Sample order to conduct an internal investigation. Internal investigation at an enterprise: procedure. In what cases is SR carried out?

Many subjects entrepreneurial activity are faced with unscrupulous employees, against whom they are forced to initiate internal investigations. Such events are most often a forced measure, since there are enough preventative conversations with minor violators of corporate peace.

​Important! For minor violations, a written explanation is obtained from the employee. If necessary, a memo is drawn up (a sample is located above), on the basis of which he will be subject to disciplinary action.

If the head of the organization suspects an employee of theft Money or transfer of commercial information to third parties, he insists on carrying out official investigation. For these purposes, an order is issued (a sample can be found below), by which the person suspected of violation corporate ethics the employee is temporarily suspended from work professional responsibilities.

To check disciplinary violations, the head of the organization forms a special commission, whose responsibilities include studying the reasons:

  • absenteeism;
  • refusal to sign the contract financial liability;
  • evasion of recertification, medical examination;
  • refusal of safety instructions, etc.

What does this term mean?

Operating in the territory Russian Federation The legislation does not provide a clear definition of the term “internal investigation”. Many business entities classify it as disciplinary proceedings. When conducting an investigation, managers are guided by precisely this procedure, which spells out the rules for involving employees in disciplinary liability.

Important! In each organization, such events are regulated by internal regulations. When conducting an investigation (the basis is an order, a sample of which can be found a little lower), internal regulations are taken into account, which may not provide for the suspension of the employee during the inspection.


An internal investigation, which is initiated by the company's management against a full-time employee, is an internal event (initiated by an internal memo or order). The employer has the legal right to invite the offending employee to a conversation or to involve his security service in this process, which arranges a real “interrogation with bias.” If testimony from strangers is needed to confirm the guilt or innocence of an employee, then witnesses may also be involved in the investigation procedure. They are usually invited for a conversation, having agreed on a convenient time in advance. If witnesses do not want to take part in official investigations, they can refuse the offer.

As for the participation of an employee on the organization’s staff in these events, it is also voluntary. Neither the manager nor the security service has the right to force a violator to undergo a polygraph test. Federal legislation In Russia, employers are prohibited from conducting a search of personal belongings and examining an employee, since only representatives of law and order are vested with such powers. If an expert opinion is needed to make a conclusion regarding the guilty person, then the company management can invite an outside specialist who will be present during the investigation.

Start of check

To begin an internal investigation against an employee, the manager must issue an order (a sample is located a little lower in the text). This internal document will regulate the procedure for conducting the inspection, its time, place and others. important points.

During the investigation, all documents that may serve as evidence of the employee’s guilt will be examined:

  • written explanation from the employee (sample is located a little lower);
  • statement of the offender;
  • collective complaint;
  • auditor's report;
  • inventory act, etc.

Important! The head of the organization issues an order for each action regarding the violator. This document is sent to the HR department for further processing.

Who can act as an “investigator”

In most cases, every commercial enterprise today there is a personal security service (we are not talking about small companies with several people). Its employees are entrusted with verification of integrity employees. The internal audit service is temporarily involved in this process (in small organizations, these functions are performed by the personnel service).

Third parties may be involved in the internal investigation procedure. In order to invite outside experts, the manager must issue a corresponding order (it specifies exact time holding events). The following specialists can give their conclusion regarding the guilt of the employee (he is being removed from his position):

  • engineers;
  • technologists;
  • auditors;
  • medical workers;
  • appraisers, etc.

Attention! Federal legislation in force in Russia allows for various requests to be sent to government authorities. This need arises in complicated cases when the offending employee refuses to give an explanation.

Purposes of the audit

The main task an internal investigation (suspension from work is not taken into account) is evidence of the commission of an unlawful act against the company. The expert commission will have to collect evidence and establish:

  • guilt of a staff member;
  • the degree of damage caused to the company (downtime is taken into account, since the order provides for the removal of the employee from office);
  • the nature of the offense;
  • motives for the disciplinary offense committed;
  • presence of aggravating or mitigating circumstances, etc.

Important! Russian legislation allocates a period of 1 month for conducting internal investigations. It is calculated from the date of issue of the order. A violator whose guilt has been fully proven and supported by relevant documents may be subject to disciplinary action within 6 months from the date of committing the unlawful act.

Registration of results

Based on the results of the internal investigation, the employer issues an order, the basis for which will be collected documents. After this, an act is drawn up, consisting of several parts, signed by all participants in the inspection, certified by a seal. The date of drawing up this document will be the day the investigation is completed.

Important! The act is registered in a special journal, which contains condensed information on the verification. In the presence of aggravating circumstances, management turns to representatives of the law, who initiate criminal proceedings against the violator.

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Proceedings are carried out when a serious disciplinary violation has been identified by an employee. For example, in the following cases:

  • if the worker is absent from the workplace for more than 4 hours without good reason(i.e.);
  • when the facts of the organization are revealed;
  • if an employee, etc.

During the SR, the degree of guilt of a person in what happened is established, and the circumstances that prompted him to behave in a less than favorable manner are also identified.

The rights of the employee in respect of whom the proceedings are being carried out are enshrined in the organization’s instructions on conducting internal investigations. But there are general provisions arising from human and civil rights. The investigation must be objective and independent, respecting the interests of the employee being investigated. This means that the employee has the right to give evidence, change it, provide evidence of his innocence, and also get acquainted with all the documents regarding him that will be collected during the inspection.

Dates of the SR

Time frame for conducting an internal investigation labor code not installed. Usually the time limit for the proceedings is fixed in local acts organization and does not exceed the deadlines under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

According to generally accepted practice, the inspection period should not exceed one month. The exception is when the employee is on sick leave, on vacation, or on a business trip. In case of violation of the terms of the SR, the guilty employee will be automatically released from disciplinary liability.

Check procedure

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

1. The manager issues an order

To initiate an SR, the employer issues a corresponding order.

Sample order to conduct an internal investigation sample

With this order, the employer assembles a commission with the participation of at least three people. Most often, it includes enterprise security officers, personnel officers, accountants and lawyers, and trade union members.

2. The commission collects information

The created commission begins to collect information to confirm the fact that an employee of the organization has committed an offense. The main sources of information to detect violations are the following documents:

  • memo;
  • statement from the employee himself;
  • customer complaint;
  • inventory act, etc.

3. The commission requests an explanatory statement from the employee

The commission, by means of a notification, is obliged to request a written explanatory statement from the person in respect of whom an internal audit is being carried out. He must provide it within two days of receiving the notification.

If an employee does not want to explain his action or refuses to receive a notice, members of the commission draw up an act of refusal to give an explanation.

4. An act is drawn up

At the end of the event, an internal investigation report is drawn up at the enterprise. It is drawn up in any form.

Sample act on conducting an internal investigation

A sample report of an internal investigation at an enterprise must contain the following information:

  1. The name of the document, place and date of its preparation.
  2. Composition of the commission (name and position);
  3. Information about the person in respect of whom the SR was carried out (full name, position).
  4. The main part indicating the purpose of the SR and the circumstances that led to the violation.
  5. In the final part, a decision is made on the guilt/innocence of the employee. If guilt is proven, the type of disciplinary action.
  6. Application, signatures of all commission members.

The sample conclusion of an internal investigation must contain a line about familiarization. In it, the citizen in respect of whom the SR was carried out puts his signature.

Based on the act, an order for disciplinary action is issued if the worker’s guilt is proven. If, based on the results of the inspection, it is recognized that the citizen has nothing to do with the violation committed, he will not be subject to disciplinary liability.

Not guilty until proven otherwise. If the employer’s position in the final report of the internal audit turns out to be insufficiently reasoned, the court may subsequently side with the employee. Legally accurate and paperwork-wise preparation of documents at different stages of the investigation will help you make an informed decision and calmly defend the interests of the company in the future.

An official investigation (internal audit) is a serious procedure. It is not used to prove minor violations. Often it is enough to have a preventive conversation with a corporate troublemaker. If there are suspicions that an employee has caused significant material damage to the organization or used his official powers for personal gain, then it is worth taking strict measures. The fact of absenteeism is also confirmed by the results of the internal investigation.

In addition, disciplinary violations, which a special commission will undertake to verify, include evasion of a medical examination (for workers of certain professions) and passage to work time special education and passing exams on labor protection, safety precautions and operating rules, as well as refusal to enter into an agreement on full financial liability, if this is the main labor function employee.

Russian legislation does not contain the concept of an official investigation as such. It can be considered part of disciplinary proceedings, which describes in detail the procedure for bringing to responsibility for a disciplinary offense. An internal investigation in a particular organization is regulated by internal rules labor regulations and internal regulations (instructions, regulations).

It is important to know that conducting an internal investigation is an internal event. The employer can summon the perpetrator, eyewitnesses of the incident and other employees for “interrogation,” but only within the framework of his organization, department, institution, etc. Since the procedure is voluntary, employees have the right to refuse to participate. Employees cannot be forced to undergo a polygraph test or searches and personal searches must be carried out without their consent. If an official matter requires an expert opinion, it is allowed to involve third parties (auditors, appraisers, medical workers, engineers, etc.) on a contractual basis. The law also allows for sending to government bodies etc. organizations requests necessary for investigation.

Where does an internal investigation begin?

The main task of the employer when conducting an internal investigation is to prove the fact of a disciplinary offense, to establish the employee’s guilt and its degree, the nature and extent of the harm caused. Additionally, the reasons and motives for committing a disciplinary offense, mitigating and/or aggravating circumstances, and the employer’s ability to eliminate and prevent such violations are determined. labor discipline, measures to bring individuals to justice.

Before starting the official procedure, it is necessary to ensure that the fact of the misconduct is documented. It is this document that serves as the basis for subsequent verification. This may be a memo from the head of a unit, department and/or immediate superior. As a rule, it is drawn up in paper form (see Sample 1), but can also be issued in the form of an electronic document.

The memo must be accepted for execution and registered. From the moment when the incoming number according to the internal document flow log and the date of acceptance are placed on it, the countdown begins for the investigation. Besides memo, the basis for verification may be:

  • statement from the employee himself;
  • counterparty claim or consumer complaint;
  • act of discovery of a shortage of goods;
  • auditor's conclusion, inventory report;
  • written and oral appeals from citizens, representatives of organizations containing information about the employee committing an offense, etc.

One of these documents is enough to launch an internal investigation procedure. The starting shot for him is an order from the manager to conduct an inspection or from another authorized person responsible for making personnel decisions.

Who is involved in the internal investigation?

Typically, the internal audit is carried out by the security service and/or the internal audit department. IN small companies These functions are often taken over by the personnel department. As mentioned above, third-party specialists (lawyers, accountants, etc.) can also be involved in an internal investigation. The investigation must involve the immediate supervisor of the employee in respect of whom it is being conducted. At the same time, it is important to know that for the objectivity of the audit, the immediate superior cannot be a member of the special commission. This requirement also applies to the managers of the organization who make decisions on imposing disciplinary sanctions. Thus, the commission may include security and personnel officers, as well as trade union organization. As a rule, it consists of at least three people, headed by the head of the security service.

Time frame for the investigation

One month is the amount of time allotted by law for investigating violations of labor discipline. It is counted from the date of the decision (issuance of an order) to conduct an inspection. If the investigation is carried out on the basis of an internal memo from an employee, the inspection must be completed no later than one month from the date of filing the document (Article 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). This period does not include the employee’s illness, his stay on vacation, as well as the time required to take into account the opinion of the representative body of employees, which in total cannot exceed six months. A disciplinary sanction cannot be applied later than six months from the date of commission of the offense, and based on the results of an audit, inspection of financial and economic activities or an audit - later than two years from the date of its commission. These time limits do not include the time of criminal proceedings.

Conducting an internal investigation

After the commission has been formed by order of the head, the investigation into the circumstances of the violation begins. The employee is asked for a written explanation. It is recommended to send a notice to the employee’s place of residence - by registered mail with a description of the attachment or telegram (see Sample 2).

Two days are counted from the date of receipt of the notice, during which the employee must give a written explanation. Failure to respond after this time is regarded as a refusal to cooperate with the investigation. A corresponding act is drawn up regarding the fact of refusal (see Sample 3).

The forms of these documents are not established, but it is advisable that they be signed by all members of the commission. An employee can draw up an explanatory note in free form in compliance with general requirements office work. In the explanatory note, the employee sets out his version of what happened, explains the circumstances and indicates the reasons for the offense (see Sample 4).

An explanatory note is a mandatory, but not always the only investigation document. The commission may require copies or originals of other documents confirming the guilt or innocence of the employee. All received documents are numbered and filed. In the final inspection document they are presented as attachments.

Absence from work

If the employee does not go to work, then for each day of absence a report on the person’s absence from the workplace is drawn up. Indirect evidence can be attached to the act, such as the fact that the employee’s signature is missing in the logbook for recording the arrival and departure of employees, information in electronic system personnel access control, reports from colleagues and immediate superiors, etc. The requirement to report to work and provide an explanation for absenteeism is sent by registered mail with a list of attachments or by telegram to the employee’s place of residence if he did not appear at the workplace for two days in a row. It is recommended to count the waiting period for a response from the date of receipt of the letter or telegram. The employee may send his explanations in writing. If there is confirmation that the correspondence was not received by the addressee, the employer has the right to contact the police or send inquiries to hospitals. It is important to remember that if the reasons for failure to appear for work in court are recognized as valid, the employee will be reinstated and the employer will suffer losses in the form of monetary compensation the employee for the entire period of his absence from work.

Causing material damage

According to Federal law 06.12.2011 No. 402-FZ “On Accounting”, an inventory is mandatory when facts of theft, abuse or damage to property are detected. The inventory is carried out by the commission on the basis of an order from the head of the organization. Establishing the causes and extent of material damage is mandatory before making a decision on compensation for damage by specific employees. In this case, the amount of damage is determined by actual losses based on market prices prevailing in the area on the day it was caused (Article 246 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). But it cannot be lower than the value of the property according to data accounting minus depreciation charges. As a rule, to determine the size, employers invite independent appraisers or take data from the book value of the property.

Abuse of power

In order to identify the fact of abuse of power, an audit is carried out or independent auditors are involved. Their services may be needed to establish, for example, the validity of the release of goods, the transfer of property for rent at reduced prices, etc. For joint stock company and limited liability companies, the decision on the audit is made general meeting participants (shareholders) legal entity in order to confirm the accuracy of accounting documentation, financial statements and the state of current affairs of the organization.

How to formalize the results of an internal investigation

The result of the internal investigation is a written conclusion or act (see Sample 5), drawn up on the basis of the collected materials. The conclusion consists of three parts: introductory, descriptive and conclusive:

  • Introductory part contains the fact of violation of labor discipline, the date of the violation, the period of the investigation and the composition of the commission.
  • Descriptive part details the evidence from the investigation.
  • The operative part– this is a summary: who exactly is guilty and of what exactly, does this employee have similar outstanding penalties.

At the end there is a list of appendices to the final act of the commission:

  • memos on the discovery of a disciplinary offense, acts of absence of an employee, other documents that are the basis for an investigation;
  • targeted demand to provide explanations, documents confirming the direction (delivery) of this request, an explanatory note from the employee (or an act of refusal to submit it);
  • reports, official and explanatory notes officials and eyewitnesses of the incident;
  • inventory act;
  • auditor's report; opinions of independent experts, as well as testimony of special technical means, etc.

The document along with attachments must be signed by all members of the commission. In office work, the final act is assigned a serial number and the date of its preparation is indicated. This marks the end of the investigation. The document is approved by the head of the organization and certified by a seal.

Responsibility for disciplinary offenses

The decision to bring an employee to disciplinary liability is made at the discretion of the employer. It must be accepted by the head of the organization within three days from the end of the investigation. Some employers limit themselves to mild measures of influence: holding conversations, expressing reproach, etc. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for three types of punishment: reprimand, reprimand and dismissal on appropriate grounds. Other penalties cannot be applied to the employee, with the exception of employees who are subject to special statutes and regulations on labor discipline (Part 5 of Article 189 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The heads of the organization or its structural unit or their deputies for violation labor legislation and other acts containing norms labor law, terms of the collective agreement, agreement. If the fact of a violation was confirmed during the inspection, the official must be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal (Article 195 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The decision on a disciplinary sanction is formalized by an order (see Sample 6), which identifies the guilty officials, the penalties imposed and the grounds for the decision.

For each disciplinary offense, only one disciplinary sanction can be applied. To record official investigations and their results in paper or in electronic format a Journal of Internal Investigations is maintained (see Sample 7). It is advisable to store all investigation materials filed in separate files or in one file and place them in chronological order.

In accordance with Art. 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employee must be familiarized with the order to apply a disciplinary sanction within three working days of the day of its publication, not counting the time of his absence from work. In case of refusal of the employee, a corresponding act is drawn up. Art. 248 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes that an order to recover from the financially responsible person the amount of damage caused is issued no later than one month from the moment the employer finally establishes its amount.

ATTENTION! It is advisable that the employee familiarize himself with the entire package of documents before signature. This may prevent the employee from filing a claim in the future, since he knew in advance the employer's reasoned position.

If, during an internal investigation, signs of a crime were discovered (for example, an employee used official authority for personal gain), it is necessary to name them and make proposals to the head of the organization to consider initiating a criminal case.

T.V. Voitsekhovich

Order on internal investigation- an executive document by which the management of the enterprise authorizes officials to check for violations. This is the only thing legal basis to investigate incidents in the organization.

Employees appointed by order of the manager conduct an investigation, identify the perpetrators and calculate the amount of damage. Based on the results of the inspection, a punishment is assigned.

Upon registration employment contract with a new employee, the administration of the enterprise includes a section in the agreement with job responsibilities persons, as well as a list of violations for which legal and disciplinary liability may occur. A complete list of circumstances is recorded depending on the specifics production process.

Most often, an internal investigation against an employee is carried out in connection with:

  • damage to company property, which is associated with material damage;
  • violation of the integrity or quality of goods and other assets of the enterprise used for trading activities and making a profit;
  • non-compliance with working hours or evasion of work duties;
  • failure to comply with the secrecy regime.

A list of possible violations is compiled depending on the position. For example, directors of enterprises may also additionally be responsible for negative results of the production process or a drop in profits, which is associated with the inability to organize workers in the enterprise.

An order to conduct an internal audit (a sample can be downloaded below) is prepared within a limited time frame. Maximum term bringing the perpetrators to justice - four months. The dismissal of an employee is not grounds for canceling a penalty.

Prosecution for damage corporate ownership or other violations are associated with a restriction of the rights of the violator, therefore special attention should be paid to the procedure for organizing an internal audit.

Preparing an order to organize an official investigation is a right, not an obligation. Therefore, the manager independently decides whether it is advisable to punish a specific person for the identified offense.

Labor law provides for the following procedure:

  1. Identification of violation. Any official of the enterprise who prepares a memo to the head of the company can establish the fact of misconduct. Along with the report, an Act on the identified misconduct is submitted, which is signed by at least three employees of the organization.
  2. Based on the received message, the chief prepares and issues an Order to conduct an internal investigation. The document indicates the responsible persons, the timing of the inspection and the list of activities.
  3. Within 24 hours, a special commission is formed that considers the circumstances of the offense and its consequences for the proceedings.
  4. Obtaining an explanation from the employee. The employee may refuse to provide explanations. In this case, an Act is drawn up, which states that the employee does not want to justify his actions in writing or orally.
  5. Organization of a commission meeting at which the final decision on prosecution is made. It is mandatory to take into account the opinions of all participants.

The completed decision is sent to the manager for review and receipt of a resolution to implement the penalty.

Rules for forming a commission

In total, there must be at least three members of the commission who are not interested in making a specific decision on the dispute. Includes:

  • firm lawyer;
  • Security Council representative;
  • accountant;
  • two ordinary employees.

The chief can also be a member, but this is not a mandatory condition.

Recording the results

The decision is formalized in two documents. Namely:

  1. Conclusion of the commission meeting (contains detailed description identified circumstances, the amount of damage caused, the perpetrators, the consequences of the offense for the enterprise);
  2. Order on the application of disciplinary measures.

The first document is drawn up by the convened commission and signed by all its participants. The second is prepared by the secretary of the head of the company on behalf of the boss. The manager signs the Order and submits its original for registration in a special Journal. After this, the paper is sent to the personnel department to enter information into the personal file.

If the punishment is associated with monetary encumbrances, then another original order is sent to the company’s accounting department.

The application of disciplinary liability standards does not exclude the additional application of administrative, criminal or civil sanctions.

As noted above, it is possible to bring the guilty person to justice only for a limited time. Thus, the employer is authorized to issue such orders no later than four months after the commission of the offense.

Interestingly, the employee himself can file a complaint against illegal actions of management only within 30 days.

This difference is due to the fact that violations by employees cannot always be identified in a timely manner, and therefore it is possible to hold accountable even those persons whose contract has long been terminated.

The deadlines may be extended if during this period the potentially guilty person was on vacation or sick leave. Inspection in absentia is not permitted.

Requirements for placing an order

The legislation does not provide for a single form of the Order, therefore, at each enterprise, orders from managers are prepared based on the specifics of their business. labor activity. The document must include the following mandatory details:

  • legal address and name of the company where the internal investigation is being conducted;
  • Date of preparation;
  • place of registration;
  • date and signatures of responsible persons.

The document must include the following categories of information:

  1. grounds for conducting an inspection (memorandum of a specific official);
  2. the need to convene a commission and its composition;
  3. a list of activities to be carried out for a comprehensive study of the circumstances of the offense;
  4. rules for recording results;
  5. deadlines for conducting the investigation;
  6. responsible person to whom supervisory functions are delegated.

The order is subject to mandatory execution by all participants. The guilty citizen himself must read the contents of the Order against his signature, which indicates his familiarization with the decision made and confirms his agreement with it. At this stage, the employee may refuse to sign, about which a report is also drawn up.

If the Order is issued in violation of the established procedure or the penalty is imposed illegally, then the employee whose rights were violated can apply to the labor dispute commission to cancel the punishment and organize a re-investigation. If the conflict has not been resolved within a week, then you will have to file a claim in court.

Every person officially working at an enterprise is responsible for their actions or inactions. For example, office workers must treat technology correctly so that the computer does not break down, and in addition they must not divulge trade secrets or share information from the work computer.

If a situation arises in which various valuables entrusted to a particular employee are lost or damaged, then the company’s management has the opportunity to determine the cause of such damage. For this purpose, an internal investigation is carried out, but to begin it, the manager must formulate an appropriate order.

If during an inspection, audit or other activities it is discovered that the enterprise is missing any valuable assets or property and documentation are lost, then management must take the following actions:

  • it is revealed exactly how much damage was caused to the company;
  • the reason for the occurrence of such a situation is determined;
  • there is a person responsible for this damage, and this is not always an employee of the company, who is entrusted with the corresponding responsibility to protect property from loss or damage.

To find answers to all the above questions, a special commission, consisting of specialists who have the ability and skills to assess the damage caused, as well as determine what caused the problem.

This commission usually includes a lawyer, a security officer, an engineer and an accountant, but it is also possible to include other specialists. In Art. 247 of the Labor Code specifies the possibility of creating such a commission.

Labor Code of the Russian Federation Article 247. The employer’s obligation to establish the amount of damage caused to him and the cause of its occurrence

Before making a decision on compensation for damage by specific employees, the employer is obliged to conduct an inspection to establish the amount of damage caused and the reasons for its occurrence. To conduct such a check, the employer has the right to create a commission with the participation of relevant specialists.
Requiring a written explanation from the employee to establish the cause of the damage is mandatory. In case of refusal or evasion of the employee from providing the specified explanation, a corresponding act is drawn up.
The employee and (or) his representative have the right to familiarize himself with all inspection materials and appeal them in the manner established by this Code.

Important! The main purpose of the commission is to conduct an internal investigation.

If the investigation reveals the culprit, he can appeal the decision on any penalties through the court. To create a commission, the employer must issue an order. It contains direct instructions for carrying out this process, as well as a lot of other information.

How to correctly draw up documents for an internal audit at an enterprise - watch this video:

Who and when is involved in the formation of the order?

The order on the basis of which an official investigation begins is issued only after the theft or damage to any property is discovered. This may be detected as a result of various checks or inventory.

The document is drawn up by the company secretary or another employee who has the appropriate authority. It is formed on behalf of the director of the company, and is also certified by his signature.

How is an internal investigation carried out?

If a situation arises in which any problems with the company’s property or shortages are identified, then an investigation is conducted to determine the culprit of the damage caused and to recover funds from him.

Important! Due to the correctness of the process, it is ensured in the future that the likelihood of repeated violations by employees is reduced, since they will be notified that they will have to answer for their mistakes.

The investigation process itself is divided into stages:

  • a corresponding order is issued, which is signed by the head of the organization;
  • on the basis of it, a commission is formed consisting of company employees or invited specialists who should not have any relation to the incident;
  • a secretary is appointed who will maintain documentation of the investigation;
  • all members of such a commission receive an order, which they study and then sign on it;
  • they are collecting information on the basis of which they can determine the culprit of the incident, so all the data received is carefully analyzed, for which documentation is studied, company employees are interviewed and other evidence is evaluated;
  • the employee responsible for specific property that has disappeared or suffered serious damage must testify in writing, and if he refuses to comply with this requirement, then a report is drawn up in which the witnesses sign;
  • a commission meeting is held, at which many issues are resolved, namely, the cause and extent of the damage is identified, all circumstances are assessed and the culprits are identified, and all mitigating circumstances, if any, are taken into account;
  • a special document is drawn up that describes the decision made.

How to correctly draw up an accident investigation report - read.

The act must be signed by all members of the commission, after which the culprit can familiarize himself with it. He can appeal the decision on the basis of which different penalties are applied to him.

When is an investigation usually required?

This procedure may be necessary for various reasons. Most often it is carried out when:

  • causing any harm to the assets of the company;
  • damage to material assets;
  • refusal to enforce discipline in the workplace. In what order it is compiled - read the link;
  • neglect of official duties;
  • disclosure of commercial information. You will learn how to properly draft a non-disclosure agreement.

Each such violation can cause serious negative consequences for each employee.

Sample order for an internal investigation.

Form and structure of the order to conduct an internal investigation

A document is generated in any form, but you must use the company’s letterhead, which contains its name and legal address.

The order must contain:

  • its serial number;
  • date and place of formation;
  • title, as well as the word “I command”;
  • the reason why an investigation is needed is indicated;
  • then a commission is appointed to carry out this process.

The structure may be different, but the document must certainly contain all the necessary information.

Stages of order formation

In order for it to be correctly composed, the following actions are performed:

  • the order number and company name are initially indicated;
  • then in the middle the word “Order” or “I order” is written;
  • Below is the purpose of creating the document, which is the need to conduct an investigation;
  • Next comes the main part, which contains information about the incident, and also indicates the composition of the commission;
  • a separate point is allocated for the appointment of a responsible person who is responsible for the implementation of this order;
  • there must be a link to the basis for the generation of documentation;
  • at the end the signature of the director of the company and members of the commission is placed.

Thus, if you carefully understand the process, there will be no difficulties in creating a document.

An example of filling out an official investigation report. Photo:

How to avoid mistakes

To make an order correctly, the following recommendations are taken into account:

  • a strict form of the document is not required, so it is generated in any order;
  • information about all members of the commission must be entered so that they can be easily identified;
  • briefly describes the incident on the basis of which an investigation is required;
  • information about persons responsible for the values ​​that would be damaged is entered;