Abstract: Speech communication. What is a symposium Debates at the symposium

Every year, since 2000, the All-Russian Symposium “ Strategic planning and enterprise development."

The All-Russian Symposium “Strategic Planning and Development of Enterprises” has become a traditional meeting place for a large number of researchers of microeconomic problems. The symposium invariably arouses the interest of the scientific community, enterprise managers, teachers of economic disciplines of higher education. educational institutions. The agenda of the Symposium includes: wide range current theoretical and practical issues related to strategic planning and development of enterprises. Academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, heads and professors of leading universities and research centers, presidents and general directors enterprises of Russia and foreign countries.

Multidirectional trends in development Russian economy bring to the fore microeconomic problems of strategic planning, economic policy and business practice. Problems such as drawing a divide between solved problems and formulating problems that require solutions remain relevant; updating and assessing the current state of the theory and practice of strategic planning and management, development of methodological tools for strategic planning at enterprises in the real sector, adequate to new economic conditions, creation and coordination of a generally accepted categorical apparatus. Regarding the problems of enterprise development, dilemmas remain unresolved: contraction or expansion of enterprises, narrowing or branching of the network manufacturing enterprises There are other problems in Russia. In the conditions of modern global economic crisis These problems give the Symposium even greater relevance and significance.

The geography of the Symposium participants covers all regions of Russia, the CIS countries and abroad.

The main organizers are:

  • Section of Economics and Department of Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
  • Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
  • Regional public organization for promoting the development of institutes of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
  • Scientific Council of the UN RAS “Problems of integrated development industrial enterprises»;
  • Volgograd State University;
  • Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg State University;
  • Journal "Economic Science" modern Russia»;
  • Russian Journal of Management;
  • Russian Foundation for Basic Research;
  • International Academy of Management;
  • International Scientific Foundation for Economic Research Academician N.P. Fedorenko;
  • NP “Association of Controllers”;
  • Southern Institute of Management (Krasnodar);
  • Russian electrical engineering concern "RUSELPROM".

The Symposium takes place in the formats of Plenary and sectional sessions:

  • Section 1. “Theoretical problems of strategic planning at the microeconomic level”;
  • Section 2. “Models and methods for developing enterprise strategy”;
  • Section 3. “Experience of strategic planning at Russian and foreign enterprises”;
  • Section 4. “Strategic planning at the mesoeconomic (regional and sectoral) level”;
  • Section 5. “Problems of forecasting the activities of enterprises.”

As part of the Symposium, the Scientific Council of the UN RAS “Problems of Integrated Development of Industrial Enterprises” traditionally holds a Round Table.

The work of the Symposium is widely covered in the press and special economic periodicals, for example, in such: “Economic science of modern Russia”, “ Financial business", "Problems of management theory and practice", "Economic strategies", "Nezavisimaya Gazeta", " Russian newspaper", "Search", etc.

The Symposium materials are published with the assignment of appropriate library indexes and placed in the RSCI.

Pre-program of the symposium:

May 18, 2018 will be held Balint group And supervision group

10:00-10:30 registration

10:30-14:00 Balint group and supervision group

10:30 – 12:00 Balint group

12:30 – 14:00 supervision group

After lunch, excursion to the Moscow Kremlin, Red Square and GUM

19:00 Bolshoi Theater:

Rhine Gold

Prologue (prelude) of the tetralogy “The Ring of the Nibelung” in four scenes

Performance by the Sofia Opera and Ballet Theater (Bulgaria)

Symposium program:

Saturday, 05/19/2018

9:00 Registration of participants

10:00 10:30 Grand opening PhD in Biology N.N. Klepikov, Chairman of the Board of IPP G. Hamann

Greetings: Rector of MIP L.I. Surat, Chairman of the Board of IPP G. Hamann, Ph.D. N.N. Klepikov, honorary professor of MIP, candidate of psychological sciences. Ya.L. Obukhov-Kozarovitsky, Moscow, E.N. Rodina, Kyiv

Leading: PhD in Biology N.N. Klepikov

A. Ph.D. Ya.L. Obukhov-Kosarovitsky, Moscow: Wolfgang Loesch and Imaginative Body Psychotherapy (ImKP) 10:30-10:50

B. PhD in Biology N.N. Klepikov, Moscow: Oncology, psychoanalysis and Imaginative body psychotherapy (ImKP) 10:50-11:10

C.E.N. Rodina, Kyiv: Presentation of the book “Healing Images” and the Creative Album for Psychosomatic Self-Regulation 11:10-11:30

D. O. Kadyrov, Moscow: Presentation of the book by T. Erstling “Treating cancer with the help of internal images” in Russian 11:30-11:40

Break 11:40-12:00

E. Chairman of the Board of the IPP G. Hamann, Potsdam: “ImKP and psychotherapeutic work with drawing. Symbolic meaning of the drawing" Report 40 min + discussion 10 min 12:00-12:50

F. N.D. Leus, Divnogorsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory: ImKP and features of working with children who have had meningoencephalitis 12:50-13:10

G. S.N. Kulchaya, Moscow: What happens if lymphocytes are sent to school? Working with stem cells for multiple sclerosis 13:10-13:30

H. Group of patients with multiple sclerosis 13:30-14:00

Lunch break 14:00-15:00

I. Ph.D. BUT. Karafa-Korbut, Moscow: “The role of auto-aggression in the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases” report 20 min + discussion 10 min 15:00-15:30

J. C. Krug, Dortmund: Catathymic-imaginative psychotherapy for patients with bipolar affective disorder 15:30-16:00

K. M. Schlage, Potsdam: ImKP in the treatment of Parkinson's disease 16:00-16:30

L. B. Holz, Potsdam: The role of relaxation in ImKP 16:30-17:00

M. G. Hamann, B. Holz, M. Schlage, Potsdam: Memories of the creator of ImKP Wolfgang Lösche 17:00-17:30

N. Discussion 17:30-18:00

19:00 Musical Theater named after. K.S. Stanislavsky and V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, opera Don Giovanni, Price from 600 to 2000 rubles.

Sunday, 05/20/2018

Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis, Moscow, Kutuzovsky Prospekt, 34, building 14

Seminar Beate Holz, Potsdam: Concentrative relaxation (KoE) in ImKP and trauma psychotherapy 9:00-15:00

15:00-16:00 Dinner

16:00-19:00 Plenary session

Presenter: Ekaterina Nikolaevna Rodina, Kyiv, Ukraine

A. A.I. Popova, Volgograd: Experience of using ImKP in integrative psychotherapy of sexual trauma 16:00-16:20

B.M.M. Zeldovich, Volgograd: Application of ImKP in working with a professional athlete. Case from practice 16:20-16:40

C.L.A. Dovlad, Kyiv: Psychocardiology: body image 16:40-17:00

D. Sebastian Gasde, physiotherapist, Berlin: Space for self-determination - the patient's awareness of his health (competence). 17:00-17:30

E. Discussion 17:30-17:50

Break 17:50-18:00

F.M.M. Reshetova, Moscow: Difficulties of working with cancer patients and ways to overcome them in ImKP 18:00-18:20

G.M.N. Maslov, Rostov-on-Don: Comparative analysis Factors in the effectiveness of ImKP and trauma psychotherapy. The importance of deep relaxation mandatory condition healing process. 18:20-18:40

I. T.A. Tonkacheva, Zelenokumsk, Stavropol Territory: ImKP in working with diseases internal organs, practical use. 18:40-19:00

J. Discussion and conclusion of the symposium 19:00-19:30

There is an opportunity to participate in the webinar.

Cost of full-time participation in the Symposium and online participation: 7,000 rubles.

Cost for members of the IOO SRS KIP: 6300 rub.

Cost for members of the UOO IRSGP: 3500 rub. (or 50 euros, money can be transferred to E.N. Rodina)

Refugees from ORDLO participate in the symposium in person for free.

Speakers participate free of charge.

The cost of participation in the Symposium includes participation in supervision and the Balint group on May 18, 2018, as well as in the seminar on May 20, 2018.

Talk- This is a verbal exchange of opinions and information. Conversation is often used as a synonym for the word conversation. A conversation, conversation, discussion presupposes the presence of 2 or several participants who, in a relaxed atmosphere, express their opinions and considerations on a particular issue. The discussion is conducted on a specific topic and each participant expresses his point of view. Participants in a conversation ask each other questions to find out the other person’s point of view or to clarify unclear points in the discussion. Conversation It is especially effective if there is a need to clarify a question or highlight a problem. Interview- a specially organized conversation on social and scientific topics.

Dispute. The word dispute is used to denote the process of exchanging opposing opinions. A dispute is understood as any clash of opinions, disagreements in points of view on any issue or subject, a struggle in which each side defends its rightness.

In Russian there are other words to denote this phenomenon: dispute, discussion, controversy, debate, debate. Quite often they are used as synonyms for the word dispute.

Word dispute came to us from Latin (disputar - to reason, disputatio - debate) and originally meant the public defense of a scientific essay written to obtain an academic degree. Today the word dispute is not used in this meaning. This word is used to describe a public debate on a scientific and socially important topic.

Discussion(lat. discusso research, consideration, analysis) is a public dispute, the purpose of which is to clarify and compare different points of view, search, identify the true opinion, and find the correct solution to a controversial issue. The discussion is considered effective way beliefs, since its participants themselves come to one or another conclusion.

A meeting without formalities and dedicated to the discussion of some private issue is usually called mass rally. Commission meeting- the most common type of mass discussion. Regular business sessions of the majority public organizations are conducted in the same way as discussions of this type. Mass debates are subject to the rules of parliamentary procedure. But sometimes the procedure is completely simple, informal. However, even in such cases, there is a chairman who makes sure that the discussion proceeds normally and only according to the agenda, so that no one takes a preferential position during the discussion and that as many competent participants of the meeting as possible speak.

Group discussion consists of discussing issues by a special dedicated group in front of an audience. Like any form of discussion before an audience, it represents a debate. The purpose of a group discussion is to present a possible solution to a problem or discuss opposing points of view on controversial issues. But it does not usually resolve the dispute or incline the audience to any uniformity of action. A group discussion consists of 3 to 8 members, not including the chairperson. Its version is a dialogue, which includes only two participants. Participants must be well prepared and have notes with statistics and other necessary data. They should discuss issues at ease. In a lively manner. Asking questions and making brief comments.

Symposium- a series of speeches by a group of people giving short speeches on the same topic. As in a group discussion, its goals are usually not to resolve a problem or dispute, but to present different points of view to broaden the horizons of the audience and influence it. The number of speakers should not exceed four or five, so as not to prolong the meeting and not deprive each group member of the opportunity to develop a point of view on the issue being discussed. In most cases, the symposium adopts a procedure for both types of discussion. The symposium occasionally allows comments or questions from audience members.

Lecture, representing a single presentation followed by questions from the audience and answers from the lecturer, it is sometimes considered a discussion. But it is more appropriate to talk about it in the section about the symposium. The lecture form is often used in speech art classes, since it is not bound by a specific form and time.

Controversy is of a different nature. This is evidenced by the etymology of this term. The ancient Greek word polemicos means “warlike, hostile.” Controversy- this is not just a dispute, but one in which there is confrontation, confrontation, confrontation of parties, ideas and speeches. Controversy can be defined as a struggle of fundamentally opposing opinions on a particular issue, a public dispute with the goal of defending, defending one’s point of view and refuting the opinion of the opponent.

Controversy differs from discussion and dispute precisely in its target orientation. Participants in discussions and disputes, comparing conflicting judgments, try to come to a common opinion, find a common solution, and establish the truth. The goal of polemics is different: you need to defeat your opponent, defend and establish your own position.

However, it should be borne in mind that truly scientific polemics are not conducted simply for the sake of victory as such. Based on principled positions, polemicists resolve socially significant issues; their speeches are directed against everything that interferes with effective social development.

Controversy- This is the science of persuasion. It teaches you to support your thoughts with convincing and undeniable arguments, scientific arguments.

The word debate is of French origin (debate - dispute, debate). Debate is a Russian word recorded in the lexicon of the 17th century.


1. Speech communication

2. Units of speech communication


No matter how important feelings, emotions, and relationships of people are, communication involves not only and not so much the transfer of emotional states, but the transfer of information. The content of information is transmitted using language, that is, it takes verbal or verbal form.

There can be little doubt that knowledge of the basics of oratory is necessary for everyone who participates in public life. The detail of a person whose profession is associated with the constant making of speeches, reading lectures, and reports is simply unthinkable without a thorough knowledge of the principles and rules of oratory.

Public speech can be considered as a kind of work of art, which affects both feelings and consciousness at the same time. If it acts only on the ability of logical perception to evaluate phenomena, without affecting the sensory sphere of a person, it is not capable of making a strong impression. The skill of public speaking consists in the skillful use of common forms of human thinking: logical and figurative. Art is thinking in images - this law can also be applied to oratory. The idea of ​​speech, its content reaches consciousness through the emotional sphere. The speaker's job is to influence the feelings of his listeners. A strong feeling and experience of a person always affects the mind, leaving an indelible impression. Speech is something more than a mechanically produced series of sounds that expresses fleeting observations and moods that occupy the speaker at the moment. Speech is the whole person. Each statement, both in fact and in the consciousness of the person who perceives it, represents an instantaneous disclosure of the entire experience and character, intentions and feelings of a person. Speech is an integral part of character and defines personality in the broadest way. Nowadays, more than ever before, speech is the main means by which people live together and collaborate on local, national and even international scales. For the world, in the face of any danger that threatens it, the word will be the means by which people will achieve victory if it triumphs.

The word is a means of transmitting information, but its complete transmission from one person to another does not always occur.

Thus, the purpose of this work is to consider the speech side of communication, in particular its units

Verbal communication is the most studied type of human communication. In addition, this is the most universal way of transmitting thoughts. A message created using any other sign system can be ‘translated’ into verbal human language. For example, a red light signal is translated as ‘the passage is closed’, ‘stop’; a raised finger covered by the palm of the other hand, as in ‘asking for an extra minute of break’ in sports, etc.

The speech side of communication has a complex multi-tiered structure (from the differential feature of the phoneme to text and intertext) and appears in various stylistic varieties ( various styles and genres, spoken and literary language, dialects and sociolects, etc.). All speech characteristics and other components of a communicative act contribute to its (successful or unsuccessful) implementation. When speaking with others, we select from a vast inventory (in modern linguistics they sometimes say: fields) of possible means of speech and non-speech communication those means that seem to us most suitable for expressing our thoughts in a given situation. This is a socially significant choice. This process is both endless and infinitely diverse.

Poet O.E. Mandelstam wrote: “I forgot the word, what I wanted to say: the blind swallow will return to the palace of shadows...”. How many of these swallows do not reach their goal, and how many cannot leave their nest in the ‘hall of shadows’ - so many inaccurate statements and unspoken thoughts follow us in life and communication.

The system that provides speech communication is human language. Let us dwell on the most general communicative characteristics of speech. From the point of view of communication theory, speech is included in a single communicative act and exhibits the following properties:

Speech is part of communicative culture and culture in general,

Speech contributes to the formation of the social role (social identity) of the communicant,

With the help of speech, mutual public recognition of communicants is achieved,

Social meanings are created in speech communication.

In speech communication, we are once again convinced that words are not just signs for designating objects or classes of objects. Speaking, using words in communication, we create entire systems of ideas, beliefs, myths characteristic of a certain community, a certain culture (examples: establishment, maybe, party), this is especially clearly visible when trying to translate statements with these words. Sometimes a foreigner has to read a whole lecture on intercultural correspondences before he begins to correctly understand and use even seemingly similar words and the concepts behind them. Even completely translatable lexemes have different cultural and, therefore, communicative value (bread, money). Within the same culture you can also see differences in the use of words (unambiguous).

Units of speech communication are units formed in the process of verbal communication and organizing this communication. The result of combining language units (i.e., morphemes, words and phrases) in the process of communication, which are characterized by the constancy of their structures. General properties. are their productivity, complex structure and ability to be included in larger formations.

The basic units of linguistic communication are speech acts (or language acts). The word act is used to emphasize the dynamic, procedural side of the phenomenon. If a process is not meant, the term statement is often used. Speech acts are conventionally classified as realizations (pronunciation, execution) of sentences, although sometimes such a far from elementary form as a lecture, sermon, report is also called a speech act.

The word speech is quite ambiguous. This is the act of uttering a statement, speaking (i.e. the act of the speaker), and the unity of the acts of the speaker and the writer, and the act of the writer, and the unity of the acts of the writer and the reader, and the whole totality of the acts of the speaker and the writer, on the one hand, and the acts of the listener and the reader, on the other hand. In other words, a speech act can be considered as a unity, on the one hand, of the act of producing an utterance and transmitting it in oral or written form and, on the other hand, of the act of perceiving and understanding this utterance. We can talk about oral and written speech. The word speech can serve as the name of the form of existence of language, the method (modus) of its existence.

The classification of speech acts is based, first of all, on the communicative intentions (intentions) of the speaker embedded in them. According to John Searle, these are the so-called illocutionary (non-speech, or rather intra-speech) functions and forces. J. Searle distinguishes:

· statements in which certain states of affairs are reported: The lecture is postponed to Monday;

· commissions in which the speaker makes one or another promise: I will give you this book;

· directives aimed at inducing the addressee to take some action: Translate this text into English language;

· expressives, through which the speaker expresses gratitude, apology, congratulations, condolences, etc.: Excuse me for the troubles caused to you;

· declaratives that serve the speaker, who has the appropriate social status, to announce that the status of a person is changing (announcement of a new appointment, marriage, naming, the beginning or end of some ceremony, etc.): I announce the meeting is closed.

· It is advisable to distinguish from directive acts acts of requesting information (interrogatives or - following Greek models - erotetives): Which family does the Karelian language belong to?

Speech acts can be direct and indirect (indirect). Thus, an interrogative speech act in certain communication situations can take on the function of a request (one of the types of directives): Will you give me this book until tomorrow?

Typically, the processes of speech communication occur in the form of sequences of speech acts. Coherent sequences of speech acts are called discourse.

If in a particular communicative episode there is at least a one-time change of communicative roles, when the role of the speaker is taken by the listener, and the speaker becomes the listener (in English literature this phenomenon is called turn taking), then we are dealing with a dialogue. In it, replicas, or speech moves, are correlated with each other. The coherence of the dialogue is ensured, among other things, by the fact that a question is followed by an answer, an invitation or offer of something is followed by agreement or refusal, a reproach is followed by an excuse or objection, a compliment or praise is followed by an expression of gratitude, after an insult an apology is expected, etc. .P. A non-verbal move can also be included in verbal interaction (for example, instead of verbal agreement, a nod of the head may follow, instead of an answer to a question, a shrug of the shoulders).

Speech acts as units of speech communication can take the following forms - it can be a conversation, a conversation, an argument, or even a lecture.

Talk- This is a verbal exchange of opinions and information. Conversation is often used as a synonym for the word conversation. A conversation, conversation, discussion presupposes the presence of 2 or several participants who, in a relaxed atmosphere, express their opinions and considerations on a particular issue. The discussion is conducted on a specific topic and each participant expresses his point of view. Participants in a conversation ask each other questions to find out the other person’s point of view or to clarify unclear points in the discussion. A conversation is especially effective if there is a need to clarify a question or highlight a problem. An interview is a specially organized conversation on social and scientific topics.

Dispute. The word dispute is used to denote the process of exchanging opposing opinions. A dispute is understood as any clash of opinions, disagreements in points of view on any issue or subject, a struggle in which each side defends its rightness.

In Russian there are other words to denote this phenomenon: dispute, discussion, controversy, debate, debate. Quite often they are used as synonyms for the word dispute.

Word dispute came to us from Latin (disputar - to reason, disputatio - debate) and originally meant the public defense of a scientific essay written to obtain an academic degree. Today the word dispute is not used in this meaning. This word is used to describe a public debate on a scientific and socially important topic.

Discussion(lat. discusso research, consideration, analysis) is a public dispute, the purpose of which is to clarify and compare different points of view, search, identify the true opinion, and find the correct solution to a controversial issue. Discussion is considered an effective way of persuasion, since its participants themselves come to one or another conclusion.

Discussion is an exchange of opinions on issues in accordance with more or less defined rules of procedure and with the participation of all or only some of those present at the meeting. During a mass discussion, all members, with the exception of the chairman, are in an equal position. There are no special speakers here and everyone is present not only as listeners. A special matter is discussed in a certain order, usually in accordance with strict or slightly modified rules and presided over by an official.

A meeting without formalities and dedicated to discussing a private issue is usually called a mass meeting. A commission meeting is the most common type of mass discussion. Regular business sessions of most public organizations are held as well as discussions of this type. Mass debates are subject to the rules of parliamentary procedure. But sometimes the procedure is completely simple, informal. However, even in such cases, there is a chairman who makes sure that the discussion proceeds normally and only according to the agenda, so that no one takes a preferential position during the discussion and that as many competent participants of the meeting as possible speak.

A group discussion consists of discussing issues with a special dedicated group in front of an audience. Like any form of discussion before an audience, it represents a debate. The purpose of a group discussion is to present a possible solution to a problem or discuss opposing points of view on controversial issues. But it does not usually resolve the dispute or incline the audience to any uniformity of action.

A group discussion consists of 3 to 8 members, not including the chairperson. Its variant is a dialogue, which includes only two participants. Participants must be well prepared and have notes with statistics and other necessary data. They should discuss issues at ease. In a lively manner. Asking questions and making brief comments.

Symposium- a series of speeches by a group of people giving short speeches on the same topic. As in a group discussion, its goals are usually not to resolve a problem or dispute, but to present different points of view to broaden the horizons of the audience and influence it. The number of speakers should not exceed four or five, so as not to prolong the meeting and not deprive each group member of the opportunity to develop a point of view on the issue being discussed. In most cases, the symposium adopts a procedure for both types of discussion. The symposium occasionally allows comments or questions from audience members.

Lecture, representing a single presentation followed by questions from the audience and answers to them by the lecturer, is sometimes viewed as a discussion. But it is more appropriate to talk about it in the section about the symposium. The lecture form is often used in speech art classes, since it is not bound by a specific form and time.

The controversy is of a different nature. This is evidenced by the etymology of this term. The ancient Greek word polemicos means “warlike, hostile.” A polemic is not just a dispute, but one in which there is confrontation, confrontation, confrontation between parties, ideas and speeches. Controversy can be defined as a struggle of fundamentally opposing opinions on a particular issue, a public dispute with the goal of defending, defending one’s point of view and refuting the opinion of the opponent.

Controversy differs from discussion and debate precisely in its target orientation. Participants in discussions and disputes, comparing conflicting judgments, try to come to a common opinion, find a common solution, and establish the truth. The goal of polemics is different: you need to defeat your opponent, defend and establish your own position.

However, it should be borne in mind that truly scientific polemics are not conducted simply for the sake of victory as such. Based on principled positions, polemicists resolve socially significant issues; their speeches are directed against everything that interferes with effective social development.

Polemics are the science of persuasion. It teaches you to support your thoughts with convincing and undeniable arguments, scientific arguments.

The word debate is of French origin (debate - dispute, debate). Debate is a Russian word recorded in the lexicon of the 17th century.

There is no single classification of disputes, although attempts are being made to systematize them. The main factors influencing the nature of the dispute and its features include the purpose of the dispute, the social significance of the subject of the dispute, the number of participants, and the form of the dispute. According to the purpose, the following types of dispute are distinguished: a dispute over the truth, to convince someone, to win, an argument for the sake of an argument. Dispute can serve as a means for searching for truth, for testing any thought, idea, for its substantiation. To find the right solution, polemicists compare a variety of points of view on a particular problem. They defend a thought from attack in order to find out what objections there may be to this thought, or, on the contrary, they attack a position expressed by an opponent in order to find out what arguments there are in its favor. In such a dispute, arguments are carefully selected and analyzed, and the positions and views of the opposite side are weighed. Of course, such a dispute is possible only between competent people who know the problem and are interested in solving it. In addition to the undoubted benefits, an argument for the sake of truth acquires a special beauty; it can bring real pleasure and satisfaction to the participants in the argument. As a result of such mental struggle, a person feels higher and better. And even if you have to retreat, give up positions, abandon the thought you are defending, then the unpleasant feeling of defeat recedes into the background.

In conclusion, it must be emphasized once again that language is not just a self-contained system of signs, but a system of rules for human communicative behavior in the conditions of a certain culture and society.

Language communication has a number of names: speech communication, verbal communication, speech communication, verbal communication, speech activity, speech.

Units of speech communication are units formed in the process of verbal communication and organizing this communication. The result of combining language units (i.e., morphemes, words and phrases) in the process of communication, which are characterized by the constancy of their structures. Common properties are their production, complex structure and ability to be included in larger formations.

The basic units of linguistic communication are speech acts (or language acts). The word act is used to emphasize the dynamic, procedural side of the phenomenon

Sometimes a distinction is made between speech activity and speech. In the first case, we mean speech acts, and in the second, a set of utterances in texts. There are attempts to call speech only oral utterances, the exchange of which is carried out in verbal communication, and to contrast speech with texts as forms of written recording of speech that function in textual communication, and to combine both under the name discourse.

Speech acts as units of speech communication can take the following forms - it can be a conversation, a conversation, an argument, or even a lecture.

Verbal, sign systems have always been, and, most likely, will be the main means of human communication. “The word is life itself,” said T. Mann. The fundamental condition for successful interaction is the ability of people to “find a common language” - namely language, and not a gesture or posture.

“The word,” writes psychologist A. R. Luria, “is both a means of contact and an instrument of complex mental activity. Practice testifies to growing knowledge about speech communications in conditions of increasing complexity of industrial contacts of people, in the process of relationships between managers and subordinates, individuals and teams. To correctly express thoughts using words, it is necessary to carefully monitor the harmonious combination in the word of the functions of communication and generalization, communication and thinking.”

1. Berezin F.M., Golovin B.N. General linguistics. - M.: INFRA-M, 1999

2. Kodukhov V.I. General linguistics. M.: Russian language, - 1994

3. Komlev N.G. Word in speech: aspects of language. - M.: Delo, 2000

4. Rozhdestvensky Yu.V. Lectures on general linguistics. - M.: Logos, 1998

5. Sapir E. Selected works on linguistics and cultural studies. - M.: Knowledge, 1999

Berezin F. M., Golovin B. N. General linguistics. - M.: INFRA-M, 1999 – p. 56.

Komlev N. G. The word in speech: aspects of language. - M.: Delo, 2000. – from 9.

Sapir E. Selected works on linguistics and cultural studies. - M.: Knowledge, 1999. – 23.

Kodukhov V.I. General linguistics. M.: Russian language, - 1994. – p. 45.

Rozhdestvensky Yu. V. Lectures on general linguistics. - M.: Logos, 1998. – p. 78.


1. Conversation, conversation, interview

2. Dispute, discussion, debate, debate, disputation

3. Classification of the dispute:

a) by purpose;

b) by the number of participants;

c) according to the form of conducting the struggle of opinions.

III. The role of verbal communications.

IV. Application:

Business game “Politboy”

Exercise on the topic.

True eloquence does not need
not in the ringing of bells,
to convene the people
no police to maintain order


I. Speech as a means of communication.

No matter how important feelings, emotions, and relationships of people are, communication involves not only and not so much the transfer of emotional states, but the transfer of information. The content of information is transmitted using language, that is, it takes verbal or verbal form.

There can be little doubt that knowledge of the basics of oratory is necessary for everyone who participates in public life. The detail of a person whose profession is associated with the constant making of speeches, reading lectures, and reports is simply unthinkable without a thorough knowledge of the principles and rules of oratory.

Public speech can be considered as a kind of work of art, which affects both feelings and consciousness at the same time. If it acts only on the ability of logical perception to evaluate phenomena, without affecting the sensory sphere of a person, it is not capable of making a strong impression. The skill of public speaking consists in the skillful use of common forms of human thinking: logical and figurative. Art is thinking in images - this law can also be applied to oratory. The idea of ​​speech, its content reaches consciousness through the emotional sphere. The speaker's job is to influence the feelings of his listeners. A strong feeling and experience of a person always affects the mind, leaving an indelible impression. Speech is something more than a mechanically produced series of sounds that expresses fleeting observations and moods that occupy the speaker at the moment. Speech is the whole person. Each statement, both in fact and in the consciousness of the person who perceives it, represents an instantaneous disclosure of the entire experience and character, intentions and feelings of a person. Speech is an integral part of character and defines personality in the broadest way. Nowadays, more than ever before, speech is the main means by which people live together and collaborate on local, national and even international scales. For the world, in the face of any danger that threatens it, the word will be the means by which people will achieve victory if it triumphs.

The word is a means of transmitting information, but its complete transmission from one person to another does not always occur.

When transmitting information, its meaning is partially distorted, and partially lost. This process was humorously illustrated by A. Mol in the example of transmitting instructions along the chain captain - adjutant - sergeant - corporal - ordinary soldiers:

Captain to adjutant: “As you know, a solar eclipse will occur tomorrow, this does not happen every day. Gather the personnel at 5 o'clock on the parade ground, in marching clothes. They will be able to observe this phenomenon, and I will give them the necessary explanations. If it rains, there will be nothing to observe, in which case leave the people in the barracks.”

Adjutant to sergeant: “By order of the captain, tomorrow morning a solar eclipse will occur in field clothes. Capital on the parade ground will give the necessary explanations, and this does not happen every day. If it rains, there will be nothing to observe, then the phenomenon will take place in the barracks.”

Sergeant to corporal: “By order of the captain, tomorrow morning at 5 o’clock there will be an eclipse on the parade ground of people in marching clothes. The captain will give the necessary explanations about this phenomenon if it rains, which does not happen every day.”

Corporal to the soldiers: “Tomorrow very early, at 5 o’clock, the sun on the parade ground will eclipse the captain in the barracks. If it rains, this rare event will take place in hiking clothes, and this doesn’t happen every day.”

It can be seen that the very process of verbal formulation of thoughts and their understanding inevitably gives rise to a deformation of the meaning of the message. And yet people understand each other. Understanding is constantly being adjusted, since communication is not just the transfer of information (knowledge, factual information, instructions, orders, business messages), but the exchange of information that involves feedback.

A statement without orientation towards the interlocutor takes the form monologue. The amount of information loss during a monologue message can reach 50%, and in some cases, 80% of the volume of original information. Monologue in communication brings up people with a sedentary psyche and low creative potential. Research shows that the most effective form of communication is dialogue.

Dialogue assumes fluency in speech, sensitivity to non-verbal signals, and the ability to distinguish sincere answers from evasive ones. Dialogue is based on the ability to ask questions to yourself and others. Instead of pronouncing peremptory monologues, it is much more effective to transform your ideas into the form of questions, test them in a conversation with colleagues, and see whether they are supported or not. The very fact of the question demonstrates the desire to participate in communication, ensures its further flow and deepening.

A culture of behavior in any communication is inconceivable without observing the rules of verbal etiquette associated with forms and manners of speech, vocabulary, i.e., with the entire style of speech adopted in human communication.

1. In a conversation you must be able to answer any question.

2. In verbal communication between people Business Etiquette involves the use of various psychological techniques. One of them is the “stroking formula”. These are verbal expressions like: “Good luck to you!”, “I wish you success!”, “No fluff, no feather!”, brought with any shades.

3. In speech etiquette business people Compliments are of great importance - pleasant words expressing approval and positive assessment of activities.

The transfer of information may have different shape- this can be a conversation, a conversation, a stupor, and even a lecture. Thus, the types of verbal communications are very diverse. The choice of one or another means depends on the purpose of the statement and the number of participants.

II. Types of verbal communications

In my essay, I would like to say just a few words about such types of verbal communications as conversation, conversation, interview, and dwell in detail on such types as dispute, and less common ones - discussion, controversy, debate.

Talk - This is a verbal exchange of opinions and information. Conversation is often used as a synonym for the word conversation. A conversation, conversation, discussion presupposes the presence of 2 or several participants who, in a relaxed atmosphere, express their opinions and considerations on a particular issue. Discussion is conducted on a specific topic and each participant expresses his point of view. Participants in a conversation ask each other questions to find out the other person’s point of view or to clarify unclear points in the discussion. Conversation It is especially effective if there is a need to clarify a question or highlight a problem. Interview - a specially organized conversation on social and scientific topics.

Dispute. The word dispute is used to denote the process of exchanging opposing opinions. A dispute is understood as any clash of opinions, disagreements in points of view on any issue or subject, a struggle in which each side defends its rightness.

In Russian there are other words to denote this phenomenon: dispute. discussion, controversy, debate, debate. Quite often they are used as synonyms for the word dispute.

Word dispute came to us from Latin (disputar - to reason, disputatio - debate) and originally meant the public defense of a scientific essay written to obtain an academic degree. Today the word dispute is not used in this meaning. This word is used to describe a public debate on a scientific and socially important topic.

Discussion (lat. discusso research, consideration, analysis) is a public dispute, the purpose of which is to clarify and compare different points of view, search, identify the true opinion, and find the correct solution to a controversial issue. Discussion is considered an effective way of persuasion, since its participants themselves come to one or another conclusion.

Discussion is an exchange of opinions on issues in accordance with more or less defined rules of procedure and with the participation of all or only some of those present at the meeting. During a mass discussion, all members, with the exception of the chairman, are in an equal position. There are no special speakers here and everyone is present not only as listeners. A special matter is discussed in a certain order, usually in accordance with strict or slightly modified rules and presided over by an official.

A meeting without formalities and dedicated to the discussion of some private issue is usually called mass rally. A commission meeting is the most common type of mass discussion. Regular business sessions of most public organizations are held as well as discussions of this type. Mass debates are subject to the rules of parliamentary procedure. But sometimes the procedure is completely simple, informal. However, even in such cases, there is a chairman who makes sure that the discussion proceeds normally and only according to the agenda, so that no one takes a preferential position during the discussion and that as many competent participants of the meeting as possible speak.

Group discussion consists of discussing issues by a special dedicated group in front of an audience. Like any form of discussion before an audience, it represents a debate. The purpose of a group discussion is to present a possible solution to a problem or discuss opposing points of view on controversial issues. But it does not usually resolve the dispute or incline the audience to any uniformity of action.

A group discussion consists of 3 to 8 members, not including the chairperson. Its variant is a dialogue, which includes only two participants. Participants must be well prepared and have notes with statistics and other necessary data. They should discuss issues at ease. In a lively manner. Asking questions and making brief comments.

Symposium- a series of speeches by a group of people giving short speeches on the same topic. As in a group discussion, its goals are usually not to resolve a problem or dispute, but to present different points of view to broaden the horizons of the audience and influence it. The number of speakers should not exceed four or five, so as not to prolong the meeting and not deprive each group member of the opportunity to develop a point of view on the issue being discussed. In most cases, the symposium adopts a procedure for both types of discussion. The symposium occasionally allows comments or questions from audience members.

Lecture, representing a single presentation followed by questions from the audience and answers to them by the lecturer, is sometimes viewed as a discussion. But it is more appropriate to talk about it in the section about the symposium. The lecture form is often used in speech art classes, since it is not bound by a specific form and time.

Has a different character controversy. This is evidenced by the etymology of this term. The ancient Greek word polemicos means “warlike, hostile.” A polemic is not just a dispute, but one in which there is confrontation, confrontation, confrontation between parties, ideas and speeches. Controversy can be defined as a struggle of fundamentally opposing opinions on a particular issue, a public dispute with the goal of defending, defending one’s point of view and refuting the opinion of the opponent.

Controversy differs from discussion and dispute precisely in its target orientation. Participants in discussions and disputes, comparing conflicting judgments, try to come to a common opinion, find a common solution, and establish the truth. The goal of polemics is different: you need to defeat your opponent, defend and establish your own position.

However, it should be borne in mind that truly scientific polemics are not conducted simply for the sake of victory as such. Based on principled positions, polemicists resolve socially significant issues; their speeches are directed against everything that interferes with effective social development.

Polemics are the science of persuasion. It teaches you to support your thoughts with convincing and undeniable arguments, scientific arguments.

Word debate French origin (debate - dispute, debate). Debate is a Russian word recorded in the lexicon of the 17th century.

The role of verbal communications

There is no single classification of disputes, although attempts are being made to systematize them. The main factors influencing the nature of the dispute and its features include the purpose of the dispute, the social significance of the subject of the dispute, the number of participants, and the form of the dispute. According to the purpose, the following are distinguished: types of dispute: an argument over the truth, to convince someone, to win, an argument for the sake of an argument. Dispute can serve as a means for searching for truth, for testing any thought, idea, for its substantiation. To find the right solution, polemicists compare a variety of points of view on a particular problem. They defend a thought from attack in order to find out what objections there may be to this thought, or, on the contrary, they attack a position expressed by an opponent in order to find out what arguments there are in its favor. In such a dispute, arguments are carefully selected and analyzed, and the positions and views of the opposite side are weighed. Of course, such a dispute is possible only between competent people who know the problem and are interested in solving it. In addition to the undoubted benefits, an argument for the sake of truth acquires a special beauty; it can bring real pleasure and satisfaction to the participants in the argument. As a result of such mental struggle, a person feels higher and better. And even if you have to retreat, give up positions, abandon the thought you are defending, then the unpleasant feeling of defeat recedes into the background.

The goal of the dispute may not be to verify the truth, but to convince the opponent. In this case, two stand out important points. The arguer convinces the opponent of what he himself is deeply convinced of. But sometimes he also assures because it is “necessary” due to duty, due to some circumstances. He himself does not at all believe in the truth of what he defends, or in the falsity of what he attacks.

The goal of a dispute is not research, not persuasion, but victory. Moreover, polemicists achieve it for different reasons. Some believe that they are defending a just cause, protecting public interests. They are convinced that they are right and remain on principled positions until the end. Others need victory for self-affirmation. Therefore, success in an argument, high appreciation of others, recognition of their intellectual abilities and oratorical abilities are very important to them. Still others simply love to win. They want to win more efficiently. They are not shy about techniques and means to achieve victory.

Argument for the sake of argument is quite common. This is a kind of “art for art’s sake.” For such debaters, it makes no difference what to argue about, with whom to argue, or why to argue. It is important for them to show off their eloquence. If you deny any position, they will definitely begin to defend it. Similar polemicists can be found among young people.

The above classification of types of disputes by purpose is conditional. In life it is not always possible to clearly distinguish them.

The nature of the dispute is also determined by the social significance of the problem under discussion. Subject of dispute There are issues that reflect universal human interests. These, in particular, include environmental problems, the survival of humanity, and the preservation of peace on Earth. During the dispute, national interests and the interests of certain social strata of society may be affected. Often we have to defend group interests, for example: people of a certain profession, teams of individual enterprises, institutions. In the dispute, the family as well as personal interests of the polemicists are protected.

The specifics of the dispute are influenced by the number of persons taking part in the discussion of problematic issues. On this basis, three main groups can be distinguished: argument-monologue(a person argues with himself, this is the so-called internal dispute), dispute-dialogue(two people are arguing), dispute-polylogue(managed by several or many persons). In turn, a polylogue dispute can be mass (all those present participate in the dispute) and group (a controversial issue is resolved by a selected group of people in the presence of all participants).

Disputes can take place with or without listeners. The presence of listeners, even if they do not express their attitude to the dispute, has an effect on the disputants. Victory in front of listeners brings greater satisfaction and flatters pride, while defeat becomes more annoying and unpleasant. Therefore, participants in a dispute in front of listeners must take into account those present, their reactions, carefully select the necessary arguments, and more often show persistence in their opinions, sometimes excessive vehemence.

In public life one often encounters disputes for listeners. The dispute is conducted in order to draw attention to the problem, make a certain impression on the listeners, and influence in the necessary way.

The form of the struggle of opinions also leaves its mark on the dispute process. There may be disputes oral and written. The oral form suggests direct communication specific persons with each other, written form - indirect communication. Oral disputes are usually limited in time and confined in space. Written forms last longer in time.

In an oral argument, especially if it is conducted in front of an audience, external and psychological aspects play an important role. Of great importance is the manner of confident behavior, speed of reaction, liveliness of thinking, and wit. A timid, shy person usually loses compared to a self-confident opponent. Therefore, a written dispute is more suitable for clarifying the truth than an oral one.

Disputes are divided into organized and unorganized (spontaneous). Organized disputes are planned, prepared, and conducted under the guidance of specialists. Polemicists have the opportunity to get acquainted with the subject of the dispute in advance, determine their position, select the necessary arguments, and think through answers to possible objections of their opponents.

Unorganized, spontaneous disputes are usually less productive. In such disputes, the speeches of the participants are not sufficiently reasoned, sometimes random arguments are given, and not entirely mature statements are made.

So, in my abstract I examined the types of verbal communications, their goals and content, and methods of implementation. Verbal, sign systems have always been, and most likely will be, the main means of human communication. “The word is life itself,” said T. Mann. The fundamental condition for successful interaction is the ability of people to “find a common language” - namely language, and not a gesture or posture.

“The word,” writes psychologist A. R. Luria, “is both a means of contact and an instrument of complex mental activity. Practice testifies to growing knowledge about speech communications in conditions of increasing complexity of industrial contacts of people, in the process of relationships between managers and subordinates, individuals and teams. To correctly express thoughts using words, it is necessary to carefully monitor the harmonious combination in the word of the functions of communication and generalization, communication and thinking. ”

Thus, Dionysius of Halicarnassus, speaking about the beauty and value of the word, warned young speakers: “... all young souls enjoy the floweriness of expression and strive for it madly, as if possessed by God. It is they who need, from the very beginning, thorough and reasonable supervision and guidance, if only they want not to pronounce every word that comes to their tongue, and not to randomly connect the first words that come across, but to use a selection of pure and genuine words and promote their beauty , connecting them majestically and at the same time pleasantly... a word thrown at random, at random, destroys a useful thought along with it.”


Political battle involves a clash between people with opposing ideological views and attitudes, i.e. it is essentially a polemic. The task of a political boy is to bring together in a dispute the parties who stand on fundamentally different positions.

The purpose of the game is to develop the skills and abilities of polemics, to provide assistance in mastering the culture of argument and improving polemical skills.

The business game is played in four stages. Teachers and students of one or two classes take part in it. At different stages of the game, they perform certain roles: organizer, leader, political battle participant, topic specialist, logic specialist, argument culture specialist, speech culture specialist, critic.

First stage is organizational. The consultation tells about the purpose and purpose of the game, the order of its implementation, the tasks of the participants in the game, and the method of preparing for political battle. A group of organizers is identified and its leader is chosen. Participants in the business game determine the topic of the upcoming debate. For discussion, it is recommended to take the most relevant and pressing problems of our time that are of interest to those present. The participants of the political battle are divided into two groups, representing different social positions and positions. A communication situation is simulated.

On second stage Preparations for political battle are underway. The organizers decide all methodological issues, appoint a leader and “specialists”, and think through the design of the audience. Participants in the business game study the topic of the upcoming political battle, get acquainted with the relevant literature, and consult with specialists on all issues. Within the framework of the chosen topic, groups develop questions that they intend to ask their “opponents”, prepare options for possible answers to them, and select arguments and counterarguments.

On third stage A political battle is held on a chosen topic. The political battle is led by a leader appointed by the organizers. He represents both groups, talks about the purpose of this meeting, and invites them to take an active part in the work. Each group briefly introduces itself. Participants in the political battle, regardless of their “positions,” discuss the proposed problems.

Fourth stage - final. At this stage, a discussion of the political battle is organized, and the activities of all participants in the business game are critically analyzed. Consistently the floor is given to “specialists”.

The statements of the “experts” are summarized by the “critic”. He gives qualitative analysis speeches of the participants. A critic requires such qualities as objectivity, integrity, critical intelligence, speed and acuity of reaction, and the ability to generalize.

Then you are invited to express your opinion to the manager and everyone who wishes to take part in the discussion. In conclusion, the results of all stages of the business game are summed up.

The business game “Politboy” arouses great interest among the participants. She helps you understand complex problems modern life, contributes to a deeper assimilation of the material, the formation and consolidation of beliefs, and is an effective means of developing an active life position.


Oh, my land! About you,

Freedom's cradle,

I sing a song

Land of my fathers

Proud shelter for wanderers,

From the tops of your hills

The news was coming.

Native country! You

The land of honor and dreams,

My love!

I love your forests

And rocks and streams,

And a heart of love

Trembling again.

Let in the singing of the winds

And the rustle of leaves

The song of freedom sounds.

Let him echo that song

Both dead and alive

And build mighty mountains

Keeps that song.

And the creator of liberties,

To You, Lord Father,

The prayer flies:

Above the homeland of gold

Holy Liberty Light

An undying star

Light up and protect!

Samuel F. Smith.


  1. Voiskunsky A.E. “I say, we speak”, M, Prosveshchenie, 1989
  2. Nochevnik M. N. “Human communication”, M., Education, 1986
  3. Pavlova L. G. “Dispute, discussion, controversy”, M, Education, 1991
  4. Soper P. “Fundamentals of the art of speech”, M, 1995
  5. Social psychology and ethics business communication. Lavrinenko V.N.M., 1995