Production control 1.2 3 steps. Three-stage control over labor protection: methodological recommendations. Sample of filling out a three-stage labor protection control log

From this article you will learn what three-stage labor protection control is, how this system works, how to correctly introduce it at an enterprise, and how to draw up a three-stage control log.

Three-stage labor protection control – effective method constant monitoring of safety and prompt response to deviations from the norm. At the same time, control functions are distributed over 3 levels:

Work managers—foremen, foremen, and section managers—are responsible for completing level 1 tasks. This is operational control.

The implementation of level 2 tasks is organized by department heads - heads, managers, heads of workshops, production facilities, and departments. This is control at the level of intermediate managers.

Level 3 tasks are supervised by an occupational safety commission headed by the head of the enterprise (organization). This is control at the management level.

Therefore, three-stage control over compliance with labor protection is effective way involve the entire team in solving labor safety issues. All employees of the enterprise are involved in it: ordinary workers through occupational safety representatives, foremen, engineers, representatives of trade unions, managers of all ranks and even senior management.

Three-stage control over labor protection: regulatory documents

The state does not oblige enterprises to organize three-stage control over labor protection; regulatory documents, in particular the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, do not provide for this. However, most enterprises introduce it on their own initiative. Supervisory authorities (for example, the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation) have the right to strongly recommend the introduction of a three-stage control system over compliance with labor protection.

In some organizations, three-stage labor protection control turns into a two-stage one. This happens when the staff is small: in private doctors' offices, small shops, beauty salons, etc., as well as in individual entrepreneurs who use labor employees.

The following regulatory documents will help organize a three-stage labor protection control system:

Regulations “On three-stage control over labor protection”;
Regulations “On the Enterprise's OSHS” or the Enterprise Standard “Enterprise OSHS”;
order to introduce three-stage control.

In which regulatory document Each organization decides independently whether to prescribe three-stage control over labor protection - in a separate Regulation, or in the Regulation “On OSHMS”. In any of them:

The procedure for conducting three-stage control over compliance with labor protection, its goals, directions and objects are listed;
steps (levels) of control are introduced with a description of the features of each (each) of them;
responsible persons are appointed for the implementation of activities at each level;
the range of tasks of each responsible person (group of persons) is determined;
the procedure for recording the results of inspections is prescribed;
The form of the Three-Stage Control Journal and the procedure for filling it out are introduced.

Practice shows that when introducing the “Three-Stage Control Journal”, it is advisable to immediately provide an example of filling out its pages. To avoid claims from regulatory authorities, while working on the Regulations or Standards, you can show the “Three-Stage Control Log” and an example of filling it out to the curator, and then follow his recommendations. It is advisable to prescribe a procedure for making corrections when keeping entries in the journal (for example, prohibit the use of a proofreader and skipping lines, stipulate a method for crossing out incorrect entries - crossing out the entire line or only incorrect information).

How does three-stage control over compliance with labor protection work?

In order to monitor labor safety continuously, control functions are divided into 3 levels:

1. Operational control

The main goal is to eliminate dangerous situations as quickly as possible. Frequency – constantly. It is carried out by foremen, foremen and other immediate supervisors of work. They:

Bring to the attention of employees the need to constantly take care of personal safety and organize self-control;
familiarize workers with safe working methods, monitor compliance with the requirements introduced by the instructions;
note whether the requirements of previous inspections have been fulfilled and organize their implementation;

at the beginning of the shift, make sure that the following standards are met:

— condition of workplaces and equipment: serviceability of tools, devices, availability of personal protective equipment, operation of ventilation and lighting systems;
— availability of serviceable fences, locks, issuance of key tags;
— condition of passages and driveways (integrity of pavement and fences, absence of clutter);
— preparation of documentation: work permits, orders for joint work, reports from previous shifts, etc.

and availability:

— safety signs, safety instructions, necessary logs;
— necessary certificates for employees;

during the shift:

— control the work of personnel, the use of personal protective equipment, and workplace safety;
— promptly respond to employee complaints;
— monitor the condition of the equipment;
- promptly eliminate violations. If they on our own the situation cannot be corrected; a corresponding entry is made in the 3-stage control log.

If the violation is too dangerous, work is stopped until it is completely eliminated. Information about it is brought to the attention of management and specialists who need to be involved to eliminate it.

2. Control by department

The main goal of control at this level is to ensure the safety of all work organized in the department. Events are held weekly, monthly or promptly. Responsible persons: heads of departments (heads of workshops, shifts, senior foremen, managers, etc.). They:

Hear daily reports from subordinate specialists on the work being carried out in the department and its safety;
weekly or more often check the logs of reception/handover of shifts, 3-stage control, other logs, organize the elimination of violations that were revealed by the previous level of control, check the implementation of recommendations made by previous inspections;
check the safety status at the department's workplaces monthly or more often. This work is carried out jointly with the representatives of labor collectives on occupational safety, and, if the trade union committee wishes, also with its representatives. If the inspection coincides with the inspection of the enterprise's OT service, then they are carried out jointly by one commission.


Carrying out activities recommended by previous inspections;
work safety;
correct operation of equipment, its maintenance and repair;
availability and correct design OT documentation;
quality of control at the previous stage;
working conditions, sanitary services;
completeness of PPE, safety signs, instructions and their use.

The “3-Stage Control Log” records violations that cannot be immediately corrected. The results of the control are displayed in the order and studied at the next OT meeting.

3. Control in the organization

The main task is to ensure security throughout the enterprise. Frequency – promptly, monthly, quarterly, according to schedule. Responsible persons: head of the enterprise, safety commission.


Head of the enterprise:
organizes daily collection of information from heads of departments and labor protection services and makes appropriate decisions;
once every six months or more often, organizes a commission review of the progress of implementation of the comprehensive occupational safety action plan and adoption of appropriate decisions.
Chief Engineer:

— organizes daily collection of information from dispatchers, safety services, makes appropriate decisions;
— quarterly or more often organizes a commission review of the state of occupational safety at the enterprise, makes or approves appropriate decisions.

Head of OT service:

— organizes monthly collection of information from department heads about the state of labor protection;
— monthly works with authorized labor collectives on occupational safety issues: listens to proposals, organizes training, coordinates working together;
— carries out inspections of the health and safety status on schedule, as well as unscheduled.

Main specialists:

— organize a monthly analysis of occupational safety violations recorded in their subordinate units during the reporting period;
— carry out inspections in their area of ​​competence quarterly and more often.

Occupational Safety and Health Commission:

— carries out health inspections according to the schedule of comprehensive examinations. During this process, she reviews all aspects of the units' security performance;
— quality of work at the 2nd stage of control, implementation of recommendations of previous inspections;
— documents the results of the work in acts, on the basis of which relevant instructions and orders are issued.

The OT service supervises the elimination of violations identified by the commission.

Three-stage control log: example of filling

The three-stage control log is filled out at levels 1 and 2. You can enter logs for each stage separately or one log for both stages. Each organization has the right to develop its own form of this journal, which best suits its needs.

Three-stage control log and filling example:

For joint filling:

date Stage number Violations Elimination time frame Inspector's position, full name Inspector's signature, date date of completion Full name, signature of the performer
1 16.12.2016 1 The fence was removed at conveyor No. 3 at elevation -10m Immediately Shift foreman Boy S.M., OT authorized Shevchik M.I. signature






Brigadier Onishchenko M.I.
2 20.12.2016 2 Loaders are not provided with safety glasses in accordance with the Issuing Standards 2 days Head of the workshop Osipov E.G.

Labor Protection Commissioner M.I. Shevchik

signature 12/20/2016

signature 12/20/2016

Completed 12/21/2016 Senior master Efimov A.M.

For each stage separately.

Three-stage control helps to identify violations and immediately take measures to eliminate them. Its implementation can significantly reduce the workload of a labor protection specialist. We'll tell you how to do this in practice.

Read in the article:

What is three-stage labor protection control: regulatory document

Three-stage control (TSC) is not mandatory for all enterprises without exception, but has established itself as a convenient, transparent, understandable part of the OSH system. A direct requirement for its introduction is contained only in the Rules on labor protection in construction No. 336n.

TSC can be roughly represented as a pyramid:

Level I – implemented by staff at their workplaces.

Level II – operational, carried out by local managers.

Level III – periodic, organized by the employer himself.

The law does not regulate the number of steps. This will depend on the specifics of production and is determined by the employer himself.

To implement, organize, and conduct TSC at an enterprise, the following local documents are required:

  • Orders on the introduction of three-stage control and the creation of a commission (committee) on occupational safety.
  • Regulations on monitoring of occupational safety.
  • Log books of activities carried out control activities.
  • commission at the third stage.

Three-stage control over the state of labor protection at the enterprise is carried out with the aim of regularly monitoring conditions in the workplace, personnel discipline, compliance production process accepted standards.

The tasks of the TSC include:

  • implementation of the entire range of safety measures;
  • appointment of responsible employees;
  • identification and elimination of violations.

Three-stage control log (sample)

This log is intended to record the results of the inspection. There is no mandatory form of its maintenance established by law, but it is best to use the recommended samples. The correct one will help to quickly identify the responsible persons, establish the circumstances, and take corrective measures.

Regulations on three-stage control over the state of labor protection

The enterprise is developing a Regulation on TSC. It will apply to local regulations, establish the structure, responsibilities, responsibilities of each level, as well as the main activities and control parameters. Typically, this document is developed by the labor protection service, involving specialists who are well aware of the specifics of the work in their area. with a trade union or other body representing the interests of workers.

To implement TSC in an organization, it is not necessary to develop a separate provision. The procedure for its implementation can be established in the Regulations on the OSMS.

Order on three-stage labor protection control

The order is drawn up in free form. In addition to the required details, dates, places, it indicates:

  • basis (regulatory framework);
  • list of persons responsible for conducting inspections;
  • an employee authorized to manage and coordinate work;

The order is certified by the signature of the head and the seal of the organization. Download a sample order for the introduction of TSC in the journal "Handbook of Occupational Safety and Health Specialist".

How does three-stage control over compliance with labor protection at an enterprise work?

The “pyramid” is first assembled from the “bricks” of level I: small but regular inspections of workplaces in department areas, shifts or teams. Above them are built slightly more infrequent checks for the unit as a whole. The last level covers the entire organization. The control procedure is regulated.

The first stage of labor protection control

As part of the first stage, regular monitoring is carried out. The periods used are short: one shift or working day, in order to timely record and prevent possible violations or omissions. The check is carried out before starting work or during the shift.

The first level relates to the competence of the immediate supervisor of the work (this could be, for example, a foreman, foreman, shift supervisors, duty officer, etc.) together with a person authorized by a trade union or team. If any violations are revealed during inspection activities, a record of this must be entered in the Stage I journal.

So, at the first stage the following are checked:

  • Equipment or tool malfunctions.
  • Working conditions at each workplace.
  • Condition of all working premises, electrical safety, storage rules.
  • Availability of required personal protective equipment, as well as signal or protective barriers.
  • Taking measures to eliminate violations identified by the previous inspection.
  • All documentation on permission to work and qualifications of personnel, etc.

Journal of the 1st stage of labor protection control - sample filling

The 1st stage log records:

  • date of inspection (if necessary, the time is indicated);
  • identified violations;
  • measures that need to be taken to eliminate violations;
  • responsible person, deadline for eliminating the violation;
  • completion mark;
  • signatures of responsible persons.

Second stage of control

Inspections are carried out in accordance with the approved schedule.


  • Organization of control activities at the first stage.
  • Execution of OT (orders, directions, instructions, etc.).
  • Compliance with accepted standards, serviceability production equipment and tools.
  • Compliance by employees with labor protection rules.
  • Compliance with deadlines for preventive repairs of production equipment and systems.
  • Availability and condition of occupational safety equipment (stands, posters, safety signs, etc.)
  • Availability and condition of signaling, fire-fighting equipment, devices, control and measuring equipment, etc.
  • Compliance with safety regulations or fire and explosive substances and materials.
  • Timeliness, as well as quality of training, briefings, knowledge testing on occupational safety;
  • Providing personnel with therapeutic and preventive nutrition, milk, required benefits, compensation for work in harmful or dangerous workplaces.
  • Availability and condition of sanitary facilities and fixtures.
  • Compliance with the established.

The third level of labor protection control

The inspection is carried out by a commission headed by the head of the enterprise, which includes chief specialists, those responsible for labor protection, and representatives of the team. Its subjects largely coincide with the 2nd stage, the following are added:

  • Organization of verification activities at stages 1 and 2.
  • Implementation of the plan to improve the UT, clauses of the collective agreement, .
  • Performance necessary measures conclusions based on the results of the investigation of accidents and occupational diseases.
  • Technical condition of buildings, structures, adjacent territories.
  • Organization of medical and preventive services for personnel.
  • Preparing to act in emergency or emergency situations.

Based on the results of the inspection, the commission draws up a report, and the identified violations are recorded in the Three-Stage Control Log of the unit in which the inspection was carried out.

The head of the organization reviews the results of the third stage with the participation of managers structural divisions, chief specialists, representatives trade union organization. Activities are planned to eliminate identified problems, executors and deadlines are assigned. Based on the results of the meeting, a protocol is drawn up.

The set of control measures at all stages is individual for each enterprise and is determined by the specifics of its activities.

What is two-stage control

If the enterprise does not have a significant staff of employees, it is appropriate to introduce not a three-, but a two-stage system. In this case, actions at stages I and II are carried out directly by the work manager, and stage III is an extended inspection carried out once a month by the occupational safety committee together with specialists and a person authorized by the trade union.

Back in the days of the Soviet Union, a three-stage labor protection control system was developed. And today this method is used quite actively.

Types of control

Labor Code obliges the employer not only to ensure appropriate labor protection conditions in the company, but also to organize proper monitoring of the state of such conditions.

There are three main systems of labor protection control:

  • state;
  • departmental;
  • public.

In addition to these systems, there is also a three-stage control (administrative and public).

Three-stage control: its essence

The essence of this method is to organize control in three stages (stages).

There is no single document regulating the procedure for conducting such control in all organizations. There are several regulations that describe this method in individual industries.

For example, in the Rules for Printing Companies (Order of the Ministry of Trade and Industry of the Russian Federation dated December 4, 2002 N 237). In this document, this method provides:

  • daily control (I stage) - must be carried out by the site foreman together with a public inspector;
  • weekly (II stage) - by the shop manager together with the labor protection representative;
  • monthly (III stage) - by a commission under the leadership of the chief engineer of the organization.

The same control method is used during operational work and ensuring the safety of train traffic in the locomotive facilities of JSC Russian Railways (Regulations approved by JSC Russian Railways on 08/12/2006 N TsTL-16/2).

Let us consider each level of control in more detail, based on general established practice.

1st stage of control

Involves daily or shift monitoring. Conducted by the work manager (for example, shift foreman, station duty officer, foreman, etc.). Control should be carried out both at the beginning of the working day and during the day or shift.

At the beginning of the working day, the work manager is obliged to check:

  • employees' readiness to start labor activity(for general health, absence of alcohol intoxication, etc.);
  • workplaces (their condition and compliance with standards);
  • availability of a first aid kit, fire extinguishing equipment, etc.;
  • availability of protective equipment and protective clothing, serviceable tools and devices;
  • correct operation of grounding devices, ventilation, lighting;
  • condition of passages and driveways;
  • elimination of violations discovered by the previous inspection.

After the work team begins work, throughout the entire shift it is necessary to monitor employees’ compliance with instructions and labor protection rules.

2nd stage of control

The 2nd stage is carried out by the head of the department. His capacity may be, for example, the head of a workshop, section, senior foreman, etc.

Control is carried out at least once a month. Persons authorized for labor protection are invited to participate.

At the second stage, the following are checked:

  • implementation of activities planned based on the results of inspections of previous control levels;
  • implementation of measures based on the results of accident investigations;
  • performance Vehicle, equipment;
  • illumination of workplaces;
  • availability of information stands and safety signs;
  • quality and timeliness of technical training and instruction;
  • serviceability of electrical equipment and ventilation devices;
  • sanitary condition of workshops and household premises.

3rd stage of control

The last stage is carried out by the commission. The commission may include a chief engineer, deputy chiefs, a labor protection engineer, labor protection representatives, representatives of the trade union committee, chief technologist, responsible for electrical equipment, HR department inspector, etc. The commission is headed by one of the directors of the enterprise. In some cases, several commissions may be created if necessary.

The 3rd stage of control is carried out at least once a quarter. Check covers everything production units.

  • control results at previous stages;
  • maintenance of buildings, structures, roadways, pedestrian areas, premises, passages, tunnels;
  • operability of technological, lifting, transport and other equipment;
  • correct operation of ventilation systems;
  • availability of connection diagrams for power plants and communications;
  • availability and use of special clothing, safety shoes and other protective equipment;
  • compliance with work and rest schedules;
  • compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, electrical and fire safety rules, etc.

Based on the results of the inspection at the third stage, a report is drawn up. This act indicates the identified violations. Based on the act, an order is issued to take the necessary measures and eliminate the identified violations.

The employer has the obligation to organize internal system labor protection. One of the effective forms of ensuring employee safety in work time– three-stage labor protection control. The essence of this method lies in the involvement of officials with different levels of authority in the process of monitoring labor protection at all stages.

Classification of types of control

The Labor Code assigns the employer the function of ensuring normal working conditions for personnel, as well as monitoring the current state and changes in the created conditions.

For labor protection purposes, there may be several types of control:

  • state;
  • departmental;
  • public;
  • administrative – in essence, this is three-stage control.

Let’s say right away that the three-tier system combines the functions of administrative and public species control.

How does three-stage control work?

Description of a set of actions within the three-stage internal control Occupational safety systems can only be found in some industry regulations. For example, in the order of the Ministry of Transport and Industry of December 4, 2002 No. 237 and the regulations of JSC Russian Railways of August 12, 2006 No. TsTL-16/2.

The fact is that federal legislation does not impose a general obligation to maintain such control on employers.

This method of organizing labor protection provides for:

1st stage of control

At this stage, three-stage monitoring of compliance with labor protection can occur daily or every shift, with a set of certain activities carried out at the beginning of the working day and throughout the entire shift.

Responsibilities for its implementation are assigned to:

  • for a shift foreman;
  • duty officer;
  • foreman;
  • immediate superior.

The working day of such a responsible person should begin with the following actions:

  • checking the current health status of employees arriving at work;
  • monitoring the adequacy of employee behavior (detection of facts of alcohol and drug intoxication, mental imbalance);
  • safety assessment production premises relatively control values key indicators;
  • checking the availability of first aid kits and fire extinguishers, special clothing in the required places, individual funds protection;
  • checking tools for serviceability;
  • diagnostics of the operation of the ventilation system, lighting and grounding devices.

During the working day, the responsible official is obliged to note the team's compliance with safety and labor protection rules. If necessary, the supervisor can use checklists, making notes on each item.

2nd stage of control

Heads of structural units, represented by heads of workshops, sections and senior foremen, implement a set of level 2 measures, which involves three-stage control over labor protection at the enterprise.

The frequency of these checks is from 1 time per month. However, weekly monitoring is also possible. In addition, occupational safety specialists can be involved in inspections.

The tasks of the inspectors at this stage are:

  • eliminating deficiencies identified by daily monitoring;
  • implementation of measures specified in acts for investigating injury cases (if any);
  • diagnostics of operability and serviceability of transport and equipment, electrical appliances and ventilation systems;
  • checking compliance with the standards of the degree of illumination of each workplace in the enterprise, the sanitary condition of production premises and rest rooms;
  • recording the presence of information stands with safety signs, assessing their relevance;
  • checking the implementation of the labor protection training schedule and the timeliness of special briefings.

Note that in the first 2 stages, as a rule, a three-stage control log is filled out. A sample of it is usually given in the internal normative act enterprises. For example, regulations on labor protection.

3rd stage of control

Once a month or quarterly, the enterprise forms a commission, which is headed by the head of the organization or his deputy. She conducts a comprehensive audit of the labor protection system. The commission may include:

  • Chief Engineer;
  • chief technologist;
  • technical department employees;
  • representatives of the trade union committee;
  • electricians;
  • personnel department employees, etc.

The functions of the commission usually include:

  • studying facts of violation of safety measures (in the log of three-stage labor protection control they are noted by responsible persons at the first 2 stages of control);
  • assessment of the current state of industrial buildings, structures, road crossings on the territory of the enterprise, tunnels, sidewalks, etc.;
  • diagnostics of serviceability of lifting equipment, technical production lines, ventilation systems, electrical devices, communications;
  • availability and intended use of protective clothing and other personal protective equipment.

At this stage, general monitoring of compliance with the work and rest regime established at the enterprise is carried out, and the degree of compliance of sanitary and hygienic standards in the workplace with state standards is assessed.

If at the first 2 stages, based on the results of the inspection, a three-stage control log is filled out, then at the third monitoring block the results are reflected in the report. Its shape is arbitrary. It involves listing the entire range of identified violations.

Based on the final document presented by the commission, the head of the enterprise issues an order to eliminate the detected shortcomings by implementing specific measures.

Maintaining this log is the responsibility of the inspectors. This document must contain information:

  • about the date of inspection;
  • FULL NAME. and positions of inspectors;
  • identified violations;
  • proposed measures to eliminate shortcomings;
  • time frames allocated for improving the labor protection system;
  • appointment of responsible persons who must monitor the elimination of deficiencies;
  • notes on the implementation of the proposed measures.

In order to prevent disagreements within the enterprise, as well as to minimize claims from external controllers, the internal regulations on labor protection must approve recommendations for maintaining and the form of a three-stage control log. Each organization will have its own example of how to fill out this document.