Scenario of an open event on obzh. Scenario of an educational and entertaining game based on the life skills course "flower-seven-color" for primary school students. Elektrostal, Moscow region

Scenario extracurricular activity according to life safety “Be careful in the forest!” For junior schoolchildren

Bestik Irina Viktorovna, teacher of the Regional Special (Correctional) Boarding School for Children with Hearing Impairments, KSU, Republic of Kazakhstan, North Kazakhstan Region, Petropavlovsk.
Description: The scenario of an extracurricular activity on life safety for the primary level is intended for teachers and educators working in primary classes. Helps to familiarize and consolidate the knowledge of primary-level students with the rules of personal safety in nature, introduces the rules of first aid. It is better to conduct an extracurricular activity in May before the summer holidays.

Target: consolidation of students' knowledge about elementary rules personal safety in the forest.
- consolidate students’ knowledge about the dangers that can await a person in the forest;
- talk about the rules of personal safety in nature;
- develop cognitive activity in younger schoolchildren;
- develop independence in mastering new knowledge;
- instill compliance with the rules of personal safety in nature;
- to instill in students the desire to take care of their health and preserve their lives;
- cultivate a sense of teamwork, develop communication skills.

Equipment: multimedia installation, cards and signs for games, presentation, stereo system, musical accompaniment.
Preliminary work: preparing a script for an extracurricular event, preparing a presentation, decorating the assembly hall, making cards and signs for games, talking with children in groups about dangers in the forest, selecting musical accompaniment.

Progress of the event:

Presenter 1:
Hello, golden sun!
Hello, blue sky!
Hello school family!
We salute you!
Presenter 2:
All the children gathered in a circle,
I am your friend and you are my friend.
Let's hold hands together
And let's smile at each other!
Students hold hands and smile at each other.
Presenter 1: Dear guys, we have gathered in this hall today to have an exciting journey. But first guess what time of year it is we're talking about in this poem.
Guess the time of year:
The weather is hot,
The river beckons us with coolness,
You need to go to the forest to pick berries.
Presenter 2:
Ripe the strawberries
Don't be lazy, collect!
In the field, the rye makes a noise like the sea,
Nightingales sing at dawn!
Presenter 1:
The grasses stand juicy
Mowers are rushing to the meadows.
And warmth and a lot of light!
So it has come... ( Summer)

Presenter 2: Guys, do you like summer? ( Yes!) Why do you love summer?
Children's answers.
Presenter 1: In the summer, many of you like to relax outside the city, in the countryside, at the dacha, and go on hiking trips in the forest. Communication with nature brings us a lot of interesting and educational things and, most importantly, a lot of benefits for our health.
Presenter 2: But, unfortunately, communication with nature is not always beneficial. No, no, and accidents do happen while relaxing outside the city or going to the forest. And today we will get acquainted with the dangers that may await us in the forest, and learn how to behave safely in nature.
Presenter 1: Guys, what dangers can await us in the forest?
Children's answers.
Presenter 2: Right. Firstly, you can get lost in a huge forest, and therefore, under no circumstances should children go into the forest without adults.
Presenter 1:
You must seriously understand:
You can't go into the forest without adults!
It's so easy to get lost:
Go far from home
And there is no way back...
And never come to mom again.
Presenter 2: Don’t think that you can only get lost in an unfamiliar place. You can get lost everywhere.

Presenter 1: You should only walk in the forest with adults. If you suddenly lost your parents, then you need to scream out loud to find each other in the forest by voice.

Presenter 2: If you are lost in the forest, first stop and calm down. You can't panic. Don't run wherever your eyes look. Listen, very often the sounds of a train, car or barking dogs help you reach people. Try to determine the sides of the horizon, remembering where you were coming from. A country road or car tracks may lead you to a populated area.
Presenter 1: In order not to get lost in the forest, you need to be able to navigate the terrain and correctly determine the sides of the horizon. And now we will check whether you guys know how to navigate in the forest well. The game is called “Determine the sides of the horizon.”
Didactic game “Determine the sides of the horizon”
Students must distribute various local signs (resin on the trunk of a coniferous tree, abundant moss on trees, anthills near trees, berries turn red faster, wide rings on stumps, snow sticks to stones in spring, snow melts faster in ravines) along the sides of the horizon (north and south )
Kids are playing.
Right answers:
From the north side: There is abundant moss on the trees; in spring, snow sticks to the stones.
From the south side: resin on the trunk of a coniferous tree, wide rings on stumps, snow melts faster in ravines, anthills near trees, berries turn red faster.
Presenter 2: To better find out what other dangers await us in the forest during a hike, we invite you to play another interesting game. The game is called “Say the Word.”
Didactic game “Say the word.”
Students must guess the word in poems about dangers that can be encountered in the forest.
Presenter 1:
In the soft grass
The boy is lying
He has a good finger
It will be delicious, that's a thing!
He will say on a walk... ( mite)
Presenter 2:
Look at this, guys:
Here are chanterelles, there are honey mushrooms,
Well, this is, in the clearing,
Poisonous?.. ( toadstools)
Presenter 1:
Those with whom I was buzzing,
Remember - I have a sting
And on the belly there is a stripe,
Because I... ( wasp)
Presenter 2:
The children came out into the clearing,
Dill grew tall there.
Don't touch him with your hands -
This is scary... ( hemlock)
Presenter 1:
Under the fence, at the gate,
Here, look and don’t breathe:
Like peas on a string
Little white ones... ( lilies of the valley)
Presenter 2:
Don't joke with me
I can bite sometimes.
I could easily offend
If you step on it without seeing it.
Because I'm dangerous, friends,
Because I am... ( snake).
Presenter 1: This means that we have found out what dangerous situations await us in the forest. This is poisoning from poisonous mushrooms and plants, snake and insect bites.
Presenter 2: The main reason for such accidents in nature is ignorance about natural hazards, excessive self-confidence, and sometimes complete disregard for the simplest rules of personal safety in nature.

Presenter 1: Guys, what plants are called poisonous?
Children's answers.
Presenter 1: That's right, poisonous plants are plants that contain chemicals that, when they enter the human body, cause poisoning.
Presenter 2: Guys, who knows what poisonous plants are found in our forests?
Children's answers.
Presenter 1: While walking in the forest, you probably love picking mushrooms. You all know that this must be done carefully and carefully so as not to confuse inedible mushrooms with edible mushrooms. Guys, what poisonous mushrooms are found in our forests?
Children's answers.
Presenter 2: You correctly named all the poisonous plants and poisonous mushrooms. Well, we will be introduced to them in more detail by the 4th grade children, who prepared an educational presentation about poisonous mushrooms and plants.

Speech by 4th grade students with a presentation about poisonous mushrooms and plants of Northern Kazakhstan.
Presenter 2: To avoid poisoning from poisonous plants and mushrooms, you must first of all know well native nature and then no poisonous plants and mushrooms will be dangerous to us.
Presenter 1: You can pick and eat only those berries that you know well. And be sure to unlearn bad habit take the first berry or blade of grass that comes into your mouth.
Presenter 2: When going to the forest to pick mushrooms, remember a simple rule - do not pick or taste mushrooms that are unknown to you. To be more confident in recognizing poisonous mushrooms, ask experienced mushroom pickers to show you poisonous mushrooms.
Presenter 1:
Never eat
Unfamiliar berries...
And toadstool mushrooms
No need to put it in your mouth:
Presenter 2:
Your head will spin
Stomach hurts
And from poisoning
The doctor won't save...
Presenter 1: Guys, let's take a little rest and go into the forest.
Physical exercise “Hike in the forest”
Green path ( walking in place)
We go out onto the highway.
Let's take baskets with us, ( tilts right and left)
And some just like that.
Then along a new path ( walking in place)
Let's turn into a huge forest.
Where the pines are tall ( stretch their arms up and stand on tiptoes)
Touching the skies.
Where fir trees whisper fairy tales, ( pretend to whisper with their hands, turning to the sides)
Birches and oaks.
Where the berries are ripe ( hands to the side)
And mushrooms grew. ( stretch upward X)
Presenter 1: We must not forget that another danger awaits us in the forest - insects that can harm our health.
Presenter 2: Guys, what insects should you be wary of in the forest?
Children: Ticks, wasps, bees, hornets.
Presenter 2: What danger does a tick pose to humans?
Student answers.
Presenter 2: That's right, they are carriers of dangerous diseases.
Presenter 1: To protect yourself from a tick bite, you need to choose clothes for the forest that completely cover your body, head, and neck. You can apply insect repellent ointment to your hands. At home, it is imperative to conduct a full examination of the body and clothing.
Presenter 2: Do not tear off an attached tick. To make it fall off, it is enough to burn it with a burning match and remove the proboscis with a needle. The wound must be treated with brilliant green or iodine.
Presenter 1: What danger do wasps, bees and hornets pose to humans?
Student answers.
Presenter 1: That's right, these insects have a sting and can sting a person.
Presenter 2: Guys, what will you do if you are stung by an insect?
Children's answers.
Presenter 2: That's right, you need to carefully remove the sting and wash the wound. Then you need to put cold on the wound.
Presenter 1: Guys, let's now try to provide the first medical care to the victim. The game is called “Help a Friend.”
Outdoor game “Help a friend”
Two teams take part in the game. At the leader’s signal, the children run to the victim and provide assistance to him (for example, the first draws a bite, the second wipes the bite site with cotton wool and water, and the third smears the bite site with brilliant green, the fourth seals it with an adhesive plaster).
Kids are playing.

Presenter 1: You can also find a snake in the forest. The most common snake in Kazakhstan is the viper. Most often, the viper can be found in burrows of various animals, rotten stumps, bushes, and crevices. A snake can bite a person if he steps on it or disturbs it. Therefore, in places where there are snakes, you need to be careful.

Extracurricular activity “The ABCs of Safety”, 4th grade. Scenario

- by the end of the lesson, students will learn safety rules at home, on the street, in nature;
Tasks: - consolidate the ability to provide basic medical care;
- promote the development of caution and prudence;
- develop logical thinking, memory, attention;
- cultivate concentration, sensitivity, responsiveness, the ability to listen to a friend’s answer without interrupting.
Equipment: an envelope with riddles about electrical appliances, Little Red Riding Hood's song (phonogram), thunderstorm (phonogram), car noise (phonogram), basket, cards with images of edible and poisonous mushrooms, iodine, brilliant green, cotton wool, thermometer, tablets, cards with emergency phone numbers, road image, holiday package.

Progress of the event.

Leading: Hello guys! Today we have gathered in this room to talk about safety rules.
There are rules in the world
All children should know them.
Now we'll hit the road,
To a country where rules live.
Leading: So, we have found ourselves in the country of Safety Rules. To continue our journey you must solve riddles.
1. House on legs
There is a window in the middle.
The window will light up
A movie will appear. (TV.)
2. He has a rubber trunk,
With a canvas stomach,
How his engine hums,
He swallows both dust and rubbish. (Vacuum cleaner.)
3. In the summer, our dad brought
There is frost in the white box.
And now the frost is gray
Homes in summer and winter
Protects products:
Meat, fish, fruit. (Fridge)
4. The ship is sailing,
Back and forth. (Iron.)
5. This is a miracle device
It washes everything.
He is the housewife's assistant
What a miracle, guess what. (Washing machine)
6. I puff, puff, puff,
I don't want to get warm anymore.
The lid rang loudly:
“Drink tea, the water has boiled!” (Kettle)
Leading: - What must you do after ironing clothes, watching TV, listening to a tape recorder?
- That's right, you need to turn off the electrical appliance.
Leading: - What can happen if you pull the wire or insert your finger or other object into the socket? (Electric shock and fire may occur). Leading:
You, my friend, must remember:
Be careful with the outlet! You shouldn't play with her
Stick a hairpin, stick a nail in there - It will end in disaster: The current in the socket is very bad!!!
Student : If suddenly a disaster occurs,
If there is heavy smoke,
Don't get lost and don't ever be afraid -
Dial “01” on the phone.
Leading: - Now let's play. I will start a line of poetry, and you will finish it.
One, two, three, four, who has a fire... (in the apartment).
Smoke suddenly rose in a column, who didn’t turn off...(iron).
A red glow ran. Who with matches... (played).
Where people are careless with fire, there a ball will soar into the sky,
There will always be an evil threat to us...(fire).
Who threw unfamiliar...(objects) into the fire?
Every citizen remember this number...(01).
I saw smoke - don’t yawn and the firefighters... (call).
The song of Little Red Riding Hood sounds .

A reenactment of the meeting between Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf.
Leading:- Does Little Red Riding Hood know the Wolf? Is it possible to talk to someone you don't know? What can happen? (Children's answers).
- Do you understand, Little Red Riding Hood, what the children said? You can’t talk to strangers on the street and tell them about yourself!
Leading : Be careful, Dear guys: Don't trust strangers! If they invite you to visit with them, or they give you some delicious candy, it’s better to run away from them quickly and warn all your friends...
Leading: - Little Red Riding Hood, what do you have in your basket?
Little Red Riding Hood: - Mushrooms. I collected them for my grandmother.
Leading : - Guys, what types of mushrooms are there? (Edible and poisonous).
Leading: Let's help Little Red Riding Hood: we'll give her the edible mushrooms and leave the poisonous ones in the clearing. Guys, why can’t we destroy poisonous mushrooms?
That's right, forest dwellers are treated with them.
Game “Edible - Inedible”.

(Cards with images of edible and poisonous mushrooms are classified).
Thunderclaps are heard (phonogram).
The presenter reads an excerpt from the poem “The Thunderstorm” by V. Prikhodko:
It's dark because of the forest,
Terrible, huge,
Swam out sparkling
Above the neighboring house
Thunder roared,
Like a bunch of stones
We went down a steep slope.
Came unexpectedly
Hurricane wind
Made an angry noise
And he left for his life.
On the glass with a ringing sound
The rain started pouring down.
Presenter: - Guys, remember, you cannot stand under tall and lonely objects during a thunderstorm!
If one tree rises in a field, then people are forbidden to stand under it in a thunderstorm! If lightning accidentally strikes him, it will leave no one alive nearby...
Leading:- Let's remember, guys, how to behave if you suddenly get lost?
Exercise “I once got lost”
I once got lost - (feign fear),
I just quickly guessed - (lightly hit yourself on the forehead, smile),
Looked here and there - (turns),
There’s no mother - that’s the problem - (spread your arms to the sides below),
I ran to the right - (running in place),

I ran to the left - (running in place),
My mother was not found - (hand “visor”),
I turned around - (turn around myself),
Maybe I’ll suddenly see - (hand “visor”),
No. I decided to stand - (cross my arms over my chest),
And wait for mom there.
Leading: - Did the boy do the right thing? If you are lost, there is no need to run anywhere. Stand and wait. They will definitely find you.
Leading:- Now imagine that you fell while walking. And you have an abrasion on your knee. From the items offered to you (iodine, cotton wool, syringe, brilliant green, thermometer, tablets, bandage), you need to select those that are needed to treat the wound.
Game exercise “Give first aid for an abrasion.”
- Which plant leaves treat abrasions and scratches? (Children's answers).

Along the road, plantains grow here and there.
The poor plantain is all trampled, look.
He creeps low at your feet, have pity on him, my friend.
A sufferer himself, he is not averse to helping someone else’s misfortune.
It can serve well if someone gets hurt.
Once you apply the leaf, the wound will heal.
Leading: - Guys, what number should you call if someone is seriously ill? (03)
A student enters. Student: - I found the package. It's New Year's, probably a gift there. Let's get a look!
Leading: - Wait wait. Is this your package? No.
Leading: - Guys, you can’t take anyone’s packages. You need to put it down and call the police. What is the police phone number? (02)

Don't pick it up!
No boxes, no bags
Don't even look
And call adults for help,
To find out
What to do with such a find?
What to do?
Can be very dangerous
Here's the package...
If you're not careful
Expect problems and troubles!
The noise of cars is heard (phonogram) Student:

On our street
Cars, cars.
Baby cars,
The cars are big.
Freight trucks are in a hurry,
Cars are snorting,
They hurry, they rush,
As if alive.
Leading: You and I found ourselves on the roadway where various vehicles are moving. And now you need to select cars, trucks, and buses from the cars located on the floor.
The game is being played.
Host: Guess the riddle:
Explains to pedestrians
How to cross the road.
He lights the signals
Helps us along the way. (Traffic light)
A student reads a poem about a traffic light.
Our house is a traffic light,

We are three siblings

We've been shining for a long time

On the road to all the guys.

The strictest red light

If it's burning,

So that you can cross calmly, listen to our advice:

Wait! You'll see yellow soon

There is light in the middle.

And behind it is a green light
It will flash ahead.

He will say: “There are no obstacles,
Go boldly on your way!”

Presenter: - Guys, you know the safety rules well.
You always remember the rules
So that trouble doesn't happen suddenly,
And trouble did not come.
And somewhere suddenly I found you.
And you not only need to know them,
And constantly do it.

Leading: Mom needed it in the morning

Go away on business.

Mom sat her daughters down,

Mom told her daughters.

Mother: I'm leaving for a while

Don't play too loud

Don't pick up matches

And don't light a fire!

If everything goes well

I'll bring you a sweet gift!

Leading: The door closed behind mom

The daughters immediately perked up:

We played catch up

Let's jump rope

The ball was thrown onto the chandelier -

In general, they were not sad!

And to the kitchen at full speed

They rushed to drink water.

And the sisters saw

There's a box of matches on the table!

1 Sister: Oh, look, boxes!

He has a beautiful side!

2 Sister: Wonder what's inside?

Come on, Masha, look!

3 Sister: Why is it always me?

We can't touch them!

1 Sister: Oh, you can't! You can't go around!

This is how life is wasted!

2 Sister: Let's just take a peek

And let's go play later!

Two matches jump out.

1 Match: It's me!

2 Match: And this is me!

1 Match: We are free, friends!

1 Sister: Oh, excuse me, who are you?

2 Sister: How long have you lived here?

3 Sister: You live at home with us,

And we don’t know each other!

1 Match: We are playful sisters

Everyone simply calls us: matches!

2 Match: We live in a cramped box

Our heads are sulfurous!

1 Match: We are very bored today -

There is no sun and there are clouds in the sky.

2 Match: Play with us kids

It will be fun. Believe me!

Leading: The three sisters looked at each other

Hands reached for matches.

And what did mom say?

The sisters immediately forgot.

And their game started -

Making fire.

1 Match: So that the game is bolder,

We miss a fire!

2 Match: To make it more fun

Light a fire quickly!

1 Match: And then he will come to visit you

Cheerful family!

3 Sister: Oh, sisters, I'm afraid!

I'd rather wait for my mom!

2 Sister: You've always been a coward!

The main thing is to be quiet!

1 Sister: What terrible thing will happen?

What if you make friends with them?

Leading: So we decided on that,

And the paper was laid out.

They struck a match, and suddenly

A new “friend” has appeared.

Fireman appears.

Ognevichok: I'm a cheerful old man.

Old man - Fireman!

If I come to your house,

I'll drive everyone out of there!

I'll stay there for a while.

I'll eat all the books along with the shelf.

And a cheerful light

Will eat the whole house in a short time!

Leading: And immediately I came there

The whole family is fiery.

Heat: I am a cheerful brother Zhar!

Where I am, there is always a fire -

Everything is cracking and everything is burning,

Where I am, no one sleeps!

Smoke: I always walk with him

I'm funny brother Smoke!

I'm eating out my eyes

Where I am, you can't breathe!

Ognevichok: Those who do not obey their mother,

We will surround you with a wall of fire.

We'll eat everything and destroy everything,

We'll crack, burn, strangle!

Heat and Smoke: The best start to the day -

A morning full of fire!

Leading: Then the sisters got scared

And they instantly clung to each other.

Everything around is already on fire.

And my sister speaks here.

1 Sister: So that we don’t perish in the fire,

I need a magic number

Dial on the phone!

2 Sister: Exactly! Mom said

If you suddenly see smoke,

Then call 101!

3 Sister: Why are we still standing?

Why don't we call?

Urgently dial magic

This number is 101!

They call on the phone.

1 Sister: Hello! We're in trouble!

Full of smoke and fire

Our dear, wonderful home.

Come, we are waiting for you!

The siren sounds. A fireman enters.

Firefighter: To your alarm call

I arrived in a short time!

I will put out all the fire

I'll save the house from fire!

I will drive away the heat and smoke,

I will give the fight to Ognevichka,

Let them leave quickly

And they don't touch children!

Leading: And immediately the brave fireman

He put out the fire skillfully!

He saved the house and saved the children,

Ognennykh drove the guests away.

And to the end of the terrible drama

Mom returned to her sisters.

Mother: This is what happened in the house

In just half an hour?!

Didn't I say

You cannot pick up matches!

But thank you for being a fireman

Everything here was quickly extinguished.

So let all children remember

Short number 101!

Firefighter: Don't pick up matches!

Don't play with the box!

Don't light the gas yourself.

So that you don't cry later!

You shouldn't joke with fire!

If you hear smoke,

That is the saving number.

This is number 101!

The theatrical and game performance on safety was prepared by A. Babashev.

The educational resource can be used when studying this topic in life safety lessons, as well as in developmental and remedial education systems at extracurricular activities in grades 4-5.

Goal: generalization and systematization of students’ knowledge about emergency situations on the ice of reservoirs, about methods of rescuing a person caught in an ice hole, and providing first aid.

Methodological development extracurricular activities for studying traffic rules for primary schoolchildren include: a script for a musical performance, multimedia accompaniment of the performance, interactive tasks, quiz questions for repetition.

The target audience: for 2nd grade

KVN in life safety consists of 12 competitions: Business card, There is a fire in the apartment, Dangers in the house, On the road, Healthy eating, During a thunderstorm, Meeting a stranger, Handling animals, Mistakes fairy-tale heroes, On the beach, In the forest, Daily routine. This event is of vital importance.
Goal: Generalize students’ knowledge of the rules of safe behavior at home and on the street.
1) Summarize children’s knowledge of the rules of behavior at home, during a fire, on the road, on the beach, in the forest, during a thunderstorm, when meeting a stranger and animals.
2) Develop skills of safe behavior during emergency situations.
3) Develop the ability to work in a team, listen to the opinions of others.

Target audience: for 3rd grade

This event is held for 5th grade students. It will help teach children to behave correctly in emergency situations, expand children's knowledge about the positive and negative role of fire in human life, about fire safety, about the profession of "firefighter"; about what skills you need to learn to handle fire carefully; will help develop a sense of responsibility and safe behavior skills.

Target audience: for 5th grade

Complete development of gaming material on healthy lifestyle. Easy to use and does not require additional training. The age of the participants is 5-6 grades. The tasks are varied and meaningful. The event involves surveying children (the questionnaire is attached). At the beginning or end of the game, the teacher invites the children to get acquainted with a presentation that reveals the basics of proper nutrition.

Target audience: for 5th grade

The goals and objectives of the quiz are to enhance the cognitive activity of students, promote road safety, and control the quality of learning material on the rules of the road.

The quiz can be administered to students in grades 5-11. The playing field has 5 categories of questions, which are worth from 5 to 25 points depending on the difficulty. You can also use the quiz questions for a test; the last slide shows the correct answers.