Development of design and estimate documentation for the production of a transport checkpoint. Composition of design and estimate documentation. Legislation requirements Design documentation for checkpoints

To develop a project for new construction, reconstruction or major repairs, it is necessary to develop project documentation. The composition of project documentation is regulated by Resolution No. 87 “On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content.”

All projects can be divided into 2 categories: objects capital construction and linear objects.

Capital construction projects include various buildings and structures that have above-ground and (or) underground parts, including premises, engineering support networks and engineering support systems and are intended for living and (or) activities of people, location of production, storage of products or keeping animals.

Capital construction projects do not include temporary buildings. Temporary buildings do not require examination at all, and therefore there are no requirements for the composition of the design documentation.

Temporary buildings and the permanent construction option have externally similar features, while, according to the Urban Planning Code of Russia, technical differences between the objects are defined:

  1. The object of capital characteristics of construction is tied to a permanent foundation, and there is always a connection to the land plot. A temporary structure may not have a foundation.
  2. A capital facility involves collecting permitting documents for full operation, while a temporary building has a minimum set of documents for permission to operate.
  3. The minimum service life for an object of category KS (capital construction) is 25 years, and can be higher than 100 years. Temporary buildings should be in use for no more than 25 years, with prerequisite on demolition.
  4. A capital facility cannot be demolished or moved to another location, with the exception of a number of provisions of the town planning code.
  5. The object of completed construction work involves the use of property rights with registration in Rosreestr; for temporary buildings, restrictive permitting functions of property rights are presented.

Linear objects include: power lines, communication lines (including linear cable structures), pipelines, roads, railway lines, bridges, overpasses, pedestrian crossings and other similar structures.

If a linear facility contains buildings and structures that relate to capital construction, then a project for a linear structure is developed in accordance with the list of sections for a linear structure and separate designs for buildings and structures in accordance with the requirements for sections for capital construction. Section 4 of the linear facility provides a list, characteristics and provides links to building designs that are included in the infrastructure of the linear facility.

Composition of design documentation for a capital construction project:

Section 2 “Scheme of planning organization of a land plot” (PZU)

Section 3 “Architectural solutions” (AR)

Section 4 “Constructive and space-planning solutions” (KR)

Section 5 “Information about engineering equipment, networks of engineering support, list of engineering activities, content of technological solutions”

This section consists of subsections:

a) subsection “Power supply system” (IOS1);

b) subsection “Water supply system” (IOS2);

c) subsection “Water disposal system” (IOS3);

d) subsection “Heating, ventilation and air conditioning, heating networks” (IOS4);

e) subsection “Communication networks” (IOS5);

f) subsection “Gas supply system” (IOS6);

g) subsection “Technological solutions” (IOS7).

Section 6 “Construction Organization Project” (POS)

Section 7 “Project for organizing work on the demolition or dismantling of capital construction projects” (POD)

Section 8 “List of security measures environment"(OOS)

Section 9 “Measures to ensure fire safety” (FS)

Section 10 “Measures to ensure access for people with disabilities” (ADI)

Section 10(1) “Measures to ensure compliance with energy efficiency requirements and requirements for equipping buildings, structures and structures with metering devices for energy resources used” (EE)

Section 11 “Estimate for the construction of capital construction projects” (SM)

Section 12 “Other documentation in cases provided for by federal laws”

Composition of design documentation for linear objects:

Section 1 " Explanatory note"(PZ)

Section 2 “Right-of-way design” (RW)

Section 3 “Technological and design solutions for a linear facility. Artificial structures" (TKR)

Section 4 “Buildings, structures and structures included in the infrastructure of a linear facility” (ILO)

Section 5 “Construction Organization Project” (POS)

Section 6 “Project for organizing work on the demolition (dismantling) of a linear facility” (POD)

Section 7 “Environmental Protection Measures” (EPM)

Section 8 “Measures to ensure fire safety” (FS)

Section 9 “Estimate for construction” (CM)

Section 10 “Other documentation in cases provided for by federal laws”

If one of the sections is not being developed, then this section is still written as part of the project, but we add the inscription “Not being developed” in the note. The numbering of sections does not change.

For example, Section 7 “Project for organizing work on demolition or dismantling of capital construction projects” is not always required and we do not develop it, but the numbering of sections does not change because of this, the following section Section 8 “List of environmental protection measures” will remain section 8.

A section may have subsections, for example, as in section 5. In large projects subsections can also be divided into parts. The parts are divided into books.

2345-IOS4.1.1 - Section 5. Information about engineering equipment, engineering support networks, list of engineering activities, content of technological solutions. Subsection 4. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning, heating networks. Part 1. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Book 1. Basic solutions.

2345-IOS4.1.2 - Section 5. Information about engineering equipment, about networks of engineering support, a list of engineering activities, the content of technological solutions. Subsection 4. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning, heating networks. Part 1. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Book 2. Automation systems for heating, ventilation and air conditioning

Each section, subsection, part and, if necessary, book included in the volume, as well as each text and graphic document included in the volume, is assigned an independent designation, which is indicated on the cover, title page and/or in the main inscription, as well as in headers and footers text documents, performed without main inscriptions.

The section “Other documentation in cases provided for by federal laws” contains sections that are not included in the main list, but are necessary in the project, for example:

  • Declaration of Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities (DS HIF);
  • List of measures for civil defense, measures to prevent emergencies of a natural and man-made nature (CES)
  • Technological regulations for waste management
  • Security and protective deratization system (OPDS)
  • Transport security
  • Survey reports

and other sections that are provided for by federal laws or design assignments from the Customer.

All documents are assigned their own code, in accordance with the current regulations design organization system. The code includes, for example, the number of the agreement (contract) and/or the code of the construction site (numeric, alphabetic or alphanumeric). The basic designation may include other codes used in CAD and EDMS.

If a section is divided into parts, then the part designation is made up of the section designation, to which the part number is added

2345-PZ - Section 1. Explanatory note.

2345-PZU1 - Section 2. Scheme of planning organization of the land plot. Part 1. General information.

2345-PZU2 - Section 2. Scheme of planning organization of a land plot. Part 2. Internal decisions railway transport. If a part is divided into books, then the book designation is made up of the part designation, to which the book number is added through a dot.

Requirements for design documentation are set out in GOST R 21.1101-2013 SPDS. Basic requirements for design and working documentation

Volumes are completed in the following order:

— cover;

- title page;

— statement “Composition of project documentation” (It is allowed not to include the statement “Composition of project documentation” in each volume, but complete it in a separate volume);

— text part;

— graphic part (drawings and diagrams).

The number of sheets included in the volume is determined from the need to ensure ease of use, as a rule, no more than 300 sheets of A4 format according to GOST 2.301 or an equivalent number of sheets of other formats.

The title page is made according to form 12 (Appendix N GOST R 21.1101-2013).

The following details are provided on the cover:

— field 5 — name of the capital construction project and, if necessary, type of construction. The name of the construction project on the cover must correspond to the information given in columns 2 and 3 of the main inscription (see Appendix G);

— field 9 — volume number according to the statement “Composition of design documentation” or “Composition of reporting documentation based on the results of engineering surveys” (if available);

— field 10 — year of document issue;

— field 11 — to place the table for registering changes in Form 11 of Appendix M (if necessary).

The title page is made according to form 13 (Appendix P GOST R 21.1101-2013).

The following details are provided on the title page:

— field 1 — abbreviated, and in its absence — the full name of the parent organization (if any); are usually indicated for government organizations;

— field 2 — logo (optional), full name of the organization that prepared the document;

— field 3 — number and date of issue of the certificate of admission to the relevant types of work (preparing design documentation or conducting surveys) that affect the safety of the capital construction project;

— field 4 — short name of the customer organization (if necessary). The name is indicated in the form: “Customer - name of the customer organization”;

— field 5 — name of the capital construction project and, if necessary, type of construction. The name of the construction project on the title page must correspond to the information given in columns 2 and 3 of the main inscription (see Appendix G);

— field 6 — type of documentation (if necessary);

— field 7 — name of the document;

— field 8 — document designation;

— field 9 — volume number according to the statement “Composition of design documentation” or “Composition of reporting documentation for engineering surveys” (if available);

— field 10 — positions of persons responsible for developing the document;

— field 11 — signatures of the persons indicated in field 10, performed in accordance with GOST R 6.30. This field is also affixed with the certifying seal of the organization that prepared the document;

— field 12 — initials and surnames of the persons indicated in field 10;

— field 13 — year of document issue;

— field 14 — to place the table for registering changes in Form 11 of Appendix M (if necessary);

— field 15 — for additional columns of the title block in accordance with Appendix G. It is allowed to provide the information contained in these columns in another form in accordance with the requirements established in the organization’s standards.

The title can also be in A3 format if the document itself has such a format.

The implementation of construction projects requires the development of special documentation, in accordance with which the work of specialists must be carried out. Its structure, as well as the approval procedure, are determined by law - at the level of federal regulations. The main element of the corresponding set of sources is design documentation. In some cases, it can be supplemented by a working one, as well as technical specifications. What are the features of developing design documentation in construction? What are the main sources of law governing its application?

What is project documentation?

Project documentation (or design estimates) is usually understood as a set of sources, which may include both text and graphic materials intended to determine lists of architectural, technological, structural, and engineering solutions used as part of the implementation of a construction project.

Depending on the complexity of the tasks facing the company, the structure of the relevant documentation may vary. Its composition determines which specific specialists will be involved in the development of these sources.

The role of design documentation in construction

Actually, why do we need design and estimate documentation? Its main role is primarily to regulate the process of implementing a construction project. In addition, the preparation of appropriate documentation is a legal requirement. Without it, it is impossible to accept the constructed property for operation. Similarly, design and estimate documentation is needed for reconstruction or redevelopment of buildings and structures.

Thus, the sources under consideration are needed both from the point of view of legal requirements and for the implementation of the work itself as an objectively necessary source of data that allows the construction of a building or structure that meets the established quality criteria, as well as within the limits of costs determined by the project participants.

The project documentation system is a set of sources that essentially reflect the general understanding of the customer and developer of the project concept, as well as establishing the procedure for the uninterrupted and prompt supply of various elements of the construction infrastructure. The important role of the sources under consideration predetermines the need to involve the most qualified specialists in their development, as well as following special algorithms.

Thus, the relevant work should be carried out only by those organizations that have the ability to carry out work related to the preparation of documentation about which we're talking about. Let's take a closer look at who can carry out its development.

Who develops project documentation?

Design and estimate documentation can be created by the developer himself or by a competent person engaged by him or the customer. Sometimes an individual under a contract. For example, this could be an experienced engineer.

The person who is responsible for preparing the documentation in question also coordinates the work necessary to create the appropriate sources. In addition, he is responsible for the quality of documentation, as well as its compliance with technical regulations. The preparation of project documentation may, in some cases, be accompanied by the delegation of a number of developer functions to other persons who have the necessary competence.

The customer provides the developer with a number of relevant sources:

An urban planning plan for the site or a planning project for the territory that is supposed to be used as part of the construction project;

A document reflecting the results of engineering surveys or, if they are not ready, the task for their implementation;

Technical conditions, if ensuring the functioning of a construction project requires technological connection.

Let's consider what requirements exist for the composition of sections of the relevant documentation, which is used within the framework of construction projects, when solving problems of reconstruction and carrying out major repairs of various buildings and structures.

Requirements for the structure of project documentation

The main source of law, which states what requirements the design documentation of an object must meet, is the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation. It also says that the requirements for the sources in question are established by the government of the Russian Federation. In practice, the composition of the sections of design documentation intended for construction, reconstruction and overhaul is determined mainly in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 87, adopted on February 16, 2008. In addition, the criteria established by this source of law in many cases correlate with the provisions of the Town Planning Code.

Have a production purpose;

Characterized by non-production purposes;

Are linear.

Let us now consider how Resolution No. 87 defines, in fact, the composition of project documentation. Compliance with these requirements is a key condition for the successful development of these sources.

Composition of project documentation

In accordance with Decree No. 87, correctly drawn up project documentation includes 12 sections. Their structure contains:

Explanatory note;

Section with a land plot layout diagram;

A document reflecting a list of architectural solutions;

Section on constructive, as well as space-planning construction solutions;

A document reflecting information about engineering infrastructure, support networks, lists of technical measures, and the content of various technological solutions;

Section explaining the essence of the construction organization project;

A document reflecting the essence of the project for organizing those works related to the demolition of capital construction projects, if this procedure is required;

Section presenting a list of activities related to ensuring environmental protection;

Section on activities aimed at ensuring access for people with disabilities;

A document reflecting a list of measures aimed at increasing the energy efficiency of facilities;

Estimate reflecting data on objects;

Other documents, the inclusion of which in the design and estimate documentation is required by law.

It can be noted that the section reflecting information about engineering infrastructure includes several subsections, namely sources disclosing data on water supply, sanitation, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, gas supply, and communications.

Also in the structure of the section under consideration there should be a subsection that provides information about technological solutions. It is worth noting that, in accordance with Town Planning Code Correctly compiled project documentation includes sections presented in a slightly different structure. In particular, it involves the inclusion in the sources under consideration of a section reflecting information on ensuring the required level of safe operation construction projects, which, in turn, is not provided for by Resolution No. 87.

If the design documentation requires the inclusion of other sections that are not defined as mandatory elements in the legislation, then their list is fixed in agreements between the developer of the relevant sources and the customer. It may be noted that some of those sections of documentation that are defined by law must be included in it only if the construction project is being implemented at the expense of budgetary organizations. Their specific list is given in Resolution No. 87.

Can it be compiled for individual stages of implementation? construction work project documentation? The documentation and the project described in it can indeed be considered in the context of specific periods of implementation construction plan. In this case, the need to develop a separate group of sources for each stage is recorded in the task for creating the project. At the same time, this procedure is subject to justification by special calculations that confirm the possibility of practical implementation of certain design solutions as part of the implementation of a construction project in stages.

In addition, the documentation used in specific periods of construction is developed to the established extent. Its structure in terms of basic elements, as well as the presence of sections, must comply with the requirements established in Resolution No. 87.

Purpose of working documentation

So, we have looked at what high-quality project documentation includes, as well as its main features. However, in practice, this set of sources for the purpose of regulating construction work is, as a rule, also supplemented by another type of documentation - working documentation. It will be useful to study its features.

It may be noted that Regulation No. 87 does not clearly regulate the order in which the working component of sources for project implementation should be developed. The relevant legal act establishes that it, like project documentation, includes both text and graphic documents. For example, drawings, various specifications.

In principle, design and working documentation can be created simultaneously. The composition and structure of the second, in the general case, are determined by the customer or developer, depending on the detail of certain solutions given in the project documentation. The corresponding parameters can be recorded in the task sent to the developer of the sources in question.

The main elements of working documentation are drawings, specifications and other documents supplementing them. On their basis, the implementation of those solutions provided for by the project is carried out.

Technical specifications as part of construction documentation

The next most important type of sources that can complement project documentation is technical specifications. It will be useful to consider their specifics. To a certain extent, the application of technical conditions is also regulated by Resolution No. 87. Thus, in the relevant legal act it is indicated that they are developed and approved if:

The implementation of design documentation requires a larger list of requirements reflecting the reliability and safety of structures, relative to the list established by regulations;

The corresponding requirements are not defined in regulations.

Technical specifications must be developed in accordance with the procedure established by law. In practice, it is determined by the competent department - the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation in agreement with others federal authorities RF.

Thus, project documentation includes working documentation in cases provided for by law, as well as in the presence of certain agreements between the customer and the developer of the relevant sources. In some cases, it is supplemented by technical conditions, which are also created in the manner determined by the legislator.

Structure of project documentation according to Resolution No. 87

In accordance with the provisions of Decree No. 87, the preparation of project documentation involves the inclusion of text and graphic elements. The first should reflect:

Information about the construction site;

Descriptions of various solutions, in particular technical ones;

Calculations that justify the decisions made during the development of the project.

The graphic part of the project documentation clearly displays the corresponding solutions. For this the following can be used:


Graphic diagrams;

Others Required documents presented in graphical form.

The preparation of project documentation as part of the acquisition of both types of elements, both textual and graphic, must be carried out in compliance with the requirements of the legislation on state secrets by the organization that performs the relevant work. The way in which certain elements of the documentation under consideration should be drawn up is regulated by the standards established by the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation.

Documentation examination

So, we have looked at what design and estimate documentation includes, in accordance with what legal norms it is drawn up. It will also be useful to study one of the most important aspects of its application - conducting state examination of these sources.

The procedure under consideration is carried out with the aim of creating construction projects in accordance with the requirements of legislation in force in various fields, including those aimed at ensuring guarantees of respect for the rights of citizens and organizations in various legal relations. must undergo examination in accordance with the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, as well as Federal law No. 337, adopted on November 28, 2011. The corresponding procedure is carried out by the competent government authorities.

However, in preparation for it construction firm may turn to the services of private structures that can provide support for the examination in question. What is the essence of this service?

Support of state examination of construction documentation

Support for the examination of project documentation most often includes:

Conducting a non-state examination in accordance with criteria generally consistent with those used by the competent authorities;

Audit of specific sections of documentation to identify deficiencies in them and determine the degree of compliance established requirements legislation;

Preparation necessary materials for the purpose of transferring documents to government agency who conducts the examination.

Many companies also offer their customers advisory support directly during their interaction with departments that conduct state examination of documentation. Experts recommend contacting companies that are ready to provide legal, organizational, and consulting support for the procedure for developing project documentation. In all the noted aspects, the assistance of experienced specialists can be useful for an enterprise implementing a construction project.

Cost calculation

List of sections of design documentation for capital construction projects for industrial and non-industrial purposes

(residential buildings, warehouses, administrative buildings, shopping centers, business centers, etc.)


Lease contract

Cadastral plan

Land contract


SRO of designers

Project documentation

1. Explanatory note

2. Scheme of planning organization of the land plot

3.Architectural solutions

4.Constructive and space-planning solutions

5. Information about engineering equipment, engineering support networks, list of engineering activities, content of technological solutions

5.1. Power supply system

5.2. Water supply system

5.3. Drainage system

5.4. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning, heating networks

5.5. Communication networks

5.6. Gas supply system

5.7. Technological solutions

6. Construction organization project

7. Project for organizing work on the demolition or dismantling of capital construction objects" (carried out if it is necessary to demolish (dismantle) an object or part of a capital construction object)

8.List of environmental protection measures

9.Measures to ensure fire safety

10.Measures to ensure access for people with disabilities

10(1).Measures to ensure compliance with energy efficiency requirements and requirements for equipping buildings, structures and structures with metering devices for energy resources used

11. Estimates for the construction of capital construction projects

12.Other documentation in cases provided for by federal laws

12.1. Safe operation of buildings and structures

12.2. Civil Defense and Emergency

12.3. Anti-terrorism measures

12.4. Traffic organization


Engineering and geodetic

Engineering and environmental

List of sections of design documentation for linear capital construction projects

(gas pipelines, water pumping units, electricity networks, etc.)

Initial permitting documentation


Lease contract

Cadastral plan

Land contract


SRO of designers

Project documentation

1. Explanatory note

2. Right-of-way design

3.Technological and design solutions for a linear facility. Artificial constructions

4.Buildings, structures and structures included in the infrastructure of a linear facility

5. Construction organization project

6. Project for organizing the demolition (dismantling) of a linear facility

7.Environmental protection measures

8.Measures to ensure fire safety

9.Estimate for construction

10.Other documentation in cases provided for by federal laws

Documents based on the results of engineering surveys


Engineering and geodetic

Engineering and environmental

Cost calculation

Requirements for the composition and content of sections of design documentation during construction, reconstruction and major repairs of capital construction projects are determined by law.The main document regulating this is

« Composition and requirements for the content of sections of project documentation applied to various types capital construction projects, including linear facilities, the composition and requirements for the content of sections of design documentation in relation to individual stages of construction, reconstruction of capital construction projects, the composition and requirements for the content of sections of design documentation when carrying out major repairs of capital construction projects, as well as the composition and requirements for the content of sections of design documentation submitted for state examination of design documentation and to state construction supervision authorities are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.”()

Working documentation is developed for the purpose of implementing architectural, technical and technological solutions during the construction process.

The Regulations do not indicate the sequence of development of working documentation, which determines the possibility of its implementation, both simultaneously with the preparation of project documentation, and after its preparation. At the same time, the volume the composition and content of working documentation must be determined by the customer (developer) depending on the degree of detail of the solutions contained in the design documentation, and indicated in the design assignment. (see Letter dated June 22, 2009 N 19088-SK/08 Ministry of Regional Development of Russia)

The final set of design and estimate documentation, as a rule, includes design and working documentation ( Note This is one of the main differences from the “P” and “RP” design stages, when only the documentation from the “RP” stage goes into the final project.). These types of documentation complement each other:

  • The design documentation includes the main sections on the organization of construction(“Explanatory note”, “Construction organization project”, “Measures to ensure fire safety”, “Estimate for the construction of capital construction projects”, etc.).
  • Working documentation contains working drawings, documents, specifications and is the basis for the implementation of decisions made in the project.

Project documentation


The list of project documentation is usually given in the section “Composition of project documentation” (section code - “SP”). This section is most often found in volume No. 0.

If necessary, at the customer’s initiative, design documentation is developed in relation to individual stages of construction and reconstruction of facilities. (cm. ). This is indicated in the design specification.

Design documentation for individual stages of construction is developed in the volumes necessary for each stage of construction. It must meet the requirements for the composition and content of sections of project documentation established by the Regulations for capital construction projects.


Under construction stage means the construction of one of the capital construction projects, the construction of which is planned to be carried out on one land plot, if such an object can be put into operation and operated autonomously, that is, regardless of the construction of other capital construction projects on this land plot, as well as the construction of part of a capital construction project , which can be put into operation and operated autonomously, that is, regardless of the construction of other parts of this capital construction project.

The order is placed by a specialized organization
Mailing address
Actual address Russian Federation, 620014, Sverdlovsk region, Ekaterinburg, Malysheva st., 22
Telephone 7-343-3571590
Fax 7-343-3571195
Email [email protected]
The contact person Kostenko Irina Yakovlevna

Subject of contract

Subject of contract Development of design and estimate documentation for the production of a transport checkpoint.
Initial (maximum) contract price RUR 349,980.00
Quantity of goods, volume of work or services Work on the development of design and estimate documentation for the manufacture of a transport checkpoint at the “Customer’s” site, cond. 1
Place of delivery of goods, performance of work or provision of services Place of work performed: UBHR FKU "UOUMTS Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia" Ekaterinburg st. Elizavetinskoe highway, 48 A.
Delivery time for goods, performance of work or provision of services Terms (periods) of work performed: within 15 calendar days from the date of conclusion of the State contract.
Customer federal government institution "Ural District Department of Material and Technical Supply of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation"

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