Homemade chicken coop heater. How to heat a chicken coop in winter? Is it possible to do without heating?

The chicken coop can be heated in winter different ways. This could be an electric heater or an infrared lamp. Options to provide laying hens comfortable conditions There is a lot of content in winter. In this article we will tell you how best to organize heating of a chicken coop during the cold season. In addition, we will consider what types of heaters there are.

There are two ways to ensure your poultry have a comfortable temperature in the winter:

  1. Natural.
  2. Artificial.

The first option is less expensive, but also the least recommended for winter keeping of domestic chickens. Meanwhile, many poultry farmers use the natural method of maintaining heat in the chicken coop. Therefore, we will begin our story with this option.

Natural heating of the chicken coop

The essence of this method is to maintain positive temperature inside the poultry house, without using heating devices. To do this, you need to carefully caulk all the cracks in the chicken coop, leaving only the ventilation hole.

The walls are made double, laying a layer of insulation between them. This is usually polystyrene foam or glass wool. The floor is also made double, pouring 10–15 centimeters of litter on top. Peat, straw or sawdust are used as bedding.

This method of heating rooms is relevant only for regions with moderate climatic conditions. If in the places where you live, winters are accompanied by severe frosts, then you will still have to purchase a heater for the chicken coop. Otherwise, it is unlikely that it will be possible to provide adequate heating in the poultry house.

Artificial heating

Heating a chicken barn artificially consists of several options. We will tell you about all the ways that you can choose for yourself. best option.

Electric heater

Probably the most expensive way to keep laying hens warm during the winter. This option includes air heaters, oil radiators, thermal convectors and fans. In other words, all heating devices powered by electricity.

The advantages of this heating method include practicality and ease of installation. It is enough to buy one electric heater or several (depending on the area of ​​the room), and install them in the chicken coop as far as possible from the birds.

On the temperature controller you set the data you need and the room is heated. As soon as the heater cools down, the automation will again heat it up to the set temperature. Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting the impressive electricity bills.

Gas heating of the chicken coop

This is a more practical way to keep your chickens warm. But to heat a small poultry house containing a dozen laying hens, purchasing an expensive gas boiler is unprofitable. Therefore, gas heating of chicken coops is used mainly only on large farms.

It is worth noting that a gas boiler requires constant supervision; it is very dangerous equipment. Therefore, additional costs for maintenance personnel will be required.

Stove heating

An ordinary potbelly stove is quite capable of replacing any heater. This is a more cost-effective way to keep your chickens warm than using an electric heater or gas boiler.

In addition, the use of stove heating for chicken coops is widely used in private households. But when using the stove, be prepared to comply with the following requirements:

  • presence of coal or firewood on the farm;
  • compliance with fire safety rules;
  • equipping a chicken coop with a chimney;
  • Constant monitoring of the combustion process and addition of fuel.

An option for this method of heating a chicken coop can be a diesel stove. It has more power and is safe to use.

It makes sense to consider the Bulerian air-convection oven. The advantage of using such a stove to heat a chicken coop is obvious. It can operate on almost any type of fuel, is economical and has great power.

But according to reviews from experienced farmers, the most convenient way to heat a chicken coop is to use infrared heaters. They have already proven themselves well in households.

Infrared heaters

These are very convenient devices to use. Infrared heaters do not heat the air in the room, but the objects around them. This serves as a guarantee of heat retention inside the house.

The fact is that according to the laws of physics, warm air rises. And even if you carefully seal every crack in the roof, warm air will still find a loophole to leak out. In addition, a ventilation hole is usually made in the ceiling of the chicken coop, through which air will flow freely.

The surrounding objects to which infrared heaters give off heat will not go away. Moreover, they will gradually release the accumulated heat to the surrounding space.

Infrared heaters are convenient because they have a ceiling mount. Accordingly, birds will not be able to reach them and get burned.

When purchasing such equipment, make sure to purchase a thermostat. By setting the thermostat to the optimal temperature for keeping chickens in winter at +12 degrees, you don’t have to worry about anything anymore. As soon as the air in the room cools down, the infrared heater will turn on automatically.

Infrared lamps

These are the most popular heaters for chicken coops. And there are reasons for this. IR lamps do not burn the air in the room, but maintain the necessary humidity and dryness. Infrared lamps can be used not only for heating, but also for lighting the chicken coop.

According to farmers, when small sizes These devices have a high efficiency. The soft, red color has a calming effect on birds and promotes better growth and productivity.

Of quite wide range, presented on the market, we can distinguish infrared lamps from the following manufacturers:

  1. Phillips. Despite the high cost, the lamps are reliable and durable in use.
  2. Osram. Similar in characteristics to the previous manufacturer.
  3. IKZ. They are in no way inferior to their Western counterparts, but are more affordable in terms of price.

Important! Just one such lamp with a power of 250 W is capable of heating and lighting approximately 12 square meters.

Water heating

Another way to ensure heating of the chicken coop in winter. This is relevant if your home is heated using a water heating boiler, and the chicken coop is adjacent to a residential building.

Pipes are installed in the poultry house, to which the heating circuit of the residential building is allocated. If you have certain experience and skills, it will not be a problem to set up heating for the poultry house using a residential building. In our opinion, this is the most practical and cheapest way to heat a chicken coop in winter.

As you can see, heaters for chicken coops come in a wide variety. We hope you found this article informative and will help you choose the best heating solution for your backyard chickens.

Many owners of individual housing often lead subsidiary farm: growing vegetables and herbs, breeding and keeping cattle, rabbits and poultry, etc. Therefore, one of the problems that they have to solve is ensuring the protection of plants and animals from the effects of low temperatures in winter and in the off-season. Today, there are quite a lot of options for how to organize heating of a chicken coop, greenhouse, barn, the choice of which will depend on the region of residence and the financial capabilities of the owners.

Keeping chickens, ducks, and geese is the most common type of farming, allowing you to constantly receive fresh eggs and meat. And, as you know, with the onset of cold weather, poultry productivity decreases significantly. In addition, the likelihood of her becoming ill increases. Therefore, in winter it is necessary to create conditions for normal life, which are quite simple and consist of:

  • sufficient lighting;
  • proper and nutritious nutrition;
  • insulation and protection from drafts of the chicken coop.

It is advisable to dwell on the last condition in more detail.

Common methods of insulating and heating premises for animals and poultry

All existing methods of preparing utility rooms for the winter can be divided into:

  • natural insulation;
  • artificial heating.

Natural insulation of the chicken coop

Before choosing an option for heating a chicken coop, you should take care of insulating its enclosing structures, because cold and drafty walls and roof make it impractical to use any even the most effective devices.

The existing variety of heat-insulating materials makes it easy to insulate structures with your own hands. At the same time, the technology for performing work using a specific type of product does not differ from the process of covering the walls and ceilings of a residential building. A practical advice and installation features can be seen in videos constantly posted by users on the Internet.

Do not neglect the insulation of existing windows and doors, because... A significant portion of the heat is lost through the existing openings.

One of the mandatory processes when preparing premises for keeping animals and poultry in winter is the creation of deep bedding. To do this, apply a layer of slaked lime (1 kg per 1 m2) to the floor, and then about 10 cm of straw, sawdust, shavings or other natural heat-insulating material (for example, foliage, moss peat, a mixture of straw and manure). Natural composting will generate heat.

As the litter becomes compacted and moistened, it is recommended to loosen it and add new portions of material.

Figure 1 – Bedding for a chicken coop made of wood chips and sawdust

For regions with mild climates, these measures are sufficient to ensure optimal indoor temperature, so additional heating devices are usually not required.

It should be remembered that part of the heat for heating the premises will be released by the birds and animals themselves. And for their normal functioning it is enough to maintain the temperature at 10 0C.

Artificial heating of premises for poultry and animals

In areas where severe frosts in winter are not uncommon, and the implementation of the above measures does not allow maintaining the recommended temperature regime, it is necessary to choose an option that is effective in terms of both availability and cost-effectiveness of heating the chicken coop.

This can be done in different ways:

  • electric heater (convector, oil radiator, fan heater, etc.);
  • gas-powered device (burners, heat guns);
  • infrared lamp;
  • stove equipment (“stove stoves”, “Buleryan”, specially laid brick stove);
  • water heating system.

When choosing the best option, the following conditions must be met:

  • safety, incl. and fire department;
  • possibility of long-term operation;
  • ensuring that the recommended indoor temperature is maintained;
  • efficiency.

Heating a chicken coop with various types of heaters

For heating premises for keeping poultry and animals, various models of heaters can be used:

  • electrical;
  • gas;
  • infrared.

Main advantages this method heating are:

  • ease of operation of the devices;
  • possibility of use in emergency cases (in case of sudden frosts, failure of other heating systems);
  • compactness of heaters;
  • sufficient efficiency.

An important requirement when using this option is to limit the possibility of contact of birds with wires, hoses (when using gas models) and heating elements of devices. In the best way For this we can call the installation of fences made of mesh or lattice, which are easy to make and install with your own hands.

It should be noted that heating with electric heaters is a fairly expensive option, so it is advisable in emergency situations or when other methods are unavailable.

Using gas appliances is more economical, but also more dangerous. This option, as a rule, is applicable for insulating large chicken coops and requires good ventilation, as well as constant monitoring of the operation of the devices.

Infrared heaters have proven their effectiveness for heating premises for various purposes: country and country houses, greenhouses, barns, chicken coops, etc. There are several types of such equipment:

  • mobile models, usually used on a temporary basis;
  • stationary types (film, panel IR heaters), usually used for constant heating and installed in most cases on the ceiling. Installation of such devices usually does not cause difficulties, because The instructions for the devices describe the sequence of actions for installing them yourself. To obtain visual information, you can watch videos provided by specialists or ordinary people who have skills in such work.

Figure 2 – Infrared heater for heating a chicken coop

For optimization temperature regime and the operation of devices in general, the use of automatic regulators is recommended.

Stove heating of utility rooms for animals and poultry

If available solid fuel(coal, firewood) in winter, various stoves are often used. But their operation requires compliance with a number of conditions:

  • chimney device;
  • ensuring fire safety;
  • insulation of heating surfaces to protect birds and animals from burns;
  • the need to regularly add fuel;
  • constant control of temperature and combustion process.

It should be borne in mind that such equipment is quite large, so its use is not always advisable for small rooms.

Water heating of the chicken coop

In the case where the poultry keeping room is adjacent to the house, in winter it can be heated with a water circuit from an existing boiler.

If the chicken coop is small, it will be sufficient to lay one or two pipes (preferably metal) around its perimeter. In large rooms it is possible to install radiators with polypropylene piping.

If you have the knowledge, experience and skills of creating a heating circuit, implementing one of these options yourself will not be difficult. Otherwise, it is recommended to contact specialists.

Heating using an infrared lamp

Infrared lamps for heating animals and birds are one of the most common and simple ways. They are characterized by a lot of advantages:

  • simultaneous provision of heat and light;
  • high productivity and efficiency with compact dimensions;

For example, one IKZK lamp with a power of 250 Watts can heat about 10-12 m2 of room.

  • directional heating - as you know, infrared devices and lamps heat specific surfaces rather than air, so their correct placement will provide heat only to the required places;
  • drying the bedding and air;
  • do not burn oxygen;
  • ease of installation, operation and replacement.

Figure 3 – IR lamp for providing the chicken coop with heat and light

Today, the most widely used infrared lamps are from the following manufacturers:

  • Philips – their line includes products with red and transparent bulbs; The lamps are distinguished by sufficient strength (they do not break if accidentally dropped and do not burst when splashed), the ability to regulate the light intensity, and sufficient durability. But the price of these products is quite high;
  • Osram - as a rule, they produce lamps with transparent capsule bulbs and mirror elements, having different wattages depending on the intended application;
  • IKZ, IKZK - are produced in transparent and red, unlike the above-mentioned models, they have an affordable price.

Red IR lamps are especially popular among poultry farmers, because... Their dim, warm light is believed to have a calming effect on chickens.

The video below provides a brief overview of similar products used in poultry and livestock farming.

To organize heating using an infrared lamp, you need to lay the wiring and install the platform with the cartridge in the required location. One of the conditions for this is the installation of a protective fence, which you can do yourself. Its presence will not only ensure the safety of the birds and the lamp itself, but can also prevent the possibility of fire if the device falls out of the socket or its bulb cracks and breaks.

Figure 4 – Protection of the infrared lamp with a mesh casing

Poultry often does not tolerate prolonged drops in temperature well and in most cases requires substantial housing for a safe winter. Therefore, no farmer can do without a high-quality warm and heated chicken coop. However, not all methods of heating a home for domestic chickens are effective. Therefore, in this article we decided to describe in detail the most popular of them, as well as determine their main advantages and disadvantages.

Is it possible to do without additional heating?

In most cases, additional heating is the only way to provide the most optimal conditions for keeping chickens. This issue is especially acute for regions with a cold northern climate, since in such conditions, with a lack of heat, the bird can become seriously ill or even die.

But in temperate climates and other warmer climate zones, the chicken coop does not require additional heating, since natural heating will be quite sufficient for these birds. To do this, you just need to provide the chickens with high-calorie nutrition.

Important! Extruded polystyrene should not be used as insulation for a chicken coop. This material is not capable of allowing excess steam to pass through its surface, which will lead to excessive humidity in the chicken coop.

But in order for the birds to feel comfortable, the chicken coop should be thoroughly insulated. To do this, all cracks must be carefully caulked, leaving only a small ventilation hole. In addition, walls, floors and roofs require enhanced insulation. The walls and roof are made double, with a small cavity between the inner and outer parts of the structures. It is necessary to lay insulation (foam plastic, mineral wool, etc.) in the cavity with a thickness of at least 10-15 cm. The floor is also made double. On top of the main covering it is necessary to lay an additional insulating ball with a thickness of at least 15 cm. For these purposes, peat, sawdust or straw are most suitable.

The end result is that the design of the insulated chicken coop should resemble a thermos. The heat released during the life of birds becomes the main source of creating a favorable temperature in the room, which, thanks to the insulation ball, is maintained for a long time. In this case, an insulated chicken coop allows the birds to safely withstand seasonal frosts down to -10-12 °C.

How to heat a chicken coop with electric heaters

Often, for most farmers, natural heating of the chicken coop is not enough to create comfortable wintering conditions for domestic chickens. In this case, the safest and in a fast way achieving the necessary microclimate for keeping poultry is heating the room using a variety of electrical devices. They make it possible to instantly, and most importantly, safely achieve the desired temperature. Next, we will consider the main advantages and disadvantages of the most popular types of electric heaters.


An electric heater is a ventilation-type circulation heating device. The device contains a heating element (heating element) and an air circulation system. Under the influence of electric current, the heating element is heated, which is circulated with air using a powerful fan. As a result, with the help of constant circulation of heat, the room is gradually heated to the required level.

Such a system is one of the most optimal solutions for heating, as it promotes instant heating of the air. To equip the system, it is necessary to provide an uninterrupted power supply to the room, as well as build a special air duct from metal pipes or other materials. Most often, air heaters are used to heat large rooms, since the system requires complex maintenance.

Advantages of air heaters:

  • high level of efficiency;
  • rapid heating of the room;
  • uniform heating of the entire chicken coop.

Disadvantages of calorific heating:

  • high price of the heating system;
  • the need to install complex ventilation equipment;
  • during operation, the heater may emit an unpleasant odor;
  • overdrying of air during heating;
  • after turning off the heating, the room instantly cools down;
  • high noise level.

Did you know?The first model of calorific heating was designed at the beginning of the 19th century by Russian engineer Nikolai Ammosov. In 1835, the so-called “Ammos stove” was first tested to heat the Imperial Academy of Arts.

Oil heater

An oil heater is an electrical device consisting of a heating element and a special coolant - mineral oil, which are enclosed in a sealed metal housing. By appearance an oil heater resembles a regular battery, but unlike central heating, such a radiator does not have a permanent location.

To design a heating system based on oil heaters, you only need to provide an uninterrupted power supply to the room and purchase the required number of heaters (depending on the size of the room).

Advantages of oil heaters:

  • low energy consumption;
  • high fire safety;
  • durability of heaters;
  • no noise;
  • the heater does not dry out the air and does not emit unpleasant odors;
  • The room cools down gradually.

Disadvantages of oil heaters:

  • heating large chicken coops will require several devices;
  • in case of depressurization, oil may leak out;
  • heavy weight of the heater.

Electric convector

An electric convector is a heating device that heats a room by natural convection of air between the room and the heating element. The convector consists of a metal body and heating element. During operation of the device, heated air from special air chambers rises upward, while the lower, colder air is sucked into them. As a result, natural heat circulation occurs in the room.

To design a heating system based on electric convectors, it is necessary to provide the chicken coop with an uninterrupted power supply, and also purchase required amount devices (depending on the square footage of the room).

Advantages of electric convectors:

  • low power consumption;
  • low cost;
  • ease of operation;
  • absence of noise and unpleasant odor during operation;
  • The heater does not dry out the air.

Disadvantages of electric convectors:

  • slow and uneven heating of the room;
  • instant cooling of the room after turning off the device;
  • To heat large chicken coops, several convectors will be required.

Did you know?The domestication of wild chickens occurred in Ancient China and Southeast Asia in the 6th millennium BC.

Ceramic panel

A ceramic heating panel is a device consisting of a heating element and ceramic plates, which act as an intermediate coolant. The device operates on the principle of an electric convector, but heating of the air in the room occurs due to forced convection. For these purposes, ceramic panels are equipped with powerful fans. Designing a heating system based on ceramic heaters is a fairly simple process, since its installation requires only an uninterrupted power supply, as well as the presence of the heaters themselves.

Advantages of ceramic panels:

  • quick heating of the room;
  • aesthetics of the device;
  • high fire safety of the heater;
  • long service life;
  • do not dry the air.

Disadvantages of ceramic panels:

  • high price;
  • significant energy consumption;
  • high noise level during operation.

Did you know? The first electric heater was created in the 30s of the 20th century by the French experimenter Jacques Noirot.

IR heater

The operation of infrared heaters is based on the principle of interaction of organisms with electromagnetic radiation, occupying a spectral position between microwave radiation and red visible light, the so-called infrared radiation. An infrared heater is a fairly simple device in design. It consists of a housing, an infrared emitter and an aluminum reflector. To heat a chicken coop with such a device, you only need to connect the power supply to the structure, as well as purchase the required number of heaters.

Advantages of an infrared heater:

  • low power consumption;
  • does not dry out the air;
  • the device operates silently;
  • the device instantly creates the necessary microclimate.

Disadvantages of infrared heaters:

  • spot heating of the room;
  • fragility of the device;
  • the need for additional interior details in the room, since the heater heats objects, not air;
  • The device emits light, which can disturb the bird's sleep at night.
  • for supporting optimal temperature uninterrupted operation of the device is required.

Important!When purchasing infrared heaters, beware of devices with short-wave radiation, as they can cause heat stroke in birds. Pay attention to devices with medium or long wave radiation.

Is it possible to do without electrics?

An alternative to electric heaters are gas and stove heating systems that are traditional in our region. Each of them has its own advantages, disadvantages and conditions for rational use, but in any case, such heating of the room will help cope with any sudden drops in temperature.

Using a potbelly stove

An ordinary heating stove is the easiest way to heat a chicken coop, regardless of the climatic conditions of the region. This heating system consists of a metal combustion chamber (boiler) and a chimney. During the combustion of fuel, heat is released, which heats the surrounding air through the walls of the stove.

This heating system is quite practical. It does not require additional maintenance costs, and absolutely any non-toxic material can be used as fuel. However, building heating using a potbelly stove is not so simple. In addition to the boiler and ventilation pipe, the system requires strict compliance with all fire safety standards, since the potbelly stove requires heating with an almost open flame.

Advantages of a potbelly stove:

  • cheapness;
  • low fuel costs;
  • practicality and ease of care;
  • ease of installation of the heating system.

Disadvantages of a potbelly stove:

  • low fire safety;
  • you need to add fuel yourself;
  • emits an unpleasant odor during operation.

Heating a chicken coop with gas

Gas heating is the most effective way to create the required temperature in the chicken coop. Gas heating systems can be of two types: water and convector. The water system is a chain of a boiler, heating elements and a flammable gas exhaust system. During the combustion of fuel, heat is released, which is used to heat water.

As water circulates through the system, it gives off its heat to the radiators, which directly heat the room. Convector heating is a system of point heating elements - convectors. They operate like electric convectors, but the heating element is heated by burning gas in a sealed chamber of the device.

Important!Gas heating is equipped only if farm numbering at least several hundred chickens. For domestic purposes, such heating is a waste of money.

Advantages of gas heating systems:

  • quick heating of the room;
  • energy efficiency;
  • high fire safety;
  • absence of unpleasant odor during fuel combustion.

Disadvantages of gas heating systems:

  • high cost of equipment;
  • the need for constant monitoring of the health of the gas supply system;
  • high cost of fuel.

Heating a chicken coop is one of the most important processes in caring for and breeding poultry. Optimal climatic conditions for chickens throughout the year are the key to their good health and high egg production. This process must be approached as carefully as possible, since this directly affects the farming value of each individual on the farm. Therefore, the choice of the optimal heating system should be made not only on the basis of personal preferences, but also according to the efficiency and feasibility of the funds spent on it.

Birds, like many other pets, do not like the cold. When breeding them at home, you need to solve the problem of insulating the chicken coop so that the productivity of the laying hens does not decrease. In this article we will talk about winter heating of a chicken coop, which you can do yourself without the help of specialists.

Chickens do not tolerate winter cold well and can easily contract respiratory diseases. Cold drafts, water and long walks in the snow have a bad effect on the bottom. If there is severe frost in your region in winter, you will have to insulate the poultry house. The temperature in the building should not fall below 7 degrees. The weak point of chickens is their legs, which, due to the lack of feathers, easily freeze.

In cold regions, you need to insulate the chicken coop using various heaters; in areas with a mild climate, it is often enough to organize a deep litter, which is easy to do with your own hands. But in any case, you can’t do without heating.

It has been established that the egg production of chickens depends on heat by 40%, and when broilers are raised in a cold house, daily weight gain is sharply reduced.

At low temperatures, more food is spent on keeping birds, and they become fat and lethargic. Also, heating the chicken coop is necessary if you are breeding chicks - in winter, the heat of the chicken itself may simply not be enough to incubate the eggs. Thus, even in the southern regions of the country, it is advisable to take measures to heat the poultry house during the winter.

How to make it yourself

There are two ways to insulate a chicken coop: natural and artificial. The first way is not
requires special costs, but is not suitable for severe frosts. The essence of natural heating is to maintain a comfortable temperature in a building without the use of heating devices. In addition, chickens can partially warm themselves if they are provided with a complete winter diet.

The easiest way to insulate a building with your own hands is to caulk all the cracks in the poultry house for the winter. There will be no drafts in the chicken coop, and the ventilation hole will allow you to regulate the freshness of the air. In this case, it is desirable to have double walls, with insulation inside. Typically glass wool or polystyrene foam is used. Doors and windows are insulated with rags, and the ceiling with roofing felt or mineral wool.

The floor in the poultry house also needs a double floor, with a 10-centimeter layer of straw, peat or sawdust. Litter on a personal plot is also good because over time it can be used as garden compost. Initially, in mid-autumn, the floor is sprinkled with slaked lime (1 kg per sq. m.). A layer of bedding 7 cm thick is placed on top. It needs to be added as it is trampled down. About once a month it is advisable to stir up the litter with a pitchfork, since by spring its level can reach 25 cm.

The benefit of the litter is that it releases heat during the composting process and keeps the house at about 12 degrees. Heat also disinfects pathogens and slows down the decomposition of droppings. The main thing when laying bedding is that there is proper ventilation in the building. Otherwise, harmful ammonia will quickly accumulate in the chicken coop. At the same time, in severe frosts, you will have to close the cap on the ventilation pipe for a short time so that the heated air does not leave the building.

If in winter there are persistent frosts below 10 degrees outside, the chicken coop will have to be insulated artificially. There are several ways: electric heater, stove and gas heating, infrared lamps and heaters, water heating. We'll briefly tell you how to implement one of the methods yourself.

An electric heater is the most expensive way to heat a chicken coop in winter. Can be used different kinds: oil radiators, fan heaters, convectors,
heaters. The power and number of devices depends on the livestock and the area of ​​the building, but the main thing is to place the heaters away from perches and nests. Modern devices have automation, so that when the desired temperature is set, the heater will turn on and off when necessary.

Gas heating of a poultry house is very practical, but in large poultry farms. It is not advisable to buy an expensive boiler for small chicken coop for 20 heads. Do not forget also that a gas boiler requires constant maintenance and supervision.

It is beneficial to use stove heating, for example using an ordinary “potbelly stove”. In private households, this is a very popular method of insulation, but unfortunately, due to high humidity, the “potbelly stove” quickly becomes covered with rust. When operating the stove, you must comply with some requirements:

  • The chicken coop must have a separate chimney
  • the combustion process and the addition of fuel must be monitored
  • There should always be firewood or coal on the farm
  • basic fire safety rules (especially if the building is wooden and the bedding is straw)
  • insulate hot parts of the oven

A diesel stove is safe to use. It does not produce smoke, and besides, its power is quite high. Also often used is “Bulerian” - an air-convection stove that can operate effectively on almost any fuel.

According to farmers, it is very convenient to insulate a chicken coop using infrared heaters and lamps. Their peculiarity is that it is not the air in the poultry house that is heated, but the objects. When using electric heaters (especially fan heaters), warm air quickly leaves the building due to ventilation, and heated objects will retain heat for a long time.

Infrared heaters are convenient because they can be attached to the ceiling. There are also vertical placement options. Small private poultry houses are recommended to be insulated with infrared heaters no more powerful than 500 W. The device must also have a thermostat. When operating, set it to 12 degrees heat. Some models of IR heaters have a rotating mechanism to insulate the entire space of the chicken coop.

The poultry house is often heated with infrared lamps, at a height of at least 1 m. They are universal and easy to use, they serve both for heating and lighting, and do not burn air like electric heaters. 90% of the lamp energy is spent on heating, and 10% on lighting. They also reduce humidity harmful to the chicken coop. The efficiency of the lamps is high (98%), and the red color, according to reviews, has a calming effect on birds. The recommended power of one IR lamp is 12 kW. m. – 250 W. In winter, when there is little daylight, the lamp can not be turned off at all. It has been noticed that IR lamps improve the digestibility of feed by chickens and strengthen their immunity.

If the chicken coop is adjacent to a residential building, it is possible to extend water heating to it. Pipes are installed in the poultry house, onto which the circuit from the water heating boiler is allocated. The heating in a residential building is turned on in any case, which means the birds will also be warm.

There are many ways to insulate a chicken coop, and you can choose the most suitable one. It all depends on the severity of winter in your area, the area of ​​the poultry house and the planned budget for insulation. It is not difficult to heat a chicken coop with your own hands, and in winter the productivity of laying hens will not decrease.

Video “How to heat a chicken coop”

After watching the video, you will learn about method of heating a chicken coop without fuel using a solar collector.

It is known that pets need special care during the cold season. Chickens tolerate low temperatures the worst of all. A negligent attitude to this fact leads to the loss of eggs, and in the worst case, birds. There are many ways to heat a chicken coop in winter.

It is necessary to prepare for the onset of cold weather in advance so that the birds survive the winter without loss. During the cold season, they practically do not walk outside; they spend most of their time sitting in their nests. Accordingly, heat transfer decreases. The paws are the most vulnerable place, because there are no feathers there. If you keep your own farm at home, then you know what temperature should be in the chicken coop in winter. At +12…+16 °C, birds live most comfortably. It is better if the thermometer shows a stable mark of +20 °C.

In winter, maintaining optimal temperature for chickens provides an increase in productivity by more than 30%. The body spends more energy to warm the bird, it begins to eat a lot, and grain consumption increases. It is more economical to heat a chicken coop than to keep it cold. If there are chicks in the barn, then this issue needs to be taken more seriously so that the offspring do not die in harsh conditions. The minimum temperature should not fall below +10 °C.

Animals can also catch a cold, and it is more difficult to treat them than people. A cold will be followed by an infection and infection of the entire poultry house. No owner is interested in an epidemic raging among his charges. Poultry farming is for many profitable business. When supplying meat to consumers, the manufacturer bears full responsibility for quality. Violation of sanitary standards may simply result in administrative liability.

The above indicators fully justify the importance of maintaining optimal temperature in the chicken coop in winter. Products will not be competitive when the percentage of body fat exceeds muscle mass. By ignoring the need for heating, the risk of developing this trend increases.

Using infrared lamps

People have come up with dozens of options for how to heat a chicken coop in winter. The final choice depends on the region. The harsher the winters, the more powerful the heating methods. Often owners are too worried about this, using all possible methods in combination. Excess heat also negatively affects production, as does its lack.

Pets don't need tropical resorts, average values ​​are enough. Knowing the peculiarities of climatic conditions, force majeure circumstances should be provided for. For example, it is strictly forbidden to use open fire in wooden buildings; even potbelly stoves pose a danger to animals. When choosing a product, think about how to safely heat your chicken coop in winter.

Infrared systems are very popular today. The heater can be either wall-mounted or floor-mounted. In most cases it is attached to the ceiling. For average buildings, a power of 500 W is sufficient. First class models are equipped with thermostats that automatically determine the operating time of the device.

When the corresponding indicator is reached, the heater turns off. When the temperature drops, the system resumes operation. This function practically does not require a human hand. Other advantages include ease of use, portability and quality.

Infrared rays are safe, not harmful to health, and sometimes even beneficial. They do not dry out the air, retain the necessary humidity and illuminate the space. But there are also disadvantages - the lamps produce a lot of light. Every owner wants the device to be as economical as possible.

Without using electricity

If there are power outages in the region, then forget about appliances powered by the network. The heating of the chicken coop must be uninterrupted so that the animals do not experience stress in winter. A gas boiler is not a cheap pleasure. Not everyone can afford this system at home, let alone in a barn. This method is mainly practiced on large farms, where a simple heater will not cope. A potbelly stove is often used at home, but it is not entirely convenient.

It is difficult to control what temperature should be in the chicken coop in order for the chickens to lay eggs in winter. A simple thermometer is not enough here. A potbelly stove can quickly heat a room, but maintaining a balance is almost impossible. In addition, birds can get burned on the hot walls of the device. The stove needs to be heated, and this requires raw materials. It’s good when you prepared firewood or purchased coal in advance. A missed moment will cost the owners a pretty penny.

In addition to these factors, operation adds problems. If you have come across potbelly stoves, then you probably know how often they need to be cleaned to maintain order in the chicken coop in winter. Fire safety rules are not the last thing to consider in a chicken coop in winter. To ensure that the device does not harm the inhabitants, the barn is equipped with a chimney, which also needs to be cleaned. A diesel-powered stove is safer, but its cost is unprofitable. Fuel prices are constantly fluctuating, causing instability.

Using improvised means

You can heat a building without the help of appliances. To do this, repair work needs to be carried out. At the first stage, it is necessary to build the correct frame part and select the bedding. The more versatile the material, the easier it is to work with. Try to inspect in advance to identify cracks and holes. Through them, heat will escape from the room, and during windy periods the hen will be drawn through by a draft. The walls are sheathed with foam plastic or glass wool. A thick layer of material will fully satisfy the needs of birds.

Heating a chicken coop using improvised means requires an enhanced diet. It is important to provide the animals with proper care, and in gratitude they will lay eggs better. Lay hay or sawdust on the floor - this is safe for chickens. Fulfilling the above requirements will allow you to achieve the desired result.

Video “How to heat a chicken coop in winter”

From this video you will learn how to effectively heat a chicken coop in winter.