An entertainment script for Victory Day for older preschoolers. Scenario for the Victory Day holiday in kindergarten On May 9th in kindergarten

A holiday of peace in the country and spring.

On this day we remember the soldiers,

Those who did not return to their families from the war.

On this holiday we honor our grandfathers,

Defending their native country,

Who gave the peoples Victory

And who returned peace and spring to us!

(N. Tomilina)

These words began every event dedicated to Great Victory Day.

On the eve of May 9th kindergarten Events dedicated to the Great Victory Day were held: pupils of the middle and senior groups had thematic classes. A holiday was held in the school preparatory group. Children recited poems about the war; they sang songs about the victory holiday, about peace, about soldiers; performed dances: “Airborne Forces”, “Blue Handkerchief”, “White Birds”. After the festive events, the older children preschool age laid flowers at the monument to the soldiers anti-tank soldiers, participants in the battles on the Svir River in 1944.

Children and their parents also took part in organizing the exhibition. children's drawing“I only heard about war” in a kindergarten and “May there always be peace” in the railway station building.

This date is moving further and further away from us - May 9, 1945. Our generation is not imbued with those times, those hopes and fears. How to tell our children about this Great War? What words can be found to fully convey the suffering of the people who lived through that time? How to convey the essence of what was happening competently and evoke a feeling of pride, compassion, reverence, and patriotism in a little soul?

Many words have been said on the topic of Victory, many speeches have been made, books, articles, songs, poems have been written, and films have been made. Much more will be said, because this is a huge grief that we have no right to forget.

The children learned a lot of interesting things from the heroic past of our Motherland, looked at photos and newsreels, and heard songs from the war years. The children of the senior preparatory groups themselves sang poems and songs about war and victory. Children and adults observed a minute of silence in memory of those killed in the Great Patriotic War.

Children through artwork reflected their impressions of the great Victory Day, the world and our beautiful Motherland.

Remembering the exploits of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, we cordially congratulate everyone on this bright day of remembrance, Victory Day!

Clear skies, bright sun, peace, joy and happiness to everyone living on Earth!

In every kindergarten for children, different scenarios are certainly prepared for the day of the Great Victory over fascism. And we decided not to lag behind, to offer you our interesting scenario on May 9 in kindergarten.

To the solemn sounds of the legendary song “Victory Day,” girls smartly dressed in white dresses enter the hall, escorted by the hand by boys dressed in military uniforms - sailors, soldiers, with flags in the children’s hands. Guests of the holiday - parents, grandparents, teachers applaud, meeting the main characters of the holiday.

TEACHER: For 70 years now our native Russia the peaceful sun is shining, 70 years ago, ended Great War. Our people defeated Nazi Germany. How many books, how many poems and songs have been written about the great feat of the Soviet people! Many films tell us about the difficult post-war times. And in our kindergarten this holiday is one of the most favorite holidays of the year. Why, guys?

BOY: With spring Victory came to us -
Festival of light, celebration of goodness
And every boy knows about it
How many tragedies the war brought.

GIRL: From year to year newspapers are moving away
Their descendants are farther from those years
And May again reminds everyone,
At what cost did peace come to everyone?

BOY 2: Flowers bloom peacefully on the graves,
Moths fly to the red sun,
And those whose wings were broken by the war,
They sleep in sacred eternal sleep in their graves.

GIRL 2: The obelisks are frozen in melancholy,
in granite fireplace system
We will add Soviet soldiers to the lists
Those who died in a righteous battle.

EDUCATOR: Today we pay tribute to those who died on the fronts of the Second World War, who gave their lives so that we could live happily. Let's remember all the fallen and the living, who consecrated every letter in the word Victory with their wounds and losses and the lives of their own or their brothers-in-arms... Let's remember everyone who was taken from us by such a distant Second World War...
Years pass. Unfortunately, there are few soldiers left who chose us Victory in World War II. But today, our veterans are celebrating this bright holiday with us. Let's welcome Ivan Sidorovich Metlenkov, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, to our hall!

GIRL: We believe that we will remember
Your feat will always be
And we will preserve peace in the world,
In honor of the dead, let the years fly by!

BOY: And near the Eternal Flame
Let's lay red flowers
And we will preserve the memory of the Victory forever,
May you and I live in a peaceful world!

GIRL 2: We all came today for the holiday,
Where is the joy and sadness in the hearts.
The lives of all the soldiers cannot be counted,
What the damned war took away.

GIRL 3: How many years did their mother mourn,
Your dear and dear sons.
I didn’t believe that I would never see her again,
I hoped to meet them alive.

GIRL 4: Every day I looked out the window,
Went to bed and got up in the dark
The sons did not return from the path,
I could only dream about my mother.

BOY 2: They didn’t attack for the sake of rewards
They suffered from wounds in medical battalions...
People thank you for the right to live
Fallen and gray soldiers

TEACHER: How many years have passed?
When the shots stopped.
And in memory even today
Scary, sad pictures.

BOY: We are the great-grandchildren of warriors, heroes,
We learn about war from books,
Or from films about a terrible battle,
How the enemy was bombed day after day

Song "Sunny Circle".

Videos about the Second World War are broadcast on the multimedia board.

TEACHER: Twenty-three times June 1941.
This day and year will forever live in people's memory. Our people paid a heavy price for participating in the most terrible war. At dawn, fascist bombs fell on our peaceful homes, on boundless wheat fields. The radio brought terrible news. The black wings of war covered the sun. It rolled through our native land with blood and fires.
Forty-first. The most difficult. Bitter ways of retreat. Fires on the site of villages, black ruins where just recently a happy life was seething.

SOLDIER 1: We were attacked in the middle of the night
And they started killing everyone
Trample our fields
Our happy land will be watered with fire and blood.

SOLDIER 2: At the dawn of that summer, the children of the country slept peacefully
Hitler vile gave the order
Our peaceful land to kill
All people, which means us

SOLDIER 3: To freedom! To victory!
With machine guns in hands
Rise up, brave and proud,
Our enemies do not know our fear.
Arise, my people,
For a victorious, right fight!

SOLDIER 4: Arise people - we heard the cry of the earth
soldiers, warriors, adults and children,
and parents and sons followed each other
the roads of that holy war

The soundtrack "Holy War" is playing. An ensemble of teachers sings.

EDUCATOR: In honor of all those who fell, in honor of all those who did not return, in honor of ordinary soldiers, commanders, women, children, let's light a candle and honor their memory with a minute of silence.

Minute of silence

TEACHER: Together with adults, children also defended our land. You probably know the names of the heroes who fought in our city? They were scouts. These guys helped the soldiers, they were very brave and smart.

Let's now try to imagine ourselves as smart and play a game.

Game "Smart Scouts"
TEACHER: You need to answer questions quickly.
1. What are the military shoulder insignia called?
2. What can’t an airplane be without?
3. What are the colors of our flag?
4. Without what is there no ship?
5. What is the name of our country?
6. What did the soldiers shout when they went into battle?
7. Who helped the wounded?
8. What were the heroes awarded?

Game "Be Attentive"
TEACHER: Well done, you are smart children. Now show off your dexterity.
(Children are given 4 different colored flags, blue - to be silent, yellow - to applaud, green - to stomp, red - to shout "Hurray"

The teacher reads the text, and the children must give answers and react accordingly using flags.
“Spring has come, the sun has warmed up, friends went into the forest. Birds were singing in the forest, but in order to hear them, you need to stand quietly by a tree and... (SILENT, blue flag)
And when the birds sing their spring song, they can... (APPLAUSE, yellow flag)
Having heard enough of the birds, you need to go home quickly... (STOMP, green flag)
Because you need to have time to put on beautiful clothes, go to the central square of the city, where the Victory Parade will take place, and shout to everyone together (YAY, red flag)

TEACHER: Well done, guys, you completed the task.
On the way to the bright and joyful Victory Day there were many difficult battles. But our soldiers did not lose their fortitude, because after the battle the soldiers knew how to rest. They sang songs and danced. They were also supported by artists who came to the front and gave concerts.

Dance "Apple"

EDUCATOR: We have been living in a peaceful country for 70 years now. What do people do to make peace? (children's answers)
Our army also stands guard over peace. It is equipped with the most new technology. And I think that our guys will learn how to lead it during military service.

BOY: To become a real soldier,
You need to know and be able to do a lot
You have to be brave and dexterous
run, jump and swim quickly.

TEACHER: Hard to learn, easy to fight, -
That's what Suvorov said.
They will show their connections their courage -
They will pass through rivers and mountains.

EDUCATOR: Reliable communication is always important for the military in order to constantly have information and transmit commands in a timely manner. Now our boys, future soldiers, will compete. We invite you!

Relay race "Signalmen"
Participants overcome unusual obstacles: task 1 - climb under an arc, task 2 - walk along the board, task 3 - climb through a tunnel, then finally run to the cube on which there is a telephone or a walkie-talkie and call the phone, saying: “The order is completed !"

TEACHER: The next competition is for girls. Nurses must take care of soldiers. And in order to be prepared for anything, we will teach how to bandage wounded soldiers.

Each girl approaches the boy; at the leading girl’s sign, they must bandage the boys’ hand with a small bandage. Whoever manages it first is the winner.

EDUCATOR: And now, our intelligence officers need to deliver a package with a message to headquarters.

Relay race "Deliver the package to the headquarters"
Participants must alternately crawl along the bench, run around the pins, jump from hoop to hoop, run to the cube on which the packages lie and return to the teacher.

TEACHER: Well done, both boys and girls! In kindergarten you learned to be resilient and dexterous, always ready to help. Keep it up!

Game "Alarm"
Children are divided into two teams and given flags. The task of the team members is to run to the other end of the hall at the teacher’s whistle, put the flags in large “alarm suitcases”, return back to the team, and pass the baton to the next participant. The first team to put all the flags in the “alarm suitcase” wins.

TEACHER: Well done, very dexterous. You will grow up to be real defenders.
GIRL: we love our land -
beautiful and majestic
which in a fierce battle
veterans have preserved us forever

BOY: let memory guide us again
in distant and terrible years
Thanks for everything from the children
we speak to the Fatherland

Song "Children of the Sun"

TEACHER: The white dove is a symbol of peace
Slowly circling above the ground
It's been circling like this for many years,
May the earth live in peace!
So as not to hear children crying,
So that the whirlpool does not spin the war,
Everyone be ready to close
Row after row. All for peace! All for the work.

Song “I will draw a dove of peace”

GIRL: The native land is blooming all around
And we grow with her in this joyful hour
Soon we will sit at a desk at school
We will delight you with excellent training

BOY: To not know war, to live in peace,
Our army is at its post.
There are planes in the sky, ships in the sea
They take care of the expanses of their native land.

GIRL: It’s so nice to wake up at dawn.
It’s so good that we have peaceful dreams.
How good it is that the planet is spinning,
It's good that there is no war.

BOY: How good it is for us that the starlings sing,
It's good for us to love everyone in the world
How good it is for us to laugh and love.
How good it is for everyone to live in the world!

EDUCATOR: Dear friends, dear veterans! Today is a bright spring morning. The holiday can be felt everywhere: in the bright colors of flowers, talkative flocks of birds and bright, sincere, open smiles. This is because we live well, we have a famous city, we are cheerful and happy children in a beautiful country where peace, happiness and harmony reign. We wish everyone to live 100 years without tears, without grief, without sadness, without war. Glory to peace on earth!

For the holiday like this

It was a great Victory Day
Many years ago.
Grandfathers remember Victory Day,
Each of the grandchildren knows.
We are talking about the glorious Victory Day
We love to listen to their story
How our grandfathers fought
For the whole world and for all of us.

For decades, Victory Day on May 9 remains the most touching, most heartfelt holiday and glorious date in Russia. No other holidays can compare with it.

May 9 - Victory Day is a sacred holiday for each of us and we, today's citizens of the country, are obliged to pass on the memory of the Victory, the very traditions of celebrating Victory Day to future generations.

In the preschool institution from May 5 to May 8, for the purpose of patriotic education of preschoolers, love for their Motherland and respect for the people who forged the Victory, and the formation of a positive emotional uplift, events dedicated to Victory Day were organized.

In all kindergarten groups with kids Thematic classes and conversations were held using illustrations and photographs dedicated to military operations and the feats of the Soviet people during the war, and thematic wall newspapers were designed. Children senior group at a physical education-themed lesson they showed their dexterity and speed in the competitions “Report”, “Nurse”,"Crossing"...

In the foyer there is an exhibition of children's drawings “The glory will not be silent in these days.”

Pupils of the senior and preparatory groups took part in the ceremonial laying of flowers at the obelisk in the village of Ashcherino.

The Victory Day holiday was the result of events dedicated to the Day Victory. Boys and girls received the St. George ribbon - a symbol of memory and respect for the feat of our people, who won the Great Victory over fascism. During the holiday, children of the senior and preparatory school groups congratulated the guests (home front workers, children of war) with songs, poems, and dance numbers. Children, together with teachers, parents, and guests, sang the song of the war years “Katyusha”. At the end of the holiday, the students presented flowers to the guests and took photographs with them as a souvenir.

Group No. 1

Group No. 2

Group No. 3

Group No. 4

Group No. 5

Physical education-themed lesson

Holiday "Victory Day"

Victory Day. Scenario for the May 9 holiday for preschool educational institutions

Scenario of a thematic lesson dedicated to Victory Day for children in the senior group of kindergarten

Children enter the hall to the solemn music “Heroes of Stalingrad”, music. S. Chernetsky.

Presenter. On May 9, all our people celebrate a great holiday - Victory Day. Many years have passed since German troops attacked Russian soil. Our people, young and old, men and women, even children, began to defend our Motherland from the enemy.

Get up, people!

Hearing the cry of the Earth,

The soldiers of the Motherland have gone to the front.

Soldiers bravely went into battle

For every city and for you and me!

They wanted to take revenge quickly

For the elderly, for the women, for the children!

The phonogram of the song “Holy War” sounds, music. A. Alexandrova.

Presenter.“Get up, huge country...” This music, these words were familiar to every person during the war. This song was a call to battle, to fight the enemy.

Listen to one verse of the song with the children.

Presenter. Shells exploded with a roar, machine guns fired, tanks rushed into battle, crushing everything around. The earth was on fire.

For the native country people

Gave their lives

We will never forget

Those who fell in valiant battle.

The musical director performs the song “Cranes”, music. Ya. Frenkel, lyrics. R. Gamzatova.

Presenter. Now let's all stand up and honor with a minute of silence all the heroes who died for peace and happiness on Earth. Thanks to our valiant soldiers for winning that cruel war. And so May 9th was proclaimed World Victory Day!


On Victory Day, early in the morning

Go out into the city and take a look:

Veterans walking down the street

With orders on his chest.

Both tankers and artillerymen,

And rocket scientists

Both infantrymen and sailors.

Come on, sailors, come out alive,

Let's dance more joyfully!

Children perform "Sailor Dance".


The sun is shining brightly,

It shines on high for all of us.

Thanks to the Russian soldier!

Let the kids have a good life!

And our children are growing up

And in funny Games are playing!

Games are being held. 1. “Tug of war.” 2. “Move the cartridges” (4 hoops, 10 oval wooden cubes). 3. “Line up” (various movements are performed scattered to the music. At the signal, form in one column). 4. “Bandage a wounded soldier.” 5. “Who will pull the tie faster” (a cord with two sticks at the ends. Who will twist the cord faster?).


Let our children grow up

And they only play war games!

May there be peace throughout the entire Earth:

“Yes” - let's say to the world! "No!" - war!


Let the Victory fireworks thunder,

To all the people of the Earth

A huge hello!


This holiday

Let's sing a song about peace!

Performed “Song of Peace”, or “Sun of Victory”, music. A. Filippenko. The phonogram of D. Tukhmanov’s song “Victory Day” is playing. Children are walking around the hall.

Victory Day is the most beloved, most important, holiest holiday for our country, which is of great importance for its history. Therefore, it is imperative to involve children in the celebration of Victory Day, starting from kindergarten.

The Victory Day holiday in kindergarten is not a one-time event. This is a whole system of events that fit organically into educational process preschool institution.

During preparations for the May 9 holiday in kindergarten, children need to be introduced to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. This can be done during conversations or excursions to the museum, along the city streets. Excursions can be carried out with children six to seven years old. At this age, children are already receptive to information, their attention is sufficiently formed.

The following thematic excursions can be conducted:

  • “They are named after them” - about the history of the streets that are named in honor of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War;
  • “Immortal Feat” - about monuments dedicated to the Great Patriotic War in your city or village;
  • excursion to the Eternal Flame monument;
  • “Place of Feat” - about significant places in the city, village, town, village and surrounding area. Such an excursion is most relevant for those places where battles took place during the Great Patriotic War, but it can also be carried out at the places where divisions were formed and near those buildings where hospitals and military enterprises were located during the war, that is, where people performed feats in the rear ;
  • a series of excursions “City of Labor Glory” - to the enterprises that worked in the rear during the war.

The duration of the excursion dedicated to the holiday of May 9 for preschool children should not exceed 40-45 minutes. These excursions can be conducted throughout the year, devoting them to significant dates of the Great Patriotic War.

Very often, such classes are offered by Children's Art Centers, where you can take children to a themed activity.

In the process of preparing for the May 9 holiday in kindergarten, there is an opportunity to clarify and expand children’s knowledge about military equipment and people in military professions. To do this, you can use toys depicting military equipment, demonstration materials, a computer presentation, if conditions permit, or an excursion to a monument - military equipment. Children examine the monument and listen to the teacher’s story about it.

Activities in kindergarten dedicated to May 9 can be attributed to various educational areas:

Educational field "Socialization".

Events for Victory Day on May 9, included in the educational area “Socialization”, form gender, citizenship, and patriotic feelings. You can spend it with children role-playing games“Tankers”, “Sailors”, “Pilots”, “Border Guards”; games with soldiers “Our army is strong, it protects the world.” For these games you can also use plastic dolls Mitya Military, Mitya Sailor, Mitya Spetsnaz and Mitya Border Guard from the “Pro” series produced by the Kirov toy factory. To this educational field excursions on the theme “Victory Day May 9” can also be included.

Educational field "Labor".

The educational area “Labor” involves the following activities:

  • participation in events and cleanup days to prepare the territory of the kindergarten for the May 9 holiday together with parents and teachers;
  • assistance in tidying up the area near monuments of military glory and military monuments;
  • planting flowers in a flowerbed in the form of the name of the holiday May 9;
  • preparation of souvenir gifts for war and labor veterans, children of war;
  • preparing congratulations on the holiday of May 9, which children and their parents then hang on the doors of their entrances and on staircase landings.

Educational area "Cognition".

The educational area “Cognition” includes events that form an idea of ​​the army and the May 9 holiday. This:

  • educational classes on the topics: “Branches of the Armed Forces”;
  • studying the family tree, asking parents about relatives who participated in the Great Patriotic War;
  • involving parents in the joint design of the exhibition, in the selection of exhibits (photos and letters from family archives) and in organizing the exhibition: “I remember, I’m proud!”
  • thematic excursions;
  • educational classes on the topics: “My grandfather is a soldier”, “Victory Parade”, “ Military equipment"; “The fate of the family in the fate of the country”, “Heroes in our family”, “Heroes of the Great Patriotic War are our fellow countrymen”, “The St. George Ribbon is a symbol of Victory Day”; meetings with war and home front veterans, children of war.

The educational field “Communication” includes:

  • situational conversations and conversations with children on the topic “Victory Day”;
  • conversations based on paintings about the war. Pictures for conversations with children: I. Toidze Poster of the war years “The Motherland Calls”, P. Krivonogov “Victory”, “Defenders of the Brest Fortress”, S. Gerasimov “Mother of a Partisan”, A. Loktionov “Letter from the Front”, A. Merkulov “Victory Salute” Y. Neprintsev “Rest after the battle”, G. Marchenko “The beginning of the defeat...”, P. Krivonogov “Duel”, “Victory”, Y. Truze “Soviet artillery crossing the Dnieper”, A. Samsonov “The road between life and death”, A. Sytov “Meeting on the Elbe” and others.

If possible, you can not limit yourself to showing reproductions or slides, but also take the children on an excursion to an art museum or exhibition hall. As a rule, before the May 9 holiday, thematic exhibitions are opened in Art Schools and Art Schools, where little art connoisseurs will be happy to be welcomed.

Educational area “Reading fiction”.

The educational area “Reading Fiction” includes reading war stories from the following works:

  • Z. Alexandrova “Watch”,
  • Y. Akim “Earth”,
  • A. Nekhod “Pilots”,
  • E. Karasev “Hero City”,
  • S. Baruzdin “Glory”, “Exactly on target”, “For the Motherland”,
  • A. Agebaev “Victory Day”,
  • A. Mityaev “Bag of Oatmeal”,
  • O. Vysotskaya “Salute”,
  • Y. Koval “Scarlet”,
  • Poems by S. Mikhalkov.

With the help of works of art, children develop ideas about war, the army, and the feat of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War.

In the process of reading works of art about war together, children develop the ability to listen to new works, follow the development of action, and empathize with the characters. The teacher explains to the children the actions of the characters and the consequences of these actions. Children can repeat the most interesting, expressive passages from the work they read. Integration of educational areas involves the continuation of activities related to one educational area by implementing forms of work in another educational area. So, for example, after reading a literary work about war, children can take part in a competition of drawings and illustrations for this work, and then arrange an exhibition of these drawings.

Educational field "Artistic creativity".

You can choose any topic related to Victory Day and appropriate for the age of the children and conduct a drawing lesson. Drawing techniques can also be varied and coincide with the thematic lesson plan in kindergarten. Topics could be: “Border guard at the border”, “Festive fireworks”, “ sea ​​ships", "Planes", "Parade", "We are celebrating Victory Day!".

Modeling from plasticine: “Airplane”, “Tank”, “Gun”, “Fortress”, “Soldiers”.

Making a holiday card using methods known to children: appliqué, scrapbooking, quilling, drawing with grains, etc.

Production of collective works on the theme of the May 9 holiday “Salute, Victory!”, “Eternal Flame”, “Victory Parade”, compiling a collage “Military Equipment”.

Designing from paper, making origami: “Airplane”, “Tank”, “Flowers of Victory”.

Construction from natural material and improvised means.

Educational field "Music".

Musical works are used as a means of enriching children's ideas about war, army, and Victory. The following works are suitable for this:

  • P. I. Tchaikovsky “March of the Wooden Soldiers”,
  • G. Sviridov “Military March”,
  • D. Shostakovich “March”,
  • “Katyusha” (music by M. Blanter, lyrics by M. Isakovsky),
  • “Victory Day” (music by D. Tukhmanov, lyrics by V. Kharitonov),
  • “Yungi” (music by E. Shmakova),
  • “Apple” (music by R. Gliere),
  • “Three tankmen” (music by Dm. and Dan. Pokrassov, lyrics by B. Laskin),
  • “Good Soldiers” (music by V. Solovyov-Sedoy, lyrics by M. Matusovsky),
  • “Anthem of Russia” (music by A. Alexandrov, lyrics by S. Mikhalkov),
  • “Victory March” (M. Starokadomsky),
  • “Don’t be afraid, mom” (music: M. Protasov, lyrics: E. Shklovsky),
  • “Captain” (music and lyrics by Yu. Verizhnikov),
  • “We need one victory” (author B. Okudzhava),
  • “Veterans do not grow old in soul” (music by S. Tulikov, lyrics by Ya Belinsky),
  • “Clouds” (music and lyrics by V. Egorov),
  • “Let us bow to those great years!” (music by A Pakhmutova, lyrics by M. Lvov),
  • “I accept the parade” (music by O. Devochkin, lyrics by E. Shklovsky),
  • “Let there always be sunshine” muses. A. Ostrovsky, lyrics. L. Oshanin),
  • “You could do everything, my Russia” (music by S. Tulikov, lyrics by G. Khodosov).

One of the forms of work related to the educational field of “Music” before the May 9 holiday in kindergarten is traditionally preparing and holding a concert for war veterans, war children, and home front workers; participation in regional city and regional competitions preschool groups educational institutions dedicated to Victory Day.

Educational field "Physical education".

This educational area includes thematic physical education classes and sports festivals related to the theme of the army, Victory Day on May 9.

Relay race “We’ll go to the army soon!”

During this relay race, children get acquainted with what types of troops there are in the army, with the types of their activities. Before the relay race, children have a conversation about the branches of the military using visual information in the form of demonstration materials.

To show various branches of the military, you can use dolls from the “Pro” collection of the Kirov toy factory - Mitya the Military, Mitya the Sailor, Mitya the Border Guard. These dolls are dressed in stylized military uniforms and have a positive image of a preschool boy, which is very attractive to children. These dolls help create a positive image of the military profession in children.

Children aged 5-7 years old can participate in the relay, three teams of 6-8 people each.

Each relay task is associated with a stylized image of a particular type of military force. In each individual task, the winning team is determined, based on the results of all relay races, the most quick command and the second and third place teams. The most dexterous team, the most friendly team, the loudest team, the bravest team, etc. can also be determined.

Before each relay task, the teacher helps the children remember what these troops do, explains to the children what the connection is between this task and the proposed type of troops, and clearly and accurately explains the task to the children, not forgetting to make sure that they understand it absolutely correctly. This is necessary so that children do not make mistakes while completing tasks.

In this presented relay race there are several tasks to choose from.

Before the start of the relay, the readiness of the troops is checked. The presenter explains that he will give signals with a whistle, and the children must follow the commands.

One whistle - everyone marches in place.

Two whistles - everyone turns around.

Three whistles - everyone shouts “Hurray!”

After this warm-up game, the relay competition begins.

Relay tasks

  • Infantry

Competition “Step March!”

The first team member marches from the start line to the finish line, which is marked with a flag. You can move back in a free style, for example, by running. After the first participant has reached his team, he passes the baton to the next, and the second team member also marches to the flag and runs back. When the last team member reaches his team, everyone must raise their hands and say: “Ready!” The teams begin to march at the command of the leader, “Marching in steps!”

A more complicated version of the relay race, for more physically prepared children: the participants do not march in turns, but joining each other: the first, having returned, marches to the flag again, but is already joined by a second participant, then a third, and so on, that is, everyone marches in formation , two by two.

Competition "Swamp"

Hoops are laid out on the floor from the start line to the finish line. These are hummocks in a swamp. The teams' task is to run from start to finish, jumping through hoops. You can run back along the “swamp”. If on the way to the finish line someone stumbles and falls from a “bump” into a “swamp”, he must start the path over again.

Competition "Crossing"

Gymnastic benches are installed. This is a river crossing. The teams’ task is to make their way from start to finish along gymnastic benches. You can run back along the benches.

"Thrown March" competition

This is the so-called medley relay race. Each team member must overcome several stages: climb through a hoop, jump two meters on a skipping rope, crawl under a gymnastics stick. Everyone just runs back.

  • Artillery

Competition "Hit the Target"

A “target” is placed on the finish line - a box or some other container, into which team members from a certain line take turns throwing “projectiles” - small balls. The team that throws the most “shells” wins.

  • Intelligence service

Competition "Night Reconnaissance"

The teacher explains that scouts, when obtaining information or some materials, often act in the dark in order to remain invisible. One volunteer from the team is called up - a scout. He is given the task: blindfolded, to find out by touch what objects are in front of him. Items are laid out on a chair after the scout is blindfolded. These can be either traditional items for kindergarten, such as toys, or unusual ones that you usually won’t find in kindergarten.

Competition "Crawl and don't hit me"

Gymnastic mats are laid out on the floor. The participants’ task: take turns, one after another, to crawl along the mats under a gymnastic stick without catching it. An option is a stretched rope or rope to which bells are attached. You have to crawl so that they don’t ring.

  • Flight troops

Competition "Flight Range"

Assignment for participants: stand on one line and launch airplanes. Teams must have airplanes of different colors so that they can determine which team member’s airplane will fly farthest.

The second version of the relay race: if children know origami and know how to make airplanes, you can give each one a sheet of A-4 paper for preliminary production of props for this stage relay races

  • Navy

Competition “Tying Knots”

The task of the teams is to tie as many knots as possible on the ropes offered to them in a minute.

Competition option: everyone in the team is divided into first - second, each first knot ties, every second one unties. Everyone does this while standing in line. The winner is the team whose rope with a knot passes through the large quantity Human.

Competition "Tug of War"

Each team takes hold of its end of the rope, and at the command of the leader, a tug-of-war begins. The team that wins is the one that gets him to their side the fastest.

Competition "Sea voyage"

In basins filled with water, transport a paper boat from one shore to another as quickly as possible, blowing on it. Either one person or the whole team can blow.

Travel game “Victory awaits us!”

The point of the travel game is to complete various tasks as a team, which are assigned at various so-called stations. This form work can have different names: a relay game, a station game, or even a quest game. The meaning remains the same: performing various tasks.

The criteria for winning may also be different:

  • The team that goes around all the stations first can win;
  • the team that will receive the most points for tasks completed at stations;
  • a team that will bypass as many proposed stations as possible in a certain time.

The nature of travel games can also be different. A travel game can be dedicated to testing knowledge on any topic; At the stations, children can find out some information, for example, as in our case, regarding the May 9 holiday.

It could also be different system passing stations. Teams may have a route sheet showing station locations. In this case, you can visit any currently free stations. The location and order of stations may be indicated. In this case, the possibility of accumulation will be excluded large quantity commands simultaneously on one station. The route sheet may indicate the names of the stations, but does not say where they are. This is possible, for example, if all stations are located in the same room, for example, in an assembly hall. A route sheet is also needed to mark the stations passed or the points received at them for completing tasks.

For children 6-7 years old, for whom a travel game can be played on the May 9 holiday in kindergarten, it is better to indicate the order of passing the stations and their location. And, of course, in this case, an adult must go through the travel game with each group in order to eliminate various hiccups.

The number of people in a team can be from five to seven. The number of stations must either match the number of teams or be one more.

Any travel game necessarily begins with a line or collection of the opening of the game, where the theme of the game is told to the children and the rules are explained. Children are divided into teams, they are given route sheets, they are told where the travel game stations are and the game is given a start.

1 station "Poetic"

Children compose quatrains based on the suggested rhymes. Rhymes are given as final rhymes and can be interchanged.

Examples of rhymes:

Cannon May Salyut Rad Hero

Ushko Congratulate My Parade Here

Victory Bouquets Shooting Beauty Soldiers

Father of Victory Congratulations Purity Awards

2 station "Pesennaya"

Children sing war songs they know.

3 station "Pozdravatelnaya"

Children make a greeting card using the proposed decorative elements: pre-prepared flowers, bows and other types of decoration.

4 station "Istoricheskaya"

Children answer questions on the topic of Victory Day.

Examples of questions:

When is Victory Day celebrated in our country?

Name the years when the Great Patriotic War took place.

Name the names of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War that you know.

Name the monuments dedicated to the Great Patriotic War that are in our city.

Name the streets in our city that are named in honor of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

5 station "Mysterious"

Children guess riddles on the theme of the travel game.

Examples of riddles:

This boat is not simple,
And such a huge one!
Protects our peace
Swims only under water.

Like a festive bouquet
The light came on in the sky!
There are a lot of bright flashes here!
This is a festive... (firework)!

This line is not allowed
Go no way friends.
She is strictly guarded
And they don’t let enemies through!

Flies past the clouds
He is huge and powerful.
Takes its flight
Our military... (airplane)!

The offender will be caught
And he recognizes it by the smell.
Serves in the army without fear
Border… (dog)!

Jumping out of the plane,
They took off in flight
In the blue, summer, clean sky.
Who are they? (Skydivers)

We're going to the parade in the morning,
We shout to grandfather: “Hurray!”
We congratulate you on the holiday,
We wish him happiness
We are waiting for fireworks in the evening
And let's go watch it,
And our grandfathers sing songs to us.
The holiday is... (Victory Day)!

6 station "Artisticheskaya"

Assignment: depict some object or concept on the theme of the army, Victory Day.

The names can be written on cards, which can be placed in a soldier's cap, from where their teams take them out. Examples of objects and concepts: fireworks, cannon, soldier, border dog, Victory Day, attack, reconnaissance, and so on.

7 station "Bystraya"

Task "Border"

In 30 seconds, the team must lay out a “border” line from cubes. The number of cubes is recorded on the route sheet. The team whose line is longest wins.

The second option for assessing the completed task: each team is given the same number of cubes. The presenter at the station records with a stopwatch how much time it takes the team to lay out the “border” line. The total time for completing the task is entered in the route sheet. The team that lays out the line faster than the rest wins.

At the end of the journey game, everyone gathers again to sum up the results and close the game. You can award all teams in different categories: the most friendly team, the fastest, the most poetic, the most musical, the most knowledgeable, the most dexterous, and so on. The main thing is that children have a desire to take part in such a game again.