A profession belongs to a group. Approximate distribution of NPO professions and vocational training specialties according to the profiles of the vocational education received. "Man - Artistic Image"

Classification is a meaningful order of things, phenomena, dividing them into varieties according to some important characteristics. Classification of professions is the grouping of similar professions into different groups based on certain characteristics.

1. Professions can be divided into 2 groups according to the nature of the work - physical and mental, or performing and creative. Executive class professions are associated with the implementation of decisions, work according to a given model, compliance with existing rules and regulations, following instructions, stereotypical approaches to solving problems (cashier, telephone operator, driver, salesman, machinist). In most cases, a profession of this class is not required higher education.

Creative class professions are associated with analysis, research, testing, control, planning, organization and management, design, development of new models, making non-standard decisions; require independent and original thinking, high level mental development and, as a rule, higher education (doctor, manager, programmer, teacher, lawyer).

2. Professions are distinguished by the level of qualification required from a specialist:

– higher education – engineer, doctor, teacher;

highly qualified from an employee received in the system of secondary specialized education - operator, accountant;

– mass professions requiring qualifications – agent, salesman;

– professions that do not require qualifications – auxiliary worker, loader, watchman, technician.

3. There is also a qualification based on the level of severity of the requirements placed on a person, when professions are divided into mass ones (which can be mastered by almost any person) and those where certain qualities are required from a person (astronaut, taster, artist).

4. There is a classification of professions by economic sectors (for example, industry, construction, medicine, etc.).

5. The most famous and interesting classification by type of profession was proposed by academician E. A. Klimov and developed in detail by his employees.

Types of professions:

A) The subject of labor is technology, the “man-technology” (H-T) system. These are professions related to production and technical maintenance. These are, as a rule, working professions: driver, mechanic, turner, carpenter, builder, automated equipment adjuster, etc.

B) The subject of labor is the animal and plant world, the “man-nature” (H-N) system. These are professions related to agriculture, forestry, environmental protection, biotechnology, meteorology, geodesy, etc. Example: ecologist, geologist, biologist, livestock specialist, huntsman.

C) The subject of work is diagrams, signs, oral and written speech, numbers, notes, chemical and physical symbols, and the “man-sign” system (H-Zn.). This type of activity refers to mental work. Example: accountant, PC operator, physicist, cashier, etc.

D) The subject of work is visual, musical, literary, artistic, and acting activities, and the system is “man - artistic image” (Ch-Ho). Example: designer, decorator, makeup artist, journalist, vocalist, etc.

D) The subject of labor is a person, the system (type) “person - person” (H-H). This type of subject is people. In the process of their activities, some people constantly and directly communicate with other people, that is, the main content of work comes down to interaction between people. This type includes professions related to medical care, training and education, consumer services, and legal protection. These are professions such as doctor, nurse, educator, teacher, salesman, conductor, district inspector.

Occupation classes. Inside, profession types are divided into classes in accordance with the goals of work ( final goal):

A) Gnostic (from Latin “gnosis”) The goal is to find out, recognize, control, classify, check according to a previously known sign;

B) Transformative. The goal is to make according to the sample;

B) Exploratory. The goal is to come up with, invent, or derive a new scheme or formula.

Design engineer comes up with a scheme new car, carrying out working drawings. The goal is to invent. This is a survey profession. The process engineer monitors the process according to the created schemes and issues recommendations for improving the work. The goal is to transform. This is a transformative profession.

A test engineer checks a prototype so that a machine with the fewest defects goes into serial production. The goal is to check. This is a Gnostic profession.

Departments of professions. Classes of professions are divided into departments, depending on the tools of labor:

A) Using hand tools; These are mainly working professions, for example, mason - trowel, painter - brush, etc.;

B) Using hand- and foot-controlled machines; example: driver, driver;

B) Using automated equipment; example: personal computer operator;

D) Using functionality(means) of the body; example: professional athletes, actors, announcers, etc.;

Groups of professions. Professions are also divided into groups depending on working conditions:

A) Work in normal everyday conditions, for example: accountant, teacher, etc.;

B) Outdoor work, for example: builders, agricultural workers, etc.;

C) Work in unusual conditions, for example: divers, miners, etc.;

D) Work associated with increased moral responsibility for health, human life or for great material values; example: collectors, doctors, etc.

3. Practical part. The teacher suggests uniting in 5 groups, each of which is a team of specialists representing one of the types of professions.

“Technicians” need to create a model of a building that can be built in “Zubrenok”; they must submit their project.

The “Man-Man” group is an advertising agency that needs to present the product, which is a hanger, in an original way.

The “Image Man” group must depict something in pantomime. All other participants guess what it could be. Tasks the teacher comes up with it on his own.

The Sign Man group is given several puzzles that need to be solved.

It is necessary to select anagrams for the proposed words. An anagram is a rearrangement of letters in a word, leading to a new word, for example: meadow - rumble, address - environment, etc.

A set of words for which you need to find anagrams: fidelity, waterfall, choice, entrance, mainland, fun, word, washing, cleaning. (Answer: jealousy, supply, cliff, breath, metric, infantry, hair, old man, holster.)

The “Man-Nature” group needs to come up with a landscape object that can be placed on the territory of “Zubrenok”.

Then the groups present the results of their work. At the end of the presentation, the teacher asks students to identify the qualities that representatives of each type of profession must have. First, the participants call, then the guys from other groups, then the teacher complements their options.

Technique: precision, creativity, interest in technology, technical thinking, accuracy, high discipline. Be sure to discuss why these particular qualities are inherent in this type.

Man: sustainable good mood in the process of working with people; need for communication; the ability to understand the intentions, thoughts, and moods of people; ability to quickly understand relationships between people; the ability to find a common language with different people.

Sign: ability to concentrate, perseverance, etc.

Image: good taste, creative imagination, rich imagination, special abilities.

Nature: love of nature, enthusiasm, observation, penchant for note-taking.

3. Task for the squad: Based on the results of the lesson, the squad draws up the most complete description of the chosen type of profession. The material is handed over to the shift supervisor the next day.

4. Reflection.

What task did you feel most confident doing?

The teacher invites students to answer the following questions:

did you learn anything new about professions?

Have you thought about the qualities that you need to develop in yourself?

What do you expect from the shift?

! The teacher is invited to develop reflective exercises for each subsequent lesson, using guidelines which are given below.

Why do we use reflection?

Reflection is aimed at achieving various goals: not only the emotional sphere, the child’s mood, but also educational activities, process and content.

Send your good work in the knowledge base is simple. Use the form below

Students, graduate students, young scientists who use the knowledge base in their studies and work will be very grateful to you.

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Lesson plan on the topic “Classification of professions”

Subject : Classification of professions

Lesson objectives:


form theoretical ideas andconcepts related to the world of professions;introduce the concepts of “profession”, “specialty”, with the classification of professions by branches of labor, objects, purposes, tools and working conditions.


develop attention, thinking, memory, mental and creative activity;

increase interest in professions and professional activities.


to cultivate feelings of camaraderie, culture of speech, aesthetic vision,

respectful attitude towards any profession.

Lesson objectives:

    introduce you to the modern world professional work, with the specifics of professional activity and contribute to the development of professionally important qualities;

    help adapt to real socio-economic conditions;

    update the process of professional self-determination;

Lesson type: lesson in learning new knowledge.

Students should know:

    concepts of “profession”, “specialty”, “position”, “classification”;

    classification of professions,formula of professions;

    criteria for analyzing professions.

Students should be able to:

  • operate with concepts on the topic of the lesson;

    analyze a profession based on the classification of professions.

Forms of work: conversation, solving situational problems, viewing a presentation, independent work.


    computer for demonstrating the presentation "Classification of professions"

    handout “Analysis of professions (list of main characteristics)

Interdisciplinary connections:history, social studies, geography.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational stage.

Introductory speech by the teacher.

There comes a time in every person’s life when they have to decide where to continue their education or where to go to work, i.e. practically choose a profession.9th grade is a particularly important time in the lives of boys and girls. Some of you, having completed nine grades, will continue studying at school, some of the students, having chosen a profession, will enter vocational schools, technical schools, and colleges. This is a very responsible choice that can significantly affect the future professional growth and career. Preparation for further choices is important.Choosing a profession is your first step towards an independent life, on which your future destiny will depend. Making this choice is very difficult; you need to be internally prepared and confident that a step is being taken in the right direction. Therefore, your professional choice must be taken seriously and responsibly. In order not to make a mistake in the choice ahead of you, you need to learn to understand the peculiarities of professional activity and the specifics of professions.

Slide No. 1; 2

Formulation of the topic and goals and objectives of the lesson

The formulation of the topic, purpose and objectives of the lesson is carried out by the teacher together with the students.

2. Learning new material

Slide No. 3

To begin studying new material, let’s turn to the basic concepts, without which it is impossible to understand the peculiarities of a person’s professional activity; we need to learn to distinguish between the concepts of “profession”, “specialty”, “position”.

Basic concepts are recorded by students in a notebook.

Word"profession" (from Latin pоfessio - “I declare my business”, “to speak publicly”, “to declare”) means a type of work activity that requires certain preparation and is a source of livelihood.

A profession is the knowledge, skills, and personal qualities necessary to successfully engage in a given job and receive remuneration for one’s work.

A profession is a group of related specialties and specializations with different qualification levels. The concept of “profession” means quite wide range labor functions, but often there is a need to determine the specific work that a person performs, that is, his specialization.

Speciality – (from Latin species – genus, species) – type of occupation within one profession.

For example: doctor - surgeon, therapist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, etc.

This is a limited area of ​​application of human physical and spiritual forces necessary for society.

Job title - this is a job position, the position of an employee in a specific body of the management apparatus, which reflects duties, rights and responsibilities. The position indicates membership in a particular management chain.

For example: position “ chief physician” makes sense only in a chain where, along with it, there is a local doctor, a ward doctor; the presence of subordinates sets additional rights and responsibility, defines the boundaries of power and competence.

Slide No. 4

Systematization, or, in other words, classification allows one to navigate the diverse world of professions.

Classification is a meaningful order of things, phenomena, dividing them into varieties according to some important characteristics. Have you already met various classifications when studying various subjects and could evaluate their merits. In the world of professions, skillful use of classification will help you choose from a variety of professions those that you would like to get to know better, as well as understand modern production.

Exist different types professions. For example:

1) distribution of professions by the first letter of their name;

2) by the nature of the work: predominantly physical and predominantly mental;

3) by economic sector;

4) on the basis of material production;

5) according to the level and nature of the required qualifications, etc.

But none of the classifications discussed above can serve as a guide in choosing future profession. These goals are best met by a classification of professions based on characteristics coming from a person.

Slide No. 5

This classification was developed by E.A. Klimov.When a person works, his attention is directed tosubject of labor.
Something needs to be done with the object - this
purpose of work.
This goal is achieved through
And finally, it is important for a personunder what conditions work is going on.
In accordance with these four characteristics, a classification of professions is constructed that is convenient for professional self-determination.

Slide No. 6

Let's take a closer look at this qualification. According to the first sign- subject of labor – all existing professions and specialties can be divided into five types. The most common are professions where the subject of labor is technology. Let’s agree to designate this type of profession with the letter “T” (man - technology).This group includes professions related to the production, maintenance and design of any equipment, from space rockets and computers to the anvil and hammer of a blacksmith. Engineer, designer, pilot, machinist, driver, electrician, builder, car mechanic, plumber, miner, engine tester - these are just a few of them. The peculiarity of technical objects is that they can be accurately measured and calculated, therefore professions in this group require a person to have a combination of a practical mindset and creative abilities, accuracy, and good health.

Slide No. 7

The next type of profession is (person - person) “H”.

Doctor, nurse, teacher, educator, waiter, lawyer, salesman,
hairdresser, tour guide - all these professions belong to the same group, because they have one subject of labor - a person. These professions have special social significance. They require patience and exactingness from a person, the ability to take responsibility for
yourself, control your emotions. The main content of work in these professions is effective interaction between people. Some qualities contribute to successful work, while others complicate it. If you have an increased need for communication, contacts with people will delight you; if you have a low need, they will tire you. An increased level of aggression is unacceptable for specialists in this field. By the way, the ability to communicate productively is necessary for each of us.

Slide No. 8

According to the attribute under consideration (subject of labor), the type of professions is particularly distinguished, which we will conventionally denote by the letter “P” (man - nature).

This group includes all professions related to living and nonliving
nature. Research, study and use of natural resources, caring for animals and plants, their treatment are possible activities. Professions of this group: agronomist, breeder, livestock specialist, veterinarian, dog handler, plant breeder, geologist, game warden, ecologist, land reclamation specialist. People of these professions are united by a love of nature. But this love is active, not contemplative. It's one thing to play with animals and admire flowers. And it’s completely different to regularly, day after day, look after them, observe, treat, walk them, regardless of personal time and plans. To be successful in this activity, you need to be strong and resilient, caring and patient, not afraid of difficulties and not expecting quick results.

Slide No. 9

Often the objects of human labor are various signs: oral or written speech, numbers, chemical and physical symbols, notes, diagrams, maps, diagrams, graphs, drawings, road signs and so on.

This group includes all professions associated with the use of oral and written speech, working with documents and numbers. These are the professions of economist, accountant, linguist, mathematician, programmer, and notary. The subject of labor for these professions is the “sign system”, “Z”, that is, all the information that can be presented in the form of texts, formulas, signs, codes, graphs, diagrams and drawings. Much, if not everything, depends on the reliability and timeliness of information in our lives. Therefore, it is important for a specialist who works with signs to be able, on the one hand, to abstract from real physical, chemical, mechanical properties objects, and on the other hand, to imagine and understand the characteristics of real phenomena and objects behind the signs. The professions of this group are presented special requirements to human thinking, memory and attention.

Slide No. 10

Many of you probably like professions in which work is associated with visual, musical, literary, artistic and acting activities. These are professions of the type “person - artistic image” “X”: designer - clothing designer, stained glass artist, photographer - artist, musician, artist, tuner musical instruments etc.

Having understood the types of professions, you have taken only the first step in mastering the skills of analysis different kinds human activity. In order to classify a profession or specialty as a certain type, it is necessary to find out what a person’s attention is mainly directed to during the labor process.

Slide No. 11

Within each type, professions are divided into classes in accordance with the goals of work. Despite the huge variety of goals that various works have, they can be reduced to three large classes: to learn, to transform, to invent.
1. Gnostic professions (G), comes from the ancient Greek “gnosis” - knowledge or cognition. Gnostic or cognitive goals of labor can
be diverse: sort, compare, check, evaluate. Gnostic professions can be found among any of five types of professions: “Nature” - biologist-laboratorian, exterior specialist; "Technique" - radio equipment controller, tester;
"Man" - forensic expert, sociologist; "Sign" - proofreader, auditor; "Artistic image" - art critic, theater critic. These professions place certain demands on the worker: cognitive activity, observation, stability of attention, memory, thinking, and responsibility are necessary.

2.Transformative professions (P). Transformative human activity can be aimed at objects, energy, information, processes. In some cases, the results can be seen immediately - a builder, a blacksmith, an artist, in others - the results wait months and years (breeder, educator). The predominance of practical or mental activity of a specialist depends on the subject and content of his work: “Nature” - livestock breeder, plant breeder, livestock specialist; "Technology" - mechanic, machine operator; "Man" - teacher, coach; "Znak" - layout designer, accountant; "Artistic image" - graphic designer, fashion designer.

3. Survey professions (I). The purpose of the work of professions of this class is to search for something new, unknown. The goal of the activity comes to the fore, which involves inventing something, coming up with something, finding a new solution. "Nature" - fisheries inspector, game warden, research biologist; “Technology” - design engineer; “Man” - supply agent, production organizer; “sign” - programmer, mathematician; “Artistic image” - composer, designer. Many professions combine the characteristics of different classes.

Slide number 12

Classes of professions are in turn divided into departments depending on the tools of labor or means of production. There are four such departments:

Professions involving the use of manual labor (P): plumber, surgeon, carpenter, dentist. Professions associated with the use of hand- or foot-controlled machines (M): turner, milling machine operator, diesel locomotive driver, tractor driver. Professions associated with the use of automated and automated equipment (A): steelworkers, printers, weavers, power system operators. Professions and specialties in which the main tools of labor are the functional means of the human body (F): singer, actor, ballerina, wine taster.

Slide No. 13

According to working conditions, four groups of professions can be distinguished:

work in normal living conditions (b). In such conditions, for example, a draftsman, an accountant, or a radio equipment controller works;

working outdoors under conditions of sudden changes in temperature and humidity (o). These conditions are typical for field farmers, tractor drivers, general machine operators, etc.;

work in unusual conditions: under water, at height, underground, as well as in conditions of elevated temperature, etc. (n). Examples of professions: divers, miners, painters, assemblers - high-altitude workers.

work with increased moral responsibility (for human health and life or for great material social values) (m). This group includes the professions of a teacher, judge, and salesperson.

Slide number 14

You have become acquainted with the classification of professions; it can be represented as four tiers in ascending order. It is assumed that in each type of profession there are classes, classes include departments, departments consist of groups. The fifth tier at the top of the pyramid is intended to indicate your future profession.

Slide No. 15

Physical education minute

I will name the profession, and you must determine what type it is and perform the appropriate actions

    T-T: bend over twice

    Ch-Ch: shake hands to the right and left of the person standing from you.

    C-P: stand up.

    C_Z: do squats twice.

    CH: applaud.

(ecologist, teacher, driver, accountant, artist.)

Slide No. 16

When analyzing any profession, it is necessary to highlight its four main features: the subject of labor, the purpose of labor, tools of labor, working conditions - and according to them symbols write down a multi-letter formula. These letters correspond to the type, class, department, group of professions.

3. Consolidation of the studied material

Slide No. 17,18

Practical task:

    Correlation of concepts and categories.

Students are invited to independently determine professions and specialties from the proposed list.

    Write a formula for the proposed professions

a) gardener; b) policeman; c) milling machine operator; d) engineer;

    Which features are common to each pair of the following professions:

a) design engineer-composer; c) accountant-mechanic;

b) waiter-taxi driver; d) nurse-turner;

    Name the general characteristics of the following professions and specialties:

a) livestock breeder, gardener;

b) design engineer, composer, theoretical chemist;

c) nurse, turner, accountant;

d) salesman, milkmaid, tower crane operator, mechanic.

e) salesperson, waiter, librarian, nurse, sports coach.

Slide No. 19

    Solve each puzzle and fill in the horizontal cells of the teaword.

Slide No. 20

Answers to assignments.

1. Surgeon, literary critic, pianist, test pilot, theoretical chemist, painter, designer artist, cutter;

Teacher, turner, engineer, hairdresser, driver, seamstress, cook, lawyer, builder.

2. Gardener - PPPro; policeman - ChPRb; milling operator – TPMb; engineer - TGRb;

3. a) according to working conditions (domestic); b) by subject of work (CH – C);c) by tools (manual); d) according to the goals of labor (transformative);

4. a) on the subject of work (P-P); b) for the purposes of labor (exploration);c) according to working conditions (domestic); d) according to the purpose of labor (transformative); e) on the subject of work (C – C).

1. hairdresser; 2. engineer; 3. fisherman; 4. cook; 5. editor; 6. builder; 7. farmer; 8. stove maker; 9. mechanic; 10. Shoemaker; 11. dog handler; 12. doorman.

Practical task:

6. Conduct an analysis of professions (according to plan).

Analysis of professions (list of main characteristics of professions) - handout cards.

Characteristics of professions

Example: taxi driver profession

Space to encode your intended profession

Subject of work:

1 – animals, plants (nature);

2 – materials;

3 – people (children, adults);

4 – equipment, transport;

5 – sign systems (texts, information in computers...);

6 – artistic image.

Labor goals:

1 – control, assessment, diagnosis;

2 – converter;

3 – inventive;

4 – transportation;

5 – service;

6 – own development.


1 – manual and simple devices;

2 – mechanical;

3 – automatic;

4 – functional (speech, facial expressions, vision, hearing...);

5 – theoretical (knowledge, ways of thinking);

6 – portable or stationary means.

Working conditions:

1 – household microclimate;

2 – large rooms with people;

3 – ordinary production workshop;

4 – unusual production conditions (special humidity, temperature, sterility);

5 – extreme conditions (risk to life and health);

6 – work outdoors;

7 – work sitting, standing, in motion;

8 – home office.

The nature of communication at work:

1 – minimal communication ( individual labor);

2 – clients, visitors;

3 – ordinary team (same people);

4 – work with audiences;

5 – pronounced discipline, subordination in work.

Responsibility at work:

1 – material;

2 – moral;

3 – for the life and health of people;

4 – unexpressed responsibility.

Features of work:

1 – high salary;

2 – benefits;

3 – “temptations” (the opportunity to take bribes, steal...);

4 – sophisticated relationships, meetings with celebrities;

5 – frequent business trips;

6 – finished result of labor (you can admire it).

Typical difficulties:

1 – nervous tension;

2 – occupational diseases;

3 – swearing and foul language are common;

4 – the possibility of being behind bars (in prison);

5 – low job prestige.

Minimum level of education for work:

1 – without special education (after school);

2 – primary vocational education (SPTU);

3 – secondary vocational education (technical school, colleges);

4 – higher professional education (HEI);

5 – academic degree (postgraduate school, academy).

People, technology, transport

Transport, service

Mechanical, functional

Extreme, sitting


Life and health

"Temptations", meetings with celebrities

Nervous tension, occupational diseases, swearing and foul language

Primary vocational education

4. Summing up the lesson

Summing up and formulating conclusions about the lesson:

    What new did you learn in today's lesson?

    What did you like, what benefits did you derive from the knowledge gained?

    What caused difficulties and what else needs to be worked on?

Final word from the teacher

In today's lesson, we examined important aspects of the classification of professions, expanded our vocabulary with new concepts on the topic “The World of Professions” and took the first step towards mastering the ability to analyze professional activities.We usually map out our professional destiny after graduating from school.
Someone finds a job that doesn't require special education. The majority first tries to get an education (at universities, courses, colleges), thereby outlining a range of future career opportunities.

To do right choice, you need: to have an idea of ​​existing professions and, knowing your own inclinations, to realistically assess your capabilities.


Prepare a professional analysis (according to plan).

: typology E.A. Klimova, classifying professions according to and Holland’s typology of professions, connecting the type of personality and the type of professional environment chosen by a person.

Typology of professions E.A. Klimova

Klimov identified five objects of labor: , technology, sign, nature. The first part of the name of the type of profession indicates the subject of labor, which is always a person.

Man is man- all professions related to education, service, training of people, communication with them. This group includes all pedagogical and medical professions, service sector professions and others.

Man is technology- all professions related to the creation, maintenance and operation of equipment. These are professions such as: design engineer, car mechanic, system administrator and others.

Man is an artistic image- all professions related to the creation, copying, reproduction and study of artistic images. This group includes such professions as: artist, actor, singer, restorer, art critic and others.

Man is nature- all professions related to the study, protection and transformation of nature. This group includes such professions as: veterinarian, gardener, agronomist, ecologist and others.

Man is a sign- all professions related to the creation and use of sign systems (digital, alphabetic, musical notation). This group includes translators of literary and technical texts, analysts, financiers and others.

The peculiarity of the application of this classification in our time is that simple professions with one object of labor are becoming a thing of the past and are being replaced by professions with several objects of labor, or with a complex object of labor. For example, the profession of a landscape designer simultaneously belongs to both the man-nature type and the man-artistic image type.

Typology of professions by J. L. Holland

Holland based his classification on the fact that a person’s choice of professional space is an expression of his personality. A person’s achievements in a particular type of career depend on the match between personal characteristics and the characteristics of the professional environment.

He singled out six personality types and six types of professional environment.


Personality type

Type of professional environment


People who are action-oriented, decision-oriented, unemotional, athletic or mechanical, love technology, take risks

Activities related to the manipulation of tools and technology. And also most “male” professions.


People who are oriented toward cognitive activity, who love to observe, analyze, explore, and decide.

Research work. Experts in various fields, analysts.


People focused on self-expression and the attention of others, creative, expressive, original, prone to non-conformism, have rich intuition and imagination, and are informal.

The field of art, professions related to attracting attention, presenting something.


People who are focused on communication, relationships with other people, vulnerable, sensitive, prone to altruism, do not like systematic activities, love the collective nature of work, have communication skills.

Most professions aimed at working with people are social activities.


People who are ambitious, influence-oriented, focused on creating and implementing their own ideas, managing, finding solutions, and highly socially active.

Business, politics, legal services, etc.


People focused on systematizing and reproducing information and data manipulation. Little emotional, precise, punctual, pedantic, efficient.

Work on systematizing the storage and reproduction of any information. A job that requires great perseverance and precision. Work in areas such as accounting, finance, archives, libraries, etc.

There are certain patterns in the combination of personality type and environment type

Personality type

Environment type







  • “+” - favorable
  • “++” - very favorable
  • “-” - not favorable
  • “- -” - very unfavorable

As the children's proverb says: “All professions are needed, all professions are important.” Of course this is true. It is difficult to imagine the life of a modern person without working in some profession. Even the most seemingly useless work makes a huge contribution to the life of each of us. What is the classification of professions?

General concept

Classification is a meaningful division of certain things into groups and types according to certain characteristics. The concepts of “profession” and “classification of professions” are closely related. A profession is a type of activity of a person who possesses a complex of special theoretical knowledge, as well as skills and abilities acquired as a result of training and practical exercises. Depending on the type of activity, professions can be grouped. The classification of professions by subject of labor also plays a large role in the division. This issue will be discussed in detail in this article.

Types of classification of working professions

The world of professions is diverse, there are more than seven thousand names in it. In 1957, the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO) was adopted, created by the joint efforts of representatives of UNESCO, the UN and World Organization healthcare. This is a type of division of professions into groups. The process of dividing into groups itself can take place in different ways, depending on the characteristic taken as a basis. This could be a classification:

  • By the first letter of the name of the type of activity (in alphabetical order, for example).
  • By character or physical).
  • By sector of the economy (industry, science, construction, livestock and crop production, forestry, transport and communications, healthcare, management, trade, and so on).
  • Based on material production (for example, Agriculture, industry, forestry, construction and so on. There is no material production in healthcare, science, trade, funds mass media etc.).
  • According to the level and nature of the required qualifications: highly qualified (financial auditor, chemist, broker, engineer and others); qualified (insurance worker, personnel officers, administrator, appraiser, technologist and others); low-skilled (postman, store worker, etc.); unskilled (janitor, street vendor, cleaner, courier and others).

Everything has its drawbacks

Each of the above classifications of professions has its own disadvantages.

The first option is inconvenient because there are a lot of areas of activity (about seven thousand), and it will be difficult to distribute each one in alphabetical order, and the result will be an incredibly huge list.

The disadvantage of the second method is that when transferring, the boundaries of mental and physical labor are automatically erased.

The third method has two disadvantages:

1. There are professions that relate to several sectors of the economy (for example, a mechanic. The scope of activity is widespread in several sectors of the national economy).

2. Inaccuracy, since some activities cross over into other areas (for example, a school nurse, a health care worker, but at the same time works in a scientific field of activity).

The fourth method can also be argued. Every profession is related to production, only in one case these are material things (for example, industry, construction), and in the other case these are intangible values ​​(for example, science, the media). Regardless of whether you can “touch” what is being produced, every area of ​​activity is important for humanity.

The fifth case also has its own nuances. There is often a situation where a person is a jack of all trades and really does his job well, but they cannot hire him as a staff member because he does not have the education credentials. At the same time, a certified specialist comes in who actually doesn’t know how to do anything.

Division of professions by working conditions

There is also a classification of professions based on working conditions. It includes only four types:

  1. Household microclimate. This is a profession whose workers work indoors under familiar conditions (or office work). For example, a programmer, accountant, doctor, teacher and others.
  2. Work outdoors. The employee spends most of his time working fresh air, and not indoors. For example, Sales Representative, postman, janitor, forester and others.
  3. Small confined spaces, cabins. The worker spends most of his time in a small room. For example, driver, concierge, operator, and so on.
  4. Unusual working conditions. Under unusual conditions labor means underground work, work in water conditions or at high altitudes. For example, a miner, an industrial climber, a mountain rescuer, a diver and others.

In any case, depending on how you want to classify types of professions, any of the above methods is chosen. But about this in order.

What are they? In addition to the above options for classification of professions, there is also a way of psychological division into groups. The division of activities into groups according to psychological principles is intended for career guidance work. This type of distribution is important for the theory of labor psychology, as well as for understanding the role of psychological factors in a particular type of work.

Psychological analysis of work activity in any profession is an integral part and primary stage of work in the field of labor psychology. Analysis acts as the basis on which any further research is built.

The diversity of professions poses the task of labor psychology to classify professions, identify common features and differences between professions and activities. The psychological study of certain types of work activity is called a description of professions (professiography), and the resulting result is called a professiogram. The professiogram includes a number of characteristics relating to types of work: technical and economic, social, psychological, as well as hygienic working conditions. The result obtained is influenced by a combination of personality characteristics and mental processes that are activated during a certain type of work.

The concept of professionally important signs

Professionally important qualities represent individual character and personality traits of a person, mental and physical qualities, meeting the requirements for an individual occupying a particular position in the profession.

The important signs of a professional include five points:

  1. Attitude to the profession, work, interests related to this field of activity.
  2. The moral image of a person as part of a team.
  3. Capacity related to a specific position (flexibility of mind, resourcefulness, ability to self-develop - the intellectual sphere of activity; physiological development, endurance - for physical labor).
  4. Single, private, special abilities, if necessary for the required position or profession as a whole.

  5. Knowledge, abilities, skills and experience in a similar position.

A new type of classification of professions

Aleksandrovich, academician, specialist in labor psychology, professor of psychological sciences, made a lot of discoveries in the field of psychology and did not ignore the psychology of work. In 1970, he patented his classification of professions by subject of labor, which is still used today. His subject-activity concept of professional work is extensive and covers almost all professions, dividing them into certain groups. As Klimov himself states, every person is able to find a profession in which he will be comfortable, and work activity will bring pleasure. With Klimov’s concept, you can create an approximate formula for your desired profession, as well as determine your dream job.

Distribution of Klimov's professions

Correct composition and further use of professionograms presupposes certain knowledge in the use of classification. The most common for career guidance is the classification of professions according to Klimov. In accordance with the object of labor, five types are distinguished.

"Man - Nature"

This type includes people whose work activity is related to the animal and plant world, as well as microorganisms and the conditions of their existence. A worker in this profession sees the world from the perspective of biological development, innovations and losses in this area. Representatives of professions of this type are able to create and adjust the living conditions and development of living organisms, while using a variety of technical means. If we take agriculture into account, not all remote areas are equipped with the necessary equipment, so physical labor also takes place in this area. And also do not underestimate the intellectual aspect of this classification of professions. Since working conditions are non-standard, it is often necessary to notice the most subtle, but very important changes in living organisms. The requirements for an employee of this structure are also non-standard: from special skills (for example, drawing, so that you can record what is visible under a microscope) to operating equipment. As for professional qualities, the employee must love nature, have perseverance in achieving goals, creative thinking and patience. Professions in the “Man - Nature” sphere include: veterinarian, agronomist, biologist, beekeeper and many others.


This type includes activities related to repair and maintenance technical devices and their operation, as well as the creation, installation and assembly, design and construction of devices and technical systems, individual parts of the mechanism. Observation, keen hearing and vision are among the main professional qualities of an employee in this field. Also, for successful work, precise and high knowledge in the technical field is required. Professions of the “Man-Technology” type include mechanic, repairman, driver, technician and others.

"Man - Sign System"

The object of labor of this type of classification is signs - numbers, formulas, oral and written speech, drawings, drawings, maps, and so on. basis work activity is intellectual work with the help of which all kinds of sign systems are created. The professional qualities of an employee of this type of profession are perseverance, attentiveness, the ability to concentrate for a long time, and a love of solitary work. Professions of the “Man - Sign System” type include programmer, system administrator, accountant, stenographer, radio operator, draftsman, cutter, editor and others.

"Man - Artistic Image"

The objects of labor of workers in this field are artistic images formed in literature, fine arts, music and acting. The goals of this profession are to create beauty, bring harmony to the world around us, preserve the cultural heritage of humanity and create aesthetics. A professional in this field must have an undoubted innate talent, a love of beauty and art, artistic taste and a rich imagination. Professions of the “Human – Artistic Image” type include actor, photographer, artist, journalist and even jeweler.

"Man - Man"

Workers in this type of profession work directly with people. The main task is to interact with people or serve other people. Certain types of professions are related to each other by the essence of work, although the work activity itself is completely different. The purpose of this classification of professions can be treatment, training, management, information, etc. The professional qualities that an employee must have are sociability and culture of communication, understanding of a person’s mood and his needs, developed cognitive activity, friendliness, listening skills and stress resistance . Professions of the “Human-Human” type include teacher, policeman, doctor, salesman, service worker, insurance agent and many others.

The choice of a future profession should be taken extremely seriously. Without love for work, love for life will disappear. When choosing the type of profession according to the classification, you can understand what exactly you need.