Production of polymer pipes business plan. Production of PVC pipes - manufacturing technology and materials used. Choosing the material of manufacture

Current offer on the market plastic pipes cannot meet all customer needs. This is explained by good functional characteristics and affordable cost of polymer products. That is why the production of plastic pipes is currently considered one of the most attractive segments for investment. But before you start purchasing equipment, you need to familiarize yourself with the specifics of production.

Production technology

IN general outline The process of making plastic pipes is quite simple. One type of polymer is used as a raw material, it is prepared for heat treatment, and then products of the desired configuration are made using extrusion. But if you delve into the analysis of the processes, the production of pipes turns out to be much more complicated than at first glance.

The entire technological process consists of the following stages:

  1. Preparation of raw materials. It is mixed and, if necessary, crushed using crushers.
  2. Heating the mass to the melting point. This process takes place gradually - with the help of a screw, the plastic mass moves from one temperature chamber to another.
  3. Formation of the workpiece. For this you will need an extruder. Hot raw materials under pressure enter a special chamber, where, passing through a die of a certain shape, it takes on its final form.
  4. Cooling and calibration. Moving along the conveyor belt, the workpiece is exposed to hot water, as a result of which it cools down. Then, using a vacuum calibrator, the product is given its final dimensions.

What equipment is required to carry out this process? Currently, manufacturers combine the above operations into one production complex. But first you need to decide on the type of raw material. The quality and characteristics of the products will depend on it.

Choosing the material of manufacture

There are several types of raw materials that can be used for the production of polymer products.

Polypropylene, random copolymer

It is used for the manufacture of polypropylene pipes and connecting elements. It is obtained by copolymerizing ethylene and propylene in certain proportions. The result is white granules labeled PPRC. Unfortunately, there are no producers of this raw material in Russia, so suppliers from Eastern European countries are often chosen. In particular, the Hungarian chemical concern Tipplen offers a random polymer of the CS4-8000 TVK brand.

Polypropylene, homopolymer

Sewer pipes and components for them are made from it. A feature of this material is fragility. Therefore, despite their low cost, products made from it can only be used for arranging internal non-pressure sewage systems.


In the vast majority of cases, low-density polyethylene (high density) is used. For this, it is recommended to use feedstock grade PE-80 or PE-100. Unlike older analogues, products made from this material can withstand fairly high mechanical loads.

Having decided on the raw materials, you can begin a detailed analysis production process.


Before starting the production process, it is necessary to check the packaging of the starting material. It should not contain foreign objects, metal, etc. If quality is poor, expensive equipment may fail during the production process. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase special sieves for sifting and removing debris. This is especially true for technology that involves the use of recycled materials.

The prepared plastic mass is loaded into the receiving chamber of the extruder. The screw ensures its movement through the heating chambers. You can set the temperature level in each zone. This is important for creating a homogeneous molten mass.

During the heating process, the raw material is plasticized and, having reached optimal temperature, enters the workpiece formation zone. The temperature depends on the type of source material. For polyethylene it is 240°C. In the extrusion head, a blank is formed - a pipe. If the production of reinforced models is planned, then a foil feeder is installed at the outlet of the die. The molten mass flows around it, forming a reinforced pipe.

At this stage, the temperature of the product is such that even a slight fluctuation can cause a change in shape. Therefore, the workpiece immediately enters the cooling zone.

Cooling and calibration

A plastic pipe production line must be equipped with a cooling device. Often it is part of a general production complex. Ordinary running water can be used as a coolant. To reduce the likelihood of debris entering it, it is recommended to pre-filter it.

At this stage, the products are calibrated using vacuum devices. This is done by changing the drawing speed. The product is pulled through a special nozzle, the diameter of which coincides with the internal dimensions of the pipe. At the same time, water flows from the nozzles act on the surface of the product. They give the pipe its final shape.

After this, the product enters the cutting line. Using a meter counter, the required length is measured and a cut is made from the total workpiece.


Pipe production plant in addition to production premises must have a properly organized warehouse of finished products in its structure. Packaged finished products are stored on its territory.

The room must meet safety rules and maintain constant temperature and humidity. An important nuance is the location of the products. It should only be stored horizontally, without external mechanical pressure. If this rule is neglected, then during storage the pipes may become deformed, which will lead to a deterioration in their performance.

When choosing equipment, you need to pay attention to its main parameters. These include productivity (kg/hour), the ability to manufacture products from various types polymer raw materials and the number of service personnel.

If your budget is limited, you can purchase used machines. But in this case, you need to carefully check their condition, equipment and possible manufacturer’s warranty. The average cost of a used extruder, calibration and broaching device can be up to 580 thousand rubles.

As far as it can be cost-effective production plastic pipes? This largely depends on the organization and management. If a competent business plan has been drawn up in advance, a sales market has been identified and the cost of production has been calculated, then the probability of success of this enterprise is high. Therefore, each stage of planning must be approached carefully, taking into account all the nuances and possible complications.

The article will discuss the specifics of manufacturing plastic pipes, the necessary equipment and raw materials. A separate paragraph will describe the production technology.

Currently, the country is experiencing an expansion in the production of plastic pipes. This is due to the ease of manufacture and high demand for this type products. Plastic pipes are in demand when laying sewerage systems, water and gas supply systems, heating, and installation of “warm floor” systems.

This is due to their operational properties, in particular:

  • Reliability, during operation there are no signs of corrosion or rotting on the pipes;
  • Completely harmless to humans, no effect on the quality and taste of water;
  • Ease;
  • Lime deposits do not accumulate;
  • Durability, service life exceeds 50 years.

Plastic Pipe Extruder

The following can be used as a basis for the manufacture of plastic products: polymers of various pressures, polybutylene, polypropylene and similar raw materials.

A machine for the production of plastic pipes is an extruder that forces the product through molten plastic through a forming hole.

Extruders are divided into three subtypes:

  1. Screw. The operating principle of the machine is similar to the operation of a meat grinder or juicer. Most often, screw extruders are used to produce plastic pipes.
  2. Screwless. This type of extruder is used to produce pipes from a mixture of materials. The main working element of the machine is the disk.
  3. Combined. In this machine, the screw part is combined with the disk.

Necessary equipment

Let's move on to listing the equipment for the production of plastic pipes. As mentioned earlier, an extruder is needed to set up the process. But that's not all that's needed.

Necessary equipment:

  • Raw material redirection system;
  • Mixer;
  • Styling storage;
  • Slicing machine;
  • Conveyor belt;
  • Cooling and calibration baths;
  • Vacuum molder;
  • Pulling device.

Typically, granular polymers are purchased for production. Particular care must be taken to monitor their expiration date and quality. Polypropylene and polyethylene perform especially well. They have the longest shelf life, so these materials are considered the most profitable.

Polypropylene copolymer is also in high demand for pipe production. This is due to the low price per kilogram. And the most inexpensive raw material is low-density polyethylene.

Important nuance: It is preferable when starting this type of business to always purchase from one plant, because when the raw materials used change, you will need different equipment for the production of pipes. And this state of affairs will be associated with various types of losses.

Production technology

As has already become clear, the method of making plastic pipes is based on the extrusion method. This is a closed cyclical process. Let's study its nuances in detail, using polyethylene products as an example.

According to the technology for the production of plastic pipes, the raw materials are polyethylene PE-80 and PE-100, which contains special additives. With their help, the material is given the properties necessary for subsequent use.

The production of plastic pipes itself consists of 9 successive stages. It is very important to monitor the quality of the process at each of them.

Production stages:

  1. First of all, raw materials (granulated polyethylene) are supplied to the extruder loading tank, located above the material cylinder.
  2. From the tank, the granules are redirected to the material cylinder for subsequent melting.
  3. The screw directs the molten granules into the extrusion pipe head, in which the product blank is formed.
  4. Ring heaters placed on the outside of the material cylinder begin heating it.
  5. In the extrusion tube head, the molten raw material takes the form of a billet.
  6. A vacuum calibrator ensures the correct outer diameter of the product; the wall thickness is adjusted by changing the rotation speed of the pulling mechanism.
  7. The workpiece is gradually cooled, immersed in installed baths.
  8. The cutting device cuts the pipe blank into pieces of the required length, which is controlled according to the meter counter.
  9. Based on the customer’s wishes, the final pipe is either wrapped in a coil or supplied as lengths.

Quality control

After the pipes are manufactured, they should be sent to the quality control department, where the geometric dimensions of the products will be checked.

In particular, the following parameters are measured:

  • Ovality;
  • Diameter of the outer side of the products;
  • Length of the cut parts;
  • Pipe thickness.

Laboratory staff acting in accordance with instructions regulatory documents, samples will be selected from the received batch for testing. If the studied parameters are normal, then a quality compliance document is attached to the batch. They are then sent to the customer.

Particular attention should be paid to the quality of manufactured products. Requires coordinated and extremely precise functioning of all elements technological process. This is the only way to deliver high-quality products to the consumer in accordance with the order. If things go differently, the business will not be successful and its owner will suffer losses.

If we summarize all of the above, it becomes clear that the process of manufacturing plastic pipes is distinguished by thoughtfulness and automation. It does not require significant expenditure of either resources or time. Among other things, production produces virtually no waste and has no negative impact on the environment. And the production line can be placed in a relatively small room; its area will take up less than 100 square meters.

should become a solid foundation in the organization of the project. Production as a multifaceted process requires a serious approach and detailed calculations, so you should not be negligent at the planning stage.

It is important to emphasize that this type of business is extremely promising, since polymer pipes today are the most in demand in the construction market, largely due to their versatility, wear resistance, ease of installation and use. Therefore, it is important to take its rightful place among the manufacturers of pipes of this type as soon as possible.

Key Features business plan for the production of polymer pipes

Production of plastic pipes as a type of business

The peculiarity of business in the production sector is that the scope of activity is much wider than the technological process. A novice entrepreneur must understand this when drawing up business plan for organizing production of polymer structures and pipes must clearly represent the areas of his functionality:

  • Technological process
  • Solving legal problems
  • Product sales issues
  • Organizational matters
  • Financial calculation

Business planning will help you assess your capabilities, both financial, organizational, and emotional, which will be required to create production.



Features of the technological process for the production of plastic pipes

Any entrepreneur planning to enter the manufacturing sector must understand not only purely economic details, but also have a thorough understanding of technology. Therefore, a special place in business plan By production of polymer structures and pipes will be occupied by a description of the technological process.

In the very general view it looks like this: raw materials are supplied to the receiver of the extrusion machine, under high temperature pressure the material melts and moves to the next forming stage, where the main parameters of the future pipe are determined. Then the product is cooled, calibrated and cut into pieces. As you can see, the production technology is not so complicated and special skills can be mastered in a short time.

Features of the plastic pipe production process (equipment, raw materials, etc.) will determine calculation issues.

1 – Summary

1.1. The essence of the project

1.2. Investment volume for production of polymer pipes

1.3. Work results

2 – Concept

2.1. Project concept

2.2. Description/Properties/Characteristics

2.3. Goals for 5 years

3 – Market

3.1. Market size

3.2. Market dynamics

4 – Staff

4.1. Staffing table

4.2. Processes

4.3. Wage

5 – Financial plan

5.1. Investment plan

5.2. Financing plan

5.3. Sales plan production of polymer pipes

5.4. Spending plan

5.5. Tax payment plan

5.6. Reports

5.7. Investor income

6 – Analysis

6.1. Investment analysis

6.2. The financial analysis

6.3. Risks production of polymer pipes

7 – Conclusions

Business plan production of polymer pipes provided in MS Word format - it already contains all the tables, graphs, diagrams and descriptions. You can use them "as is" because it is already ready to use. Or you can adjust any section to suit you.

For example: if you need to change the name of the project or the region where the business is located, this can be easily done in the “Project Concept” section.

Financial calculations are provided in MS Excel format - the parameters are highlighted in the financial model - this means that you can change any parameter, and the model will automatically calculate everything: it will build all the tables, graphs and diagrams.

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A special feature of the financial model is that all formulas, parameters and variables are available for change, which means that any specialist who knows how to work in MS Excel can adjust the model to suit themselves.


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Feedback on the business plan for the production of polymer pipes

When organizing the production of plastic pipes, the main task for us was to find additional capital investments. To solve this issue, it was necessary to support an attractive business idea with competent calculations of financial movements and, most importantly for prospective investors, the payback period for all costs. To save time, we turned to the specialists of the Plan Pro company and purchased a ready-made one. The correct financial model presented in it was able to attract partners, and, accordingly, additional funds in the amount of 75 million rubles.

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Development of a business plan for production activities

General business concept

Formulating a general concept production of polymer pipes- the fundamental point of everything business plan, so the calculation grid, planning of partnership agreements, determining the sales market, etc. depend on this.

So, it is important to decide which sector or sectors of production you will occupy and, accordingly, pipes for what purposes you will produce. Depending on the source material and its resistance to impact external environment water, gas, and sewer pipes are distinguished; a similar frame is used even when insulating fiber optics.

In addition, it is necessary to determine the scale of the entire production and the possibility of expansion.

Basic questions of a business plan

Business plan is a kind of instruction for building a business; the success of the start and development will depend on how detailed it is worked out polymer production or plastic pipes. Therefore, in the process of compiling it, it is necessary to highlight a number of issues:

  • Marketing plan
  • Investment calculation
  • Calculation part of the project
  • Profitability of production

Marketing plan

In order to business plan develop marketing strategy at production of polymer pipes, it is necessary to carefully analyze two points: the state of the market and the possibilities of selling products.

As statistics show, regardless of the region, the production of plastic pipes has high level competition. In order to stand out in this competitive struggle, experts advise paying attention to some details. As a rule, manufacturers have a clearly defined sales market, so it is extremely important to find regular customers and conclude appropriate agreements with them ( construction companies and shops, companies involved in the installation of utility networks, etc.)

Among other areas of production of building materials, it also deserves attention fiberglass reinforcement, which have long become an economical replacement for metal fittings. will allow you to assess the prospects and profitability of this startup.

Registration of plastic pipe production

When compiling business plan for the production of polymer pipes and designs, it is important not only to decide on legal status its activities, and comply with a number of regulations.

Depending on the volume and scale of the planned enterprise, the organizational and legal form can be either an individual entrepreneur or a company of various types. In accordance with the chosen status, you will need to decide on the taxation system.

In addition, organizing the production of plastic pipes requires obtaining a number of permitting documents from municipal authorities, fire inspection, gas service, SES, etc.

In accordance with the norms of specialized GOST, conditions for storing plastic products and their transportation must be created.

Investment calculation

Organization production of polymer pipes requires the entrepreneur to make fairly large investments, which must be spelled out in detail in business plan. Costs include:

  • Purchase of raw materials for production
  • Equipment costs and depreciation
  • Rent of premises for technological process and office
  • Government payment duties and taxes
  • Advertising budget
  • Communal payments
  • Fare

Experts advise, based on the possibility of certain financial risks, to reserve capital as a “safety cushion”.

Example business project can only determine an approximate range of costs, it will be 50 - 150 million rubles. It is important to understand that, given individual characteristics For any given enterprise, this amount will vary.

Thus, all calculations are directly related to the individual financial program of a particular business, based on this, it is difficult to accurately predict the amount of investment. However, the Plan Pro company is ready to help you with this. All you need to do is download the ready-made business plan for the production of polymer pipes, where you will find a convenient calculation system with which you can adjust your budget and predict the amount of starting capital.

Required premises and equipment

When drawing up, it is necessary to determine the requirements for the premises and their functionality. Ideally, you will need production, storage and office space for working with clients. When choosing one and the other, and the third, you should rely on the requirements of the SES and other inspection bodies.

It is prohibited to place production and warehouse sites within the city, but the office can be located in the center. In addition, since your enterprise is associated with certain transport parts, warehouse and production hangars should be equipped with convenient access.

Production of polymer pipes requires special equipment, the costs of which must be provided for business plan. When choosing equipment and tools, you should proceed from the planned type of production. In its most general form, the set of basic equipment will be as follows:

  • An extruder is the main machine for work (screwless, screw or combined)
  • Materials and equipment for storing finished products

In addition, for the normal functioning of the enterprise, you should take care of connecting the premises to the main engineering networks, security system, equipping a living room for employees and an office.

Selection of workers for the production of plastic pipes

When compiled in business plan range of requirements for employees employed in production of polymer pipes, it is important to consider that special skills and vocational education not required here. And the number of employees will directly depend on the scale of production.

In addition, to maintain documentation and work with clients, you will need a manager and an accountant; if possible, these two positions can be occupied by one person.

Calculation part of the project

Business plan by organization polymer production structures and pipes must form a competent calculation grid, since accounting for all financial movements is a necessary element of effective management.

When developing a financial model, it is necessary to highlight expenditure and revenue items in the budget. So the first will include costs associated with the purchase of equipment, raw materials, rent, etc. It is possible to calculate income items only if you use the real indicators of a particular business.

Profitability of production

Production of polymer pipes- a business that requires large expenses, but if built correctly business plan has a fairly short payback period, on average 3 – 5 years.

The calculation of profitability in this case will be made taking into account the revenue from the sale of finished products, which for the xxx period will amount to xxx thousand rubles. The approximate amount can be calculated based on the average prices for plastic pipes in Russia. indicators. Each of the parameters of the financial model can be changed manually.

Traffic report Money- the most important document of any business plan. Contains comprehensive information about the company's operating, investment and financial inflows and outflows, and also allows you to evaluate the overall picture of the company's performance.

Download a ready-made business plan for the production of polymer pipes with financial calculations and an Excel financial model

Thus, we can speak with confidence about the prospects of organizing production plastic structures and, in particular, pipes. High stable demand for such products, proper budget planning and identification of a reliable sales market guarantee you a high income.

However, like any business, this area is associated with certain financial and legal risks. To protect your undertaking from them, you can download finished sample business plan for the production of polymer pipes. Financial structure, the clarity and transparency of the calculations presented in the sample will help you adjust or formulate your own economic model. In addition, the Plan Pro company offers to create a turnkey business plan for you, taking into account the economic indicators of your particular production.

The production of plastic pipes in the context of an expanding range of their use, and accordingly increasing demand, is profitable business. But it should be emphasized that a stable high income and uninterrupted employment can only be guaranteed to you by a well-designed business plan for the production of polymer pipes.

Over the past few years, the production of plastic pipes has significantly improved and expanded in scale. More and more companies are opening their own workshops for the production of these products.

The popularity of plastic pipe production is due to their widespread use. After all, these products are used for the construction of sewerage, heating systems, gas and water supply. This is not a complete list of all possible areas of application of plastic pipes.

Due to such popularity of products on Russian market There is considerable competition among manufacturers. Therefore, manufacturing technology is constantly being improved. And in order to beat competitors, it is necessary to produce high-quality products at an attractive price for customers.

Manufacturing technology

The manufacturing technology of plastic pipes is simple and does not require careful study. But, before considering it, let's discuss the advantages of this product. Firstly, plastic pipes have a durable composition that will never rust or rot. The maximum withstand temperature reaches +170 degrees C. Unlike metal, there are no lime deposits on plastic.

Shelf life with proper use is approximately 50 years. As you can see, there are many advantages. But let's get back to manufacturing. The production of plastic pipes is based on so-called extrusion. That is, the product itself is created by extrusion from molten raw materials. Production begins with the raw materials being poured into the extruder receiver hopper, where the material is melted using high temperature.

After which the resulting mass enters the forming sector. There, the future parameters of the pipe are determined. Next, the product is cooled in a special bath. The calibrating mold completes the design formation stage. At the very last moment, the finished pipes are cut and laid.

Necessary equipment

The necessary equipment for the production of plastic pipes depends on the type of production required. One of the main devices is an extruder. It comes in several types, namely: screwless, screw and combined. The process of an extruder can be compared to a juicer. When the raw material enters it, it is completely crushed (melted).

The screwless device is equipped with a disk, where the main part of the work takes place. This type of extruder can process mixed materials. But, as statistics show, such an opportunity is useless in production. Therefore, screw extruders are most often used.

The full production cycle additionally requires the use of certain devices, such as a transport belt, a raw material supply system, a mixer, a pulling apparatus, a vacuum molder and storage tank, baths for calibrating and cooling the laying pipe, and a pipe cutting machine.

Each of these devices has its own personal performance indicators, which determine the speed of operation. The cost of a complete set of devices varies greatly depending on the exact characteristics of the individual devices. According to the latest data, all equipment for the production of plastic pipes costs 400 thousand rubles (this is the lowest price).

Raw materials

The production of plastic pipes can be done using various types raw materials. The most commonly used polymers (both high and low pressure), polybutene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride, etc. The choice of raw materials depends on the chosen type of production. When selecting materials, it is important to pay attention to quality and shelf life.

This is especially true for polymers. Polypropylene, as well as polyethylene, have a long shelf life (which is what attracts most manufacturers). The cost of raw materials depends on the quality and type. For example, polypropylene costs 50-70 rubles per kg. Polyethylene is a cheaper raw material - 32 rubles per kg. As a rule, at the stage of purchasing equipment, the main type of materials used should already be selected.

Selecting a room

Any special requirements There is no room selection. The main thing is that the machine for the production of plastic pipes and other things fit necessary equipment. Of course, do not forget about a special room for working personnel. The building must also have a bathroom and storage area. It is prohibited to build such factories in the city. It is necessary to organize convenient entry for trucks. Depending on the amount of equipment, the building area should be from 40 to 200 square meters.


A plastic pipe production line must be operated by at least three workers. The list of personnel includes a technologist, an operator and an assistant. If workers have never encountered such equipment, they need to be given precise instructions on all machines. At first, you may need to control everything yourself.

As a rule, a technologist receives 50 thousand rubles, an operator – 25-30 thousand rubles. But depending on the load and location, the numbers will change. Also, do not forget that you will need to hire several work groups who will work in shifts. Each of them must appoint its own leader. This will make it easier for you to manage your staff.


The production of plastic pipes requires permission from a number of government agencies. If you have additional funds, you can use the services of specialized companies that help in collecting necessary documents. Permission must be obtained from Gosnadzorohrantruda, fire inspection, gas service, sanitary and epidemiological station, local authorities executive power.

In addition to the documents, there are a number of rules for transporting and storing plastic products. The conditions are established in accordance with GOST 18599-2001. Transporting finished products is permitted only in closed transport. The pipes themselves must be completely placed in protective packaging and equipped with plugs. During transportation, it is not allowed to transport pipes longer than 5.5 meters and weighing more than 1.25 tons (including packaging).

Pipe products made of polyvinyl chloride found wide application in many areas modern life. The reason for its demand is the excellent quality of the products. How are PVC pipes produced, and what raw materials and equipment are used for this?

They are used when laying pipelines intended to move almost any media - gases, liquids and chemical substances. PVC pipes and PVC connecting elements for them are used in the construction of residential buildings and industrial enterprises.

When constructing houses, plastic products are used for laying utilities, including external sections of highways - these are sewer and water supply networks, as well as drainage structures.

Such pipes are resistant to aggressive environments and can be used in various temperature conditions, they are easy to install. Pipelines laid from them have a long service life.

Materials for the production of PVC pipes

The raw material for the manufacture of PVC pipes is granular polymer. They are produced using the extrusion method.

In order to impart certain properties to pipe products, the following is added to the components:

  • catalysts- chemicals that accelerate the polymerization process;
  • inhibitors– cause a delay or slowdown in reactions;
  • stabilizers– special substances that provide polymers with stability and inhibit their aging;
  • plasticizers– refer to special additives that give polymer materials plasticity and elasticity;
  • antistatic agents– they are introduced to prevent the occurrence of a charge of static electricity;
  • pigments– impart the required color to an already manufactured product.

In addition to the above additives, polymer raw materials sometimes include other components that affect the properties of the final product.

Equipment for the production of polyvinyl chloride pipes

To organize the workflow, you will need equipment for the production of PVC pipes, including:

  1. Bunker, where prepared raw materials are poured.
  2. Extruder– thanks to this device the extrusion process is carried out.
  3. Baths. Refers to installations in which products are cooled and calibrated.
  4. Scissors guillotine or disc cutters - they are used to cut pipes.

Besides of this equipment Depending on the type of products produced, PVC pipe manufacturers may use additional mechanisms and devices, for example, a hydraulic stacker.

Pipe production technology

The production process of PVC pipes is simple, it is not labor-intensive, does not consume energy and is safe for environment. All equipment necessary for organizing production can easily be placed in an area of ​​no more than 100 square meters.

Extrusion Production Line operates in a continuous and complete cycle consisting of the following stages:

  1. Extrusion.
  2. Pipe calibration.
  3. Cooling of products in bathrooms.
  4. Pipe extraction.
  5. Cutting products to the required length.
  6. Stacking of finished products.

The technology for manufacturing products at the PVC pipe plant is as follows:

  1. Granular plastic raw materials are poured into a hopper that has a screw-shaped auger and heating elements.
  2. During rotation in the bunker, the raw material is heated to the required temperature.
  3. The polymer, in a molten state, is fed into the extrusion head.
  4. To form a product, molds are used that have a certain outer and inner diameter.
  5. After extrusion is completed, a plasticized product blank is obtained.
  6. Then the pipe is fed into a vacuum calibrator (bath) for calibration. The equipment for this process is a three-meter closed container, inside of which a vacuum is created using a vacuum pump.
  7. The workpiece, having passed through the calibrator diaphragm, moves to the next chamber. It is a cooling bath where there is rarefied air.
  8. To evenly stretch the product, a pulling device is used, which can be of a caterpillar or belt type.
  9. Products are cut using a guillotine or circular saw.
  10. At the final stage of the technological process, the finished products enter a device called a stacker, which places the manufactured products on special racks.

Scope of use of PVC pipes

Pipe products made by extrusion can be used for arranging:

  • pipelines supplying household gas;
  • water supply systems;
  • structures for drainage of wastewater and precipitation;
  • technological lines designed for transporting chemicals;
  • highways used for production purposes.

PVC pipes can perform a protective function when installing electrical wiring and communication cables.

Depending on the purpose, PVC pipe products can be non-pressure or pressure. In the first case, the pipes serve to move liquid through them by gravity, and in the second, the contents are supplied under pressure. Currently, the production of non-pressure PVC sewer pipes has become widespread.

Features of the installation process

The work of laying pipes made from PVC is simple and does not require the purchase of special equipment.

Installation is carried out in two ways:

  1. By connecting into a socket using rubber seals and silicone grease.
  2. By gluing products using special adhesives. The resulting connection is reliable, since the polymer molecules penetrate from one to another connected product.

When organizing the production of PVC pipes, the costs of purchasing equipment and other activities usually pay off within one year.