Division and cooperation of labor; organization of the labor process. Division and cooperation of labor in an enterprise. Division of labor, its forms and efficiency criteria

As is known, in economic science under public labor organization refers to the formation and maintenance of natural, reasonable proportions between spheres of application of labor, and, consequently, between sectors of social production and the non-productive sphere.

The most complex system of social organization of labor includes elements of varying scale and significance. :

  • organizing interaction between production and non-production spheres;
  • organization of interaction within these spheres - sectoral and intersectoral organization of labor;
  • organization of interaction within industries - organization of labor at individual enterprises;
  • organization of interaction within enterprises - in their structural divisions up to the organization of work of individual performing workers.

The need to organize labor at any of these levels is determined by such objectively existing and constantly developing categories as the division and accompanying cooperation of labor.

Division of labor - is the isolation of the activities of individual workers and their groups in the labor process. Thanks to the division of labor, the professional capacity of workers increases, labor productivity , production tools and technology are being improved.

There are three types of division of labor : general, particular and individual. TO general division of labor It is customary to attribute its division between the production and non-production spheres of human activity, and within these spheres - between industry, agriculture, transport, communications, trade, public education, science, public administration, culture, etc.

Private division of labor presupposes its division within the spheres and branches of the general division of labor. For example, industry is divided into sectors, sub-sectors, associations, and individual enterprises. A similar private division of labor exists in any branch of the non-productive sphere: in public education, medicine, public administration, etc.

Unit division of labor provides for the distribution of work and labor functions between employees of a separate enterprise or a separate organization: by workshops, sections, teams, units, individual performing workers, as well as by their professional qualification groups.

This type of division of labor is the most complex and important, since specific labor processes are carried out precisely within the framework of a single division of labor. At the same level, economic results are also realized: specialization of performers and increasing their professional skills, the use of specialized high-performance equipment, increased labor productivity and increased production efficiency in general.

But the division of labor is only one side of labor activity. It necessitates the unification of the labor of individual workers and their groups in the general labor process, in interconnected labor processes at all levels - from the workplaces of individual performers and teams to entire enterprises, sub-sectors and interrelated sectors of the national economy. From this it is clear that another important element in the organization of labor activity is labor cooperation.

Labor cooperation - this is an association, the establishment of relationships between separated, specialized performers in the process of labor activity. The complexity and importance of labor cooperation directly in production increases as the individual division of labor deepens.

With a substantive division of labor, when finished types of products are manufactured at the workplaces of individual workers, it is sufficient to provide the main production workers with raw materials, materials, energy, transport services, serviceable tools and equipment, technical documentation and determine the number of these workers based on the volume of the production program and the labor intensity of the products .

But with a detailed division of labor, when only individual parts of a product are manufactured at different workplaces (with varying labor intensity in manufacturing and assembling the product), a more complex task arises - to unite the labor of all participants in a given production area, to ensure cooperation of labor within the area. In this case It is the cooperation of labor that should ensure the continuity and uninterruption of production and labor processes , the most complete use of equipment and high labor productivity.

This problem is solved by arranging performers in proportion to the labor intensity of manufacturing individual parts and assembling the product. If the production volume is greater than the minimum estimated number of workers can provide, then their number increases in proportion to labor intensity. With a smaller production volume, work on the production of parts is combined.

The following are distinguished: forms of labor cooperation :

  • cooperation within the enterprise - between individual employees, sections, workshops, divisions;
  • intra-industry cooperation - between enterprises in specific industries for the production of certain types of products;
  • cooperation within society - between sectors of the national economy.

The development of scientific and technological progress significantly influences the nature of the division and cooperation of labor. With the improvement of equipment and technology, the conveyor belt with manual execution of monotonous tedious operations is replaced by automatic systems, and a low-level worker turns into a highly qualified operator. This requires increasing the cultural and technical level of workers, opening up wide opportunities for job change.

State Committee for Fisheries of the Russian Federation



Institute of Economics


Discipline: "Organization of production at an enterprise"

Topic: “Division and cooperation of labor”


Student of ZFE-88 group


D.E.N., O.K.

Forms of division of labor and their development

The division of labor within an enterprise is a single division of labor, which specifically refers to the division of labor between individual units of the enterprise (main and auxiliary workshops, their sections, as well as between teams, production management and maintenance bodies), covering various groups of workers.

Division of labor refers to the separation of various types of labor and their assignment to participants in the production process. The purpose of the division of labor is to produce products on time with the least amount of labor and material resources. The division of labor shortens the production cycle, increases labor productivity as a result of specialization and faster acquisition of production skills and knowledge by the worker.

In material production, one can distinguish the general division of labor into large types - industry, construction, transport, etc.; private division of labor when dividing these types into industries and sub-sectors (mechanical engineering, including heavy, energy, transport, machine tool building, instrument making; metallurgy, including ferrous, non-ferrous, etc.); unit division of labor - in the division of labor within a production system.

The general and private division of labor determines the structure of social production, as well as production relations between industries and enterprises, and the individual division of labor determines the production structure of the enterprise.

There are three main forms of division of labor: functional, technological and qualification.

The functional division of labor is determined by the attitude of workers to the production process and the nature of the functions they perform. Consequently, the functional division of labor is fundamentally determined not by the skills or skill of the worker, but by the decomposition of the production process into its essential component phases, as a result of which workers are in unequal relation to this process. Some of them directly influence the objects of labor - the main workers, others only indirectly participate in the manufacture of products - auxiliary workers.

An important direction for improving the division of labor at an enterprise is the establishment of rational proportions and the number of individual functional groups of workers, namely: between main and auxiliary workers; between workers and the administrative and managerial apparatus; between managers and specialists, etc.

The functional division of labor is characterized by the employment coefficient:

K z = ∑t z / T cm ∙H,

where ∑t з – time of employment with the main job, min; N – number of workers, people; T cm – shift duration, min.

The technological division of labor is based on the differentiation of the production process into technologically homogeneous work, for example, in mechanical engineering - foundry, forging, assembly, etc. In connection with this, the composition of workers is grouped by profession and specialty. In this case, the quantitative ratio depends on the ratio of individual groups of machines, which, in turn, is determined by one or another technological process.

The technological division of labor finds its concrete expression in two varieties: in the detailed division of labor, when the production of a product is divided into the manufacture of individual parts (products), and in the operational division of labor.

The operational division of labor involves the distribution and assignment of technological process operations to individual workers and their placement in production, ensuring the best use of working time and equipment.

A rational division of labor and the corresponding placement of performers requires compliance with the following rules:

Each worker (team) receives a workplace assigned to him and is responsible for its condition and the safety of material assets allocated for the performance of work;

The range of functions and responsibilities of the worker must be clearly defined;

The quantity and quality of work of each performer must be taken into account and controlled.

The deepest operational division of labor takes place in continuous production, which ensures:

Increasing the speed of performing surgical techniques due to the specialization of workplaces to perform the same operations for a long time;

Reducing time and costs for personnel training;

Creating prerequisites for mechanization and automation of production.

As a result, efficient use of working time, increased labor productivity and reduced cost of manufactured products are ensured.

At the same time, the operational division of labor is characterized by certain disadvantages: the fragmentation of technological processes into simple operations impoverishes the content and attractiveness of labor; there is monotony of work, which leads to increased fatigue of workers and increased staff turnover. In this regard, the level of division of labor must correspond to technical, economic, physiological and social requirements.

To assess the technological division of labor, it is necessary to determine the specialization coefficient:

K s = 1 - ∑t p / T cm ∙H,

where ∑t p – time spent on equipment readjustment during a shift, min.

Qualification division of labor is the division of work according to its complexity and accuracy. This division ultimately finds its most concrete expression in the professional division of labor. The professional division of labor is characterized by the specialization of work activity according to the commonality of necessary knowledge and methods of influencing the subject of labor, while workers are divided into professions, for example, turners, mechanics, economists, etc.

The deepening of the professional division of labor leads to the emergence of specialties within a given profession. For example, the profession of a mechanic is differentiated into specialties: tool mechanic, repair mechanic, assembler; The profession of economist is differentiated into economist-accountant, economist-financier, economist-auditor.

The qualification division of labor is carried out taking into account the skills, production experience, special theoretical knowledge and the level of general specialized education necessary to perform a certain range of work. The qualification structure of workers at an enterprise is determined primarily by the complexity of the work performed at the enterprise, as well as the level of mechanization and automation of production.

To assess the rationality of the chosen forms of division of labor, the following indicators are used:

The coefficient of use of the total (or individual) working time of workers of an enterprise, workshop, site, team;

Duration of the production cycle;

The ratio of the level of work and workers;

Duration and repetition of monotonous movements and surgical techniques during a shift;

The degree of combination of physical and mental functions.

The qualification division of labor is characterized by the coefficient of utilization of workers by qualification:

K qual = R f / R r,

where R f - average qualification category of workers; R р – average qualification category of work.

The closer the coefficients of division of labor are to unity, the more rational the division of labor.

A division of labor is considered rational in terms of the use of working time when the difference between the projected and actual share of operational time in the general fund of working time is greater than or equal to zero, i.e.

- the share of operational time in the total working time fund under the existing division of labor; - the same for the designed version of the division of labor. , ,

where are the actual and projected total fund of main workers, respectively.

Labor cooperation

The division of labor is closely related to its cooperation - the unification of many performers for systematic and joint participation in one or different, but interconnected labor processes. Labor cooperation makes it possible to achieve the greatest consistency between the actions of individual workers or groups of workers performing various labor functions.

Within the framework of cooperation based on the division of labor between its participants, an individual worker cannot be a direct producer of a product, since he performs only one or another partial production function. Being a form of joint, systematically organized production activity, cooperation directly imparts a social character to work.


Ural State Economic University

Institute of Continuing Education

Faculty of abbreviated training


Division and cooperation of labor


1. The concept of division of labor, its types and forms. Limits of division of labor

How the division of labor affects the placement of workers and the personnel structure in your enterprise

Problem 1

Problem 2

Problem 3

Problem 4


1. The concept of division of labor, its types and forms. Limits of division of labor

The organization of labor at any level begins with its division. Being one of the main elements of labor organization, division of labor represents the separation of different types of work activities of workers or the delimitation of the activities of workers in the process of their work activities. The following types of division of labor are distinguished:

general division of labor by branches of social production;

private division of labor within industries, including the agro-industrial complex, as well as on a “territorial” basis;

a single division of labor within organizations according to technological, qualification and functional characteristics, as well as between structural divisions.

Of particular importance within any organization are the issues of correct placement of workers in production based on a rational division of labor and combination of professions, labor specialization (the acquisition by a person of special knowledge and skills in any area of ​​work) and the expansion of service areas. Personnel placement is the rational distribution of the organization’s personnel among structural units, areas, workplaces, etc. In this case, two goals are pursued: the formation of active labor collectives within structural divisions and the stimulation of professional growth of personnel.

Depending on the type and variety of work, the following forms of division of labor are distinguished: functional, professional, technological and qualification. Within any enterprise, all forms of labor organization coexist or are present simultaneously. The functional division of labor involves dividing the personnel of an agro-industrial complex organization into several functionally homogeneous groups. These groups, generally accepted both in statistics and in accounting, are formed depending on the role performed in the production process or work activity. In accordance with this classification, depending on the functions performed, the organization’s personnel are:

employees are managers, specialists and other employees, who are sometimes called technical performers;

workers are the main workers directly involved in agricultural production, depending on the production purpose of the organization (for example, tractor drivers, machine milking operators, cattle herders, etc.) and auxiliary workers performing work to service the main production (for example, electricians, workers engaged in repair work, household and other types of maintenance).

This division does not at all mean belittling the role of auxiliary workers. Both core and auxiliary workers are equally important to an organization. The efficiency of the production process largely depends on the rational functional division of labor and equally depends on the attitude towards work of each employee at his workplace.

Professional division of labor is the division of an organization's employees into professions and specialties. A profession is understood as the type of activity (occupation) of a person who has certain theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge and practical skills obtained as a result of professional training. A specialty is a type of profession, a narrower part of it, a specialization for workers within the profession.

Example. Consider the following professional gradation:

qualification - “economist-manager”;

specialty - “Economics and management of agro-industrial complex enterprises”;

specialization - “personnel management”.

Qualification division of labor - division of labor of performers depending on the complexity, accuracy and responsibility of the work performed. It is regulated by tariff and qualification reference books. The qualification structure of personnel is formed from the qualification division of labor

The qualification composition of personnel is an indicator of the quality level of the organization’s personnel, determined by the presence and share in the total number of personnel of employee positions and worker professions with specific characteristics.

Technological division of labor involves the arrangement of workers by stages (for example, raising young animals, rearing and fattening), cycles (for example, spring field work, harvesting), types of work and production (labor) operations, depending on the production technology, content and characteristics of the work. The most common form of technological division of labor in agriculture is the operational division of labor, when a worker performs one or more homogeneous technological operations.

The operational division of labor became the reason for the emergence of a contradiction between the worker’s productivity and the content of the labor process. The process of development of material production developed in the direction from universal labor to specialized labor. These types of work have both their advantages and disadvantages. Universal labor requires the worker to have a versatile professional and qualification level, allowing him to demonstrate equal skill and skill when performing different jobs. As a rule, this is varied and meaningful work, but for all its positive qualities, such work is not characterized by high productivity. Production developed in the direction of strengthening the role of labor specialization, separating work into specialties, and within specialties - by type of work. This allowed workers to improve their professional skills, which ultimately contributed to improving the quality of work, increasing labor productivity and increasing production efficiency in general. As production processes became more complex, increasing labor productivity required increasing specialization and a narrower division of labor.

What are the advantages of specialized labor compared to general labor? There are several such advantages:

the employee quickly achieves a high level of professional skill, which allows him to quickly and efficiently perform the relevant work:

favorable opportunities are created to improve the organization and rationalization of the workplace;

opportunities are created for the rational selection of a performer to perform specific types of work that require certain individual qualities from him, etc.

All these benefits contribute to increased productivity.

However, at the same time, as specialization deepens, the range of responsibilities and work narrows, which reduces the level of content and attractiveness of work and its monotony increases. Crossing the rational boundary of specialization leads to a decrease in the level of labor productivity of workers due to the accumulation of negative aspects of highly specialized labor.

To resolve issues of division of labor, concepts such as “division boundaries” are used. The boundaries of division are the lower and upper limits, below and above which, respectively, the division of labor is unacceptable. The following boundaries of the division of labor are distinguished:

The technical boundary of the division of labor is a labor operation consisting of only one labor technique, as a set of labor actions and movements of the worker, continuously following each other. This is usually a simple, basic job.

The lower economic limit of the division of labor will be such a division of the labor process when a high level of labor productivity is no longer ensured due to its monotony.

The psychophysiological boundaries of the division of labor are determined by the amount of physical and neuropsychic stress on the employee during the working day. The social boundaries of the division of labor are determined by the level of monotony and turnover of personnel, the attitude of workers to work, and the state of interpersonal relationships.

Taking into account the requirements of a rational division of labor, it is necessary, when organizing each labor process, to find the best or optimal level of division of labor, which is calculated on the basis of economic, psychophysiological and social criteria:

In accordance with economic criteria, personnel must be arranged in such a way that the skill level of each employee corresponds to the complexity of the work they perform;

The psychophysiological criteria for the division of labor are performance indicators - when dividing labor, it is necessary to choose the option that ensures maximum human performance and best ensures the employee’s health;

Social criteria for the division of labor are team stability, low staff turnover, employee satisfaction with the content and working conditions.

Establishing the optimal level of division of labor with such a large number of different criteria is a very difficult task, since preference should be given to all groups of criteria equally. Knowledge of labor economics can greatly contribute to its solution.

Criteria and assessment of personnel performance<#"825632.files/image001.gif">

where Kc is a coefficient reflecting the reduction in labor costs.

The number of workers in a team is determined by the formula:

where F e is the effective working time fund of one worker per year, h;

K vn - average percentage of fulfillment of production standards;

Q - planned annual production volume, pcs.

Solution: 1. Let us determine the complex time standard per unit of production (Hk1) without taking into account the reduction in labor costs for product A:

Nk1 (A) = 0.3+0.34+0.7+0.36+0.72+0.38+0.8+0.36+0.8 = 4.76 standard hours

Let us determine the complex time standard per unit of production (Hk1) without taking into account the reduction in labor costs for product B:

Hk1 (B) = 0.51+0.63+1.07+0.65+1.24+0.68+1.27+0.63+1.21 = 7.89 standard hours 3. Determine complex time standard per unit of production, taking into account the reduction of labor costs for product A:

Nk2 = 4.76*(1-0.25) = 3.57 standard hours, where 0.25 is a reduction in standard time (10%+15%)

Let us determine the complex time standard per unit of production, taking into account the reduction in labor costs for product B:

Nk2 = 7.89*(1-0.25) = 5.92 standard hours

Let us determine the number of workers in the team without taking into account the reduction in labor costs per unit of production.

Bw1 = (4.76+7.89)*3500 / 1800*1.05 = 23.4 = 24 people

Let us determine the number of workers in the team, taking into account the reduction in labor costs per unit of production.

Bw2 = (3.57+5.92)*3500 / 1800*1.05 - 17.5 = 18 people.

Thus, as the cost per unit of labor decreases, the number of workers in the team decreases. Answer: The complex time standard per unit of product A is 4.76 standard hours; per unit of product B - 7.89 standard hours; The number of workers in the team, taking into account the reduction in labor costs per unit of production, is 24 people, without taking into account the reduction in costs - 18 people.

4. Task 2


Option I

Annual planned effective operating time of equipment (T), machine, -h.

Annual actual operating time of equipment (T fo), machine-hours.

Actual volume of products produced per unit of working time (), pcs.-hour 15

Established production rate for the same period (in terms of capacity) (H output), pcs.

Labor intensity of manufacturing annual production of products on equipment (T g), standard hours.

Annual operating time of all installed equipment (F og), machine-hour

Actual number of machine shifts worked per day (H ms)

Total number of machines (n), pcs.

Planned annual labor intensity of production at the workplace (T timing), norm.-hour

Total labor intensity accepted for payment, taking into account the annual program of the entire product range assigned to the workplace (T pr), standard-hour

Total estimated labor intensity taking into account the work program (∑T g), norm.-hour

Total labor intensity accepted for payment, taking into account the annual program of the entire product range assigned to workplaces (∑T pr), standard-hour

Annual actual fund of hours worked (F f), h

Nominal annual working time fund (Fn), h

Coefficient of fulfillment of production standards (K int).

Determine the organizational level of the workplace in a two-shift mode of operation according to the following indicators:

Efficiency of using the workplace:

a) level of equipment use over time (K iv);

b) level of equipment utilization by productivity (power) (To them);

c) equipment load factor (K eo);

d) equipment shift coefficient (K co);

The worker’s employment with productive labor is the worker’s employment coefficient (Kz). Estimated number of workers:

a) according to the estimated labor intensity (Cr);

b) according to the labor intensity accepted for payment (H pr);

c) according to time worked (H ov);


The level of equipment use over time is determined (K iv):

The level of equipment utilization is determined by productivity (power):

The equipment load factor is determined:

The equipment shift ratio is determined:

n - number of equipment

The coefficient of worker employment by productive labor is determined:

The number of workers is determined by the estimated labor intensity:

The estimated number of workers will be determined based on the labor intensity accepted for payment:

The estimated number of workers is determined by time worked:

The level of equipment utilization depends on the time of use of the equipment and the output of the equipment per unit of time. Improving the use of equipment allows you to increase production on existing equipment or release excess equipment if increasing its production is not necessary. The reserves for increasing equipment operating time and production volume by reducing equipment downtime are determined using indicators of the effectiveness of equipment operating time and the effectiveness of releasing the share of excess equipment:

Let's determine the level of equipment use over time:

Kiv = Tof/Tpo

Let's determine the level of equipment utilization by productivity (power)

Kim = 15/18 = 0.83

Let us determine the equipment load factor, which allows us to estimate the loss of equipment operating time due to scheduled maintenance

Kzo = Tg / Fog

Kzo = 252000 / 262080

Kso = Chms/n

Let us determine the worker’s employment rate with productive labor:

Kz = Tgrm/ Tpr

Kz = 4400 / 4500

Let's determine the number of workers based on the estimated labor intensity:

Chr = Tg/Fn

Chr =132000/2184

HR =60.4= 61 people

Let us determine the estimated number of workers based on the accepted payment

labor intensity:

Chpr = Tpr / Fn*Kvn

Chpr =135000/2184*1.1

Chpr =56.2 = 57 people

Let us determine the estimated number of workers based on time worked:

Chov = Ff / Fn

Chov =120000 / 2184

Chov =54.9 = 55 people

Thus, the activities of the enterprise should be considered effective. The level of organization of the workplace corresponds to standard indicators. Among the shortcomings, one can note the insufficiently high level of equipment utilization in terms of production capacity.

Efficiency of using the workplace:

a) level of equipment use over time (Kiv) = 0.92;

b) level of equipment utilization in terms of productivity (power) (Kim) 0.83;

c) equipment load factor (LOF) 0.96;

d) equipment shift ratio (CCO) 2.0;

The worker's employment in productive labor is the worker's employment coefficient (K,) 0.98.

Estimated number of workers:

a) according to the estimated labor intensity (Cr) 61;

b) according to the labor intensity accepted for payment (CPR) 57;

c) according to time worked (Chov) 55;

5. Task 3

Determine the projected duration of each of the five work methods based on advanced labor methods and calculate the increase in labor productivity using the following initial data obtained by time-keeping observations of the work of four workers performing the same operation:

Duration of labor appointment, min

Cont. operations, min

Current time standard, pcs.


According to Kovalev’s method, the shortest execution time is selected for each element of the operation and other workers are trained in advanced techniques.

The reduction in labor intensity is determined by:

The increase in labor productivity from the introduction of advanced methods is determined by the formula:

To determine the projected duration of each of the five labor methods based on advanced labor methods, using the Kovalev method, we select the shortest execution time for each element of the operation (labor method) (marked in red in the table). The smallest time standard is 18.1 (1.2+8.2+4.9+0.2+3.6)

Let's determine the reduction in labor intensity. Labor intensity is the cost of labor and working time for the production of a unit of product (physical units of time per one ruble of output):

¦Tr = (Trb-Trp)/Trb*100

¦Tr = (20-18.1)/20*100

¦Tr =9.5 minutes per unit of production

We determine the increase in labor productivity from the introduction of advanced methods:

¦TP = (100*¦Tr) / (100-¦Tr)

¦TP = (100*9.5) / (100-9.5)

Thus, as a result of a decrease in labor intensity, labor productivity increases.

Answer: Projected duration:

first hire - 1.2

second hire - 8.2

third labor reception - 4.9

fourth labor reception - 0.2

fifth labor reception - 3.6

Increase in labor productivity from the introduction of advanced methods 10.5%

6. Task 4

As a result of the study and dissemination of best practices provided for by the NOT activities, all workers mastered rational labor techniques for installing parts on lathes. Calculate the savings in working time, the reduction in labor intensity of the annual program, the increase in labor productivity, the savings on the wage fund in the annual economic effect, based on the following data:


Average time spent on performing the “install part” technique, min: before implementing the activity after implementing the activity

Number of workers in the workshop performing this technique, people.

Labor intensity of the annual program, standard hours

Working hours, shifts

Average number of times this technique is performed by one worker during a shift

Compliance with production standards, %

Hourly tariff rate, R

Number of working days per year, days.

Additional salary, %

Deductions from payroll, %

Training costs, thousand rubles


Working time savings are calculated using the formula:

E vr = bchf,

where b is the reduction in losses and non-productive time spent per worker during a shift, h;

h - the number of workers whose losses and non-productive time costs are reduced, people;

f - annual working time of one worker, days.

The reduction in labor intensity of the annual program is calculated using the formula:

division of labor productivity worker

where Tg is the labor intensity of the annual program, standard hours.

The increase in labor productivity is calculated using the formula:

where T is the percentage of reduction in the labor intensity of products as a result of the implementation of the event.

Payroll savings are calculated by multiplying savings by the hourly wage rate, the additional wage coefficient and the payroll deduction coefficient.

Solution: 1. Calculate the savings in working time:

Evr = 1.806*160*235*2*1.2, Erv = 162973.44 hours

Let us determine the reduction in labor intensity of the annual program:

ST = Evr/Tg*100

ST = 162973.44/780000*100

Let's determine the increase in labor productivity:

PT = (100*T) / (100-T)

PT = (100*20.9)/(100-20.9) PT increased by 26%

Let's calculate the savings on the payroll fund:

44 * 413 = 67308 thousand rubles.

*0.49 = 32980.9 thousand rubles.

Total amount of savings: 100288.9 thousand rubles.

Thus, as a result of NOT activities, there is a saving in working time, a reduction in the labor intensity of the annual program, an increase in labor productivity and savings on the wage fund.

Saving working time - 162973.44 hours

Reduction in labor intensity of the annual program - 20.9%

Increase in labor productivity - 26%

Savings on the wage fund - 100288.9 thousand rubles.


Ershova A.S. Theory and practice of improving labor organization in conditions of radical economic reform: Textbook. allowance. L.: Publishing house of the Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute, 1990.

Koltsov N.A. Scientific organization of labor: Textbook. M.: Higher School, 1983,

Methodology for separating the economic efficiency of activities on NOT / Ed. A.P. Head. 3rd ed., revised. and additional M.: Economics, 1978.

Nikitina A.V. Collection of tasks on economics, regulation and labor organization in industry / Ed. A.F. Petrochenko. 3rd ed., revised, and additional. M.: Economics, 1990.

Workshop on economics, organization and labor regulation / Ed. G, R. Pogosyan and L.I. Zhukova. M.: Economics, 1991.

Smirnov E.L. Reference manual for NOTES. M.: Economics, 1986,

Forms of division and cooperation of labor

The basis for improving the organization of labor in society is the division and cooperation of labor. The division of labor in general terms refers to the division of people's activities in the process of joint labor. It involves the arrangement of workers according to the components of the production process and the determination of specific labor functions for each worker (or group of workers).

The following types of social division of labor are distinguished:

– intersectoral - industry, transport, etc.;

– sectoral - division of the main branches of social production into types and subtypes (by enterprise, type of production; for example, shipping companies, ports of the USSR);

– within the enterprise - by workshops, sections, teams, workplaces.

The division of labor at enterprises is carried out in order to:

– dividing the labor process into operations that can be performed in parallel by different performers, as a result of which the overall production cycle is reduced;

– rapid acquisition of skills in the specialization of work.

Both of these goals lead to increased productivity.

Technological division of labor is the division of the production process into separate phases, technological complexes, types of work and operations. A variation is the operational division of labor.

Functional division of labor - division of the entire complex of work according to the nature of the work performed and the participation of workers in the production process, defining the categories of workers and the division of work into basic, maintenance, repair, etc.

Professional division of labor - division of work according to professional characteristics (metalwork, turning, etc.).

Qualification division of labor - division of labor into difficulty groups - first, second, etc. categories.

The division of the production process into operations can also have negative consequences: for example, the monotony of labor increases, the content decreases, etc. Establishing optimal boundaries for the division of labor is one of the important tasks of its scientific organization. When designing the division of labor, economic, psychophysiological and sociological criteria must be taken into account. The main types of division of labor at enterprises are shown in Fig. 2.1.

Rice. 2.1. Types of division of labor

The economic feasibility of one or another variant of the division and cooperation of labor is determined by the extent to which increased production efficiency, increased labor productivity, and better use of fixed production assets, material and labor resources are ensured. For example, when dividing the production process into operations, it must be taken into account that the reduction in processing time should cover the time for transporting objects of labor from one workplace to another, etc.

Psychophysiological criteria for the division of labor are determined by the conditions of normal functioning of the human body. It is desirable that the work consist of a variety of elements (6 – 10 or more), the implementation of which would ensure alternating loads on various parts of the body and human sensory organs. In addition, the division of the labor process into operations should not lead to monotony of work. According to research by physiologists, when monotonous repetitive techniques and actions last less than 30 seconds, labor productivity is significantly reduced. To compare different types of labor in practice, the monotonicity coefficient Km is used

where: Tpd - time for repeated movements; That is the total operation time. The more Km, the more monotonous the work, which is undesirable.

Sociological criteria for the division of labor require ensuring that it is sufficiently meaningful, attractive, as well as a combination of physical and mental functions.

Labor cooperation is the joint participation of people in one or more interconnected labor processes. It installs:

– relationships between participants in the production process, isolated in their work activities as a result of the division of labor;

– forms of joint collective labor necessary to achieve the final goal of the production process.

Cooperation of labor is a consequence of its division and a necessary condition for the production activity of an enterprise. The three main forms of division of labor correspond to three forms of cooperation:

- cooperation within society;

- cooperation within the industry;

- cooperation within the enterprise.

The third form is carried out in the form of inter-shop (inter-section) and intra-shop cooperation between teams and performers. Cooperation as a form of collective labor is directly carried out in production teams.

The practical application of division and cooperation of labor has found wide application in the search for more efficient forms of labor organization. In the production process, depending on the nature of labor and production conditions, two standard forms of labor organization can be used - individual and collective. Recently, there has been increasing interest in collective forms of labor organization - both in domestic practice and abroad.

For water transport, especially during transshipment operations, the brigade form of labor organization is historically established, corresponding to the peculiarities of the technological process of cargo transshipment.

Improving the organization of labor in its individual form is mainly carried out in the relevant areas of NOT. Collective forms of labor organization in production find their manifestations in teams for various purposes. Of great importance in increasing the efficiency of brigade forms of labor organization is the correct choice of professional qualifications and numerical strength. From this point of view, brigades are divided into specialized and complex. Specialized teams are formed from workers of one profession, the main one for a given type of work. For example, a team of turners, carpenters, painters, etc. Complex teams are formed from workers of different professions or workers of a wide profile, performing technologically heterogeneous but interrelated work (services) to produce a certain type of product (its finished part) or perform a certain stage of the production process. The type of team is selected taking into account the specifics of production, based on the content and sequence of work assigned to it. Specialized teams are created, as a rule, for work, the content and scope of which allows the use of workers of only one profession. In integrated teams, the best conditions have been created for assigning the completed part of the overall production process to teams of teams.

Based on the time of use, the teams are divided into shift and through. In a shift team, all workers work in one shift. End-to-end - a team that includes workers from two to three shifts. More often they work in three shifts (around the clock) and are used, as a rule, in continuous production or at large facilities with a long technological production cycle. Preferential distribution should be given to cross-cutting teams, where working time is used more fully, large batches of products are manufactured or completed parts of work are completed, there are better conditions for planning and accounting for the volume of work performed, better use of labor, equipment and production space, reducing the volume of work in progress and improving product quality (work performance).

2.3. Labor processes and their improvement

The labor process is the basis of any production process, therefore its rationalization occupies one of the leading places among the areas of NOT. The labor process is a set of actions of the performer carried out when performing specific work in the production process. The study of the labor process is based, first of all, on the operational division of labor and the division of operations of production processes into their constituent elements (Fig. 2.2). An operation is the main element of the labor and production process and represents a complete cycle of activity of a worker (or group of workers) at a given workplace to change the subject of labor (its size, shape, etc.). For example, forging, commodity, drilling... operations. A labor technique is a complete set of labor actions, performed continuously and interconnected by a single purpose - the execution of part of the operation.

Rice. 2.2. Division of the labor process

According to their purpose, operations and techniques can be basic and auxiliary, and according to the method of execution - machine-manual and manual. A set of techniques is a set of labor techniques of a worker for performing any completed, technologically homogeneous part of the operation. A labor action is a set of labor movements performed without interruption by a person’s working organs to perform part of a technique, and a labor movement is a single movement of the worker’s arms, legs and torso. The labor movement is the simplest and most indivisible element of the labor process. In industrial practice, labor movements are studied with the aim of selecting rational movements and designing the most productive labor processes. The improvement of labor techniques is largely determined by the improvement of the movements that make up these techniques. To study labor movements, they are classified into short and long; horizontal and vertical; rectilinear and circular; workers and singles; discontinuous and continuous, etc.

Production operations can also be divided according to technological characteristics. For example, for turning operations - for installations, positions, transitions and passes (from one installation - several positions in a rotary device).

The efficiency and quality of workers' work largely depends on the working methods they use. A labor method is understood as a method of performing a production task, characterized by a set of certain labor techniques and the sequence of their implementation.

When studying labor processes, various study methods are used. The depth and accuracy of the research depends on the type of production. In mass and large-scale production, where there is a high repeatability of labor techniques, more accurate methods are used using recording instruments with a thorough subsequent analysis of labor movements. In small-scale and single-piece production, it is often enough to learn the techniques using simple measuring instruments.

Basic methods for studying labor processes:

– filming;

– video recording;

– cyclographic photography of labor movements;

– automatic recording using oscillographic settings (for example, in a crane cycle - time of lifting, lowering a load, etc.);

– visual observations (timing, photograph of the working day, etc.).

Improvement of labor processes is carried out in two directions:

– research and rationalization of labor methods, designing highly productive labor processes on their basis and training workers in progressive methods of performing operations;

– study, generalization and dissemination of the experience of advanced workers.

Work in the first direction consists of the following stages:

– selection of the object of study (production operations and performers);

– division of the labor process or individual operations into component elements;

– study of techniques and methods of work;

– analysis of research results and design of rational labor processes;

– introduction of rational techniques and methods of work.

In the second direction, central television can play an important role according to the following scheme:

– making a film;

– transmitting it to central television (CT);

– transmission of films via digital television, video recording at enterprises;

– implementation, study (training);

– feedback: communication about more progressive methods of work.

2.4. Working conditions and their improvement

Working conditions are understood as a set of factors in the production environment that influence human health and performance during the labor process. The production environment is characterized by the following working conditions.

Social and psychological working conditions are the attitude of workers to the means of production, relationships in the team, its psychological climate, qualifications and cultural and technical level of personnel. Psychological working conditions are determined directly by the labor process, its content, and the impact on the physical condition and psyche of workers. Organizational and technical working conditions are determined by the organization of labor and management, technology, the degree of mechanization and automation of labor processes. Sanitary and hygienic working conditions are associated with the external production environment, as well as sanitary services in production. They include: microclimate (temperature, humidity, air speed (drafts), thermal radiation); dustiness; gas pollution; vibration; noise; illumination; electromagnetic fields; ultraviolet radiation. Aesthetic working conditions shape the emotions of workers associated with the degree of comfort of working premises, their interior, color design of workplaces, the use of functional music, etc.

The overall impact of working conditions on a person’s performance, health and vital activity is assessed by such an integral indicator as the severity of work. In accordance with the medical-physiological classification developed by the Labor Research Institute, all work was divided into six categories of severity. Currently, the assessment of the severity and intensity of work is carried out according to new requirements. In accordance with the Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation “On certification of workplaces according to working conditions” No. 12 of March 14, 1997, the Law “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” No. 52-FZ of March 30, 1999 and The Law “On the Fundamentals of Occupational Safety and Health in the Russian Federation” No. 181-FZ of July 17, 1999 developed “Hygienic assessment criteria and classification of working conditions according to indicators of harmfulness and danger of factors in the working environment, severity and intensity of the labor process” (Guide R2.2.755- 99). Based on hygienic criteria, working conditions are divided into four classes: optimal, acceptable, harmful and dangerous.

Optimal working conditions (class 1) are conditions under which the health of workers is maintained and the prerequisites are created for maintaining a high level of performance, i.e., there are no unfavorable production factors or do not exceed levels accepted as safe for the population.

Acceptable working conditions (class 2) are characterized by such conditions of environmental factors and the labor process that do not exceed established hygienic standards for workplaces, and possible changes in the functional state of the body are restored during regulated rest or by the beginning of the next shift and should not have an adverse effect in the short and long term on the health of workers and their offspring. Acceptable working conditions are conditionally classified as safe.

Harmful working conditions (class 3) are characterized by the presence of harmful production factors that exceed hygienic standards and have an adverse effect on the worker’s body and/or his offspring. Harmful working conditions, based on the degree of exceeding hygienic standards and the severity of changes in the body of workers, are further divided into four degrees of harmfulness, which are not considered here due to the bulkiness of the material.

Hazardous (extreme) working conditions (class 4) are characterized by levels of production factors, the impact of which during a work shift (or part of it) creates a threat to life, a high risk of developing acute occupational injuries, including severe forms.

The levels of labor severity factors are expressed in ergonometric values ​​that characterize the labor process, regardless of the individual characteristics of the person participating in this process. The main indicators of the severity of the labor process are:

 mass of cargo lifted and moved manually;

- stereotypical labor movements;

- working posture;

 body tilts;

- movement in space.

Each of these factors in the labor process requires its own approach for quantitative measurement and evaluation. According to this methodology, all work is divided into the following classes according to severity:

1st class - light labor;

Class 2 - work that is permissible due to severity;

Class 3 - harmful and hazardous work:

3.1 class - moderate labor;

3.2 grade - hard work;

Grade 3.3 is very hard work.

The assessment of labor intensity of a professional group of workers is based on an analysis of work activity and its structure, which is studied through time-lapse observations over the course of the entire working day, for at least one week. The analysis is based on taking into account the entire complex of production factors (stimuli, irritants) that create the prerequisites for the occurrence of unfavorable neuro-emotional states (overstrain). All factors (indicators) of the labor process have qualitative and quantitative expression and are grouped by type of load: intellectual, sensory, emotional, monotonous and routine.

A general assessment of the intensity of the labor process is made according to the following classes:

Class 1 - optimal, i.e. non-stressful work (mild degree of tension);

Class 2 - acceptable (work acceptable in terms of intensity);

Class 3 - harmful to health:

3.1 class - work of medium intensity;

3.2 grade - intense work;

Grade 3.3 is very intense work.

In creating favorable working conditions, significant importance is given to occupational health and safety, and legal protection of personnel.

To constantly maintain working conditions at the appropriate level, it is necessary to regularly develop organizational and technical measures to improve them. When developing these measures, it is necessary to analyze the actual state of working conditions and certify workplaces in order to ensure their compliance with standard workplace organization projects. In this regard, surveying employees through questionnaires is of great importance, allowing their opinions to be taken into account (especially when studying the reasons for staff turnover). Improving working conditions is a complex task, and the production activity, mood, performance and health of workers largely depend on its correct solution.

Division of labor - this is the differentiation of people’s activities in the process of joint work.

The level of division of labor can be used to judge the development of the productive forces of society. The higher the degree of division of labor, the higher the level of development of productive forces.

There are three interrelated types of division of labor:

- general (within society, i.e. it manifests itself in the differentiation of people’s activities between large sectors of agriculture, i.e. between industry, construction, agriculture, transport, etc.);

- private (within a separate agricultural sector. In agriculture, this division of labor appears in the form of its delimitation by cattle breeding, pig breeding, gardening, vegetable growing, etc.);

- single (expresses the division of labor between workers within a separate enterprise).

General and specific division of labor is studied in other economic disciplines. The object of NOT is single division of labor.

Division of labor the enterprise simultaneously produces the following basic forms :

1. technological;

2. functional;

3. professional qualification.

1. Technological division of labor carried out on the basis of the division of the production process into stages (procurement, processing, assembly), processing stages, phases, partial technological processes and operations. The technological division of labor is associated with the division of labor according to industries of the enterprise, phases and stages of plant development, and types of work.

Within the framework of the technological division of labor in relation to certain types of work, depending on the degree of differentiation of labor processes, the following differs:



Subject division of labor.

Operational division of labor provides for the distribution and assignment of technological process operations to individual workers, the placement of workers, ensuring their rational employment and optimal loading of equipment.

Subject division of labor provides for the assignment to a specific performer of a set of works that allows the product to be completely manufactured (assembling an electrical outlet, etc.).

Detailed division of labor involves assigning to the contractor the manufacture of a finished part of a product or part.

2. Functional division of labor provides for the separation of various types of labor activity and the performance of specific work by appropriate groups of workers specializing in performing production or other functions of different content and economic significance.

According to the functional division of labor, there is a division of all workers into:

- main those engaged in the direct production of products or performing basic work;

- auxiliary who do not directly produce marketable products themselves, but provide the work of the main workers with their labor;

- serving who, through their labor, create conditions for productive work of both main and auxiliary workers.

Managers, specialists and employees are divided into separate functional groups.

3. Professional and qualification division of labor is carried out depending on the professional specialization and complexity of the work and involves performing work in the workplace within the framework of a particular profession and the qualifications of the workers. Based on the volume of each type of work, it is possible to determine the need for workers by profession, qualification level and category both for the enterprise as a whole and for its structural divisions.

In this regard, there are boundaries of the division of labor :

1. technological

2. economic

3. psychophysiological

4. social.

1. Technological frontier The division of labor is determined by existing technology, which divides the production process into operations. Lower limit formation of the content of an operation is a labor technique consisting of at least three labor actions, continuously following each other and having a specific purpose. Upper limit division of labor will be the production of the entire product at one workplace.

2. Economic border The division of labor is determined by the fact that the specialization of performers associated with the fragmentation of the labor process should ensure their full workload during the work shift and help increase labor productivity.

3. Psychophysiological boundary The division of labor is determined by acceptable physical and psychological stress. The duration of operations must be within acceptable limits and contain a variety of labor techniques, the implementation of which ensures alternating loads on various organs and parts of the body of workers.

4. Social boundary division of labor is determined by the minimum necessary variety of functions performed, ensuring the content and attractiveness of work. The employee must not only see the results of his work, but also receive a certain moral satisfaction from it. Labor, which is a set of simple movements and actions, reduces interest in it. It does not contribute to the growth of labor productivity and skills of workers.

The division of labor is inextricably linked with its cooperation. The deeper the division of labor, the more important cooperation becomes.

Labor cooperation– joint participation of people in one or different, unrelated labor processes.

The task of cooperation t ore - to ensure the greatest consistency between the actions of individual workers or groups of workers performing various labor functions.

There are two types of cooperation:

1. simple

2. difficult

At simple cooperation There is no division of labor; work is performed collectively and independently of each other. For example: lifting and moving heavy objects manually.

Complex cooperation- the result of the division of labor. Each performer is assigned a specific function. Everyone on his own is not able to carry out the labor process without cooperation with other workers; the work is interconnected and interdependent. For example: grain harvesting, when everyone performs their function (combine operator, driver, tractor driver, etc.).

Forms of labor cooperation:

1. intershop;

2. intra-shop;

3. intra-site.

Intershop cooperation is associated with the division of the production process between workshops and consists in the participation of workshop teams in the general labor process for the enterprise in the manufacture of products.

Intra-shop cooperation consists in the interaction of individual structural units of workshops (sections, production lines).

Intra-precinct cooperation consists in the interaction of individual workers in the process of joint labor or the organization of collective labor of workers united in teams.

The role of cooperation in agriculture:

1. Makes it possible to complete work in a short time.

2. Helps increase labor productivity.

3. Helps overcome critical deadlines for many agricultural works.

4. Promotes more efficient use of public means of production.