Scenario for summer entertainment “Ball of Flowers” ​​material on the topic. Flower Ball methodological development (9th grade) on the topic Scenario of the spring flower ball in a correctional school

Kadyrbaeva R.A. – teacher of chemistry and biology MBOU Secondary Secondary School No. 1

Svetly village, Svetlinsky district, Orenburg region

Holiday "Ball of Flowers"

Goals :

Educational: Introduce students to diversity

flowering plants, with myths, legends, fairy tales,

associated with these colors, with history, geography,

poetry, music, where references to

these flowers.

Educational: aesthetic education, history education,

environmental education.

Educational: develop storytelling skills, abilities and execution skills

applications from scrap materials, ability to teach

material and yourself.

Tasks: As part of a subject week in biology, chemistry and geography, introduce middle school students to the wonderful world of flowers.

For the holiday we have prepared: a slide show “The World of Flowers”, selected musical works and arrangements of songs mentioning flowers.

From each class, 3 participants participate in the scenario; they prepare emblems of the flower they represent; and participate in the scenario - recite poems, tell legends and tell Interesting Facts from a story about flowers.

For the competition, riddles are prepared with the audience, and for the applique competition, glue, scissors, pieces of fabric, cotton wool, etc. are prepared from scrap materials. colored paper, colored threads, pieces of yarn, ribbons, beads and cardboard.

Scenario of the holiday "Ball of Flowers"

1 Presenter: There is just a temple

There is a temple of science

And there is also a temple of nature -

With scaffolding reaching out

Towards the sun and winds.

He is holy at any time of the day,

Open to us in the heat and cold,

Come in here

Be a little hearty

Do not desecrate her shrines!

2 Presenter: Look around what a wonderful amazing world surrounds us. Do you like flowers? Each flower is like a star falling from the sky. Mother nature spent millions of years to create such a miraculous miracle, filled it with her strength, breathed joy and love for life into it, and therefore we, feeling these subtle vibrations, reach out to them with our whole being in order to draw this love and fill it with it. myself.

1 Presenter: Flowers decorate our lives, and our holiday today is dedicated to them!

2 Presenter: When everything around us is white, when the frosts crackle around us, we imagine spring drops and the first spring flowers exude their aromas.

1 Presenter: Our ball is opened by students of class 5 "A".

Students of class 5A

1. When there is not enough heat for flowering,

When the snow has not completely melted,
Having broken through the snow-covered blanket,

The snowdrops bloomed dimly.

2. But where can I get bright colors for flowering?
When was the flower nurtured by snow?
Snow cold fantasy and zeal
The creator-artist was stopped.

3. Another spring will shower us with voluptuousness,
He will also give you bright flowers,
The snowdrop will remain a timid happiness,
As a sign of innocent pure beauty.

1. After all, for Spring he is the beloved firstborn,
And his dim face is so sweet to her.
Oh, where can I get a snowdrop for my beloved?
Its bloom is so short-lived!

2. Let it still be above the forest
The snows rule,
Let them lie under the snow
Sleepy meadows;
Let on the sleeping river
The ice is motionless -
Once a scout came,
And spring will come!

3. A snowdrop hatched through the snow,

He was waiting for the warmth of your hand

So helpless and tender

A veil of white petals.

2 Presenter: The floor is given to class 5 “B”.

Pupils of 5th "B" class

1. The next gift of spring is a flower, which we know from an ancient Russian legend: the Sea Princess Volkhova fell in love with the young man Sadko, but he gave his heart to the darling of the fields and forests, Lyubava. The saddened Volkhova went ashore and began to cry. And where the princess’s tears fell, lilies of the valley grew - a symbol of purity, love and sadness.

2. O first lily of the valley! From under the snow

You ask for the sun's rays;

What virginal bliss

In your fragrant purity!

3. Dear lily of the valley, tender lily of the valley,

White lily of the valley, snow lily of the valley,

Our flower.

You stood between the green doors,

So that you, who are only sharp-sighted,

I could see it.

Shaking the bells

In the cheerful air of May,

White and clean.

You shine like stars in the grass,

You mark a subtle pattern

Full sheet.

1. Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky loved this enchanting, mysterious flower with a delicate aroma that slightly dizzy, to the point of pain in the heart, to the point of “mad adoration.” In Florence, deafened by the violent smell of magnolias and wild roses, the composer became so sad that he turned to poetry.

2. What is the secret of your charms? -

Don't know. But your fragrance makes me happy

Like a stream of wine, it warms and intoxicates,

Like music, it takes my breath away,

And, like fire, it feeds the heat on the cheeks.

3. But the lily of the valley is beautiful not only because of its secret charms, it is also a human helper. Preparations from lily of the valley are used to treat the cardiovascular system.

1 Presenter: Each country has its own national plant and its own national flower. It partly reflects the culture and tells the history of the state, presenting it to the outside world. The concept of “national flower” is very ancient: it originated before national flags were established in most countries. Then the national flower played an even greater role, being a symbol, a sign of distinction for a certain people.

2 Presenter: But even now flowers have not completely lost their roles in the international arena and are often the “logos” of their countries. Here are some “national flowers”.

1 Presenter: Its flower represents 6 “A” class

Pupils of 6 "A" class

1. Narcissus has blossomed!
Sheer charm!
It's so clean
and bright radiance!
To the core
he illuminated me
And my heart melted
from the gentle warmth...
Flowers, in some way
both white and yellow

2. There lived an old poor woman in China with her son. They endured poverty and deprivation. One day, a mother scraped together a handful of rice to cook lunch for her son. Suddenly a traveler knocked on the house and asked for food. The kind woman gave him the last rice and began to cry - now she had nothing to feed her son. This traveler was a water god. He decided to thank the woman and threw himself into a pond located nearby. And the next morning a delicate flower grew by the pond. Since then, the daffodil in China has been a symbol of gratitude.

3. Narcissus blooms during the Chinese New Year, so in China it has become a symbol of joy, good luck and a happy marriage. His presence is mandatory in every home on New Year's holiday.

1. According to ancient Greek legend:

A flower named Narcissus,

Once upon a time he was a handsome prince

But suddenly he became his own favorite -

Such was the whim of the Goddess.

He admired day and night

With your wonderful reflection.

He didn’t eat, didn’t drink, drove his friends away...

There was only a moment before death.

Goddess to save lives

Turned Narcissus into a flower

(They are gossiping - the nymph begged).

Since then it began to bloom.

2. The reason was a simple trifle:

He once told the Goddess,

What does she equal from now on?

With its immeasurable beauty.

And he was punished at that very moment,

Goddesses are quick to deal.

Value your mind, value your face,

But don’t get into arguments with the Gods.

3. You know that there is a language of flowers, and in this language narcissus means selfishness.

2 Presenter: How many little masterpieces

Lives on earth.

My God, what generosity!

So much happiness and smiles,

Inspiration and love

These creatures give us

Titled - Flowers!

1 Presenter: Pupils of grade 6 "B" present their flower

Pupils of 6 "B" class

1. How beautiful is that fiery flower!

On a long stem, proud and lonely.

The petals of a closed bud are beautiful.

For four centuries the world has been in love with him...

What's in the heart of an unopened tulip?

What is the miracle of his beauty, what is the secret?

I really want to believe...look -

Adorable Thumbelina inside...

2. The tulip appeared in Holland only in 1634, and at first its cultivation was completely commercial in nature. Noticing the fascination of the Germans and other peoples with this flower, the prudent Dutch began to breed it as much as possible. more new varieties, and the trade in its bulbs turned out to be so profitable that even people who had very little to do with gardening soon began to engage in it; almost the entire population began to engage in it.

3. One passionate lover purchased for a huge price the only, according to the seller, specimen of a tulip, and, returning home, learned that another similar specimen existed in Haarlem. Beside himself with grief, he hurries to Haarlem, buys this second copy for crazy money, throws it on the ground and, trampling it with his feet, triumphantly exclaims: “Well, now my tulip is the only one in the world!”

1. Researcher Zolotnitsky in his book about flowers writes that tulips were directly related to the emergence of stock exchanges.

For one tulip bulb they paid 24 quarters of wheat, 48 quarters of rye, 4 fat bulls, 8 pigs, 12 sheep, 2 barrels of wine, 4 barrels of beer, butter, cheese, a bunch of clothes and one silver cup! Even the third grade cost a carriage and a couple of horses.

2. The Dutch Princess Juliana once gave Ottawa (Canada) one hundred thousand bulbs of this flower as a sign of gratitude for the fact that during the Second World War the royal family of the Netherlands found refuge in the capital of Canada. And also in recognition of the merits of this country in the liberation of its homeland.

3. Tulip in the language of flowers means a declaration of love.

1 Presenter: Flowers surround us, bring joy and peace, lift us up to great things. People have composed many fairy tales, stories, legends, and poems about flowers; I came up with a lot of riddles. Do you know them? Now we will hold such a riddle competition.

(Riddles competition with spectators)

2 Presenter: Students of grade 7 "A" present their flower

Pupils of 7 "A" class

1. On the lawn by the river

The cornflowers are turning blue.

Blue like the sky...

Blue like water...

At least one day you will see them,

You will never forget.

    In the language of flowers - cornflower - grace and delicacy.

3. A hundred years ago, cornflower always accompanied the magnificent feasts of the Germans. This flower was the favorite flower of Emperor William I and his mother, Queen Louise. There are many stories that cornflower was a happy omen for the royal Prussian house. Here is one of them.

1. They say that at one court ball, given unwillingly by the unfortunate royal couple to the Emperor Napoleon and his generals, Queen Louise appeared without any precious jewelry, only with a wreath of cornflowers on her head. And when the French began to make jokes about this, the queen remarked: “Yes, gentlemen, all our precious things were partly plundered, partly sold, in order to at least somehow help the needs of our ruined country; and our fields are so trampled by you that even a wild flower is now a great rarity.”

2 . The winners had no answer to this and fell silent. Many years passed, and Queen Louise's premonitions came true. Cornflower did not deceive her. The royal family, which was in exile and oppression, was restored to its rights, and Princess Charlotte, having married Emperor Nicholas I, from a small, insignificant princess became a powerful All-Russian Empress.

3. And so, when the empress, many years later, once passed through Königsberg, the residents of this city, wanting to please her and remind her of the time she lived in its environs, arranged a solemn meeting for her, in which cornflowers played an outstanding role. The most beautiful of the girls brought her a wonderful basket of these flowers, and the rest threw cornflowers on the ground and strewed her path with them. The Empress was moved to tears by this cordial reception and expressed her deep gratitude that the people of Königsberg had chosen the cornflower, so dear to her, to meet her.

1 Presenter: What are flowers? Essentially grass.

But how beauty caresses the eye.

And the aroma intoxicates...

They will spin you around - there is no turning back.

2 Presenter: The floor is given to 7 "B" class

Pupils of grade 7 "B"

1. White and pink lilies -
A symbol of fidelity to tears.
Petals chiseled lines
Evokes the image of stars
Large, unimaginable,
Those from whom light shines,
Those that are given for loved ones,
There is nothing more beautiful in the whole world.

2 . But in no other country did the lily have such historical significance as in France. The names of the founder of the French monarchy, Clovis, kings Louis VII, Philip III, and Francis I are associated with it. There are ancient legends telling about the appearance of three golden lilies on the banner of the French kings. Lily has become an emblem of royal power in France since the time of Clovis.

3. For the first time in France, a white banner with three golden lilies appears. Subsequently, it is an emblem of royal power and devotion to the papal throne. Louis IX the Saint led his knights on crusades under banners bearing three lilies, symbolizing compassion, justice and mercy - the three virtues that characterized the reign of this king. Under Louis XII, the lily becomes the main decoration of all gardens in France and is called the flower of Louis. Louis XIII established the Order of the White Lily, which became the emblem of the Bourbon party.

1. In France, since ancient times, the lily flower has been considered an expression of the greatest favor and respect. In aristocratic families, it was customary for the groom to send the bride white lilies in a bouquet of flowers every morning, until the wedding itself. France itself was called the kingdom of lilies, and the French king was called the king of lilies.

2. The lily was considered a very honorable sign on French coats of arms. For example, King Charles, wanting to honor the memory of Joan of Arc, awarded her relatives a noble title and gave them the surname de Lys, i.e. Lilies, and a coat of arms, which is a sword on a blue field with two lilies on the sides and a wreath of lilies at the top.

3. In the language of flowers, white lily means youth.

1 Presenter: My God, what generosity!

Is all this really for me?

From sunrise to sunset

Summer, autumn, spring

Like a cornucopia

The path was strewn with flowers!

2 Presenter: I admit - in every bud

The wisdom of all flower fairies.

1 Presenter: Students of 8th grade present their flower

Pupils of 8 "A" class

1. What do roses whisper in the morning,

Waking up in the morning?

Thank your fate

And a state of rest?

We love roses for their beauty,

Their wonderful smell, aroma

For the joy they bring to people,

They are given a fleeting glance!

2. And the rose has petals,

Red velvet and thorns.

Protects beauty

Not relying on foliage.

Among the flowers she is like

Graceful and smart.

Understands that foliage

Doesn't save you from the enemy

Once picked, it will wither,

No one will need it.

3. In Christian symbolism, the red rose was a symbol of martyrdom, and the white rose was a symbol of innocence. There is an Order of the Knights of the Rose and Cross, and the War of York and Lancaster 1455-1485. was called the War of the Scarlet and White Roses. Thus, white and red roses were used on coats of arms, shields and banners. In memory of this long war, English flower growers developed a special variety of rose with white and red petals and called it Lancaster - York.

1. In the language of flowers - a white rose is silence, a yellow rose is infidelity,

a red rose is love and suffering, and a red and white rose together is the fire of the heart.

2. Rose was sung by Blok and Fet, Mandelstam and Rozhdestvensky, Pushkin and Balmont - everyone and always - at all times.

3. After the storm of the universe,

Shining with fresh life, the world in a wreath of enchantment

He was as beautiful as a child.

The white rose showed

The image of complete purity;

The young maiden was shining

Scarlet sparkle of beauty.

2 Presenter: The floor is given to class 8 “B”

2. In Japan, the image of a chrysanthemum is sacred, and according to state laws, only members of the imperial house have the right to wear material with its design. The rest, in case of violation of this law, are punishable by death. Any attempt to depict this emblem of the Japanese empire and symbol of imperial power is punishable by death, and therefore the Japanese government sometimes even resorts to depicting it to prevent the counterfeiting of government banknotes.

3. The reason for such high veneration of this flower by the Japanese is best explained by its very name: “kiku” (sun). He is their symbol of this luminary, which gives life to everything on earth. For a long time, the image of a solar flower was considered sacred. The chrysanthemum appears on the Japanese national flag, minted on coins, and depicted on paper bills.

1. Once upon a time, these flowers were worth their weight in gold, and were considered the property of the emperor. In 1876 the Order of the Chrysanthemum was created. the highest award a person could deserve.

2. Today it is the most common autumn flower.

There is humility and inspiration in them

Fading beauty...

3. Chrysanthemums in a vase –

In a crystal vessel,

In a wicker basket

On a wide platter...

You can use petals -

Long to admire

After all, in a tender bud

The beauty of chrysanthemum...

1 Presenter: Look around, what a beautiful and amazing world surrounds us - forests, fields and rivers, seas. Oceans and mountains, sky and sun, animals and plants. It's all nature! Our life is inseparable from it. Take care of her!

2 Presenter: If I pick a flower,

If you pick a flower,

If everything: both you and me,

If we pick flowers -

All the clearings will be empty

And there will be no beauty!

1 Presenter: This concludes our Flower Ball! Thanks to all!


Riddles about flowers.

1. He stands thoughtfully

In a yellow crown,

Freckles darken

On a round face.


2. Folk wild flower,

Suitable for fortune telling.


3. Eh, bells, Blue colour, -

With a tongue, but no ringing!


4. Yellow flowers –

Lacquered cheeks,

Quintuple corollas,

And the sheets are changeable.

5. The first one to emerge from the earth

On a thawed patch.

He is not afraid of frost

Even if it's small.


6. Leaves – paired,

The flowers are amber,

The fruits are insidious:

And they maim.

(St. John's wort)

7. The grass grows on the slopes

And green hills.

The smell is strong and fragrant,

And her green leaf

It suits us for tea.

What kind of weed, answer me?

(Oregano, thyme)

8. Along the edges of the swamp

Something is golden:

A cup with a lush ball -

Yellow shirt.


9. Flower with a tube,

With a white skirt

And the fruit is evil:

With thorns, with poison.

10. There is a slob standing by the path -

She's wearing a sticky shirt.

There is a patterned jug on the shoulder

To the brim with black poison.

11. Burnt in the dewy grass

The flashlight is golden.

Then it faded, went out

And turned into fluff.


12. Flower like a bell,

Small whisk.

It does not bloom magnificently,

Is it ringing? Can not hear.

13. There is a cockerel in the garden -

Lilac comb,

And the tail is fighting,

Saber curve

14. Bud - for beauty, thorns -

for threat.

You couldn't find a more beautiful flower...

15. There are flags on the pole.

Under the pole are swords.


16. Came from Holland,

And our frost is not a hindrance!

Between the flowers he is the “invited gentleman”,

Blooms like a cap...


17. The scarlet flower curled into a fist -

The dried up one has become a rattle...

Scenario of the holiday "Ball of Flowers"

The script was compiled by O. A. Orlova,

teacher - organizer of MBOU Secondary School No. 1 in Tulun

Goals and objectives:

    Formation of a sustainable form of prestigious cultural leisure for young people;

    Revival of the traditions of social recreation in the format of dance evenings;

    Creating conditions for the aesthetic education of the individual.

Equipment: cards with color names,phonograms for various dances and musical accompaniment of the ball.

Characters: flower girls (2 girls), ball hostess Flora, ball managers (2 people).

A composition of songs about flowers sounds. Two flower girls come into the hall.

1st flower girl

2nd flower girl:

1st flower girl

2nd flower girl:

1st flower girl:

2nd flower girl:

1st flower girl:

2nd flower girl :

1st flower girl :

2nd flower girl :

1st flower girl :

2nd flower girl :

1st flower girl :

1st flower girl :

2nd flower girl :

1st flower girl:

2nd flower girl:

1st flower girl:

2nd flower girl :

1st flower girl :

2nd flower girl:

1st flower girl:

2nd flower girl:

Oh, it’s so hard to be a flower girl today,
Selling flowers from morning until late,
Oh God, how boring this is!

I disagree. Everyone needs our profession!
Just judge, who can understand flowers better than us today?
As soon as the sun rises in the morning,
We are right there, flowers are waiting for us.
They bring joy to all people on earth.

What joy?
Digging in the ground, ugh, what disgusting!
They need to be planted and watered abundantly.
Well, they have grown up, and what can we take from them?
The thinnest stem, a pair of petals.
You cut the flower, it dried up - and that was it...

You are not right! Well, come closer quickly
Inhale the wonderful aroma of the garden!
Look how strange it is

The flowers seemed to be lined up in a row.

Oh yes, I see! Prepare for the May Day parade!

I don’t think so, because here is a magical garden,
Which means it’s a ball, but not a parade!
Flora invited everyone to the ball!

Look how Flora has blossomed,
She is gentle, beautiful, cheerful!
So, who organized this ball?!
I collected flowers from the garden and built them for the celebration!

So what should we do here today?
We are not dressed appropriately for celebrations.
Let's go, Pansy, go home!

Like what?
We'll have fun helping!
Well, what are you doing, Tyulpina?
Let's all have joy together!

Certainly! Let's all "Vivat!" scream and throw petals in the air!

Why shout? We will shower our guests with petals today!

Well, okay, let there be a ball here today!
But no one invited you and me.

And now we will introduce ourselves to everyone!
I'm a pansy with green eyes!

And I am the beautiful Tulip,

I will still say that at balls it is proper for everyone to maintain order!

She's older! Always loves to teach!

So, I call everyone to order, and I will immediately read out our charter:
Paragraph 1 of the charter states that no one sleeps at the ball!

Paragraph 2 of the charter states that everyone has fun and never gets bored!

We will fine the sad ones and reward the happy ones!

Paragraph 3 of the charter states that everyone calls each other by the name of the flower.

Anyone who violates paragraph 3 of the charter will face a fine raid!

Paragraph 4 of the charter declares that everyone takes part in games and dances.

Well, do we accept this charter?

And we open the festive ball!

Music background, lights come on, ball stewards appear

Presenter 1

Good evening, dear friends!

Presenter 2

Good evening, teachers, parents, guests of our ball!

Presenter 1

For the first time in our school there is a flower ball - a masquerade!

Presenter 2

The brilliant time of balls has long sunk into oblivion...

17th, 18th, 19th centuries...

Presenter 1

A time of triumphant femininity: with curls, lace, thin translucent fabrics.

Presenter 2

And gallant masculinity: with shiny epaulettes of officers, snow-white gloves and elegant mustaches of hussars

Presenter 1

But the traditions of holding masquerade balls in Russia remain to this day. Allow me to give the floor to the hostess of today's ball.


From childhood, from that distant time when home library seemed huge, and the fairy tales, comfortably nestled under worn covers, were quite reliable, we knew: miracles happen! And is there anything more beautiful in the whole world than love, music and flowers?.. Miracle of miracles - Flower Ball! A fairy tale about magic, beauty and all the charm of miracles and dreams...

Spring! I want joy and fun, because everything around me comes to life and begins to bloom just like our lovely ladies! Let's start our spring ball and let every girl be invited to dance today! Let there be only happy smiles and cheerful mood! Our ball begins with a polonaise. Everyone is required to participate. Hold hands, let's begin!
Polonaise is a solemn and serious dance; it opens any social ball. During the dance, gentlemen exchange ladies, which allows you to meet new people. You can have time to talk a little, discuss the neighboring couple, and most importantly, show yourself.

Polonaise danced by all the participants of the ball


Presenter 2

Thank you, ladies, gentlemen!

You can take your seats.

You opened a masquerade with a decent dance.

Applause sounds in your honor!

Presenter 1

I remember the waltz's lovely sound

Late on a spring night

And a wonderful song flowed.

Yes, it was a wonderful waltz.

11th grade dancing the waltz


Grade 11

Presenter 2

Friends! Our ball is an unusual gathering. It takes place at that wonderful time of the year when all nature wakes up and begins to ring with joyful drops and the earth blooms... We wish you today to enjoy all the delights of the Flower Ball.

Presenter 1

Often balls lasted until the morning, and entertaining guests was a responsible and difficult task. Secular ballroom etiquette was quite strict; it did not allow one to show their feelings too clearly at the ball, so all the games were fun and innocent. Anyone can play them.


Let's play games now! I have come up with several tasks for you - and then, based on the results of your participation in dances, games, various salons, we will try to choose the queen of the ball. And from all the gentlemen present here, she will choose the king of our ball.

To continue the ball, I announce the game “Stream”

(those who wish stand in pairs, the game “Stream” is played)

Game "Stream"

(Polka music)

Presenter 2

Friends! At all the balls of the last century, theatrical salons were extremely popular - everyone present was an actor in the performances. Anyone could try their hand at performing arts. Mini-performances were performed at the ball, funny scenes, forfeits were played.

Presenter 1

Well, I think it's time to open our theater salon.The first to perform will be our ball guest Maria Tolmacheva. For you, ladies and gentlemen, it sounds romance .


(the presenters announce each school before the performance)


Thank you, oh young friends!

You have delighted our ears with song and poetry

Now we will dance with you again!

Presenter 2

And what a wonderful dance we are announcing now! Fiery and gentle, he lived a life full of adventures, experienced the bitterness of prohibitions and dizzying popularity.

Presenter 1

Like a stream fresh air The Waltz burst into aristocratic salons with their cutesy, pretentious dances! My God, they even called him obscene!


Our waltz will be unusual. In order for the guests to get to know each other better, a waltz of random couples is announced. The rules are very simple. Each of you receives a card with the name of the flower. And then we will announce which flowers are dancing with each other.THE NAMES OF FLOWERS ARE GIVEN OUT TO THE BALL PARTICIPANTS. (The presenters announce the pairs, the participants stand next to each other.) Those who do not know how to dance according to the rules of the classical waltz can dance freely!

Waltz of random couples (prepare the names of colors for each participant, separately for boys and girls!)

Presenter 2

Yes, it was a lovely, languid waltz,

Yes, it was a wonderful waltz!

Presenter 1

Thank you all for the dance, friends!

I think that after such a charming dance it is necessary to rest a little.

And to please your eyes, I suggest you admire our beautiful ladies and gentlemen.A fashion show in fancy dress is announced. We invite couples to perform! And the first couple to present their costumes are the ________school couple.

DEFILE in fancy dress

Presenter 2

Magic Ball - the dream of Princesses

A desirable look for handsome princes!

And the fairy tale will come true here

A long-awaited gift for you!

Choosing the prom king and queen

Presenter 1

Well, friends, it's time to choose the queen of our ball today. We grant this right to the hostess of the ball.


The choice is made ladies and gentlemen! The queen of today's ball is ____________________

Presenter 2

Gentlemen, please stand up! We welcome the queen of today's ball with applause!

Presenter 1

And now you, dear queen, have to choose a king!

The music plays, the king of the ball is chosen


We sincerely congratulate the king and queen of today's ball! Now they will dance a waltz for us!

Presenter 2

Yes, the ball is famous for its meeting opportunities.

And who wouldn’t call it a big event?

At first glance, such an ordinary evening,

Which is a fun time for everyone!

Presenter 1

Dating, joy, relaxation for our senses.

And, most importantly, it gave me a reason to show

All the beauty of dance art.

A ball is a ball, and there’s nothing to say!


Invite the ladies, friends!

You can't miss the dance!

We announce the final waltz of our ball - Waltz of the FLOWERS!

Waltz of the Flowers

The waltz of flowers sounds, all participants dance.

The king and queen dance together.


My friends! How sorry I am to leave

But the candles go out, the hall becomes empty

But how nice it is for us to meet again

And wait for the meeting so that you can come to the ball again!

Presenter 2

And let the impressions not fade,

Remembering the ball will get your blood pumping!

And the star flame of rapture

It illuminates you again and again

Presenter 1

Let time rush faster - faster

Let the hall shine again

Let it open its doors again

Our wonderful spring ball!

Color names for random couples waltz

































Lily of the valley


















Scenario of entertainment in kindergarten "Journey to the Land of Flowers" farewell to summer

Target: enriching knowledge about wildflowers; developing the ability to see beauty around you and help create an environment of good mood.

Tasks: Expand their understanding of plants, help children remember the names of flowers, promote the ability to solve riddles, and consolidate their knowledge of colors.

Support children's desire to take part in joint games, dances, and competitions.

The progress of the holiday

Children gather on the playground to cheerful music

Goddess Flora comes out

Goddess Flora: Hello guys! Do you recognize me? No?!

I am the mistress and goddess of flowers - Flora.

They call me the flower fairy

I know everything about flowers, kids.

Now you know my name. But I would like to know your names too. But there are so many of you guys. Therefore, in order to remember you all, I propose to play one interesting dating game. Let's try?! Listen carefully, and those who hear their names, repeat after me.

Music 2 (Musical game “Dating”)

Goddess Flora : Well, here we are, meeting you! Tell me, guys, what does summer give us?

Yes, that's right, summer is a wonderful time of year, which gives us a lot of joy and beauty, for example, flowers. And I have good idea, spend our wonderful summer with a flower ball!

What flowers do you know? Where can we find flowers? What color are the flowers? Well done guys, you know everything! But you probably don’t know that there are magic flowers. Want to meet them? Then I invite you to my flower country for a flower festival. And in order to get there, you need to turn into some kind of flower and dance a magical waltz with me. But first, you must close your eyes with your palms and, spinning in place, say the magic words in unison and loudly:

I'll spin around in place

I'll turn into a flower!

Do you remember? Then we begin our transformation and dance the waltz of flowers!

Music 3 (Tchaikovsky's "Waltz of the Flowers" sounds)

Goddess Flora: Here we are. Oh! (looks around) Where are my magical helpers? (calls them) Rose! Dandelion!

(Rosa appears with a mirror in her hands, admiring herself, does not notice the children and Flora)

Goddess Flora: Rose, we have guests! Rose, wake up!

Rose: Oh oh! Indeed, guests! I completely forgot that today is our flower festival. And you didn't even warn me. After all, I didn’t have time to do my morning makeup.

Goddess Flora: Rose, you are so beautiful! The most beautiful of all flowers! Isn't that right, guys?

Rose: OK then. They calmed me down. Then let's have fun! Ah-ah-ah! (looks around, clutches his heart)

Goddess Flora: Rose, what happened again?

Rose: The holiday begins, but Dandelion is still sleeping!? No, I can’t live without him, I can’t cope without him. I need help.

Goddess Flora: Guys, let's call him in unison. Dandelion!

(name is Dandelion)

(laughter sounds and Dandelion appears, stretching and yawning)

Dandelion: Who called me? They distracted me, you know, from important matters! And, in general, why are there so many children here? What's going on here?

Goddess Flora: Dandelion, have you forgotten? After all, today is the holiday of flowers! And our guys want to have fun!

Rose: Yes, yes, Dandelion! And I can’t cope without you!

Dandelion: I love to have fun! In general, I’m a cheerful flower (to the guys) Are you cheerful? Groovy? Naughty? Shubutnye? Then let's begin! Do as we do! Do better than us!

Muz 4 (the song "Move" sounds)

Goddess Flora: Well done boys! You dance great!

And now I invite everyone to take an unusual journey through our flower country. And for this we need 2 funny trains.

The rules are as follows.

Passengers line up in a column one at a time in parallel rows. At the head of the locomotive is the driver. Each team has its own song. For example, the first one is “The flowers in the garden are beautiful in spring” (music by Mokrousov, poetry by Alymov). The second team has the song “Oh, the viburnum is blooming” (music by Dunaevsky, lyrics by Isakovsky

When the melody of the chosen song starts playing, the whole team begins to follow the captain around the site, turning first one way or the other. Another song will sound - the team immediately stops, the other team begins to move to the melody of its song. This is repeated several times.

The drivers must lead the columns so that they intertwine with each other in different directions. When they are completely confused, a whistle sounds. At this signal, both locomotives must return to their original position as soon as possible, raising their hands up. The team that does it faster wins.

Goddess Flora: Well, here you go, guys! You and I found ourselves in a flower meadow.

But, in my opinion, there is something wrong with her!?

Rose: Oh, Dandelion, haven’t you decorated this clearing for the holiday?

Dandelion: (scratching his head) Oh, I forgot.

Rose: So what should we do?

Goddess Flora: Don't worry, my friends! Our guys will help us now. Isn't that right, guys?

Dandelion: Then let's get to work!

Muz 7 (Flower relay race: “Collect flowers”; 3 teams of girls play. Props: hoops and petals)

Goddess Flora: Well done boys! Thanks to you, our flower meadow has become even more beautiful and elegant! Now beautiful butterflies and hard-working bees will definitely come to us to feast on various delicacies. Do you know what they eat?

Rose: Let's prepare a surprise for them and collect a lot of goodies.

Dandelion: To do this, we invite our boys, who will now turn into real bees and transfer nectar into these buckets. And all the girls will root for them!

Muz 8 (relay race "Collect pollen" Props: 3 ware, balls, buckets)

Children stand in two teams. At the leader’s signal, one participant at a time runs to the table with a spoon in his hand, takes one yellow ball with a spoon and runs back, putting the balls in a bucket. The first team to complete the task wins.)

Goddess Flora: Oh, and well done to our guys! Flowers were planted and nectar was collected. I wonder how well you know flowers? Really good? But we will check this now.

Rose: There's another game for you -

We will read the poems for you now,

We'll start, and you finish,

Answer in unison.

Dandelion: 1. Golden mean and rays all around,

It could be a picture: the sun in the blue sky?

No, in the sun on a piece of paper

There is a flower in the meadow... (daisies)

Rose: 2. Early in the morning it dissolves

The flower's petals,

And when evening comes,

The red light goes out.

Look, look,

What is this red fan?

This is a bright... (carnation)

The new one celebrates the day.

Goddess Flora: 3. When he grows up, he will dress up

In a little white dress.

Light, airy,

Obedient to the wind.

In the meantime, he stands dressed

In a yellow sundress,

And his name, guys,

Just... (dandelion).

Rose: 4. She sits on the sunny edge in the grass,

She quietly raised her lilac ears.

And here your ingenuity will help you,

Her name is flower... (violet)

Dandelion: 5. Spring nature is dear to us all.

Cold snow blossoms in streams.

Both pine needles and dead wood are cleared of snow,

And the first one appears in the thawed area... (snowdrop).

Goddess Flora: 6. In the thick, green grass it looks elegant.

But like a weed, he was driven out mercilessly from the fields.

The head is blue and the stem is long.

Well, who doesn’t know him?

After all, this is... (cornflower)

Dandelion: Summer is passing by

Let's not grieve.

Bouquets of flowers and herbs

We will draw.

Dandelion: I suggest you guys, in the cold winter, to remember this warm and wonderful summer and this wonderful ball of flowers, save a piece of it and transfer our bright meadow of flowers to these white sheets.

Relay race “Decorate the meadow” Children are formed into two teams of 10 people. The task of each team is to decorate the “clearing” with flowers as quickly as possible: children glue flowers onto a sheet of whatman paper with a drawn “clearing”.

Presenter: Guys, look what a wonderful clearing we have turned out to be. We will leave it in our group as a memory of the warm summer.

Goddess Flora: Well done boys! And you all know the flowers. But among simple flowers there are also magical ones. If you find a fern flower, you might find a treasure.

Rose: Dandelions wake up and go to bed with the sun.

Dandelion: And marigolds, for example, close their corollas when rain approaches, clover shrinks, and mallow flowers curl up and wilt.

Rose: And on the lilac bushes, pupils and students look for flowers with five petals to make a wish.

Goddess Flora: What is your wish, guys? Make a wish for it soon! Did you make a wish?

Flora, Rose, Dandelion: Now the moment of farewell has come,

And we want to tell you:

Everyone needs to love nature

And save all the flowers!

Rose: Three months of summer flew by in a flash!

And the sun was shining and the winds were rustling,

Sometimes it’s cool, and more often it’s hot.

Now it’s time for us to say goodbye to summer.

But we are not sad. A year will pass and again

Summer will invite us to play.

Let's loudly say "Goodbye" to our beautiful summer!

Goddess Flora: It's time for you guys to go back to your cozy, beloved kindergarten, where your toys, bright books and funny Games. We need to close our eyes again with our palms and, spinning in place, say the magic words in unison and loudly:

I’ll spin around on the spot and go back to kindergarten again!

Here we are! We will be happy to welcome you again! Goodbye, See you again!

Scenario for summer entertainment “Ball of Flowers”

Conducted by teacher: Khilkova T.V.


Induce positive emotions in children;

Consolidate knowledge about the names of flowers;

- cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

Leading . Today is a holiday! Festival of Lights
A holiday of sun and warmth!
Because summer is coming
It came to us again in the morning!
Summer is the most wonderful and beautiful time. Only in summer there are so many colors. The whole world becomes colorful. What helps the world become so beautiful? (children's answers) Yes, in the summer there are a lot of flowers.
What color are the flowers?

Where can we find flowers?

Leading. Guys, how well do you know flowers? Now let's check it.

There's a game for you

I'll read the poems now

I'll start, and you finish,

Answer in unison.

The golden mean and the rays go around

It could be a picture: the sun in the blue sky?

No, not the sun on a piece of paper,

There are flowers in the meadow... (daisies).

Early in the morning it dissolves

The flower's petals,

And when evening comes,

The red light goes out

Look, look,

What is this red fan?

This is a bright... (carnation)

The new one celebrates the day.

When he grows up, he will dress up

In a little white dress

Light, airy,

obedient to the wind,

In the meantime, he stands dressed

In a yellow sundress,

And his name, guys,

Just... (dandelion).

She sits on the sunny edge in the grass,

She quietly raised her lilac ears.

And here your ingenuity will help you:

Everyone calls the flower... (violet).

Spring nature is dear to us all,

Cold snow blossoms in streams,

Both pine needles and dead wood are cleared of snow,

And the first one appears in the thawed area... (snowdrop).

In the thick, green grass he looks elegant,

But from the arable lands, like a weed, he is driven mercilessly

The head is blue and the stalk is long,

But who doesn’t know it, it’s... (cornflower).

Leading: Guys, tell me, what insects do you know? Who collects nectar from flowers?

The children answer.

Leading: Well done! And now you and I will also turn into bees and bumblebees. Come on, girls, let's straighten our skirts. Now we are not children, but hardworking bees. Come on, boys, let's pull up our pants. A ringing bumblebee flew into the garden.

Game "Occupy a Flower"

(Hoops are laid out on the floor, children “fly” over the flowers to the music, and when the music ends, they occupy the “flower”; those who do not get a flower are eliminated from the game.)

Leading : Look guys, how many petals I have, they were flowers, but they all scattered and got mixed up. Help me collect them.

Game "Collect a flower"

(From mixed parts of flowers - collect the whole one and name it)

Leading: One day such an incident happened in a meadow. Listen. Arriving at the meadow, the girls exclaimed: “What a beautiful meadow! How many flowers there are on it!” The girlfriends decided to organize a competition: who will collect the largest and most beautiful bouquet. Have the girls found a good job? Why can't you pick flowers? (Answers.)
Leading: Well done! Why do we need flowers? What is the benefit of them besides a pleasant aroma and beauty? (Juice is nectar, pollen is food for insects, the flower itself is the home of insects.)

Leading: Tell me, who takes care of the flowers that grow in flower beds?Guys, do you know how to care for flowers? We'll check this now.

The relay race “Flowerbed” is being played

(Children are divided into two teams. The first ones run and draw a flowerbed, the second ones run and draw a stem, the third ones run and draw leaves, etc.)

Ustinova Nadezhda Nikolaevna
Job title: musical director
Educational institution: Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 9 general developmental type"
Locality: Magnitogorsk city, Chelyabinsk region
Name of material: methodological development
Subject: Scenario of the summer holiday "Ball of Flowers" for children of senior preschool age.
Publication date: 13.10.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Scenario of the summer holiday “Ball of Flowers”

for children of senior preschool age.

Purpose of the holiday:
 Create a joyful, cheerful mood in children.  Consolidate knowledge about flowers and where they grow in your region.  Foster a caring attitude towards nature and a desire to help.
Venue design:
 Hang between the flags – children’s drawings on the theme “My favorite flower”.
 Flower Fairy  Baba Yaga
 Flowers according to the number of girls st, preg. gr.  Hoops at the rate of 1 hoop for 4 children - 10  2 trays  8 watering cans  4 baskets with coloring books are prepared in certain areas  2 chairs Children enter the playground accompanied by cheerful music. Characters: flower fairy, Baba Yaga.
The miracle summer is flushed with kindness, love and light! The rye is spiking in the field, the summer rain is jumping and jumping! The grasses are ripening, the fields are ripening, and in the ravine, by the river, wonderfully colorful flowers are blooming for everyone. It’s so good that summer is still going on! After all, in just a little while Autumn will come to rule the earth. In the meantime, let's enjoy our fun, sultry Summer! Listen to how beautiful the music sounds, the Flower Fairy is in a hurry to visit us. During the Waltz of the Flowers, the Flower Fairy enters the stage.

Flower Fairy:
They call me the Flower Fairy, I know everything about flowers. Suddenly disaster struck - Baba Yaga stole all the flowers. Baba Yaga runs in to the music.
Baba Yaga:
Why are you all gathered here? Are you having fun and laughing? Who allowed?
: We have come to the flower festival!
Baba Yaga
: - For the flower festival?! Flowers are my main enemy. They are so beautiful, Everyone admires them, so I imprisoned them in prison, I have tasks prepared for you. If you fulfill them, I will release the flowers to freedom.
Flower Fairy:
Well, guys, help, And free the flowers!
Guys, can we help the Flower Fairy?
Baba Yaga
: Well, come on, surprise me, you will write poems for me.
Flower Fairy:
Guys, come out, tell us your poems, and depict them.
1. HOW DAISOMS APPEARED V. Orlov - Hey, daisies, Give me an answer: Where are you from, If it’s not a secret? “It’s no secret,” the daisies answered, “The sun carried us in its pocket!” - children of the group "Sun". 2. MAC E. Feyerabend As soon as the sun rises, the poppy will bloom in the garden. The cabbage butterfly will land on the flower. Look - the flower has two more petals - the children of the "Flowers" group.
Baba Yaga
:- You won again! Do you want to play? (Yes)
Game "Flowers and Gardeners" - senior, preparatory group.

Place watering cans near the hoops at a short distance.

Announce the characters: breeze – 1 person per group, 4 (6) gardeners

– 2 (3) people per group.

Rules of the game.
2 breezes stand opposite each other. Gardeners near their watering can. All other children are flower seeds. While the music is playing, they fly all over the site. When the music ends, 4 people sit in the hoop. After the sound signal (ring the bells), the children - the seeds are transferred to another lawn. They fly into another hoop. So, 3 times. At the end, the gardener comes up to them and waters them. Children - seeds gradually “grow”.
The presenter tells a story about a flower, starting with a seed and

ending with a grown flower.
A light breeze blew and all the seeds scattered throughout the forest lawn. They fell into the ground (hoop), but did not germinate. The conditions were unsuitable. It was very cold. The wind blew again, the seeds flew, fell into the ground - a hoop, but did not germinate. The conditions were unsuitable. It was really hot. The wind blew for the third time and again all the seeds fell into the ground and began to germinate. Then the gardeners approached them and began to water them.
outdoor game “Wreath”, in which Baba Yaga plays the role of “gardener” -

all children.
Children stand in a line at one end of the hall: this is “Flowers in the Garden”
- the gardener is at a distance of 3-4 meters from the children. The gardener approaches the flowers and says: I’m going to pick a flower, Weave a wreath from the flowers. Children - flowers answer: We don’t want to be plucked and weaved into wreaths. We want to stay in the garden, They will admire us. Having uttered the last words, the children run away, and the gardener tries to insult someone. The one who is caught becomes the gardener.
All children sit on benches.

“Dance with Flowers” ​​- girls senior, prep. gr.

Baba Yaga:
You beat me! But nothing! I'll see how smart you are. Now guys, guess the riddles! Baba Yaga asks several riddles about flowers. 1. Here is the blue bell, He shakes his head. Only the sounds are not heard, what is his name, tell me. (Bell.) 2. We will weave wreaths in the summer for Oksana, Masha, Sveta, Alyonka, two Natashas. All the wreaths are made from... (daisies) 3. We carried mushrooms in a basket And also a blue flower. This wildflower is a thin delicate... (cornflower)
Baba Yaga:
Well done! And now my favorite game.
Game "Collect a bouquet".

Attributes. Set up 2 chairs, 2 trays with 5 bouquets of flowers in each.

Rules of the game.
Children are formed into teams of 5 people. When the music starts, they run to the girl sitting on a chair and give her a flower. They run around the chair, return to their column, touch the next child’s shoulder and stand at the end of the column.
Baba Yaga: Everything
! Guard! It's time to give up! I can't compete with you! It's time to get out of here! (It's time for me to leave).
Flower Fairy:-
We won’t let you go, Baba Yaga, come play with us! The sun is burning hot, all the flowers are withering. Help us. B.Y. Okay, I’ll help. Only you guys will be my assistants.
Game "Granny - Yozhka"

Baba Yaga
: That’s it, guys, I’ll go to my home too. I will now take care of the flowers and look after them. Goodbye!
: Guys, the Flower Fairy invites you to have fun and spin in a merry dance! Children dance "Happy Dance"
Flower Fairy:
Well, it’s time for me to say goodbye, to return to my kingdom! I have prepared a surprise for you. You will find it in a clearing where there are no flowers. Goodbye, guys! See you again! The children, together with their teachers, go and find surprises - coloring books in a pre-prepared place.