Working as a pathologist in England. Confirmation of a doctor's diploma in Germany. The most important things about applying to medical faculties in the UK

Jobs for doctors in Britain

Jobs for doctors in Britain. Medical practice

Most doctors in the UK work in hospital systems, family health centers or public health services. Some find work at universities, teaching students or doing research. There is close cooperation between universities and hospitals.
Medical training in the UK is designed to meet the needs of the NHS (National Health System), and may differ from similar systems in other countries in duration and structure. This structure is currently undergoing significant changes.

Special training

Special training is divided into two parts - general professional and basic special. During their training, doctors work in the NHS. Upon receiving such registration, doctors become SHOs (see Glossary). This title is usually given for two or three years, and is one of the stages of general professional training. At this time, preparations are underway for exams at various royal colleges according to specialization. This is a common condition for advancement to a higher level, which is called specialist registrar (SpR) grade. Training programs for this level vary depending on the specialty, and preparation can take from 4 to 6 years.
During specialized training, all doctors are invited to scientific programs to understand scientific research methodology. Many people receive diplomas or degrees, but this is not prerequisite getting more high position. It is up to the appropriate college to decide whether time spent on research will be eligible for specialized training credit.


Non-teaching and the highest position in the hospital ranks. Consultants have full responsibility for their patients, as well as the training and educational supervision of doctors in lower positions in their teams. By law, anyone holding such a post must be registered on a special register of the Medical Council (GMC).

Constant vocational training(CPD)

Permanent prof. Preparation is a process of continuous training to maintain professional knowledge in accordance with the latest scientific advances.

Where to start?

Before you can work in a UK clinic or write prescriptions, you must obtain medical registration. The process of obtaining registration is different for foreign specialists.

There are four various types registration:


Conditional registration is given to UK trained doctors to work for one year after graduation before receiving full registration.
Limited registration allows overseas doctors to work in the NHS for training posts(PRHO, SHO, GP registrar (England only), specialist registrar). Limited registration will soon be abolished, after which doctors from abroad will immediately receive either full or conditional registration.
Full registration gives you the right to work in any position in the NHS without the supervision of a senior colleague. Full registration is required for doctors wishing to work as a family doctor.
Special registration allows doctors to work without superior supervision in both the public and private sectors.

Medical license for the right to practice medicine

The Medical Council is changing the registration system for doctors. Currently, every doctor authorized to practice in the UK is entered into the medical register. This system is being revised; every doctor included in such a register will receive a medical license.
The license will have general character, without specifying specialization. Also, it will not have any restrictions or conditions. Any restrictions or conditions will be entered into the register, which is currently the case.

Registration for doctors from countries outside the European Union

Doctors whose qualifications are listed as recognized medical schools by the World Health Organization WHO are eligible for registration with the Medical Council. To do this, it is necessary to demonstrate objective evidence that the doctor has the necessary knowledge and skills to work in the UK healthcare system. The doctor must have the appropriate primary qualifications, as well as medical experience or a completed internship of at least 12 months. Also, successful passing of two tests is usually required: the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) and the general medical test the Professional and Linguistic Assessment Board (PLAB). Doctors initially receive limited registration for 12-18 months, which is renewed thereafter. Limited registration may be renewed within 5 years. However, you can apply for full registration at this time. For this, a prerequisite is a minimum of 12 months of work as an SHO or registrar.

Alternative way to obtain medical registration

Obtaining registration without passing a medical exam is possible using one of the four options below:

1) for doctors who have received the opportunity for post-qualification training at one of the Royal Colleges of Medicine.
2) for doctors who have passed the basic examination in their specialty with a result satisfactory to the relevant medical institute in the specialty (for example, parts 1 and 2 of the MRCP exam).
for doctors who have received the post of specialist registrar.

4) for doctors applying for specialized registration on the recommendation of the relevant committee for specialized training based on qualifications obtained abroad.

The specifics of the work of foreign doctors include frequent practices and specializations in various clinics around the world. Every doctor knows that the same manipulation is carried out differently not only in different countries, but also in neighboring clinics. Different approaches to diagnosis and interpretation of tests, prescribing treatment and patient management make it necessary to constantly exchange knowledge and experience.
Nowadays, it is impossible to become a world-class doctor without knowledge of European and British medicine in particular. No matter what specialty you work in, a 2-4 week internship in an English hospital will help you not only learn new treatment techniques, meet your colleagues, but also integrate into the global healthcare system.

Internship in Britain- this is a big step forward career ladder, new patients and their gratitude, knowledge that you can pass on to your colleagues. And it doesn’t matter what level of English you have, because the doctor will always understand the doctor (Latin unites us all). British clinics are waiting for you to practice, which is called "Attachment doctor".
The second offer from British clinics: you can come to work as a doctor and receive a salary..
Helpful advice: In order to practice as a doctor in Britain, foreign doctors are required to obtain a license. We advise you not to trust companies offering to find you work in the UK without first obtaining a license.
To obtain a license, it is very important to submit documents correctly and undergo initial registration. It is at this stage that it is decided whether you should take the exam and what level you will be awarded. Our organization helps in this process.

After this there are two options:

1. Your experience was recognized and given permission to work ( wages from £48,000 per year). In this case, all you have to do is take the IELTS test (see our special section).
2. You have been scheduled for an exam. In this case, you take IELTS and PLAB (see our special section on tests, where we provide special preparation material for preparation).

We are ready to help you at any stage and answer all your questions. WE WISH YOU SUCCESS!

Glossary of some terms

Сonsultant - The most senior position in the UK healthcare system, with full responsibility for the work of the colleagues subordinate to him.
CPD/CME - continuous professional development, continuous medical education.
CV (curriculum vitae) – a resume, a document necessary when searching for a job, containing a structured description of career, education and other information.
EEA European Economic Area – the European Union, consisting of 25 countries (Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom) – as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.
GMC General Medical Council - regulatory and licensing body for specialists medical professions in the UK.
G.P. General Practitioner – family doctor, therapist. The entire UK population is registered with a GP.
IELTS International English Language Testing System - a language test, part of the registration process with the Medical Council.
NHS National Health Service government system UK health care.
PLAB test Professional and Linguistic Assessment Board - an exam that tests medical competence and linguistic knowledge in the specialty, used in the registration process with the Medical Council.
PRHO Pre-Registration House Officer - A post of a doctor who has completed his basic medical education and works for the first year with conditional registration until he receives full registration.
Royal Colleges Medical royal colleges and their faculties - Royal College, separate commissions responsible for specialized education in medicine in the UK.
SHO Senior House Officer is a fully registered senior nursing position undergoing specialized training.
SpR Specialist Registrar - a senior medical post above SHO with full registration, undergoing the highest specialization.
WHO World Health Organization – World Health Organization dedicated to health issues.

Medical education is one of the most in demand in Europe and the USA. Many doctors from commonwealth countries dream of going to work, further training or internship in the UK, is this possible? Of course yes!

The process of recognizing your qualifications and obtaining a license is quite labor-intensive and long.

There are several types of licenses in the UK:

  • Provisional registration— conditional (temporary) registration, gives the right to those who have received higher medical education to work for one year after graduation before receiving full medical registration (Foundation Year 1 posts).
  • Full registration- Full medical registration gives you the right to work independently in any position in the NHS. Required for those wishing to work as a family doctor.
  • Specialist registration— medical registration of a specialist allows a doctor to work independently in both public and private clinics.

If you have not completed an internship, you will first receive temporary registration to complete a 12 month internship, and then you can apply for full registration.
To apply, you must demonstrate that your knowledge and skills allow you to work as a doctor in the UK. To do this, you need to pass the PLAMB (Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board) test.

Only those who already have a medical diploma issued by one of the higher educational institutions are allowed to take the test, while educational institution must be listed in the Avicenna Directory database.

If you are a graduate of one of the following institutions, you must contact the General Medical Council at email [email protected] and find out if you are eligible to take the test:

  • Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy
  • St Petersburg State Medical Academy
  • St Petersburg State I.P Pavlov Medical University
  • St Petersburg State Pediatric Medical Academy
  • Lugansk State Medical University

One of the main requirements for confirmation of a medical diploma in England is fluency in English. Before taking the PLAB test, you must provide an IELTS certificate with a score of at least 7.0, and you must achieve a score of at least 7 in all sections of the test.

The PLAB test consists of 2 parts:

Part 1. It is taken on a computer and consists of 200 questions/tasks for which 3 hours are allotted. You can take this test any number of times, as long as your IELTS certificate is valid at the time of taking it.

Part 2. Called the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) or objective structured clinical exam, it consists of 12 parts (stations) of 5 minutes each. More information about the exam can be found on the General Medicine Council website at: The test can only be taken in the UK.

You will have only 4 attempts to pass this exam within 3 years after passing the first part. If you fail, you will have to retake the IELTS and PLAB Part 1 test.

Within 3 years after passing the second part of the test, you must obtain a license or take the test again.

As a result, you will end up with the following procedure:

1. pass IELTS at 7.0

2. translate from a certified translator and notarize the diploma (affix an apostille), as well as documents confirming the internship

3. take the PLAB 1 test

4. take the PLAB 2 test (in the UK)

5. receive registration. If you did not undergo an internship, or did, but for some reason the documents you provided were not satisfactory, you will receive a Provisional registration, or Full registration - if you completed an internship and provided the appropriate documents.

Every year, the number of students choosing medical education in England continues to increase: this is true for Russian students and other foreigners. Indeed, a prestigious diploma of higher medical education in England opens up enormous opportunities for successful international employment, continued education and research activities, and for a stable and high income.

The most important things about applying to medical faculties in the UK

  • It is almost impossible to enter a UK university directly into the medical faculty after a Russian school.
  • To start studying at UK universities in the specialty "Medicine" in most cases you need to complete a minimum of 2 years in
  • There are one-year preparatory programs for entry into medicine at UK universities for graduates of Russian schools, for example: and
  • There are more.

Education in England: studying medicine in the UK for international students

The British medical system dates back many centuries: according to static data from the World Health Organization (WHO), the country ranks 15th among European countries in terms of medical care and 18th in the world for the same parameter. The United Kingdom is among the TOP 10 world leaders in terms of the level of development of medicine, the use of the latest innovative technologies, rate of development and scientific research; in Britain there are world-famous universities and faculties of specialized fields (and many others). Medical education in England is prestigious and in demand.

Such a high demand and prestige of medical universities leads to the highest competition among applicants: according to statistics, only about 8% of students are foreigners.

They also choose because a medical degree allows them to earn a fairly high salary. Yes, the price of education in England is quite high, but the costs will pay for themselves soon after graduation: according to statistics, an ordinary general practitioner earns about 44,000 euros per year, and given the higher cost of services in private clinics, earnings can be even higher.

Higher education in the UK: structure of higher medical education in England, features

The duration of medical education in England is approximately 7-8 years: the undergraduate program studies wide range main disciplines and areas from which the main and priority ones are selected for the internship (Foundation), during which active practice and internship begin. The first professional degrees that students who choose medical education in England and the UK receive are the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (similar and equivalent). Having received a bachelor's degree, a student can continue his studies in his chosen or related specialty by going on an internship.

The internship (Foundation) in turn is divided into two years - F1 and F2; Completion of training is marked by receiving an MB diploma (for specialists in the field of “Surgery” a ChB diploma is intended). The Foundation Doctor degree is required for all practicing qualified doctors in Britain: in 2005 it replaced Pre-registration house officer and Senior house officer. At this level, students also learn to work in a team, acquire time management and IT skills.

  • F1 – 3-4 different specialties are studied; The General Medical Council determines the mandatory set of knowledge that a student must possess at the end of each trimester
  • F2 – the main focus is on the diagnosis and prevention of acute diseases; You will also learn teamwork and personnel management, the necessary IT skills, the ability to manage time and rank assigned tasks.

In the USA, an intern is a specialist who has received a medical education, but does not yet have a license to practice medicine independently; in Britain there is a term of similar meaning, Foundation House Officer. Interns practice only under the direction of a licensed physician in an accredited clinic or hospital

The profile can be obtained by taking GEP express courses (4 years instead of 5-6), but only applicants who have graduated from biological and medical faculties can enroll in accelerated training. There are exceptions to this rule, but you need to find out about them at each university separately - for example, Cambridge accepts even holders of humanities degrees for GEP.

The Special General Medical Council - GMC - is responsible for the certification of specialists and has been working for many years, periodically releasing professional collections of recommendations that are mandatory for students, graduates and applicants.

The most prestigious and rated universities in medicine in England

Great Britain can be proud of a whole galaxy of world-famous scientists and doctors who received their education in England at one of 30 specialized medical schools or one of 10 universities. Among the most popular, prestigious and rated educational institutions are the following:

  • King's College School of Medicine
  • University of Wales

How to enter a medical school in England?

Unlike most other universities and higher schools, the requirements for applicants are not limited to a certificate with good grades and results of a language test for proficiency in English. You will need an A-level program certificate (the course should have studied specialized disciplines - for example, chemistry or biology), a language testing certificate confirming an advanced level of English, and a mandatory passing of the BMAT exam (entrance test in biochemical sciences).

Please note that most specialized universities provide a very small quota for Russian students and foreigners from non-EU countries, which further complicates the competition for each place. As already mentioned, medical education in England is in great demand among nationals of the country.

Pre-university training programs in medicine

  • Foundation or (1 academic year). Upon successful completion, this course provides the opportunity to enter the chosen faculty without exams, which is very convenient for foreigners. This program is provided by large educational centers(such as INTO and Study Group). For example, INTO together with organize a six-year training program in one of the best specialized schools: 4 years of study and two years of practice and internship in US clinics. Upon completion of the course, the student receives the right to work in his specialty in America, and if he passes the GMC certification, in the UK.

Education system in England

Speaking about medical education in England, it is impossible not to highlight the British educational system as a whole: the step-by-step, gradual development of national educational standard will help you succeed even in such a complex field as medicine. The UK educational system is deservedly considered one of the best in the world, and it is from the United Kingdom that many countries around the world take their example. In many ways, national standards are regulated by the Education Law, adopted back in 1944, which regulates the entire educational system as a whole.

Education in the UK is compulsory for all citizens from 5 to 16 years of age. Up to 5 years of age, parents can send their child to a nursery or kindergarten(3-4 years old), where children will learn to count, read and write through fun and enjoyable activities. After 16 years of age, a student can obtain a vocational qualification (GNVQ), begin labor activity or go to Sixth Form programs and prepare for higher education at the university. In general, all educational system is divided into 4 levels:

  • primary education (Elementary School) – 5-11 years
  • secondary education (Secondary School) - 11-16 years
  • post-school education (Further Education) – 16-18 years
  • higher education.

You can choose a public free school or private school(the latter primarily operate as boarding houses, providing students with on-campus accommodation during their studies). There are schools that offer a full educational cycle (from 3-5 to 18 years old), you can move from junior to middle or high school by changing educational institutions: for example, in Britain there are many high schools and colleges specializing in preparing students 15-18 years old for enrollment in universities. You can also choose a single-sex school (separately for boys or separately for girls) or a co-educational institution - as a rule, the former are distinguished by stricter discipline and loyalty to traditions.

Secondary education in the UK, education system

Secondary education of children in England usually begins at the age of 5 with preparatory preschool classes - at the age of 6-7 they are already expected primary classes in public and private schools, and at the age of 11 students move to middle classes, where they study until they are 15-16 years old.

  • Primary classes usually include training according to an already defined, standard program with a certain set of subjects: English language, mathematics, science, history, music, physical education and sports, art.
  • In the middle grades, the depth of study gradually increases year by year, the child has the opportunity to choose some subjects on his own - the “backbone” of disciplines required to attend is determined, and the rest can be chosen as electives according to his taste and interests.
  • Senior school (Sixth Form) is a full-fledged, focused preparation for enrollment at the university. This could be an A-level, IB, Cambridge Pre-U, Foundation (one-year) course - the choice depends on the future country and the university chosen for higher education.

A-level provides for a deep, thorough study of 3-5 selected disciplines over 2 academic years and the subsequent passing of an exam, which is also counted as entrance to the chosen university. Foreign students often choose the one-year Foundation: in addition to studying basic academic subjects, it features an intensive language course that will help you significantly improve your level of English in just a year. But please note: the top, most elite and selective universities do not accept the Foundation as academically valid and require a certificate of at least A-level or IB.

At the age of 16, a student can go to receive vocational education(Further education): This is vocational training or preparation for a bachelor's degree. This qualification can be obtained at colleges, institutes and special schools.

The academic year in the UK lasts 38 weeks and is divided into thirds - trimesters:

  • Autumn (Michaelmas) – from September to December
  • Spring (Lent ) – from January to March
  • Summer ) – from April to early June.

Each school can set the exact dates of each term independently. They don’t forget about the holidays: short week-long periods in the middle of each trimester and long Christmas, Easter (2-3 weeks) and summer (6 weeks) holidays.

Students study on weekdays - from Monday to Friday: usually these are lessons from 9:00 to 15:00 (breaks for lunch and dinner are provided). Saturday is a traditional day for excursions, major events, sports competitions and matches, classes creative studios and elective courses. Sunday is usually reserved for rest.

Higher education in England and throughout the UK

Higher education in the UK can be provided by universities, institutes, higher schools and polytechnic colleges - more than 700 institutions in total. You can get a bachelor's and master's degree (including MBA), take short-term programs (diploma and advanced training), and a doctorate. Universities are divided into two large groups:

  • Unitary: include departments and faculties
  • Collegiate (including Oxford and Cambridge): consist of several colleges, sometimes even several dozen.

Training in higher educational institutions begins in October and lasts until June, each trimester (third of the academic year) for 8-10 weeks. There are long summer holidays - usually from June 1 to September 30.

A bachelor's degree can be obtained in 3-4 years (in the field of medicine and architecture - up to 6 years), a master's degree - after studying extra year and creating a personal research paper. A doctoral degree can be obtained for voluminous outstanding work, for invaluable contributions to science, inventions with the possibility practical application or important scientific research.

The main forms of work at universities are seminars and lectures, laboratory work, tutorials in mini-groups of 2-10 people, master classes: in general practical work in English universities there is much more than in Russian ones.

All higher education in the country is paid, and fees for foreigners are usually higher. UK nationals have the option of studying on debt, with the government only entitled to collect the debt if the graduate takes a job with a salary of at least £21,000 per year.

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One of the best schools in the USA with training in medicine and biomedicine.

For more information on applying for medicine in the UK, please contact a representative:

The dental profession is inherently international. Teeth hurt equally among the British, the Germans, and the Russians. Are you a certified dentist? higher education and do you have a dream to radically change your life?

Emigration for a dentist

Let's try to assess your chances of leaving. We will name several countries that are, to one degree or another, ready to accept doctors of your profile, and immediately indicate the conditions for employment.

Czech Republic

What does certification involve?

  • language courses lasting about 4 months;
  • passing an approbation exam (you can take targeted courses in advance);
  • five-month internship with minimal remuneration for work (salary 600-1000 euros).

Of course, you will need to obtain a long-term Schengen visa with a residence permit and the diploma nostrification procedure.

Nostrification is confirmation of a qualification document. The diploma will need to be translated into Czech, certified by a notary and submitted to an educational institution that has the authority to conduct accreditation.

There are programs to help job seekers find dental jobs in the country and complete the necessary accreditation procedures.

The programs are implemented by partners of the Institute of Pre-Graduate Education, which operates under the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic. Participation, of course, is not free, but it allows you to avoid many hassles in a new place.

We warn you: having a criminal record may be an obstacle to moving under the program.


The good thing about moving to this country is this: if you succeed, you will have the opportunity to earn very decent money. The medical profession in Germany is one of the most prestigious and highly paid.

But: firstly, you must have a truly high level of knowledge and skills. It is difficult to confirm your diploma before the commission. Much depends on knowledge of the language. IN secondary schools German is rarely taught; have to rely on courses.

Secondly, you need to mentally prepare for the opening own business. Germans treat their teeth mainly in private practices. Accordingly, from hired workers assistants are usually required rather than independent dentists.

The assistant sterilizes and supplies instruments and performs some nursing duties. The salary of a dental assistant is a little more than 2 thousand euros.

Owning your own business is always a certain risk. So, it’s either hit or miss.


It’s also quite possible to move. You should start by sending everyone necessary papers at Australian Dental Consulate. If approved, you will be allowed to take the exams. There are several of them, and the main one - the final one - lasts for seven days. It must be submitted in English.

In Australia, by the way, there are many modern production dental devices, and advanced technologies are actively used in practice. You can definitely satisfy your scientific interest.


IN recent years There are many vacancies for English-speaking dentists in clinics in the Emirates, in particular in Dubai. The lack of specialists is explained by the weakness of the local medical school.

It's easier to pass the exam here. It is conducted in the form of a written test and/or an interview. In some places they are allowed to interview even without nostrification. Admission is paid. Retakes are usually permitted.

However, life in the UAE is not so sweet - one must take into account the difficulties in obtaining permanent residence and the not very attractive standard of living. Even if you have your own dental salon, you can hardly feel super rich.

Let us briefly mention a few more countries. You can go to Spain, but a fair amount of patience is required - it will take at least a year to confirm your qualifications. Italian standards are so strict that it is better for a recent graduate not to try to fit himself into them. In the UK, remote confirmation of an education document is allowed, but the document must have red marks.

Alexey Bogdanov, a former Minsk doctor working as an anesthesiologist in the UK, shares his experience.

I came to England almost by accident, although before that I studied English quite seriously (special residency), and then I was an assistant at the department. The courses that were held in Moscow quite a long time ago with the participation of foreign doctors were the impetus that sent me to “study” in England. At first I took the European exam, and after passing it, I decided to take English.

The latter was much more difficult than the first, but he broke through. And the prospect of returning at that time was no longer very attractive - everything at home was falling apart and the skylight was not visible (I’m not sure that it is visible even now, but maybe I’m wrong). In short, I started looking for a job - I found it and continue to work as an anesthesiologist (though not at the highest level, but at the middle level).

It’s quite easy to get into England to study in any specialty, especially if you have strong English. You just need to contact the appropriate college (surgeon - with surgical, anesthesiologist - with anesthesiology, and so on), get papers and pass exams. Here's a small catch - passing this exam (in English it's called PLAB) is not so easy and not even easy at all. This is not only our knowledge of English, but also a test of basic knowledge in medicine, and no matter what we say, we are far from ahead of the rest, but the demand here is based on textbooks accepted all over the world - that is, American and English.

After passing the exam (if you're lucky), you need to find a job. Since we come here “to study,” we don’t need a work permit and we can stay in the country on a study visa for up to 5 years.
After completing your studies and passing the English qualifying exams (also not the easiest task), you can try to find a permanent job (that is, with permission from the authorities).

Theoretically, one can aspire to the highest positions, but the reality is somewhat different. People from Eastern Europe have to compete with Indians who know English better and studied using English textbooks, and the powerful Indian diaspora will not leave its own in trouble... In short, getting a job as a consultant (or senior specialist) is difficult.

There are alternatives - a mid-level specialist, which is not the best, since the salary is lower, and other other little things of a moral nature. But nevertheless it is quite real.
As far as I know now, the most promising situation is for anesthesiologists and nurses. True, the problems of employing nurses are not very familiar to me, but I know for sure that the shortage of them is simply desperate - they are recruited wherever they can (Philippines, Finland, Australia, and so on). In short, my advice is to learn English if you decide to look for work in English-speaking countries!