Mini handmade garden soil. Equipment for packing and packing peat, soil, fertilizers, soil. Do you need a permit to open a business?

Any business is an idea. According to experts, a startup can be considered especially successful when it is based on natural and natural advantages. There are many areas that have problems with quality fertile soil.

One of the analysts believes that rich Tambov chernozem can be a profitable and in-demand product. If you correctly calculate the investment in enriching the soil with chernozem, and also carefully look at the existing costs of its procurement, packaging and delivery, you will get quite a good profit. Profitability can only be negatively affected by competition. And so, this business, in general, even has considerable chances of success.

Smart gardeners

To successfully sell your product, you need to study your customers. If you sell black soil, then your customer will most likely be a farmer or gardener. Chernozem is a unique product. The earth is formed under optimal biological and climatic conditions. The soil itself is moistened by groundwater circulating for a long time. summer period. There are few such areas in nature.

Agronomists believe that the humus found in black soil is much better than fertilizers. After all, such soil will produce an environmentally friendly, and therefore the best, harvest. It is good to enrich any area with such soil. It’s best to look for buyers on specialized websites.

Soil mixtures

When a new cottage is sold, the site is, of course, prepared. No one will transport so much black soil from afar. There are companies that sell sand, black soil and crushed stone in any area. They have transport, a customer base and even warehouses. For this reason, it will be very difficult to compete with them. A completely different matter is packaged elite chernozem with 35% humus content.

So, first you will need packaging: a regular sealer. Devices of this type are inexpensive. And, in addition, using them you can quickly brew bags of black soil. It is better to sell portions up to ten kilograms. The packaging should be beautiful and easy to read. Use full color printing first.

Some experts believe that it is better to sell not the black soil itself, but soil mixtures, for example, 10% ash, 45% humus or 45% peat. This will allow us to capture the market more widely. Based on their experience, businessmen say that you can get a good income in the first or second year of work. To do this, you need to find good implementers and make beautiful packages.

Sellers' experience

You'll probably need help from designers. They will form a bright package, which plays the most important role for buyers. From a distance it should be clear that it is elite black soil that is being sold. Tell us about this product, claim that your yield will double. Give reasons for this. It is quite difficult to find good distributors, and it is expensive. Therefore, at first it is better to do everything yourself.

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Business course:

"Home Business Technologies"

Do you dream of your own home business and looking for a good business idea? Then get acquainted with the new Course carefully - perhaps you have already found it. If you have been looking for your business for a long time, have read mountains of books, visited hundreds of websites, but have not found your goldmine in business, do not know how to start your own business, then today you have come to the right address. The course describes everything clearly and without unnecessary “water” possible options small business.

And as you know, BIG business starts with SMALL. By purchasing this Course, you will receive at your disposal
400 (!!!) unique technologies, inventions and
7 sections with a total volume of 4.5 GB that will help you enter the world of business!

Are you interested in how to open your own business? Then here you go:

Depending on the composition, homogeneity, humidity, the presence of foreign objects in the raw material, a dispenser is selected for packaging fertilizers, soil, peat, and soil. We produce and install on our equipment both volumetric screw dosers and belt dosers. We offer both fully automatic packers that form a bag from a film roll, and dispensers that pack into finished containers. To load the product into the receiving hopper of the dispenser, a chain loading conveyor for soils is required. Packaging materials used: heat-sealable PP films laminated with polyethylene, polyethylene films. Type of packaging: pillow bag, flat-bottom bag, bag with a three-finger handle, ready-made bags. How will we pack?

Automatic packaging of fertilizers and soil into three-seam bags

The package is formed automatically from a roll of film. Optionally, it is possible to install a flat bottom and a cut-out handle for three fingers if the weight of the package is light, otherwise the handle may tear.

Drawing machine at customer's plant

Fertilizer packaging line with belt dispenser

TK 055.00.000Sh
Volumetric screw doser. Dose 0.01-0.2 l or 0.2-1.8 l. Pneumatic drive. Films up to 500mm.25 920 000
TK 057.40.000.L
Belt dispenser for soil, fertilizers. Package width up to 410mm. A package with handle option is available.10 1 800 000
TK 057.40.000Sh
Volumetric screw doser. Dose 1.8-11 l. Films up to 860mm. Three-finger handle. Package width up to 410mm15 1 800 000

To create a packaging line, filling and packaging machines can be equipped with additional equipment:

  • Feeder hopper for supplying bulk products to the loading conveyor.
  • Loading conveyor for lifting and feeding bulk products into the receiving hopper of the dispenser.
  • Compressor for maintaining the working pressure of compressed air.

Packing peat, soil, vermicompost into ready-made bags using a dispenser

Budget solution, but requires a large number of service personnel. All operations, except for soil dosing, are performed manually.

Prices are indicated for the minimum equipment, see detailed description

Explanation of symbols

  • Automatic - a machine that allows you to perform a full product packaging cycle without the mandatory presence of an operator;
  • Semi-automatic - part of the product packaging operations is carried out by the operator;
  • Dispenser is a machine that dispenses and discharges the product into finished packaging;
For vertical fill and packaging machines:
  • TK 054, 055 - for working with films up to 500mm (4G up to 600mm);
  • TK 057 - for working with wide films up to 900mm;
  • 4G - packaging in a tetrahedral bag with boiled edges;
  • K - additional set of buckets to increase productivity;
  • MG - multihead combination weigher;
  • MK - multi-component dispenser;
  • C - volumetric cup dispenser;
  • TK 055.00.000.X.Y - the dispenser has X streams, Y cascades (2 cascades for lump, small-piece products);
  • Ш - volumetric screw dispenser;
  • E - electric drive, no compressor needed, recommended for scales up to 500 grams.

For many years, the specialized soil center "Prof-Soyuz" has been producing and supplying the best certified soil for the needs of landscape, landscaping, road and construction organizations Moscow and Moscow region, as well as for private customers at low prices.

We have modern equipment and technologies for milling and boring, proper preparation and storage of components and ready soil allows us to offer the best soil in Moscow and the region at a low cost. Soil transportation is carried out annually and daily at a time convenient for customers. The cost of supplying soil is calculated taking into account the minimum mileage of vehicles, which allows us to reduce its price, and you - to save significantly on ordering soil.

If you want to order the supply of high-quality and environmentally friendly soil with a Ministry of Economic Development certificate at the lowest price, then this is very easy to do. Just call our office or our mobile dispatcher and you will receive competent advice on the price of soil and the conditions for its transportation directly to your site. We accept soil orders around the clock, without lunch breaks, without weekends and holidays. Literally the next day, you will already have the best soil of the central region at a minimal price and will allow you to create an excellent lawn or park, a simple flower garden or a masterpiece of landscape architecture at a low cost.

We produce and transport soil regardless of the time of year. Our production capacity allows us to supply the best soil to our customers’ landscaping projects in any volume: from one machine to thousands of cubic meters per day. Well-functioning 24-hour dispatch center and the availability of a modern base of vehicles of different carrying capacity allow you to order deliveries promptly, having all the necessary information about the movement of soil during each order. Our soils are transported by highly qualified drivers who know Moscow and the Moscow region well.

-> Manufacturing, construction, Agriculture

It is quite possible that after reading the topic of this business idea you will smile and be perplexed - who needs this? Especially in our big country, where there is a lot of land of all kinds. But take your time, delve into the idea and you yourself will understand that this is quite a profitable niche and you can even create a successful business by selling land.

Who is this business aimed at? Who is its consumer? First of all, these are gardeners and vegetable gardeners living in cities and having their own 6 acres of land on summer cottage. In addition, another category of consumers are owners of individual housing and cottages within the city. In general, oddly enough, it is city residents. In rural areas, land, even enriched, is unlikely to be in great demand. The villagers have their own mentality, and they know the ways and opportunities to improve the soil themselves and have more than you and me.

So, the soil in garden plots is depleted over time and the yields obtained, accordingly, are significantly reduced. Fertilizers alone cannot solve this problem. The land on the site requires renovation, not total, of course, just adding some black soil is enough. Another reason is that newly allocated lands for summer cottages, gardening and vegetable gardening are, as a rule, located on abandoned wastelands with poor soil and one simply cannot count on record harvests there.

If you are visiting flower shops then you probably noticed that in addition to pots and flower bulbs, these stores also sell soil, enriched black soil, packed in bags. It is used as a fertilizer for house plants. In big cities, such goods are in constant demand for the simple reason that high-quality land simply cannot be found there.

In a word, if you live in the black earth strip of Russia or in another region where there is a lot of good, rich land, consider that you have your own “ black gold"in the form of this very black soil.

From clean, oily and fruit-rich soil you will prepare high-quality fertilizer for barren soils. In addition to black soil, you will need good manure. You can buy it from and on your own, in villages or from farmers. To obtain enriched soil - fertilizing, soil and manure are mixed in a ratio of 50 to 50 and then the resulting substrate is packaged in bags. Typically, such a product for retail is packaged in 5 kilograms, but larger packaging is also possible for wholesale, For example.

It is worth noting that this type of business has a clear seasonality. The maximum demand for enriched soil will, of course, be in spring and autumn, when mass preparation of beds for sowing takes place. In summer and winter, demand drops greatly. But even in winter period you are guaranteed to have buyers who are lovers of indoor plants.

But during the season, starting in April, your product will be wildly popular. Profit from the sale of high-quality enriched land can reach up to 300%.

Print out flyers to hand out in public places. Be sure to post notices around the city and advertise in popular local newspapers and magazines. Offer and give discounts to wholesale or regular customers, in general, attract as many clients as possible. You can arrange delivery of your products to the buyer. There are many ways to attract a client.

If your product is of truly high quality, the price is reasonable, and the service offered is attractive, people will certainly see the positive results of cooperation with you and will definitely contact you again and again. This business, like most other small businesses, is largely built on regular customers.