique solutions to a number of problems. At this stage, the professional, as a rule, has formal indicators highly qualified and significant authority among colleagues.
    • - the stage of authority, like the stage of mastery, is summed up with the next one. A professional at this stage can safely be called a master of his craft. This is a well-known specialist in the professional circle; perhaps his fame goes beyond the scope of his professional activities. He has high formal indicators, perhaps he is a leader, has awards, distinctions, there is a circle of colleagues who turn to him for advice, support or advice. As a rule, this stage occurs at an age when a decrease in performance associated with age-related changes and various somatic diseases is already evident; however, professional experience, developed effective strategies for solving professional problems, and the presence of assistants make it possible to successfully compensate for these unfavorable changes.
    • - the stage of a mentor, mentoring in a broad sense, occurs when a circle of like-minded people gathers around an authoritative master, who consciously share the master’s approach to solving professional problems; it is possible that these are specialists of other specializations, representing other departments, or other related specialties. People begin to imitate an authoritative master, sometimes unconsciously, and “legends” and anecdotes about the master arise, indicating that this professional in the minds of most colleagues is inseparable from ideas about the professional community, and sometimes determines these ideas. Colleagues are eager to get acquainted with the master’s experience and adopt this experience; he has students. Maybe the master heads a scientific direction and organization. This is the period when a professional, going beyond the boundaries of his profession, comes to philosophical generalizations, which allows him to expand the context of professional activity and find innovative solutions to the most difficult professional problems.

Professional development is not only improvement, but also destruction, destruction, and deformation. This means that professional development has both gains and losses. The development of a specialist goes through a series of development crises that arise during the transition from one stage to another. Successful resolution of crises is accompanied by finding new meanings of professional activity. Even if a professional is aware of the need for crises in development, such periods are accompanied by the experience of tension, anxiety, dissatisfaction and other negative states. Of course, these periods are described by professionals as difficult, difficult, and sometimes the effectiveness of professional activities decreases.

Most of us choose a helping profession because we are socially active or because a sense of connection with other people is very important to us. Most often, when choosing this profession, a person is driven not so much by financial considerations as by ideological ones.

Now I suggest you draw your “life path”: unfold the sheet horizontally (landscape sheet), draw a horizontal line on it. This is your life path, the path of your life. In the middle of it, mark the present time with a dot, to the left of it are important events in the past, signing the dates of the events, to the right - possible events in the future.

- Which facts from life – professional or personal – prevail?

- What, in your opinion, plays a big role in life?

Life is not always a profession, but a profession is life. Therefore, let’s highlight the “Professional Life Path” from your general “Life Path”. We draw a second horizontal line, in the center we mark the present moment, the position that you occupy now, and also on the left up to the present moment, mark the events that are important from a professional point of view and sign the dates of these events and their names.

Look at these lines, at your life and professional paths.

- Which events are more important – personal or professional?

- Are personal and professional events interconnected?

- What events were these?

Let's remember how your professional life as a rescuer began. After all, the professional path begins not from the first day of work, but from the moment when we think about a new profession for us. What determined your professional choice? The lifeguard profession became a continuation of your sports hobbies (scuba diving, rock climbing). Your choice was determined by the example of a friend, or an inner desire to help people, or perhaps the prestige of the profession, or for other reasons?

The way people get into the profession often determines the process of becoming a profession, its beginning, how a person will adapt to the profession, whether it will go through a crisis or smoothly. However, in professional development, each person goes through certain stages. Let's remember them.

Stages of professional development

A person manifests and shapes himself through activity, including through professional activity. The possibility of crises, failures in the development of professional activities that occupy an important or leading place in a person’s life is a psychological pattern. Crises and turning points are obligatory companions of any living development. Depending on the circumstances, these periods can pass in different ways - smoothed or sharp, mild or aggravated, short-term or long-term, and finally, they can lead to professional development or professional destruction.

Professional development is a dynamic multi-level process consisting of four main stages:

1) Formation of professional intentions. Development during the period of “choosing a profession,” designing a professional “start” and life path is defined as the optant stage. This is the stage of conscious preparation for “life”, for work, the stage of planning, designing a professional life path.

The optant stage ends with the formation of a mental new formation specific to it in the self-awareness of the subject of activity. A realistic idea of ​​a certain “referent” professional community is formed, into which the optant includes himself in the future. Professional plans are formed, appropriate conscious, independent, specific and fairly firm decisions are made.

2) Vocational training. The stage of development during the period of vocational training and further formation of a professional - in different cases, occurs at the age of 15 - 18 or 16 - 23 years. The young man psychologically became a more or less pronounced adherent of a certain professional community. This period may be called the stage or phase of the adept. Adepts include students of different levels and types of professional education.

Of course, if we consider the many years of training of a professional, then it is necessary to distinguish between those who are in the first, second, etc. years of study. During the period of professional education, very significant changes occur in self-awareness, personality orientation, awareness, skill and other aspects of individuality; there are specific “developmental crises” and the need for psychological support in becoming a professional.

In general, at this time there is a development of a system of basic value concepts that characterize a given professional community and cultivated in it, mastery of special knowledge, skills, abilities, necessary and important both for a successful professional start, for future professional activities, and in everyday life. Professionally important personal qualities are developed, and systems of these qualities are structured. Professional suitability is formed, understood as a systemic organization of the subject and object (the subject in a specific professional environment) and expressed in the combination of success in educational, professional, and work activities with satisfaction in the chosen path.

3) Stage professional adaptation represented by the following stages:

    stage of adaptation, “getting used to” of a young specialist to work. A professional at this stage can be called an adapter. At this stage, the young specialist becomes accustomed to and adapts to the professional environment. A professional is directly faced with the need to enter into many of the subtleties of professional activity, which a young specialist may have known about only from the words of his teachers. Coping strategies are being formed that allow the professional to cope with the inevitable difficulties and traumatic circumstances of professional activity. As a rule, the adaptation stage lasts from one to three years. The stage of entering the profession is extremely dangerous for a professional from the point of view of the formation of professional destruction. At this stage, it is important for a young specialist to have a mentor. This could be a scientific supervisor or an experienced colleague in the team.

    internal stage. A professional at this stage can be called an experienced specialist who is confident in the correctness of his chosen professional path and loves his work. He has sufficient experience to independently and with sufficient efficiency solve basic professional tasks. The specialist’s colleagues evaluate him as a professional who has his own achievements and has found his place in the profession.

    Partial or complete realization of personality in professional work represented by the following stages:

    the stage of a master, mastery, which will continue further, and the characteristics of the remaining stages are, as it were, summed up with its characteristics. A professional can already solve both simple and the most difficult professional problems. He has acquired his own specific, individual, unique style of professional activity, and his results are stable. He already has experience in unique solutions to a number of problems. At this stage, a professional, as a rule, has formal indicators of high qualifications and significant authority among colleagues.

    The stage of authority, like the stage of mastery, is summed up with the next one. A professional at this stage can safely be called a master of his craft. This is a well-known specialist in the professional circle; perhaps his fame goes beyond the scope of his professional activities. He has high formal indicators, perhaps he is a leader, has awards, distinctions, there is a circle of colleagues who turn to him for advice, support or advice. As a rule, this stage occurs at an age when a decrease in performance associated with age-related changes and various somatic diseases is already evident; however, professional experience, developed effective strategies for solving professional problems, and the presence of assistants make it possible to successfully compensate for these unfavorable changes.

    The stage of a mentor, mentoring in a broad sense, occurs when a circle of like-minded people gathers around an authoritative master who consciously share the master’s approach to solving professional problems, perhaps these are specialists of other specializations, representing other departments, or other related specialties. People begin to imitate an authoritative master, sometimes unconsciously, and “legends” and anecdotes about the master arise, indicating that this professional in the minds of most colleagues is inseparable from ideas about the professional community, and sometimes determines these ideas. Colleagues are eager to get acquainted with the master’s experience and adopt this experience; he has students. Maybe the master heads a scientific direction and organization. This is the period when a professional, going beyond the boundaries of his profession, comes to philosophical generalizations, which allows him to expand the context of professional activity and find innovative solutions to the most difficult professional problems.

Professional development is not only improvement, but also destruction, destruction, and deformation. This means that professional development has both gains and losses. The development of a specialist goes through a series of development crises that arise during the transition from one stage to another. Successful resolution of crises is accompanied by finding new meanings of professional activity. Even if a professional is aware of the need for crises in development, such periods are accompanied by the experience of tension, anxiety, dissatisfaction and other negative states. Of course, these periods are described by professionals as difficult, difficult, and sometimes the effectiveness of professional activities decreases.

- Correlate these stages with your professional path.

- Are there such stages on your path?

- Are they reflected in your drawing?

- If not, do the events you noted relate directly or indirectly to these stages?

This is done so that the rescuers think about the meaning of the events that happened to them, maybe the events that they considered negative or others actually turned out to be one of the stages of development.

- What changes are associated with each stage of your professional development?

- What did you gain and what did you lose in each of them?

On your “Professional Life Path”, find with your eyes the stage of professional development at which you are now. Label this stage with an appropriate title (master, authority, mentor).

- What events correspond to this stage?

- What did you lose with the transition to this new professional stage (less free time)?

- As a result, did you acquire more than you received, or less?

Recommendations for management:If rescuers see that they have more gains than losses at this stage, then everything is fine and they can move on to the next professional stage. If it turns out that losses outweigh gains, you need to draw the rescuer’s attention to why this happened, contact personal experience, find out what was happening there at that time. Clarify how your personal situation affected your professional life. If during this period serious significant events occurred in his personal life (no matter good or bad), then draw the attention of the rescuers to the fact that they could “draw most of the attention to themselves,” and then professional development faded into the background. Here it is important to prioritize what was most important for a person at that time: personal or professional, and ultimately come to the conclusion that he personally has more gains than losses.

Okay, let's move back along the professional path to the next stage. Sign it what kind of stage it was (professional adaptation).

- What was it associated with for you personally (maybe with some event)?

- What losses are associated with this stage?

- What did you acquire at this stage?

Write them down under this step.

Recommendations for management:The subsequent stages of professional development are also being worked out, up to the stage of professional training. So, having gone through such a long professional path, full of losses and gains, crises and various metamorphoses, undoubtedly, now your ideas about the profession and the values ​​​​in the profession (important for the profession) differ from those ideas and values ​​​​that you had when you came into the profession. Let's remember what they were like?

Rescuers write on a piece of paper in a column 5-10 values ​​that were important to them at the beginning of their professional activities. Now rank them. The first rank receives the most important value, respectively, the last one is the least important for you. Let's try to trace how values ​​have changed from the beginning of your journey to the present moment.

- How did your values ​​change from stage to stage?

- What has changed at the stage of vocational training, at the adaptation stage?

- What has changed in your professional values ​​in the present: maybe the values ​​themselves have changed, maybe the values ​​have remained the same, but the priorities have changed - are other values ​​now in first place?

- Write down your values ​​at the moment and rank them.

The rescuers write down their values ​​in the adjacent column and rank them in the same way as before. Now let's compare these two columns.

- What changed?

-Have the values ​​themselves changed?

- What influenced these changes?

But at this stage your professional life does not end, there is still a lot of time ahead and a lot can happen, despite the fact that you are now at that point in your professional path where, it would seem, there is nothing left for you to learn. Your current training is the last stage of training to become a rescuer. You and your colleagues are the best at what you do, and each of you has your own individual style. This individual style manifests itself in the fact that youeffectively cope withcomplex, Sometimesnew tasks related to human life. When faced with a new task at work, what do you do to solve it quickly and effectively?

Recommendations for management:If difficulties arise, here is an example: You have been working for a long time on one type of emergency, for example, collapses of buildings and structures. During one of the shifts there is a call and, as often happens due to a lack of information, the fact that you will have to carry out diving work becomes clear only on the spot. There are no divers, and you understand that you will have to do this work. This is a new type of activity for you. It is clear that you were once taught this, but recently you have not been doing this. What will you do in this situation? Call a diver you know? Will you consult with colleagues who are close to you? Or will you dive into the water?

- Have you ever been in a similar situation?

- How do you usually cope with new tasks?

Now look at your “professional path” and mark the next stage of your development on it.

- How do you see him?

- What might you lose and gain at the new stage?

- Will your values ​​change somehow?

Exercise “After many, many years.” This exercise helps to form a positive image of old age.

Let's fantasize and imagine ourselves many, many years later in old age.Imagine that you are happy with your life. Take a blank sheet of paper and describe your life:

- What do you do? Are you working? What are you responsible for? Maybe you have new interests or hobbies?

- How do you look in old age? What clothes do you wear? Maybe you'll change your hairstyle, grow a beard or grow a mustache?

- Where do you live? What kind of house is yours? Who lives with you? Maybe you have a pet?

- Think about what kind of music will be pleasant to you? How will the holidays take place?

- Imagine how your day will change? Will you go to bed late or early? How often will you go for walks?

- Are you satisfied with the way described?

- What do you like most about this image?

Now imagine that “You in the future” could pass a small note to “You in the present moment.” Take a small piece of paper (77 cm) of paper and write down this wish. The main condition is that it must be just one sentence. Save it, perhaps it will be useful to you!

Design as a special type of engineering activity was formed at the beginning of the twentieth century and was initially associated with the activities of draftsmen, the need for a special (accurate) graphic representation of the engineer’s plan for its transmission to performers in production. However, gradually this activity is connected with scientific and technical calculations on the drawing of the main parameters of the future technical system, its preliminary research.

In engineering design, a distinction should be made between “internal” and “external” design. The first is associated with the creation of working drawings (technical and detailed designs), which serve as the main documents for the manufacture of a technical system in production; the second is aimed at developing the general idea of ​​the system, its study using theoretical tools developed in the relevant technical science.

Design must be distinguished from construction. For design activities, the starting point is the social order, i.e. the need to create certain objects, caused either by “gaps” in the practice of their production, or by competition, or by the needs of developing social practice (for example, the need to streamline traffic in connection with the growth of cities), etc. The product of design activity, in contrast to design activity, is expressed in a special symbolic form - in the form of texts, drawings, graphs, calculations, models in computer memory, etc. The result of design activities must necessarily be materialized in the form of a prototype, with the help of which the calculations given in the project and the structural and technical characteristics of the designed technical system are clarified.

The increasing specialization of various types of engineering activities has recently led to the need for its theoretical description: firstly, for the purposes of training and transfer of experience and, secondly, to automate the very process of designing and constructing technical systems. The separation of design in the field of engineering activity and its isolation into an independent field of activity in the second half of the twentieth century led to a crisis of traditional engineering thinking, focused on the application of knowledge only of natural and technical sciences and the creation of relatively simple technical systems. The result of this crisis was the formation of systems engineering activities aimed at creating complex technical systems.

Systems engineering activities

In the second half of the twentieth century, not only the object of engineering activity changes (instead of a separate technical device, mechanism, machine, etc. a complex human-machine system becomes the object of research and design), but the engineering activity itself is changing, which has become very complex, requiring organization and management. In other words, along with the progressive differentiation of engineering activities into its various branches and types, the process of its integration is growing. And to implement such integration, special specialists are required - systems engineers.

Analysis of system engineering activities shows that it is heterogeneous and includes different kinds engineering development and scientific research. Many industry and academic institutions are involved in it; Specialists from various fields of science and technology work on the same projects. Because of this, the coordination of all aspects of systems engineering activities turns out to be a non-trivial scientific, engineering and organizational task.

Systems engineering activities are carried out by various groups of specialists involved in the development of individual subsystems. The division of a complex technical system into subsystems occurs according to different criteria: in accordance with the specialization that exists in the technical sciences; by manufacturing area relative to design and engineering groups; in accordance with established organizational units. Each subsystem corresponds to the position of a specific specialist (this does not necessarily mean an individual, but also a group of individuals and even an entire institute). These specialists are interconnected due to existing forms of division of labor, the sequence of work stages, common goals, etc. In addition, to implement systems engineering activities, a group of special specialists is required (rather, they should be called universalists) - coordinators (chief designer, topic manager, Chief Specialist project or scientific coordination service, head of the scientific and thematic department). These specialists carry out coordination, as well as scientific and thematic management, both in terms of combining various subsystems and in terms of combining individual operations of systems engineering activities into a single whole. The preparation of such universalists requires not only their familiarity with the knowledge of the specialists they coordinate, but also a detailed understanding of the methods for describing the systems engineering activities themselves. Among the available methods of such a description, we will consider three main ones: division of systems engineering activities by object (stages of system development); description of the sequence of phases and operations of system engineering activities; analyzing it from the point of view of cooperation of works and specialists.

Sociotechnical design

Technical product in a social context

The “stratification” of engineering activity leads to the fact that an individual engineer, firstly, concentrates his attention only on part of a complex technical system, and not on the whole, and, secondly, moves more and more away from the direct consumer of his product, constructing an artifact (technical system) separated from a specific person, to whom the engineer is primarily called to serve. The direct connection between manufacturer and consumer, characteristic of craft technical activities, is disrupted. An illusion is created that the engineer’s task is only to construct an artifact, and its introduction into the fabric of life of society and functioning in the social context should be realized automatically.

However, today building a car is not easy technical development machines, but also the creation of an effective service system, network development highways, say, highways with a special coating, production of spare parts, etc. and so on. The construction of power plants, chemical plants and similar technical systems requires not just taking into account the “external” environmental situation, but the formulation of environmental requirements as the starting point for design. All this puts forward new requirements both for the engineer and designer, and for representatives of technical science. Their influence on nature and society is so great that their social responsibility to society is increasing immeasurably, especially in recent times.

A modern engineer is not just a technical specialist solving narrow professional problems. His activities are connected with the natural environment, the basis of social life, and man himself. Therefore, the orientation of a modern engineer only towards natural sciences, technical sciences and mathematics, which is initially formed at a university, does not correspond to his true place in the scientific and technical development of modern society. By solving his seemingly narrowly professional problems, an engineer actively influences society, people, and nature, and not always in the best possible way. This was very well understood at the beginning of the twentieth century by the Russian mechanical engineer and philosopher of technology P.K. Engelmeyer: “The time has passed when all the activities of an engineer took place inside workshops and required from him only pure technical knowledge. To begin with, the enterprises themselves, as they expand, require that the manager and organizer be not only a technician, but also a lawyer, an economist, and a sociologist.” This socio-economic orientation of the engineer's work becomes quite obvious within the framework of a market economy - when the engineer is forced to adapt his products to the market and the consumer.

The task of a modern engineering corps is not just the creation of a technical device, mechanism, machine, etc. Its functions also include ensuring their normal functioning in society (not only in the technical sense), ease of maintenance, respect for environment finally, a favorable aesthetic effect, etc. It is not enough to create a technical system; it is necessary to organize the social conditions for its implementation and functioning with maximum convenience and benefit for humans.

Negative experience in the development of automated control systems (ACS), for example, very well shows the insufficiency of a narrowly technical approach to the creation of complex human-machine systems. Experts from various fields of science and technology initially came to this area of ​​essentially sociotechnical developments and quite naturally brought with them a corresponding vision of the object of research and design. For example, specialists in the field of automatic control theory saw in the automated control system only a set of transfer functions and certain structural blocks that need to be connected. The fact that an automated control system is, first of all, a socio-economic system into which computer technology is introduced, was realized for a very, very long time. In the mind of the engineer there was the idea that, at least in the extreme case, the automated control system should become automatic. In other words, it should become fully automated, technical system, excluding man. It seems to us that many failures in the history of the development and implementation of automated control systems are associated with this fact. In accordance with this program, all industries, associations, and enterprises rushed to urgently purchase computer equipment, not yet knowing exactly how to use it. At the same time, it was not taken into account that the social organism into which it is embedded this technique, must be rebuilt, otherwise the automated control system, instead of reducing management personnel, for which they were introduced, leads to its increase. To implement the automated control system, it was necessary to restructure the entire economic activity workshops, enterprises, industries, and not the automation of routine procedures of human activity by replacing humans with machine components. In this case, machine components appear as subordinate to a more general and global socio-economic task.

New types and new design problems

Thus, the new state of affairs in systems engineering is the design of activity systems. Here we are talking about sociotechnical (as opposed to systems engineering) design, where the main attention should be paid not to machine components, but to human activity, its social and psychological aspects. However, designers often use old tools and inadequate model representations. What is the specificity of modern sociotechnical design and what still allows us to call it design?

First of all, sociotechnical design is characterized by humanitarization. Design itself becomes the source of the formation of design themes and thereby enters the sphere of cultural and historical activity. In addition, the scope of design activity itself (“design design”) acts as an object of design. Therefore, a special methodological layer is formed in it, aimed at developing norms and regulations for design procedures, and a theoretical layer that provides methodologists with knowledge about these procedures.

Sociotechnical design is design without prototypes, and therefore it is focused on the implementation of ideals that are formed in theoretical or methodological spheres or in culture as a whole. It can be characterized as a special project movement in which Various types activities: production, social functioning, operational, traditional design, etc. Scientists (cybernetics, psychologists, sociologists) also began to act as designers. Design is closely intertwined with planning, management, programming, forecasting and organizational activities. Involved in the design movement, they not only transform themselves, but also significantly modify design in general. What, then, allows us to call all this design? The design sphere, although it currently includes many types of activities, leaves constructive tasks in the foreground, subordinating all others to them.

Let us consider the main problems of sociotechnical design using the example of urban planning, ergonomic design, system design (artistic design) and organizational design.

In urban planning, the task of implementation is especially acute, with which the development of ideas of “permanent design” is closely related, when individual stages of project implementation are clarified based on the experience of functioning of the blocks of the designed system already completed at previous stages. In this regard, a complex problem arises of organizing and reorganizing the design activity itself, the design process (more precisely, the cycle). This function is performed by the design methodology (since sociotechnical activities are forced to focus on the whole complex sciences, and not on any one social and especially technical discipline). Design methodology practically ensures the connection of design with other areas (for example, production and consumption), taking into account the dynamics of each of these areas. The penetration of specific methodological recommendations into the outline of design activity is generally characteristic of all types of sociotechnical design. The product of sociotechnical activity - a complex system - cannot be felt as an object of study of classical technical science or as a piece product that was the product of traditional engineering activity. In urban planning, the living space of a district or block, human flows and the placement of elements of public services remain out of sight of the customer at the time the facility is put into operation. What appears before him is only a collection of buildings, asphalt roads and green spaces, and this entire complex must meet more or less clear technical and aesthetic requirements. However, this does not mean that the latter requirements exist in reality and the former do not. On the contrary, the shortcomings of the project authors are most directly felt by residents and affect their performance and well-being. But here social and psychological realities come into force that are not registered from the point of view of the traditional engineering position, which was based only on natural scientific knowledge and ideas. That is why representatives of modern scientific and technical disciplines seek support in a general methodology, primarily in a systems approach, from which they draw basic concepts and ideas. However, most often, engineering and technical specialists do not find ready-made intellectual tools in a sufficiently developed form (to solve the specific scientific and technical problems facing them) and are themselves forced to become methodologists of a certain (specific scientific) level, completing the missing theoretical schemes of their discipline.

Currently, in the so-called artistic design, a clear contrast has been established between “piece design” (design of single industrial products) and system design. Design should not merely complement engineering design. It is a more developed form of design. A feature of system design is a clear awareness of its connection with the previous artistic culture. The designer often turns to the cultural heritage of mankind to search for images, necessary samples, and conceptual schemes. For example, in the context of systems design, the genesis of typological forms of the cultural program is explored, the rethinking of classicism and romanticism not so much as historical phenomena, but as fundamental types and models of artistic consciousness that program approaches and creative methods in systems design. Design, itself an organic part of modern culture, especially clearly emphasizes its project-based nature, which is manifested primarily in the fact that the presence of unrealized projects is no less important for society than already implemented ones.

A designer performs several professional roles at once. Firstly, he acts as a researcher and then acts in accordance with the norms of scientific and theoretical activity. Secondly, he has to perform the functions of a design engineer and methodologist, and consider the product of his activity as a special kind of project. Thirdly, he is an artist who inherits and aesthetically transforms all the achievements of the previous artistic culture in order to create a new work of art. However, he is also forced, without completely identifying himself with all the listed roles, to recognize himself as a designer within the framework of a very specific professional community. He must represent the object and process of his own activity as a single whole - unified system and holistic activities such as systems design. This diversity, and at the same time unity, of professional roles accustoms his thinking to internal dialogism and reflection, to the need to constantly mentally borrow their positions from the participants in cooperation and restore their logic, destroys the traditional monologue and monotheoretical nature of classical natural and technical science, and erases the boundaries between research and design, the actual acquisition of knowledge and its use, between knowledge and activity. In some cases, the designer performs only auxiliary functions as a designer in a group of designers, in others he plays a leading role, controlling all the parameters of the thing being designed, but often he performs something in between these two types of activities, coordinating design specialists. In addition, the organization of the design process also falls into the scope of design. The main uniqueness of systems design compared to the design of things is that the organizational situation itself becomes the subject of comprehension, modeling and programming, an integral part of the design object.

Using the example of ergonomic and engineering-psychological design, it is most clearly seen that here the design of human activity is carried out (in human-machine systems). This is a complex type of activity, the methodological basis of which is a systematic approach. The task of ergonomics is to develop methods for taking into account human factors when modernizing existing equipment and creating new technology, as well as the corresponding operating conditions. Engineering-psychological design is very close to ergonomic design both in genesis, object, structure, and methods (they differ only in disciplinary terms: the latter is more strictly focused on psychology as a basic discipline). In engineering and psychological design initially human factors were considered only along with machine components and even as subordinate to them. In this regard, it was initially only a part of system engineering design. On modern stage development is about the design of human activity, which includes machines. Currently, in engineering-psychological design, three main settings can be distinguished: system-technical, engineering-psychological and socio-technical. In the first case, a purely technical approach prevails over a humanitarian one. According to the systems engineering point of view, machine functioning, individual activity a person and the activities of a group of people can be adequately described using the same schemes and methods that were created to describe the functioning of a machine. Proponents of this point of view think of engineering-psychological design as component systems engineering design, and the project of the operator’s activity for them, as a rule, is completely exhausted by the algorithm of his work, only with an indication of the specifics of the human component. In sociotechnical design, the object of design becomes collective human activity, so it must inevitably focus on social issues as determining ones. The object area of ​​engineering-psychological design is limited to individual aspects of activity. Thus, engineering-psychological design is an intermediate option between system-technical and socio-technical design.

Ergonomic design by its very essence is sociotechnical, since, along with psychology, physiology, anatomy, occupational hygiene, it pays great attention to social, socio-psychological, economic and other factors. If systems engineering is ultimately focused on the maximum possible and reasonable automation of human activity, both in terms of the systems engineering object (automation of the functioning of complex systems) and the systems engineering activity itself (automation of design and construction), then in ergonomics such an approach is fundamentally unacceptable. Ergonomics analyzes the specific features of the activity of a complex human-machine system, and technical means are considered as included in it. And if in systems engineering, with a certain amendment, an algorithmic description of an activity can still be considered satisfactory, then from the point of view of ergonomics, such a description simply does not work (it is too rough and approximate). Therefore, the ergonomic description is fixed in the form of special conceptual schemes of activity, which are formed, on the one hand, on the basis of systematization of methodological work (precedents), and on the other, on the basis of concretizing the ideas of activity developed in the systems approach.

Organizational design is primarily associated with improvement, development, restructuring organizational systems management, designing organizations, organizational management systems, building management structures for organizations, designing new structural forms of organizations, etc. It is inextricably linked with system analysis as a means of rationalization management activities. Even traditional work By scientific organization labor are recognized today as organizational design. One of the modern directions of the latter is also the design of organizational innovations. Methods of organizational design are also invading the sphere of systems engineering activities. Firstly, the design organizations themselves become the object of design: organizational design design organizations, choice of project structure and the like; secondly, the design of complex human-machine systems, primarily automated economic management systems, is increasingly understood as organizational design, i.e. design, more precisely, the reorganization of all management activities (the management system as a whole), where it is not so much design that is of great importance, but implementation, bringing the existing management system under the project.

From the above examples it is clear that sociotechnical design differs significantly not only from traditional engineering, but also from systems engineering activities. And although the latter is also aimed at the design of human-machine systems, systems engineering design is more formalized and clearly focused mainly on the production sector. Socio-technical design goes beyond the traditional “science-engineering-production” scheme and is focused on a wide variety of social practices (for example, training, service, etc.), where the classical engineering approach ceases to operate, and sometimes has a negative meaning . All this leads to a change in the very content of design activity, which breaks through the narrow framework of engineering activity that has become narrow for it and becomes an independent sphere of modern culture.

The sociotechnical setting of modern design influences all areas of engineering activity and the entire technosphere. This is expressed primarily in the recognition of the need for social, environmental (and similar) assessment of technology, in the awareness of the enormous degree of social responsibility of the engineer and designer.

New idea engineering

Apparently the traditional idea of ​​engineering has exhausted itself. In any case, today it is necessary to formulate the idea of ​​engineering anew. The main question here is the following. How to realize the forces of nature (both the first and the second), how to use them for man and society, coordinating this use with the goals and ideals of humanity. The latter, for example, involves reducing destructive processes, the safe development of civilization, liberating people from the power of technology, improving the quality of life, and others. However, a problem arises: is this compatible with the need to provide an acceptable and decent standard of living for billions of people on the planet and restore the nature of the planet?

Another challenge is how to control the changes brought about by modern engineering, design and technology. The fact is that most of these changes (changes in natural processes, human transformation, uncontrolled changes in the second and third nature) can only be calculated in the immediate zone. For example, already at the regional, and even more so planetary level, it is difficult or impossible to calculate and control heat emissions, harmful substances and waste, changes in groundwater and groundwater, etc. It is equally difficult to obtain an adequate picture of regional and planetary changes in technology, infrastructure, activity or organization. The transformation of human lifestyle and needs that occurs under the influence of technology is also difficult to describe, much less accurately predict. How to act in this situation of uncertainty?

There is no definite answer here; we can only outline one of the possible scenarios. Everything that can be calculated and predicted must be calculated and predicted. We must strive to minimize the negative consequences of engineering activities. It is necessary to work on minimizing needs and their reasonable development. It is necessary to abandon engineering actions (projects), the effect and consequences of which cannot be accurately determined, but which, however, can lead to economic or anthropological disasters. It is important to change the traditional scientific and engineering picture of the world, replacing it with new ideas about nature, technology, methods of solving problems, worthy human existence, and science.

Of course, the very understanding of technology must change. First of all, it is necessary to overcome the naturalistic view of technology. It should be replaced by an understanding of technology, on the one hand, as a manifestation of complex intellectual and sociocultural processes (cognition and research, engineering and design activities, technology development, the sphere of economic and political decisions, etc.), on the other, as a special environment human habitation, imposing on him environmental archetypes, rhythms of functioning, aesthetic images, etc.

New engineering and technology presupposes a different scientific and engineering picture of the world. Such a picture can no longer be built on the idea of ​​free use of the forces, energies and materials of nature, the idea of ​​creation. Fruitful for their time (the Renaissance and the 16th–17th centuries), these ideas helped formulate the concept and images of engineering. But today they no longer meet the situation. New engineering and technology is the ability to work with different natures (first and second nature and culture), it is attentive listening to both oneself and culture. Listening means understanding what technology we agree with, what restrictions on our freedom we will accept for the sake of the development of technology and technical civilization, what values ​​of technical development are organic to us, and which are incompatible with our understanding of man and his dignity, with our understanding of culture, history and future.

The idea of ​​new engineering and technology is somewhat reminiscent of modern idea human psyche and physicality. Recent decades in this area have brought an understanding that our mental and physical development occurs not simply on the basis of the ideas of training and nutrition (equivalent to the ideas of use), but involves work on self-improvement of a person, his understanding of values ​​and life path, listening to himself, his nature and at the same time constituting one’s nature in dialogue and communication with others. Isn't this what new engineering and technology should be like? Not just isolated types of practice, but organs of human development, not immanent sources of development (science, engineering, technology), but meaningful choice and reasonable restrictions, not contemplation and objective study of scientific and technological progress, but listening to and constituting the basic forces and conditions that determine the nature of such progress. But, of course, all this is just an image and design of new engineering and technology. Whether they will be implemented and in what form is a matter for the future and further reflection, research and practical action.

Rehabilitation of equipment

If we return to the concept of the essence of technology, it will become clear that it is simply impossible to abandon technology and technical development. In fact, technical basis human activity itself, and therefore culture, has. There is no special secret in technology. Finally, technology itself is not theological and attributing, for example, demonism or evil to it does not make sense. At the same time, the development of technical production activities, the technical environment and technology in the twentieth century took on a character threatening human life. A person can no longer ignore this, despite all the benefits that technology promises. In general, the way out of this situation is clear, although it is, of course, not simple.

It is necessary to understand both the nature of technology and the consequences of technological development and to include both of these points in the very idea and concepts of technology. In turn, this means that an assessment of these consequences will be given. At the same time, humanity will have to solve difficult problems. For example, to understand with what features and characteristics modern technology and a person can no longer agree with the consequences of its development; is it possible to refuse them? is it possible to change the nature of the development of technical production activities, technical environment and technology; if possible, what needs to be done for this. By the way, it may turn out that changing the nature of the development of technology will require such large changes from a person (in the field of his values, lifestyle, in the practices themselves) that, in fact, it will mean a gradual departure from the existing type of civilization and an attempt to create a new civilization. However, similar attempts are already being made; how to evaluate their results is another matter. This new future civilization, of course, will also be based on technology, but different, perhaps with less capabilities, but more importantly - new technology will be safer for the life and development of humanity. It is unlikely that humanity has any other way, for example, not changing anything or humanizing existing technology. The situation is too serious and changing quickly for anyone to hope to get by with little bloodshed.

Analysis of a specialist’s professional activity is the first stage of an engineer-teacher’s work on a training project.

As you know, the creation of any project, including didactic ones, begins with an analysis of the source data.

As a result of such analysis, a complete picture of the information that should form the basis of the project is created, as well as an image of the final product created during the design, and the conditions necessary for solving training problems are established. All this determines the importance of the stage under consideration, on which the design result subsequently depends. This stage of didactic design includes an analysis of professional activity, which is why it is called the stage of analytical activity.

The activity under consideration has a structure inherent in any activity and to describe it, a complex application of sciences is used - psychology, pedagogy. The complex structure of activity in this case will include organizational and psychological elements.

The subject of the activity is a group that purposefully acts to satisfy its needs.

The goal is a system-forming factor of activity and can be expressed in the form of its result and product.

The result of the activity is the psychological increase in the individual’s experience, which he acquires when achieving the goal.

The product of an activity is a material representation of what is obtained during the implementation of an activity.

The subject of an activity is what the subject has at the beginning of the activity, and what is ultimately converted into a product.

The process of activity is a set of purposeful actions of the teacher to apply the subject of activity in accordance with a given goal.

The method of activity is characterized by the subject’s preparedness for a particular work and can be revealed through the means of carrying out the activity.

Means are either the experience of the subject, which can be expressed through a set of professional and methodological tasks, or all the auxiliary objects with the help of which activities are carried out.

The conditions of activity are the environment of the means by which actions are carried out.

In other words, the subject, having a specific goal, which is determined by the motive, influencing the object and implementing certain actions with the help of means of activity in certain conditions, obtains a product and result.

To describe any activity, including analytical, it is enough to disclose each of the given elements.

More on topic 37. Study and design of professional activities:

  1. 6.3. Tasks and organizational structure of the sanitary-epidemiological detachment and its units.
  2. Basic approaches to the study of an education manager as a subject of professional activity and development in modern psychology
  3. Psychological features of professional development of a manager in the field of education
  4. 10.2. Tasks and activities of specialists in occupational psychology
  5. Ticket 40. Psychodiagnostics of professionally important qualities of a teacher.
  6. 37. Study and design of professional activities
  7. Assessing the quality of management by conducting internal audits of the integrated management system
  8. Assessment of a medical organization for compliance with the business excellence model (Russian Government Award in the field of quality)